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Mar 19, 2014 3:45 PM

Dec 2012
gergern..hear somthing load..
..... :'(
Mar 19, 2014 9:21 PM

Feb 2013
As soon as everything started to colapse, Yuume held her hand high, causing the entire thing to fall around her but not directly on her. Due to the colpasing, a large cloud of dust surrounded Yuume. She was then unable to tell where Emily was. For some reason, she couldn't read her thought pulses. So, she's using Aegis... Smart girl... Yuume thought to herself, though her tone was much more... Agressive than normal. "There is no escape now, little girl. I will crush you under my scythe." Yuume taunted, affirming herself in a defensive position. She tried to focus on the area around her. Everything had some pulse, so she should try to look for a void in the area. Though she did found the void, it was far too large for her to pinpoint Emily's exact location.

Rika didn't responded. She simply stared at Masaru for a few seconds before she pulled up her comunicator and spoke to Emily. "Let her go... We have no use anymore for her." Rika stated in a calm tone. She already had her research, creating a problem with the Deathwatch in the current state wasn't very useful for her research. "Retreat now and meet me at the lab. Also inform the others to start rebuilding." She said in the comunicator as she turned towards Masaru, with a blank expression. "You can take her and leave the area immediatly..." She said as she turned around and walked away, simply leaving it at that. This was quite an unusual results for the whole problem, but Rika didn't really cared and she was sure that Masaru also didn't cared...
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 19, 2014 10:07 PM

Apr 2011
"Yes, mistress," Emily replied over the helmet's built-in communicator, she was buried underneath a lot of rubble but it was nothing that her armor couldn't handle.

Emily understood the position she was in very clearly: she was the prey while Yuume was the predator. With her axe now lost someplace in the rubble, facing her in a direct battle was simply not an option, though facing her directly in either case was next to suicidal. She would play dead and hide, and like most predators, Emily was confident that Yuume would get bored and eventually leave. Emily lay where she lay, perfectly still, and doing what she does best: her mind empty of thoughts, simply, waiting.
Mar 19, 2014 10:13 PM

Dec 2011
"I would like for my subordinate back as well." Masaru stated before he entered through the large hole. He doubted that Rika didn't know where Gergern was. The way he saw it, Gergern was either hiding within' the building, which meant she wouldn't even have to acknowledge his statement, or captured if he was not here already. Once he walked through, he paused shortly outside the dust cloud. "Yuume, it is time we leave." He spoke into it as if he were talking straight to her face.
Mar 19, 2014 10:23 PM

Feb 2013
The dust cloud slowly dissipated. Inside the smoke, Yuume stood, clearly staring at Emily's body, seemingly dead. With a cold smirk, Yuume walked towards Emily and stomped on her "corpse". "What a disappointment! I was expecting for a tough enemy and all they had was this!? How humiliating." Yuume said out loud before she heard her father speak. She looked towards her father with a proud smile. "Dad! Look, look! I can actually defeat them... We should stay and finish them off. They're weak now... We can destroy them." Yuume said. By the color of her eyes and her cold attitude, it was clear that she was no longer thinking straight. Even so, she showed extreme respect and admiration for her father. She anxiously awaited his response, seemingly wanting to be praised for her work.

Rika ordered the scientists to let go of Gergern and so they did. However, Gergern's sword was slightly neutralized for the next 20 minutes so that he couldn't attack anyone on his way. Many soldiers surrounded the area, all of them having their guns aimed at Masaru and Yuume. Yuume's attitude only tensed the situation even more, causing the soldiers to arm their weapons.
YzmaelMar 19, 2014 10:35 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 19, 2014 10:32 PM

Dec 2011
"For what purpose?" Masaru questioned her. "They stand in our way no longer. You, the point of us coming here, are safe. Why stay any longer?" He asked her. He wasn't considering standing and fighting here for even a moment. Rika had undoubtedly many more tricks up her sleeve, and even if they caused much damage here, Yoshio might end up getting overwhelmed, Gergern killed. Even he himself could end up dead if attacked by multiple advisers and generals, and even with no casualties Yuume's mental state would most likely forever be altered.
Mar 19, 2014 10:40 PM

