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Mar 14, 2015 10:21 PM

May 2013

The Wise Lord rules a realm that mostly lies beneath the waves. That fact tells one everything that one needs to know about Michiko, both the realm and the Lord; however calm things appear on the surface, there is always a lot going underneath.

Lord Description

Michiko is a Sea Bishop with black hair and iridescent blue-green scales. She is large for her race, but not freakishly so, with light brown skin and a palpable aura of dignity. The Wise Lord’s face and form are appealing in their own right, but her beauty mainly lies in her dignity and elegance. Her eye color changes according to her mood – deep blue when she is calm, bright green when she is happy, violet when she is feeling amorous, or gray when she is angry. These color shifts are often the only indication of her feelings; the Wise Lord rarely displays strong emotion. She has been heard to raise her voice only a few times during the last several centuries, and those who know her are convinced that those incidents were merely acting.

All of the Lords are fabulously wealthy, but Michiko differs from the others in how she displays her wealth; she uses it to showcase the bounty of her realm. She wears conservative clothing made from fine “sea silk” (fibers from specially grown kelp) and jewelry made from coral, pearls, and nacre (mother-of-pearl). Her current consort -- who always appears with her at court -- and her nobles wear similar finery. Michiko’s royal scepter is carved from a single narwhal tusk. When acting as hostess Michiko sets a sumptuous table… if one likes sushi and sashimi.

The Wise Lord is quiet and unassuming, given to long silences and extended periods of solitude when her duties permit. She is also a master planner who prefers giving a well-timed nudge to shoving. “Work smarter, not harder,” is her motto. Michiko’s laws are designed not to exert control but to guide society along lines that are productive and efficient. She’s not all work and no play, however. Michiko understands the role of fun and relaxation in maintaining morale -- including her own. She makes a point of spending some “quality time” with her consort every day. Michiko is unfailingly polite to everyone, deserving or not, even while she belittles those who earn her contempt. She eschews sarcastic barbs and vulgar jibes in favor of veiled insults.

Michiko only has one consort at a time out of respect for her subjects, who must often share a man if they can find one at all. She remains faithful to that man until his death and won’t choose another until after a suitable period of mourning.

Magical talent is common to all of the Lords, but there is reason to believe that Michiko is even more powerful than she seems. She is known to be a grandmaster of hydromancy and healing magic and a master of glamour. Michiko has displayed advanced ability to control the animals and plants of the sea, but the full extent of this power has never been demonstrated to anyone who is still available for comment.
tygertygerMar 14, 2015 10:24 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 14, 2015 10:22 PM

May 2013
Realm Description

Michiko’s realm is the sea. In theory this means most of the world. In practice it means the entire continental shelf around the world’s only continent. The only terrain type is water, but that can vary from seas as smooth as glass to waves of terrifying height. The oceans are vast enough that there is always a storm raging somewhere, and it is always sunny somewhere. The trick is to follow the pleasant weather and avoid the worst storms.

The most frequent hazards on the ocean surface are storms. Thunderstorms and windstorms can drive monstrous waves. Waterspouts are even more dangerous. A major seismic disturbance has a chance of creating a tsunami, but such occurrences are rare. Solitons -- rogue waves that appear out of nowhere on calm seas -- can be deadly to surface ships.

Hazards under the waves are usually dangerous life forms. The world boasts several species of shark, some of which are large and powerful enough to be dangerous to mamono. There are also dolphins, including the largest member of that family, the orca. These creatures appear cute to human sensibilities, but their strength and natural weaponry make them formidable predators. Dolphins on the mamono world seem to have heightened ability to use their echolocation as a sonic weapon, and they often use it in combat against monsters (many of whom regard dolphins as food). Monster Earth has dozens of species of jellyfish including some of the deadlier varieties from Earth; the sea wasp and the Portuguese man-o-war are both more common in Michiko than they are in Earth’s oceans. The Humboldt squid, one of the largest and most aggressive cephalopods, is a frequent pest of undersea farms. Large animals aren’t the only threats; the island also suffers periodic red tides.

The most constant hazard of the sea is its pervasive chill. The water in most places is cold, and the temperature can even drop below freezing at great depths. Water expands when it freezes, but the immense pressure of the deeps prevents ice from forming. Add to this water’s superior heat conductivity relative to air and it’s easy to see why keeping warm underwater is difficult. Seagoing mamono are adapted to the cold, but even they are in danger if they dive too deep.

There are few permanent settlements in the ocean. Most of the Wise Lord’s subjects are nomads who live by following the schools of fish on which they feed. The permanent settlements that do exist tend to be large -- as in, actual cities rather than towns or villages. Such settlements grow up around large agricultural concerns. Michiko has instituted free public education for city dwellers, so settled mamono tend to be well schooled and quite civilized.

