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Oct 17, 2015 11:40 AM
AntiBullyRanger said: astroprogs said: No, it's notLE is canon. RN isn't canon, so LE isn't You have yet to actually provide a factual counter argument except typical "No you" response.Prilya isn't canon,nor is Fate Strange Fake or Apocrypha but they still are a part of Nasuverse because they use the same world mechanics.You can try to justify your point by using "Lol Zeltrech","lol 2nd Magic" logic but technically they aren't. Strictly speaking,FSN VN(including RN),F/HA,Fate Extra and CCC (never read GOA so idk)are the only ones that are canon.The rest are "additions".At the risk of potentially garnering attention from some serious salty fans here,even UFOUBW is more canon than prilya because execution shenaigans aside,the changes were mostly made by Nasu's permission and he himself wrote couple of scenes. |
Oct 17, 2015 11:45 AM
Animestic said: nor is Fate Strange Fake or Apocrypha but they still are a part of Nasuverse because they use the same world mechanics.You can try to justify your point by using "Lol Zeltrech","lol 2nd Magic" logic but technically they aren't. Strictly speaking,FSN VN(including RN),F/HA,Fate Extra and CCC (never read GOA so idk)are the only ones that are canon. This is so wrong. astroprogs said: Meaning that Prillya can go against F/SN's rules due to being in a different universe and still be 100% canon as long as it follows its own set of rules accurately. Not really...? Of course. A credible source would be needed for that, though. Hiroyamas twitter works Well, i'm not bothered enough to argue a tweet as a legitimate source of non canonicity if you dont consider it so. |
InsertanamehereOct 17, 2015 11:49 AM
Oct 17, 2015 11:47 AM
Insertanamehere said: Animestic said: nor is Fate Strange Fake or Apocrypha but they still are a part of Nasuverse because they use the same world mechanics.You can try to justify your point by using "Lol Zeltrech","lol 2nd Magic" logic but technically they aren't. Strictly speaking,FSN VN(including RN),F/HA,Fate Extra and CCC (never read GOA so idk)are the only ones that are canon. This is so wrong. ?? |
Oct 17, 2015 11:47 AM
Animestic said: Insertanamehere said: Animestic said: nor is Fate Strange Fake or Apocrypha but they still are a part of Nasuverse because they use the same world mechanics.You can try to justify your point by using "Lol Zeltrech","lol 2nd Magic" logic but technically they aren't. Strictly speaking,FSN VN(including RN),F/HA,Fate Extra and CCC (never read GOA so idk)are the only ones that are canon. This is so wrong. ?? For starters, why include Extra and CCC in that list? What makes them different from other Fate/s? Are Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime and Mahoyo not canon? HA works with the basis of alternate dimensions so how could you include that in canon after saying "lol 2nd magic doesnt make things canon"? |
Oct 17, 2015 11:51 AM
Animestic said: Prilya isn't canon,nor is Fate Strange Fake or Apocrypha but they still are a part of Nasuverse because they use the same world mechanics.You can try to justify your point by using "Lol Zeltrech","lol 2nd Magic" logic but technically they aren't. Strictly speaking,FSN VN(including RN),F/HA,Fate Extra and CCC (never read GOA so idk)are the only ones that are canon.The rest are "additions".At the risk of potentially garnering attention from some serious salty fans here,even UFOUBW is more canon than prilya because execution shenaigans aside,the changes were mostly made by Nasu's permission and he himself wrote couple of scenes. By that definition, F/Z isn't canon neither are the several non-lore-breaking scenes written by different authors in Hollow ataraxia BTW. Something being canon doesn't mean it has to be written by Nasu. |
Oct 17, 2015 11:53 AM
Well if he's going by "written by nasu=canon" I guess that makes Canaan and DDD canon? nice, DDD is too good to not be canon |
Oct 17, 2015 11:54 AM