Feb 2013
Yuume scowled, clearly angered since she couldn't have her fun. "If you say so..." She reluctantly followed behind her father, staying close to him as she prepared her scythe. She was ready to decimate them if necessary, but constrained herself not to. Though she had a lust for battles during this state, she would still obey her father without questioning. She knew pretty well that there was no reason to fight against him. "How's Yoshio? Did he arrive at the base unharmed?" Yuume questioned, though her eyes were still the same, she still showed concern with her brother... A trait that seemed to never change, no matter who she was.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 19, 2014 10:48 PM

Dec 2011
Masaru nodded and walked into the tunnels. It would be easier to use the tunnels and make their way up to where Yoshio was than to go back through the entire building. It was also much more secure. He never trusted Kawasuma's true intentions, even if she said or did one thing, he as well accounted for another. There was also the fact of Yuume's current state. "Yoshio returned to the base, then left with me to retrieve you. He should be towards the front of the base. He dealt enough damage to lessen the amount of guards that would hinder me in finding you." He explained to her, even knowing she was probably against her brother coming here.
Mar 20, 2014 1:57 PM

Feb 2013
Yuume's eyes widened slightly. "Dad! What were you thinking by bringing him here!? We need to go check if he's alright, I heard a large group of reinforcements was coming to the base..." Yuume said as she started to rush out of the tunnel and towards the large frontal area of the ASC's tower.

She quickly arrived a few minutes later, finding her brother thinking. Seeing that he didn't see her, Yuume walked behind him and placed her hands in front of his eyes. "Guess who it is?" She played with him, smiling brightly when she saw that he was fine. Though she was worried about the many people that died in the area, she kept herself quiet and assumed that Yoshio was the one responsible. As soon as he turned around, he would notice that Yuume's eyes were slightly different from normal, possessing a bright purple.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 2:03 PM

Dec 2012
gergern smiles when he see she was okay..then look at his sword..i was usless...they capterd me..and i made more problems then i solved...i should give up my rank to some bater then me...
..... :'(
Mar 20, 2014 6:23 PM

Dec 2011
Masaru easily kept up with Yuume and examined the surrounding environment. It looked like Blood Dreamer did indeed assist him. Yoshio could be brutal in a fight, but Blood Dreamer's victims were completely massacred. It was easy to tell those killed by Yoshio apart from the ones killed by Blood Dreamer herself.

Yoshio jumped slightly when Yuume first appeared, then smiled slightly and chuckled. "And here I was being worried about you." He said with a sigh as he stood up and faced her. He found the purple glow peculiar but said nothing about it. "That bitch do anything to you?" He asked her.
Mar 20, 2014 6:31 PM

Feb 2013
Yuume's smile was bright as the sun. She quickly hugged her brother, very tightly at that, but not so much that it would hurt him. "Well... I guess I'm fine. I'm more worried about you, though. How did you manage to stay alive against all these enemies?" She asked, clearly worried as she started her brother. She herself took a look around and saw all the massacred enemies. Aside from that, she could also feel a strange pulse around the area... A powerful pulse.

Rika slowly went inside the tunnel and cleared the way with the Multi-Elemental Gauntlet. Upon seeing Emily, she made a small, gentle smile. "Oh, my, it seems like we still need to make you stronger, my dear. Don't worry about it, however, you did what you could and I am proud of that..." She stated, slowly getting Emily and deactivating the armor. She then lifted her and left the armor behind, leading her towards the infirmary. She didn't knew if Emily was so hurt that she couldn't move but she wanted to carry her anyway.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 6:45 PM

