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Mar 29, 2014 11:59 PM

May 2012
This episode is just so good (aside from artwork quality issues, especially with singing Hime).

My favourite parts? Cure Rhythm, the part where they revised the OP to include starry skies when introducing Queen Mirage and Blue, Cure Honey and her food song (I heard tamago, egg!) and the team singing at the end, is just so heart warming to watch.
Mar 30, 2014 10:19 PM
Jun 2011
great episode cure honey song was very good and cute it seems it will take some time before she will join
Mar 31, 2014 12:19 AM
Sep 2007
Now I'm almost 100 % sure Hosshiwa is 5th Precure.
Mar 31, 2014 12:23 AM

Apr 2012
elior1 said:
great episode cure honey song was very good and cute it seems it will take some time before she will join

To hell with "taking her time", Cure Honey needs to join next episode! At least, that's what the next episode's preview tells me. Yeah,her song and overall introduction was awesome, and I greatly enjoyed the karate dojo's theme too!
Mar 31, 2014 12:37 AM

Oct 2011
So we are following character path from HeartCatch - two leads that might be good but in the end become slightly irritating (it might have more to do with Megumi being Mana mk2 thou), constantly constipated violet Precure (Iona isn't as bad as Moonlight but close to it) and awesome yellow one.

That was one weird introduction must say. Still song was good, reaction of everybody was adorable. Somehow I would like for it to stay like this - Yuuko being her usuall great self and Honey just appearing, doing something like this and dissapearing but it seems she will be fighting next episode. At least we might have more of Yuuko which is good along with Seiji.

Also it seems next episode goes back to idea of international Precure team, even if for a moment good they don't forget about it.
Mar 31, 2014 12:37 AM
Jun 2011
aNinjaWithAIDS said:
elior1 said:
great episode cure honey song was very good and cute it seems it will take some time before she will join

To hell with "taking her time", Cure Honey needs to join next episode! At least, that's what the next episode's preview tells me. Yeah,her song and overall introduction was awesome, and I greatly enjoyed the karate dojo's theme too!
i was just seen the episode titles without summery so i think she will join in episode 12 at least and it not a spoiler it just my guess
Mar 31, 2014 12:47 AM

Nov 2008
aNinjaWithAIDS said:
To hell with "taking her time", Cure Honey needs to join next episode! At least, that's what the next episode's preview tells me. Yeah,her song and overall introduction was awesome, and I greatly enjoyed the karate dojo's theme too!

Apparently she won't join next episode, but the one after. Hey, close enough.

Anyway, this episode was really awesome. First we got Cure Rhythm, finally Suite got a girl! Now we just need DokiDoki, preferably Diamond.

The plot was nice as well, I liked seeing Megumi and Hime training together and being both silly, sure Hime got a few more moments like the "I want a blue one!" but it's nice to see Megumi isn't always the voice of reason. Kazumi, the friend with a old woman's hairdo, is totally a callback to HC and its eps about classmates and the like so hopefully we'll see a few more eps like this. I also liked how Iona cheered her up at the end, shows she has a nice side despite her "You'll be the death of us all, Princess, THE DEATH OF US ALL" behavior. Oresky is still awesome. By the way, I don't think I said this before but the eyecatch in this show is quite cute!

The fight was neat as well, another show of Sherbet Ballet to balance Cherry Flamenco last week, the training was useful, Lovely did a butt punch, the eye beam was funny but poor her, and of course CURE HONEY! Her singing was cool and puts a nice spin in the token "Yellow Cure is the support Cure" thing, hopefully she has real attacks when she joins tho. If I had to complain about something it'd be the transformation is still long, but oh well. Also I find funny they can't guess who Honey is, surely she can't be the blonde who loves eating and is always offering honey candy, it's not like this series has the Cure picking her name or anything.

The preview was cool as well, with Hosshiiwa the idol since she's into costume changes too it seems, Honey doing things and a guest appearance by the Wonderful Net Cures, awesome! Damn, this is too positive for me, must whine about something. Like, err, Cure Honey singing is cool and all, but kinda sad they couldn't think of that for DokiDoki and its IDOL Cure, way to go champs! Eh, kinda bland, but it'll do. Oh well, I almost prefer not having reasons to complain!

Dalek-baka said:
So we are following character path from HeartCatch - two leads that might be good but in the end become slightly irritating (it might have more to do with Megumi being Mana mk2 thou), constantly constipated violet Precure (Iona isn't as bad as Moonlight but close to it) and awesome yellow one.