Insertanamehere said: Animestic said: Insertanamehere said: Animestic said: nor is Fate Strange Fake or Apocrypha but they still are a part of Nasuverse because they use the same world mechanics.You can try to justify your point by using "Lol Zeltrech","lol 2nd Magic" logic but technically they aren't. Strictly speaking,FSN VN(including RN),F/HA,Fate Extra and CCC (never read GOA so idk)are the only ones that are canon. This is so wrong. ?? For starters, why include Extra and CCC in that list? What makes them different from other Fate/s? Are Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime and Mahoyo not canon? HA works with the basis of alternate dimensions so how could you include that in canon after saying "lol 2nd magic doesnt make things canon"? Well we are talking in a Fate episode discussion thread,so that should be a given what I meant by the ones I included in the Fate side..:P ..HA is a bit more than that though your statement is sort of simplifying that. Extra and CCC,well Nasu was directly involved with it. Edit:Huh,how is Canaan it really a part of Type Moon to begin with?I wouldn't really mind either ways about DDD tbh.Its damn good on its own merit. |
AnimesticOct 17, 2015 12:03 PM
Oct 17, 2015 11:55 AM
Insertanamehere said: Not really...? What's the criteria for something being canon in your opinion then? Insertanamehere said: Hiroyamas twitter works Well, i'm not bothered enough to argue a tweet as a legitimate source of non canonicity if you dont consider it so. I haven't seen that tweet TBH, so without knowing its legitimacy and context i can argue neither for nor against it. Animestic said: Edit:Huh,how is Canaan it really a part of Type Moon to begin with? Canaan is written by Nasu, the character design is by Takeuchi and the anime series is a part of Type-Moon. |
astroprogsOct 17, 2015 12:08 PM
Oct 17, 2015 12:11 PM
Animestic said: Extra and CCC,well Nasu was directly involved with it. Edit:Huh,how is Canaan it really a part of Type Moon to begin with?I wouldn't really mind either ways about DDD tbh.Its damn good on its own merit. My point being that if you consider only what Nasu is involved in to be the definition of canon, then DDD and Canaan, written by Nasu, is canon. And Zero would not be. Well we are talking in a Fate episode discussion thread,so that should be a given what I meant by the ones I included in the Fate side..:P But you said alternate possibilities aren't canon because multiverse argument doesn't count, and KNK and Tsukihime are explicitly AU to one another. Hell, even Fate, UBW and HF are. ..HA is a bit more than that though your statement is sort of simplifying that. All alternate possibilities together in the dream world. Core concept works only by Second Magics existence. because they use the same world mechanics. As do Apocrypha and SF, so? astroprogs said: What's the criteria for something being canon in your opinion then? It follows the established rules and lore of the verse(s), is not retconned away, and is a work published/produced/presented by Notes Co., Ltd., under the Type-Moon brand. I haven't seen that tweet TBH, so without knowing its legitimacy and context i can argue neither for nor against it. somethingsomething powerlevels excalibur projection possible because card nps are two ranks down from normal, but dont think too hard about it because its not part of the others or something like that |
InsertanamehereOct 17, 2015 12:27 PM
Oct 17, 2015 12:26 PM
Insertanamehere said: It follows the established rules and lore of the verse, is not retconned away, and is a work published by Type-Moon and/or produced by Notes Co., Ltd. I agree with that criterea. Prillya follows the overarching rules the same way EXTRA does and adding plausible exceptions doesn't make it non-canon unless Nasu explicitly says so. Prillya is under the Type-Moon brand and the anime was co-produced by Notes. Insertanamehere said: somethingsomething powerlevels excalibur projection possible because card nps are two ranks down from normal, but dont think too hard about it because its not part of the others or something like that Hmmm. Not clear enough. |
Oct 17, 2015 12:29 PM
My point being that if you consider only what Nasu is involved in to be the definition of canon, then DDD and Canaan, written by Nasu, is canon. And Zero would not be. I watched it few years back so my memory might be hazy but does Canaan really follow any of the Nauverse "mechanics" to begin with because I don't really remember so.About Zero,well you do get a pretty decent idea about 4th HGW's or Zero's equivalent time period progression throughout the entirety of 3 routes. Urobutchi basically just tied the disjointed knots and introduced some characters. But you said alternate possibilities aren't canon because multiverse argument doesn't count, and KNK and Tsukihime are explicitly AU to one another. Hell, even Fate, UBW and HF are. Don't get me wrong,I am not discounting the functioning of 2nd True Magic,specially in case of Tsuki and KNK.What I meant is being part of Nasuverse doesn't necessarily make it canon.When I mean Nasuverse and canon,I mean those which actually use the mechanics of the world mentioned and the writer being involved with Canaan shouldn't be a part of this to begin with. |
