Jan 25, 2020 8:54 PM
My only objection to the binary planet scheme is that the companion planet would be difficult to miss... so why have no previous stories mentioned it? Are the planets tidally locked? |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Jan 26, 2020 6:04 PM
emeraldtryst said: Nah, it is more of a "if the world is full of exotic monster girls, then why not make the world itself a little more exotic too?" kind of reasoning for me. Also it was really fun to crunch the numbers on this :-)Seems like you've got a larger reason for wanting/needing this particular orbital structure but I'm not opposed either way. tygertyger said: yes they are. So sadly you won't be able to see the companion planet from anywhere in Atalantheis. I've added a Q&A to the post in which this will be clarified.Are the planets tidally locked? |
MetallumOperaturJan 26, 2020 8:22 PM
Jan 26, 2020 8:22 PM
I've added a Q&A to answer some of the questions I've gotten here and over Discord. Feel free to ask any further questions and I'll add those to the Q&A too. |
MetallumOperaturJan 26, 2020 8:48 PM
Jan 26, 2020 8:36 PM
Could have something to do with the sectors? Perhas once all the sectors clear the planet itself has one final sector that's keeping the two planets from interacting, or something like that tyger |
Jan 26, 2020 8:38 PM
So I've been in a big scifi mood lately, but that can't happen in any time period for the mgs if the lords don't reel back on tech eventually, will they eventually do that or how will the work? |
Jan 27, 2020 6:00 AM
venomwolf said: So I've been in a big scifi mood lately, but that can't happen in any time period for the mgs if the lords don't reel back on tech eventually, will they eventually do that or how will the work? I can't speak for other writers, but my assumption in my stories is that the lords don't object to new technology per se. What they object to is rapid changes in the status quo, and they clamp down hard on any tech that would cause that. In Sun Garden the creation of the Lake of Glass wasn't because of the use of firearms. It was the introduction of the techniques for mass production. IRL that contributed to sparking the Industrial Revolution, aided the rise of the middleclass, and put the last nail in the coffin of the aristocracy. Anything capable of creating such sweeping changes in a single (mamono-length) generation had to be killed with extreme prejudice... but not before it had outlived its usefulness. The Dragon Wars had to be won, after all. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Jan 27, 2020 7:07 AM
I see, that makes more sense, the lords don't want to loose their positions, but they don't necessarily want to limit the people, either, just don't want such mass changes |
Jan 27, 2020 2:21 PM
Look at it from a world design perspective: The MSG was decided to be at roughly a medieval/renaissance-without-gunpowder technology level. Not much of a problem were it not for also being an isekai. So some reason had to be put in place as to why all that imported knowledge does not translate into progress. After all it makes perfect sense that almost every MC has his/her ideas on how life in this world could be improved using modern technology, that is the world they grew up in after all. We could have solved this problem by having all "import" humans wake up with their memories (partly) erased, but we chose not to. Which is why these insanely powerful lords had to come in. They have the ungrateful task of being a policing asshole that has to ensure the setting stays in a state we like it to be. Thankfully they rarely have to act as they are greatly aided by the big titted succubus principle: why bother introducing new technologies when you could also spend your time getting free high quality x-rated services from a succubus with big tits (or small ones if you don't like em big)? Now to bring this back to the proposal, a lack of technology does not mean we cannot ever visit the companion planet. After all, it can be seen and there is magic in this setting. Now I would argue that even a lords is not nearly powerful enough to set up a portal over a 50k km (31k mi) distance. But a team effort by the entire planet's collection of greatest mages? Now that I'd buy. Sure, it would truly be an effort of herculean proportions, but it is possible. Also remember that Atalantheis only accounts for about 2.5 to 3% of the planet's total land area, so who knows how many more great mages are out there? It is very likely that the most powerful mamono currently alive does not come from Atalantheis. |
MetallumOperaturJan 27, 2020 2:33 PM
Jan 27, 2020 5:51 PM
a lack of technology does not mean we cannot ever visit the companion planet. After all, it can be seen and there is magic in this setting. Now I would argue that even a lords is not nearly powerful enough to set up a portal over a 50k km (31k mi) distance. But a team effort by the entire planet's collection of greatest mages? And that team of mages doesn't have to restrict themselves to creating a single-use portal; it would probably be at least as easy to make a gate. And such an artifact could easily be hidden in any number of locations that no story has visited yet. Now, as to the distance the transit spell has to cover... 50k km probably isn't long enough. The planets have to be far enough apart to be outside each other's Roche limits (the distance at which they'd start to tear each other apart with their gravity), which is roughly 2.5x the radius of the larger body. For the Earth-Moon system that's about 19k km (with the Moon's actual orbit averaging around 384k km). With two planet-sized bodies the separation would have to be greater. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Jan 28, 2020 12:22 AM
