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Sep 29, 2014 6:39 PM

Feb 2013
The Function of the Stat System:

The Stat System is basically a form to recognize your characters' strengths and weaknessess. The stats do not interfere directly in the combat in the RP, but can and must be used as a manner of seeing your enemy's strength and weaknessess.

The numbers are just to serve as an example of strong points and weak points.

Doing your stats:

Stats: You have 300 to use at the beginning. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: Dictates additional damage for the Fighter Classes.
Dexterity: Dictates additional melee damage for Tech Users.
Willpower: Dictates the ammount of stamina/mana one possess. It also increases the additional healing/damage produced by a Mage's Spells by being the quantity divided.
Constitution: Dictates how much damage one can take before falling down and the ammount of weight one can carry. Also gives bonusses to Regen and percentage of Healing received.
Agillity: Dictates and movement and sprinting speed as well as increases dodging melee attacks. Can be reduced or increased with abillities and equipment.
Perception: Dictates accuracy and ranged additional damage with weapons for all classes. Also gives a bonus to Critical Chance( each 5 Perception adds 1% Crit chance ).

How to make you skils:

Your skills are basically divided on three classes:

Racial Abillities:
Human: Can learn skills twice as fast.
Hybrid: Gains immunity to the Element hybrided with but receives additional damage against the elements counter.
Titan: Strength and Constitution are multiplied by 1.5x.
Anima: Receives additional points on a certain stat depending on your race:
  • Feline: 20/40/60/80 Points to Detection.
  • Reptile: 20/40/60/80 to Dexterity.
  • Giant Beasts: 30/60/120/240 to Constitution.

Voidling: Gains bonus points(30/60/90/110) to one stat of choice.

Class(Mage, Fighter or Tech User) Skills:

These skills are available for every user of the same class. Some of them are more difficult to achieve than others, which allow certain users to become unique and better while others are certainly less unique and much more basic.

Maximum of 5( starting class ), 7( advanced class ), 9( legendary class ) and 11( holy class ).

Special Skills:

These skills are always passive skills that are unique to the character. They improve the character in a few stats, helping him to get stronger and have his own unique characteristics.

Maximum of 5 in all classess.

[size=160]Battle System:[/size]

The Battle System possesses a few rules and norms that must be followed in each attack and post.

  • The limit of skills used in each post is of 2.
  • In order to keep users from abusing time orders, every post cannot be longer than 30 seconds in the RP time.
  • Don't Godmod. Respect that fact that you screwed and gave your opponent a chance to attack if he's explanation is good. This also means for you to take your time and attention at every post and be careful with your actions.
  • Spells never miss their area of effect and homing attacks never stop following someone, but spells can still be avoided.
  • The ammount of HP and SP must always be stated at the beginning and end of each battle post.

Now, we go on with the few norms each battle must follow and a bit more of information on how to use the Stat System for battles.

  • Standard Attacks:

  • Spell/Skill Damage:

  • Blocking Attacks:

  • Resistances:

YzmaelOct 9, 2014 10:37 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 29, 2014 6:40 PM

Jul 2012
Character Name: Kazuha Konohana
Job: White Mage
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 5
Willpower: 250
Constitution: 15
Agility: 10
Perception: 20

Racial Abilities:
Human-Can learn skills twice as fast.
Human-Can live up to 400 years old and still look pretty young.

Class Abilities:
-Blessing:10 Mana; Heals an ally target for 40( + 1/4 of Ally's Constitution ) Health points or damages undead enemy target with medium damage(10~20).
-Defend: 60 Mana;throws a ward towards an ally. The ward will react when touched, pulling both allies and enemies in the surrounding area of the ward towards the White Mage and protecting them from incoming damage for the following 15 seconds, granting them a shield equal to half of their constitution.
-Light Spears: 5x mana;Creates 5 spears above the Mage's head, which float above not moving until the Mage commands it to do so. Once the Mage attacks an enemy or commands the spear to, it will attack an enemy, piercing through armor and dealing minor true damage(5) to the enemy target. The spears disappear after hitting an enemy or missing. The Mage will then receive another spear.
-Water Prison Glyph: 25 Mana + 1mps;Creates a glyph of water on the ground. Enemy targets that step in will receive minor damage(5~10) and are paralyzed for 5 seconds. The Glyph can either automatically explode upon being stepped on or be exploded by the Mage's will.
-Protection Glyph 10Mana+ 2mps;Protects an ally with a powerful glyph, granting them a bonus to dodge chance and Armor Rating equal to 20( + 1/6 Ally Consitution ).