What are you talking about? Megumi was the anti-Mana this episode and Iona showed her nice side for a change.
Mar 31, 2014 1:03 AM

Oct 2011
ZettaiRyouiki said:
Dalek-baka said:
So we are following character path from HeartCatch - two leads that might be good but in the end become slightly irritating (it might have more to do with Megumi being Mana mk2 thou), constantly constipated violet Precure (Iona isn't as bad as Moonlight but close to it) and awesome yellow one.

What are you talking about? Megumi was the anti-Mana this episode and Iona showed her nice side for a change.
That is why I've wrote she isn't as bad as Moonlight but apart from this situation she is very similar.

as for Megumi she is still Mana mk2 - they did smart thing with showing that she isn't that strong or perfect but hey, Mana had moments like this too with Ace. There is also Seiji pointing to her, that she can be rather pushy which DDP didn't have and that is fine. I will be more than happy to have main character that isn't perfect but for now, this series doesn't give this.
Mar 31, 2014 1:04 AM

Apr 2012
elior1 said:
i was just seen the episode titles without summery so i think she will join in episode 12 at least and it not a spoiler it just my guess

In my honest opinion, Cure Honey is already 2 episodes late at the least. I believed that she would join after episode 6 or 7. Even better, she should have introduced herself in episode 8 to subdue the two Terribads instead of having Cure Fortune kill steal. I think she would join next week when Blue gives away her identity to the protagonists; but in all honesty, I don't see Cure Honey as a lone operator at all (like Fortune is) but rather always supporting from somewhere else close by.
Mar 31, 2014 1:15 AM

Nov 2008
Dalek-baka said:
as for Megumi she is still Mana mk2 - they did smart thing with showing that she isn't that strong or perfect but hey, Mana had moments like this too with Ace. There is also Seiji pointing to her, that she can be rather pushy which DDP didn't have and that is fine. I will be more than happy to have main character that isn't perfect but for now, this series doesn't give this.

Ace was introduced halfway to instruct the other girls, Megumi is getting called out from the beginning. Also the only time Megumi came as remotely favored was when she was randomly allowed to surpass Hime on kills, unlike Mana who kept winning every single time because they conveniently forgot Rikka's attack could kill as shown in her debut and Rosetta lacked attacks. Mana also was already doing her stuff while everyone else sorta followed her, while here Megumi just does what Bluesugi tells her just like Hime.

Who knows, maybe later on Megumi will be a terrible Pink Cure like MH Nagisa and the latest 3. But for now she is not.
Mar 31, 2014 1:27 AM
Jun 2011
it seems the cure that will do the messege next episode will be from heartcatch again and the cure that will do it is my feivorite
Mar 31, 2014 1:36 AM

Nov 2008
elior1 said:
it seems the cure that will do the messege next episode will be from heartcatch again and the cure that will do it is my feivorite

Checking around it seems Tsubomi is the one. Seems they want next week to be Meganekko Week.
Mar 31, 2014 1:42 AM

Apr 2012
Dalek-baka said:
ZettaiRyouiki said:
Dalek-baka said:
So we are following character path from HeartCatch - two leads that might be good but in the end become slightly irritating (it might have more to do with Megumi being Mana mk2 thou), constantly constipated violet Precure (Iona isn't as bad as Moonlight but close to it) and awesome yellow one.

What are you talking about? Megumi was the anti-Mana this episode and Iona showed her nice side for a change.
That is why I've wrote she isn't as bad as Moonlight but apart from this situation she is very similar.

as for Megumi she is still Mana mk2 - they did smart thing with showing that she isn't that strong or perfect but hey, Mana had moments like this too with Ace. There is also Seiji pointing to her, that she can be rather pushy which DDP didn't have and that is fine. I will be more than happy to have main character that isn't perfect but for now, this series doesn't give this.
ZettaiRyouiki said:
Dalek-baka said:
as for Megumi she is still Mana mk2 - they did smart thing with showing that she isn't that strong or perfect but hey, Mana had moments like this too with Ace. There is also Seiji pointing to her, that she can be rather pushy which DDP didn't have and that is fine. I will be more than happy to have main character that isn't perfect but for now, this series doesn't give this.

