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Aug 7, 2010 4:48 PM

Feb 2010
abc33kr there's one problem with that if that is Lucy she still wouldn't have horns because her first horn was broken off by Mariko and her other horn was shot off was she was shot. But I believe it is Lucy but she's back to being kind and not a murderus psychopath
Aug 9, 2010 1:29 AM
Apr 2010
Auska-Neumaki said:
abc33kr there's one problem with that if that is Lucy she still wouldn't have horns because her first horn was broken off by Mariko and her other horn was shot off was she was shot. But I believe it is Lucy but she's back to being kind and not a murderus psychopath

Ah didn't see that there. Nice to see other views.

It's just that Elfen Lied is a tragedy, I really wouldn't expect Lucy to have a happy life with Kouta.
Aug 21, 2010 5:18 PM

Feb 2010
Honestly, I have to say, I don't see how this could be a 10/10. To me, everything is so OVERDONE and the behavior's of characters seems forced and some moments seemed completely "off."

I felt that in "Elfen Lied," characters who were fine with keeping little girls locked up and fucking with them all of a sudden had a conscience.... and other character moments that made little sense.

That said, the story was VERY unique and interesting. Little was explained (Who was the 'queen,' where did the virus come from, why is that old creepy man in the horns running this operation.... etc...), but I like that we get to fill in the gaps....

7/10 for me.
Sep 3, 2010 11:40 PM

Aug 2010
I watched 7 episodes of it and stopped watching it after that... <__< That was 2 years ago. Today I started again from episode 1 and finished the anime. Wonderful. I did think there was too much nudity at first... but as the anime went along it fit in quite well. All the blood all the gore.. and the love story within made this anime unique. I loved every bit of it. 10/10
My eyes are still wet from crying while watching the last episode... I wonder if an OVA or 2nd season are out... I'm totally going to look it up tomorrow.
The latin and german bits added a nice spice to it.
I loved the OST and the music box melody. Wonderful <3
Sep 3, 2010 11:44 PM

Aug 2010
MusashiRose said:

That said, the story was VERY unique and interesting. Little was explained (Who was the 'queen,' where did the virus come from, why is that old creepy man in the horns running this operation.... etc...), but I like that we get to fill in the gaps....

7/10 for me.

Hmm.. If I'm not mistaken a few things were actually mentioned...
The queen was lucy
I'm not sure about your second question
About the horned man.. because he wanted turn the world into a world for horned people. or so he said in some episode..
Sep 5, 2010 8:36 PM

Nov 2009
Here's my take on the ending:

The music box ending: just a preceding scene to the grandfather clock incident.

The grandfather clock: this is debatable, but I believe that Lucy crept in the house (sometime) when all of them (Kouta, Yuka, Nana, Mayu) were someplace elsewhere... and fixed the clock...just a surprise for her "family".

OR... she fixed it when she was playing with it in her "Nyuu" mode. idk, just my perspective. overall, i liked this anime a bunch. it molded together quite well all the love, gore,etc.
Sep 10, 2010 12:01 PM

Jun 2010
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Sep 11, 2010 1:24 AM

Aug 2010
open ending , hint that she is alive and maybe not. same as code geass, lelouch is alive or maybe not -_-.
good ending. but can t they just end it like , she ran in the room and kiss koutha?
Sep 24, 2010 2:31 AM

Sep 2010
Even though this thread is old I would like two put in my opinion. I liked this series as rarely do you see such emotion in the way the characters talk and the mixture of that and the music made it quite enjoyable. 10/10

And as for the comment above me^ I have already seen Code Geass but I think if someone hasn't and would like too and then read your post they would be quite annoyed, please use a spoiler or something next time.
Oct 2, 2010 5:08 PM

