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Sep 26, 2007 12:01 AM

Oct 2006

And so Clamemore ends.

I'm sorry, why did they divert from the manga to make this kind of open ending again...?
Since I wasn't expecting anything from this it wasn't so bad... lol... who am I kidding..
The way Clare overcome Priscilla was so... lame... there's really no other word to describe it. The way Priscilla submitted afterwards was possibly even more...
For a moment there I though Raki was gonna die, but it wasn't to be. Instead died Jean, who should have been dead for ~3 episodes.

Claymore seems like a re-edition of Death Note. Only this time, the drop in quality was even worse. It will probably end with a score of 7/10 (good). And the sole reason for that are the first ~17 episodes.
KayrhandrosSep 26, 2007 12:06 AM
Sep 26, 2007 9:27 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I enjoyed Claymore a lot. Awesome designs when it comes to surroundings and Awakened Beings, an interesting story line and very good music. The ending was fine with me and I wouldn't mind seeing more of this sometime in the future. I've been looking forward to every new episode and wasn't disappointed. 10/10

[edit]: Just checked my notes on each episode again and I think I'll rate it a 9 after all, doesn't change the fact that it was awesome.
cyruzSep 26, 2007 10:04 AM




[H+] ³  
Sep 26, 2007 9:38 AM
Sep 2007
yeah, it wasn't as bad as Kayrhandros puts it. i would have liked to see more about the dude of the north though, whatever his name was. the claymores set off to kill the guy and all he does is stand by and watch?
Sep 26, 2007 9:57 AM

Aug 2007
The ending kinda leads us to a Season 2 / more Manga (with the anime ending bla bla bla). Hope it does...

For the non-manga readers like me the Final was awesome. Ok Clare owned Priscilla pretty fast unfortunatly ... And she didnt even kill her. Besides that i liked it... Drama!!! (i laughed all the time). I will give it a 9/10... If the ending was better i would even consider giving the 10... But i trully hate open endings without having sure there will be another season. Beside that, the corporation is pretty darky (we dont have much info) and Clare turned into a super Hero.

If the anime where only the last episodes it would get a 5 a 4 or even a 3... Going for manga now.
StaticSep 26, 2007 10:07 AM
Sep 26, 2007 10:07 AM

Mar 2007
Static said:
The ending kinda leads us to a Season 2 / more Manga (with the anime ending bla bla bla). Hope it does...

I Certainly do not want a second season with this shitty ending.
And so it started as one of the best shows and so it ends as a horrible failure. I am still way supporting this ending;

That way they could at least have followed the manga until the end..
Claymore went from a 10/10 to a 7/10 in the end. I really hated that ohshitshewasn'tfullyawakened Priscilla, I mean she was so awsome from the start and still is in the manga(if not even more after the extra chapter with Priscilla meeting Easley).
Sep 26, 2007 10:11 AM

Jul 2007
Static said:
For the non-manga readers like me the Final was awesome.

Yeah... speak for yourself. I didn't read the manga, and I hated this ending. Claymore went from being one my most anticipated series around halfway through to an attitude of "let's just get this over with" near the end.

I thought a lot of the episode was cheesey, and I'm usually a sap for these kinds of things. And I love how Easley could have just slewn them all, but he didn't feel like it for some reason, so they all live and the anime ends.

I had hoped for more out of this series, but I ended up sorely disapointed.
Sep 26, 2007 10:13 AM
Jun 2007
Static said:
Going for manga now.

Good idea, start a bit before the peita arc. :)

Sobzob said:

Claymore went from a 10/10 to a 7/10 in the end. I really hated that ohshitshewasn'tfullyawakened Priscilla, I mean she was so awsome from the start and still is in the manga(if not even more after the extra chapter with Priscilla meeting Easley).

Agree'd Priscilla looked stupid as hell.
Sep 26, 2007 10:26 AM

Oct 2006
29 said:
yeah, it wasn't as bad as Kayrhandros puts it
Oh, but it was 29...

I'm not really expecting to change anyone's opinion here but maybe I can "open some eyes"

For starters, not only me, not only the manga readers have pointed out how bad it was. Even the group fansubbing it, Eclipse, said so. Alow me to quote them:
Every once in a while, working on an episode can become really really painful...
This is one of these cases. Final episode of Claymore.
I wonder why..