Ace was introduced halfway to instruct the other girls, Megumi is getting called out from the beginning. Also the only time Megumi came as remotely favored was when she was randomly allowed to surpass Hime on kills, unlike Mana who kept winning every single time because they conveniently forgot Rikka's attack could kill as shown in her debut and Rosetta lacked attacks. Mana also was already doing her stuff while everyone else sorta followed her, while here Megumi just does what Bluesugi tells her just like Hime.

Who knows, maybe later on Megumi will be a terrible Pink Cure like MH Nagisa and the latest 3. But for now she is not.

I also find Megumi to be very tollerable at her worst so far and she's everything Mana should have been at her best. Ace to me became a huge hypocrite for guiding the other 4 and then leaving 3 on them behind for the final battle (dafuq!?). I also don't see Megumi suddenly becoming Mana Sue number 2. The former has the potential to know her place and as far as getting ahead in kills I have two issues with that:

1. The kill she got in Episode 6: Princess willingly let Lovely have it after the former had already knocked it down.

2. The margin for Lovely and Princess' kills is not egregiously lopsided the way DDP's was, at least not yet and hopefully never. A two-kill difference is not exactly something to be so worried about, but thank you for keeping score.

Like I said before, I don't find Miyuki/Cure Happy to be that bad of a leader. She personally cares about her team and others around her; but she also helps them in a sensitive, non-intrusive, and realistic (if goofy) way. Yeah, you can say that she butted into Yayoi's life; but Miyuki saw a girl in her shell (much like herself when Miyuki was a little kid, mind you) and gradually repeated history.
Mar 31, 2014 2:37 AM

Nov 2008
aNinjaWithAIDS said:
I also don't see Megumi suddenly becoming Mana Sue number 2. The former has the potential to know her place and as far as getting ahead in kills I have two issues with that:

1. The kill she got in Episode 6: Princess willingly let Lovely have it after the former had already knocked it down.

2. The margin for Lovely and Princess' kills is not egregiously lopsided the way DDP's was, at least not yet and hopefully never. A two-kill difference is not exactly something to be so worried about, but thank you for keeping score.

Actually, Megumi is only one win ahead. It just annoys me because Hime was ahead and then she randomly went "Hey, Lovely, YOU kill the Terribad because" twice in a row and right before they got their combination attack, which for me came a bit like Toei ensuring their precious Pink Cure was always first. Not very important, sure, but really dumb.

aNinjaWithAIDS said:
Like I said before, I don't find Miyuki/Cure Happy to be that bad of a leader. She personally cares about her team and others around her; but she also helps them in a sensitive, non-intrusive, and realistic (if goofy) way. Yeah, you can say that she butted into Yayoi's life; but Miyuki saw a girl in her shell (much like herself when Miyuki was a little kid, mind you) and gradually repeated history.

Miyuki as a character doesn't really bother me, she's fine. I only complain about her because she clearly goy the lion's freaking share of the screentime, twice in a row we got "sets" of episodes about the five Cures that were followed by a bonus Miyuki episode, she was the only one who to kill an Akanbe with her new attack, randomly was the one to heal the Bad End Trio and Pierrot, and even Fusion in New Stage 1; plus the Smile movie was about a book having a petty issue with her, had a scene with the other Cures saying how amazing Miyuki was AND had Miyuki alone get the power-up literally for no reason when at least the other movies at least pretend there is a reason. Sure, she's not a grating ball of perfection like Mana, but that doesn't mean we can shoehorn her in at every opportunity!
Mar 31, 2014 2:50 AM
Sep 2007
What does MH Nagisa mean?

Max Heart Nagisa?

Anyway, having watched (by the time of airing) since 6 - 7 months ago pretty much everything Precure that is subbed, or like few specials that were easy to understand without speaking japanese, I must say that "leader Pink Precure" thing that Y!P5 introduced really fucked up the idea of equal importance for all Precure, as well as teamwork value.

Sure, both Nagisa and Saki felt a little bit "more main" main characters than the other main characters Honoka, Hikari, and Mai, but they still equally mattered.

Ever since Y!P5 it all seemed to focus on Pink Precure, with some episodes focusing on others.

Pink Precure aren't bad because they are Pink, but because of them all teamwork thing doesn't mean anything anymore, and others are just stepping stones for them.
They steal all shine from others for no reason.

In FP!, why Setsuna didn't became friend of Inori, or Miki first?

In HCP! why was Tsubomi together with Yuri in final battle, while Erika and Itsuki were busy with Kumojaki and Cobraja?
Or why did Mugen Silhouette look so much like Tsubomi when others were part of her too, not to mention she also were voiced by Nana Mizuki.
IMO, while I like Erika the most, Yuri should have been leader from the beginning.

