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May 21, 2014 6:08 PM

Feb 2013
The Deathwatch

This is the most mysterious of the factions. They are referred to by most as Shadows or Reapers, from the way the dress and their attitude towards all. They are very secretive, and will kill any who get in their way or trespass in their territory. Only those who are chosen by a member can enter, and all who enter are bound by a strict code of laws that must be followed. If a member of the Deathwatch were to break even one of these rules, the greatest mercy for the crime would be exile, though this is rare, and it is not uncommon for the punishment to be death. The Deathwatch usually specialize in covert operations and assassination and while most aren't too bad in head to head fights, they typically frown upon non silent weapons. The original hierarchy of the Deathwatch is as follows: They are lead by the Rank 0, he/she then gives orders to the officers, ranks 1-10, and they then give orders to the mere agents.

After the Era of War, the Deathwatch became a refuge for members of the Legion and NEOH. As a surprise for the faction, the survivors of these clans were accepted into the Deathwatch as Servants and help the Deathwatch in any way they can. Servants are usually paid with food and water and others work to repay debts. Some Servants can become bounty hunters or even work as temporary agents for the Deathwatch, during times of necessity.

Name: (Character's Full Name)
Alias: (If they have a alias, what is it?)
Age: (How old is your character?)
Gender: (Male or Female.)

Preferred Weapon: (What weapons does your character use?)
Abilities: (What special skills does your character have? NOTE: No mage/superhuman abilities. This isn't a fantasy roleplay.)
Personality: (How does your character act normally and in certain situations?)
History: (When was your character born? Where were they born? How did they grow up and arrive to where they are now? If your character came from Recolonization, please tell us what happened to him in the last 30 years.)
Appearance: (Picture, in spoiler, or Description.)
YzmaelSep 15, 2014 7:25 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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May 21, 2014 6:12 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Gergern Coldhart
Alias: Dark Blade
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: 4
Preferred Weapon: A dark sword that Star gave him.
Abilities: Master of the sword= he is master of one hand swords and most two handed swords. sword of dark poison: the sword that star gave him. it catans every poison ever made. it is unbreakable and one of the sarapes swords ever made. it never dulls and a small blade at the boutome can cure any poison. Shadow mask. a mask that make it so poison gass can do nothing to him as well as give him every type of vesoin there is. Cloke of darkness a cloke that is as black as the night and can hide him almost compltly when he pull it around him in darkness. it have even hiden him from the ondead a few times.

Personality: he likes hiding and waching pepole he only talk to the two co-leaders and to no one ealse ever not even the boss. History: Star found and secretly rasid him when he was a baby. she wonted a appearance other then Nova. When Star disaperd he joind them and went up in the ranks fast do to his skills.(he like Yuuma alot but think she is in love with her brother and belive they may have somthing going on so he is not saying any thing to her yet)
..... :'(
Sep 15, 2014 7:23 PM

Feb 2013
Name: Yuume Masamotto( Though she prefers to use her other family name: Takeshi )
Alias: Red Flower
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Rank: Rank 1(Shared with Yoshio)

Preferred Weapon: The Purple Scythe: A huge, nearly two times Yuume's size that holds off Blood Dreamer's Psychic powers. After Akira and Blood Dreamer parted ways, Akira gave it to Yuume, asking for her to master it in any way she can. The Scythe has multiple powers, such as creating vacuum holes and is sharp enough to cut through any kind of iron, even Tranite. It is, strangely, made out of Aegis.


Personality: Yuume has clearly been more attracted to her father rather than to her mother. She's, most of the times, wearing a scowl on her face and constantly showing a cold, anti-social attitude. This attitude, however, is nearly erased whenever she is near her brother. She has extreme brother complex and never leaves her brother's side. She has also shown that she cares a lot for everyone around her multiple times, though not as much as she cares for her brother. Whenever close to her brother, she becomes an exact copy of Akira. Constantly trying to tease him and switching personalities in an quick succession. Masaru and Akira say that Yuume only shows her real side to her brother and this is the very truth.

Yuume is so obsessed with her brother, that the simple presence of a girl, other than her, around him starts to make Yuume not only agitated but much more violent. While with her brother, Yuume shows complete passion and care, with others, she barely shows any kind of attention.

Yuume's father, Masaru, is her favorite person, other than her brother, and she usually searches for him whenever she is having problems with training or even other problems. Though she also seeks for him whenever is troubled, either mentally or physically. She sees her father as more than a refuge but also as the only person who she can trust, since she even doubts her brother sometimes.

