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Nov 10, 2012 1:22 PM

Apr 2011
"The other pair of Digimon seem a bit agitated... they're moving around in their apartment, perhaps they noticed our newest company?" said Yuki focusing intently on his Digivice.

Meanwhile Impmon just finished off ALL the cookies in one sitting and was itching for a fight as he watched Yuki watch his Digivice
Nov 10, 2012 1:52 PM

Jul 2009
The elavator doors open with the usual Ding, having arrived on the suitable floor. Anastasiya keeps her Digivice out, reaffirming the Location of the Two Tamers on the Radar. It showed another Two, as well, located in the opposite building. She would have to visit them later.

The Radar also showed that they had all become aware of hers and Keromon's presence. And it seemed that they weren't fleeing. That was good. She hated it when they ran. Chasing them was annoying.

Having stepped out of the elavator, she walks down the corridor, checking her Radar every now and then to make sure she found the right door. Keromon follows, silent and looking slight bored. A few seconds pass before she comes to a stop. The Radar indicated that 2 Tamers and their respective Digimon were in this apartment.

She knocks on the door.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 10, 2012 1:57 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou nearly chokes."Fucking hell,well raised,I see.Must be some snob." she hisses in annoyance,making a sign to Hawkmon.The digimon nods,turning into Fairymon on the spot.The girl moves towards the door,opening it and coming face to face with the foreigner.Taking in the black-haired person's appearance,Rai rises an eyebrow.Foreign,yet she looks like a Japanese.

"Hello,how may I help you?" she inquires,straightening her back and taking on a bored,if icy expression;gold eyes radiate coldness and confidence,courage and antipathy.Right now,Rai is Rai no more - she's the cold-blooded,agile thief who never once got caught.
Nov 10, 2012 2:12 PM

Apr 2011
Meanwhile, around the corner and out of sight in the apartment Yuki and Impmon had their backs to the wall, listening in and waiting...
Nov 10, 2012 3:46 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya looks back, talking in the golden-eyed young women that had answered the door. Her cold, unwelcoming demeanour wasn't exactly unexpected. At least she hadn't attacked the moment she opened the door. Anastasiya couldn't see the girl's Digimon, nor the other Tamer in the room.

She clears her throat, ready to make her introduction before she is rudely interrupted by Keromon, who wasn't exactly patient.

"Move your ass and let us in" the Digimon says, a tone of annoyance on his crackling voice. Anastasiya immediately reprimands him.

"Keromon! ведите себя прилично!" Anastasiya commands, her voice and glare leaving no room for an counter arguement. Keromon tuts, looking away, and Anastasiya turns her attention back to the Tamer.

"I apologize for my partners attitude. He's a bit...rough"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 10, 2012 4:17 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou isn't surprised to hear Russian.Dealing with so many people from such different cliques in her life made her quite skilled in the linguistic domain - when you run from foreign gangsters you kind of need to understand what the hell are they saying.
She turns to the Digimon,phrasing in clear Japanese,"It's my damn house,so I decide if you're in our out of it." her cold demeanor intact;then,she looks back to the Tamer."Что вы хотите, незнакомец? У меня нет времени для тех, кто тратить ее на бессмысленные бои." Rai phrases,thanking God she knew up to seven languages.

Fairymon waits,ears keen on the sound of her master's voice;ready to attack when the command word is given.
Nov 10, 2012 9:10 PM

Apr 2011
"Hey Yuki" whispered Impmon "Are they still talking in japanese? It sounds like they're talking underwater..."

"Shh" said Yuki putting his hand in front of Impmon's mouth... he would've had him Digivolve too, but he'd be too tall for the apartment to handle then.
Nov 11, 2012 3:24 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya was pleasantly surprised when the golden-eyed girl answered in Russian. While she had studied and the fluent in numerous Languages, she always felt more comfortable speaking in her natural tongue.

