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Apr 15, 2007 2:19 PM

Jan 2007
Another great episode. Li is just f***ing awesome. I loved how everything played out. This is for sure one of the best this season. Lokking forward to the next episode.
Apr 15, 2007 5:19 PM

Oct 2006
/me nods and agrees completely

he just f****** owns!

i love it <3

He's the chinese batman in korea .. in a japanese anime... what can we ask more? xD

Apr 15, 2007 5:59 PM

Nov 2006
I absolutely love this series.
Hei for the effing win again.
His weapon is massively awesome, I wonder what could top that...
Can't wait for In and co to have more than 5 minutes of screentime~
Apr 15, 2007 10:40 PM

Nov 2004
Li is definitely freakin' awesome, like everyone else has said. I was hoping that the girl would be more important though (or at least not be dead). Oh well. :(
Apr 15, 2007 10:58 PM

Nov 2006
that was awesome, i love how the cat walks by and tells em ya know he isnt dead. his coat is bullet proof. they got so owned! i thought the girl was important too. but looks like she was already dead to begin with.

Apr 15, 2007 11:22 PM
Feb 2005
darkvoltage said:
that was awesome, i love how the cat walks by and tells em ya know he isnt dead. his coat is bullet proof. they got so owned! i thought the girl was important too. but looks like she was already dead to begin with.

he specifically stated that she wasn't already dead, plus she sacrificed herself to save him at one point, didn't she ?

overall very cool, definitely think this one is going to be great.

Apr 15, 2007 11:31 PM

Nov 2006
Koreth said:
darkvoltage said:
that was awesome, i love how the cat walks by and tells em ya know he isnt dead. his coat is bullet proof. they got so owned! i thought the girl was important too. but looks like she was already dead to begin with.

he specifically stated that she wasn't already dead, plus she sacrificed herself to save him at one point, didn't she ?

overall very cool, definitely think this one is going to be great.

thats true she did sacrifice herself. she was doll, i dont fully understand what a doll is.

Apr 16, 2007 1:39 AM

Oct 2006
Definitely awesome. I was impressed by the first episode, but I'm completely sold on the show now - it's definitely shaping up to be the best new show, in my opinion.
Apr 16, 2007 1:48 AM

Mar 2007
nice episode, and thinking the same as almost ll in here that this is definately going to be one of the best series in this year
Apr 16, 2007 6:45 AM

Oct 2006
indeed another great episode. should have picked this for the FAL ..... dang!

Koreth said:
I had the exact same felling on that scene Koreth.
Apr 16, 2007 8:23 AM

Apr 2007
This is definitly the anime I have to follow this season. Good animation and good story.
Don't know what a doll exactly is but the way I understand it they have killed the girl and copied her memory into the doll.
Apr 16, 2007 10:31 AM

Mar 2007
I still don't like it =[ I'll give it 1 more episode to impress me, I get kinda bored by watching it :x
Apr 16, 2007 11:11 AM

Mar 2007
Thank god my hunch was right about this series being one of the top anime this season. I love it!! XD

Though I don't really get what Hei's power is........he uses some cord and he can kill people with it somehow...... o.O
And we don't know how he pays for this (seemingly, lol) awesome power......
Apr 16, 2007 11:18 AM

Oct 2006
Perhaps it's related to the ridiculous amount of food he was eating?
Apr 16, 2007 11:25 AM

Nov 2006
Krelian said:
Perhaps it's related to the ridiculous amount of food he was eating?

i was thinking that too

Apr 16, 2007 11:27 AM

Apr 2007
Seems that all main character eating alot. Maybe it's an unwritten law in anime.
Apr 16, 2007 11:27 AM

Mar 2007
Yeah that would make sense...............

........though that would leave some serious breezes in his wallet...... XD (at least it's a hell lot better than having to break your finger o.O DAMN I HATE THAT SCENE!! >.< )
Apr 16, 2007 9:30 PM

Jan 2007
Seems pretty cool thus far.. I'm thinking the whole Doll concept is probably a commentary on cloning. Like even if the person was created by someone else, that doesn't make them empty 'machines', necessarily (supported by her sacrificing herself for him).