Oct 17, 2015 12:32 PM
astroprogs said: I agree with that criterea. Prillya follows the overarching rules the same way EXTRA does and adding plausible exceptions doesn't make it non-canon unless Nasu explicitly says so. Prillya is under the Type-Moon brand and the anime was co-produced by Notes. Bazetts rune of resurrection. Irisviel still being alive. The anime is yeah but the manga was and is published independently. Animestic said: I watched it few years back so my memory might be hazy but does Canaan really follow any of the Nauverse "mechanics" And Apocryopha and SF do, so? |
Oct 17, 2015 12:39 PM
Insertanamehere said: Bazetts rune of resurrection. Irisviel still being alive. The anime is yeah but the manga was and is published independently. How is her rune of resurrection any different from Rin's pendant or A-rank jewels? It's a really powerful healing magic enough to be compared to a noble phantasm. Unexplained doesn't mean inexplicable. The anime adapts the manga which IS under the Type-Moon brand, though. It was licensed from Notes. |
Oct 17, 2015 12:42 PM
astroprogs said: Insertanamehere said: Bazetts rune of resurrection. Irisviel still being alive. The anime is yeah but the manga was and is published independently. How is her rune of resurrection any different from Rin's pendant or A-rank jewels? It's a really powerful healing magic enough to be compared to a noble phantasm. Unexplained doesn't mean inexplicable. The anime adapts the manga which IS under the Type-Moon brand, though. It was licensed from Notes. Um? Resurrection is true magic level, and definitely beyond her capabilities. Well in any case it's debatable and i'm not bothered enough to keep debating so w/e. Animestic said: Nasu is not involved in either Fate/UC is canon. Tiger Colosseum is canon. Shinji found a card game that will let him take over the world. Nasu oversees all TM published works anyway. |
InsertanamehereOct 17, 2015 12:47 PM
Oct 17, 2015 12:47 PM
IIRC they are mostly based on FSN and partly FHA events and not alternate world settings granted its not really serious |
AnimesticOct 17, 2015 12:51 PM
Oct 17, 2015 12:48 PM
astroprogs said: Insertanamehere said: somethingsomething powerlevels excalibur projection possible because card nps are two ranks down from normal, but dont think too hard about it because its not part of the others or something like that Hmmm. Not clear enough. Its just him being humble and shrugging off a question. Its no different than Nasu's bullshit Q&A jokes. MightyM16 said: CookingPriest said: Prillya is canon and it takes place in parallel world just like each route. UBW Good End on other hand is just impossible fanservice that should not be thought about too much. >An actual ending in a VN where every ending is canon "Not canon" >A spin off series that contradicts some estabilshed main universe facts "Totally canon" gg Fai LE and Good End contradict far more than Prillya even did. LE is just fanservice Good End is not a "legitimate" ending and more of a feel-good what-if for saber fans without any possibility of continuing. astroprogs said: Insertanamehere said: Bazetts rune of resurrection. Irisviel still being alive. The anime is yeah but the manga was and is published independently. How is her rune of resurrection any different from Rin's pendant or A-rank jewels? It's a really powerful healing magic enough to be compared to a noble phantasm. Unexplained doesn't mean inexplicable. The anime adapts the manga which IS under the Type-Moon brand, though. It was licensed from Notes. Correct. The backstory is clearly set up to be a mystery. |
AhenshihaelOct 17, 2015 12:52 PM
Oct 17, 2015 12:52 PM
Insertanamehere said: Um? Resurrection is true magic level. It's "resuscitation", not resurrection BTW. Bazett was as dead in that moment as Shirou was at the start of F/SN; as in not yet. It didn't raise her from the dead, it just healed her really really fast. Her rune functioned the same way Rin's pendant did, but extraordinarily quicker and more powerful. |
Oct 17, 2015 12:52 PM
CookingPriest said: LE and Good End contradict far more than Prillya even did. Go on, explain how. astroprogs said: It's "resuscitation", not resurrection BTW. That tl was incorrect, iirc. |
