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Jul 21, 2019 8:50 AM

Aug 2009
astroprogs said:
ssjokg said:
What if you knew Rin only from Kaleid?That is my issue.Aside from Miyu's part, everything else is an exaggeration of the already exaggerated HA jokes.
The part where they first meet in HA's flashback is a lot better than the backstabbing-friends relationship they have in Kaleid.

Well, you specifically highlighted Bazett and Luvia. It didn't seem like you were talking in general terms, but just of those characters.

Luvia literally suplexes Rin the first time they met in HA and calls all Japanese an inferior race not fit or worthy to study and practice the Mystics.

What she does in Prisma is way tamer than that, man. Prisma Illya actually makes her likable and three-dimensional by revealing more sides to her than "Tohsakas are the Devil" and "Shero~".

In HA you also learn how badly the Edelfelts failed in the 3rd HGW and with other very disturbing implications about the "lost" sister you can understand her dislike, it isnt just some random rivalry.

>What she does in Prisma is way tamer than that, man.

-Threw a gradeschooler from a heli.

-Stole the cards and along with Rin crushed another heli.

-Laugh at a girl falling in swamp pit/trap she previously fell.

-Bakuretsu Bakuretsu La la la at Shero(manga only)

-Tons of "schemes" to be with Shero.

I dont know man, she was already likable for me in HA.Rin isnt exactly the person to NOT act like Luvia when she dislikes someone(and depending on whether they know magic she acts differently).
ssjokgJul 21, 2019 8:53 AM
Jul 21, 2019 9:40 AM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
astroprogs said:

Well, you specifically highlighted Bazett and Luvia. It didn't seem like you were talking in general terms, but just of those characters.

Luvia literally suplexes Rin the first time they met in HA and calls all Japanese an inferior race not fit or worthy to study and practice the Mystics.

What she does in Prisma is way tamer than that, man. Prisma Illya actually makes her likable and three-dimensional by revealing more sides to her than "Tohsakas are the Devil" and "Shero~".

In HA you also learn how badly the Edelfelts failed in the 3rd HGW and with other very disturbing implications about the "lost" sister you can understand her dislike, it isnt just some random rivalry.

>What she does in Prisma is way tamer than that, man.

-Threw a gradeschooler from a heli.

-Stole the cards and along with Rin crushed another heli.

-Laugh at a girl falling in swamp pit/trap she previously fell.

-Bakuretsu Bakuretsu La la la at Shero(manga only)

-Tons of "schemes" to be with Shero.

I dont know man, she was already likable for me in HA.Rin isnt exactly the person to NOT act like Luvia when she dislikes someone(and depending on whether they know magic she acts differently).

The entire Edelfelt sister story never comes into relevancy again. It gives context into why Luvia hates Rin, sure, but it doesn't really give her depth or relatability. She's still a typical rich haughty racist bitch in that scene, with the added trait of being a "sins of the son" kinda asshole too.

She ranged from fine to bleh in HA and her best moment is suplixing Rin.
In Prisma Illya, I have some real trouble limiting the list to just a top 10. It's one of the inevitable consequences of having 4 seasons worth of screentime.

As for the examples you mentioned:
1. A grade-schooler with the power of True Magic that wouldn't even have a single scratch caused by that fall.
2. Stealing from Rin and destroying a helicopter (that Luvia owns) are in no way equivalent to calling the Japanese an inferior race.
3. Laughing at Kuro after falling into the trap herself is just too hillarious and completely relatable, as far as I'm concerned lol.
4. Well, that was both Rin and Luvia, not just Luvia. Also, comedy slapstick scene that references DBZ, come on.
5. Scheming to be with Shirou is also another hilarious trait of hers.

Rin is certainly not better than Luvia in stooping low and using underhanded measures to win a fight or a bet, I don't ever remember her ever acting like how Luvia acted in that scene in HA.

Luvia is a great incredibly likable character, but I'll say that she owes a big part of that fan love to Prisma Illya, not HA.
astroprogsJul 21, 2019 9:43 AM
Jul 21, 2019 11:27 AM
Apr 2015
astroprogs said:
ssjokg said:

In HA you also learn how badly the Edelfelts failed in the 3rd HGW and with other very disturbing implications about the "lost" sister you can understand her dislike, it isnt just some random rivalry.

>What she does in Prisma is way tamer than that, man.

-Threw a gradeschooler from a heli.

-Stole the cards and along with Rin crushed another heli.

-Laugh at a girl falling in swamp pit/trap she previously fell.

-Bakuretsu Bakuretsu La la la at Shero(manga only)

-Tons of "schemes" to be with Shero.

I dont know man, she was already likable for me in HA.Rin isnt exactly the person to NOT act like Luvia when she dislikes someone(and depending on whether they know magic she acts differently).

