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May 27, 2014 5:05 AM

Jun 2009
Monster Girls Survival Game Rules!

~ ASK if something is not covered by the rules ~
~ Please read everything carefully ~
and don't forget the spoilers ^^

Rule Index
Staff List
How to Join
Basic Rules
Demonic Energy
Lords of the Island
Island Regions & Domains
Ancient Lore
The World Map
Upcoming Updates

Important Link-Collection for the MSG
~~ BB-Code for your Story ~~
Colours and their codes (#xxxxxx)
Monstergirl Encyclopedia
Writer's Help Thread
Character Card Thread
Companion Stats
Companion Stats as pdf
MetallumOperaturDec 12, 2016 3:23 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
May 27, 2014 2:40 PM

Jun 2009
= MSG Staff: =

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Head Game Master

Game Masters

Lord Officers
dcw2021 - Amarante
emeraldtryst - Charisse/Ahmose
cimechu - Kioko
vacancy - Kaori
tygertyger - Michiko
aspicientis - Elizabeth



Honorary Mentions
Blaszak - Creator of the MSG
Subenu - Former Head GM
Rabbiac - Auxiliary Head GM
mdude009 - Former Lord of Kaori
PantsMan - Former Lord of Amarante
MetallumOperaturDec 12, 2016 3:00 PM
May 27, 2014 2:42 PM

Jun 2009
= Basic Rules: =

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This section has all the info for a no-frills, basic story.
All the info you need to start your story is available here,
and the most important info has been coloured.
Be sure to
check the post about companions too.

MSGC: are rules specific to collaborative stories.
MSGS: are rules specific to stylized stories.
None of these rules apply to Free Form stories.

Arrival to the island
At the start of the story you are transported from our world
to the Monster Girl Island
. Examples include being caught in
a storm at sea, waking up and discovering you’re not in your
bed, walking through a door or falling into the world.

The monster girl island is part of another world and does not
have modern technology
. Because of this, you will never arrive
with modern technology, even if you had some on you (eg. a cell
phone). You will always arrive alone, because the powers of
the MG world are selective and only choose specific humans.
There will be no wrecks of airplanes or ships on the island.

Humans are randomly brought to the island through magical
means but no monster girl knows how nor can they affect the
human world in anyway. The human world has no knowledge
of the monster girl world and few monsters know of the human

The main point of this game is to survive and have a good time.

What can I do on the island?
Once on the island, what you do is entirely up to you. You can
adventure, just try to survive, or live a quiet and peaceful life.

One thing that’s very important to remember is that your story
is about you coming to the island. This means that you only
know what you know in real life and you can only do what you
can do in real life
. You can’t break a rock with your bare fists if
you can’t irl. You can’t provide first aid if you don’t know how to.
MSGC: Humans are unable to learn magic.
MSGC: Humans can only use magic if they are provided
demonic energy through a monster girl or magic tool.

If you need to google something or look on wikipedia,
you don't know how it works or how to do it.

You are able to learn various things, such as how to use different
weapons or learn a profession. Remember though that learning
smithing or how to properly wield a sword takes time
, and you
need to reflect that in your story.

Please note that monster girls are vastly superior to humans in
many ways and even if you are the most badass survivalist or
you have extensive military or martial arts training, your chances
of defeating any monster girl other than the weaker ones are very
If you do not feel confident that you can portray the relative
power between yourself and the average monster girl, please tone
down your awesomeness to a comfortable level.

Companions & NPCs
Since humans are often no match for monster girls, you get to
choose monster girl companions
. They are there to protect
you from the dangers of the monster girl island.
MSGC: You may only have 2 companions.

Humans native to the island are just the same as humans from
our world. They are not stronger, faster or superior in any way
unless they've trained for a long time. Just like you, they can't
be unrealistically badass.

Monster Girl Encyclopedia
The Monster Girl Encyclopedia (MGE) is used as a guideline for
monster girl personality. Like humans, not all monster girls of
the same race have the same personality, and as such the
personalities are up to the authors.

It bears special mentioning that the setting of the MSG is NOT the same as the one portrayed in the MGE. In particular, while most mamono would certainly prefer to lay claim to any human visitors rather than harm or kill them, the vast majority are smart enough not to put themselves in deadly peril to do so. If you were carrying a sack of heavy golden treasure and found yourself suddenly in the middle of a lake, you'd far sooner abandon the treasure than let it drag you to the bottom.