Oct 17, 2015 1:07 PM
Insertanamehere said: astroprogs said: It's "resuscitation", not resurrection BTW. That tl was incorrect, iirc. The anime's? She used the word 蘇生 (Sosei), meaning "Resuscitation" as its primary most used meaning: It can also mean "Resurrection", but "Resuscitation" was the higher priority result for the word. |
Oct 17, 2015 1:08 PM
astroprogs said: Insertanamehere said: Um? Resurrection is true magic level. It's "resuscitation", not resurrection BTW. Bazett was as dead in that moment as Shirou was at the start of F/SN; as in not yet. It didn't raise her from the dead, it just healed her really really fast. Her rune functioned the same way Rin's pendant did, but extraordinarily quicker and more powerful. Nah its resurrection. It simply kicks in the moment the body dies. So its beyond the state Shirou was in. That said she is not "resurrected" per say but more like a huge amount of mana is used to heal her wounds the moment her heart would stop. Its not surprising she would know something like that though. |
Oct 17, 2015 1:15 PM
CookingPriest said: astroprogs said: Insertanamehere said: Um? Resurrection is true magic level. It's "resuscitation", not resurrection BTW. Bazett was as dead in that moment as Shirou was at the start of F/SN; as in not yet. It didn't raise her from the dead, it just healed her really really fast. Her rune functioned the same way Rin's pendant did, but extraordinarily quicker and more powerful. Nah its resurrection. It simply kicks in the moment the body dies. So its beyond the state Shirou was in. That said she is not "resurrected" per say but more like a huge amount of mana is used to heal her wounds the moment her heart would stop. Its not surprising she would know something like that though. That's still called resuscitation, not resurrection. It functions the same way as a defibrillator but with a healing effect. Resurrection would mean that she actually died completely, in which case an actual resurrection would explicitly be on True Magic level as Stev said. |
Oct 17, 2015 3:23 PM
CookingPriest said: LE and Good End contradict far more than Prillya even did. LE is just fanservice Good End is not a "legitimate" ending and more of a feel-good what-if for saber fans without any possibility of continuing. I refuse to believe this is anything but low quality bait |
Oct 18, 2015 12:23 PM
Since this is the harem ending, I think it's appropriate to put this here |
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Oct 18, 2015 1:49 PM
I checked the posts on this thread recently and can't help but notice that there's a bit of a debate regarding canonicity in the works of Lord and Savior Nasu. (」゜ロ゜)」 To be honest, as long as people are enjoying content related to a specific series, regardless of whether the original author has a hand in it or not, it shouldn't matter if something is canon or not. I believe several people that love doujins are in a similar kind of mindset. Regardless, as long as everyone can find some sort of enjoyment out of these works of fiction, then bringing these differences into question should have little to no value overall. These are my two cents on the matter. Let's set aside these minute disputes and rejoice, together. |
Oct 25, 2015 12:05 AM
Mickdrew said: Since this is the harem ending, I think it's appropriate to put this here Hahaha That's why the good end isn't just a good end for Shirou but Rin as well ;) Back On topic I watched it a couple times and enjoyed it for what it was. A good adaptation of the good end. Personally I loved the end in the VN but didn't realize there were so many haters O_o I give it a 10/10 didn't like Shirou tripping but the ending redeemed it self with Rin's Booty shot!!!! |
[url=][IMG] |
Nov 19, 2015 12:47 PM
Nov 19, 2015 7:17 PM
AntiBullyRanger said: MightyM16 said: Prillya's canonicity is far less questionable than ufo's UBWStill canon tho unlike Prillya rekt |
Nov 19, 2015 7:31 PM
P3dr05 said: I checked the posts on this thread recently and can't help but notice that there's a bit of a debate regarding canonicity in the works of Lord and Savior Nasu. (」゜ロ゜)」 To be honest, as long as people are enjoying content related to a specific series, regardless of whether the original author has a hand in it or not, it shouldn't matter if something is canon or not. I believe several people that love doujins are in a similar kind of mindset. Regardless, as long as everyone can find some sort of enjoyment out of these works of fiction, then bringing these differences into question should have little to no value overall. These are my two cents on the matter. Let's set aside these minute disputes and rejoice, together. GG on ending the catfight... |