Special Abilities:
-Amnesiac Angst: Due to having amnesia if her hp drops below 40% her attack and healing skills are 30% more effective then usual revealing that she's actually a lot stronger then she actually is.
-Sleeper's Unawareness: Tendency to sleep even in the middle of battle, due to being left wide-open a certain aura pops up when she's asleep that blocks 85% of the damage done...Only when she's asleep!!!
-Mana Hogger: Steals 1% mana per 5 second of each person that she knows is around her in a 15 meter radius allies and enemies other words constant leftover never used mana...for now...

Character Trait:
-Amnesia: This character has amnesia!
-Sleepyhead: This character is a sleepyhead and falls asleep a lot regardless of the situation she's in, school, walks, bathroom, games, even in the midst of battle she will abruptly fall asleep for no reason.(try to avoid her on your team even if she is strong and skilled)
AsreaOct 6, 2014 4:26 PM
Sep 29, 2014 6:40 PM

Jan 2014
Name: Eden "Rikki" Rinel
Job: Thief

Class Abilities:
Disappear: Thieves hide their presence from a target. High concentration characters can still feel a thieves presence
Fast Hands: Thieves move at a faster speed from other classes
Pinpoint: Thieves have studied human anatomy, pinpointing certain parts of the body to have a double chance of hitting critically

Special Abilities:
Pouch: Rikki's pouch has a cool down where only two knives can be summoned every 15 seconds
Boomerang: Once thrown the boomerang will fly for 200 feet until it hits a dense object (wall, tree)
Sep 29, 2014 6:49 PM

Jul 2012
Character Name: Hatsue Kishiro
Job: Warrior
Strength: 150
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 15
Constitution: 35
Agility: 50
Perception: 50

Racial Abilities:
Human-Can learn skills twice as fast.
Human-Can live up to 400 years old and still look pretty young.

Class Abilities:
-Ceaseless Charge: 15 stam;The Warrior gains 5 Agillity with each step, becoming faster the more he runs. However, as soon as this abillity is activated, the Warrior locks on an enemy target and runs at it, gaining speed and damage the farther he runs. When he hits the target, he will launch the enemy target and all other enemies surrounding the area in the air, causing damage equal to the distance he ran( 1 meter = 10 damage ). The Agillity bonus then fades slowly, losing 5 Agillity per post.
-Stomp:20 Stam;The Warrior uses all his strength to stomp on the ground, causing minor damage(10~15) and stunning targets around him in a 10 meter radius.
-Deathly Stab:An attack that deals half times more damage then usual and causes a bleeding effect on the opponent for 10 seconds.
-Force Wave:Sends out a wave like attack with a straight slash of the sword deals true damage.
-Taunt:Monsters focus on the warrior, the warrior themself has a heightened constitution of 20%

Special Abilities:
-Akame: His left red eye glows at moments of anger and seriousness that increases his agility and strength by 50%.
-Kogame: His yellow hawk-like eyes heightens his sight which doubles his perception.
-Loner: When he's alone his constitution goes up by 15, when he's in a group his constitution goes down by 5 for each person.
-Never Back Down: Will continue to fight until knocked out or killed and gains a bonus of +10 for willpower when his hp is below 20%.
-Mana/Ki-User: Reduces the effect of magic by 15%

Character Traits:
-Trap: He looks like a girl but is a boy hence a TRAP unknowingly attracts people of the same gender from time to time.
AsreaOct 9, 2014 1:08 PM
Sep 29, 2014 6:52 PM

Feb 2013
Character Profile:

Character Name: Kain Nox
Racial Abillities:
  • Natural Hybrid Resistance(Void): As a elemental Hybrid of the Void, Kain has an immunity to Void Magic. He does not receive damage from Void Magic.
  • Voidspawn Regeneration: Has greater regeneration rate due to being cryptid. However, cannot receive healing magic. Also, as a Voidspawn, Kain now naturally regenerates life from Elemental Magic and receives damage from Holy Magic.