The only thing I want to say and drop here is: Bio-engineering through awesome science plant girls! Yay! :D All hail my Monster Girls :3 All things can be explained with Magic ^_^ |
Jan 28, 2020 12:30 AM
What I mean, when you have the correct Magic or knowledge/ability from different persons (like calculating stuff, creating stuff at places you can see, shoot things whereever, dunno what you want) I mean, there are certain techniques throughout Isekai Anime, where you can visit places where people went before. This was also used with kinda mind-reading magic to confer said places or memories and create an image for the caster to create some kind of magic/portal to beforementioned place in the memories. They could also just use it, to put or create artifacts in those places, used for portals and stuff, whatever you want, which are then used for further purposes. I know you guys like to squeeze and scrunch on data and technologies, but sometimes maybe things are not as difficult as they seem to be :D |
Jan 28, 2020 7:24 AM
tygertyger said: That could be a really nice plot device. Maybe such a gate has already been constructed a long long time ago and is now lost and forgotten. Or maybe the demon gate is actually a defunct such a gate, though it would be in the wrong hemisphere. And that team of mages doesn't have to restrict themselves to creating a single-use portal; it would probably be at least as easy to make a gate. And such an artifact could easily be hidden in any number of locations that no story has visited yet. tygertyger said: On the contrary, the Roche limit is heavily dependent on the density of the bodies involved. While due to its lower density the Earth-Moon system has indeed a Roche limit of 2.5x the radius of Earth, due to the relative high density of the companion planet their Roche limit would be under 1.5x the radius of the larger body. And with the Roche distance being measured from centre of mass to centre of mass, the planets could literally be touching and still not be shredded by tidal forces. So orbits close enough that they share atmospheres, oceans, or even form a Roche world (a peanut shaped fusion of two planets) would all be within the realm of possibilities. It is a really cool concept too, but it also brings a slew of additional things one has to take into account (surface gravity not being roughly the same everywhere on the planet for example) and problems too. This video by Isaac Arthur (if you love in-depth SciFi, futurism, and astronomy I highly recommend checking his other videos out too) gives a really good explanation about double planets and Roche worlds as well as add some really nice visuals to how things might look at the various stages:With two planet-sized bodies the separation would have to be greater. Subenu said: Well however the physics works out, should someone somehow find a way to travel to the companion planet, the bio-engineering by science plant girls might prove a very valuable asset to adept to life in a different and lower gravity environment.Bio-engineering through awesome science plant girls! Yay! :D |
MetallumOperaturJan 28, 2020 7:38 AM
Jan 30, 2020 4:53 PM
wait has the other world already been worked on a bit? |
Jan 30, 2020 7:31 PM
venomwolf said: wait has the other world already been worked on a bit? There has clearly been a lot of number-crunching done... and I'm thankful that someone else did that, because numbers and I don't get along. Aside from that, we're mostly just kicking ideas around right now. Some of those will definitely be implemented, though, and eventually the companion planet will become a sanctioned setting for MSG stories. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Jan 30, 2020 8:01 PM
I see I see, I shall wait for the day I can send sexy monster waifus to another planet... and other places |
Feb 5, 2020 7:56 AM
MetallumOperatur said: so I don't know how to ping... I guess a quit works Anyways, I missed the conversation before this tidal locked one, that said would opening up the sectors bring new tech? Not super high tech things, but slightly more advanced, say rennicance era with cannon wielding ships, but still at the point where small arms aren't a thing. the Arcadians would be at a huge disadvantage there at first but it would open up more possibilities, plus I would think each area would develop differently, but not to the point of say napoleonic era... if that makes any sense. |
Feb 5, 2020 7:21 PM
There was some discussion of tech being more advanced on the companion planet while magic was less powerful. Something along the lines of the entire planet being a low mana zone while the steampunk-level tech that is dwarves-only in the main setting is commonplace on the other planet. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Jul 26, 2020 5:11 PM