The entire Edelfelt sister story never comes into relevancy again. It gives context into why Luvia hates Rin, sure, but it doesn't really give her depth or relatability. She's still a typical rich haughty racist bitch in that scene, with the added trait of being a "sins of the son" kinda asshole too.

She ranged from fine to bleh in HA and her best moment is suplixing Rin.
In Prisma Illya, I have some real trouble limiting the list to just a top 10. It's one of the inevitable consequences of having 4 seasons worth of screentime.

As for the examples you mentioned:
1. A grade-schooler with the power of True Magic that wouldn't even have a single scratch caused by that fall.
2. Stealing from Rin and destroying a helicopter (that Luvia owns) are in no way equivalent to calling the Japanese an inferior race.
3. Laughing at Kuro after falling into the trap herself is just too hillarious and completely relatable, as far as I'm concerned lol.
4. Well, that was both Rin and Luvia, not just Luvia. Also, comedy slapstick scene that references DBZ, come on.
5. Scheming to be with Shirou is also another hilarious trait of hers.

Rin is certainly not better than Luvia in stooping low and using underhanded measures to win a fight or a bet, I don't ever remember her ever acting like how Luvia acted in that scene in HA.

Luvia is a great incredibly likable character, but I'll say that she owes a big part of that fan love to Prisma Illya, not HA.

Actually i liked Luvia the best in Fate unlimited codes, the final ending with Rin is better than anything in HA or Prisma Illya. Also a nice showcase and reasoning of their would be friendship.

As for
"1. A grade-schooler with the power of True Magic that wouldn't even have a single scratch caused by that fall."

Let's say if this was F/SN both Rin and Luvia woudn't dream of involving a 10 year old child that has no connection to magic (based on their knowledge back then) to do their job. (but then again if this was FSN Luvia or Rin a lot of silly stuff would have been avoided or different since they are like totally different characters.)
(We are talking about people who would nuke their "lover" into oblivion wasting precious gems togheter with the playfield because he pulled a "Rito" moment or because the author decided to make Shirou more denser than Ichika, this time without reason or "playing/teasing around" like his UBW counterpart) Obviously their personalities are exaggerated for the sake of "comedic moments. That's not being better... That is simplying a character or in short a caricature.
Jul 21, 2019 11:55 AM

Aug 2010

They had no choice. Ruby and Sapphire already made their contracts and there isn't a single thing Rin and Luvia can do against sentient Mystic Codes with the power to use True Magic.

In fact, it's pretty evident that both tried really hard to convince the stick to let go of Illya and Miyu, but they ultimately failed. So, they did the next best thing and worked as mentors, guides and sometimes defenders for the two kids.

Blame the sticks, not the other idiot duo.

About Prillya's comedic moments, are you sure you've read HA? These exaggerated comedic moments fit perfectly there.
In fact, Saber kicked Shirou's ass so hard, she sent his soul into a Tiger Dojo in the middle of the mainline story, just because he drew attention to her black hole of a stomach. AND THAT'S F/SN.

All of Fate does this all the time. Prisma doesn't do anything that Nasu didn't already top in his own work. Prisma doesn't really exaggerate much beyond what was already shown of the characters before.

>because the author decided to make Shirou more denser than Ichika, this time without reason or "playing/teasing around" like his UBW counterpart)

Oh come now, let's not act like Shirou had no dense moments in the VN.

>That's not being better... That is simplying a character or in short a caricature.

I feel that this comment completely ignores what I said, rather than reply to it.

Luvia showed compassion to Miyu and took her in.
She's shown consideration for her circumstances, so she refrained from ever asking her anything until she decides herself to tell her.
Gave her food, clothes, a home, and even a name to protect her and even admitted her to school.
Treated her like a genuine little sister, even when it became clear that she was hiding vital information from them.
And that's without even talking about how fearless and keen she revealed herself to be in the face of one of the strongest enforcers of the Association and later on when she set all kinds of traps and hidden spells in case of the very minuscule chance that their combined attack couldn't take down the 8th card.

These events reveal things about Luvia that you'd just have no way of knowing or feeling just from HA and they're what give her depth.
astroprogsJul 21, 2019 11:59 AM
Jul 21, 2019 12:51 PM
Mar 2015
Good thing bluff worked. Electric bunnies not impressed by Lord
landofthekwtJul 22, 2019 7:47 AM
Jul 21, 2019 12:51 PM

May 2018

Now who is this girl anyway????
Jul 21, 2019 1:00 PM

Aug 2009
JiangHaoyi1979 said:

Now who is this girl anyway????

Did you watch UBW?Then you should know.


Yes FSN had funny moments.That doesnt mean that exaggerating the exaggerations turns out to be good for the characters.It could be funny and make wonders in cases like CP.