May 2010
I really like the ending. This is just because if nyuu was alive it would of been a perfect ending like all the disney movies and that just rock my boat. The fact that they do not show here died or alive makes it seem btter in a way. Sure we all like good old happy ending but that would be to corny in a way. To tell you the truth if she was showen alive i would of been a bit put off even thought i think it is probably is her there(i mean who else could it be). Well that is my opinion for my rating i give it 9 out of 10 just because nothing is perfect (like my spellings ) ;).
evilantmanOct 2, 2010 5:15 PM
kung fu action jesus he is fighting the bad guys and saving the day with his magic kung fu he will make em pay its kung fu action jesus.
Oct 18, 2010 3:41 PM

Sep 2010
nice open ending 9/10
again i almost cried in the end
so maybe Lucy wanted to surrender her other horn and thus her vector powers (i don't know exactly how it would happen. maybe Lucy intentionally let a bullet hit the horn) , so that the homicidal side of her disappears and she can again live harmoniously with everyone as Nyu?
Then surely music box/grandfather clock ending is the intended meaning.

Oct 30, 2010 12:04 PM

Oct 2009
Cero said:
mickal555 said:

Though there are a fair few unanswered questions, what is that horned guy going to do?
DId Lucy die? Looks like it, if so then who's that at the end?

I liked it, but as you said there are a few unanswered questions.
- Who was standing at the gate?
- What is that psycho old man gonna do?
- What are Kouta and the others gonna do now?
- What did taking off Lucy's other horn do? - My personal question
- Why did the OVA suck so much shit (fucking 10.5)
- And where did Nyuu learn to fix a clock? O:<

Agreed. Does the manga give answers to these questions?
If so, can you send me a massage? tnx
Nov 10, 2010 10:25 PM

Mar 2010
hmm this anime was better then i expected it to be.
i wish there were more..
Nov 22, 2010 1:51 AM

Nov 2010
niice... might of been better if it was dragged out over 24 episodes to explain everything more clearly.
Nov 29, 2010 2:28 PM
Sep 2010
Totally forgot the bombs that were inside Number 35 and actually thought the Doctor and his daughter would have a chance until the dude pressed the botton on the phone. I was a bit surprised.

Another surprising factor was Brando. In episode one, I thought he was a douce and wanted him to die a horrible death by the hands of Lucy. But as the series went on, I ended up liking him. He's not really a bad character once you over look his violent nature.

I felt like the ending had a lot of unanswered questions so I just looked up the manga on wiki to get quick answers and then read the last seven chapters of the manga for more accurate answers. All and all, I really liked the anime though it's not usually one I would watch with all the nudity and gore. I rate it between an 8 and a 9.
Uploader53Dec 14, 2010 11:40 AM
Jan 9, 2011 8:27 AM
Jan 2010
Well, I was wondering about Kouta and Lucy and their talk.. I think, that Lucy made that up in her mind.. So that she could have felt better, because then she was shown in different position and crying. And I don't think Kouta would have kissed her and then let her go like "ok, now you can go and let them kill you" - he would have totally helped her. And I believe she really died, they shot her.

I hate Kouta, that idiot made Yuka so miserable.. Geez, what does he want from that poor girl ;( (That is why I think Lucy imaginated it, because I believe that Kouta loves Yuka xD )
Jan 9, 2011 1:45 PM
Jul 2018
ah throwback, one of the first few animes ive ever seen

surely did desensitize me...

but hands down one of the best series ever. 13 eps of some gut wrenching drama with an epic ending. truly a masterpiece and deserving of a 10/10 in my week...

def one of the few animes i can rewatch and still feel the same way the 1st time i saw it :D
Jan 22, 2011 11:47 AM
Jun 2010
I liked it a lot. I personally think Lucy is still alive, and that she was the one who fixed the clock. Though everyone has their own interpritation.
Apr 19, 2011 12:14 PM
Feb 2011
AMAZING!!! In the anime that was definitely Lucy at the door. The manga ending is a bit sadder though but still very beautiful <3
Apr 19, 2011 2:21 PM

Sep 2009
Loved this anime, I wish it was longer......
May 3, 2011 6:17 PM
Apr 2011
Hybrid00 said:

May 12, 2011 4:05 PM

Jul 2009
Cero said:

