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Feb 6, 2009 6:48 PM

May 2007
Meh, this show did not live up to my expectations. Despite a strong start, this show quickly lost its identity and to me, it seemed like it didn't know what exactly it wanted to do, what, with the horrible pacing throughout the middle of the series. I still am a little confused with what exactly the whole purpose of the war was about and what exactly do Xam'ds serve in the greater picture of things. Why did Nakiami have to sacrifice herself? What's with these cryptic symbolism and secretive dialogue that more often than not, made absolutely no sense? Maybe I missed something while watching this. I was expecting much more given the reviews people were giving this show, but it definitely fell short. The best character in this entire show was Akiyuki's mother.

The ending was a bit weird. What happened to the guy who Akiyuki gave his name to? How did Akiyuki come back? So random. 6/10 from me. A strong OST, great animation, and an original concept.
VK11Feb 6, 2009 6:52 PM
Feb 6, 2009 7:41 PM
Feb 2008
As a series i found this to be quite good, kept me wanting to see it to the end. In my opinion it gets a high grade. Perhaps im a sucker for what others would call 'crap'.. but hey, freedom of opinions!

@Vindemon64, as for the purpose of the Xam'ds, it was explained in the talk between Sannova and Nakiami. Sannova created the Xam'ds to fight/stop the hiruken emperor, who was consumed by sadness from being well.. dead and left alone. He, as stated in the discussion, was born from the stillborn child of Sannova, by forcing the hiruken seed thing (?) into the dead body. As much as i got it atleast..

As for the other things you ask, well, some things are not fully explained, and in many aspects dont need to be (you'd probably do /yawn and turn it off if they tried). And the war going on, well, wars break out all over the world, and quite often they really lack a reason that justifies it. In this case, it seemed to me, like it was the religion that was the foundation to the war, much like wars in our history and current lifes.

I guess the ending with Akiyuki is meant to be up to everyone to interperate as they wish. The options are a few. I wont elaborate on my view on it all, cause it makes no sense. But I think it was a rather interresting way to conclude it, allowing people to believe what they wish to be true.
Feb 6, 2009 9:41 PM

Nov 2006
Trying to sort out my thoughts on the series as a whole here...

It seems like the Xam'd were supposed to serve a bigger purpose than they did...even with Sannova's explanation about their existence, I don't quite understand the meaning of the title, "Xam'd of the Lost Memory". I see the connection with Akiyuki forgetting himself/giving his name to the Hiruken emperor, but I don't see its significance. I thought "Lost Memory" implied that they were important in the past and they themselves forgot their purpose, or something like that...

Typing that made me remember the old woman on the Zambani. She was telling Akiyuki to find what the Xam'd wants to do, or something...which was destroying the Hiruken emperor I guess...? And why exactly was he an emperor again? I don't get why those people brought the baby back to life and then just left him in that glass case.

We only saw two true Xam'ds in the series, Akiyuki and Raigyo, not including the Hiruken emperor because I'm not sure he is a Xam'd as we know it. Furuichi was one, but as he went crazy he became a warped Xam'd, Midori was a manufactured Xam'd, and Yango never became a complete Xam'd. (Was that old guy with the daughter one? Can't remember now, still don't know his significance.)
I feel like I would understand more if we saw more, maybe? I'm unsure, but I feel like I don't know as much about them as I should after 26 episodes. I don't understand the Xam'd as its own, independent existence. I got the impression they were their own beings with thoughts and emotions that borrowed a human's body to do what they needed to do. I don't really know what my point is...I guess that it seems that the Xam'ds themselves got left behind in the bigger scheme of things. Disappointing that they were only there for one person's agenda.
Feb 6, 2009 9:52 PM
Jun 2008
Tantalizing much? This show started out very promising. Great animation aside, the story WAS interesting in the beginning. The first 13 episodes I have no problem with. Then, after all of that anticipation, the remainder of this series delved into all types of philosophically complex jargon. What THE hell? The only plus? Nakiami's great look with her hair down. Everything else went nowhere. There was too much to swallow at once and not enough explanations behind certain characters, their origins, their purposes and their objectives. It was all lost in a scrambled war with alleged meaning. I didn't get it. They tried to be all deep, but it just didn't work. The final episode just dragged and while it was cool seeing what became of all the characters, it could've been delivered so much better. That final bit with Akiyuki returning was expected in some way, but it felt cheap. Overall, it has been very disappointing.
Feb 7, 2009 2:35 AM
Mar 2008
I actually think that Akiyuki did come back at the end. Thought it had no effect on me because it seemingly had no effect on Haru lol, and they didn't show anything after. So I guess it's left to the imagination. But I gotta love Haru for waiting so long when they just keep losing each other. Also wonder if all those characters will last 1000 years, cuz it seems like they don't care to wait lol. I give it a 9 for everything else but really wanted to pull it down for the last episodes.
Feb 7, 2009 2:52 AM