Monster girls may use any ability they are depicted to have in the MGE.
MSGC: Some monsters are banned or restricted.

Additional Info:
- The Game Master and Staff are able to interfere with your story (if needed)
- Feel free to request character cards in the Character Card Thread.
- MSGC: The Lords and Servants are under direct control of the GM and the Officers.
-MSGC: Every Player is on the same island. Be careful about what you write, because
it might affect other players, too. This also opens up a chance for you
to do a co-op with another player if they want to.

-MSGS: The player may use Lords and Servants after discussing the interaction
with the officer in charge of the lord or an officer of the club.

Always remember:
Don't do things to other characters or locations without their author's permission.

You are not the hero in this world, nor on the island.
You are not the dragonborn or some other mythical legend.
You are not a cyborg super medic with magic and a powerfist.
You are the main character of YOUR story, as the others are in their story.
Please remember this. Always!
emeraldtrystMar 31, 2016 7:58 PM
May 27, 2014 2:42 PM

Jun 2009
= TBA =

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chimechuNov 21, 2014 9:24 AM
May 27, 2014 2:42 PM

Jun 2009
= Companions & NPCs =

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You are not alone on the island, it is populated with monsters and humans. Most 'NPC' monsters will try to 'coerce' a sexual encounter with a man, and sometimes women, given the opportunity. But even if they are civil humans and monsters alike will ultimately have their own goals, whether those are met with you or through you. It is a dangerous world so you are allowed companions to assist you on your journey. 'Companions' have a special relationship with you, this does not have to be sexual but it often involves them looking out for your well being for one reason or another. You can be friendly with NPCs but ultimately your companions are special.
MSGC: You only get 2 companions.

You can find the list of monster girls in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia[/size][/b]. Remember that the Fallen Maidens are not used in the MSG.

Banned Monster Girls
The currently banned girls are Dark Matter and Lilim.
MSGC: These monsters are not allowed, NPC or otherwise.
MSGS: These can be allowed with special permission for an officer.

Special Companion Monster Girls
The current special companions are: Chimaera.
MSGC: Chimeras must be specially approved on a case by case basis.
MSGS: Chimeras cannot contain elementals, golems, or monsters of vastly different sizes.

Special NPC Monster Girls
The currently Special NPC girls are Apophis, Pharaoh and Gazer.
MSGC: These monsters require special permission from an officer to use.
MSGS: These monsters cannot be companions.

Honorary Monster Girls
The winners of the honorary monster girl competition have proven to be favorites among the club members. The top contestants of the competitions can be found here but currently only the winners can be used.


Human NPCs
Humans on the island are no different than humans from Earth. In addition to the 'players' many NPC humans came from Earth as well. But unlike the 'players' not all human came from the present day era. But no matter where or when they come from they never have any functioning technology nor anyway to contact home. Like wise, many humans were born on the island. In most cases they had human parents but it is possible for a futanari monster to impregnate a human woman, the result is still an ordinary human however.
MSGC: Humans from Earth retain their knowledge and can use it. However, the lords are extremely weary of human technology. Proceed at your own risk.

All monster girl are female although some (futanari) are both. Men and futanari rare on the island, and the chance of getting pregnant is also very slim. Futanari are male and female and can impregnate and be impregnated by humans and monsters alike, but like in pokemon the mother always determines the species. Humans have normal birth rates, but the chance of impregnating a monster is extremely low. As a writer you are allowed to simply say a pregnancy did not happen if you do not want it to. On the other hand, if you want to cause a pregnancy...

Most monster girls have a 5% chance to get pregnant (20% in Ahmose's territory). This can be increased to 100% by acquiring a lord's blessing. You can only ask for the blessing of the lord whose lands you are in, and the requirements for receiving the blessing are at the discretion of the officer.

There are two ways to get a monster girl pregnant:

Whenever you write, an H-scene and the male finishes inside you get a roll. These rolls can be used to confirm whether the female got pregnant. Ask the officer in charge of the territory to roll for pregnancy.

If you don't want to roll for pregnancy, you can choose to get a freebie, (one-time free pregnancy). If you choose to use the freebie you can't use rolls, and all further pregnancies will require the blessing of a lord.