Secondly, and I forgot to mention this on my first post. I gotta say how much I loved the dialogue on the first ~5mins. Allow me another quote
Clare: Korosu!... Korosu! Korosu!!
Priscilla: Urusanai!...*insert random phrase here*... Urusanai. Urusanai. Urusanai!
Clare: Korosu!
Priscilla: Urusanai, Urusanai!


Thirdly, and I've mentioned this one before. Priscilla is one of the most powerful awakened beings, in the anime. Yet she seemed to have a hard time with a "not-even-fully-awakened Clare". But at some point, she dominates Clare easily, and says "I'm going to kill you" or something along those lines. Then, she throws her up and sends some "self-made blades" which don't kill Clare yet. Instead she falls, passing in front of Priscilla, who again says "I'll kill you". During the fall Clare thinks of Teresa once again, like she did an uncountable amount of times in the last 3 episodes. The difference this time is that she mysteriously gains a huge amount of power and surprises Priscilla. Who was hardly bothered with Clare at all until that moment. She even manages to lose her wings and get cut up badly.
Cliche much?. Or maybe lame is a better word to describe it.

Also, the numerous plot wholes this ending gave:
And look 29 already found one.
29 said:
i would have liked to see more about the dude of the north though, whatever his name was. the claymores set off to kill the guy and all he does is stand by and watch?
-Yes, and why would the organization lose half it's battle force if Isley/Easley (that's his name), didn't have other more dangerous intentions than just watching his troops and claymores go at it. Oh, I know he was just upset about Pieta. Coz it was an ugly city so it needed be destroyed... Fact is there was a real reason for the attack on Pieta. In the manga that is...

More to it:
-The Claymore's sent to the massacre did not get revenge against the organization.
-Also, the Organization was nothing more than a plot device, while in the manga it's one of the most important aspects of the plot.
-Raki was nothing more than a plot device. And became one of the most despicable characters I have memory of. While in the manga, that does not happen.

I'm not even gonna point more or I'll never finish this.
I'll just ask again. Why did they go for the original ending if they weren't going to settle things?

Ps: one more memorable moment of how Claymore's animation dropped. Even though in this episode it wasn't so bad.

Anyway, For the skeptics about the manga... I you don't wanna take the opinions of every manga reader, I suggest you see it with your own eyes.
KayrhandrosSep 26, 2007 2:04 PM
Sep 26, 2007 10:46 AM

Jul 2007
The end. Wasn't as bad as it could have been, wasn't as epic as it could have been. Let's just call it an "average" ending, to go along with the last two episodes which were completely butchered.

And for the record, I'm a fan of the death note anime ending, I thought it was rather good. (Not epic or anything, but good). Needed an epilogue though.
asandariSep 26, 2007 10:57 AM
Sep 26, 2007 10:50 AM

Oct 2006
Sobzob said:
Static said:
The ending kinda leads us to a Season 2 / more Manga (with the anime ending bla bla bla). Hope it does...
I Certainly do not want a second season with this shitty ending.
And so it started as one of the best shows and so it ends as a horrible failure. I am still way supporting this ending;
Claymore went from a 10/10 to a 7/10 in the end.
My thoughts exactly.
Sobzob said:
I really hated that ohshitshewasn'tfullyawakened Priscilla, I mean she was so awsome from the start and still is in the manga(if not even more after the extra chapter with Priscilla meeting Easley).
Indeed, not only did they manage to make of Raki a useless character, but they also managed to completely destroy everything that made Priscilla great.
Sep 26, 2007 11:26 AM

Apr 2007
7/10. aint gonna comment on this damn episode.
Sep 26, 2007 11:53 AM

Jan 2007

matdavhans said:
I thought a lot of the episode was cheesey, and I'm usually a sap for these kinds of things. And I love how Easley could have just slewn them all, but he didn't feel like it for some reason, so they all live and the anime ends.

I had hoped for more out of this series, but I ended up sorely disapointed.

It was outrageously cheesy, and not even enjoyably.