I was thinking about the magic system for MSG... specifically, that we don't officially have one. So as a jumping off point for those who have trouble systemitizing this stuff here is the magic system I've been using. Barring ratification by the GM staff none of this should be considered canon. I. Schools of magic Each school of magic focuses on a specific class of targets and/or uses a limited range substances, energies, or techniques to achieve its effects. The examples below are not exhaustive; they cover most of the bases, but there may be other schools. Aeromancy: control of wind and air pressure; skilled practitioners can fly; can control precipitation when combined with hydromancy; can create vacuum, but most mamono wouldn't think of that; at the highest levels can transform an incorporeal air elemental into a mamono. Astromancy: time and space magic; can speed up, slow down, or stop time; compress, expand, or warp space; skilled practitioners can teleport or control aging; when combined with enchanting can create items like bags of holding. Chaoturgy: control of probability; can cause good luck for oneself and one's allies or bad luck for one's enemies; one of the less commonly practiced schools of magic. Cryomancy: the magic of ice and cold; includes ice-based attacks (snowballs for nonlethal effect), lowering of ambient temperature, cold resistance, and hibernation. Divination: magically enhanced senses ranging from night vision and augmented hearing to scrying distant locations, reading the past of an object, or catching a glimpse of the future; an incredibly useful but often neglected school of magic. Electromancy: magical control of electricity and magnetism; lightning bolts are the obvious application, but electrical resistance and magnetic attraction/repulsion are also in the mix; neural paralysis (i.e. tasers) is possible, but mamono usually need humans to teach them how that works. Enchanting: implants a magical effect from some other school into a substance or object; the most basic level enables alchemy, intermediate levels allow the enchanting of weapons, armor, and utility items, and advanced enchanting lets the caster enchant structures or living things. Eromancy: the magic of love and sex; can increase sensitivity, induce arousal or infatuation, discern a target's kinks, bring on or delay orgasm, enhance seductiveness, reshape genitalia, or increase sexual stamina; skilled practitoners can detect the presence of true love or find someone's soulmate; probably the most commonly practiced school of magic. Faunamancy: the magic of communicating with, summoning, controlling, or strengthening animals; advanced practitioners can create chimerical animals or all-new species, but this requires in-depth knowledge of both biology and magical lore. Floramancy: what faunamancy does for animals floramancy does for plants -- but instead of summoning floramancers can induce rapid growth. Geomancy: earth magic; can move rock and soil, create tunnels through the ground, raise or collapse terrain features, or cause earthquakes; skilled practitioners can refine ores or detect gemstones; at the highest levels can transform an incorporeal earth elemental into a mamono. Glamour: illusion magic; basic effects involve sight and hearing, while more advanced uses involve smell, taste, and touch; illusions persist for only a short time after the caster stops concentrating on them without combining the effect with enchanting or noomancy; a caster can't create illusions for a sense that she herself lacks; most fae-type mamono have some skill with this school, and nurarihyon are inherently talented with it. Graphiturgy: uses writing or art to impose an effect -- so let it be written, so let it be done; there are various techniques including rune magic, glyph magic (such as Egyptian ren-hekau or Babylonian nam-shub), calligraphy (i.e. Hebrew gematria or the matsyas' devanagari), or enchanted tattoos (like the irezumi used by tattooed ladies); must be combined with enchanting and noomancy to create golems. Hydromancy: water magic; can control currents and pressure, increase or decrease swimming speed, create blasts of water as an attack, or enable (or disable) water breathing; can be combined with aeromancy to control precipitation; at the highest levels can transform an incorporeal water elemental into a mamono. Malediction: more commonly known as curse magic; imposes a condition such as clumsiness, deafness, blindness, a distracting level of arousal, or a disadvantageous size change; rarely practiced by mamono in general, but common among dark mages, gazers, and witches and practically universal among anubi (the sphinxes' Riddle Curse is actually eromancy, as is the anubis Mummy Curse). Metamorphosis: practitioners of this school of magic can change shape or size (their own or someone else's) or turn themself or someone else invisible or intangible; combining metamorphosis with faunamancy can transform an animal or monstrous beast into a mamono -- extending the effect over an entire species requires power on the level of the Demon Lord. Necromancy: the magic of creating, summoning, or controlling undead; humans can use necromancy to become undead; universal among liches but rare for other mamono. Noomancy: also known as mind magic; practitioners are capable of reading (at higher levels, controlling) minds, mental communication, enhancing or inhibiting intelligence, and altering or erasing memories; applications specific to entering and controlling dreams are sometimes called oneiromancy; the most advanced casters can even create new minds -- combining this effect with enchanting is needed to create most contructs, and creating a dorome or lava golem requires geomancy as well; few mamono aside from mind flayers and mahars practice this school of magic. Palliaturgy: magically healing injury or illness or neutralizing poison; also includes purification magic; a highly valued but surprisingly seldom practiced school of magic -- apparently even mamono don't want to play the healer. Pyromancy: fire magic, of course; can project fire-based attacks, increase ambient temperature, confer heat resistance, or grant thermographic vision; at the highest levels can transform an incorporeal fire