MSGS: The writer has complete control over pregnancy.

Barren Monster Girls
These monster girls are unable to reproduce
- Gargoyle
- Golem
- Skeleton
- Ghost

Suggested Terms for babies
chimechuOct 17, 2015 9:14 PM
May 27, 2014 2:43 PM

Jun 2009
= Technology, Commerce, and Religion =

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Medieval or older weapons such as swords, bows, and spears.

Enchanted weapons exist but are rare and not all will work for humans.

Black powder has been invented but is only used for fireworks.

MSG technology is split into three types:

1. Mechanical technology such as mills, clocks, generators, cranes and crossbows.
These are powered by rudimentary means such as levers, water, and springs.

2. Electrical technology such as light bulbs, potato batteries, generators and cooking appliances.
These can be powered by generators or monster girls (eg. thunderbird).

3. Magitech and Steampunk, such as advanced prostheses and magically powered mechanics.
This technology does not fall strictly under the medieval fantasy setting.
Because of this it is only allowed with GM approval to ensure it fits in the world.

Technology which is not contemporary to a medieval fantasy setting can only be used with GM approval.

Technology Limitations
1. Technology can not be used to create weapons or transportation.

2. Only minor (definition) items are allowed.

3. Technological items are extremely limited in availability and can not be mass produced.

4. MG NPCs can not create items that do not belong to the three technology types.
An off-island human can only create items with GM approval.

If you do not know if your technology is allowed, ask a GM

MSGC: Knowledge of modern tech can be used for personal gains only with GM approval.
Reasonable explanations are required for any such approval

The island currency are Gold coins.
The gold is mined and distributed by the dwarves of the central mountain and is the standard currency for all major cities. Trade and bartering may be more prominent in the country.

What items may I obtain?
General goods can be obtained any way you want.
Powerful weapons or enchanted items of any kind must be approved by an officer.
If the MGE says MGs can do something with or to items they can do it.

There are few enchanters on the island and they don't set up shops.
Any enchantments which give significant advantages to their user need to be approved by an officer.
Enchantments can either be passive or active.
Passive enchantments draw from the demonic energy present in the air and their power greatly depends on their location on the island.
Active enchantments draw their power from their user and as such their effectiveness depends on the user.
Humans are able to use items with passive enchantments but not those with active enchantments.

There are no organised religions like we know them. Many of the island's inhabitants have no grasp of the concept at all. Others have views similar to animism, where the thing they "believe in" exists everywhere. One of the more common forms of devotion is to an ideal or something similar. A succubus might be part of a cult devoted to hedonism for example, while and angel or valkyrie might be dedicated to purity and righteousness.
chimechuSep 25, 2015 9:36 AM
May 27, 2014 2:43 PM

Jun 2009
= Demonic Energy and Monster Transformation =

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[size=120]Detailed explanation[/s]
"Demonic Energy" is the omnipresent energy, which makes some of the girls able to use "magic". Some girls able to use magic also have a bit of this energy in their body, allowing them to cast "weak" magic without using much the surrounding demonic energy.

Therefore we refer to magic as the focused/gathered/molded form of demonic energy, used by a girl for her magic. Some girls just have "passive" magic which will get stronger if she's in such a high energy area (e.g. Weresheep's sleep magic)

Demonic energy was first introduced by early humans, because of its unknown origin and not explainable source. It was labeled as "demonic energy" and thus as the name inclines: They thought it was bad. Later it was found out, that some Monstergirls seem to interact with this energy and could use it for creating unexplainable Magic. As it got known better, Demonic Energy wasn't that bad anymore, but the name "demonic energy" still remained.

the land itself emanates this energy, generally on a very low scale. but there are lots of places with different "strength's" (or densities) of Energy. Girls being able to "gather" (or "manipulate/focus/mold" this energy) will be able to make use of it and get their "magic" getting stronger.
Places where those girls used their magic will be places who will then emit stronger demonic energy which leads to the surrounding environment having less energy.

Where these places are is unknown, but they are there. And the "energy" is also moving as the monstergirls "mold" the energy to use magic in different places. If a concentration of energy is too much, the girl will not be able to focus and control it.

the normal energy is something everyone can feel, IF they focus hard on it, otherwise they wouldn't really notice it. But the higher the energy concentration gets, the more aroused humans and monstergirls will be.