Dec 2008
Haru does react, its just not like shes jumping at him, screaming...
After 9 years, maybe shes just in some state of shock after seeing him alive but i would have prevered a more emotional end aswell...

PredselnFeb 7, 2009 2:56 AM
Feb 7, 2009 3:24 AM
Nov 2007
It was the real Akiyuki, do you not notice the big ass rock missing??
He only lost his memories and turned to stone so he was in a state alot like Nakiami, the other humanfroms that turn to stone are destroyed/killed, and if you took notice it is also possible for a Xam'd to reverse the process of being turned to stone themselves.
Feb 7, 2009 12:55 PM

Aug 2007
Dude, older Yango looked like a motherfuckin badass.
Feb 8, 2009 1:03 AM

Jun 2008
IMO, best drama ending in the last five years!!! \m/
Feb 8, 2009 3:37 AM

May 2008
dbaranyi said:
What a garbage ending. But then, considering how mediocre the writing was in this series the poor ending shouldn't be surprising.

Twenty-six episodes of metapyhisical baloney, back story only hinted at, characters brought back from the dead. This was a waste of 13 hours of my life.

Good animation will never make up for the lack of a coherent plot and the lack of consistant characterization.


Instead of answering questions, it only brought up new questions to my mind.

But nonetheless, definitely a must-watch. Grown-up Hinokimaru looked like Raigyo so much. And grown-up Yango ftw.

I hope they do a 2nd Season but with other set of characters, but still in the Xam'd World and say 1000 years after this timeline.
Feb 8, 2009 4:29 AM

Jun 2008
For those wondering what happend to the Hiruken Emperor, it was my impression that he was back in the chamber after the mother's embrace. So in a way, it seems that the two of them are just going to wake up in a thousand years. It's very much open for a sequal set in that time. Anyway, the characters, animation, music and yes story were all very solid. I give it a 9/10.
GuetFeb 8, 2009 5:15 AM
Feb 8, 2009 3:03 PM

Dec 2008
Okay I just watched the last three episodes and I will say that I love how they ended this. I mean i thought of this show as sort of a Eureka Seven kinda feel to it and I am happy that this one ended how it did. I mean they showed what actually happend to everyone. Dont get my wrong I still think Eureka Seven is great but unlike Xam'd it didnt show what happened to everyone else. But back to Xam'd. I just have one question with Akiyuki. Could the one that appeared with Haru at the end and said "I love you" be the Hirukan(might be spelled wrong) Emperor be that Akiyuki. Because remember when Akiyuki told the Emperor that he was giving him the only that that mattered to him, his name. And then the Emperor changed and looked like Akiyuki after that. Because everyone saw Akiyuki turn into a stone and that is what Haru was standing next to when the title thing came up. So could that Akiyuki that appeared with Haru be the Emperor. Now that I finished saying that I will just say that I give this a 10/10 and I will say it is one of my favorites that I have watched. Even though I havent watched alot of the classics alot of people told me about this just kept me wanting more and making me guess at every turn which just blew my mind. Thanks Bones for coming out with this amazing anime and I will never forget the Xam'd Lost Memory. =D
Feb 8, 2009 5:27 PM

Oct 2007
I cried.
I bawled like a baby.
Man this series was so great.
Feb 8, 2009 5:30 PM

Oct 2007
Anoki123456 said:
I just have one question with Akiyuki. Could the one that appeared with Haru at the end and said "I love you" be the Hirukan(might be spelled wrong) Emperor be that Akiyuki. Because remember when Akiyuki told the Emperor that he was giving him the only that that mattered to him, his name. And then the Emperor changed and looked like Akiyuki after that. Because everyone saw Akiyuki turn into a stone and that is what Haru was standing next to when the title thing came up. So could that Akiyuki that appeared with Haru be the Emperor.