Hopefully we get more information about how stuff works next episode -- I wanna figure out the logistics behind Contractors and the wall.
Apr 16, 2007 9:44 PM
Feb 2005
StrawberryPrince said:
Seems that all main character eating alot. Maybe it's an unwritten law in anime.

haha, we joked about that. My only justification that it ISN'T him paying for his ability is... well, he didn't finish.

Also, I'm considering the possibility that he isn't just a normal contractor. He may not have to pay.

Next, his ability. Well, first, I don't think their "abilities" are limited to a single thing, though many of them may be. For instance, the guy that he kills at the end of the second episode, he suddenly dispersed into water, but we had seen his power before that, and it was to walk through walls. The girl even had a name for it.

Xinil and I have concluded that the main characters most PROMINENT ability has to do with control of electricity. IMO, the ropey thing is just him being a bad ass. Then if he hits you with it... it's metal, and he can shock you to death. When it panned out and didn't show how he killed the guy at the end, most likely he used the water as a conductor for his electricity. When he was thrown over the bridge into an oncoming train, remember how it showed the electricity in normal power lines... he can probably travel through them.

Sorry if that's too in depth, and remember it's all speculation.
Apr 16, 2007 9:53 PM

Jan 2007
Koreth said:

Next, his ability. Well, first, I don't think their "abilities" are limited to a single thing, though many of them may be. For instance, the guy that he kills at the end of the second episode, he suddenly dispersed into water, but we had seen his power before that, and it was to walk through walls. The girl even had a name for it.

I actually agree with pretty much everything else you said except this -- Wasn't that guys power the ability to move matter through space? Like he took her heart out of her body, and when he "dissolved" into water, it could have been that he merely took water from the nearby place and replaced the space that water was with with his body. the same could be done with stone, moving the stone elsewhere so that your body could exist in that place. That way it looks like teleportation, or being able to move through things, but really it'd be moving objects through space or switching them. At least, that's how I thought of it.
Apr 16, 2007 10:08 PM
Feb 2005
hmmm, possible and interesting... but...

first, hitting the girl in the heart was a miss, as she stepped in the way, right ? How would that have happened.

and second, why make it look like you are coming out of walls and such, if the power worked as you described, he could change air into himself and just pop up anywhere.

and third.... where'd her heart go then ?
Apr 16, 2007 10:08 PM

Oct 2006
Hmm, electricity would make sense - I wasn't too sure how affecting someone's mind (like he did to the girl) could be linked to some sort of fighting ability, but electricity could be used to affect the brain.

Good point about him not finishing, by the way. I wonder... Anyway, the whole fulfilling the contract thing seems like a bit of a pain, even if it isn't breaking your own fingers. I wonder what happens if the contractor doesn't keep up their end.
Apr 16, 2007 10:15 PM
Feb 2005
Krelian said:
Hmm, electricity would make sense - I wasn't too sure how affecting someone's mind (like he did to the girl) could be linked to some sort of fighting ability, but electricity could be used to affect the brain.

Good point about him not finishing, by the way. I wonder... Anyway, the whole fulfilling the contract thing seems like a bit of a pain, even if it isn't breaking your own fingers. I wonder what happens if the contractor doesn't keep up their end.

two things on that that I have...

The memory thing, I doubt it had something to do directly with his power. We already had knowledge that "normal" people in this world have the ability (not power, but something in their possession) to alter memories. The police stated that they do it to people who come into contact with contractors. It may have had something to do with that. He may've also known she was a doll, and it could've been a command word for dolls. OR maybe all contractors have those kinds of abilities ? Many possibilities that don't limit it directly to his powers.

