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Kouga or Iga?
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Sep 8, 2009 12:50 AM

Jul 2009
Kouga, all day. The Iga had no honor at all.....bunch of snakes.
Sep 8, 2009 1:00 AM
Jun 2009
Kouga rapes Iga.
Sep 16, 2009 6:16 PM

Oct 2008
Kouga to the extreme.
Personally, just like the name 'Kouga' xD
But the characters were awesome!
Oct 20, 2009 9:25 AM
Sep 2009
i like okoi and hotarubi equally. there are more characters i hated than i like tough so...

Rousai Azuki - iga
Jingoro Amayo - iga
Nenki Mino - iga
Josuke Udono - kouga
Shougen Kazamachi - kouga

so kouga wins being less disgusting. but i have to admit if i were to take one of their abilities i would pick tenzen's.
Nov 25, 2009 1:35 AM

May 2009
kouga :D

Jan 2, 2010 1:30 PM

Apr 2009
From Iga I liked Hotarubi, Yashamaru, Akeginu, and Oboro, but everyone else from that clan I hated.

From Kouga, I liked Kagero, Okoi, and Gennosuke, and everyone else was okay/bad.

Neutral, I guess.
Jan 3, 2010 8:34 AM
Jan 2010
Damoizgod said:
There ya go there's a neutral for you.
I seriously hated Tenzen for trying to rape oboro... I never really liked any of the Iga anyway they were all bastards except oboro she's ok.

Agree, from start i liked Kouga more, Iga were way more evil and into h8red, and even if they didn't have that many negative characters, Tenzen alone would be enough to give my vote for Kouga
Jan 19, 2010 12:47 PM

Dec 2008
Iga, because of Yashamaru.
Jan 22, 2010 6:56 PM

Jul 2009
Voted neutral. Both clans had scum and good people so there's no way I could choose side. You could say I both hated them as much. Okay Kouga seemed to be more fair but only because Tenzen was pulling the strings at the Iga side. Tenzen is a bitch! I'm glad Oboro finished him (he was a very good villain tho).
I thought it was weird that the clans didn't even know the primary reason for their war. Sometimes I really got the feeling they lacked some brain capacity and all they knew was war. I also kinda disliked the weird characters in this anime. Dislike is a bit exaggerated but still... That hairy guy Nenki, wtf... bobobo! FAIL :P Or that old man Rousai. Luffy in his old days? xD
Apr 21, 2010 6:21 PM
Apr 2010
Damoizgod said:
So, what clan does everyone prefer? I personaly prefer the Kouga. I thought the characters in the Kouga where a lot better than that of the Iga clan. I also thought they were all killed off a bit quickly. The guy with no arms and legs was only in one episode and I thought he was incredibly kick ass.

You took the words right out of my mouth! After I finished the series, I thought to myself 'Okay, I'm all for the kouga, plus they have my favorite character (Juubei) on their side, and they all seem like the good guys in my eyes since the iga are power hungry and evil' I always prefer the kouga, also the characters all seemed rather likable (Well, that's probably just me). The Iga were FAR too annoying, and power hungry (Except Oboro, though I kind of like Tenzen despite the fact he killed Juubei.. WHICH ANNOYS ME). Plus, I hate it that they kept overpowering them. So, I'm all for the awesome Kouga.
Jun 23, 2010 2:43 PM
Jun 2010
I'd say Iga. Particulary cuz my main favorite characters (Yashamaru, Koshirou, and Oboro) are from them. plus I thought their powers were cooler, except for the old dude, he was sorta a mr.fantastic rip. That being said, Gennouske is and effin' badass incarnate. His Eye technique is like the Uchiha Sharingan on steroids. I personally thought Yashamaru was killed off way too early, same with shougen from kouga. Come to think of it, most of the cool characters got killed off soon. Also, as much as I hate him, I love Tenzens regeneration technique. And just to add to it, if oboro and gennouske werent in love/and if she was as "innocent" as she was, she would have destroyed Gennouske.
Jun 23, 2010 2:46 PM
Jun 2010
King_Under said:
Kouga, all day. The Iga had no honor at all.....bunch of snakes.