"Let's live on!" *SMILE*
"Together!" *SMILE*
"Oh, the sun came out!" *SMILE*

You're fucking killer-women! All your buddies just got slaughtered! Stop smiling!

Even after the last episode I was still liking Claymore, still looking forward the the finale and hopeful that the ending would be satisfactory. Total let-down.

After how long it took Rigardo to die, I at least expected a really good show down at the end. Maybe they found themselves short on time, I dunno. But it's no excuse.

Lame, lame, lame.
Sep 26, 2007 11:54 AM
Jul 2007
....meh is just about all I have to say.

Going to go and get the manga I think...
Sep 26, 2007 12:24 PM
Sep 2007
mmmh... i guess you are right, Kayrhandros. the whole "syndicate" thing has been left without explanation. and true, the ending was cheesy too...
Sep 26, 2007 12:27 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
29 said:
mmmh... i guess you are right, Kayrhandros. the whole "syndicate" thing has been left without explanation. and true, the ending was cheesy too...

Yeah, that's the only thing I would have liked to know more about.




[H+] ³  
Sep 26, 2007 1:21 PM

Aug 2007
That ending was really lame...they all went off and lived happily ever after. But then again it was to be expected because the last couple of episodes was crappy too. This is getting a 7/10 at most.
Sep 26, 2007 1:41 PM

Aug 2007
Meh. I love the drop in quality. Oh yes.

Claymore will still be one of my favorite anime, mainly because of Clare and Teresa, but....meh, even I'm dissappointed. >.<

Guess I'll have to go start reading the manga and see how much more kick ass it is than the anime. ^_^

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Sep 26, 2007 2:14 PM

Feb 2005
I just came home from the base and watched EP 20-26. And it made me cry.
I initially rated Claymore 10, now the score says 7.
Need I say more?
Sep 26, 2007 2:18 PM

Jan 2007
Even being a manga reader, i enjoyed this last episode. I thought the ending was fine. Nothing great but passable.
Sep 26, 2007 2:40 PM
Sep 2007
Claymore got a 6 from me, 1-20 is an easy 9 but the drop was too much

I really hope some1 got fired...i could accept a horrible ending (*looks at elfen lied*) when they need to quickly finish of a series but to keep it this open ended... horrible!
Sep 26, 2007 2:49 PM

Aug 2007
Is the manga really so much better like everybody I have talked to so far said? I want it to be... And where can you download the manga anyways? O_o

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Sep 26, 2007 3:30 PM

Sep 2007
I gotta say claymore used to be something that I looked forward to every week, but these past 6 episodes were just so painful to watch. Went from a 9 in my book to a 6. Disappointing is all there really is to say.
Sep 26, 2007 3:37 PM

Apr 2007
I've never read the manga so I've got no gripes to carry on from that angle. That being said, I believed the whole Pieta arc to be the weakest in the show. Still, I'd rate Claymore an 8/10 overall. I can't damn the series to a low score over one less than desirable arc since, looking at the show as a whole, the good outweighs the bad by a large margin.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Sep 26, 2007 3:41 PM

Sep 2007
Only complaint I have is that Raki cried too much; I don't remember Raki crying much in the manga.

I hope for a 2nd season.
HappySep 26, 2007 3:45 PM
Sep 26, 2007 4:01 PM

Apr 2007
Well seriously, reading on so many forums how the manga storyline is much better at the point of anime ending, spoilt a lot of fun for me ^^ Eitherways I never totally change my views on a series after a few bad/worse episodes compared to, let's say, 90 percent great/good ones. So it's still a 9 for me, there's no perfect anime I guess.
Sep 26, 2007 4:49 PM
Sep 2007
I'm really disappointed, for a serie that was pretty good to be ended like this is so lame... They totally screwed up the last episodes of this anime.
Sep 26, 2007 6:27 PM

Mar 2007
It wasn't an awesome or bad final, it seemed decent. I actually had low expectations with thinking that Raki would do his thing and stop Clare, but it was Jeane, so that was good. My only complaint was that how Clare overpowered Priscella in the fight was bad but it for sure is better then having that Raki ending. Now it's on to the manga. The Claymore universe is huge, we still haven't seen the other Dweller yet or the true intentions of the syndicate (at least anime-wise). I still believe that Claymore was a show worth watching, and will watch the possible season 2 when it comes out.

