i spent hours looking for a good free snow cap/pile/clumps/whatchamacallit but couldnt find anything good so i made it myself. heh
the one on the status-menu was taken from freepik tho
@karmashizzle that's one of the things i just fixed (which was a pain!), but i'm holding off updating until next year.
/* Temporary fix for extra space on right side when window is too small */
.header {width: 1060px;}
.header .header-menu {position: absolute;margin-left: 0;top: 0 !important;left: 206px;}
.header .header-title {left: 206px;}
.list-menu-float {padding-left: 238px;width: 822px;}
[data-owner="1"] .list-menu-float .profile {left: 40px;}
.btn-menu a.username {left: -166px;}
body:before, body:after, .cover-block, .status-menu-container {min-width: 1060px;}
messing with all those numbers is pain i'll just stick with the provided values yep.
the shtuff you added on the status menu is p dope. i think im content with a static lil snowdude for now
6.0 update notes...
- new look for avatars, along with changeable icons when hovering them
- coloured border appears around entries when hovered (mods available)
- small vignette added to pattern and avatar areas (easily disabled)
- added 'entrance' animation for when entries first load on the page
- '100'/Perfect Score tag now has 3 different sizes: 100, 100+, 100-
- list view: FontAwesome tags now show animations (and scale better)
technical notes...
- shortened code due to MAL character limit (allowing for more mods)
- moved main bg to body:before (so it doesn't require '!important')
- fixed a lot of the code to work better regardless of window size
- & (hopefully) improved performance on pages with a lot of entries
✖AwesomeFont.css & FontAwesome.css have been replaced with ➜tags.css & icons.css
(* these are just for bookmarking, so you know how tags work & what icons can be used)
/* Revert: Show less spacing between entries */
.list-table {gap: 26px;}
/* Revert: Show solid white border around avatar */
.status-menu-container .status-menu:before {display: none;}
.status-menu-container:not(.fixed) .status-menu:after {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px var(--bg-alt),
border-style: solid; }
/* Remove vignette from pattern and avatar */
.cover-block:after {box-shadow: none;} /* Pattern */
.status-menu-container:not(.fixed) .status-menu:after {box-shadow: none;} /* Avatar */
.status-menu-container.fixed .status-menu:after {box-shadow: var(--shadow-small);} /* Avatar when scrolled down */
/* Disable cover animation on page load */
.list-item {animation: none;}
/* Disable coloured border when hovering entries */
.list-table-data:hover .data.title:before {display: none;}
/* Always show glass-like border around entries */
.data.title:before {opacity: .35;}