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Feb 2, 2007 2:39 PM

Oct 2006
im still 17 so 16 isnt a problem
Feb 2, 2007 3:04 PM

Nov 2004
wildebeest0001 said:

haha it's an eroge Xinil, figure it out. =P

That's just wrong. Argggg.
Feb 2, 2007 3:07 PM

Mar 2005
Takayuki gives it to every girl he meets. And when I say every girl, I mean EVERY GIRL including Akane Suzumiya, Ayu and Mayu, and that tiny nurse who looked like she was 7.
Feb 2, 2007 3:08 PM

Nov 2004

Now that's pimping it.
Feb 2, 2007 3:12 PM

Mar 2005
haha you changed ur mind so fast some of us are gonna get whiplash
Feb 2, 2007 5:33 PM

Nov 2004
Well, I voted for Haruka. Not that I really hated Mitsuki or anything. Jealously makes people do crazy things.
Feb 2, 2007 5:34 PM

Jan 2007
oh noes, haruka is pulling away
Feb 2, 2007 5:37 PM

Oct 2006
and thats the way it should be :D
Feb 8, 2007 8:20 PM

Dec 2006
I don't really prefer either, but as far as looks go, I'd go with Mitsuki.
I like Haruka better than Mitsuki for sure, because Mitsuki is all evil and bitchness.

I haven't seen the series in a long time though.
Apr 3, 2007 1:03 PM

Apr 2007
o.o Decisive vote :D
Dunno I prefer Mitsuki, maybe cuz she got more screen time, more fan service, or more secks x.x.
Both are equally emo :p.
But w/e Akane's my favorite <3.
Apr 3, 2007 5:05 PM

Feb 2007
Lol, sorry to break your decisive vote. I didn't really like any of the characters actually, but how Mitsuki acted after Haruka woke up just pissed me off :D
Jul 1, 2007 6:39 AM

Mar 2007
I'm a Haruka supporter, 100%. She couldn't help what happened to her, waiting so long for her boyfriend and then being in the wrong place at the wrong time... being in an accident and being in a coma. Even so, after all she's been through, she was mature enough to give up on her «boyfriend» and then move on, instead of being eternally depressed about it.

And Mitsuki? I hate her so much! Grrr!
First of all, if she had "fallen" for the guy Haruka liked, why did she help Haruka be with him only to betray her in the back... calling Haruka's boyfriend to be with her? Then Haruka's accident/coma was all Mitsuki's fault! If Mitsuki hadn't called him, Haruka wouldn't still be waiting there and wouldn't have been hit by the car!
Mitsuki barely waited before jumping on Haruka's boyfriend while Haruka was in a coma. Since he's just a man, he couldn't resist her.
Then, as if Mitsuki wasn't bitch enough, when Haruka woke up she wouldn't even visit and would forbid him to visit her. Then all that angst, crying fits and whatever... so childish!

I didn't like the ending. Stupid Mitsuki got what she wanted. But I'm «happy» they gave some sort of happy ending to Haruka. (for a while there I was worried they'd do a dramatic ending with Haruka commiting suicide or something).
Jul 3, 2007 3:50 AM

Apr 2007
Mitsuki, a no no for reasons already stated.
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Jul 9, 2007 10:22 AM

May 2007
I was glad that Haruka stayed strong in the end and started writing childrens books. I preferred Haruka definatly just because she is a sweet character and was also had such determination. For looks I would have to go with Haruka as well I don't really like blue haired chicks in anime.
Jul 24, 2007 8:39 PM

Jun 2007
There both hot and have feelings for him, He should have ended up with them both. It would have been a weird twist :P.
Aug 4, 2007 7:16 PM

Feb 2007
Haruka all the way ^_^ evil Mitsuki... very very evil... and selfish -_-
Aug 14, 2007 7:17 PM

Jul 2007
mitsuki ftw.. ya it was kinda her fault and ya she was slutty at times but she still deserved him in the end.
Aug 14, 2007 8:47 PM

May 2007
Mitsuki with long hair and wearing a swimsuit. I suddenly have thoughts of Umisho...
Sep 20, 2007 9:58 PM