Dec 2011
Yoshio hugged her back just as tightly, very glad that she was seemingly unharmed. "I didn't fight these losers. I was fighting one of that woman's advisers. Then this person just came out of nowhere and slaughtered the troops before tossing the adviser out of the area like trash." Yoshio explained to her. "I had never seen her before though. I don't know why she would waste her time to help me."
Mar 20, 2014 6:50 PM

Dec 2012
gergern.."Glad you safe yuume..and sorry for casing you truble boss..."
..... :'(
Mar 20, 2014 6:57 PM

Feb 2013
Yuume took a glance at her father. For some reason, she suspected that he knew about this person. "That's actually pretty strange. Maybe she was a friend of mother? Or a traitor of the ASC... Well, we better not think too much about this right now. Let's get back to the base so that you can rest a little. I can tell that you must be tired." Yuume said as she turned around and started to walk away from the tower. ASC's eyes were still settled on them, ready to fire if they did something... Strange.

"Be careful... I feel a strong presence of undead in the Underground Base. They may need your help." Blood Dreamer's voice echoed in Masaru's mind and Yuume, feeling another thought process around, looked towards him. "Did you say something, father?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes slightly.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 7:07 PM

Dec 2011
"Tired? We're the ones that came to save you. You're the one who should get some rest." Yoshio responded confidently, though he had several visible cuts, however small, and moved a bit lethargically. He had seemed to regain his cockiness quite quickly.

"Next time do not charge an enemy blind. There are not that many still alive that know enough about the ASC assault or infiltrate them and still possess a chance of escape." Masaru advised Gergern blankly as he too began to walk. "I said that we should make haste. It would not surprise me if Kawasuma attempted something while we were here." He answered Yuume as he started to pick up the pace slightly.
Mar 20, 2014 7:10 PM

Dec 2012
gergern..he knew it was a trap when he went in the elavater..he hope that he could do a bit more befor the took him out and then hope they think he was alone..he felled in all parts.."well they had ur kid..i had to do somthing for her..even if me dieing would make it easer for u to save her i was willing to do just that..but i was no help and..if you want ill give up my rank to some bater then me."
..... :'(
Mar 20, 2014 7:18 PM

Feb 2013
Yuume turned back towards her brother, smiling softly. "Thanks everyone... I would be in a test room right now if it wasn't for you. Now, let's get back to the base quickly, things may be just like dad said. She's a tricky person... I don't believe what she says." Yuume said as she rushed ahead. Her steps were soft but quick and agile. As she rushed, she quickly entered the first sewer entrance she found. It would lead them to the Base in 10 minutes. "Come on, everyone, we have to get there quickly." She rushed as she went inside the sewers and made her way towards the Deathwatch Base, followed by her father, Yoshio and Gergern. However, as soon as she entered the sewers, she herself noticed the strong presence of undead. She then turned back to her serious side, having a scowl on her face as she ran.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 7:37 PM

Dec 2011
"Death would accomplish nothing." Masaru simply stated before entering the entrance with Yoshio. "One damn nuisance after the other. I am going to maim that woman some day." Yoshio complained with an annoyed sigh.
Mar 20, 2014 7:42 PM

Dec 2012
gergern run to keep up with yuume..he was worry that this was still to eay and hope that women did not do anything to her..or his sword..a copy of his master blade could be very very bad.
..... :'(
Mar 20, 2014 8:50 PM

Apr 2011
Emily awoke, floating in a healing chamber in the infirmary, unsure as to how she had gotten there. She figured that she must have passed out while in the tunnels and as she moved around, sharp spikes of pain jolted up her body from several places. She realized then that she had several broken ribs as well as a punctured lung, though thanks to the combined healing abilities of her as a HellLord and the healing chamber the wounds she had suffered would be healed anywhere between several hours and one day.