If you notice in the end, she goes back to visit the "stone" Akiyuki but the stone isn't there anymore. Akiyuki is standing in its place, and the part where they show him looking at his hand it's really bright, meaning that his eyes are still adjusting to the light after being sealed away for that long.
Also, he says to her, "I heard your voice every day."
In other words, yes, Akiyuki is still alive, and that is him.
It just took Haru's voice a while to break through to him to help him remember who he was. :)
Feb 8, 2009 6:45 PM

Feb 2008
Glad, Akiyuki came back at the end....or i would have been very angry.....>.>.....Other then that good show^^....
Feb 8, 2009 9:44 PM

Jun 2007
1) Akiyuki gave his name and memories to the empire thus he forgot himself. Haru spent the last 9 years telling stories to Akiyuki about their past childhood life and filling him with love. After years of hearing her thoughts and love, Akiyuki peaced together and gained his memories back. Because of this he now knew who he was and could brake from the rock. Nakiami says something like this to him in his dream before she's sealed away with the Emperor.

2) Nakiami is not dead, she was sealed away for 1000 years to comfort the Hirukan Emperor. We can assume in 1000 years she will be unsealed along with the Emperor.

3) The Emperor, as people have mentioned above, was created by Lady Sannova. Back in the old days the leader of Nakiami's village was given the task of birthing the Emperor's child. Apparently the new child that Lady Sannova birthed, died and she gave it one of those seeds to bring it back to life. Essentially it was consumed by the Xam seed because it never knew who it was to begin with. This is why she says it's all her fault.

Nakiami warns Akiyuki a number of times in the past to never forget who you are..this further shows that since the Emperor was a baby that died while still in Sannova, it never knew who it was to begin with and was consumed by the Xam.

4) Lady Sannova created Xam's as a way to gather memories to give to the Emperor when the right time came. It can be assumed that no one up to this point has been successful in giving the Emperor their memories. Akiyuki appears to be the first.

5) By giving the Emperor his memories, Akiyuki forgot who he was and thus was consumed by the Xam. Him turning to stone proves that he forgot who he was. The emperor, as someone pointed out, was with Nakiami in the chamber.

1) Toujirou was originally a member of the north. I think this was explained in one of the eps but we all overlooked it. In any case after Akiyuki's father saved him he intern joined the south's military for some unknown reason. The reason I come to this conclusion is becuse the last scene with him in Akiyuki's dad's house shows him with the same type of fluid being pumped into him as the northern girl. I'm guessing that's a blood transfusion.

2) The cause of the war may be something as stupid as religion or it could be because the Emperor was originally living in the south. After Lady Sannova's mess up with the Emperor's child, war broke out. Lady Sannova then created human forms to protect the people but at the same time gave her "children" the Xam seeds to spread in the hopes of finding a good candidate for a Xam. I'm sure the south wasn't to happy with northern people blowing them selves up either lol.
Feb 9, 2009 2:20 AM

Apr 2007
Talk about a bad aftertaste, like 3-day-old tea.
6/10 :/
Feb 9, 2009 4:43 AM

Jun 2008
Endless kind and endless sad.
This anime became my most loved.
A la guerre com a la guerre
Feb 9, 2009 9:30 AM

Jul 2008
woah great end. they sealed of nakiami so it became a easier haru xx akiyuki end ^^
too bad they didnt kiss at all. was a great serie, but it was missing something for it to be a 10/10.

Feb 9, 2009 11:41 PM
Aug 2008
I was pretty disappointed. Akiyuki "death" was pretty terrible. It just happened. Also no Nakiami was annoying.
Also why the hell didnt Haru and Akiyuki kiss!? *sigh*

The series was great overall just mediocre ending. Decent 9 years later scene though. I give the series an 8.
Feb 10, 2009 3:16 AM

Sep 2008
one of the greatest series ever made!! 10/10. This series had very few faults and kept amazing through the entire thing. It had a slow point around the middle but completely slammed the ending. Also it had amazing animation :) I don't know how bones do it but they dominate most of my top 10 anime.