1 Who was standing at the gate?
2 What is that psycho old man gonna do?
3 What are Kouta and the others gonna do now?
4 What did taking off Lucy's other horn do? - My personal question
5 Why did the OVA suck so much shit (fucking 10.5)
6 And where did Nyuu learn to fix a clock? O:<

May 16, 2011 10:04 PM

Jul 2010
Mezziaz said:
Cero said:

1 Who was standing at the gate?
2 What is that psycho old man gonna do?
3 What are Kouta and the others gonna do now?
4 What did taking off Lucy's other horn do? - My personal question
5 Why did the OVA suck so much shit (fucking 10.5)
6 And where did Nyuu learn to fix a clock? O:<

lol yup XD
May 20, 2011 7:28 AM

Aug 2010
So we have 1 diclonius (maybe 2, as this figure at the gates hints us) - ,ay be they are peaceful. But still this weird company will haunt them and try to kill them. And that psycho old man is still planning to get the whole world. And he is DICLONIUS.
The virus is a some genetic error and it is not corrected, so to say. There is only one end - all humans will die. Thank you, lol, what a new idea.

The whole series were rather good, so emotional, sometimes shocking, but the end... no, for me it's not a masterpiece, no-no-no.

By the way when that old professor/president said "We will be Adam and Eva of a new generation" I heard "Zankoku na tenshi no you ni...." playing in my head xD man, I never thought I would compare my beloved Evangelion with Elfen Lied even as a joke %)

Elfen Lied was a really good attempt to shock the viewer to make him feel the pain of all characters, but... Kouta's pain vanished at the end, actually I felt like watching a movie with very young actor who plays his role awfully.
Music was great, but...only Lilium. It seemes to me that was the whole soundtrack except Avril-Lavigne-like ending.
GORE. Thanks for that, my nerves were tested and gained an excellent mark.
7/10 or 6/10 - I can't decide...
May 27, 2011 6:28 PM

May 2010
Bad writing in general (Especially characters and some lines), Confusing plot (the motives of some characters were unnecessarily left extremely vague), cliffhangers that felt forced (The best part was when there was an episode-long flashback (yes) and the ep ended in the same cliffhanger as the last one), constant attempts at shocking the watcher with ridiculously exaggerated emotional and physical violence and romantic and comical scenes that felt extremely out of place. And the guy is living under the same roof with four girls... my deja vu is tingling. At least they all didn't lust for his dick, only half of them. The OST consisted of a single track, at least it was a pretty good one.

The finale, on the other hand, was fine. i like my loose ends.

6/10 for violent softcore porn and a somewhat decent plot. This was every bit as average as I expected it to be.

MorEdel said:
GORE. Thanks for that, my nerves were tested and gained an excellent mark.

Well put. Though I quite like gore and this show did a very good job at delivering that.

Edit: On a second thought, make that a 5.
-z-May 27, 2011 6:45 PM
Jun 30, 2011 11:33 PM

Mar 2011
Awesome ending, started to tear up..Been watching too many episodes lately that have been doing that. Cursed boredom forcing me to watch endless anime!! Sucks that this obviously isn't getting a second season or such seeing as this is 7 years old according to the MAL air dates. It left too many loose ends...Should of been a second season >< Was a great series tho! Although, Yuka kinda did get annoying..Just always showed her crying or upset about Kouta..

Oh, and on a side note: I didn't really think it was that gory, only the constant nudity that didn't really need to be there bothered me..May have just been me being desensitized already somehow, tho. Oh well, was anybody else depressed that they just didn't slaughter the facility? Those were horrible people in there.
nerolatheJun 30, 2011 11:39 PM
--Dread Knight Torac, Destroyer of Grammar Nazis--
Jul 20, 2011 4:43 PM

Jul 2011
I thought overall it was good, characters were great, plot was superb, and animation was nicely done.

The only thing I didn't like was the fact that there was so much nudity for no reason haha. I mean showing a bit of skin is fine, but every episode...?
Jul 20, 2011 5:19 PM

May 2011
My expectations weren't high when I began the anime thinking it would disappoint. I was wrong because I just found myself hooked after a couple episodes and fell in love with the plot. It was a perfect combination of all the elements and it was really emotional in some of the episodes.