Emily looked almost... sad. She had failed to apprehend the girl and allowed her to escape. Even though Rika had told her to let her escape Emily knew that if she had succeeded, Rika could have gotten more data from her and that would have furthered her research.
Mar 20, 2014 9:00 PM

Feb 2013
Rika entered the healing chamber not long after Emily had awaken. She had a smile on her face and carried with her a cellphone-like file container. She was reading it and calmly examing what they had discovered about the Numbers... Or more precisely, the mix between Humans and Numbers. According to the bio-tests, bones, skin and even organs are much more resistant than normal. As if that was not enough, it seemed like their strength surged from the different cells in their body. Yuume was definetly a body-type Number, which meant that her mind powers were not very evolved but her body was much stronger than normal Numbers. Aside from that, she also discovered that they are extremely volatile when it comes to power fluctuation, Yuume being a very special case.

As she took her eyes out of the files, she looked towards Emily. "How are you feeling? You must be in pain right now. Don't worry about it, however, you'll get better in time. Also don't worry about letting her go. I already had what I needed." Rika said, in an almost comforting tone. She then pulled out another file from her arms and showed it to Emily. It was a physical enhancement project... made specially for Emily. Rika herself would lead the project and would try her best to make Emily the strongest Hell Lord ever.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 9:14 PM

Apr 2011
Emily watched as Rika entered the healing chamber and observed her reading. Eventually Rika looked towards her and their eyes met. After Rika had finished talking Emily merely nodded in response, it was as if Rika could read her mind, and even though it didn't change anything, it provided her with some comfort.

As Rika pulled out another file and showed it to her, Emily's eyes widened slightly. It was a physical enhancement project, specifically designed for her and lead by her mistress. With that, she would be stronger and if she was stronger, she would be better able to better protect her mistress—a feeling akin to anticipation filled her. She wanted to get stronger, she wanted to be able to protect her mistress at any cost.
Mar 20, 2014 9:24 PM

Feb 2013
Rika's smile grew as she, different from others, saw that Emily was interested. She knew that Emily wanted power... Even more now that she was defeated so easily. In that point, Emily and Rika were very similar. Always searching for more power in order to accomplish their selfish desires. Even though Emily's desires were not exactly selfish. "It'll begin right after you heal. Until then, it's better for you to just rest so that, when you come out of this chamber, you come back with full strength." Rika said as she turned around and started to leave.

While Emily healed, Rika should focus on discovering how to recreate and control Numbers. If she was able to do this, everything else would be useless... Soldiers, Advisers and even her robots would be completely pointless. With her super-army, Rika would raise humanity into a new level of power. They would be able not only to reconstruct, but also to grow. This was Rika's reasearch... The New World Project. Only she and Emily knew about this project, that was why Rika cared for Emily... She couldn't let her loose like that.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 10:26 PM

Jan 2013
Johan in his still untouched office smiles to himself looking at his monitors and watching the battles he laughs a bit at the outcomes, and even watches the events in the healing Chamber..not Even Rika knew how far his reach truely went..however he had no ambitions against her, and they both knew that.

He was a bit happy those fools managed to escape, while he had no plots against his master, he had no wish to see his own project made useless. Checking out the footage from the war bot the white haired man laughs and dances a jig. "I told them to send Infantry escourts along! Ahahaha!" With that he seems to somber up into a dedicated soldier, marking the girl who recived the Card, he really would need to snatch that back...but something else caught his eye.

"Impressive...even Rika won't be able to dismiss this date, the civil project is performing beyond expectations...hmm and a attack is being launched on deathwatch by some of our guests, how quaint.." Johan Had known of the Deathwatchs general location for some time, in fact he knew of its exact location...however all weapons and tools need a field test.