[size=120]Demonic Energy Summary[/s]
- Demonic Energy constantly emanates from the land.
- The emanating energy is weak, except in places where the energy is naturally stronger.
- Those places are usually just some squaremetres big (e.g. varying from 2m² up to maybe ~100m²)
- Demonic Energy has an aphrodisiac effect and will make those in contact with it aroused.
The stronger the demonic energy "output" is, the more aroused you become.
- If a Monster girl or human is not used to above-average or high densitiy demonic energy areas, then both of them are affected equally regarding the aphrodisiac effect.

- There might be a slightly translucent, shimmering, purple mist (lets call it Horny dust!) in areas with strong demonic energy concentrations.
- This mist ("Horny dust") can only be collected by witches, and needs to be bound to a liquid. After imbuing the dust, they can give (trade/sell) it away. This "Horny Brew" doesn't really last that long since the energy slowly dissipates.
- Imbuing for example honey or nectar with demonic energy makes its arousing effect significantly stronger.
- Sniffing the dust raw has nasty effects, because it will literally melt your brain. In addition, (travelling through this mist "just" causes your penis (if you have one) to explode!!!, because of the aphrodisiac effect).

Monster transformation:
As you get used to life on the island you will come to accept the monsters around you. You will have your friends, your companions, and possibly even a family. But you will eventually realize that you are not the same person you were when you arrived. But it is not just your experiences that have changed you. Demonic energy has slowly been seeping into you since you arrived. Eating away at your reservations and your morals. Increasing you desire and sexual stamina. As if adapting to the desires of your likely partners; you can feel the increased desire to be with them, to please them, to display your skill, and to sate your own increasingly insatiable needs. You realize that you are becoming more like a monster. If you accept this change in yourself you will eventually transform into a monster.

How do I become a monster?
There are a couple different processes and it may vary depending on if you are male or female but the basic process is being infused with demonic energy.
You can be infused with a whole lot of magic energy all at once.
You can slowly change by having regular intercourse with monsters.
Or you could be purposefully turned into a monster.

What happens if I am infused with a lot of demonic energy all at once?
Being covered in the blood of a powerful monster, visiting certain places, or even certain substances can quickly infuse a person with a large amount of demonic energy.
This can cause the transformation into a monster to be almost immediate.
By default women become succubae and men become incubi but if the cause is a specific monster then women become the same type of monster.
However, this method is very dangerous.
Survival is not guaranteed and the intense increase in sexual desire can destroy the mind, turning them into nothing but sex crazed beasts. At the very least, the person will never be the same again.

What happens if I am purposefully turned into a monster?
Some monsters have the ability to turn women into monsters and others can consciously affect the incubization process for men.
For women this can be done on instinct, to make a servant, to have a new comrade, or simply upon request.
For men this is done to make a more fitting partner or to increase sexual stamina.
This is not as extreme as infusing a whole lot of demonic energy at once but if done against their will it will still have an effect on the mind, making them physically and mentally the monster they become.

What happens when I slowly turn into a monster?
Whenever one has sex with a monster they are infused with a portion of their demonic energy. If done often enough the person can change into a monster.
Women will become the same species as their partner.
Men will become an incubus but can take on physical traits, such as tails and ears, of their regular partners.
This process is affected by the person’s will. If they wish to become a monster the process will be quicker. If they refuse to become one they can halt the process.
The process happens in three basic stages:
1. The person becomes overall more attractive. Lose weight, better skin, more attractive body, as well as more lust and sexual stamina.
2. The person gains an unconscious charm spell, compelling even the most reserved to show interest.
3. The person fully becomes a monster. This will happen basically overnight once they reach a certain threshold, but there may be some early signs that it will happen.

What happens when a woman becomes a monster?
The woman becomes a monster completely.
If she was impregnated by a futa, there is a chance she will turn into a monster.
If she was impregnated by an incubus, she will give birth to a human child before becoming a monster.
She will have all the strengths and weaknesses of the species she becomes.
Many monsters of the same species may consider her a lower class member until she can prove herself.
She will have increased sexual desire.
She will no longer be able to produce spirit energy.
She will be able to use magic.

What happens when a man becomes a monster?
The man becomes an incubus.
He will share some aspects of his partners but will generally be like a male succubus.
He will be able to use magic.
A man can also turn into an Alp and fully become a monster.