The final episode was just perfect. Made me cried a bit during a couple of scenes. The one where Kouta and Lucy was talking along with the scene where Kakuzawa and Mariko got blown up. I saw it coming but I was just hoping it wouldn't, they were just about to live a peaceful life. :'(

I agree with the others who posted. The music box probably indicated the end of Lucy's sad memories, her old self. While the clock starting up just when the person by the door showed up probably shows that the new Lucy has been born and came back to Kouta for a new beginning. At least that's what I hope it is.

Jul 28, 2011 1:37 PM
Jul 2011
the end was a little weird but i liked the anime.

i hope the OVA will tell who that girl was.
Time to burn things up.
Sep 7, 2011 6:22 PM

Aug 2011
Good to see you back, Lucy!
Sep 9, 2011 11:28 AM

May 2011
the ending was kinda unexpected, but there have been a lot of moments like that in this series too lol. but i still loved it and the overall plot was amazing :D

the only thing i wouldve liked to see is this being a 26 ep series instead of 13 and going a little more in depth with the characters, but i suppose budgets also exist when developing anime and idk how much was available to produce something like this. theres also considering how much has been put in already, what with the quality being amazing as it is.

cant w8 to look at the manga, hoping to see a little more in that.
but overall this anime has definitely earned a 10
Sep 9, 2011 12:36 PM

Aug 2011
She didn't die, there were symbols like the clock and the music that suggested she's alive but I think she dies in the manga.
incisorr said:
i love it when people start acting like some neutral almighty unbiased godly judge and they even believe their own shit, suddenly its not their thoughts and opinions anymore but the righteous justice god way, they are unbiased, non-subjective, they just are! To be honest, everyone is like this quite often, me included, but i don't forget myself and i still post a lot of personal shit which is what forums are made for , if they didn't want us to have our own style and posts it would be an article instead a forum thread.
Sep 17, 2011 3:47 PM

Jul 2011
MorEdel said:
So we have 1 diclonius (maybe 2, as this figure at the gates hints us) - ,ay be they are peaceful. But still this weird company will haunt them and try to kill them. And that psycho old man is still planning to get the whole world. And he is DICLONIUS.
The virus is a some genetic error and it is not corrected, so to say. There is only one end - all humans will die. Thank you, lol, what a new idea.

The whole series were rather good, so emotional, sometimes shocking, but the end... no, for me it's not a masterpiece, no-no-no.

By the way when that old professor/president said "We will be Adam and Eva of a new generation" I heard "Zankoku na tenshi no you ni...." playing in my head xD man, I never thought I would compare my beloved Evangelion with Elfen Lied even as a joke %)

Elfen Lied was a really good attempt to shock the viewer to make him feel the pain of all characters, but... Kouta's pain vanished at the end, actually I felt like watching a movie with very young actor who plays his role awfully.
Music was great, but...only Lilium. It seemes to me that was the whole soundtrack except Avril-Lavigne-like ending.
GORE. Thanks for that, my nerves were tested and gained an excellent mark.
7/10 or 6/10 - I can't decide...

+1 agreed to every word :)
Sep 29, 2011 4:42 PM

Aug 2011
They could do 2nd season with more characters details.
I want to know who's in the front of that door and what's going to do, that old bold man!!!!! bahhhh!! :/
Oct 20, 2011 1:22 AM

Nov 2010
It's Lucy.. fo sho.
Dec 21, 2011 3:12 PM

Mar 2010
LLawlietFan said:
In my opinion, Lucy died, but Nyuu didn't. When the figure at the door is standing there, the Lilium music box stops (Lucy) and the grandfather clock starts ringing (Nyuu).