Pressing a button on his wrist he opens a communications line with Rika, but keeps it short not to Interupt her. "Miss K, when you have a momment I would like to meet you in your office. Johan Out."
Mar 20, 2014 10:35 PM

Apr 2011
Emily stayed awake for a while after her mistress left, occasionally staring directly into the hidden camera that monitored the room. She knew these hidden cameras were placed all over the ASC's base however, they did not seem to be doing any harm so she never said anything about them. However, it wasn't long before she decided to simply rest as it would accelerate the healing process and pass time more quickly. She would wake when someone needed her.
Mar 20, 2014 10:51 PM

Feb 2013
As soon as Rika heard Johan's voice, she became slightly more attent. For some reason, staying near Johan always made her more nervous or at least more serious. She had to pay attention to him in order to know what he was thinking and what he was planning during the time. These things were very hard to notice but Rika always was able to understand, at least slightly, his thoughts. Rika made her way towards her office, that was still being repaired. However, she stopped the repairing in order to speak with Johan. "Come to my office now, Johan." Rika told him via radio.

When he reached her room, Rika opened the room and allowed him inside. "So... What is it?" She questioned with a serious tone.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 11:12 PM

Jan 2013
Bowing to Rika, Johan smiles a bit in a friendly manner, but in the same way one would picture a sly fox. "I see you didn't need my assistance afterall...a pity." Walking around he admires the damage and whistles but then goes serious with her gaze.

"I regret to inform you the Battle walker that was sent was utterly and totally defeated...the lack of Infantry support proved to be its undoing." Walking to a intact monitor he plugs in a USB driver and allows the battle footage to play as he details the battle.

"I regret to inform you that the CPU datachip was captured intact...however as you can see from the video feed, My pet project worked out in a very well manner..if we can regain the sample and the CPU, full scale production of a worker cast to serve alongside the super soldiers that will not be a hinderance is fully possible...humanity will rise again, and nothing will stop it.." Killing the feed he clasps his hands behind his back and walks to stand beside her.

"Also it seems some of our guests are conducting a operation behind our backs..I will be keeping an eye on it. However I wish for your approval to conduct a operation to retrive our properity."
Mar 20, 2014 11:25 PM

Feb 2013
Rika turned her face away as he started to speak. "There was no need for you to get involved in this. You have your own tasks." She repsonded coldly as she looked towards him with a scowl. Her expression was both serious and intimidating glare. She disliked the way Johan would act in a careful yet dangerous form. She knew how he was and knew what his plans were, at least a little, so she knew that this had to favor him in some way.

"My objective by sending the Maximux 13 alone was to test their capabilities, we still have many other ways to deal with them. Asides from that, the research with the production of artificial Numbers is going wonderfully. In a few days, my research will allow me to make Emily into a full-fledged mixture between Hell Lords and Numbers... A power that will become my main weapon." She said calmly as she heard his ideias, that were, for her, very good. She made thoughtful posture, thinking at what to do. "You have my permission to start to operation. Level 5 operation is allowed for you, whcih means you may kill whatever gets in your way. By all means necessary, recover our chip and show me that your project is useful. Now go." She ordered as she returned her attetion to the both the projects she would have to lead from now foward.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 20, 2014 11:33 PM

Jan 2013
"My concern was more for you and the tower ma'am. As I said our guests may have idea's there own, I had no doubts 13 would win." Hearing the rest of what she had to say he snaps into a smart salute and pivots on his heel. "By your command, as has always been the case...however I may need the assistance of 13 later on..for...attitude adjustment." With that he quickly leaves and starts making arrangements for a small scale deployment....and for his weaponary to be made ready.

(well I'm out, if anyone wants to be on this mission or know about it let me know. Will be trying to get ghost in it however if he shows up soon.)
Mar 21, 2014 8:05 PM

Dec 2012
rita..she wounder how eily was doing..she went to find her.
..... :'(
Mar 21, 2014 8:15 PM

Dec 2012
nova resting.
..... :'(
Mar 21, 2014 11:05 PM

Jan 2013
Looking at the list of troopers on hand seeing two likely assistance he presses a button at his desk. "Major Paxton, Send me Nova and Enyo, tell them General Janus has need of them for a Level five Mission, that I will personally be commanding, I will meet them in the Armory in Ten Minutes that is all."