"Могу ли я войти?" she replies, asking politely. "У меня есть предложение. Все, что я прошу, это момент вашего времени"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 12, 2012 9:57 AM

Jun 2011
Raichou looked over the blue-eyed girl,sighing inwardly.She moves out of the way,silently inviting them in."Имейте в виду, чтобы не расстраивать хозяина. Мои партнеры довольно кровожадным." she quietly mutters,gold blazing a cold aura.Specifically,she glares at the digimon,narrowing her eyes by a fraction.
Nov 12, 2012 12:48 PM

Apr 2011
"Yuki... she's inviting her in... we shouldn't have trusted her..." hissed Impmon now really tensing for a fight.

Yuki narrowed his eyes and began creating his Bastard Sword (Digitool) of Black Digizoid...
Nov 12, 2012 12:52 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon placed a gloved hand ontop of Yuuki's."No.The woman poses no danger;if she did,Rai would have killed her already.From what I've got,Rai-chan said she "doesn't have time for those who spend in on useless battles".The woman replied she only needs a moment to discuss.Rai already warned her she wants no fighting in her house." she explained.
Rai turned around at the low murmurs,partially.With a quick hand,she extracted her knife from underneath her shirt."Don't be stupid,kid.I've already told you I don't intend to harm either you or that lil' demon.As long as the miss here doesn't start shit in my house,no one fights.Weapons and claws down,please and thank you."
Nov 12, 2012 1:01 PM

Apr 2011
Yuuki's sword dissolved back down to data again in his hand... but Impmon looked just as petulat as ever... especially when he finally saw the new girl's Digimon: a Keramon

Yuuki looked at his Digivice, he hadn't seen nor heard of a Keramon yet... it was interesting to say the least, and would prove a challenge for Impmon if is did come down to a fight.
Nov 12, 2012 4:06 PM

Jul 2009
"спасибо" replies Anastasiya, walking past the golden-eyed Tamer and entering the apartment. Keromon follows after to her, grumbling slightly to himself and still as ill-mannered as always.

"The hell you looking at?" he says to Raicho as he passes by.

Anastasiya ignores her partners rude comment, talking in the apartment, and noticing the other Tamer and his Digimon. A japanaese boy with black hair. His partner Digimon was with him.

"Он знает русский язык?"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 12, 2012 4:48 PM

Apr 2011
"Japanese or English please" said Yuki with a raised eyebrow, obviously he spoke japanese and he took english at school for the hell of it...

Impmon glared at the Keromon, sizing him up. He could deal with the Lunamon/Lekismon and the Hawkmon/Fairymon no problem, he was cool with being 'friends' for now with them becaus eh knew if he really wanted to he could kill them with ease...

But this Keramon gave him a funny feeling, the special tingly sensation normally associated with horror movies and fights where he thought he was gonna lose... but at the same time that feeling gave him a THRILL. Apparently, not only was Impmon a junkie for junk food and data... but for adrenaline too.

Thus why he glared at the Keramon...
Nov 12, 2012 5:40 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou flipped Keromon off,while closing and locking the door."Нет, так как он уже подтвержден." she absent-mindedly replies to Ana,rolling her eyes.She signals Fairymon,and the digimon nods silently,the order being unknown to prying eyes.
Rai clasps her hands together."Time for introductions,I guess." she speaks,tilting her head;suddenly,cold eyes switch to dead,like an automatic reflex of a machine.
"Since I'm the host,I will start.No one mixed with nobody gave birth to me,and the result was named Raichou Inazuma.Apparently,thunder roared and a black storm clashed viciously when I was born;thus,I was named after it.My partner is,obviously,the Wind Warrior,Fairymon." she finished rather monotone,bowing her head slightly.
"Don't ask questions,and answers you will get.I guess it is a pleasure to meet you,stranger."
Nov 12, 2012 5:58 PM

Jul 2009
"Very well" she says, switching language from Russian to Japanese. She talks a place near the sofa and table, with Keromon standing beside. It was clear that he didn't like the other two Tamers, but then again he rarely liked anyone he met. Anastasiya only hoped he would keep his temper in check.