The prevailing culture in Michiko is similar to that of the Polynesian peoples of Earth. Sea folk tend to be gregarious and to express their emotions openly, but the environment in which they live demands toughness. Michikona will laugh, rage or cry at the drop of a hat, but they are stoic in the face of pain or fear. Even a child will sit still and not cry out while being stitched up for a barracuda bite, but that same child will sob inconsolably over a lost toy. Michikona are brave about the important stuff, but about everything else they emote freely. They are also respectful of elders and people of high station.

The closest thing to human religion in Michiko (other than the religions practiced by humans) is a kind of animism. Many mamono believe that the sea itself is a vast, capricious spirit of immeasurable power. They further believe that this spirit must be placated lest it do harm. Michikona who hold to this belief wear talismans representing whichever aspect of the Sea Mother they identify with. Storm, Wave and Sand are the most common, but some follow marine animal or plant totems and those who dwell in the deeper reaches may follow totems like Dark (which represents depth and cold) and Black Smoker. Such totemic practices often shape the practice of magic.

Michiko’s realm is the largest in the world, and it is also rich in resources. This combination of plentiful food and vast living space means that there is very little fighting within the realm. Most conflicts are feuds involving families or groups of friends. The larger incidents are usually part of vendettas between trader clans. The end result is that undersea mamono generally aren’t suspicious of each other. Most believe that they are safe within a city, and they’re right… most of the time. The sight of an unclaimed human male will spark a “feeding frenzy” of such violence that injuries are virtually certain and fatalities are not unheard of. Even the presence of a claimed male can incite violence if his consort seems weak or inattentive.

Nomadic sea dwellers have little use for any economy beyond barter, but things are not so simple among the settled folk. The underwater cities use the same gold currency that the land dwellers use. They earn it mainly by trading with coastal settlements. Fisheries and crustacean ranches are Michiko’s major industries, with kelp farms a close third. For luxury goods, as well as food, there are beds of oysters (for pearls) and clams (for nacre). Many a coastal town has its beaches sheltered by the work of coral sculptors.

Michikona trade for goods that can’t be produced underwater, which often means anything that requires the use of fire. Ceramics, corrosion-resistant metals, and bone are all useful materials in the sea. Cooked food is a rare delicacy. Sea dwellers also trade in humans, but at great risk; the Wise Lord has outlawed slavery. The harsh penalties for this crime guarantee that even low-quality slaves can command high prices.

Michiko’s Castle
The Sunken City is built on top of a seamount with Michiko’s residence at the center. The Wise Lord resides in a resplendent castle that is made of still-living coral. The building is easily large enough to house over a thousand people -- even if those people are the larger varieties of mamono -- but there are rarely that many present. The palace consists of a seven-sided wall surrounding a ring of six towers around a larger central tower. Each tower is fully self-sufficient with its own kitchen, storerooms, garrison, guest rooms, and servants’ quarters. The central tower also contains several ballrooms, guest quarters suitable for visitors of high station, and Michiko’s throne room and personal chambers. The Leviathan Throne itself is carved from the bones of a great whale, but Michiko only sits in it during affairs of state.

Nearly a third of the population of the Sunken City is in the direct or indirect employ of Lord Michiko. Those who do not serve in the palace guard or household staff may be farmers who supply the palace with food or artisans who supply the palace with goods. The members of the palace guard tend toward the more powerful and dangerous marine mamono. Many of the finsoldiers are cancers (due to their natural armor) or nereids (because of their speed and agility) while undines, scyllas, and krakens provide sorcerous support. Each wall has three charybdises stationed along its length at regular intervals. The household staff are mostly mermaids, merrows, and sea slimes, but Michiko also employs a large number of ghosts as covert scouts. The sea never gives up her dead; she puts them to work.
tygertygerJun 22, 2015 4:27 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 14, 2015 10:23 PM

May 2013
Relations with other realms

Amarante: The Calm Lord is Michiko’s staunchest ally, and vice versa. Their similar leadership styles guarantee that they have much in common politically. Most trade goods from the sea come ashore in Amarante, and it is Amarantine artisans who produce most of the surface-made goods in Michiko’s realm. There is also more cultural exchange between Michiko and Amarante than between any two other realms.

Asgard: Relations between Asgard and the mainland realms range from distant to tense, but Michiko is the only nation of the subcontinent to directly share a border with Asgard. Add to this that non-flying mamono can’t get to Asgard without passing through Michiko’s territory and it’s easy to see why the Wise Lord has a closer relationship with the Isle of Angels than do any of her colleagues… but this does not necessarily make them friends. While Brynnhild understands that none of the other nations can invade Asgard without violating Michiko’s borders or recruiting her to the cause, she also knows that Michiko is the only realm positioned to invade Asgard directly. Copious trade between their realms notwithstanding, Brynnhild doesn’t fully trust Michiko. For her part the Wise Lord maintains a stance of strict neutrality in relation to Asgard. This positions Michiko to be a mediator in disputes between the mainland powers and the Isle of Angels, and both Brynnhild and Michiko appear to be satisfied with that arrangement.