May 2007
Sep 21, 2007 12:39 AM

Aug 2007
Haruka, definitely
Sep 21, 2007 11:13 AM

Jul 2007
It's split even O.o
Sep 30, 2007 7:03 AM

Sep 2007
haruka .... she sooo cute ><
Sep 30, 2007 5:19 PM

Aug 2007

Does anyone still think that Mitsuki is better ?
Sep 30, 2007 5:22 PM

Jul 2007
I still think mitsuki is better.
Sep 30, 2007 5:27 PM

Aug 2007
asandari said:
I still think mitsuki is better.
asandari said:
I still think mitsuki is better.

Nobody's perfect eheh (I'm joking...maybe)
Sep 30, 2007 5:36 PM

Jul 2007
I'm trying to be perfect :(

It's a mental illness.
Oct 1, 2007 3:28 AM

Apr 2007
Mitsuki is definitely hotter, no doubt. But I simply hate her for her behavior. The way she seduced Takayuki was pathetic and what she did to make him stay with her even more. And by sleeping with Shinji she just went over the top. I heard the anime would have a bad ending before watching it, I seriously hoped Mitsuki would die as a conclusion or something like that. Too bad ...
So i go for Haruka (32-31 for Haruka ^^)
Oct 1, 2007 9:06 AM

Jul 2007
I'd have to say that mitsuki went through a lot of pain for her love for Takayuki, who was unable to see her struggles through his own flaws/distractions/dilemmas. It doesn't matter which one looks better, it's about which one loved the other more, and about which one could have done more for the other.

Mitsuki did more for Takayuki, and even before Haruka and Takayuki were dating you could see the chemistry (and despite this, Mitsuki still did her best to sacrifice her own love in order to help out haruka, but she's only human too).

I'm not saying that Mitsuki is better than Haruka or anything, just that she fits better with Takayuki because of everything they went through together :p
Oct 7, 2007 5:32 AM

Aug 2007
This anime really touched my cold heart. I really love this series. At the end i really wanted to end main char witch Haruka, because i hate when somone make other person Painfu.
Look at this from Haruka side. Happy love, then she awake in hospital, and her sister tell her that her love was with her best friend, and he was asleep for three years... this is more than painful.
Oct 29, 2007 4:46 PM

Oct 2007
algelic said:
And Mitsuki? I hate her so much! Grrr!
First of all, if she had "fallen" for the guy Haruka liked, why did she help Haruka be with him only to betray her in the back... calling Haruka's boyfriend to be with her? Then Haruka's accident/coma was all Mitsuki's fault! If Mitsuki hadn't called him, Haruka wouldn't still be waiting there and wouldn't have been hit by the car!
Mitsuki barely waited before jumping on Haruka's boyfriend while Haruka was in a coma. Since he's just a man, he couldn't resist her.
Then, as if Mitsuki wasn't bitch enough, when Haruka woke up she wouldn't even visit and would forbid him to visit her. Then all that angst, crying fits and whatever... so childish!

That seems like a cold way to put it, doesn't it? I mean, love is something that uncontrollable, so you can't really blame Mitsuki for falling in love with Takayuki. I mean, she loved Haruka to the extent that she sacrificed her own feelings, her own love, to help her friend. As for betrayal, I hate calling this series a betrayal. Under all the circumstances, the actions and emotions expressed in this series were never in any way of ill intent. Mitsuki did not "jump" on Takayuki right after Haruka was in a coma. It could be argued that Haruka was probably in a coma for months before her parents forbid Takayuki to come to the hospital. Everyone was in pain and, at the moment, who knew how long Haruka would be in a coma for let alone if she would recover at all. As for not visiting, the way Akane talked to her, of course she didn't have the heart to come. The tragic accident was an accident, nothing more. You can't hold anyone accountable for that. If anything, you could say the driver was responsible.