Thats the way ninjas work. There is no such thing as fighting with honor, especially when DECEPTION and SNEAKINESS is the core part of being a ninja.
Jan 16, 2011 3:07 AM

Mar 2009
I'm neutral. Kouga has some interesting members but the same can be said for the Iga.
Feb 8, 2011 4:51 PM

May 2008
I'm Kouga all the way. Since the first episode. I admit Yashamaru was pretty cool, but he just seemed like a pretty boy for the girls to me ><. And I despised Tenzen for killing some of my favorite characters (Jubei, Saemon). The only one I liked from Iga was Akeginu and Oboro somewhat. I thought she was too "how do i put this" childish/passive/innocent??
Hyouma was badass beyond words, and he got killed way too easily. I mean, he's been blind for a long time and knows how to fight blindly. So i refuse to believe that he wasn't capable of dodging Koshirou's Kamaitachi. For all i care he would've just dropped himself to avoid getting hit, and slash his leg or something. It just seemed to me that there wasn't anyone decent enough left from Iga to fight him except for Tenzen. But that would've ended up in Tenzen decapitating himself, healing up and getting even.

And if i think about how the Kouga ninja's got killed compared to the ones from Iga, I have to say that Kouga seemed more humane in their way of killing.

Shougen got stabbed multiple times by a psychotic obsessive butterfly person. Jubei got cut in freaking half. Udono got, i dunno "Snailed". Okoi was molested and stabbed with needle-hair. Ok, Gyobu died pretty normal, but how Tenzen got the chance to do so was plain filthy. Saemon, well also pretty normal, but Tenzen didn't even do it himself, he used outsiders.

so yeah, easy pick imo :p

MekkaGman said:
And just to add to it, if oboro and gennouske werent in love/and if she was as "innocent" as she was, she would have destroyed Gennouske.

Hmm I'm not so sure about that. Assuming they know each others abilities, Gennosuke could strike her down with his eyes closed. She has 0 combat abilites. And for arguments sake, say they don't know each others abilities. If he tried his Doujutsu and she her Eye of Disruption to stop him, he would've known not to use it anymore. Cause from what I've seen, looking into her eyes doesn't kill you, at least not right away. So he would've just continued fighting with just his sword.

Sep 1, 2011 9:57 PM
Sep 2011
I find it funny that people are saying that the Iga are the ones with no honor. Yeah cause disguising yourself as people's lovers and friends then stabbing them in the back is so honorable. Oh and popping out of a wall when someone is just about to get a kill Sooo much honor. And everyone knows that seducing someone then killing them (2 Kogas specialize in this) is so honorable.
They're ninjas. They have no honor. Don't pretend the 'good' guys are on some kind of moral High ground.

Anyways that's enough ranting. I'm going to have to say Iga is better.

Of the Kogas the only one I really liked was Okoi. Everyone else was waaaay too self-righteous. 'filthy sneaky Iga" he says as he hides naked in the walls. I think I just don't like people who get saved in what starts out as a 1 on 1 fight, and I don't like the people doing the saving. Which is probably why I think all the Igas who fought 4 on 1 against Kazamachi sucked.

I mean stretchy arms? Hair attack? Butterflies? All retarded powers. I also thought Hyouma was all over the place with his powers. Throwing scythes+magic wind? One or the other buddy. He was also annoying. My princess noo!

The Kogas were all forgettable goodie goodies, although their powers were better. Saemon I hated because he contributed to the deaths of 2 of my favorite characters. Yashamaru was totally going to kill Saemon and Gyoubi if he didn't happen to cut exactly the wrong part of the wall. And Akeginu was obviously going to beat Kagerou if Saemon wasn't there to interfere. If only Tenzen was there to kill him sooner.

Oboru deserves a rant all on her own but this post is way too long. The most annoying character of all. If someone managed to kill her near the start things would have played out much differently.
Dec 31, 2011 10:17 PM

Oct 2007
I was more or less in the Kouga camp, and I'd say there was probably a bigger concentration of characters I actually liked there. At the same time though, Yashamaru and Hotarubi were in Iga, and their scenes got the bigger concentration of my tears and emotional pain.

So it's kind of a tough call.

Ph3n0m said:
I find it funny that people are saying that the Iga are the ones with no honor. Yeah cause disguising yourself as people's lovers and friends then stabbing them in the back is so honorable. Oh and popping out of a wall when someone is just about to get a kill Sooo much honor. And everyone knows that seducing someone then killing them (2 Kogas specialize in this) is so honorable.
They're ninjas. They have no honor. Don't pretend the 'good' guys are on some kind of moral High ground.

YES. THANK YOU. There's seriously not a "good" or "bad" between the two ninja clans--both of them are 100% capable of fighting dirty. Gennosuke being the idealist that he is doesn't negate that.
hyattisqueenDec 31, 2011 10:22 PM
Feb 3, 2013 1:24 PM

Jan 2013
Kouga at first seems more just and good, but in the end they are just plain, not realy much intreeasting ppl,

The best charaters form Kouga were Okoi Seamon (although I dont like him destroyiung this anime series with his power) and Gyobu.
The others died fast or were unintresting like that main salways stoic hero Gennosuke.

