Interesting Episode.... Loved the consistency.... From a First meh moment, to a build up and then to a oh looks like fun to a dramatic moment and once again! They did that twice, and if the really pretended to do such thing then I'm really surprised at the directing... Well done! It was a really interesting move.
Anyway moving on with each scene... Really I didn't found the game interesting yet Kyosuke tries hard to please her sister, a sister that also sucks in it xD. Not interesting since it's got the classic fighting setting plus the whole imouto thing... which doesn't really pleases me so I dunno why they're so into it xD Anyway that scene led to one interesting.
Saori having a small chat with Kyou which I found great. YOu know you hardly see such thing happening so naturally on an Anime. You know I'd go for a Saori+Kyousuke ship more than anything else... For obvious reasons (they're the perfect embodiment of sis+bro relationship) Kirino+Kyo just dun float my boat, Ayase+Kyo as hinted in this episode could be cute, but the whole I love my imouto undertone overshadows the possibility of a the development of a decent ship between them. It's like a unrequited one-sided imouto love... For some reason the anime has starting to feel like a imouto eroge...
The next scene opening reminded me a lot of my best friend habits and hos sister too hahahaha geh let's just lay down there on the couch and do nothing xDDDD But hey it was a good way to introduce Kirino's friends to Kyosuke... or should I say it was the other way round? Anyways it was so common and cute at the same time :P And just when he was going to shut himself up in his room, here comes a surprise package. From Saori nonetheless... No idea wy Kyo didn't related that name to Saori... maybe it's because Saori's nickname is just a bit too outrageous hahaha
And I saw the outcome of the scene since it started...! Really what else could she send to them!!! It was obvious that Saori would send some sort of anime, eroge or manga! And it was a a box full of R rated doujinshis!!!! tsssskkk... It was a good thing that he was fast enough to save Kirino from her friends knowing the truth that time! Never thought it was a box full of cosmetics... Didn't knew such things were sold in such big boxes xD. Anyway there goes Kyo's image as a good brother... Why did he had to fall like that? No idea... the good old Laws of Anime and MAnga are the only ones that could explain that. But it was all Kirino's fault for aiming to the balls and her own horrible balance xD Hey a man has to protect the nuts over all costs right? Altho she she aimed there he still wanted to save her! Bad decision... She still fell hard on her back... he groped her... friends came and saw such scene... Bad decisions all the time :/ And yep me agrees to that someone who said that he looked like Yuuki RIto there... Remind me when he gropped Haruna first time...But overall... I was laughing really hard and hitting my desk all the time whole this scene developed X(
Sill after all that mess, Ayase still wanted to see what's up with the brother... That really makes me think that she has a serious brocon... Why she has such thing? No idea yet she's there... drooling over Kyosuke... That was back meh scene
The NAtsucomi scenes were pretty kewl all because we had a bunch of Saori and Kuroneko moments :3 Lol at Kiririn complaining all the time while in line... Just as Kuroneko says... she's such a frail and whiny human xD Oh and the custom cars!!! Those were awesome... Kate/Starry Night Unlicensed Blade Works FTW! I bet that one won the custom painted Car contest XD Strolling around the comiket grounds was fun.
But why she was making such big fuss over a disc! Oh ya... collector's greed and passion... It was fun to see Saori and Kirino lose over the overpowered Staff... And I still wanted Kyo win that disc for her, that'd have been epic, yet Kuro surprised us big time and won over the staff... not easily but still the Staff gave her some troubles... Kuroneko won the friggin disk for Kiririn! My god that was so kewl... and the scene of the handing over was as well... Oh girls why you're not honest which each other.... that sycro laughs between Saori and Kyosuke really makes me feel happy... I feel they match pretty well (plus me wanna discover the mysteries under those baggy clothes and horrible glasses) Kuroneko was ful of win in this episode... No coat Kuro was nice :3
Oh the ending... Oh my goshness... Here comes another storm... Ayase bumped into them near the Comiket grounds! Wonder why she's around... Can Ayase realise that her friend, her BESTFRIEND comes from there, and also discover that her BEST FRIEND is a hardcore OTAKU!? Oh I wanna see that already!
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