History: Yuume is one of the two children of Masaru and Akira, being the most intelligent of the two. When younger, Yuume was very similar to her mother, Akira. Very outgoing and friendly, she used to become friends with anyone she met on her usual trips out of the base. Just like her mother, she was very frail and weak to sickness, so she would usually try to escape her room and find warmth in the streets, where she adventured herself many times.

These adventures, however, ended when, one day, Yuume was attacked by mad scavengers that tried to take her with them. Luckily she was saved by her father and was able to come out of such situation completely unharmed... At least physically. In her mind, Yuume started to block out all thoughts of friendship and, slowly, she became more and more attached to her family, mainly her brother. Seeing how she was constantly considered useless, she made the decision that she would train and become way stronger than anyone else, including her father and her brother.

Her wish was granted when, subtly, Yuume became much stronger, faster and agile than she was before. After the time she passed training her father, Yuume developed a precise and agile fighting style that was very similar to her father's in a mixture to her mother's defensive combat.

Now, she is far stronger than her father but is still not able to defeat him. She has, however, defeated her brother multiple times.

YzmaelNov 23, 2014 10:38 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 16, 2014 5:24 AM

Apr 2011

Name: Giro

Alias: The Beast of the Black Sands

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Rank:Rank III

Preferred Weapon: None. Giro fights with his bare hands.


Extreme Strength: Giro has immense amounts of physical strength, allowing him to lift and destroy heavy objects with relative ease.

Enforced Build: Due to years of immense training, Giro's body is extremely solid and very resilient. This benefits him and allows for extremely reckless behavior that would kill or greatly injure a normal human.

Pain Rush: While Giro still feels pain, he has learned to accept it and use it as a force to push him to new heights. The adrenal rush that comes with his crazed actions pushes him to almost superhuman limits. While this does not make him invulnerable, it definitely makes him a pain in the ass to defeat.

Timeless Endurance: As the "tank" and "enforcer" of the Deathwatch, Giro's high level of endurance allows him to JUST KEEP GOING. Once he's begun, it's easier to stop a stampede of elephants than it is to stop The Beast of the Black Sands.

Personality: Giro doesn't talk a lot. In fact, many people that meet him often wonder if there is any sort of activity going on in that brain of his. That is, of course, when they're not being pummeled into the ground by his massive fists. Despite this, Giro is quite intelligent and is able to figure things out fairly quickly. His deduction and reasoning skills make up for his lack of personality and book smarts.

Giro doesnt really enjoy anything except battle. Since he considers it the only thing he is remotely good at, he makes sure to always be at the top of his game.

When it comes to feelings, Giro only cares about Masaru, Akira, and their two kids; Yuume and Yoshio. While he doesn't hang around the kids much, he is always looking out for them, and would be the first one to intervene should they ever get in serious trouble.

History: Giro was found by Masaru many years ago in a place called the Black Desert, a wilderness wonderland famous for its black sand, which was rumored to have healing properties. When they had first met, Giro had gone berserk and had attacked the man whom he would later call friend. However, Giro was never able to land a hit. Despite his futile efforts, the only thing Giro succeeded in was destroying the entire oasis. His fruitless rampage to pulverize Masaru lasted six days through the desert, and on the seventh day, Giro finally exhausted himself. Impressed with his determination as well as his destructive force, Masaru brought Giro back with him to the Deathwatch Headquarters.

At first, Giro stuck out like a sore thumb. Not a single member of the Deathwatch liked him nor approved of his methods. In their eyes, his ways were far too loud and brash for their tastes. Many could not understand why Masaru had brought such a brute back from the Black Deserts, and for many years Giro was an outcast, despite Masaru's best efforts to integrate him into the Deathwatch family.

As time went by, Giro slowly began to fit in. He was never fully accepted or understood, but the Deathwatch members realized he wasn't going anywhere, and that it was probably best to have him on their side. Although he was in no way a silent assassin,the Deathwatch soon found that his rampages could be quite useful as both distractions and getting through large amounts of enemies. His brute force aided him and he quickly climbed the Deathwatch Ranks until he came to where he is now; The Rank III.

My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 24, 2014 12:00 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Yoshio Takeshi
Alias: Dragon of the Deathwatch
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Co-Rank 1
Preferred Weapon: A body sized cleaver-shaped blade he acquired from Rin Chi. After her nodachi broke, she acquired the blade from a Warband Warboss. He was given it shortly before her death.