On the failing to uphold the contractor thing, my thoughts would be that it leads to either 1) loss of your powers (and probably the chance to ever get any powers again), or 2) death. Probably the latter, as that'd make it a DIRE need to have to fulfill your obligation. Remember how the guy he last killed (god I wish I could remember his name, as I refer to him a lot) started to fulfill his contract immediately after he had escaped by aligning rocks... but the ONLY reason he quit, was he pretty much realized he was about to die. Now in that situation, very little time had elapsed and it seemed that he could've done it later... but now I'm coming up with another possibility. What if fulfilling the contract actually recharges your power, and you get tired/lose your ability until you "recharge" and fulfill your contract. That guy had used his power EXTENSIVELY (he used it to do some pretty amazing shit), and maybe in order to continue using it, he had to recharge, and remember he didn't try to fight back after abandoning his attempt to fulfill the contract, he just ran.

Definitely still left up in the air, but they are definitely giving you a little direction.
Apr 16, 2007 11:00 PM

Oct 2006
Hmm, good points. I have a feeling death is probably the eventual result of not fulfilling the contract, but it being a way to recharge makes quite a bit of sense. And I'd forgotten about the memory thing - I guess I assumed there was some sort of bulky machinery or a drug involved. Also, my memory is a little foggy, but didn't he do more than make her forget things? Or was there a memory-related reason for her having to run off to the restroom when they were eating?

I like how things are shaping up with respect to foreshadowing and all - it gives me the impression that the plot is well thought-out.
Apr 16, 2007 11:07 PM
Feb 2005
most anime tends to have a good deal of foreshadowing, but alot of the time you gotta look pretty close to find the small stuff. Then again, almost stories have some form of obvious foreshadowing as well. Speculation of this kind of thing is half the fun, imo.

I don't believe her running off to the bathroom in the restaurant had anything to do with him, but she DID fall to the ground when he did the memory thing to her. Again, it's likely he knew she was a doll, and it had something to do with that, and also the police method for mem-wiping probably does have some kind of drug associated with it (probably not large machinery, maybe small tech stuff, otherwise it'd be too inconvenient). I'd assume that the trauma of having memories gained/lost would be sufficient enough to make someone fall to the ground.
Apr 18, 2007 8:33 AM

Jan 2007
Another great episode - damn, this show is shaping up to be awesome!! It makes me a little nervous to see it starting to go in the "killer gets a conscience" direction because that story's been told so many times...but I'll have to wait and see how they handle it. :)

Koreth said:
and third.... where'd her heart go then ?

Into the was bleeding when he moved his hand away. Though you're right, she shouldn't have been able to just step in front of Hei and deflect Jean.
Apr 18, 2007 8:40 AM

Aug 2006
My God... only 2 episodes, and I'm enjoying this series soooo much... I'm trying hard not to speculate, but just watch and enjoy. I tend to over-speculate and try to figure plots twists out before hand (and this practice aggravates the shit out of Seishin). But for now... I just watch and enjoy, and I try to start speculating about mid-series... lol
Apr 18, 2007 8:56 AM
Feb 2005
Speculate here with us, and don't bother her with it !

I like speculating on stuff like that way early, cause honestly, who cares if you're wrong ? There are a million different ways they could go with this series, so in the end, being right about something is somewhat of a miracle.
Apr 18, 2007 1:56 PM

Oct 2006
Koreth said:
most anime tends to have a good deal of foreshadowing, but alot of the time you gotta look pretty close to find the small stuff. Then again, almost stories have some form of obvious foreshadowing as well. Speculation of this kind of thing is half the fun, imo.

I don't believe her running off to the bathroom in the restaurant had anything to do with him, but she DID fall to the ground when he did the memory thing to her. Again, it's likely he knew she was a doll, and it had something to do with that, and also the police method for mem-wiping probably does have some kind of drug associated with it (probably not large machinery, maybe small tech stuff, otherwise it'd be too inconvenient). I'd assume that the trauma of having memories gained/lost would be sufficient enough to make someone fall to the ground.