Checking his prototype weapons the General waits, while he could easily call on any number of troops or weapons, his plan only needed a small fireteam, and a few minor items..
Mar 21, 2014 11:12 PM

Dec 2011
Enyo was quick to arrive to the armory. The compact I.W.S. was strapped to her thigh and she held her helmet in her arm. She approached the General and stood at attention. "Commando, Tempest class. Callsign, Enyo. Reporting, Sir." She greeted clearly and respectfully, as was to be expected of any kind of Commando.
Mar 21, 2014 11:29 PM

Jan 2013
"At Ease trooper." Giving a slight salute Janus pulls out a portable datapad and hands it over to Enyo. However it is still off. "Tell me trooper do you have a name? If not from this point on I'll call you Enyo, you will call me Janus. Also tell me trooper, I have a mission for you and I need to know, will you do whatever I ask no matter how odd? And can you act?" clasping his hands behind his back he stares at her without a bit of worry or hesitation.

"If the answer to those last two is yes, then turn on the Data-pad and I'll brief you on our mission..we have one late arrival, the fact you are here promptly will make you my 2nd in command. Also the others skills while good are more limited, I don't need a just a good soldier or shot, I need someone that can think. Can you think trooper?" It was clear he was purposefully prodding her to see her reaction to unorthidox treatment, well at least to him, but he really needed people that could follow what would be one hell of a ride.
Mar 21, 2014 11:47 PM

Dec 2011
Enyo then relaxed slightly, though still maintained a professional stance. "Very well, Janus. All Tempests are given Callsigns to replace their former names. My name now and forever is 'Enyo' until my final breath. We are trained for all possible situations to assist the ASC. I will follow your orders without hesitation or restraint and do anything you need done without fail." She responded quickly and confidently before activating the data-pad and examining it. "Yes, I am able in both mind and body. Tempests' intelligence and thought process must equal with their physical prowess." She answered him again just as calmly as before. Even though she was quite young, this was not her first assignment. There was no such thing as an inexperienced Tempest after reaching adulthood.
Mar 22, 2014 8:11 AM

Jan 2013
"Good this is the answer I wanted." Waiting for her to turn it on he continues. "So you know I wrote and overseen your training program." Going on in detail with the battle he waits till it freezes on the items of note.

"Target A is your priority, or rathet you will assit me in grabbing it, We also wish to grab target be. Out late arrival will be as back up and assistance. Let me be clear, neither target can be killed, that is why we must play bit of a game." Clasping his hands behind his back as some techs put on Armor much like hers albit officer grade he stares right at her.

"What is the best way to cath a fox out of its lair? Also any questions?"
Mar 22, 2014 9:41 AM

Dec 2011
"Understood, no targets are to perish." Enyo confirmed as she stared a the activated Data-pad, examining its contents. "The best way would me to lure it with something it wants or needs, then to trap it." She answered as she looked at the data-pad before bringing her gaze back to Janus himself again. "May I inquire to who the targets are?"
Mar 22, 2014 11:14 AM

Jan 2013
Johan ponders telling her then nods. "You are correct, find what the fox needs. Draw it out then catch it..and the best way to do that is to think like a fox, not to chase it with dogs. We arn't Englishment looking for sport."

Hearing her request he smiles likely at that. "The Targets are a woman who has a orders are to take back the card, however I think we can play on the friendship she seems to be building, and her own curiocity to capture her. She would be a useful asset. The Other is the six armed fighter we seen in the Video, her name is Rei Akame, she is a vital asset to ASC efforts. I will personally be handeling this task. The key is getting both removed from the Deathwatch and back to HQ."