I'm not sure if akiyuki was able to remember himself and return in the end or if it was just symbolism. guess it would be goo either way but i'd prefer if it was symbolism really since it would be kinda clique and lame if he returned. Atleast everything wasen't perfect in the end which stopped it from being clique. Raigyo died, akiyuki was possibly stone forever, nakiami is imprisoned for 1000 years (though its a good cause) and yango is just sadly waiting for her.

uhg ok this is getting on my nerves. The people who seem to be trashing the series about its plot are the biggest idiots i've ever seen. Xamd has one of the most detailed plots i've seen and compaired to the number of series that actually lack plot these days it's even more amazing plot-wise. You look at these peoplesl lists and see they gave kannag for examplei a perfect 10...... even if i enjoyed kannagi it barely had a freakin plot WHICH it ignored and ruined every plotline they created. i should have gave that series a 7 because of that but because i really enjoyed most of it i still gave it a 8. But seeing these people are marking down xamd because of the plot its just retarded. grrr People like that should learn to PAY attention to what they are watching.

well glad to see many other 10's out there though :P
Feb 10, 2009 3:58 AM
Nov 2007
It would have been nice if they ended Xam'd with a bit more closure, I mean is Akiyuki alive or has Haru just gone crazy (not the first time thats happened) and for Nakiami not to be sealed away for 1000 years.

Other than the frustrating ending it was a pretty decent show, I think I will have to let the ending stew with me for a while before I give the show a score, right now I would probably give it a 4 because the ending is still making me angry.

But seriously who goes and kills of all the decent main characters in the last couple of episodes?

Akiyuki has to be alive though or that is the most terrible ending. Yes, an OVA would be nice (if it confirmed Akiyuki as being alive again)

And how on earth did Haru get rock Akiyuki back to Sentan island and if she was going to visit the rock every day why put it on a steep hill for goodness sake.

EDIT: After watching the last few minutes again i have decided for my sanity that he truly is alive and he has not really aged that much because how could he age when he was a rock?
cerealFeb 10, 2009 4:02 AM
Feb 10, 2009 6:09 PM

Nov 2006
DeathfireD said:
4) Lady Sannova created Xam's as a way to gather memories to give to the Emperor when the right time came. It can be assumed that no one up to this point has been successful in giving the Emperor their memories. Akiyuki appears to be the first.
Thank you for this! Makes complete sense to me now. Wasn't connecting the dots.
Feb 10, 2009 9:58 PM

Feb 2009
DeathfireD said:
4) Lady Sannova created Xam's as a way to gather memories to give to the Emperor when the right time came. It can be assumed that no one up to this point has been successful in giving the Emperor their memories. Akiyuki appears to be the first.

Well, I don't think so, cause in the middle of episode 25 Sannova said that from ancient times "Sannovas" "worked" as midwifes for emperor family. in return they were given a right to create Xamd'ds. And only the last Emperor Hiruken was stillborn.
If he was stillborn then what memories did he lost? He lost nothing because he hadn't got any.
Xam'ds were created for another purpose, cause at that time "Sannovas" were not exiled and emperor's children didn't born dead. And only after this Lady Sannova thought about fighting against the Emperor with hodes of Xam'ds to "answer that scream in the void" of Hiruken being reborn with an artifical hiruko.
Feb 11, 2009 9:50 PM

May 2008
DeathfireD said:
1) Akiyuki gave his name and memories to the empire thus he forgot himself. Haru spent the last 9 years telling stories to Akiyuki about their past childhood life and filling him with love. After years of hearing her thoughts and love, Akiyuki peaced together and gained his memories back. Because of this he now knew who he was and could brake from the rock. Nakiami says something like this to him in his dream before she's sealed away with the Emperor.

2) Nakiami is not dead, she was sealed away for 1000 years to comfort the Hirukan Emperor. We can assume in 1000 years she will be unsealed along with the Emperor.