"My name is Anastasiya Zeitsev, and this is my partner Keromon."


Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 12, 2012 6:19 PM

Apr 2011
"I am Yuki Akuma... and this is Impmon" said Yuki with his usual cold voice and espressionless eyes that he used with anyone he didn't like or know...

Impmon said "Sup? Is that the best you got Bug-Brain?"
Nov 12, 2012 6:28 PM

Jun 2011
Sharp gold eyes flicked towards Impmon."Clamp it shut for a little,Hellboy.No one but me is allowed to swear on this lawn." she nearly hissed;but Raichou doesn't hiss,she sneers;and that only in battle.Her voice came out more like a growl,a rasp command spoke in a low octave."Applies for your rather rude partner aswell,miss Anastasiya." she added,turning towards the stranger;then,"Tea,please." she softly requested,and her partner nodded briefly,aiming for the kitchen.Rai cleared her throat.
"Let's get down to business;what is it that you seek?"
Nov 14, 2012 2:12 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya, too, cleared her throat as she got ready to explain her purpose for visting them. Honestly, she had no idea how they would react. You could never tell, so she had to be ready for any possiblity. With Keromon crossing his arms and being behaved for once, she begins.

"I'm currently researching the Digimon. I find them fascinating. Truly unique beings." she says, reaching into her pocket and taking out her Digivice. She holds it up, showing it to them.

"As your probably aware, the Digivice is able to record and store data on any Digimon the Tamer encounters. More specifcally, any Digimon they meet in battle."

Now came the hard part. The girl had already explained, quite clearly, her attitude to meaningless fights. God knows how she would react to what Anastasiya was about to propose. With any luck, it would go smoothly, and without complications.

"So I propose this: A friendly match between our Digimon, at a time and place of your choosing. I will be one step closer to my goal, and you both will have information on a previously unencountered Digimon."

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 14, 2012 2:27 PM

Jun 2011
The air went still.Only the quiet humming hiss of the kettle was heard;soon,Fairymon returned,tea tray - carefully sculpted in cherry wood,the tea set of the finest porcelain - ,but her expression was unreadable;partly because her eyes were covered,partly because her lips were showing no emotion.Raichou's eyes resembled snake orbs by now,the pupil turning into a slit in the middle of each glowing amberstone.Her arms were crossed,folded neatly,without a single muscle tense;underneath,however,twitches marked the flexing movement she tamed herself not to do.

"...before I give an answer," She replied,and Fairymon could swear everyone shivered at the absolute zero tone,"I have one more question." she continued.The air was still compressed,repressed,showing the tension in the room.
"What makes you think none of us battled a Keromon before?" she spoke,an eyebrow rising in amusement.It didn't reach her eyes,though,as her lips pursed together thinly."More importantly,why do you think any sane Tamer would accept to be treated like an experiment?" she asked,tilting her head."We're not dolls,or chess pieces.I don't like being treat like one,either,just because someone can't get enough thrill of battle or satiate their thirst for wisdom." Rai added,face becoming quite blank yet again.

Fairymon swallowed.Loudly.Un-ladylike and completely against herself."Rai-chan,be might be useful for us too,I'm on the brink of evolving..." she whispered,not really knowing what to say.The Tamer shot her a brief,light glare;the Wind Guardian bowed her head slightly in response.
Nov 14, 2012 3:07 PM

Apr 2011
"You disgust me" said Yuki coldy, giving the girl the stare down of her life

Impmon clarified saying "What Yuki AND I are tryng to say here is, that when we fight... we tend to play for keeps. At the end of the day, somebody's Data gets eaten! You follow me you little ruskies?" he threw the insult on the end, now that he realized that the pair was russian in origin...
Nov 14, 2012 3:22 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya signs to herself. It seems that these people, too, where hopeless. Fools who didn't understand her work, who are unable to look past themselves and into the future. Why did she even bother trying to explain? When did the negotiations every work.