Putting the helmet over his head he moves his neck back and forth to adjust the fit. "She has the highest priority, as does the chip. The Scientist is a bonus objective..I have an idea on how to make her agree with our demands. Any other questions?" Johan didn't mind the girls questioning nature it was a rare trait in the commandos.
Mar 22, 2014 12:42 PM

Dec 2011
"I see, the targets are Deathwatch." Enyo mused, looking back down at the data-pad. "The Deathwatch are quite cautious. I assume that they shall be even more tense since they infiltrated this building not that long ago... If this Akame is the Fox, do we possess what she needs in order to lure her out?" She inquired again. She tried to only ask questions that she felt were necessary for a better success rate. There were many who disliked it when they asked anything, even if it were vital. Many officers were under the assumption that they were alike some sort of android or robot and often treated them as such.
Mar 22, 2014 1:37 PM

Jan 2013
"Very good. That is a correct question to ask. Keep this up and I may have to give you a transfer to the internal security unit." Staring at her eye to well where his eye would be he holds up a hand dismissing the techs.

"The following information is your ears only. The attack on here was in part a preplanned event to test out a hidden weapon. It went better than the machine, also my sources tell me a attack of some sort was carried out on the deathwatch. It is likely they have lost supplies of one sort or the other. Hence we will need to carry out a recon and observation."

Taking the datapad back and stashing it in his belt pocket he looks around the room and paces. "Foxes are by nature curious little creatures that try and be helpful, given how Deathwatch operates, I know the scientist will be with her, all we need to do is set up a situation to give them what they want. And wait. But untill then we need to find out what they want."
Mar 22, 2014 4:43 PM

Dec 2011
"I am grateful for your praise." Enyo thanked him with a bow of her head. "An attack? That seems unlikely if we were not the ones conducting it... Corpses breaking into their base on their own is unlikely as well..." She mused to herself, thinking about who exactly could have launched an attack on the Deathwatch. "I take it there is some sort of profile in the database about the target? Perhaps it holds some information we may use."
Mar 22, 2014 5:15 PM

Jan 2013
"Oh there is, as to the Attack I also know in part who's behind it...some of our..misguided allies.." Hearing her question on the target as she put it his face stifens a little behind the visor. "I'm sorry nothing I can show you, as if I did unless your loyality was fully to me I would have to kill you. All I can do is give you the data you have and say she was trained to the same standards as you, also she carries a WW2 anti-tank rifle you best be warry of if you get into a duel. But shes weaker than you up close I would say. Though the extra arms.."

Letting that trail off he wonders just how much he can tell her or what. "As to the other target, little is known minus a nickname and that she seems to be a scientist or mechanic of some sort, shes wasn't untill now considerd a priority."
Mar 22, 2014 9:24 PM

Dec 2011
Enyo merely nodded at that as she equipped her helmet. "I understand. No matter her abilities, we shall retrieve her without fail." She told him. She didn't find it unnatural that he withheld information. The trust for Tempests is quite low and they are only slightly above the rank of average soldiers, not necessarily of a high rank which is worthy of the higher-ups' trust. "They shall be retrieved." Enyo repeated, removing the I.W.S. from her thigh and checking it over, confirming that it was in peak condition.
Mar 22, 2014 9:30 PM

Jan 2013
Johan looks at her and smiles reading the girl expertly. "Its not a matter of trust rather a matter of security. In time you'll get your answers...and maybe a offer you may wish to jump at depending on your faith." With that he leaves a folder for the missing thrid member with a meet up point.

"For now lets get to the drop off, then pose as merchants."
(time to take this and the other path to the streets get things in motion)
Mar 24, 2014 11:21 PM

Jul 2008
Kaito walked to the entrance and surrended to ASC.
My candies:
Mar 28, 2014 4:12 PM

Jan 2013
As the group loads up and reaches the base, taking a handheld unit he see's that Miss K is busy with her research, taking Enyo do the labs under his control with Rei and Jane in two he shuts the door behing him and Rei leaving them outside. A few minutes pass and something seems..different with Rei, thoughit seems she has some of her tenacity intact, but her stare lingers on the two girls like daggers in steel as the door shuts closed.

Janus looks at the pair and motions for them to follow.