Nov 19, 2015 10:04 PM
elricboy said: AntiBullyRanger said: MightyM16 said: Still canon tho unlike Prillya rekt How rekt? Aspects of ufo UBW made into canon, Prillya is just a spin off |
Nov 22, 2015 6:53 PM
P3dr05 said: I checked the posts on this thread recently and can't help but notice that there's a bit of a debate regarding canonicity in the works of Lord and Savior Nasu. (」゜ロ゜)」 To be honest, as long as people are enjoying content related to a specific series, regardless of whether the original author has a hand in it or not, it shouldn't matter if something is canon or not. I believe several people that love doujins are in a similar kind of mindset. Regardless, as long as everyone can find some sort of enjoyment out of these works of fiction, then bringing these differences into question should have little to no value overall. These are my two cents on the matter. Let's set aside these minute disputes and rejoice, together. Yorokobe, we have another rejoicer :D |
Nov 30, 2015 2:12 PM
i can't bring myself to like this ending no matter how good ufotable is, it still lacks some "good" things |
Dec 31, 2015 2:21 PM
Jan 1, 2016 6:05 AM
Boost ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |
Jan 3, 2016 11:54 PM
elricboy said: Yorokobe, everyone.P3dr05 said: I checked the posts on this thread recently and can't help but notice that there's a bit of a debate regarding canonicity in the works of Lord and Savior Nasu. (」゜ロ゜)」 To be honest, as long as people are enjoying content related to a specific series, regardless of whether the original author has a hand in it or not, it shouldn't matter if something is canon or not. I believe several people that love doujins are in a similar kind of mindset. Regardless, as long as everyone can find some sort of enjoyment out of these works of fiction, then bringing these differences into question should have little to no value overall. These are my two cents on the matter. Let's set aside these minute disputes and rejoice, together. GG on ending the catfight... |
My Reviews and Rants: 痛就是爱 |
Jan 4, 2016 1:08 AM
What the hell is LE? |
Feb 24, 2016 11:10 PM
Do I really want to watch this? I hated this ending in the game. Well, maybe "hate" is too strong a word but it was so meh. I hope they at least added new material. I don't get why Saber would agree to stay considering how much of a fuss she made about "fulfilling her duty" in the Fate route. Shirou had to go through hell just to get the bitch to budge and she still killed him for the sake of her duty in that one extremely hard to get bad end. |
MrNTRFeb 24, 2016 11:24 PM
Feb 24, 2016 11:28 PM
astroprogs said: AntiBullyRanger said: astroprogs said: LE is canon. RN isn't canon, so LE isn't Source on RN not being canon, please. Either Nasu or Takeuchi would be fine. RN is canon and so is LE, they were released with the main story as part of the main story. Until official sources say otherwise, the default is that they're canon. No, I don't give a shit who your waifu is or what your favorite route is. At the very least, LE is canon within the Fate route, though all things considered, the Fate route would be the canon route if a canon route had to be chosen; for one thing, the entire freaking game is named after it. Again, I don't give a fuck how anyone feel about any of the characters or the routes, get over yourselves. MightyM16 said: elricboy said: AntiBullyRanger said: MightyM16 said: Prillya's canonicity is far less questionable than ufo's UBWStill canon tho unlike Prillya rekt How rekt? Aspects of ufo UBW made into canon, Prillya is just a spin off Please don't bring up that bullshit of a series when discussing the main series. Also, its less than a spin-off, Nasu had absolutely nothing to do with the writing. |
MrNTRFeb 24, 2016 11:43 PM
Feb 25, 2016 5:05 PM