Personality: Yoshio retains a decent bit of his father's stoic features. The cold, aloof attitude, all the way to the notorious scowl. Though he does possess more of his father's personality from when he was a kid. He can be decently cocky to those he does not respect as well as lose control of his anger decently easy. He doesn't get as easily flustered as his father use to and is even capable of talking about more embarrassing things with a straight face and blunt attitude, as well tending to tease and taunt the people he's close to. He especially likes to tease his little sister. Though he may seem stoic and aloof, like his father he holds a soft spot for his family and is willing to do anything in order to protect them.
History: Yoshio is one of the two children of Masaru and Akira. Yoshio was almost the spitting image of Masaru when he was a child. Hot-headed, cocky, and possessing a love to fight. It was probably due to that personality that he would quite constantly hang around Rin Chi, almost as much as his own sister. Though he didn't quite have a bloodlust like she did, they both shared the love of a good fight. Truthfully, she was like another aunt to him, an idol even. When she was killed for an unknown reason, his emotions somewhat locked in the way that Masaru's did, though not to an equal extent. He became more stoic and mature, yes, however his cocky, battle-lusting, and teasing side didn't go away. Yoshio knows that his father how Rin Chi died however always plays dumb when asked. He suspects the ASC had something to do with it since Rin Chi possessed a peculiar cautiousness towards them.

Name: Masaru Takeshi
Alias: Shinigami
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Rank: Rank 0
Preferred Weapon: 4 ft ebony katana inherited by his mother

Aegis Katana forged for him by Akira

Dual silenced pistols.


Personality: Even much older, Masaru still retains his stoic face, though he doesn't appear to get annoyed or angry at anything anymore, or at least is much better at hiding it than he was when he was younger. He isn't very rash, normally thinking things through very thoroughly before actually taking an action. Though he does tend to show some emotion towards his family and people close to him. He no longer possesses the defense mechanism he did when he was younger that made him suspicious and distrusting of each and everyone, not to say that he trusts people implicitly, but simply grants people the amount of trust that they deserve.

History: Though Masaru's family is dead now, they didn't die the way most people' families would have. Before he turned 10 he was normal, had friends, played, even fought a lot of times due to slight anger issues. After he turned 10 is when he lost some of his family. His older brother went insane and killed his father, would have killed his little sister too if he didn't kill him first. Luckily his mother was far from home at the time. After that he became desensitized and emotionless. The only time he would smile was around his little sister to keep her from worrying about him. He tried that around his mother too, but after realizing she could see right through him he stopped. Once the outbreak started, he was determined to keep his little sister safe. He, his mother, and little sister managed to survive. He had a best friend but lost contact with him shortly after the outbreak started. After they escaped the city and moved to another, they found more survivors, and after seeing that they could take care of themselves easily, joined with them. Eventually his mother founded a 'fort' of sorts, causing more and more people to join. Soon after though, other 'forts' started to rise, most of them hostile. So they switched from extremely friendly, to a more hostile-neutral approach, becoming the Deathwatch. The reason Masaru hates the Chosen Sons the most of all the factions, is because they captured his mother and tied her to a post before burning her to death. This caused Masaru to become even colder towards people, and to step up as the new Rank 0.

Twenty years later and Masaru still holds the title of Rank 0 and Shinigami. Even when most factions were destroyed, the Deathwatch held out which eventually lead to it flourishing. Entry to the Deathwatch was sought as it represented a sort of safe haven, it being almost the only faction to survive the ASC. Though, even if the Era of Darkness is over, it's easy to tell that people are still tense and cautious of what the ASC will do next.

Appearance: Black hair and eyes.

Name: Saki Takeshi
Alias: N/A
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Rank: Agent, Medical Specialist
Preferred Weapon: Tanto and a silenced pistol, though she despises using violence.

Personality: Saki is one of the most genuinely caring people you could ever meet. She is very friendly, outgoing, caring, and motherly. She is one of the people that all you need do is ask and she will go out of her way to help you. Saki is easiest described as the opposite of the stereotypical Deathwatch. If her brother, Masaru, inherited their mother's strategic mind and physical capabilities, Saki inherited her personality and way of thinking. Though she does possess some strategic capabilities and participates in meetings and discussions of higher ups every now and then.
History: Saki is the younger sister of Masaru. When she was in her teenage years, she was more or less sheltered. She never left the base and never really made contact with the officers or agents who had experienced much of the outside world. When refugees began to seek entry to the Deathwatch, she was allowed to become more involved with what was going on. She actually began helping with treating injured at that time. Eventually, she formally became an agent of the Deathwatch, though she works as a doctor rather than a field agent, she is one of the best medical experts there.
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