I suppose they do, but this seems to be particularly well-planned-out. Not so obvious as to give the plot away - just enough to keep you guessing. I love shows like that.

As for the restaurant, I seem to remember her suddenly feeling nauseous or something of the sort for no apparent reason. Maybe that was just coincidence? I should rewatch that scene...

As for the memory thing, I didn't have anything too bulky in mind - I just assumed that to alter someone's memory you'd need some sort of visible device rather than just a word and a look in the eye. But if it's part of her being a doll, that'd make plenty of sense.
Apr 18, 2007 10:54 PM

Feb 2007
Krelian said:

As for the restaurant, I seem to remember her suddenly feeling nauseous or something of the sort for no apparent reason. Maybe that was just coincidence? I should rewatch that scene...

Ah, I think I know. Okay, you know how one of the guys was like "she would only last a few more days anyways", maybe she suddenly felt sick because she was.. dying! Like... She was probably starting to lose her personality and become an empty shell, you know what I mean?

And to comment on other things... For the memory well, I think I know as much as you do.. Um I think Li's has a good probability of being electricity.
As for the recharging theory, I think that's actually also quite probable.
haha, I personaly would rather arrange rocks than break my fingers... though I guess arranging rocks may take longer..

On another note, maybe the guy missed because he just sucks? ahahha, I know that's a lame reason.. Or maybe she pushed him back? Did she? I didn't really see that, but maybe he fell back... Yeah, I have no explaination.
Apr 19, 2007 12:51 AM

Oct 2006
Hmm, good call there. I suppose her being a doll may explain everything pretty easily. I'm still convinced that the electricity ability, assuming that's what it is, could potentially affect a person's brainwaves. But that seems less likely than the whole doll explanation.

And... heh, I'd rather arrange rocks too. Breaking your fingers may be quicker, but it'd take a while to heal up and you'd have a pretty tough time not having the use of your fingers =/

Also, I'm curious about Li's coat. It's apparently bulletproof, but only when he's wearing it? I suppose it could be powered by an electric ability somehow, but that seems a little odd. I still wonder if he has more than one contract/ability.
Apr 19, 2007 8:10 AM

Feb 2007
Krelian said:
Also, I'm curious about Li's coat. It's apparently bulletproof, but only when he's wearing it? I suppose it could be powered by an electric ability somehow, but that seems a little odd. I still wonder if he has more than one contract/ability.

Yeah, I wonder that too.. Maybe he was just given that coat by some.. scientist person who modified the coat to work just for him? Or something? That might not really make sense.. I don't know.... mysteries.. so many mysteries..
Ah, I want the third episode to come out!
Apr 20, 2007 5:24 PM

Apr 2007
Hei. Is so. Badass.

No one else seems to get why I love this show so much. : (
I've been hooked since five minutes into the first episode. It's so awesome.
What is the rope thing Hei uses to kill people?
Apr 21, 2007 7:05 AM

Jan 2007
Koreth said:
I don't believe her running off to the bathroom in the restaurant had anything to do with him, but she DID fall to the ground when he did the memory thing to her. Again, it's likely he knew she was a doll, and it had something to do with that, and also the police method for mem-wiping probably does have some kind of drug associated with it (probably not large machinery, maybe small tech stuff, otherwise it'd be too inconvenient). I'd assume that the trauma of having memories gained/lost would be sufficient enough to make someone fall to the ground.

OK, here's my question...when she falls to the ground, how do you know he did something with her memory? He says "forget it," and she falls down, but I don't get anything out of that scene that suggests he was wiping her memory - just that he pushed her down to get rid of the dead weight following him around and she was surprised at it. Because later, she has enough of a memory of him to find him while he's cornered (and to be upset when she learned that HE had killed Louis) and enough of a memory of him to throw herself in front of him, saving him and sacrificing herself.