Didn't they understand that Knowledge is power? Before it, everything else is meaningless.

Keromon grinned, having forsaw this outcome. It just proved his theory that all humans, besides Anastasiya, were idiotic and stupid creatures. Well, at least this way he could have some fun.

"I can see this isn't going to work" says Anastasiya, shaking off her previous polite demeanour. If they weren'tgoing to listen, then she had no time for them. She leaves, opening the door. Just before she exits, she turns, fixing them both with a steel glare.

"When we meet again, don't say I didn't give you a choice"

Keromon just laughs.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 14, 2012 3:27 PM

Apr 2011
Over Keromon's laughter... EVERYONE'S Digivices lit up!

They glowing and vibrating like crazy, normally they glow like that for Child (Rookie) to Adult (Champion) levels

They were detecting something, something BIG entering their world... and it was coming from above them... on top of the apartments...
Nov 14, 2012 3:30 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou throws her knife in one,swift motion."I didn't say I deny you a fight.I like to wipe the floor with those prudes who think they're better than everyone else." she simply states,cracking her neck to relieve pressure."But not here.Say,the outskirts would do?" she asks.Fairymon sighs,drinking tea alone.She wanted this done and over with.
"Watch your system,Rai-dono.You're going to end up in a hospital,again." she quietly advises.Said girl dismisses her statement with a casual,lazy wave.
"First things come first.I want to show this little miss here and her crazy companion what human means.Above all,heart matters the most."

Then,her digivice lights up.Rai coughs,a trick of blood falling."Shit.I TOLD you something will happen!" she curses,running out,trough the window,to climb on the rooftop.
Nov 14, 2012 3:42 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki grabbed his Digivice saying "I've been a Tamer for 6 years... I've never seen anything this big... and why here and now right above us?"

Yuki saw Rai try and climb out the windo for the fire escape and he said "Watch yourself... I'll meet you up there, I'm gonna take the stairs"

Yuki pushed passed the 2 Ruskies and headed for the roof, with Impmon on his heals and with a wild look on his face...
Nov 14, 2012 4:11 PM

Jul 2009
The knife slings into to doorframe, shaking slightly as the blade etches itself into the wood. But Anastasiya doesn't show fear, more like...boredom. Threats wouldn't work on her.

She listens to Rai talk and challenge, keeping the same cold, uncaring expression.So she's the violent-type she thought to herself, barely listening at all. Her expression only changes when the Tamer mentions 'Heart mattters most". Her gaze becomes like ice, and filled with hatred.


But before she can continue, the Digivice's of all three Tamers light up. Anastasiya immediately turns her attention to it, and the reading it showed. Something Big had just entered the World. Anastasiya eyes widen, and she begins to smile, all hint of the previous disgust replaced with interest.



The pair turn, running at full speed down the hall and taking the steps two at a time.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 14, 2012 4:25 PM

Jun 2011
Rai is the first to reach the rooftop;ages of climbing and running made her agile and fast.Very fast.Fairymon is on her tail,large eerie wings soaring trough the dark night sky.Raichou curses,as she sees the materializing figure.It was large,incredibly so.And she had a feeling she won't like what she comes out of it."Atleast Fairy will evolve," she confidently mutters,as she re-forms her digitool in her hand.
"You'll have to fix the door later,you know." Fairy states,as they are side by side.Rai simply smirks.
Nov 14, 2012 4:44 PM

Feb 2011
Ia digivice which had fallen out earlier suddenly lit up,curious Lunamon walk over and picked it up and saw that the 3 other tamer seem to be moving to the roof turning around she ask Hime "What are they doing?"
Nov 14, 2012 5:42 PM

Apr 2011
Himeko's eyes widened in shock and slight horror, Dorumon' eyes mimicking hers as he too looked at the Digivice. "Something HUGE is coming out right above us," she said and turned to Lunamon. "If Ia can't wake up then we need to get her out of here ASAP. Dorumon, we'll carry her out and then you'll Digivolve into Dorugamon and carry her and Lunamon off to safety."