In Suite and Smile was also focus on Pinks.

Why Suite series didn't start with Kanade becoming Precure first, or in Smile, why Nao for example being Green Precure, why isn't she a leader, or Reika.
They certainly seem more leader type.

Or rather, what does make pink color so much important than other colors?

DD!P was unbearably disgusting.

Mana wasn't bad because of her "perfect person" thing, but also, because she made other girls non-important.
Aside from her Regina was garbage to end all garbage, for no reason ignoring all others, while clinging to Mana.
Even fucking Cure Empress looked like Mana.

In movies, focus on Pinks together with guest characters makes me vomit.

So far Megumi is fine, and there seems that all Precure will matter equally in the end, without some of them being supportive stepping stones, but that seems too good to be true.

I'm afraid with time Megumi and Iona will become center of attention, and maybe Hosshiwa, or Queen Mirage, if series pulls again that enemy becoming Precure business.

All in, all, with all that focus on Pinks, it makes me wonder why are Erika (who I find amazing) and Yayoi, not being Pinks, still most favorited Precure on MAL.
Mar 31, 2014 3:53 AM

Nov 2008
Psajdak said:
What does MH Nagisa mean?

Max Heart Nagisa?

Yes. Nagisa in the first season gets more focus but it's not too bad, in Max Heart every other episode was hers and the first movie was hers too, with Honoka getting jack squat. Hence the distinction.

Psajdak said:
Sure, both Nagisa and Saki felt a little bit "more main" main characters than the other main characters Honoka, Hikari, and Mai, but they still equally mattered.

Ever since Y!P5 it all seemed to focus on Pink Precure, with some episodes focusing on others.

Yes wasn't perfect or anything, but it was better balanced than Max Heart. I'll give you the original and especially Splash Star tho.

Psajdak said:
Pink Precure aren't bad because they are Pink, but because of them all teamwork thing doesn't mean anything anymore, and others are just stepping stones for them.
They steal all shine from others for no reason.

Well, yeah. That's the thing, I agree.

Psajdak said:
In FP!, why Setsuna didn't became friend of Inori, or Miki first?

In HCP! why was Tsubomi together with Yuri in final battle, while Erika and Itsuki were busy with Kumojaki and Cobraja?
Or why did Mugen Silhouette look so much like Tsubomi when others were part of her too, not to mention she also were voiced by Nana Mizuki.
IMO, while I like Erika the most, Yuri should have been leader from the beginning.

Miki isn't the kind of person to visit fortunetellers. Inori is too shy I think. Love is the outgoing one to balance Setsuna being so gloom early on.

Because Yuri needed moral support. Another way to look at it is Erika and Itsuki got cool fights while Tsubomi saw Yuri have a cool fight. Infinity Silhouette only looks like Tsubomi because she has pink hair, if you changed her hair's color she'd look more like Erika or Yuri, or even Itsuki when her hair grows in her transformation but hasn't got into twintails yet. Also the point of the plot was Yuri was depressed and didn't want to fight; this argument would work with DokiDoki and Makoto however.

Psajdak said:
In Suite and Smile was also focus on Pinks.

Why Suite series didn't start with Kanade becoming Precure first, or in Smile, why Nao for example being Green Precure, why isn't she a leader, or Reika.
They certainly seem more leader type.

Or rather, what does make pink color so much important than other colors?

Suite had the two become Cure together, right? That's not bad. I'd take more issue with Hibiki getting her Berthier in a Kanade episode and nabbing 3 kills before Kanade got hers. As for Smile, then it wouldn't be a Yes clone anymore and they couldn't reuse their old scripts, think of Toei's lazy writers.

Also pink is supposedly the girly color girls like. Kind of like Red always leads in Super Sentai, tho in some series it doesn't I think.

Psajdak said:
DD!P was unbearably disgusting.

Mana wasn't bad because of her "perfect person" thing, but also, because she made other girls non-important.
Aside from her Regina was garbage to end all garbage, for no reason ignoring all others, while clinging to Mana.
Even fucking Cure Empress looked like Mana.

Don't forget only Empress was named in-series! The other two were nameless until a recent book came out.

Psajdak said:
In movies, focus on Pinks together with guest characters makes me vomit.

Hey, it depends. Smile's movie, sure. HC balanced all Cures well in its movie.