elemental into a mamono. II. Ranks of magic There are four grades of magical power. Learning each grade takes exponentially longer than it took to learn the previous grade. This time doubles with each additional school of magic learned -- learning a second school takes twice as long as learning the first, learning a third school takes four times as long as the first, learning a fourth school takes eight times as long as the first, and so on. Magic performed as a ritual can have duration, area of effect, or number of targets extended to the limits of the next highest level. A spell that can affect multiple targets can be focused on fewer targets so as to better penetrate any defenses. Apprentice: minor spells that can affect up to a room-sized area and have a duration no more than an hour. Most Apprentice spells aren't useful for combat. Those that are can't kill on their own but can certainly impose distraction or short-term impairment on a single target. A fast learner might become an Apprentice after as little as a month of study, but most students need two or three. Adept: spells of moderate power that can cover a house-sized area or have a duration up to about a day. Combat spells can wound (and possibly kill) a single target or impair multiple targets. Gaining an Adept level of skill typically takes a couple of years, perhaps up to five. Master: powerful spells that can cover a town-sized area or have a duration measured in weeks. Combat spells can wound several targets at once or impair dozens. At this level it is possible to combine a second school of magic into the effect. Becoming a Master takes at least 20 years, and that's for the exceptionally talented. Grandmaster: epic spells that can cover an area the size of a large city (plus suburbs) and have a duration measured in months -- with a ritual the effects can even be permanent. Combat spells can simultaneously kill dozens of creatures or impair hundreds. At this level an effect can combine three schools of magic. There are no confirmed reports of anyone progressing from Master to Grandmaster in less than a century, and only prodigies progress that quickly. A practitioner's actual rank is the highest grade achieved preceded by the number of schools in which she has achieved that grade. For example, a brand-spanking-new student who only recently learned her first spell would be a 1st Degree Apprentice, while someone who has achieved the Master rank in three different schools is a 3rd Degree Master. |
tygertygerJul 27, 2020 7:34 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Jul 26, 2020 5:47 PM
Jul 26, 2020 6:03 PM
I actually needed something like this, saves me a lot of trouble other than having to ask every time what's normal and what would be over the top |
Aug 4, 2020 7:36 PM
I'm writing a story and I was wondering if it would qualify for MFF or if The monster girls needed to be present more often. It's set in modern day Earth. The main character is the last surviving member of the Nekomimi Clan after they were enslaved by the French and forced to fight on the front lines during the Hundred Years War. Due to a mysterious ritual by which the last member of a magic species can acquire all the power of their race and become the new progenitor, he became the target of the OdF(Ordre de Fantaisie), an international (human) organization that strives to be at the pinnacle of both magic and science that sprang up after the Hundred Years War. Because of past traumas and a promise he made with someone long ago he refuses to perform the ritual, and therefore must always be on the run from the OdFs agents. Going from place to place without staying anywhere very long, sometimes being forced to escape through the Ley Lines or into one of the Dragon Planes (cities where magic species gather, and humans can't enter, owned and managed by the Dragon Clan) but as he owes a huge debt to the Dragon Bank(a bank run by the Dragon Clan) he can't stay there for long, or else he'll be tied up and thrown in the Dragon King's sister's bed. There are five main female characters The Dragon King's Sister who pursues him in more ways than one (stalker). It's not that he doesn't like her, it's just that he's terrified of her. The strength of a Dragon Clansmen is 1,000 times that of someone from the Nekomimi Clan with the same build and dragons are rather passionate about mating. There have been a number of dragons for I've fallen in love with other species and accidentally killed them as a result. A female Mage from a God's Bloodline who works has a doctor/veterinarian and independent researcher specializing in magic species. He's also scared of her because she often talks about dissecting him with flared nostrils, and drool running down her face. The Mermaid Queen of the Atlantic Seafloor Capital. Once again someone he's scared of. Because the Merpeople Race is almost entirely male the mermaid queen is there greatest idol. There's an unspoken rule among the Merpeople to "kill him on sight" The chief of the Inari Kitsune Clan, his great-great-grandmother. A mischievous person who tries to seduce him despite being blood-related. She also loves playing pranks on him so he avoids her whenever possible and runs away at the first chance he sees. Vala Enmunua Thone de Luciala, a girl from a branch of the Black Hound Clan that disguised themselves as British Noblemen in the 15th century and have blended in with human society ever since. Him and she often get into fights when they meet(they are a cat and a dog after all), but even their fights seem somewhat affectionate. Only in flashbacks is a human girl who also fought on the front lines during the hundred years war. despite also fighting on the front line she still made time to fight for the rights of the Nekoimi Clan and other Magic Species Clans that were enslaved at the time. It was her sacrifice that not only won the war, but also brought freedom to the enslaved Magic Species by wrenching control from the Council of Magic(predecessor to the OdF), but by that time he was the only survivor of his clan. Due to the nature of the story (him not being able to stay in one place for too long) and the nature of the heroines themselves (scary) they don't appear in every chapter so I'm not sure if it's enough to qualify as MFF. So does it? |