Dibs on Ishida!
Sep 26, 2007 6:59 PM

May 2007
This.. was a disappointment =( i was hoping to be better than this. I believe it could have been better since i do read the manga and i prefer reading the manga than watching this =(
Sep 26, 2007 7:32 PM

Jul 2007
i third the question, "what was the point of this original ending?" they could of made the Rigaldo fight the last big fight and made the Priscilla thing a cliff-hanger for the next season but noooooooo.. we'll have a flashy and ridiculous battle on top of a VOLCANO FOR CHRISSAKE and then... nothing will happen!

oh jean died but she should of died about three episodes ago anyway.. it's hard to constantly feel bad for a character when she's been hanging on a thread for so long.. =
Sep 26, 2007 7:44 PM

Apr 2007
Meh, good anime all in all. Even if people do complain.
Sep 26, 2007 7:47 PM
Jun 2007
Horrible horrible horrible ending...this is easily as bad as Black Cats or the S-Cry-ed endings. Serioulsy i can type out right now 10 major plot holes no one ever bothered to carry out.Not to mention it was anti-climactic as all get out. pathetic ending to a fairly decent series (well was)


Trevor (OP)
Sep 26, 2007 8:11 PM

Oct 2006
WinterNightsFall said:
Is the manga really so much better like everybody I have talked to so far said? I want it to be... And where can you download the manga anyways? O_o

Yes. It's not much further along than the anime though. Try

Anyway, my sentiments have been pretty well voiced already, so I'll only add them in brief:

1) No point in a crap original ending if they leave it open-ended anyway.
2) Raki is worthless and should've died.
3) The animation quality makes me want to cry.
4) All the dialogue was ridiculously cheesy.
5) That fight was boring - nothing near as cool as any of the other big fights in the show.
Sep 26, 2007 9:00 PM

Aug 2007
Yay, thanks for the pointer Krelian. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one that noticed that the animation quality went way down... why? Why?! >.<

What happened after episode 19... to everything? Gah. >.<

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Sep 26, 2007 9:02 PM

Jun 2007
I thought the ending was pretty good. It wasn't insanely bad and it wasn't over the top good. It was smack dab in the middle. I'm kind of happy the way things turned out.

lol gotta love the eyes on Jean
Sep 26, 2007 10:13 PM

Aug 2007
wow, so many people say the ending sucked. i havent read the manga, so i thot it was fine. i might have to read it now tho...

btw, DeathfireD, i REALLY hope thats not kakashi without his mask on because i still havent seen him that way........... thats him isnt it..? wtF man...
Sep 26, 2007 10:16 PM

Jun 2007
its ph
doeman87 said:
wow, so many people say the ending sucked. i havent read the manga, so i thot it was fine. i might have to read it now tho...

btw, DeathfireD, i REALLY hope thats not kakashi without his mask on because i still havent seen him that way........... thats him isnt it..? wtF man...

its photoshoped. No one has seen him without his mask yet.
Sep 26, 2007 11:02 PM

Jul 2007
I thought it was good, I liked it, could have been better, but I guess they left it open for a 2nd season...I hope. I don't read mangas so I'd like a 2nd season.
Sep 27, 2007 12:58 AM

Apr 2007
Kayrhandros said:

I lol'd so much ;D.

I havnt read the manga, but i dont need to to detest this ending. It was utter crap, seriously. So they stray from the manga, after following it at first, only to give such an ending as that??? This has been a major dissapointment for me, started off as a 10/10 and the most anticipating show for me, until they began straying from the manga (or so when people say they started to, for an anime original ending). Theres more stuff i wanted to say but i forgot what... ah wellz...

Yeah what a crap ending... I feel to give it a 6/10, but when i see what else i have given a 6.... Yeah i'll give it a 7/10.
Oh yeah, and congratulations Raki, you officially have become my most hated anime charecter! Lolz, what a shit ending.

edit: lolz, thats right, as soon as Jean jumped in front of Clare and pushed Raki out of the way, and Jean started talkin to Clare you know what they say, i seriously just didnt want to watch anymore. I so wanted to just get out of it, but i didnt since ofcourse i wanted to watch the whole thing, mann what a shit ending :P....