3) The Emperor, as people have mentioned above, was created by Lady Sannova. Back in the old days the leader of Nakiami's village was given the task of birthing the Emperor's child. Apparently the new child that Lady Sannova birthed, died and she gave it one of those seeds to bring it back to life. Essentially it was consumed by the Xam seed because it never knew who it was to begin with. This is why she says it's all her fault.

Nakiami warns Akiyuki a number of times in the past to never forget who you are..this further shows that since the Emperor was a baby that died while still in Sannova, it never knew who it was to begin with and was consumed by the Xam.

4) Lady Sannova created Xam's as a way to gather memories to give to the Emperor when the right time came. It can be assumed that no one up to this point has been successful in giving the Emperor their memories. Akiyuki appears to be the first.

5) By giving the Emperor his memories, Akiyuki forgot who he was and thus was consumed by the Xam. Him turning to stone proves that he forgot who he was. The emperor, as someone pointed out, was with Nakiami in the chamber.

1) Toujirou was originally a member of the north. I think this was explained in one of the eps but we all overlooked it. In any case after Akiyuki's father saved him he intern joined the south's military for some unknown reason. The reason I come to this conclusion is becuse the last scene with him in Akiyuki's dad's house shows him with the same type of fluid being pumped into him as the northern girl. I'm guessing that's a blood transfusion.

2) The cause of the war may be something as stupid as religion or it could be because the Emperor was originally living in the south. After Lady Sannova's mess up with the Emperor's child, war broke out. Lady Sannova then created human forms to protect the people but at the same time gave her "children" the Xam seeds to spread in the hopes of finding a good candidate for a Xam. I'm sure the south wasn't to happy with northern people blowing them selves up either lol.
Well said. Great anime! 9/10
Feb 13, 2009 9:03 PM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
vindemon64 said:
A strong OST, great animation, and an original concept.
YES. this OST was amazing. Shut Up And Explode is the best OP song ever. I've listened to it so much these past few months!
Karura said:
Dude, older Yango looked like a motherfuckin badass.
he looks freaking HOTT

Thank you DeathfireD for clearing up a lot of questions.

wonderful wonderful anime with wonderful wonderful animation. 10/10
p r o f i l e 👀
Feb 14, 2009 3:14 AM

Jan 2008
Hmm not entirely satisfied with the ending :(
Though, the entire series was excellent, animation, sound, characters and the somewhat confusing story were all great :3
Feb 14, 2009 5:12 AM

Jan 2008
Hmmmm, overall liked it, I was surprised at how many characters lived. Though I'd rather nakiami had a different ending. Akiyuki & Haru's ending was nice, very nice.

Yeah, not 100% satisfied, but 90% isn't bad either.

Loved the Series!!!!
Feb 15, 2009 12:31 PM
Apr 2008
Good ending, although not the best. I still had some questions that were left unanswered, but that's fine too. Overall, the series was pretty enjoyable, except for some of the episodes in the middle where I thought I was missing episodes, but I really didn't. Plot was a little hard to follow, but it was interesting nonetheless.
Feb 17, 2009 11:20 AM

Feb 2008
wtf no, nakiami.
Feb 18, 2009 2:56 PM

Apr 2007
Not a bad ending at all, could've been better (and longer), but what's there in the end is pleasing enough. I definitely felt cheated until I took a step back and perused over bits of detail for a while to piece any lingering answers and wound up being a little more appreciative of Xam'd in the end. Reminds me of RahXephon in the fact that once you're finished, nothing really seems to make sense nor does it add up (plot holes, character motivations, etc.), but all it takes is a little thought and the entire puzzle slowly starts to come together, piece by piece.