Aug 6, 2020 5:13 PM
From the official rules page: "The MFF has only two rules: Must contain at least one monster girl Don't use work from others without their approval" Based on that, your concept is good to go. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Aug 13, 2020 3:53 PM
@Saronin_Jayhart as Tyger already said. Your idea is fine for a MFF story, so feel free to upload it here. |
Aug 13, 2020 4:38 PM
tygertyger said: I was thinking about the magic system for MSG... Actually we do have some rules/info on magic, though I might have failed to copy it over from the Vault. I'll post that below for reference. As for your list of magic schools tyger: I like the level of detail you put into these. They will need some tweaking before we can use them in this setting, though. But this can serve as an initiator making a more comprehensive magic system than what we currently have. Some remarks: - Some of the "old magic schools" have been split into different new schools. Hence we have characters that have seemingly learnt multiple schools of magic despite being relatively young, as the school they were assumed to have learnt is now split. An example would be nature magic which is split into faunamancy, floramancy, and palliaturgy - Holy magic is missing, should be a rather versatile school of magic. This is exclusive to the non-dark angel types as it uses refined spirit energy as a source rather than demonic energy, something only angels can use. Though, how they obtain the spirit energy is the same as for other mamono, cant have celibate angels in this setting after all :-P - If there is malediction school, then there should also be a benediction school - There are some balance issues. Especially divination, astromancy, and chaoturgy run the risk of setting breaking shenanigans and hence will need clear boundaries in their description. The bag of holding and other forms of pocket dimension magic are good examples of this. Can't have someone flood a city by opening their bag of holding that contained a cubic kilometre (or cubic mile, you get the gist) of ocean water in the central square You will inevitably discover things about the island and its inhabitants that are seemingly impossible. Animal-human hybrids, living slime, enchanted items, and of course girls able to fire fireballs from their hands. This is because magic is abundant in the monster girl world. Monster girls and some substances are able to contain magic within them and use it with some skill. What is magic? Magic is simply the term given to anything that does not conform to the natural laws of the human world. Magic has its own source of energy along with its own natural laws, limitations, and costs. What powers magic? All magic is fueled by “Demonic Energy.” There is no other source of magic. Despite the name, demonic energy is not specific to demons. It is as natural in the monster girl world as the air they breathe. Where does demonic energy come from? Demonic energy forms naturally in the monster girl world and exists everywhere. However, there are places where the concentrations of demonic energy are greater than others. In these places all effects of magic are amplified, both good and bad. Also, most monster girls are able to convert human “spirit energy” into demonic energy. What is spirit energy? Put simply, spirit energy is human life force. Humans naturally produce this energy and store it within their bodies. Monster girls are able to extract this energy by draining blood or, in the case for men, semen which contain high concentrations of spirit energy. Some monsters, particularly undead and demonic types, are able to survive on nothing but spirit energy. What types of magic are there? While magic can do almost anything, it can be broken into several categories: Elemental. Life/Nature. Necromancy. Mind. Curse. Rune. Alchemy. What is Elemental magic? Elemental magic is the ability to create/manipulate non-living things. The most common elements are Earth, Water, Fire, and Air but other conceivable elements, such as light or dark, or element off shots, such as ice or lightning, could be used. Elemental magic could also be used to influence concepts corresponding to specific elements, such as wind magic making someone faster or light magic improving someone’s mood. Elemental magic can be used to conjure or summon the given element but it will typically disappear after a few seconds. Elemental magic is the go-to offensive magic. What is Life/Nature magic? Life/Nature magic is the ability to affect living things. Healing spells, talking to animals, and controlling plants are all examples of life/nature magic. Life magic can also be used to control animals but gets more difficult the more intelligent the creature. Life/Nature magic is the best healing magic. What is Necromancy? Necromancy is the power to control corpses and the spirits of the dead. Anything that was once alive can fall