Your thinking too much into this. Its most likely Lucy because the clock starts back up and the only person with invisible hands that could make the clock start working would be Lucy. She used her powers to start the clock back up. That's my theory anyway.
Dec 22, 2011 1:41 AM
Dec 2011
LLawlietFan said:
In my opinion, Lucy died, but Nyuu didn't. When the figure at the door is standing there, the Lilium music box stops (Lucy) and the grandfather clock starts ringing (Nyuu).

Agree completely. Clear symbolism. Lucy's connection to the box and Nyuu's connection with the clock was made throughout the entire series. The clock starting at the exact moment the music in the box stops symbolises the end of Lucy and the beginning of Nyuu.

I happen to think Nyuu is boring and I hoped it would be Lucy. The only way it could be Lucy would be if the music box stopping signalled the end of the past relationship between herself and kouta (which was wrought with guilt, pain and unforgivable sins) and the beginning of a new one from which redemption (Lucy's sacrifice) has made it possible.

I think the first view seems to be quite common but I believe the second interpretation is just as plausible especially given the religious undertones of suffering and forgiveness through pain which are apparent throughout the series (Nana's scene with Mariko where she looks as if she's hanging from a cross like Jesus is a dead giveaway).
Dec 27, 2011 12:56 PM

Dec 2011
Actually, I started to like Elfen Lied just after I saw last episode.
The last episode of Elfen Lied was very interesting and dramatic. Also, the end was unexpected, but very touching.
Jan 21, 2012 1:38 AM

Sep 2011
lol my mate told me this was like one of the most goryiest animes out but it was pretty messy but not that bad

still great anime

so confused if she died or not?
Feb 8, 2012 12:45 PM
Feb 2012
im missing someting on the manga u see the boss have 3 others like lucy and Nr7

have anny idea whats gonne happend to them?

i wish i can see more of those anime serie :)
Feb 21, 2012 7:11 PM

Jan 2012
I think that was Nyuu at the door!
Feb 25, 2012 8:39 AM

Aug 2011
Sasukeleep said:
LLawlietFan said:
In my opinion, Lucy died, but Nyuu didn't. When the figure at the door is standing there, the Lilium music box stops (Lucy) and the grandfather clock starts ringing (Nyuu).

Your thinking too much into this. Its most likely Lucy because the clock starts back up and the only person with invisible hands that could make the clock start working would be Lucy. She used her powers to start the clock back up. That's my theory anyway.

But if it was Lucy, Nana would have sensed her, but since she didn't it should be Nyuu standing in front of the door. But, we can't say anything for sure... the anime is somewhat open for a new season, so only thing we can do is hope (:
Mar 1, 2012 8:00 PM

Jun 2009
I was dumbfounded after the ending... time to read the manga

Are you the bloody applause monkey? Keep your sh*t comments to yourself or go troll on 4chan.
Mar 4, 2012 8:04 PM

Mar 2011
bwahahachick said:
Well, that was an interesting series. By no means a masterpiece... but it was sort of entertaining. The love triangles were really over the top and cliche. A lot of things in this anime were downright silly, and I don't see the hype over it, but overall, I'm glad I watched it. Just to see what it was all cracked up about.

I have to agree with this. The series had some great ideas, but the plot holes were rampant. I understand that it is difficult to condense a decently long running manga into only 13 episodes plus an OVA, but that doesn't make the plot more consistent or the romance less cliche. Some of the fights were pretty neat and a few of the characters were sympathetic at times, but overall, I wouldn't rank this series as a masterpiece. It was worth watching and I watched it all the way through, but it never engrossed me.
Mar 11, 2012 11:37 AM
Mar 2012
traed said:
Kyuuketsuki said:
Well, if the rumors are true, I'ma fly, really. But how do you make a second season to something like this? Kinda hard to make it better imo.

The ending was PERFECT. I leaves you with that tangling feeling that there might, just might be something more later on. And the whole anime was just beautiful.

Someone mentioned the OVA, trust me it aint got anything, more like an episode between 11 and 12.

it could get more epic, just think of what Lucy said
Cero said:
mickal555 said:

Though there are a fair few unanswered questions, what is that horned guy going to do?
DId Lucy die? Looks like it, if so then who's that at the end?