Class Abillities:
  • Critical Shooter: Critical chances against Impaired Targets(frozen, asleep, stunned and etc) are increased by 25%. Critical Hits no longer deal 200% damage. Instead, they now deal 300%.
  • Quickdraw: Draws and reloads weapon twice as fast.
  • Heavy Rounds: The user uses heavy rounds on his guns. This reduces bullet speed and range but increases damage and armor piercing drastically.

Special Abillities:
  • Artoris and Dain: While using his special guns, Artoris and Dain, Kain becomes three times as fast and gains a bonus to accuracy.
  • Buster: While using his special Sniper Rifle, Buster, Kain gains a bonus to sneaking and reloading speed. He also gains a drastic bonus to accuracy and bullet speed.
  • Wild, Wild West: His acquaintance with guns give Kain a few bonusses. Whenever attacking an enemy, he will deal bonus damage equal to 2% of his Perception. If he is with over half of his HP, Kain will receive a bonus equal to the HP above 50% as Critical Chance( I.E, if he is with 70% HP, will receive a 20% bonus to Critical Chance ). Kain deals extra damage against enemies that are already hurt, thus dealing 25% more damage against enemies with less than 40% of their HP(this stacks with Perception Bonus Damage).

Stats: You have 300 to use. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 50
Willpower: 0
Constitution: 25
Agillity: 50
Perception: 175
YzmaelJan 6, 2015 6:54 AM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 29, 2014 9:06 PM

Dec 2011
Name: The Shinigami
Job: Warrior
Strength: 100
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 0
Constitution: 100
Agility: 100
Perception: 0

-Racial Abilities-
Human: Can learn skills twice as fast.

-Class Abilities- (WIP)

-Special Abilities- (WIP)
Rin Chi: The trademark weapon of choice of The Shinigami. A giant, jagged nodachi as black as night. It is unknown if it was heavily reinforced by normal means or magically, but whatever its origins it proves to be a devastating weapon for whatever enemy he goes against. Bonus to damage inflicted.

(Will make skills later.)
EmperorsChosen01Oct 1, 2014 10:55 PM
Sep 29, 2014 9:17 PM

Apr 2011
Name: Baraxus

Race: Titan [Strength and Constitution are multiplied by 1.5x]


Class Abilities:

  • Sonic Kick:
    Type: Active
    Cost: 25 Stamina
    Description: The Monk flies towards an enemy target, stunning the target for 3 seconds and dealing medium(25~50) damage.

  • Flaming Fists:
    Type: Sustained
    Requirement: 20 Willpower
    Cooldown: 2 Posts after being deactivated.
    Description: The Monk receives a bonus to Attack Speed and also receives a drastic bonus to Stamina Regeneration. The Monk loses the abillity to use any other skill while this skill is active, though.

  • Focus:
    Type: Passive
    Requirement: No points on Willpower
    Description: If the Monk has this skill, he has discovered a way other than using his own body's willpower to execute attacks. Instead, the Monk now uses Focus, which regenerates with each hit. Focus is unlimited, as long as the Monk keeps hitting, he will still gain Focus.

  • Dragon Wide Kick:
    Type: Active
    Cost: 100 Focus
    Requirement: Have the Focus Skill.
    Description: Causes massive damage(200~300) in a wide area ahead the Monk, throwing away all enemy targets hit and stunning them for 10 seconds.

  • Will of Iron:
    Type: Passive
    Requirement: 100 points in Strength.
    Description: The Monk uses his physical strength to boost his own willpower. Half of the points placed on strength are now given as a bonus on Willpower.

Special Abilities:

Pressure Power: When under extreme pressure or in a situation of dire importance, Baraxus' willpower, strength and constitution increase by 35, allowing him to push forward and fulfill his role as a powerful tank.

