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Jan 8, 2015 10:21 PM

Apr 2014
"Ok but I think some of the poachers managed to escape I'd recommend searching this forest thoroughly" Ren said
Jan 8, 2015 10:27 PM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
"Ok but I think some of the poachers managed to escape I'd recommend searching this forest thoroughly" Ren said

"Ok thanks we could try but like I said were spread pretty thinly so they could easily escape on top of that most of the smart ones aren't likely to still be in this forest "
Jan 8, 2015 10:32 PM

Apr 2014
"I'll help and their all equally stupid in one way" Ren said as he started climbing a tall tree to get a view of the area
Jan 8, 2015 10:49 PM
Jul 2012
(also wouldn't it be hard to climb a tree with a broken hand i can understand using it under anger or when adrenaline is pumping but other then that it seems far fetched)

"ok its better then nothing i guess though i doubt how much more person can do then lets go " he motions for the other soldiers to spread out and they begin to search the forest

he begins climbing up the tree with him to help look for something they can use to find poachers
Jan 8, 2015 10:52 PM

Apr 2014
Ren was simply looking around at the forest below

(Ever heard of climbing with one hand? XD)
Jan 8, 2015 10:52 PM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
Ren was simply looking around at the forest below

(Ever heard of climbing with one hand? XD)

(>.< lol nope )
Jan 8, 2015 10:56 PM

Apr 2014
(Its possible just gotta be quick about it XD)
Jan 8, 2015 11:14 PM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
(Its possible just gotta be quick about it XD)

(lol ok if you say so )
Jan 8, 2015 11:16 PM
Jul 2012
you don't see much interesting things just maybe a few more elephant bulls walking around a few traps and nets left by poachers and thats it
Jan 8, 2015 11:20 PM

Apr 2014
Ren sighed when he saw the traps then got an idea Ren climbed a little higher and sat on a branch and began picking fruit filling his bag then he threw it into the traps setting them off "That should lure then out" Ren muttered
Jan 8, 2015 11:27 PM
Jul 2012
it lures out 2 hunters to check the traps one to the north of ren and the other two the south but as soon as they see come out and see the fruit they yell "its a trap" then scramble to find another hiding spot
Jan 8, 2015 11:33 PM

Apr 2014
Ren jumped down and used his good hand to grab a branch to break his fall but the branch broke so he used his powers to hold the branch up then he threw the branch in the direction of the two hunters that appeared first and he threw it with aggression behind it
Jan 9, 2015 12:08 AM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
(Yeah my characters aiming at the group who appeared first which was the north)

(theres no group just 1 poacher to the north and 1 to the south )
Jan 9, 2015 12:10 AM

Apr 2014
(Ohhhhhhhh ok then here's this post)

Ren threw the branch in the direction of the Hunter in the north
Jan 9, 2015 12:17 AM
Jul 2012
it impales the poacher and he quickly dies from blood loss the other poacher gets arrested by the soldiers and carried off to prison
Jan 9, 2015 12:21 AM

Apr 2014
Ren grinned when it found its mark then he walked over and tore the branch from the body and took what ever money and gems it had on it then he walked over to the soldiers dragging the dead body behind him "I don't know if you need em dead or alive" he said
Jan 9, 2015 12:22 AM
Jul 2012
the soldier replies "its fine it saves us the time of chasing them down prefer if they would rot in jail but killing them is just as good "
Jan 9, 2015 12:24 AM

Apr 2014
"Good then I can give these fucks what the deserve" Ren said as he threw the body away then he began walking around while looking around
Jan 9, 2015 12:29 AM
Jul 2012
as you walk around you see lightly disturbed soil as well strange leaves lining parts of the floor as well as 1 shrub in the middle of a bunch of trees to the south
Jan 9, 2015 12:33 AM

Apr 2014
"Either bird hunting or tracking" Ren said quietly as he silently walked to where he saw.the disturbed soil then looked around to see if there's one
Jan 9, 2015 12:36 AM
Jul 2012
theres disturbed soil around the odd leaves as well as leading to the south and east
Jan 9, 2015 5:03 AM

Apr 2014
They looks like foot prints so he followed them
Jan 9, 2015 9:59 AM
Jul 2012
(Which part there was three of them)
Jan 9, 2015 10:02 AM

Apr 2014
(Doesnt matter which part)
Jan 9, 2015 10:18 AM

Apr 2014
(Which means you decide which one he followed)
Jan 9, 2015 10:32 AM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
(Which means you decide which one he followed)

(Ok that's fine most people dislike it when you do that so thought I should tell you )

You head east the tracks go on for about 20 minutes of walking then start to separate to the east again and to the west
Jan 9, 2015 10:34 AM

Apr 2014
Ren turned his head to see if some soldiers were behind him
Jan 9, 2015 10:38 AM
Jul 2012
He sees none since they all seemed to have went off to either another side of the forest or just to go and escort the prisoner back to town
Jan 9, 2015 10:40 AM