Kaleid works because it literally uses fan desire to tell its story. Do you want character x using character's y powers?Sure
Do you want a love triangle that makes no sense in this timeline?Sure.
Tons of references that may not even matter?Sure
It is fun but when I talk about Luvia or Rin or anyone of the non original characters I will have their OG, less comical, characterization in mind.
Jul 21, 2019 1:04 PM

Aug 2015
astroprogs said:

Luvia literally suplexes Rin the first time they met in HA and calls all Japanese an inferior race not fit or worthy to study and practice the Mystics...
"Tohsakas are the Devil" and "Shero~".

That's actually why I like Luvia in the first place. Even among mages, she's nuts.
Bear in mind she and Tohsaka get along beautifully in Hollow Ataraxia because, like many white people, she assumes Tohsaka is Chinese. It's only when she realizes Tohsaka is Tohsaka she flips out because of the war (like a lot of white people, it seems).
She's the perfect joke character, and her wrestling obsession is the best part.

Jul 21, 2019 1:46 PM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
Yes FSN had funny moments.That doesnt mean that exaggerating the exaggerations turns out to be good for the characters.It could be funny and make wonders in cases like CP.

Kaleid works because it literally uses fan desire to tell its story. Do you want character x using character's y powers?Sure
Do you want a love triangle that makes no sense in this timeline?Sure.
Tons of references that may not even matter?Sure
It is fun but when I talk about Luvia or Rin or anyone of the non original characters I will have their OG, less comical, characterization in mind.

Rin and Luvia fight at the top of the Clock Tower and fall to get the nicknames Mary of July and Poppins of July. Again, Prisma barely exaggerates anything. Fate always, and I mean always, had its insane goofy moments. Talking about "OG" Luvia like she's above her Prisma Illya counterpart is insane to me.

>Kaleid works because it literally uses fan desire to tell its story. Do you want character x using character's y powers?Sure

It's the nature of spinoffs and it's not a point of criticism. If it's tightly written and entertaining, there absolutely nothing wrong with that.

>Do you want a love triangle that makes no sense in this timeline?Sure.

Wait, what now? Why wouldn't Luvia fall for Mr. Seigi no Mikata who Tohsaka likes and there is no way that the heir of Edelfelt would not want to show up that dirty Tohsaka in every conceivable manner?

>Tons of references that may not even matter?Sure

Again, spinoffs do fanservice. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

glassknuckles said:
astroprogs said:

Luvia literally suplexes Rin the first time they met in HA and calls all Japanese an inferior race not fit or worthy to study and practice the Mystics...
"Tohsakas are the Devil" and "Shero~".

That's actually why I like Luvia in the first place. Even among mages, she's nuts.
Bear in mind she and Tohsaka get along beautifully in Hollow Ataraxia because, like many white people, she assumes Tohsaka is Chinese. It's only when she realizes Tohsaka is Tohsaka she flips out because of the war (like a lot of white people, it seems).
She's the perfect joke character, and her wrestling obsession is the best part.

And that's fair, HA Luvia completely feels like a joke character, I agree.

Prisma Illya Luvia feels less like that and more like a fleshed character with other actual thoughts. And that's what made me like her beyond the initial gag.
astroprogsJul 21, 2019 1:57 PM
Jul 21, 2019 2:06 PM

May 2018
ssjokg said:
JiangHaoyi1979 said:

Now who is this girl anyway????

Did you watch UBW?Then you should know.


Yes FSN had funny moments.That doesnt mean that exaggerating the exaggerations turns out to be good for the characters.It could be funny and make wonders in cases like CP.

Kaleid works because it literally uses fan desire to tell its story. Do you want character x using character's y powers?Sure
Do you want a love triangle that makes no sense in this timeline?Sure.
Tons of references that may not even matter?Sure
It is fun but when I talk about Luvia or Rin or anyone of the non original characters I will have their OG, less comical, characterization in mind.
Sorry, I don't keep tabs of every character in any Fate/ stay franchise.
Jul 21, 2019 4:36 PM

Aug 2015
ssjokg said:

It is fun but when I talk about Luvia or Rin or anyone of the non original characters I will have their OG, less comical, characterization in mind.

astroprogs said:
Talking about "OG" Luvia like she's above her Prisma Illya counterpart is insane to me.

Is there actually much of a difference between HA Luvia and Prisma Illya Luvia? They seem pretty much the same to me.
Jul 21, 2019 4:47 PM

Mar 2009
That Luvia girl reminds me of Karin Kanzuki from Street Fighter.
Jul 21, 2019 4:59 PM

Aug 2009
glassknuckles said:
ssjokg said:

It is fun but when I talk about Luvia or Rin or anyone of the non original characters I will have their OG, less comical, characterization in mind.

astroprogs said:
Talking about "OG" Luvia like she's above her Prisma Illya counterpart is insane to me.

Is there actually much of a difference between HA Luvia and Prisma Illya Luvia? They seem pretty much the same to me.