This is probably the reason why I like this anime so much. It's plotline is so well written out. It is a clear illustration of a tragic situation that no one came to wish for and still no one to blame. A tragedy.
Oct 31, 2007 1:53 AM

Aug 2007
Haruka for sure.... he love her very much...
this mitsuki anoying....
Nov 6, 2007 8:15 PM
Nov 2007
I don't know why but throughout the entire series, I really wanted Mitsuki to ultimately be united with Takayuki. I do believe the amount of screen time she had received has had an effect on my attachment to her as a character. She may not be the nicest girl, but to just see her true colors... Well I just felt so bad for her at times that I wish I could do something for her.

If you think Haruka was so patient, you have to consider the fact that she has been in a coma for 3 years. Mitsuki on the other hand has went through everything and for her to have experienced all the ups and downs just extracted more of a reaction. It's like I felt indifferent for Haruka because she didn't do a lot whole after the beginning. Haruka is indeed quite the strong hearted character however Mitsuki takes the cake for me. Mitsuki was true to her own feelings for the most part and that's what mattered most as far as I am concerned.
Nov 6, 2007 10:50 PM

Oct 2006
Nov 6, 2007 11:58 PM
Apr 2007
itainteazy said:

no ;_;

here's what ultimate boss should have typed...
ultimate_boss said:
Nov 7, 2007 1:01 AM

Oct 2006
pfffft Haruka is The Ultimate
Nov 7, 2007 6:25 AM

Jan 2007
just one of many reasons why you phail eazy, go Mitsuki!
Nov 7, 2007 2:58 PM

Mar 2005
lies, this is the one time eazy does not phail. Haruka ftw~
Nov 7, 2007 5:41 PM

Jul 2007
Mitsuki wins o.o
Nov 15, 2007 12:06 PM

May 2007
Mitsuki. blue hair ftw
Nov 15, 2007 12:28 PM

Oct 2007

dont know what he sees in Mitsuki
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Nov 15, 2007 12:32 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
A lot after she took care of him like that.




[H+] ³  
Nov 19, 2007 9:39 AM

Nov 2007
I did really like Mitsuki a lot. She is a very realistic character and did everything she could for Haruka until she just couldn't stand it anymore; I respect her a lot for that.

Even though Mitsuki is a great character, I just fell in love with Haruka in the first two episodes of the series. I also just admired Haruka's strength in the end of giving up the love of her life to what she knew was his true love and moved on after that.

I know she wasn't on the poll, but I see some of you talking about Akane. I thought she was super annoying when she started to fall in love with Takayuki, who wasn't that great of a prize anyway, people!
Nov 27, 2007 9:09 PM
Nov 2007
Hm I liked Haruka more just because she confessed to Takiyuki first. I know that's a terrible reason but it's just a first impression kind of thing.

I thought the ending was really good; I wouldn't have guessed (or does that make me stupid?) that Haruka would be the one to sort of bring it all to a close. But I thought about it, and yeah, it seems realistic (sort of...ironically...). She can't really comprehend what happened in three years, so her connection to Takiyuki isn't nearly as strong as Mitsuki's is. Although I long were Haruki and Takiyuki going out before the accident? It must have been like, a month or two right? Then I guess it is totally realistic for Haruka not "being that attached" to Takiyuki, yet the opposite can't be true since Takiyuki had to deal with three years of guilt and whatnot.

And I hated Akane so much after Akane Maniax, if that even counts as being related to KGNE.
And I ah
Jan 11, 2008 7:19 PM

Jan 2008
Before the accident:
You have to remember that Mitsuki loved takayuki way before Haruka even asked him out. If you remembered during that scene on the hill when she confessed to him, he thought Mitsuki had feelings for him and didn't expect him to even be there. He didn't even like her until after the festival when he confessed back to her. That was when he lost all of his feelings towards Mitsuki. However, her feelings intensified when she felt jealous of their perfect relationship. That was why she needed to talk to him everytime he was late for a date. You really can't blame her for her jealously because when you put yourself in her shoes, the loneliness is to great for her. But it is her fault for not confessing Haruka anyways.

During the accident:
Takayuki was depressed for the entire year afterwards and probably would of commited suicide if it wasn't for Mitsuki's comfort. The only reason he got out of the depression was because of the scene when she got naked and had sex with Takayuki and stating her love for him. He essentially moved on when Haruka's parents thought that his love for her during her coma would have killed him inside and outside. He moved on with his life and there was nobody to blame; not Mitsuki or Takayuki. Again put yourself in their shoes.