Charisse/Ahmose: In terms of environment the desert is the diametric opposite of the sea, and this difference informed Michiko’s dealings with the Lazy Lord. Being wise, Michiko never believed that anyone could truly be as self-indulgently incompetent as Charisse appeared to be. On the other hand, Charisse knew that Michiko was keeping secrets beneath the waves. This dance of mutual mistrust kept Charisse and Michiko circling each other like sharks (or scorpions) about to strike, and therefore kept their realms in a constant state of wariness regarding each other.

Michiko and Ahmose are still taking each other’s measure after Charisse’s departure. The state of détente still persists, but the Wise Lord treads carefully lest she alienate a potential ally. The Radiant Lord, for her part, sees the vast resources of the sea as a golden opportunity for trade. Small-scale operations regarding the desalinization and purification of seawater show promise; if these methods can be scaled up the resulting industry will send water flowing to the desert and gold flowing to the sea. Both Lords would like to see that happen, but first they must learn to trust each other.

Elizabeth: Elizabeth is still new to lordship and is therefore an unknown quantity to the other Lords. Michiko voted in favor of elevating Elizabeth to Lord status because the two of them agree on issues like protecting their people and governing from a distance. The differences in their methods insure that their dealings are tinged with caution, but Michiko believes that Elizabeth’s harsher approach to crime and punishment works for a nation that borders Kaori. The Wise Lord also hopes to gain a trading partner on the northern coast.

Freebooty Free State: Many wonder how a nation of pirates can continue to operate with seeming impunity within Michiko’s realm. There are rumors that the pirate clans operate with the tacit permission of the Wise Lord or the cooperation of some of her subjects. The latter is in fact true. There are powerful factions within Michiko that look the other way as the pirates ply their trade in exchange for a cut of the profits. The only such enterprise that Michikona actively oppose is slavery, and where the trafficking of men is involved there are those who condone even that if it means having the chance to claim men for themselves. Michiko imposes harsh penalties for aiding and abetting piracy, which ensures that only the most foolhardy or desperate of her people will do it and keeps the prices high.

Kaori: Michiko and Kaori had a cordial relationship, but one would have to have been blind to miss the strain. The simple fact was that they didn’t like each other. Michiko regarded Kaori as a bloodthirsty barbarian but saw her as a necessary evil -- someone had to guard the Demon Gate. Kaori was torn between her instincts and her madness (which told her that anyone so quiet and humble must be weak) and her tactical knowledge (which told her that anyone who commands such resources is a real threat). The Wise Lord and the Savage Lord tacitly agreed to leave each other alone, and their subjects mostly did the same… except where the slave trade was concerned. When Michikona bought slaves they usually bought them from Kaorians.

Kaori’s disappearance upset the balance of power in the region. Michiko suggested to the other remaining Lords that they choose a replacement rather than wait for the most vicious and bloodthirsty warlord to take the position by force, but hers was the lone voice advocating such action. When Nergal ascended to lordship she was not at all pleased to learn of what she regarded as Michiko’s treachery. The Wise Lord is wary of Nergal as she would be of any unknown quantity, but the Unexpected Lord actively dislikes Michiko. Each of them recognizes that active conflict would only disrupt the trade from which both realms benefit, but for the time being neither is willing to trust the other.

Kioko: Michiko didn’t trust Charisse and didn’t like Kaori, but she simply doesn’t understand Kioko. The Wise Lord is a rational being who doesn’t let emotions dictate her actions. The Fickle Lord is a creature of passion and caprice who has been known to kill over a trivial insult or grant a noble title in exchange for a sweet roll. Michiko pretends to ignore Kioko’s antics and hopes that no one notices how annoyed she is. Judging by the way that the zaniness intensifies when Michiko is around it’s a good bet that Kioko notices. Michikona and Kiokojin aren’t so standoffish with each other. There is much local trade and social interaction between realms that occurs on Kioko’s beaches, and a great many men who live in Kioko have wives who come from Michiko.

Teremir: Because Teremir is a land-locked nation one would think that the Teremiri and Michikona have little to do with one another… and one would be wrong. Teremir’s alchemists and enchanters employ a wide variety of exotic ingredients, and some of those ingredients can only be obtained from the sea. On the other hand the mountain realm is the only source of metal alloys and pseudo-metallic materials that can resist the corrosive effects of seawater. The Council Elders and the Wise Lord aren’t friends precisely, but they do regard each other as important trading partners. The fact that neither realm poses a direct military threat to the other contributes to the lack of hostility between them.
tygertygerMar 17, 2024 3:04 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 14, 2015 10:25 PM

May 2013

The size and bounty of Michiko’s realm allow for a larger population than the island can support. Most land dwellers never think about how many mamono live beneath the waves, and even Michikona don’t really know how many of them there are. They just know that their cities are crowded. Scholars believe that the population of Michiko is a full order of magnitude greater than the island population.

Scholars of magic believe that Michiko’s public education system includes instruction in magic for youngsters who show sufficient talent. The Wise Lord offers a stipend to sorceresses who enter public service and “land” grants to those who serve for at least a century.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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