Kaleid Luvia is a "Carnival Phantasm character" with some serious moments.
Jul 21, 2019 5:58 PM

Aug 2010
glassknuckles said:
ssjokg said:

It is fun but when I talk about Luvia or Rin or anyone of the non original characters I will have their OG, less comical, characterization in mind.

astroprogs said:
Talking about "OG" Luvia like she's above her Prisma Illya counterpart is insane to me.

Is there actually much of a difference between HA Luvia and Prisma Illya Luvia? They seem pretty much the same to me.

Pretty much. Character-wise, they're identical.

ssjokg said:
Kaleid Luvia is a "Carnival Phantasm character" with some serious moments.

You do know that Carnival Phantasm is a parody. right? You do realize that you just called Prisma Luvia a parody of Luvia, right?

Please, do tell how straight-faced no-nonsense Ms. Foklift Mary of July really is.
Jul 21, 2019 6:22 PM

Aug 2009
When the joke continues for 3-4 seasons then yeah it is a parody.You compare seasons or volumes of manga with a single joke in HA.
Jul 22, 2019 12:34 AM

Aug 2010
What joke, though? Her rich girl act and rivalry with Rin? That's literally her characterization in everything before Prisma Illya and after, including ufoUBW and mostly Case Files, solely because there's no Rin in that.
Her over the top wacky antics with Rin? Again, I refer you to Ms. Foklift Mary of July.
Her overall haughty act sometimes devoid of common sense? I refer you to Ms, "of course I'd have detachable sleeves on this fancy dress for throwing down at any time" and Ms "I know we're talking about something important Gray, but just let me strike that Jojo pose".

Heck, Luvia comes off more as a joke character in UBW than she does in Prisma. At least she has her Edelfelt mage serious mode moments there, which is more than I can say about literally everything else she's in, with the sole exception of the Adra Castle arc of Case Files. You know, the one story where she doesn't have Rin to butt heads with, who also devolves into a violent idiotic mess whenever Luvia is around.
Jul 22, 2019 2:00 AM
Apr 2015
astroprogs said:
glassknuckles said:

Is there actually much of a difference between HA Luvia and Prisma Illya Luvia? They seem pretty much the same to me.

Pretty much. Character-wise, they're identical.

ssjokg said:
Kaleid Luvia is a "Carnival Phantasm character" with some serious moments.

You do know that Carnival Phantasm is a parody. right? You do realize that you just called Prisma Luvia a parody of Luvia, right?

Please, do tell how straight-faced no-nonsense Ms. Foklift Mary of July really is.

You do realise Fate kaleid started of more as a silly parody right? (especially in the first 2 anime seasons), the author even made a page about it asking the readers to not compare it to the orginal F/SN and characters personalities etc.. Read some of his doujins he made before and you will get how he is used to write his characters in very comedic way. The manga of the first season even had a crossover with Nanoha for christ sake.

I don't like HA, because it went overboard at times with the characters for the sake of fanservice. Sometimes i felt it was so silly it actually went against the characters personality and more like a parody with a few serious moments thrown in now and then.

No i didn't like Luvia in HA either,... However i do think the backstory of her there, including her initial dislike with Shirou before he helped her out with the sent assassins etc. was better devellopment by default compared to Fate kaleid, where she has none and zero reason to like Shirou. Infact she has no backstory in Fate kaleid (same for Rin). (Also keep in mind while not-kaleid Luvia would flirt with Shirou she knows that she must marry a capable mage rather than a failure for the bloodline => is stated. Unlike Kaleido Luvia who thinks of schemes to marry the boy and have babies with him. Hmm... )

Fate kaleid only works if you do not take it seriously or it would fall apart. (Take the advice from the author ;) )

(note; Luvia's appearance in UBW was purely made for fanservice and not necessary, in fact it damaged her character by leaving out the devellopment that was left out and pieces of it could only be found in side materials)
Jul 22, 2019 3:25 AM

Aug 2010
There's a lot to unpack there.

1. Prisma Illya started as a parody of magical girl shows, not of Fate. It does NOT parody Fate or its characters.

2. He writes his characters in a comedic way, but not in an OOC way. No character acts differently unless given an explicit reason for such change, a la Illya.

3. While HA frequently becomes silly and over the top with its antics, it's still within the confines of the characters' personalities. Prisma Illya is merely an extension of that.

4. Rin and Luvia are the same characters from F/SN and HA. Luvia liking Shirou in Prisma Illya is a nod to her feelings in HA and it's not further explored because it doesn't matter. In fact, no one in Prisma Illya matters besides the main trio and the Ainsworths. Just like how Sakura being a Matou is never explained, you're free to draw your own interpretation. Or don't. It doesn't matter either way to the main narrative.

>(Also keep in mind while not-kaleid Luvia would flirt with Shirou she knows that she must marry a capable mage rather than a failure for the bloodline => is stated.

Please, provide the source of that statement that's explicitly in context of Shirou.

Rin and Luvia say a lot of shit, but whether they go with it, in regards to Shirou in particular, is a completely different story.