Am I missing something? Or is it just common knowledge that when he says "forget it" he's wiping someone's memory?
Apr 21, 2007 10:11 AM

Aug 2006
Keep in mind that he did know she was a doll the entire time. Even his companions asked why he was associating with her when he knew about it. The "forget it" seemed more to me like advice. Firstly the structure of the word itself wasn't imperative. He was more telling her her to forget everything and avoid this lifestyle. He could have easily said that and just knocked her out. He didn't wish to involve her more, and the fact he said she was alive in the end proves he was feeling sorry for her in some way.
Apr 21, 2007 1:58 PM

Jul 2006
This show looks pretty good, i watched those 2 episode yesterday. The characters are interesting and the OP song is awesome
Apr 22, 2007 5:32 PM

Oct 2006
I have a random question about this episode: does anyone know the name of the song that comes on towards the end? I'd like to find it somewhere. The vocalist sounds very much like one featured quite a bit in Cowboy Bebop, Mai Yamane.
Apr 22, 2007 5:52 PM

Aug 2006
Krelian said:
I have a random question about this episode: does anyone know the name of the song that comes on towards the end? I'd like to find it somewhere. The vocalist sounds very much like one featured quite a bit in Cowboy Bebop, Mai Yamane.

I'd have to look up the title, but the vocalist is Rie Fu. Her CD Rose Album is pretty decent if you're looking for more stuff by her.
Apr 22, 2007 8:53 PM

Oct 2006
Are you sure? I know she did the actual ending song, but the insert song that I'm referring to doesn't sound like one of hers. The singing kicks in about 21 minutes into the show, and the song starts a little before then when Hei shows up to kill the last contractor.
Apr 23, 2007 5:32 AM

Aug 2006
Krelian said:
Are you sure? I know she did the actual ending song, but the insert song that I'm referring to doesn't sound like one of hers. The singing kicks in about 21 minutes into the show, and the song starts a little before then when Hei shows up to kill the last contractor.

Oh I thought you meant the ending song itself, I'll check the credits real quick to see if it says who did that.

Doesn't say anything in the ending credits about an insert song when I just scanned them real quick.
aisakkuApr 23, 2007 5:39 AM
Apr 23, 2007 4:02 PM

Apr 2007
The show so far has been interesting. The only thing I'm wondering now is how Hei manages to keep a big bulletproof coat like that neatly tucked into his back pocket o.O?

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Apr 23, 2007 8:09 PM

Jan 2007
One of his skills is expert folding.
Apr 24, 2007 2:28 AM

Apr 2007
cangeman said:
The show so far has been interesting. The only thing I'm wondering now is how Hei manages to keep a big bulletproof coat like that neatly tucked into his back pocket o.O?

Lin is Guybrush Treepwood in disguise!! <_<
Apr 29, 2007 8:23 AM

Jul 2005
Yay, another great episode! One thing that's pretty unique about this is the music. I noticed that they're using pretty unique music in it that they don't usually use in anime. Or something. Anyways, continuing with this show!
Apr 29, 2007 9:30 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
The whole aspect of Sound is very well covered in this Anime, I think.




[H+] ³  
Oct 8, 2007 8:46 AM

Sep 2007
Well, I was turned off by the first half of the episode but the second half made up for it. This show is currently teetering on the line between being dropped and being watched. But I'm not sure what exactly I don't really like about it =/
Jun 13, 2008 7:55 PM

Jun 2008
Awesome Ep... I thought this was kinda hard to understand at first.. but it's getting a LOT clearer ^_^

StabbyPWNSJun 17, 2008 7:52 PM

Sig WILL change soon~
Jun 17, 2008 7:11 PM

Mar 2008
Okay, why are there so many skinny people in anime, who eat a ridiculous amount of food? O.o UNFAIR.

Anyhoo. Great episode. I'm beginning to get addicted, and I'm only two eps in. :P I like to see Yin (I think that's her name?) get some more screen time, but that's probably going to happen in upcoming episodes.
Aug 10, 2008 3:05 PM

Apr 2007
If Li was a real person...he would be the greatest actor ever XD

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