Sure there were still a few character and plot inconsistencies (mostly towards the rushed conclusion), but the overall package, especially the first half, was quite good. Exquisite production values, some good BGM and OP/ED themes, interesting setting and plot, and a few likable, though underdeveloped, characters. Definitely a show I'll need to rewatch somewhere down the line.
BenFeb 18, 2009 3:01 PM
Feb 18, 2009 5:22 PM

Jul 2007
rawfulmao said:
I still can't decide if this show is just really deep, or really inconsistent. But anyhow it was fun to watch and not the typical shounen.

i was just thinking how to put my thoughts into words
the longer i think about it though i fear it's inconsistency...

well fortunately i liked the show even though i didn't quite get it.
i hope a re-watch will solve that problem
Feb 18, 2009 11:32 PM
Jul 2018
In the beginning, this series had made quite an impression on me; especially since it was made by studio BONES. It had all the necessary elements to make a great anime, but it stopped short towards the latter part of the series. Perhaps if it had 50 episodes to thoroughly explain the story, I might have liked it better.

Episode 26 was terrible. It was anti-climactic and left a lot of questions unanswered. Overall, I felt shortchanged. I built up a lot of hype for this series, and perhaps that’s why it failed. I loved everything about Eureka seveN, but even with its vague resemblance, I can’t bring myself to enjoy Xam’d as whole. I enjoyed the first 13 episodes, but the latter part of the series is terrible, IMO.
Mar 10, 2009 12:19 PM

Jun 2008

I'm glad Akiyuki came back in the end
Mar 14, 2009 11:28 PM
May 2008
Ok how did most of the characters still look the same after 9 years? There were a few younger characters that changed but none of the older ones. Am I the only one irritated by this? And wtf, I thought that old lady had a terrible disease, but she's still in perfect condition. And even if the disease didn't kill her, she was so old to begin with that she should have died of natural causes.
But it was a good series nonetheless. It was enjoyable, and isn't that all that really counts?

Mar 20, 2009 8:35 PM

Nov 2008
Wow, guess I won't be paying attention to reviews on this site again. Top reviews gave this a 9?

Yeah, not so much...

Like dbaranyi said, give me back my 13 hours >.<
Mar 21, 2009 4:33 AM

May 2007
This was a great series overall. Not perfect, but great nonetheless. The background story could've been explained better, and while I'm relieved to see the Captain alive, I don't know how the hell she survived. Hoping for an OVA giving more information about Xam'ds in general and showing the world 1000 years later with Nakiami. The ending was satisfying, since we got to see Akiyuki living again.

Mar 21, 2009 7:34 AM
Sep 2007
So, uh, did anyone else notice this anime ended with a Akiyuki x Haru, as well as a Akiyuki x Nakiami, "pairing"?

Though this should please all audienced, it still feels kinda ... disturbing. ._.
Mar 22, 2009 6:55 AM
Dec 2007
Wasn't there 2 Akiyukis?

I think it was when he gave the emperor his name... I don't know what really happened to that Emperor just that he turned to an "Akiyuki".

Then the Real one got a mask, lost his memory again, fell down near Yango, then turned to stone.

BTW, the captain should have died, shouldn't she?

I wan't an OVA which features the new Yango, he looks really cool! lol....
Mar 23, 2009 1:31 AM

Aug 2007
EmilyFalcon said:
Anoki123456 said:
I just have one question with Akiyuki. Could the one that appeared with Haru at the end and said "I love you" be the Hirukan(might be spelled wrong) Emperor be that Akiyuki. Because remember when Akiyuki told the Emperor that he was giving him the only that that mattered to him, his name. And then the Emperor changed and looked like Akiyuki after that. Because everyone saw Akiyuki turn into a stone and that is what Haru was standing next to when the title thing came up. So could that Akiyuki that appeared with Haru be the Emperor.

If you notice in the end, she goes back to visit the "stone" Akiyuki but the stone isn't there anymore. Akiyuki is standing in its place, and the part where they show him looking at his hand it's really bright, meaning that his eyes are still adjusting to the light after being sealed away for that long.
Also, he says to her, "I heard your voice every day."
In other words, yes, Akiyuki is still alive, and that is him.
It just took Haru's voice a while to break through to him to help him remember who he was. :)

yeah i think you got it right. also, theres no way that that akiyuki in the end was the emperor because the emperor got swallowed by the quickening chamber when it closed.
Mar 23, 2009 1:33 AM

Aug 2007
roysen said:
So, uh, did anyone else notice this anime ended with a Akiyuki x Haru, as well as a Akiyuki x Nakiami, "pairing"?