prey to necromancy. Raising zombies, combining corpses into constructs, communing with the dead, and binding souls to items all fall under necromancy. The most powerful necromancers can even bind their soul to their own corpse. Necromancy can also drain life from the living. However, necromancy can have some weaknesses. Messing with the dead is frowned upon by many often leading to distrust or abuse to its users. The dead can sometimes gain a will of their own and they may not always like their masters. Necromancy is typically weak to purifying spells easily learned from light, water, or nature magic. What is Mind magic? Mind magic is the ability to influence the mind and senses. This includes the ability to cast illusions, become invisible, cause heightened sensitivity, link sensations, and see or enter dreams. Enough skill can cause the target to feel things that are not really there. Works best against weak or unsuspecting minds. Has no direct offensive capability. What is Curse magic? Curse magic is the ability to change the physical characteristic or effect of something. This includes transformations, petrification, shrinking, hexes, and conditioning the use of items. Curse magic often requires the use of a condition, either to break the curse or to have the curse take effect. Curses can have extremely powerful effects with low levels of skill but can be just as dangerous for the user as the target. Only one curse can be placed on something at a time but stronger ones can overwrite weaker ones. Once the curse is broken the target reverts to their original form. What is Rune magic? Rune magic is written magic. Using ancient languages and magic materials, objects will be able to absorb magic from the surroundings to maintain an effect. This includes the construction of golems and enchanted items. The runes are very precise and any damage can alter or negate their effects. What is Alchemy? Alchemy is the permanent alteration of a physical substance through the use of magic and other physical substances. This includes the production of magic potions and the transmutation of one substance into another. Alchemy requires the use of very specific materials but any change is permanent, only reversible by another Alchemic process. Alchemy can be used with both organic and inorganic mater. What is magic used for? Magic is used for just about anything. From combat to communication to increased ease and comfort, magic can do almost anything. In particular, every single type of magic has ways to increase sexual pleasure that the inhabitants have ‘discovered’ over the years. How common is magic? Many monsters have magical abilities that they naturally develop and some species definitively have strong magical ability. However, magical items of any note are still restricted mainly to the rich or powerful and would not be commonly found. But simple conveniences, such as magically heated or running water, can be found in most towns particularly the nice inns. The cost of using demonic energy also prevents open wide spread use of magic. Which monster girls can use magic? Any girl stated to have magic in the MGE will have it. Any girl that has a magical effect but no stated magic skill could potentially learn magic related to the effect but be limited in their power. Anything else will require lots of training just to learn the simplest magic. Can humans learn magic? No. Human do not possess demonic energy or the means to channel it so they are unable to learn any magic. They can, however, have monster girls as a proxy for using magic but this is entirely dependent on the MGs skill and not the humans. Humans can also use items with passive magical effects, meaning the item works the same way regardless of how it is used or who is using it. What is the cost of using magic? Demonic energy can be used for many things but not without its own effect on the user. The effect is the desire for more demonic energy. Any spell cast will deplete the user’s reserve of demonic energy and they will be hit with the desire to replenish all that has been lost and then some. Demonic energy is abundant in the atmosphere and will replenish the reserve over time but not nearly fast enough to satisfy the user. This leaves two methods to replenish the energy quickly: draining the energy from another monster girl or draining spirit energy from a human and the preferred method is through sex. Because of the ease of release and sub-sequential absorption, men are the most attractive means to replenish the demonic energy but few will have any complaints about a female partner if the need arises. Monster on monster action might seem the most passionate but ultimately they can only pass the demonic energy back and forth while they are both naturally replenished. The desire the use of demonic energy creates is so strong many are reluctant to cast even the simplest spells without a plan to replenish the energy later. But it is not just the spell casters or even just the monster girls that have to worry about the effects of demonic energy. The demonic energy natural in the air slowly seeps into all the residents of the island slowly but surely increasing sexual desire. The effect is minor for humans in most parts of the island but the effect can be maddening to the monster girls that live for centuries under its influence. Also, humans who have sex with monster girls are filled with some of their demonic energy increasing their sexual desire and stamina. Humans that consistently have sex with monsters will become one themselves. Can humans turned monster use magic? They can but they have to start from the ground up and they also suffer the same effects of its use. Females will have the magical ability and sub-sequential desire typical of the monster they turn into. Males will become incubi and will have greatly increased sexual stamina and desire. They will also be able to use demonic energy and retain their ability to produce spirit energy. However, unless they are very flexible they will be unable to use their own spirit energy to replenish their demonic energy. However, careless spell casting will cause a desire to seek out spirit energy regardless of previous sex or sexual orientation. Incubi who let this desire get the better of them will turn into Alps so they may easier extract the spirit energy. |