What is an incubus?
An incubus is considered a male monster but is technically still human.
They are created when a human male is infused with demonic energy.
They can use demonic energy.
They have the long lifespan of a monster.
They are a spirit energy factory.
They have incredible sexual desire and stamina.
All monsters are naturally drawn to them.
Some monsters will only see Incubi as men worthy to be their husbands.

What is an Alp?
An Alp is a monster that is created when an Incubus becomes female.
This happens when the incubus desires to become female, rather consciously or subconsciously.
If an Incubus uses too much demonic energy, the desire to replenish it can result in him becoming an Alp.
They cannot produce spirit energy.

What happens when an incubus becomes an Alp?
They lose the ability to produce spirit energy.
They lose all male specific physical traits.
They will immediately gain female genitals.
They are mentally unchanged but inevitably will grow to desire spiritual energy.
If they are overcome by their desire for spiritual energy they will become the ideal woman envisioned by their former male selves and become just as sexually driven as a succubus.

Can a former human become a futanari?
Durring the transformation process it is possible for a female, woman or alp, to become a futanari.
They can perform all the functions of a male and a female but cannot produce spirit energy.

MSGC: Please discuss any monster transformation with a club officer.
chimechuSep 24, 2015 6:50 PM
May 27, 2014 2:43 PM

Jun 2009
= Magic: =

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You will inevitably discover things about the island and its inhabitants that are seemingly impossible. Animal-human hybrids, living slime, enchanted items, and of course girls able to fire fireballs from their hands. This is because magic is abundant in the monster girl world. Monster girls and some substances are able to contain magic within them and use it with some skill.

What is magic?
Magic is simply the term given to anything that does not conform to the natural laws of the human world.
Magic has its own source of energy along with its own natural laws, limitations, and costs.

What powers magic?
All magic is fueled by “Demonic Energy.”
There is no other source of magic.
Despite the name, demonic energy is not specific to demons. It is as natural in the monster girl world as the air they breathe.

Where does demonic energy come from?
Demonic energy forms naturally in the monster girl world and exists everywhere.
However, there are places where the concentrations of demonic energy are greater than others. In these places all effects of magic are amplified, both good and bad.
Also, most monster girls are able to convert human “spirit energy” into demonic energy.

What is spirit energy?
Put simply, spirit energy is human life force.
Humans naturally produce this energy and store it within their bodies.
Monster girls are able to extract this energy by draining blood or, in the case for men, semen which contain high concentrations of spirit energy.
Some monsters, particularly undead and demonic types, are able to survive on nothing but spirit energy.

What types of magic are there?
While magic can do almost anything, it can be broken into several categories:

What is Elemental magic?
Elemental magic is the ability to create/manipulate non-living things.
The most common elements are Earth, Water, Fire, and Air but other conceivable elements, such as light or dark, or element off shots, such as ice or lightning, could be used.
Elemental magic could also be used to influence concepts corresponding to specific elements, such as wind magic making someone faster or light magic improving someone’s mood.
Elemental magic can be used to conjure or summon the given element but it will typically disappear after a few seconds.
Elemental magic is the go-to offensive magic.

What is Life/Nature magic?
Life/Nature magic is the ability to affect living things.
Healing spells, talking to animals, and controlling plants are all examples of life/nature magic.
Life magic can also be used to control animals but gets more difficult the more intelligent the creature.
Life/Nature magic is the best healing magic.

What is Necromancy?
Necromancy is the power to control corpses and the spirits of the dead.
Anything that was once alive can fall prey to necromancy.
Raising zombies, combining corpses into constructs, communing with the dead, and binding souls to items all fall under necromancy. The most powerful necromancers can even bind their soul to their own corpse.
Necromancy can also drain life from the living.
However, necromancy can have some weaknesses. Messing with the dead is frowned upon by many often leading to distrust or abuse to its users. The dead can sometimes gain a will of their own and they may not always like their masters. Necromancy is typically weak to purifying spells easily learned from light, water, or nature magic.

What is Mind magic?
Mind magic is the ability to influence the mind and senses.
This includes the ability to cast illusions, become invisible, cause heightened sensitivity, link sensations, and see or enter dreams.
Enough skill can cause the target to feel things that are not really there.
Works best against weak or unsuspecting minds.
Has no direct offensive capability.