Though this should please all audienced, it still feels kinda ... disturbing. ._.

thanks for pointing this out. it's a bitter sweet ending but at least akiyuki got 2 times the love :)
Mar 25, 2009 12:05 AM
Jul 2008
dont rili get why they are al planning to wait 1000yrs 4 nakiame... no one lives for 1000 years!
did akyiuki come back or not??!?!!?
very good anime.. i totally loved it! but a very confusing end.

p.s. where was dere a pairin btwn akyiuki n nakiame?
t-babyMar 25, 2009 12:12 AM
Mar 26, 2009 9:15 PM

Nov 2008
t-baby said:
dont rili get why they are al planning to wait 1000yrs 4 nakiame... no one lives for 1000 years!

Yep, the 1000 year thing felt like the rest of the non-character plot elements: hinting at an interesting idea, but completely unexplained and undeveloped. Maybe it means that people don't age unless the natural cycle of "the Great Cliche Darkness that takes over if you don't restore the Great Cliche Balance of Good and ... whatever" has been broken. Who the hell knows or cares? Not the writers, apparently.

Pick whichever cliche suits you to explain it. That's what most people who rave about this anime are prone to do anyhow :/

/parting jab.
Mar 30, 2009 9:31 AM

Sep 2008
This certainly wasn't the best, but neither the worst anime I saw so far.
I give it 7/10, just for the music and good looking girls (yes, I know they are not real).
Confusing ending, emotions which weren't nowhere near good, and some stupid story elements are taking those 3 points. I can't believe this show has 8.29 average, damn, that's overrating.
Apr 1, 2009 12:14 AM

Oct 2007
This anime failed after ep.14 and this was a bad conclusion. Akiyuki's "death" was pretty lame and his revival was even worse. They couldn't stick the captain's death and they didn't even discuss the idea that all of them are going to be dead when Nakiami is coming back(atleast Blood Plus talked about it). As for series comments, they never did a good job of setting up the world and characters aren't really fleshed out. Plot was pretty much a mess and some stuff was unnecessary(amnesia anyone?). Romance angle was not very well done Totally disappointed with this 7/10, should have been longer to both explain the world and characters.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
Apr 4, 2009 4:27 PM

Aug 2008
i really cant bealive the rating people are giving this show it started off great but further down the line (after episode 14) it began to show its true colors as the quality storywise declined but the big one for me is the fact that it slowly began to make no sense as there was no real explanation for most of the things that were going on such as real info on the xamds, the reason for the wars etc

i mean yeah it had great animation but that isnt everything and honestly it was like they tried to rush a 52 or more episode storyline into 26 and thats just silly. it would have fared better had it been released as 4 episode ova series or a sequence of movies.

anyway this series as a whole gets a 7 from me but the 1st 14 episodes would get an 8.5 and IMHO the show is a real dissapointment.
Apr 16, 2009 10:31 PM

Dec 2006
i can't agree with people who say it was inconsistent. it was consistently good and consistently bad. i'm sure this is someone somewhere's ideal anime.

inconsistent characterization? maybe. but sometimes adults in real life are inconsistent dealing with different people in different situations.

ending-wise, i've seen far worse.
Apr 18, 2009 8:53 PM

Sep 2008
I hate it in a anime if all the "main" characters don't get introduced..
at the end, Yango saw Akiyuki get turned into stone, yet didn't care shit because he didn't know him, and no one in the world knows that it was him that fought the Hiruken emperor.

Oh yea, after the end, if there still Xam'ds around? is Yango still a Xam'd?
Apr 25, 2009 10:06 AM

Oct 2007
I think the last episode was pretty decent for what the show was... but overall it left way to many loose ends and wasn't nearly as climactic enough where it should have been. Contrary to what many others feel, I believe this can be attributed to very mediocre directing. The series could have been far better than it was with some tweaks on all ends.

life is a dream
~death is reality
Apr 25, 2009 2:09 PM

Jul 2007
What happened to Nakiami?
What happened to Akiouki?
What happened to the "other" akiouki?
Why they were at war?
What are Xamds?

Yeah seriously despite i didnt got anything of that ( or actually im not sure of anything i just make stupid guesses) i loved this show. 9/10 from me
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