Aug 13, 2020 5:34 PM
Aug 16, 2020 2:04 PM
MetallumOperatur said: Some remarks: - Some of the "old magic schools" have been split into different new schools. Hence we have characters that have seemingly learnt multiple schools of magic despite being relatively young, as the school they were assumed to have learnt is now split. Splitting some of the schools was something I did to balance some of the schools' power levels. Nature magic is an excellent example; as it was that school could do a lot of stuff without much of a coherent theme. Thought that's entirely IMO. - Holy magic is missing, should be a rather versatile school of magic. This is exclusive to the non-dark angel types as it uses refined spirit energy as a source rather than demonic energy, something only angels can use. Though, how they obtain the spirit energy is the same as for other mamono, cant have celibate angels in this setting after all :-P No celibate angels indeed! My thinking was to include holy magic in palliaturgy -- hence the line about purification magic -- but if the source is spirit energy that would restrict its use to angels. I don't think the possibility of other mamono using recently extracted spirit energy should be discounted, though. - If there is a malediction school, then there should also be a benediction school I didn't think of that one before, but it also fits within palliaturgy. - There are some balance issues. Especially divination, astromancy, and chaoturgy run the risk of setting breaking shenanigans and hence will need clear boundaries in their description. I certainly would have included such limits if I were writing game rules, but what we're doing here is more like a style guide for the setting; by definition that shouldn't be too restrictive. What works for a game doesn't necessarily work for a literary setting. In this case I think we'd be better off with having writers run things past the GM for the affected region. And writers, keep in mind that the goal is to tell a good story -- not to have the coolest/most powerful protagonist. :) Can humans learn magic? No. There is actually an exception to that rule written into some of the official MGE entries -- four of them, to be exact. A human who has a pact with an elemental (gnome, ignis, sylph, or undine) can use magic with the mamono as their conduit for accessing demonic energy. That other elementals and demon-type mamono could form similar pacts is not explicitly stated, but neither is it dramatically inappropriate. For story purposes one should keep in mind that the mamono party to such a pact would almost certainly regard it as a marriage... and infernals would be sure to include some other interesting clauses as well. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Aug 16, 2020 4:33 PM
I am not for making healing magic exclusive to angels. Hence they should be two different and distinct schools of magic. That they have overlap in what they can do is imo not a problem, as the difference is in how it is done. Mamono that obtain spirit energy immediately and automatically convert it to demonic energy. Palliaturgy is fuelled by demonic energy and hence can be learned by all mamono. The exception being the non-dark angel species who do not have demonic energy. Instead they purify the spirit energy they absorb and work with that. This makes angels unaffected by all effects and interactions that specifically target one's demonic energy, but it also makes them unable to learn magic other than holy magic. Also since they cannot slowly absorb ambient demonic energy, ironically angels are even more dependent on a regular intake of spirit energy than other mamono species. I think it is a nice twist that the "pure" non-dark angels might be the most desperate to get laid. I didn't think of that one before, but it also fits within palliaturgy. You could make a clear distinction where palliaturgy focuses solely on healing wounds, curing ailments, speeding up/slowing down natural growth processes, and purification. While benediction focuses on casting various buffs and blessings on the recipient. Hence palliaturgy would be more of a reactive school of magic, while benediction is proactive.I certainly would have included ... GM for the affected region. I get quite regularly questions of (potential) writers over Discord. I've discovered that many writers actually like it when certain "gamey" borders / restrictions are put in place, rather than that it left to "go discuss it with the officers". I think that might be because it takes away some decision making aspects, allowing them to focus more on the story and less on "is this allowed in the setting?". Now that does not mean we should specify everything in great detail, but a bit of an explanation of what can and can't be done with magic and why that is can be beneficial.Can humans learn magic? There is actually an exception to that rule...interesting clauses as well.No. That is correct. But it is stil considered as the MG doing the casting, and the human guiding it, rather than the human doing actual casting him-/herself. I am fine with expanding it a bit to not only the elementals being able to do that. |
