Talina heard the general and stood as she didn't want to be caught and patted his leg "got to go" she smiled and walked out as she looked around before walking towards the general "did my sister send you back?" She giggled
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Erskine Inkognito
He looked at the young princess
"No, I just thought I would come and check up on everyone... I am surprised you are still up at this hour of the night princess"
He said a little lazily
"And... Setsu isn't back I presume"
Talina smiled "no she is not and I suppose your going to look for her general" she placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
King Travis
He walked up to inkognito. "Welcome back general.
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Talina smiled and heard her father as she stayed silent
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
King Travis
"Talina your still awake?" He looked at her.
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
King Travis
He looked at Talina. "What the matter dear?"
He than looked at the general. "I need to talk to you about something after this."
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Talina shook her head "I'm gonna go to bed now actually" she curtsied "good night father and to you too general" she smiled and walked off to her too and closed the door climbing into her bed and looking out the window
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
King Travis
He watched talina leave for her room. "Good night Talina." He then looked at the general. "Okay then I need you to do two things for me general. One have soldiers prepared to fight here and the borders for might fall under attack by water nation's king's army for we have his son who is staying here yes I know its strange for me to have a guest from the water nation here. And two I need you to do a test of bravery on the water nation's prince if he can look death in the eye than he passes. Plus if he passes he and Talina are getting married and there will be peace between our nations. Plus make your judgement when you battle the prince a good one alright?"
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Erskine Inkognito
Erskine exclaimed
"Princess Talia is getting married to the Water prince?! And he is staying here?"
He buried his head in his hands as the thought about it then calmed down
"So you need an army at the borders incase of invasion?"
He asked for clarification
King Travis
"Yes general and have three companies guard the castle in case of intrusion." He looked at inferno. "and you i want you watching setsu at all times dont let her out of your sights. " he put his hands together. "if the water king finds out that his son is here and is staying for the next few days we need to be prepared for anything that includes checking for assassins and spies at the borders. no one goes unchecked he looks at the general and the knight. "pray that our luck dosnt burn out. general Inkognito sir inferno lets keep this from my children they do not need to worry about this at all agreed?"
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
"enough knight she is your problem now. general. inkognito has a bigger problem to handle."
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Talina was passing by to the kitchen and over heard the last thing the knight said and smiled "she's at the forest its one of her favorite spots" she continued walking off to the kitchen and walked out to the garden grabbing a flower and walking back to her room and putting it into her diary
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
king travis nodded "and no more bickering from you two. I need trust to form between us all." he then left.
(im either going to be alot less active or not active at all for the next few days so see ya)
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Talina woke up the next day and walked around the castle thinking
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina walks in the room and smiles "good morning was your rest nice?"
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina sat on the end of the bed facing him "so I heard about what your going to do"
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina frowned "this is not a easy win he is from the fire country after all and he's lead wars and so you might just lose"
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina looks away "I'm a bit unsure" she tilts her head before looking straightforward at him "and I heard about the other part"
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina shook her head "the part about having to stay next to my side for four days I mean it shouldn't be that serious I mean everyone needs their space right especially from someone like me though um yeah I heard the killing part and I think of that as a inner problem I have to solve" she smiled a bit and looked down
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina laughed "really? sure it wont" she looked away "it will be a lot harder than you think"
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina looked at him before looking away "from the beginning the best thing was to stay away from me and here" she sighed as she continued to look away "and now your here and the consequence if you lose I death by my hands"
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
Talina looked at him "you have so much confidence, so if you lose i won't have a second thought when i'm giving the order" she looked down "why do you want this so much i mean why not just stay as we are?" she had her reasons but she wanted to know his
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
"well for one I like you two this will be for the good of the people in both country's and could benefit both so both country's will prosper from the peace and alliance but did you say if I lose you will have no problem killing me?"
Talina looked at him and nodded her head a small blush on her face from when he said he liked her "I did if you really want this you wont lose and if you don't give your all you will lose and show that you didn't want this as much as you thought" she moved a bit closer to him "i...never mind, good luck, ok?" She smiled "besides if i was to do the same thing that you are in the water kingdom you wouldn't hesitate to kill me right?" She giggled
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...
"I would hesitate if I had to kill you I don't think I could kill you I couldn't kill any defenless person for that matter and I don't plan on holding back against a general he better be ready for a fight because I wont go easy on him"
Talina blushed and looked down "you still have much to learn prince Wave" she giggled and smiled
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...