"Roger that, but what about you?" Dorumon asked.

"I'm going to see what that thing is. You know I'll be fine."

Dorumon nodded, his countenance becoming serious. "I'm coming right back once I'm done." He turned to Lunamon. "Any objections?"
Nov 14, 2012 6:56 PM

Feb 2011
"Just one, give me a minute" Lunamon answer turning around she gripped Ia shirt and violently shook her yelling "INORI WAKE UP!!" .But even that didn't wake her up,Ia just slept right through it "Strange usually she wake up when I do that" then Lunamon started slapping her "Wake up you can have time to sleep later" still she slept on.Now Lunamon was getting worried, she had never seen this from Ia before "Hurry up Inori and wake up or else your friend is going to leave you!".
Instantly Ia sat up "Who?!What?!Where?!" looking around she seem a bit dazed but was fine "What going on?" she ask yawning.
Nov 14, 2012 8:41 PM

Apr 2011
"Welcome back to the realm of the living, girly," Dorumon said nonchalantly.

"We have something big right above us trying to come into the real world. Something very big," Himeko replied. "The other Tamers in the area are already on the move to check it out. We need to go help too."
Newmn84Nov 15, 2012 10:34 AM
Nov 15, 2012 3:57 AM

Apr 2011
"Oh no you Don't Ruskies!" said Impmon as he and Yuki ran pushed passed them up the stairs, and ascended 2-3 floors to the top...

Once they got up top, Impmon froze and looked up and Yuki followed suit...

It was the largest Digital Field either of them have ever seen an it was loating above their heads about 100 some meters in the air and about 200 meters across and 300 tall.

Needless to say Yuki got his warface on and Impmon got his hunger on a roll... it was game time.
Nov 15, 2012 4:46 AM

Feb 2011
"Alright then" Ia manage to yawn out.Walking like a drunken nobody knew how she didn't fall down at all but somehow she got to the door and open it."Hold on Inori!" lunamon yell running after her.
Nov 15, 2012 10:48 AM

Apr 2011
"You think she's gonna be alright?" Dorumon asked, curiously watching Ia stumble out the door.

"Probably not..." Himeko replied with a concerned look on her face. "Come on, let's go. If that thing's as big as it seems it could cause some major havoc if left unchecked." Himeko rushed out the door with Dorumon in tow.

Dorumon's eyes widened as he stared up into the largest digital field he's ever seen. "Oh ho ho, this is gonna be fun," he said with a smirk. "Maybe I'll even Digivolve too."

They soon reached the rooftop, meeting up with the rest of the Tamers. Himeko drew her juumonji yari in preparation for the coming battle.
Nov 15, 2012 10:55 AM

Jun 2011
Rai grinned,as Yuki and Impmon were now on her other side."I'd say it's prayer time,but I'm not exactly religious." she muttered,purposefully adjusting the size of the knife in her hand."Fairy,listen 'ere." she added afterwards.
Fairymon turned to her Tamer,floating lightly in the partial moonlight."Yes?"
"I'll start a hit tornado once we identify the digimon;hit,retract,materialize,repeat.I expect you to fire as much as you can,as long as you can." she requested lightly."And cooperate with Impmom." Raichou's voice was determined,and laced with covered thoughts - Fairymon nodded,flying high,preparing the first attack.
"Oi,Yuki,whenever your partner needs a lift,just rise a finger for Fairy to lift 'im!Preferably NOT the middle one,though!"
Nov 15, 2012 12:48 PM

Apr 2011
"No" said Yuki, "Whatever it is, we need to separate and attack from several sides at once... right Devimon?"