5. I take Prisma Illya as seriously as much as I take HA seriously. It has undeniable silly moments, but its serious moments don't just disappear because Shinji tells Shirou in one scene that he's "not an eroge protagonist who doesn't die when he's killed" or when Sakura turns Dark and kills both when they read her diary. Nasu never makes this distinction. Hiroyama never makes this distinction. Thus, I never make this distinction.

Seriously, western fans take "canon" way too seriously.

I'll remind you again, Saber sends Shirou into a Tiger Dojo and back to the main story in the middle of the Fate route. Nasu does not care about the things you decided to care about.

> (note; Luvia's appearance in UBW was purely made for fanservice and not necessary, in fact it damaged her character by leaving out the devellopment that was left out and pieces of it could only be found in side materials)

6. I know, but the point absolutely still stands. ufoUBW is supposed to be the "serious OG Luvia" and yet look at what happened. Her personality is till the same in that drama CD.
This is who Luvia is. Luvia has always been this way. Don't blame Prisma Illya for how Nasu wrote her character.
astroprogsJul 22, 2019 3:50 AM
Jul 22, 2019 4:09 AM

Aug 2009
>It does NOT parody Fate or its characters.

Τhis is a lie and you know it.

>This is who Luvia is. Luvia has always been this way. Don't blame Prisma Illya for how Nasu wrote her character.

Nobody said that Luvia is the most serious character ever.But saying that Kaleid isnt over the top with every character that was originally introduced in another work is asinine.

Unless you are an Ainsworth or Miyu then every non serious scenes in FSN,HA, whatever is exaggerated in Kaleid...all the time. For the new characters we have the bonus ovas.

Look at Kaleid Rin and CP Rin. How they act and react is the same.Ofc Kaleid doesnt have crazy parts like HGW GP but both act the same.The difference is that Kaleid has a story to tell so from time to time she actually shows her "miss exposition" side.
Jul 22, 2019 4:51 AM

Aug 2010
We look at Prisma Illya too differently if you think it's parodying Fate. At worst, Kuro calls Rin a tsundere, which Sakura does in HA in the Medea scene as well.

Again, it's over the top as much as HA. In Prisma Illya you just get to see the characters emote more and slapstick humor is utilized more, but that's about it.

>Look at Kaleid Rin and CP Rin. How they act and react is the same.

No, they don't. They really don't. When was the last time you rewatched Prisma Illya?

Have you seen how Kaleido Ruby acts in CP? How she acts in the "Choose the main girl" portion of poll? How she acts when deliberating on the bluray recorder?

That is NOT how Prisma Illya Rin acts.

If you look at every Rin scene in Prisma Illya that doesn't involve Luvia and Rin is free to act normally, she's pretty much F/SN and HA Rin.
Jul 22, 2019 5:20 AM

Aug 2009
>At worst, Kuro calls Rin a tsundere

My friend, if that is the "worst" you can see in Kaleid then we really do watch it differently.
Jul 22, 2019 5:29 AM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
>At worst, Kuro calls Rin a tsundere

My friend, if that is the "worst" you can see in Kaleid then we really do watch it differently.

What's the worst you can think of that nothing similar to it happens in F/SN or HA then?
Jul 22, 2019 6:35 AM

Dec 2015
Damn those cameos are great; Luvia, Caules, Gordolf, Fran, Babbage and that shades guy I think I saw him somewhere b4

I wish there'll be Fiore somewhere down the line.

The part where Svin eyes changed and Gray startled in the sewer was both cute and really funny lol

I also love when technologies were brought into this series and being actually used alongside magics

Really love this series so far
Jul 22, 2019 8:00 AM

Feb 2011
I almost fell asleep multiple times during this episode.
Jul 22, 2019 6:35 PM

Oct 2008
Hatsuyuki said:
I almost fell asleep multiple times during this episode.

hahahahah! you know what!? ME TOO!!!

Jul 22, 2019 11:32 PM

May 2016
Boring episode last one was much better too bad we didn't see Gray in action like last time.

Waver is still an idiot as ever.
Jul 22, 2019 11:51 PM

May 2014
TM should learn HOW to make proper character introductions. They can't live just on references
Rhapsody-Jul 22, 2019 11:55 PM
Jul 23, 2019 3:55 AM

Aug 2009
Rhapsody- said:
TM should learn HOW to make proper character introductions. They can't live just on references

As longtime fans we are already tired of being reintroduced to what a Holy Grail war is in every Fate related series just to have random viewers understand context.

You want to know who those old characters are?Watch or read their series. It was the same for us original readers.

And the same goes for any other franchise that is based on multiworks.

Their introductions have been done.
Jul 23, 2019 5:19 PM

May 2014
ssjokg said:
Rhapsody- said:
TM should learn HOW to make proper character introductions. They can't live just on references

As longtime fans we are already tired of being reintroduced to what a Holy Grail war is in every Fate related series just to have random viewers understand context.