What is Curse magic?
Curse magic is the ability to change the physical characteristic or effect of something.
This includes transformations, petrification, shrinking, hexes, and conditioning the use of items.
Curse magic often requires the use of a condition, either to break the curse or to have the curse take effect.
Curses can have extremely powerful effects with low levels of skill but can be just as dangerous for the user as the target.
Only one curse can be placed on something at a time but stronger ones can overwrite weaker ones.
Once the curse is broken the target reverts to their original form.

What is Rune magic?
Rune magic is written magic.
Using ancient languages and magic materials, objects will be able to absorb magic from the surroundings to maintain an effect.
This includes the construction of golems and enchanted items.
The runes are very precise and any damage can alter or negate their effects.

What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is the permanent alteration of a physical substance through the use of magic and other physical substances.
This includes the production of magic potions and the transmutation of one substance into another.
Alchemy requires the use of very specific materials but any change is permanent, only reversible by another Alchemic process.
Alchemy can be used with both organic and inorganic mater.

What is magic used for?
Magic is used for just about anything.
From combat to communication to increased ease and comfort, magic can do almost anything.
In particular, every single type of magic has ways to increase sexual pleasure that the inhabitants have ‘discovered’ over the years.

How common is magic?
Many monsters have magical abilities that they naturally develop and some species definitively have strong magical ability.
However, magical items of any note are still restricted mainly to the rich or powerful and would not be commonly found.
But simple conveniences, such as magically heated or running water, can be found in most towns particularly the nice inns.
The cost of using demonic energy also prevents open wide spread use of magic.

Which monster girls can use magic?
Any girl stated to have magic in the MGE will have it.
Any girl that has a magical effect but no stated magic skill could potentially learn magic related to the effect but be limited in their power.
Anything else will require lots of training just to learn the simplest magic.

Can humans learn magic?
Human do not possess demonic energy or the means to channel it so they are unable to learn any magic.
They can, however, have monster girls as a proxy for using magic but this is entirely dependent on the MGs skill and not the humans.
Humans can also use items with passive magical effects, meaning the item works the same way regardless of how it is used or who is using it.

What is the cost of using magic?
Demonic energy can be used for many things but not without its own effect on the user.
The effect is the desire for more demonic energy.
Any spell cast will deplete the user’s reserve of demonic energy and they will be hit with the desire to replenish all that has been lost and then some.
Demonic energy is abundant in the atmosphere and will replenish the reserve over time but not nearly fast enough to satisfy the user.

This leaves two methods to replenish the energy quickly: draining the energy from another monster girl or draining spirit energy from a human and the preferred method is through sex.
Because of the ease of release and sub-sequential absorption, men are the most attractive means to replenish the demonic energy but few will have any complaints about a female partner if the need arises. Monster on monster action might seem the most passionate but ultimately they can only pass the demonic energy back and forth while they are both naturally replenished.
The desire the use of demonic energy creates is so strong many are reluctant to cast even the simplest spells without a plan to replenish the energy later.
But it is not just the spell casters or even just the monster girls that have to worry about the effects of demonic energy.

The demonic energy natural in the air slowly seeps into all the residents of the island slowly but surely increasing sexual desire. The effect is minor for humans in most parts of the island but the effect can be maddening to the monster girls that live for centuries under its influence.
Also, humans who have sex with monster girls are filled with some of their demonic energy increasing their sexual desire and stamina. Humans that consistently have sex with monsters will become one themselves.

Can humans turned monster use magic?
They can but they have to start from the ground up and they also suffer the same effects of its use.
Females will have the magical ability and sub-sequential desire typical of the monster they turn into.
Males will become incubi and will have greatly increased sexual stamina and desire. They will also be able to use demonic energy and retain their ability to produce spirit energy. However, unless they are very flexible they will be unable to use their own spirit energy to replenish their demonic energy.
However, careless spell casting will cause a desire to seek out spirit energy regardless of previous sex or sexual orientation.
Incubi who let this desire get the better of them will turn into Alps so they may easier extract the spirit energy.