Passive Regen: If 3 posts have gone by without Baraxus taking any damage, he will begin to heal of all inflicted wounds.
HP Regen Rate: 10 HP recovered per post without taking damage.
Stamina Regen Rate: 5 Willpower per post without taking damage.

Edit: Monk skills added.
Edit: Redistributed Stat points.
Edit: Edited Special Abilities.
QuakeUPSBOct 6, 2014 3:41 AM
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Sep 30, 2014 12:38 AM

Jul 2008
Character Name: Cecilia Helmi
Job: White/Red Mage
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 75
Willpower: 100
Constitution: 10
Agility: 85 (+20 = 105)
Perception: 30

Racial Ability:
Rabbit Anima - +20 Agility

Class Abilities:
White Magic

Red Magic

Special Abilities:

Faster, faster, FASTER!!: Haste is 25% more effective when cast on her, regardless of source.

You're too slow!: Slow is 25% less effective on her and 25% more effective on everyone else.

Adaptable Fencer: Able to single or dual-wield rapier.
- Single: Accuracy goes up, attack speed goes down.
- Double: Accuracy drops, attack speed rises.
TamoballSep 30, 2014 12:53 AM
Sep 30, 2014 2:51 AM
Aug 2014
Dexterity: 60
Willpower: 60
Agillity: 60

Racial Ablitys
Immune to cold- do to being a ice Hybrid Lone Wolf is immune to all cold damage
Weak to fire- do to being a ice Hybrid fire based attacks do extra damage

Special Skills
Type: Active
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Description: The Thief disappears in thin air, becoming invisible for the following 20 seconds until he hits someone. If the Thief attacks someone while Vanish is active, he gains a certain critical hit. Anyone with a Perception higher than the Thief's Agillity can see him.

Type: Passive
Description: If the Thief attacks his enemy from behind, he deals a certain critical hit, causing major damage and lowering the cooldown for some of his/her skills for 3 seconds.

•Slice and Dice:
Type: Active
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Requirement: 60 Dexterity and 30 Perception
Description: The Thief rolls a dice and gains bonus of his selection to his next attack. The bonusses can be:
1: The next attack will poison an enemy for 1% of the Thief's Dexterity.
2: The next attack will regenerate 1/3 of the Thief's Health.
3: The next attack will explode, causing bonus minor fire and physical damage(10).
4: The next attack will pierce through any armor, causing true damage.
5: The next attack will silence the enemy for the following 15 seconds.
6: Lucky! The next attack will instantly drain 1/5 of the enemy's current stamina.

•Dirty Fighting:
Type: Active
Cost: 10 Stamina
Requirement: 100 Dexterity
Description: The Thief finds a way to fight dirty and throws something on an enemy target's eyes, stunning them for the following 5 seconds.
LoveandHate91Oct 5, 2014 8:58 PM
Sep 30, 2014 10:03 AM

Apr 2010
Character Name: Isabella Ann Blanchard
Race: Human
Job: Thief
RyumiaOct 13, 2014 4:17 PM
Sep 30, 2014 10:27 AM

Feb 2013
Character Name:
Blair Dell

Racial Abilities:
Fox Anima - +20 Perception.

Class Abilities:
  • Vanish: There one moment, gone the next... the thief is the mouse that escaped the cat's clutches and sight. Increases agility by 10% when fleeing an opponent.
  • Fly on the Wall: Don't draw attention. Going into stealth and making themselves as inconspicuous as that insect you just stepped over is the basics of the basics for the thief. Few notice the presence of a well learned thief in stealth.
  • Step Lightly Now: Don't make a sound... not so much as a peep. All noise made by the thief's movements is reduced by 50% when in stealth.

Special Abilities:
  • Night Eye: The thief is granted a bonus of 20% to Night Vision during the night or in the absence of sunlight.
  • Under the Cover of Night: The thief gains a bonus of 15% to critical chance when using a small melee weapon or a guaranteed stun (duration two seconds) when using her sling on an unaware target. Must be night and the thief must be in stealth.
  • Silver Tongue: The thief possesses the ability to spin lies as though they were the truth. Persuasive by their very nature, the thief is able to smooth talk their way out of various situations.