You want to know who those old characters are?Watch or read their series. It was the same for us original readers.

And the same goes for any other franchise that is based on multiworks.

Their introductions have been done.

When was established that this serie is just for extreme fans? I've seen a lot of Fate series and I know almost all those characters at least by name. The fact they aren't introduced under this especific context is what I resent.

Ok, characters are from a big franchise, but if a particular serie with its particular storytelling is unable to introduce them, their relationships and their respective roles then that's just bad writing. "Watch or read their series if you want to know who are they" is a pathetic excuse, Assuming everyone is an obsessive fan and should know those characters and their roles is bullshit.

This serie (and basically all Fate animated projects) is supposed to be for all audiences, incluiding those you called "random reviews", so stop feeling special because you're a "longtime fan"... Or are all Fate fans fans supposed to be elitist fanboys giving bullshit excuses like "iF YOu REad aND UNDERstand tHE NASUVERsE you wOULD LIKe thiS, BUT sinCE YOU DON'T, YOu cANNot sAY ANYTHing bAD ABOut it" as someone pointed out in the last episode thread?
Jul 23, 2019 6:17 PM
Jan 2015
Rhapsody- said:
TM should learn HOW to make proper character introductions. They can't live just on references
Except that they can and they have already, they have a big enough fan base that most characters need no introduction cause the majority of the fanbase knows who they are already.

This serie (and basically all Fate animated projects) is supposed to be for all audiences
That's quite the claim, are you sure that's the creators intentions? Sure getting newcomers is nice, but wouldn't it be more logical to focus on pleasing their already large and dedicated fanbase?

And its not elitism pointing this out, its just not everything is made for everyone and its not necessarily the creators job to hand hold the newcomers.
My Queens

Jul 23, 2019 10:21 PM

Aug 2016
All this makes me so clear about fate zero, unlimited blade and apocrypha, this anime deserves respect :)
Jul 23, 2019 10:57 PM

Aug 2009
Rhapsody- said:

When was established that this serie is just for extreme fans? I've seen a lot of Fate series and I know almost all those characters at least by name. The fact they aren't introduced under this especific context is what I resent.

Extreme fans?Really?

What Context do you need other than "they are Waver's students"?

Ok, characters are from a big franchise, but if a particular serie with its particular storytelling is unable to introduce them, their relationships and their respective roles then that's just bad writing. "Watch or read their series if you want to know who are they" is a pathetic excuse, Assuming everyone is an obsessive fan and should know those characters and their roles is bullshit.

This particular series is written with old fans in mind.Just like any other entry in any big franchise.There is no reason to reintroduce them just because the genre seems to have shifted to the mystery type.
Characters aside, the way mages live, how magecraft works, the secrecy of mysteries all of that are explained even in Fate/Stay night.Unless stated otherwise inside the new series, all of them are the same people even if it is another timeline.

This serie (and basically all Fate animated projects) is supposed to be for all audiences, incluiding those you called "random reviews", so stop feeling special because you're a "longtime fan"... Or are all Fate fans fans supposed to be elitist fanboys giving bullshit excuses like "iF YOu REad aND UNDERstand tHE NASUVERsE you wOULD LIKe thiS, BUT sinCE YOU DON'T, YOu cANNot sAY ANYTHing bAD ABOut it" as someone pointed out in the last episode thread?

When was it established that it is for all audiences? This bullshit excuse is thrown around all the time from people that expect a series to be made for them when there is already a big and established fanbase.That is real elitism. Just like the source material expects you to be familiar with multiple other series so is the anime expects you to have at least seen, and be able to recall, the other adaptations(at least).

"Hey there is that new series coming out that is connected to a dozen other series.I am sure it will be ok tho, they have to make it easy for us,new guys"

Where do you get that from?Who promised you that?
Saying that something is badly written because it isnt easy to watch for newcomers is asinine.

ssjokgJul 23, 2019 11:00 PM
Jul 24, 2019 12:45 AM

Aug 2010
This was said in an interview with Sanda and Urobuchi about Case Files:

back to Case Files, Sanda, what are Fate Stay Night and Fate Zero to Case Files?

Zero showed for the first time "People other than Nasu Kinoko can write the Type-Moon world" in other words, "you can write it too." To compare it to the Bible, Fate Stay Night is the old Testament and Fate Zero is the New Testament. Case Files is not written to be read independently. Knowing the main outline for stay night and Zero will give you 90% of the in-jokes is how I wrote it. They're foundational.

So are there are a lot of people who are reading Case Files after completing Fate/Stay Night?

No, now, there are probably many people who know El-Melloi II from FGO rather than Fate/Stay Night. Also, I believe because of the anime there is not an insignificant amount of people who know the outline of stay night.

Urobuchi: I thought that Fate/Zero was a story you couldn't understand without playing Fate/Stay Night. Surprisingly, there are people coming to Fate through Fate/Zero. However, because it's a story that plays with the spoilers of Fate/Stay Night, unless you read stay night first there is a lot presented you won't understand or identify.