Impmon digivolved to Devimon while they were talking, he stood there with his arms crossed looking lethal and hungrily at the greyish cloud above them...
Nov 15, 2012 1:09 PM

Feb 2011
"What in the world is that?" Ia thought to herself what could they possibly do to that thing.They were like ant compare to it "Ia!" Lunamon rushing came up behind "What are we going to do?"
"The only thing we can do" Ia pulled out her digivice "We fight it".
Nov 15, 2012 2:30 PM

Apr 2011
"You know, the funny thing with plans is that they never hold true in the face of an enemy," Dorugamon said to the arguing pair.

"He's right," Himeko said. "We have no idea what's in store for us so we just need to do what we can. Dorugamon can lend fire-support and can run diversion if need be."
Nov 15, 2012 2:33 PM

Jun 2011
Rai shrugged "Doesn't matter.I frankly have no fuck to give who attacks who,as long as nobody dies,except the enemy";the moment the huge digimon finished materializing,she expertly anchored her whole weight on her left foot;she spun,throwing the knife mid arc.It soared trough the night air,a loud woosh accompanying the movement - the strike soon came,and the weapon penetrated the 'flesh' on the thing's arm.
Raichou raised her hand;the Bowie Knife disappeared from the wound,forming again in her hand.She lifted her digivice,scanning the creature,as Fairymon broke the dam with a Hurricane Wave.
Nov 15, 2012 3:56 PM

Apr 2011
The thing looked at the Fairymon and didn't even flinch at the supposed damage... in fact, the thing didn't even notice. It completed its formation and was 100% physically organic, but it eyes were sill closed.

Now resting on one of the buildings, it opened its eyes and stretched its wings and let out a roar... a roar that could be heard across town that made all the Tamers and their Digimon hold their ears/heads in pain.

It was then that Yuki's Digivice had finally started recording and analyzing the Digimon... he read aloud after the thing's roar and said "Its... a Chimairamon, an ULTIMATE (MEGA) level Digimon! Our partners havent even reached the Perfect (Ultimate) stage, how in the hell are we suppose to handle this thing?"

Devimon's eyes narrowed, this was definitely a prize to behold. A Digimon that was definitely stronger than all the Digimon partners present. Chimairamon was at a level were most Digimon can't go any higher!

After Yuki finished reading aloud, the Chimairamon looked down at the group of 5 Tamers and their Digimon at his feet and a murderous look came upon his face... this wasn't going to end well.
Nov 15, 2012 7:13 PM

Feb 2011
"How the world are we suppose to take this thing down?!" Ia exclaim.What they were facing was pure chaos in itself
"It's ok as long as we together we will be fine as long as a we stick together" replied Lekismon while at the same time landing next to her.
Ia was quiet for a minute then smile "Your right so come on Chimairamon give us everything you got!" she taunted him.
Nov 16, 2012 3:50 PM

Apr 2011
After abou 3 to 10 seconds of staring Devimon growled "What are we waiting for?" he launched himself into the air and yelled "Hey Chimairamon! What's that one your face? Death Claw!" as he swiped its face saying "ITS CALLED PAIN! BWAHAHAHA..."

Devimon's laughter trailed off after seeing no damage on Chimairamon's face. In fact he just looked annoyed, as it used one of it's 'Devimon' arms and swiped Yuki's Devimon out of the sky using a Death Claw as well...

Devimon crashed landed not far from Yuki, and went through at least 2 floors in the process...

"DEVIMON!" Yuki yelled looking down into the hole...
Nov 16, 2012 3:58 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou facepalmed.Literally."I told you this building will go down aswell." she mumbled,tapping her chin with her blade."Fairymon,get on the defensive!Love Tap the motherfucker!" she yelled,after a few minutes of thought."If he aims us,block him with a Hurricane!You,the others,combine your attacks and aim random points until you find his weak one!"
Nov 16, 2012 4:07 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya and Keromon had reached the rooftop, watching as the thing emerged and solified into the Physical world. It stood over them, a Mega-Level Digimon that payed them little attention. She watched the Devimon attack, and only achieving to annoy it.