Psajdak said:
All in, all, with all that focus on Pinks, it makes me wonder why are Erika (who I find amazing) and Yayoi, not being Pinks, still most favorited Precure on MAL.

Being favored doesn't mean being most popular. In Pixiv Erika and Itsuki crush Tsubomi in fanart. Honoka and Mai have small leads over Nagisa and Saki. Miyuki is like second to least popular. Sure, Hibiki and Mana are the biggest from their own shows, but can't have them all.
Mar 31, 2014 10:17 AM

May 2012
Wonder if the fears on Megumi are unfounded, but so far she's not annoying for me, and I do not foresee her to be annoying. Rather, the one who's probably going to be annoying would be Hime, who usually causes a lot of problems. (Still, she doesn't annoy me at the moment.) Iona too, until we find out why Hime bothers her.
Mar 31, 2014 10:24 AM

Jul 2011
I really enjoyed this episode. The song Cure Honey sang was just really cute and funny.

Can't wait to see the next episode.
Mar 31, 2014 2:29 PM
Mar 2012
Cure Honey's singing was really good~
Apr 1, 2014 7:28 AM

Aug 2007
Nice episode, finally Honey show up. Here are my questions:

1. Is Honey the partner of Fortune? Or she is fighting by herself just like fortune?
2. Have Honey meet Fortune before?
3. I want to see Fortune and Honey's tranformation, but I want to know if Yuuko and Iona are their alter ego. Yes, the OP is showing Iona and Yuuko and them Fortune and Honey, but I thought: Maybe toei is trolling us. Or maybe not.
Apr 1, 2014 11:16 PM

Jan 2009
1. cure honey singing about food was great

2. unless something unexplainable, tragic or something along those lines happens in this series, keep the comments on here short please. reading long essays are a pain & an eye sore. i just skip over those responses like i do with the precure fight scenes.

Apr 5, 2014 1:40 AM

Oct 2008
Very goofy yet sweet and honest song about loving rice lol, it surprisingly didn't sound idiotic or corny, pretty nice safe there. I can totally imagine myself listening and singing that song when it comes out in the OST. By the way Oresky singing along cracked me up hahahaha god love Takehito.

I also like the different spin they're giving the appearance of Cures, Cure Honey becoming a Cure off screen and Lovely/Princess being none the wiser, that's actually pretty awesome, instead of the main pair being everywhere where important/key moments happen.
May 24, 2014 1:20 AM

Jul 2009
Love this episode!

Cure Rhythm!!!

So no more Precure New Stage 3 scenes :

Lol Yuuko managed to outrun them just by taking her time.

I'm surprise Hikawa didn't approached them or said something to them. She didn't even appear to help the girls.

Oresky is really funny as hell! Koyasu, Takehito voice is sooo soothing! He even tried to praise both Hosshiwa and Namakeruda, but mention they were stepping stones for his success XD

Cure Honey!! Everyone is singing including Oresky!! I really lol'd, but it he really made the song awesome!

I'm surprise Hikawa approached Kazumi, she seem to know her back then.

Rice is delicious as hell!!

Can't wait for more episodes!
May 2, 2018 6:40 AM

Nov 2012
The food song was pretty cute.
Jan 26, 2019 9:41 AM

Jul 2015
Cure Honey's song was so relaxing, her voice is great!

Nice episode where our girls trained a bit to become stronger. While the defensive movements in karate didn't appeal to them as much as the offensive ones, they proved to be very useful in order to defeat the Terribad.
Sep 13, 2020 5:17 PM
Sep 2019
Happiness Charge does this very strange thing where it shows characters changing or developing and then the very next episode is just retreading along those lines in an endless cycle. It’s in other seasons to an extent, but never has it been so egregious more than in Hapcha.

The episode was good, but it’s always so random how Honey shows up. It doesn’t bother me that much but it is just plainly funny.

Seeing how bitchy someone always is on these episode discussions about Heartcatch is a highlight to me as well, coming from the world’s biggest Heartcatch lover.
Jun 24, 2021 1:47 PM
Feb 2018
Loved this episode. That new villain is super entertaining with how narcissistic he is, and he isn't a pushover either. Find it interesting the didn't do the traditional introduction with Honey and just let her enter and do her thing. Liking Seiji a lot too, he's a civilian that doesn't just do a background character role.

Even Oresky joined for the singing. Also... Hime's singing at the end LOL.

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