Faendras said:1st episode was bad, 2nd was horrible, this was good, just good. This episode at least was not a plot joke where everything is stupid and a nonsense.
Good things:
-A small try about sci-fi stuff... but still failing in a lot of things.
-A little more seriousness, not a continuosly stupid joke when they're on a real survive or die situtation.
-First steps to some real plot instead of a insiped teen drama.
Bad things (a lot):
-Weird sci-fi stuff. Like the artifical gravity system that it's godlike, it not only provides artificial gravity inside of the spaceship, it gives artifical gravity to the spaceship so this didn't fall to the planet (maybe it has some relation with the mechanism to move the spaceship?).
-Another character that should die... but didn't happened. Yunhua, you're in a spaceship, in the space, that is losing it's atmosphere (probably with that holes that should be faster than how it was showed) so, at least, USE UR F***ING HELMET!
-The characters are still fucking idiots without a real reason. Zack, the 200 IQ guy is still commiting stupid mistakes, this time was forget to activate the antimeteorite system. Quitterie is so annoying, just a stupid dumb kid, that's her character. Kanata is still in his role, well, he is a fucking role, not even a real character. Aries... pls, she is just the cute and dumb girl that save the discussions in this stupid drama. Yunhua, I wrote about her before, nothing more to say.
-"There is a killer among us" Well... I think your logic is just wrong. That's a too rushed way to think when I don't really think that flashback conversation could be about kill this stupid kids.
-If there is a real plan to kill this kids... well, it's the weirdest, stupid and useless plan they could make... there are a lot of mistakes, specially if Ball-chan is part of the plan. C'mon, why to put a spaceship instead of letting them die in the space?
-Ball-chan is "good", or random without relation with that supposed plan to kill them, it's just logic... but right now I expect everything from this anime. (Btw, what about it's second encounter?).
-In the (extreme) case Ball-chan is part of the asasination plan... well Luca is the bad guy, he was the one to run into it with his helmet.
-Ulgar... if you're not the bad guy, why do you have what looks like a gun? Was the real bad guy so stupid that didn't hide it decently?
-Guns were banned 100 years ago? Well, I have a lot of questions about that, but... I will say it's just silly.
-Their spaceship just aproached the planet in a straight line instead of getting in orbit before go to the surface, maybe there is some logic about that... but looks so random.
-The artificial gravity cannot be activated because there is a fly? Not even a way to force the activation? Ok... another weird thing.
-A lot of failures in the spaceship, it didn't looked real in any moment.
-All the things that happen in this anime are still looking forced, characters abilities and personalities, everything happens in the right time, characters always survives despite being fucking idiots. Right know it seems like everything acts to agree with a pre-designed plot, personalities and logic twists to complete that plot.
I liked some of the things Vocassen said in this comment, I don't agree whith everything (speacially points 8, 9 and 10), but it's an interesting comment.
Vocassen said:Unfortunately A LOT of things bothered me science-wise, wish I could not see them lol
So sorry if this interests no one and I'm picky, it's just so much serious flaws, I probably forgot a lot
The Meteor and Hole:
1. Multiple meteors at the same time are VERY unlikely, unless a bigger one split up right before they hit (within minutes at max)
2. A puncture that big should rip the air out in seconds (there's vacuum out there after all) and probably rip the hole even bigger in the process. Definitely A LOT more violent than simply some leak in a air bed...
3. How does a flying creature like that even get in there? It couldn't have come in through the holes, since the air flows OUTWARD - not to speak that there is no air outside for the fly to survive in the first place. And especially the fly, as a small mass flying creature, should be severely affected by the hole right next to it...
The Power Generator:
4. You can't tell me the ship doesn't have the backup generator automatically kick in on failure of the primary - or atleast not even connected to the main grid AT ALL...
5. Power strong enough to hover a huge ship, through a household cable. LOL fire incoming
The 'advanced' spaceship:
6. A spaceship that advanced should have basic protection against meteorites. So even assuming only ISS-levels of protection, the meteorite must have been immensely huge and fast to puncture such a hole. So much that you probably wouldn't be able to find the actual meteorite anymore because it has been absolutely pulverized.
7. Why would it make sense to lock the gravity control when a flying object is in the control room - without an override at least? Just asks for unforseen failures...
The Glue "Gun":
8. Not to speak of the laughably glue gun being able to fix a hole so large, with so much pressure on it!
9. Oh yeah, glue guns aren't actually guns, they can't SHOOT fast glue....
The Pilot:
10. As said here before, if you are only 9 minutes from falling to the ground (with even less than earth gravity and apparently same pressure), you're not really in orbit anymore. Which makes no sense for our genius space pilot, either you're up there in orbit, NOT having to expend energy to stay up there, or you are in the landing process already...