Apr 2014
Ren sighed "What happened to the one who was helping me protect that last animal?" He thought aloud then he kept walking going west
Jan 9, 2015 3:20 PM
Jul 2012
The west road seems to lead back to a small village out side of the city
Jan 9, 2015 3:30 PM

Apr 2014
Ren sighed and began walking towards the village "perfect place for ducks like them to hide and I know the smell of animal blood well by now" Ren said quietly
Jan 9, 2015 3:46 PM
Jul 2012
When he gets to the town he sees little kids playing wives working and men chopping wood
Jan 9, 2015 3:57 PM

Apr 2014
Ren smiled "excuse me! Have you seen anyone carrying animal skins in here" he said
Jan 9, 2015 4:23 PM
Jul 2012
The people look at her strangely then one women goes up to her holding a baby and asks in a curious tone with a little bit of suspicious undertones and says "may I ask why you are looking for people carrying animal skins
Jan 9, 2015 4:29 PM

Apr 2014
"Because their poachers" Ren said
Jan 9, 2015 4:37 PM
Jul 2012
The village people start to whisper to each other and you hear loud murmurs and mumbling then the lady says " there are no poachers that live here and if we find people that are we will discipline them appropriately "
Jan 9, 2015 4:40 PM

Apr 2014
Ren sighed "Alright" then he began walking back where he came from to go into the east pathway but he stopped to get a drink of water from on of the small ponds or lakes he seen then he began walking again
Jan 9, 2015 7:47 PM
Jul 2012
( really sorry I layed down for a second while waiting for lag and must've passed out )

When she goes back to the east path she sees a strange cave it's to dark to see inside from where you are but there is a horrible stench coming from inside it
Jan 9, 2015 7:53 PM

Apr 2014
Ren smelled the stench then he sighed "dead bodies" he said as he walked toward the stench

(Do you think you could manage to get Ren to meet your character that helped him(forgot her name already))
Jan 9, 2015 8:49 PM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
Ren smelled the stench then he sighed "dead bodies" he said as he walked toward the stench

(Do you think you could manage to get Ren to meet your character that helped him(forgot her name already))

(Possibly though the problem is she is busy watching the elephant bull right now that's pretty much all she cares about but may be able to find a way but it also depends on how things go )

As you get closer the horrible stench of decay gets stronger and stronger to the point where it is almost palpable by then you are standing directly in front of the cave

(would put more but no idea if your character is even able to focus or not because of the smell so I'll post the rest after your post )
Jan 9, 2015 8:56 PM

Apr 2014
Ren sighed "Well if there's anyone in there their gonna have to dig the way out " he said as he took out his sword and used it chop down 10 trees then used the trees(their branches actually) to block the entrance he made sure there were no opening then he left and began walking back to where he was originally found by the soldiers and once he got back he moved a big rock over to a spot he liked then he laid against the rock while sitting down and closed his eyes for a bit
SleeplessVampireJan 9, 2015 9:00 PM
Jan 9, 2015 9:10 PM
Jul 2012
( I'm assuming you didn't look at any details of the cave since you never said you did so I'll leave that a mystery )

You hear a horrific noise unlike anything you have ever heard come from the direction of the cave causing birds and all the animals living near that area to scatter you instantly see tons of birds fly into the air and a stampede of animals run past you you then hear a loud crash then this time you hear a earth shattering horrific roar then things go eerily quite you could even say dead quite the animals pick up the speed and even some of the larger animals begin to act cautiously you see a bunch of elephant Bulls gathering together and forming a circle around there children several feet ahead of you
Jan 9, 2015 9:13 PM

Apr 2014
"What the fuck?" Ren asked as he started climbing a tree to get a view of what the hell was going on
Jan 9, 2015 9:25 PM
Jul 2012
You manage to get a clear line of site to the cave and see the half of the logs in front of the cave gone smashed against other trees that must of been what the loud crash was. When the logs you placed collided with the tree with such force it knocked down the tree
Jan 9, 2015 9:29 PM

Apr 2014
"Alright what the hell!" ,Ren said as he jumped down from the tree
Jan 9, 2015 9:46 PM
Jul 2012
( is that all your doing )

Things continue to sound eerily dead quite the birds to scared to chirp
Jan 9, 2015 9:49 PM

Apr 2014
Ren began walking back to the cave sword drawn and his other hens clenched into a fist
Jan 9, 2015 9:53 PM
Jul 2012
The closer he gets to the cave the more and louder he hears the elephant bull blow its trunk until the point that he feels his arm being grabbed by something that feels surprisingly familiar and with quite a lot of force it attempts to drag him backwards away from the cave
Jan 9, 2015 9:59 PM

Apr 2014
(Mind if I wander aimlessly here? Lmao)
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Jan 9, 2015 10:00 PM

Apr 2014
(How does it feel familiar?)

Ren was dragged back "what's the problem?" Ren asked as he was dragged back not expecting a reply
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