So basically, this is the authors of Zero and Case Files saying that their stories were written completely with existing fans in mind and that it assumes you're familiar with the past works.

Considering how Fate is a hugely popular franchise with multiple highly acclaimed works, huge fanbase and the lore supports almost an infinite amount of stories, there really is an incentive to target that fanbase.

It lets the authors get to the story they actually want to tell as fast as possible, instead of making an encyclopedia and text dump charts of the characters, their relationships, and lore in the beginning of every single new work. It's unfeasible.

Every new Fate will assume you're at least familiar with F/SN (and by extension F/HA, to some degree) and F/Z. And considering the amount of info dumps they would need to do if they don't, it's more than understandable and actually is pretty preferable.

Case Files, Apocrypha and even Zero are all spin-osffs, not standalones. They should be treated as such.
astroprogsJul 24, 2019 12:54 AM
Jul 24, 2019 12:52 AM

Aug 2009
astroprogs said:

Urobuchi: I thought that Fate/Zero was a story you couldn't understand without playing Fate/Stay Night. Surprisingly, there are people coming to Fate through Fate/Zero. However, because it's a story that plays with the spoilers of Fate/Stay Night, unless you read stay night first there is a lot presented you won't understand or identify.

This is extremely hilarious considering what zero elitists think about it.
Jul 24, 2019 2:24 AM

Oct 2017
Next pretty enjoyable episode,it was nice to see his students in action
Jul 24, 2019 11:43 AM

Jan 2013
Leo said:
So we have some weird old guy trying to reach the root.

What's so great about that ''Root'' anyway? Isn't it some kind of fairy tail between the mages to make them work harder to surpass their power limits (as I assume)?
Jul 24, 2019 12:10 PM

Aug 2009
giannis85 said:
Leo said:
So we have some weird old guy trying to reach the root.

What's so great about that ''Root'' anyway? Isn't it some kind of fairy tail between the mages to make them work harder to surpass their power limits (as I assume)?

The Root is where everything is recorded, magic, history, past and future.Basically the fountain of all knowledge, the final "limit" of all mages. And it is real, there are few that reached it.I think you confuse The Root with the promises the Three Families(Tohsaka,Matou,Einzbern) made about the power of the Grail.
Jul 24, 2019 12:20 PM

Jan 2013
ssjokg said:
giannis85 said:

What's so great about that ''Root'' anyway? Isn't it some kind of fairy tail between the mages to make them work harder to surpass their power limits (as I assume)?

The Root is where everything is recorded, magic, history, past and future.Basically the fountain of all knowledge, the final "limit" of all mages. And it is real, there are few that reached it.I think you confuse The Root with the promises the Three Families(Tohsaka,Matou,Einzbern) made about the power of the Grail.

I guess you are right (I haven't watch/play/read every single Fate in existence after all)! I didn't knew that The Root and the promises wasn't the same thing! I thought that many participants to the war saw the Grail as just a quicker way to get to that Root!
Jul 24, 2019 12:34 PM

Aug 2009
giannis85 said:
ssjokg said:

The Root is where everything is recorded, magic, history, past and future.Basically the fountain of all knowledge, the final "limit" of all mages. And it is real, there are few that reached it.I think you confuse The Root with the promises the Three Families(Tohsaka,Matou,Einzbern) made about the power of the Grail.

I guess you are right (I haven't watch/play/read every single Fate in existence after all)! I didn't knew that The Root and the promises wasn't the same thing! I thought that many participants to the war saw the Grail as just a quicker way to get to that Root!

That part is real.That was the goal of the 3 families and what only they know.The promises are "you can get whatever you want with just a wish".Like Kirei told to Gil in Zero, if the Master that wins the grail then sacrifices his own Servant they will be able to open a path to the Root.

So basically, the Holy Grail War is a big ad for a scam.
Jul 24, 2019 12:49 PM

Jan 2013
ssjokg said:
giannis85 said:

I guess you are right (I haven't watch/play/read every single Fate in existence after all)! I didn't knew that The Root and the promises wasn't the same thing! I thought that many participants to the war saw the Grail as just a quicker way to get to that Root!

That part is real.That was the goal of the 3 families and what only they know.The promises are "you can get whatever you want with just a wish".Like Kirei told to Gil in Zero, if the Master that wins the grail then sacrifices his own Servant they will be able to open a path to the Root.

So basically, the Holy Grail War is a big ad for a scam.

And the ''Grail'' was willing to open that path for them (Note: I only have watch the first movie of Heaven's Feel, but I haven't play the visual novel to know the details)?
Jul 24, 2019 12:55 PM

Aug 2009
giannis85 said:
ssjokg said:

That part is real.That was the goal of the 3 families and what only they know.The promises are "you can get whatever you want with just a wish".Like Kirei told to Gil in Zero, if the Master that wins the grail then sacrifices his own Servant they will be able to open a path to the Root.