MrNTR said: Do I really want to watch this? I hated this ending in the game. Well, maybe "hate" is too strong a word but it was so meh. I hope they at least added new material. I don't get why Saber would agree to stay considering how much of a fuss she made about "fulfilling her duty" in the Fate route. Shirou had to go through hell just to get the bitch to budge and she still killed him for the sake of her duty in that one extremely hard to get bad end. Because different routes, different circumstances? And to get that bad end you have to pratically be an ass towards her so it's understandable that she let her duty control her for a second MrNTR said: Please don't bring up that bullshit of a series when discussing the main series. Also, its less than a spin-off, Nasu had absolutely nothing to do with the writing. inb4 Fai |
MightyM16Jul 13, 2016 11:38 AM
Feb 26, 2016 6:15 PM
Mar 24, 2016 7:15 AM
Well, this was nice short but still, it was maybe too short. It was cool but that doesn't change the fact this is kinda bad end, sort of, born of Shirou's indecision. The way it was implied he has to "supply" her with mana was kinda out of place though as it doesn't make much sense in context of previous all-ages workaround but well. Don't have high hopes for upcoming Ufo HF but at least there is something to look forward too. Wish they would do without censorship and go all out with it as all-ages workaround really doesn't make much sense in case of Sakura line. |
Apr 19, 2016 5:38 PM
So... this is the Harem ending... Mehh ok... I could live without this. |
Apr 19, 2016 7:08 PM
they're called the "good endings" for a reason. both fate and tsukihime have these alternate pander endings. the other ending being called the "true ending" |
Apr 19, 2016 7:10 PM
Maloghurst said: Got to keep everyone happy, eh? jeje.they're called the "good endings" for a reason. both fate and tsukihime have these alternate pander endings. the other ending being called the "true ending" I'll avoid this ending when I try the UBW route this week. |
Apr 19, 2016 7:28 PM
HDarkmantis said: ya know, i dont really know too many people that were "happy" about the good end. i mean they enjoyed the fanservice because ya know fanservice. but these good ends really really stink up the tone that the story gave you.Maloghurst said: Got to keep everyone happy, eh? jeje.they're called the "good endings" for a reason. both fate and tsukihime have these alternate pander endings. the other ending being called the "true ending" I'll avoid this ending when I try the UBW route this week. |
Apr 19, 2016 7:35 PM
Maloghurst said: HDarkmantis said: ya know, i dont really know too many people that were "happy" about the good end. i mean they enjoyed the fanservice because ya know fanservice. but these good ends really really stink up the tone that the story gave you.Maloghurst said: they're called the "good endings" for a reason. both fate and tsukihime have these alternate pander endings. the other ending being called the "true ending" I'll avoid this ending when I try the UBW route this week. I know right? That's why I avoid fanservice... I just does not feel right to me. But it is here, if anyone likes it (I think I watched some +8 reviews while looking for the link to the forums in the MAL page) |
Apr 19, 2016 11:02 PM
HDarkmantis said: Pretty much there's not a single person who actually LIKES UBW "good end". Even more so in Anime, where it was altered to be even more haremy and fanpandery.Maloghurst said: Got to keep everyone happy, eh? jeje.they're called the "good endings" for a reason. both fate and tsukihime have these alternate pander endings. the other ending being called the "true ending" I'll avoid this ending when I try the UBW route this week. It does not even make sense within canon as no matter how much sex Rin and Shirou would have there's no way to sustain a servant without a grail around. Its pretty easy to avoid the "good end" - as the way it is achieved is by pandering to Saber at every single possible situation - basically trying to treat start of ubw as fate route. |
May 15, 2016 5:00 PM
Punk434says said: What the hell is LE? Last Episode. Basically Seibah pandering an Epilogue for the Fate route that unlocked after viewing the other endings. MrNTR said: MightyM16 said: elricboy said: AntiBullyRanger said: MightyM16 said: Prillya's canonicity is far less questionable than ufo's UBWStill canon tho unlike Prillya rekt How rekt? Aspects of ufo UBW made into canon, Prillya is just a spin off Please don't bring up that bullshit of a series when discussing the main series. Also, its less than a spin-off, Nasu had absolutely nothing to do with the writing. You're just mad that Prillya 3rei is better than FSN. |
antonnMay 15, 2016 5:21 PM
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