From Gekkan Senshado
Some Gekkan Senshado stuff. Some guys managed to get a copy of the mag, and what they've found is being shared I think at 2ch and other fora. Anyway, some nice info:
-It seems Anzio was actually the first school to build a schoolship in Japan, re-purposing a merchant vessel. Another point is that their current ship is a popular tourist attraction, which explains why students were able to make money running food stalls.
-BC Freedom is a combined school of both BC and Freedom, when both schools have schoolships that are derelict and needed replacing. The government funding limits means the two schools were combined into one newer ship. But there was massive inter-school political fighting. The intentional was to have one super-school. But it was a massive failure and we ended up with the entire ship split in half, with the old Freedom school taking up Port side while the BC inhabit the Starboard side. This explains why their school emblem was confusing; it literally houses two factions!
-So Maginot was a girls-school created to teach wine-making, specialising in traditional techniques including juicing the grapes with your feet. And the reason they used a submarine as their schoolship was because supposedly the water pressure speeds up wine maturation. Their tank doctrine is inflexible and rely on moving in groups. But their arts, film studies, and clothing design are highly creative. They also take their food very, very seriously.
-Saint Glorianna is a very famous and privileged school, with Senshado a major part of the school's culture. A lot of the school's funds came from alumnae donations, but that means the graduates ended up influencing tank selection. Thus conservative tank selections despite their wealth. The school has very stringent selection process to even be enrolled. Students aim to become a part of the "Tea Garden", the building where the best of the best students in grades and behavior, and trusted by all, given soul names of teas, gather. After graduation the Tea Garden members join one of the three major factions of the alumnae organizations (can't read them, sorry.), and they run regular meetings to oversea how their school should be ran. Especially on how the next generation of Senshado leaders would be chosen. In short, they are posh as hell.
So there you go, answers on where the other schools get their funding outside of Senshado.
On Viking Fisheries:
They used a mix of tanks from other schools, including the silly Nb Fz. Recently they are discussing purchasing some M24 Chaffees.
School culturally focus on equality, hard work, and cleanliness. Strangely the school's students all don't like talking very much, other schools consider VF school students rather odd and borderline mute.
The students are crazy about precision, especially on the issue of time. They plan their battle plans literally down to the second, and they train their tank crews to extreme levels of proficiency. Their battle plans are nuts and goes into details on at the exact moment you were suppose to see your enemy, where on the enemy tank you are suppose to target down to the cm. But the problem is their plans simply fall apart in actual battles, and the tank crews don't know what to do when they can't follow their training anymore.
Preferred terrain is mountains and snow fields. At beach battles they prefer surprise attacking from the water, and they have tanks capable of moving across water for this purpose.
VF loves nature, and their school ship deck is covered in a huge forest. There is a huge section on their food choices, but I could only understand that they have salmon as their specialty. Also, the school doesn't charge the students any school fees.
On Bonple:
As for Bonple Girl's High School, Polish themed, the school is historically close to St Gloria and they have an active exchange program.
Their current tanks are all weak sauce peashooters. They have a strange selection of rare tanks including the 10TP, but no one knows how the hell they managed to get that one. Their current tactics are to use their mobility to attack their enemy, but their firepower is inadequate.
They actually have been in discussion with multiple schools in acquiring some tanks from them. But ironically the massive amount of choices means internal school factions cause breakdowns from negotiations. Especially the pro-St Gloria faction somehow managed to cause Black Forest to walk away from the deal. So they are still stuck with weak tanks just because they can't agree on what upgrades to purchase.
Culturally the students have trouble making up their minds on anything. But they are hard working, polite, and in fact have the best chances in the country of going into the top universities. They love egg dishes, is famed for their senshado music band, and have equestrians competing at the international level.
And more on Saunders:
They are part of a large group of private schools from kindergarten to university. The school was originally a land school ran by Americans, for Americans, back in the old days and had a long history (I guess Anzio was still the oldest because Saunders was not a Japanese school in the beginning.)
The American population was later moved elsewhere and the school became fully Japanese once they built their first schoolship. Saunder still does exchange programs every year with actual American schools.
Senshado is a big deal in Saunders, with not just money but also the biggest active number of functional tanks in the country. They have a very high quality group of engineer students maintaining the tanks. In general they have more than 50 M4 class tanks active at any one time. The engineer students are kept busy with modifications, and there are talks of Ez8 tread modifications and upgrade of chassis. They have so many vehicles, both tanks and support vehicles, that no one really knows how many they actually have.
There are 500 Senshado practitioners in Saunders, and several times that number of engineers. The other clubs actually aid the Senshado cause actively, in the sense that most of the school is technically part of the club unofficially.
Saunders tactics involve heavy fire-power and using mobility as defence. When fighting, the weak front tanks would slowly back away from the enemy and allow the heavier armoured main tanks to the rear to catch up and fight back. All the while the advancing enemy gets surrounded left and right and get into a crossfire.
Saunders tank commanders tend to be recruited from the Intelligence clubs. While the very best gunners get the big cannons in the slower tanks, focusing on killing enemies from long range.
Tragically the vehicle quota limits in official Senshado matches means Saunders tactics are much harder to pull off. So they have much harder time winning matches than you think.
Tactically they are treated as brutish and overwhelming enemies with numbers. St Gloria considers Sanders to be too barbaric.
So there you have it.
And Yoghurt, which is apparently a Bulgarian-themed school.
For the Yoghurt Academy, they are an agricultural school. Specialises in dairy products. They started off with weak peashooters, but recently has expanded their arsenal to the surprise of their opponents. The schoolship dedicate most of the space to farms and ranches, and there are talks of converting tractors into tanks and tanks into tractors.
School culture revolves around "simplicity, thrift, hard work, endurance."
For the size of the schoolship, it imports massive amounts of hotsprings water on a regular basis.