So basically, the Holy Grail War is a big ad for a scam.

And the ''Grail'' was willing to open that path for them (Note: I only have watch the first movie of Heaven's Feel, but I haven't play the visual novel to know the details)?
The grail isnt something with consciousness.It is just a container for all that mana from the defeated Servants.The 3rd movie will answer your questions.
Jul 24, 2019 7:28 PM

Jul 2015
YOOOOOO THAT DUDE AT THE COFFEE PLACE DARK. Anyway, a lot of focus on the students this episode... which makes sense... he is a teacher. But compared to Gray, they were pretty fun kids.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jul 25, 2019 7:40 AM

Apr 2016
giannis85 said:
And the ''Grail'' was willing to open that path for them (Note: I only have watch the first movie of Heaven's Feel, but I haven't play the visual novel to know the details)?

It's more like a ritual.
Jul 25, 2019 10:34 PM

Dec 2013
Wave has become a master of bluffing.
Jul 27, 2019 4:46 PM

Oct 2012
Man, Matsuoka is really everywhere nowadays, eh? And somehow I don't really like how they turn Nasuverse into your ordinary high-school anime...

And they should really write better villains, this one was way too pathetic to drive the episode.

Luvia's appearance was good though and even Minase as Reines was better this time.

Anyway, they should really adaptate Ataraxia and soon. They are just using its characters in random spinoffs while the core story from which they originate is still not adapted.
Jul 27, 2019 5:54 PM

Aug 2009
Mich666 said:
Man, Matsuoka is really everywhere nowadays, eh? And somehow I don't really like how they turn Nasuverse into your ordinary high-school anime...

Literally almost everything in the Nasuverse has a highschool at the background.The only exceptions are Notes and Coral of the moon....

And Case Files has as much to do with it as KnK did.Shiki is a higschool student throughout the movie series.

And how was it ordinary?
Jul 27, 2019 6:14 PM

Oct 2012
ssjokg said:
Literally almost everything in the Nasuverse has a highschool at the background.The only exceptions are Notes and Coral of the moon....

And Case Files has as much to do with it as KnK did.Shiki is a higschool student throughout the movie series.

And how was it ordinary?

You know I was talking mainly about the tropes. I have nothing against the high-school setting (quite contrary) and the original Fate was just great dealing with it. But to explain it better I don't like that conversational comedy and how characters are overreacting here and there, that's what I meant. I would like if they took a bit more serious approach and didn't derail the episode with some random jokes or parody of a villain. I mean, even Ataraxia had its share of great comedy (and it was actually slice of life at its core) but it still remained serious when it mattered and it contained lifelike characters, just like Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan for example.
Jul 27, 2019 6:51 PM

Aug 2009
Mich666 said:
ssjokg said:
Literally almost everything in the Nasuverse has a highschool at the background.The only exceptions are Notes and Coral of the moon....

And Case Files has as much to do with it as KnK did.Shiki is a higschool student throughout the movie series.

And how was it ordinary?

You know I was talking mainly about the tropes. I have nothing against the high-school setting (quite contrary) and the original Fate was just great dealing with it. But to explain it better I don't like that conversational comedy and how characters are overreacting here and there, that's what I meant. I would like if they took a bit more serious approach and didn't derail the episode with some random jokes or parody of a villain. I mean, even Ataraxia had its share of great comedy (and it was actually slice of life at its core) but it still remained serious when it mattered and it contained lifelike characters, just like Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan for example.

What are those jokes?
The boys going mad about the PC Caules made?Which is to show that he can use a PC, which is how he helps Waver?

Or the banter between Flatt and Svin which prepare us about how beast like he is?

All these eps are episodic tales with a simple villain just to get people familiar with the setting and characters.

Waver(especially young) and Flatt are overreacting because that's how they are, just like Ilya can go from sweet little girl to complete psycho in a heartbeat.

I am not saying you have to like them, but there is a reason for them being there just like in every other related series.
Aug 4, 2019 2:47 AM
Mar 2012
Where's all the OHOHO's from Luvia? Nice she appears tho. Quite a few new characters. Never seen the pink chunni before, and that mercury/bubble woman.
Lots of Apocrypha references, chess guy, Yggdmillennia, Caules etc.
The mystery this time got me lost, or just Waver bluffing thru magic logic, tho the three kids kept it funny.
Aug 4, 2019 3:28 AM

Aug 2009
gophercg said:
Where's all the OHOHO's from Luvia? Nice she appears tho. Quite a few new characters. Never seen the pink chunni before, and that mercury/bubble woman.
Lots of Apocrypha references, chess guy, Yggdmillennia, Caules etc.
The mystery this time got me lost, or just Waver bluffing thru magic logic, tho the three kids kept it funny.
Mercury woman is a T-1000.
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