What was this thing? It was....was...

"Glorious" she whispers, absentmindly. It was the first she had encounter a Digimon of this caliber. The data that could be gained upon it's defeat would be groundbreaking.

"Keromon, Digivolve"

Keromon did has he was ordered, without the usual sarcasism or mouthly comebacks. His concentration was fixed on the enemy before him. His body began to harden, floating off the ground as it went into chrysalis-like state. Numerous tentacles sprouted from it's back, each with a razor-sharp edge. It evolution finished, as it became its adult form of Chrysalimon.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 16, 2012 5:26 PM

Apr 2011
Himeko shielded her face from the kicked up dust and concrete shrapnel from Devimon's impact and upon hearing the Fairymon tamer's orders shouted: "Dorugamon! Go for the wings!"

Dorugamon merely nodded as he soared up into the sky, taking care to stay out of range of the massive Digimon's reach. "Cannonball!" He shouted as he strafed Chimairamon, firing cannon balls aimed at the wings.
Nov 18, 2012 10:37 AM

Jun 2011
"Fairymon!" Raichou yelled out,dignity be damned.A thief had none,anyway;she just wished she could blast some music while all this was happening."Aid him!" she ordered.
Fairymon noded,absent-minded;she spun,inhaling sharply."Hurricane Wave!" she yelled out,spinning in a horizontal position,combining the powerful wind emanating from both hands.It wrapped around the cannonballs,making them stronger,faster,bigger.The Chimairamon roared,hurt and annoyed by their combined attack,and wiggled his claws around,attempting to swat them away.
"Openly fire!" Raichou hollered from down below,throwing endlessly her blade at the feet of the beast.
Nov 18, 2012 4:01 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya watched as the Tamer and thier Digimon battled against the large beast that had appeared before them, waitng for a moment to strike. Unlike the other Digimon present, Chrysalimon wasn't exactly mobile. It was a state used to conserve energy, allowing for a stronger Perfect Form. It was made for dodging, inside having an incrediably tough shell and tentacles to warrd off attacks.

As the Chimairamon swiped its massive claw as it attempted to get rid of Fairymon and her Tamer, Anastasiya took advantage of its distractions.

"Chrysalimon!" she ordered

"Data Crusher! he answered, his tentacles lashing out and striking Chimairamon in numerous places, destroying it's configuration data.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 18, 2012 4:08 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou effortlessly dodged,jumping over the claw aiming for her,in a fluid semi-arc;she grinned widely as the creature hollered in pain once more;"GET HIM!" she ordered,her voice booming over the dark scene,akin to thunder in a storm.Fairymon nodded towards Dorugamon;she fired a powerful wave of Hurricanes towards the sensitive point in the monster's back.

However...the Chimairamon loaded and fired a Heat Viper,aiming for Chrysalimon.
Nov 20, 2012 10:26 PM

Apr 2011
Himeko looked up in horror as Chimairamon charged up for a big attack. "Dorugamon!" she yelled pointing at the tentacled Digimon, its Tamer, and Ia.

Dorugamon just noticed Chimairamon's line of fire. "Shit!" he exclaimed. He quickly flew down below Chimairamon and rammed up into its jaw with all his might to try to diver the attack upward. "Power Metal!" he roared, his extra attack adding to the force of his blow.
Nov 21, 2012 4:17 PM

Jul 2009
As the assualt against the Chimairamon continued, the beast suddenly turns its attention towards Chrysalimon. It attacks, charging and firing a Heat Viper in his and Anastasiya's direction. The combined attack of Himeko and Dorugamon manage to change it's direction, but still leaves the immobile Chrysalimon in the blast radius.

"Brace for Impact" Anastasiya shouts, running to a safe distance. Chrysalimon follows the order, retracting it's tentacles and preparing itself for the attack.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
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