I liked it, but as you said there are a few unanswered questions.
- Who was standing at the gate?
- What is that psycho old man gonna do?
- What are Kouta and the others gonna do now?
- What did taking off Lucy's other horn do? - My personal question
- Why did the OVA suck so much shit (fucking 10.5)
- And where did Nyuu learn to fix a clock? O:<

yup *nodding*

I dont think she fixed it, its symbolic but I dont know the meaning

I think that Lucy is still alive. I believe the clock starting up marked the moment where she doesn't die, but perhaps she turns human? Or at least weakened powers? (From both her horns being shot off). This could then make for an excellent follow-on, Lucy having to train up, with the assistance from Kouta and the others, to fight the old guy who's going to obviously do some evil shit. But I think there is something in the Manga that says what actually goes on afterwards... But still, I think my idea is awesome.
Mar 23, 2012 9:14 AM

Nov 2011
One of the best series I've seen and rewatched 7 times in dubbed. Yes that's right folks, DUBBED.

The storyline is touching and beautiful that explores the human identity, jealously, prejudice, and tragedy. Despite sometimes being labeled as a harem, I find the series to expand far beyond the typical 3-5 girls, 1 guy type of situation. The soundtrack is also incredible and Lilium is one of my favorites (both Saint and Music Box) version. For a 2005 anime, it has jaw dropping animation that is detailed and stunning. The voice acting is also superior as I even watched it in dubbed, something that I rarely do as I tend to enjoy original subtitles. The only part of the series that I may have been disappointed is the ending (the manga continues from where it leaves off) as it seemed too ambiguous. Still, I consider this series a masterpiece.

Going to read manga next.
Apr 10, 2012 1:23 AM

Aug 2011
Wow why didnt i watch this earilier! >O
Really great anime for such a short series
Every episode had me worked up and wanting me to watch more

i got a little annoyed by the cousin though.
The gore and nuditiy- The anime wouldve been very different if they were omitted and I thought it made up a uniqueness to it.

9.5/10 for me
9/10 on MAL rating
Apr 10, 2012 4:45 AM
Feb 2012
Comparing this to manga, I prefer the anime because of its ambiguous end, manga has a clear way to resolve Lucy's/Nyu's story, and you may or may not like it more than anime version...

Anime has hints that Lucy/Nyu is alive and back, even though her other horn got pwned lol. Now a small interpretation of mine why that happened: you noticed how her vectors aka invisible hands got veeeery long (2 meters was tops before, right?) so she broke that limit on purpose, either to escape the military or to have strength to finish them all off in short time and then run away. So because of going beyond the limit, the horn went bye-bye. It's more clear in the manga that horns & vectors are connected.

And again, it was stated the anime creators wanted original ending and not to copy the manga one, even though they couldn't do that because the manga wasn't finished by the the time anime ended (I think).

Additional episode (Rainshower OVA) is also very nice to watch, it has some Nana humour but it also reveals how Lucy/Nyu was captured (as a kid).
Apr 16, 2012 12:28 PM
Nov 2010
I friggin' balled. Like there was no tomorrow. This last episode was an utter tear fest for me. >.<
I mean first with the scene between Kuroma and his daughter, and then finally with the scene between Lucy and Kouta. So beautiful. and yet so friggin' sad.

Well, at least Nana was able to survive through it all, and live a happy life along with Kouta and the others like how Kuroma wanted her life to be. Away from confinement, suffering, and sorrow. But what a cliffhanger ending, lol. Seems like that shadow behind the entrance door may have been Lucy. Who knows, but I certainly hope so. =3

And as for the director with the horns - lol. Just lol. Clearly he's descended into a psychotic state. Because just like his son, it seems like those horns are nothing more than a defect, and he obviously does not possess the secret weapon (invisible arms). But I just wish this series could have been a little bit longer. 8*(
Loved it nonetheless!
Apr 26, 2012 2:39 AM

Mar 2012
incredible really loved everything about this anime
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