"Don't worry about her, give the medication, some time from her liquor and a few beatings and a purpose and she'll be right at home here. This was part of the work we did on her brain chemistry, the liqour was likely acting as a stabelizer albit in a reverse capacity, so we'll have to stabelize and reverse the effects...but enough talk on that, I'll show you two ladies to your offices, then we'll begin the first of our tests, feel free to meet the team and each to visting Rei..that can..wait. I think thats best for now.."

With that he walks through a group of security doors, with the pair in tow and gets them badges and clearance. "Enyo you'll be my cheif of staff, the security team is of no major importance, you seem to be a curious sort and you learned some things best kept to us, you'll find this posting has dangers of its own, I'll brief you in detail later. Suffice to say you are more or less my body guard and assistant as you were in the last mission." Turning to face Jane he hands her the other pass.

"You will be overseeing this project on Rei along side me, feel free to look into the smaller projects however all supply orders you place will have to be made through me. I want you to join this team, but as you understand security."

With that he breaks from the pair and heads for his office. "So you know I will be watching you two, please take the time to look around, see what your jobs entitle you to, then report back here in 0100 hours. Or one Hour for you Miss Jane, clean, eat, socialize, out first tests and the process of rehabilitating Rei will start then...Also Miss Jane, please slot that Chip into a proper computer." With that the door closes behind him as he gets in touch with the various people that need to know what he did. Namely Miss K, albit her and 13's services would not be needed for some time.
Mar 28, 2014 5:24 PM

Apr 2011
Jane growled angrily, snatching the pass from Janus' hand. Frustrated, she flopped into a chair. She was furious. Having been told she would be working on helping others through food production and other helpful forms of science, she had agreed to go with the ASC. Now she discovered that she was really expected to experiment on her friend in some sort of unknown but most likely twisted way. Rei had been nothing but nice to her, and Jane's heart was wrenched out of it's socket and she thought about what she'd gotten herself into. Standing up, she walked over to the computer slamming the chip into the computer's external slot. She then placed her head down on the desk and cried silently.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 28, 2014 5:51 PM

Jan 2013
Janus notices the girl on his monitors and laughs a bit triggering her com system. It might be best to subvert or trick the girl at least.."I said feel free to see the other projects, I need your help on this one for the time being, if you want to work on the others thats up to you...find something you want to work at then send the information to me, I only want you around as a..psychological means for Rei, you won't be taking part in any of the research process other than that." Clearing this throat he remotely powers on her PC. "Maybe the plant genetics or hydrophonics lab would interest you.

He switches through the system to fine Enyo now...he had to be sure of when and if she was in the records..but he had other things to do..

(Hmm I might depending on how this goes make or allow someone else to make a Dominion spy to contact DjSpins chara..or do it as a npc role given how this goes. I'll lead up to it a bit however here.)

As Janus attention switches elsewhere a figure in janitorial clothing sticks a slip of paper under Jane's door and then a soft knock, leaving quickly as they came, on the paper a small message is written. "Head to the Records room now..find the woman with white will have much to talk about..then so now."
RedArmyShogunMar 28, 2014 10:58 PM
Mar 28, 2014 6:40 PM

Dec 2011
Enyo had taken the pass and just entered her new office. She let out a light sigh and removed her helmet, placing it softly on the desk. She sat down and glanced at the computer in front of her for a few moments before closing her eyes and leaning back in the chair. She really wished she had one of her books for her to get her mind off things. She truly disliked what she had assisted with, even though it didn't show. Mainly because of having caused the emotional harm as well as having some knowledge or guess of what Rei would go through, however she guessed that Rei's "rehabilitation" would be much more brutal than the Tempest training. But there wasn't anything that Enyo could do to go against, or rather there was, but there wasn't enough incentive for her to do so.

One of the methods of ensuring loyalty is fear, and there was not a person she feared more than her higher ups. Enyo knew what they were capable of and enjoyed doing to those who disobey. Risking that kind of punishment for two random women she had no relation to was simply not worth it in her book. She tended feeling like this whenever she was ordered on a "retrieval" type assignment.
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