Strength: 0
Dexterity: 100
Willpower: 20
Constitution: 10
Agility: 100
Perception: 70 (+20 = 90 )
Oct 1, 2014 4:07 PM

May 2014
Character Name: Takuma
Racial Abillities:
Human: doubled learning speed

Black Mage Abillities:

  • Spell Combination
  • Ice Bolt
  • Dark Arrow
  • Lightning
  • Blade of air

Special Abillities:

  • Multicast: The ability to cast multiple spells at the same time. (If used to multicast more than 3 spells at the same time the scale of each spell decreases.)
  • To be continued

Stats: You have 300 to use. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 150
Constitution: 50
Agillity: 50
Perception: 50
KinithOct 14, 2014 3:00 AM
Oct 2, 2014 2:26 PM

May 2014
Character Name: Hayato "Dirty Knight" Shingen
Racial Abillities:

  • Mana/Ki infused: Hayato has Mana/Ki directly infused in his body, reducing the effect of magic, by 15%.

Monk Abillities:

  • Double Edged
  • Swift
  • Ki
  • Fleeting Shadow
  • Mighty 7

Special Abillities:

  • Shingen-Style: The Shingen-Style martial arts use Mana/Ki to strengthen their power. While attacking an opponent Mana/Ki will intrude the target and do additional damage. The Shingen-Style features punches, kicks, throws and even shouts. The principle is use every mean necessary to achieve total victory.
  • Shingen Breathing technique - Hayato custom: Through a constant and deep breathing, the regeneration of stamina is boosted by 50% (2 -> 3).
  • Muscle Reading: Hayato practiced martial arts for a long time and has a deep understanding about the human body. He can predict, to a certain degree, the actions of his opponent by observing the muscles.

Stats: You have 300 to use. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: 75
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 25
Constitution: 75
Agillity: 75
Perception: 50
KinithOct 14, 2014 2:57 AM
Oct 2, 2014 8:20 PM
Jul 2018
Character Name: Aneminia Calumaria Fisito Lucia
Job: White Mage
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 100
Constitution: 75
Agility: 50
Perception: 75

Race Skill: Human: Can learn skills twice as fast.

Class(Mage) Skills: I can't think right now so leave me be xD

Special Skills:
Cunning Minds: Aneminia's Willpower and Perception is double from serious thinking.
Homemade Style: From eating or drinking her homemade style food or drinks. Certain status increase.
removed-userOct 6, 2014 4:57 PM
Oct 5, 2014 7:14 PM

Apr 2011
Character Profile:

Character Name: Rina Belmont
Job: Black Mage
Racial Abilities:
  • Human: Able to learn skills twice as fast.

Class Abilities:

Special Abilities:
  • Bibliomaniac: Rina is obsessed with books and reading, hell even her weapons are books. She loves the feel and smell of book pages and feels most comfortable when she has a book in hand or at least when there are books around. Though she's usually able to manage if there aren't any books around, she is quick to anger if someone damages (or misplaces) books, sometimes explosively so. However, due to her obsession and habit of reading anything that's within arm's reach, she has extensive knowledge on almost all things ranging from (but not limited to) economics to farming techniques to dead languages and ancient spells. Also due to her bibliomania, she seems to be able to quickly learn, comprehend, and apply anything she reads.

  • Sagacious: Due mostly in part to her bibliomania, Rina is able to quickly understand difficult ideas, concepts, and situations and make sound decisions using the knowledge available to her. It seems that she is able to learn things at least three-times faster when reading it than through any other medium, though she doesn't always have the ability to actually practice what she has learned.

  • Magical Theorist: Rina is able to break down most things to a science and constantly thinks about how she can improve on things she's learned. As such, almost all of her spells have greater destructive (or beneficial) effects while having reduced cast times and costing less mana at the same time. Along the way in her improvements, she often comes up with a new version or use for a spell which she will either archive in her extensive library for later study or add to her repertoire of spells.