MetallumOperaturNov 4, 2020 8:08 AM
Aug 17, 2020 5:42 AM
MetallumOperatur said: You could make a clear distinction where palliaturgy focuses solely on healing wounds, curing ailments, speeding up/slowing down natural growth processes, and purification. While benediction focuses on casting various buffs and blessings on the recipient. Hence palliaturgy would be more of a reactive school of magic, while benediction is proactive. How about this [incoming proposed write-up!]: Benediction: also known as holy magic; practitioners of this rare school fuel their magic using spirit energy rather than demonic energy, which limits its active use to those mamono types that have ties to the divine (i.e. angels) or are embodiments of purity (such as unicorns). Benediction can reduce or remove corruption -- including removing impurities from food and drink -- cure disease, neutralize poison, and grant blessings that strengthen the target's spiritual qualities even to the point of overcoming physical or psychological weaknesses. A benedictor can also alleviate or break curses. Note that the purification aspect originally placed in palliaturgy now goes here instead. I am fine with expanding it a bit to not only the elementals being able to do that. With the caveat that the pact only grants access to magic that the mamono party can cast. Frex, a pact with a gnome only allows geomancy, while a pact with an infernal only allows access to magic that she has actually learned. And the human still has to put in the time to learn the magic; the pact grants access to demonic energy, not knowledge. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Oct 12, 2020 10:07 PM
Yo! What is the name of the MSG Discord server? I finally got a Discord account. |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
Oct 13, 2020 11:53 AM
tygertyger said: Yo! What is the name of the MSG Discord server? I finally got a Discord account. here's the link, the previous message sent accidentally while I was trying to find this>.> |
Oct 13, 2020 8:51 PM
tygertyger said: Yo! What is the name of the MSG Discord server? I finally got a Discord account. You can try the discord link we have here on the site: , or the one provided by Venomwolf. To prevent spammers we have a bit of a gate build in, so it might take a short while before a role has been assigned to you and you can talk outside the welcome channel. Be patient. Sadly I won't be able to welcome you personally just yet, as I rather unexpectedly wound up in the hospital a week ago and have only just been released. I'll be recovering at my parent's place for another week or so. There I only have access to the laptop, which does not have discord. |
Oct 13, 2020 8:59 PM
Oh no! Get well soon metal, hope whate very went wrong won't happen again |
Oct 13, 2020 9:24 PM
venomwolf said: My appendix is gone now, so this cannot happen again. :-)Oh no! Get well soon metal, hope whate very went wrong won't happen again |
Oct 14, 2020 4:26 AM
MetallumOperatur said: venomwolf said: My appendix is gone now, so this cannot happen again. :-)Oh no! Get well soon metal, hope whate very went wrong won't happen again That sounds painful.... well, at least it's something you can live without |
Nov 4, 2020 10:41 AM
tygertyger said: How about this [incoming proposed write-up!]: Benediction: also known as holy magic; practitioners of this rare school fuel their magic using spirit energy rather than demonic energy, which limits its active use to those mamono types that have ties to the divine (i.e. angels) or are embodiments of purity (such as unicorns). Benediction can reduce or remove corruption -- including removing impurities from food and drink -- cure disease, neutralize poison, and grant blessings that strengthen the target's spiritual qualities even to the point of overcoming physical or psychological weaknesses. A benedictor can also alleviate or break curses. I'd say that benediction should be a regular school of magic and that the angel species should get their own holy magic school (perhaps named sacrosanctomancy or hallowmancy) that is spell-wise a bit of an mix of palliaturgy, benediction, and pyromancy. Basically holy healing, divine blessings, and righteous smiting. Heck I'm even fine with the most potent angel casters getting a "ressurection" spell if it has sufficient limitations and "costs". While this might seem like an "overloaded" school, do keep in mind that angels (excluding the "dark" variants who operate on demonic energy) can't learn any of the other schools of magic due to lacking DM. With the caveat that the pact only grants access to magic that the mamono party can cast. Frex, a pact with a gnome only allows geomancy, while a pact with an infernal only allows access to magic that she has actually learned. And the human still has to put in the time to learn the magic; the pact grants access to demonic energy, not knowledge. Yeah that makes sense. If the mamono can't cast it then the human neither. |
Sep 30, 2022 12:16 PM
I want to date this monster girl |
Sep 30, 2022 12:16 PM
I want to date this monster girl |
Dec 19, 2023 7:05 AM
I got an email with a request to share access to the MSG folder on my Google Drive. Was that from anyone here? |
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling |
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