After the accident: Akane didn't realize that her parents banned Takayuki from the hospital, so she thought that he simply forgot about her sister. That was why she resented him after the accident. You can blame Mitsuki for coming with Takayuki to the hospital the first time because of Haruka's amnesia; she couldn't realize them together without anything bad happening to her. During this time Takayuki could have chosen anyone because of his curse of kindness. When Matsuki was depressed and walking aimlessly, the two men got her drunk and wanted to have their way with her, but Shinji stopped them and tryed to help her in the hotel room. The reason why he couldn't stop her from taking advantage of him was because: 1. She was drunk and incredibely depressed at the moment; during this time she needed someone and since Takayuki wasn't there Shinji was the only person who could do it 2. you have to remember that Shinji had a crush on her in the beginning, and techniqually his love of her stopped him from thinking clearly. It is not Mitsuki's or Shinji's fault.

Takayuki: He is too kind and lazy. He doesn't show his emotions that much keeping Mitsuki and Haruka to think wrongly of his feelings for them. He is selfish because he wanted to love Mitsuki but help Haruka. If it was me, I would't visit Hakura at all because then I would be hurting my current life with Matsuki.

Hakura: You can't blame her because of the coma, and her strength after the coma is remarkable considering her frail body before and after the coma. You can't seem to hate her but she is at fault for regretting the past. She blames herself for all the lost memories during the coma and regrets her life afterwards.

Shinji: You can't blame him for affair he had with Mitsuki. In fact he had the most sense during the entire series. He helped Mitsuki during her depression; he knocked some sense in Takayuki twice which was really neccesary; he only saw Haruka once when she left the hospital showing that he was the only friend left our of the original four. Plus his girl Miki is pretty cute(I want to vote for her :p)

Mitsuki: She is the main focus of this entire series. She is indeed hot before and after the hair cut. But enough of that; she is needy and emotional unlike Haruka. She needed Takayuki giving up her entire life to devout it to Takayuki. I really liked how much she loved Takayuki; plus she showed it during the three years of their relationship during the coma.

So After my incredibelly long synopsis, I would have to choose Mitsuki.

Mitsuki Haruka

Hot cute winner: Mitsuki
energetic shy winner: Mitsuki
athletic unathletic winner: Mitsuki
whore? one timer winner: Mitsuki (more experience lol)

seriously its like picking between the cheerleader who will serve you forever, or the cure nerd that is only marriage material. I'd go for the former. GO MITSUKI!!
Jan 11, 2008 7:29 PM
Jul 2018
I voted for Haruka because Takayuki was basically stripped from her arms by force and I share pitty with her for it. And I feel that Haruka deserved a little more respect from Mitsuki after coming out of the coma, because it had to have been hard understanding what had been going on for someone that doesn't even remember what happen.
Jan 14, 2008 5:45 AM

Jul 2007
Mitsuki because she is a very realistic character and I can understand perfectly her
Jan 15, 2008 12:47 AM

Sep 2007
I like Haruka but in reality, the story is very realistic because he chose Mitsuki. Why? For all those years that Haruka is asleep, Mitsuki was there for him. I know that it's like Mitsuki took advantage of his weakness but still, someone you spent time with the most is really the one you'll fall in love to... =)
Jan 27, 2008 3:50 PM

Jan 2008
Haruka is much sweeter.. a better type of girl..
Jan 29, 2008 3:06 PM

Aug 2007
I liked both girls quite a bit actually, and would've been happy had he ended up with either one. But I liked Mitsuki just slightly more than Haruka.
Feb 5, 2008 1:09 PM

Sep 2007
algelic said:
I'm a Haruka supporter, 100%. She couldn't help what happened to her, waiting so long for her boyfriend and then being in the wrong place at the wrong time... being in an accident and being in a coma.

Not true, Haruka is the only one responsible for her accident (to be more specific, Haruka in muv-luv alternative, her death triggered the accident in KGNE universe)

I'm 100% mitsuki fan, haruka is just moebob...
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