Stats: You have 300 to use. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 220
Constitution: 20
Agility: 20
Perception: 40
Newmn84Oct 6, 2014 5:35 PM
Oct 6, 2014 5:22 PM

Feb 2013
Character Profile:

Character Name: Morpheus
Racial Abillities:
  • Human: Learn skills twice as fast.

Class Abillities:
  • Offensive Stance: Passively grants the Warrior bonus damage. When in sustained mode, passive abillity is deactivated and the Warrior is granted an even bigger ammount of bonus damage at the cost of 1,5 Stamina per minute.

  • Ceaseless Charge: The Warrior gains 5 Agillity with each step, becoming faster the more he runs. However, as soon as this abillity is activated, the Warrior locks on an enemy target and runs at it, gaining speed and damage the farther he runs. When he hits the target, he will launch the enemy target and all other enemies surrounding the area in the air, causing damage equal to the distance he ran( 1 meter = 10 damage ). The Agillity bonus then fades slowly, losing 5 Agillity per post.

  • Stomp: The Warrior uses all his strength to stomp on the ground, causing minor damage(10~15) and stunning targets around him in a 10 meter radius.

  • Force Wave: The Warrior takes a second to breathe in some air and then swings his weapon with an absurd force, creating a wave of pure force amidst the air, which flows through the following 200 meters in the astonishing speed of 5 meters per second. The Wave causes damage to everything it hits, even allies. It causes damage equal to 1/4 of the Warrior's Strength.

Special Abillities:
  • Curse of the DeathClaw - Strength: Morpheus' curse gives him inhuman strength, allowing him to get the double strength of a normal human and cause more damage with two-handed weapons.
  • Curse of the DeathClaw - Constitution: Due to the powerful curse implied into his skin, Morpheus can't raise his Constitution above 100.
  • Curse of the DeathClaw - Quick Recovery: The powerful curse in his veins forces him to keep fighting, so Morpheus recovers stamina twice as quickly when under 70% HP and three times as quickly when under 50% HP.

Stats: You have 300 to use. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: 150(x2): 300
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 60
Constitution: 40
Agillity: 50
Perception: 0
YzmaelOct 6, 2014 9:05 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 6, 2014 6:58 PM

May 2013
Character Name: Henry
Race: Human
Job: Warrior
WallabeeOct 13, 2014 4:09 PM
Oct 9, 2014 11:58 AM

Mar 2014
Character Name: Lynda
Race: Anima
Job: Warrior

Racial Abilities:
Fox Anima - +20 Perception

Class Abillities:
Ceaseless Charge:
Type: Active
Cost: 15 Stamina
Description: The Warrior gains 5 Agillity with each step, becoming faster the more he runs. However, as soon as this abillity is activated, the Warrior locks on an enemy target and runs at it, gaining speed and damage the farther he runs. When he hits the target, he will launch the enemy target and all other enemies surrounding the area in the air, causing damage equal to the distance he ran( 1 meter = 10 damage ). The Agillity bonus then fades slowly, losing 5 Agillity per post.

Offensive Stance:
Description: Passively grants the Warrior bonus damage. When in sustained mode, passive abillity is deactivated and the Warrior is granted an even bigger ammount of bonus damage at the cost of 1,5 Stamina per minute.

Defensive Stance:
Type: Sustained/Passive
Description: Passively grants the Warrior bonus defense. When in sustained mode, passive abillity is deactivated and the Warrior is granted an even bigger ammount of bonus defense at the cost of 1,5 Stamina per minute.

Special Abilities:
Fox Soul: Both her her nose and ears are better than the usual Anima. (Doubles Perception)

Broken Seal: If she enters a state of immense anger, all her stats exept for Strenght will drop by 1.5, but it will make her strenght triple itself. She will not be able to control herself, therefor maybe even damaging a comrad. After use she will be unable to fight for 3 days. (5-6 posts)

Stats: You have 300 to use at the beginning. You get 175 points when you go one path up
Strength: 100 (x3 when using Broken Seal)
Dexterity: 0
Willpower: 50
Constitution: 30
Agillity: 100
Perception: 20 (+20 because Racial Ability) (x2 when using Fox Soul)
diogoraOct 15, 2014 6:55 AM

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