And Iga - though at first seemed villanous turned out to be jsut more pasionate and likeable people. Even Tensen - the main antagonist - I came to like him more as a leader to his peaople than lame indecisive Gennosuke.

People I liked in Iga:
Tenzen - realy strong character, violent but firm, insane yet wise, cruel yet carring for his clan.
Akeginu - a bit too motherly for Oboro, still one heck of a woman. I feel bad for her not finding love with Kochirou
Kochirou - great chivalrous character, shamed, crippled and broken by Oboro turning on him, he is one of the most tragic characters.
Yashamaru - cant say much about this guy - as short as we get to see him, he always acted cool. Even his name sounds awesome - not to mention it sound all the more sweeter in lips of incredible ...
... Hotarubi - absolutely most captivating of female characters in this series, evry shot of her was golden. Epitome of girliness, gentle, passionate, devoted to her love. I will remember her even after I forget about this seriess as a whole. Great voice acting (original japanese i mean)

in the end I cant help it but support Iga. If there was Fighting RPG Game of balisisk i woudl totaly choose Yashamaru to dispose of Kouga side by side with beloved Hotarubi.
Oct 8, 2013 6:27 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I think both had interesting characters, but the main difference was the leadership dynamic. The Kyouga had a very strong leader in Gennosuke and a number 2 like Gyoubu that followed him in everything. This radiated to all the Kouga. The Iga had a useless leader in Oboro and a true bastard at no. 2 in Tenzen. What Oboro did to Kochiro was unforgivable IMO.

Both sides had cool and boring characters. The Iga women were very fine, and I wholeheartedly agree with Angmir up here: Hotarubi was an absolutely captivating character. The very representation of japanese beauty.
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There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 29, 2015 1:05 PM

Jan 2012
Kouga , fuck Tenzen.

Jul 6, 2021 11:17 AM
Jul 2021
I use to like Iga more cuz the show revolves more around them, then as the episode goes on I think I prefer the Kouga. They both hate one another but the Kouga seems more acceptant of the idea of peace even though they hate the Iga and despised them, if you really observe their personality and the choice they make, you can see that they were kinda chill until the Iga started attacking them. I see alot hating on Kisaragi Saemon but tbh I kinda like him, i use to like and pity Hotarubi especially when Yashamaru died, but when she showed how much she was proud of killing the Kouga clan member and imo, the Iga are more drowned in hatred thn the Kouga, I don't feel sad at all when Hotarubi died, maybe pity a little bit, because Yashamaru wanted her to live happy without having blood in her hands. Everyone keeps talking about Hotarubi and how they hate Kouga when she died, Hotarubi is pretty maybe that's why people like her but did everyone just forgot what happened to Saemon's sister, Okoi?
ruelleeJul 6, 2021 11:22 AM
Aug 31, 2021 11:51 AM

Jun 2012
ruellee said:
I use to like Iga more cuz the show revolves more around them, then as the episode goes on I think I prefer the Kouga. They both hate one another but the Kouga seems more acceptant of the idea of peace even though they hate the Iga and despised them, if you really observe their personality and the choice they make, you can see that they were kinda chill until the Iga started attacking them. I see alot hating on Kisaragi Saemon but tbh I kinda like him, i use to like and pity Hotarubi especially when Yashamaru died, but when she showed how much she was proud of killing the Kouga clan member and imo, the Iga are more drowned in hatred thn the Kouga, I don't feel sad at all when Hotarubi died, maybe pity a little bit, because Yashamaru wanted her to live happy without having blood in her hands. Everyone keeps talking about Hotarubi and how they hate Kouga when she died, Hotarubi is pretty maybe that's why people like her but did everyone just forgot what happened to Saemon's sister, Okoi?

The Iga certainly seems the more villainous of the two. In part because while Kouga is commanded by Gennosuke who is sympathetic, Iga is commanded by the evil Tenzen. Iga also has more overtly monstrous characters,

I don't see much hate for Saemon. Of the side characters he is the most developed and sympathetic. His realization and guilt after backstabbing Akeginu in 'River Of Mercy' is one of the saddest moments.
Shoot first, think never.
Aug 31, 2021 11:58 AM
Jul 2018
I would say Kouga. They weren't as sneaky and treacherous as the Iga. I also didn't like Tenzen.
Jul 10, 2022 12:26 AM

Jul 2022
Kouga without a doubt. Excluding Oboro, the Iga clan members are devils and Tenzen alone makes you hate them, what bastard!
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