MSGC: Please discuss any complex use of magic with a club officer before including them in a story.
dcw2021Jun 9, 2015 5:51 PM
May 27, 2014 2:44 PM

Jun 2009
= Lords =

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The Lords:
As you travel the island you may notice that much of the island seems uninhabited, with the exception of the occasional wild monster. You might think you are free of the rules, the regulations, and the taxes of the human world. But make no mistake. The land is governed by somebody, most notably the lords. The lords have the final say in all things in their territory and they have the power to back it up. Their presence may not always be felt but every monster girl knows who they are.

What are the lords?
The lords are the most powerful monster girls on the island.
Most of the island falls under their rule.
They can take on an army by themselves.

Who are the lords?
There are six lords, each in charge of a different area.
Amarante controls the south.
Ahmose controls the west.
Kioko controls the north.
Kaori controls the east.
Elizabeth controls the north east.
Michiko controls the sea.
MSGC: Any interaction with a lord or her servants must have the officers in charge of the lords role play as the lords, or a substitute officer if the assigned one cannot be reached.
MSGS: Any interaction with the lords or their servants must be approved by an officer.

Who is Amarante?
(More coming soon)

Who is Ahmose?
Detailed description here.

Who is Kioko?
(coming soon)

Who is Kaori? (MIA)
Learn more here.

Who is Elizabeth?
(coming soon)

Who is Michiko?
Read more here.

Are there rulers besides the lords?
While the lords ultimately have the final say, not all of them are able or willing to manage everything that goes on inside their territory. As a result many local lords are able to come to power.
These local lords would obviously have to have some power themselves but they are nowhere near that of a territory lord.
Depending on the lord there may be some politics involved to hold onto their position.
In addition to local lords in the main territories there might be some secret societies that have taken their own territory underground.
The mountain of Terimir is neutral territory and is ruled by a dwarven counsel.

What will cause the lords to act?
The lords each have different things they will allow inside their territory.
For minor offenses they might post a bounty or delegate someone to deal with it.
For more serious crimes they will dispatch one of their personal servants or a general.
Finally, anything that threatens the balance of power will be met with swift and absolute annihilation.
The lords are able to wipe an entire town of the map if they find it necessary.
dcw2021Sep 22, 2015 6:57 PM
May 27, 2014 2:44 PM

Jun 2009
= The island and its regions =

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The Island:
This island full of monster girls. It has lots of danger, lots of beauty, and a lot of places to go. But just where is it? You may look to the stars and be unable to find familiar constellations, to the moon and be unable to find a familiar face, you may travel the island and find it to be far too big to be over looked. You may learn a lot about the island but one thing is certain; there is no going home.

[Insert picture.]

Where is the island?
The MSG is set in another dimension.
There is no way to return to the human world and similarly there is no way for the monster girls to affect the human world.

How big is the island?
The island is about the size of Alaska.
That makes it about 900 miles across.
It contains everything from deserts to forests to mountains.

What is the population on the island?
The island holds ~3 million MGs and ~100 thousand humans, most male.
Many live in cities, towns, and villages across the island so there will be some areas with very sparse population.
The number of monster girls in the sea is unknown.

Are there normal plants and animals?
However, many of the plants and animals are only found on the island and would be unknown to us.

What are the regions of the island?
The regions of the islands are named after the lords who control them.
Amarante controls the south.
Charisse controls the west.
Kioko controls the north.
Kaori controls the east.
Elizabeth controls the north east.
Michiko controls the sea.
The giant mountain of Terimir in the center is neutral territory.

What is [Lords name]’s territory like?
[Description by officer in charge.]

The Demon's Gate area
The general opinion is that the demon gate is surrounded by a vast area of death. The pure energies emanating from the portal effectively kill all forms of life around it or drives animals, monster girls and humans insane. The demon portal can not be used by any writer; it is to be brought into play at GM discretion only.
chimechuNov 21, 2014 9:25 AM
May 27, 2014 2:45 PM

Jun 2009
= TBA =

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chimechuNov 21, 2014 8:46 AM
Jul 11, 2014 6:05 AM

Jul 2013
= The World Map =

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Old Maps
Original map of the Island
Tiled Map of the Island[/size]
chimechuOct 16, 2015 1:41 PM
Oct 9, 2014 3:55 AM

Jul 2013
= Upcoming Updates =

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- Themes for the different regions of the lords

- Subspecies for generic monstergirls such as the harpy.

- Honorary Monster Girls

- Extensive island lore
chimechuDec 22, 2014 4:18 PM
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