Oh yeah and with it all open im just even more pissed off that they went with this anime original ending all open like that, NOTHING WAS SOLVED! -_-' ... I swear they BETTER NOT make another 2nd season, cause if they do i will be soooo pissed off. If they do they should have completly followed the manga and left an open ending that way, not this disaster. A complete failure.

Mann what a shit ending....

SiingSep 27, 2007 1:06 AM
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Sep 27, 2007 2:59 AM
Sep 2007
yea, i was really looking forward to this epic climactic battle as well, only to be disappointed in the ending. the only action that could help redeem this tragedy would be letting me shoot raki in the face for being one of the most worthless and annoying anime sidekicks ever.
Sep 27, 2007 4:13 AM

Nov 2004
Crap, the only good thing about this episode was that Priscilla suddenly had cool Zealot Psi Blades
Sep 27, 2007 4:25 AM

Jan 2005
Aokaado said:
Crap, the only good thing about this episode was that Priscilla suddenly had cool Zealot Psi Blades
Hehe, true ;)

I think we should make a poll: "Who wanted Clare to slice Raki's head off in episode 26 of Claymore?"
Sep 27, 2007 6:06 AM

Feb 2007
Ufozile said:
Aokaado said:
Crap, the only good thing about this episode was that Priscilla suddenly had cool Zealot Psi Blades
Hehe, true ;)

I think we should make a poll: "Who wanted Clare to slice Raki's head off in episode 26 of Claymore?"

Do it. Do it please.

Despite the crap I posted in the Episode 25 thread, i actually agree with Kayr this time. The last episodes were a big disappointment. And the last 2 episodes were just painful. I've had enough open endings damn it! First Zombie Loan, now this.

Claymore started on 9, but it'll probably go down to 7. Oh, and I'll start the manga this weekend. Couldn't find Volume 1 at Borders, so I'll just read it on the internet.

Off to watch Higurashi at the best time. Midnight.
BlueYoshiSep 27, 2007 6:16 AM
Sep 27, 2007 7:18 AM

Aug 2007
I was very disappointed with the ending as well. I give the show an 8 at first and then lowered it to a 6 because even though there is going to be a second season the last episode leaves a sour taste in my mouth. The series started off so good with the Tresa back story and her fighting the higher ranked claymores but the end was just to stale. I will watch season two when it comes out but I have no hopes on it.

Code Geass' second season has the higher priority to watch then over Claymore.
Sep 27, 2007 7:28 AM

Oct 2006
Yumi, you should probably put that fact about Priscilla under spoiler tags as it's only true on the manga. Since the anime never pointed so. Instead...


Anyway, I was wandering around the net today, and I was reminded of one thing...
Clare made a promise with Ophelia to kill Priscilla... so what happened to that?
I guess Clare showed Ophelia the finger
yet another plot hole.

And speaking of dead characters, she also promised Irene to give her arm back. True Irene is dead but Clare is unaware of the fact.
So, I guess she showed Irene the finger too.


But one of the things that pain me the most, is that I never got to see the awakened form of Isley animated - which is the most spectacular of them all - , and none of his battles.
(click to see Isley's awakened form - manga spoilers)

Neither did I see Beth or Alicia, The Dweller of the South nor the true story behind Rafaella's unhealed scar. And I don't even wanna talk about Clarice and Miata.

Seriously people. Go read the manga.
KayrhandrosSep 27, 2007 8:06 AM
Sep 27, 2007 7:32 AM

Apr 2007
Kayrhandros said:

Seriously people. Go read the manga.

Go read the manga, people. ^-^
Sep 27, 2007 7:58 AM

Mar 2007
Kayrhandros said:
But one of the things that pain me the most, is that I never go to see the awakened form of Isley animated - which is the most spectacular of them all - , and none of his battles.
(click to see Isley's awakened form - manga spoilers)

Neither did I see Beth or Alicia, The Dweller of the South nor the true story behind Rafaella's unhealed scar. And I don't even wanna talk about Clarice and Miata.

Seriously people. Go read the manga.

I suppose they thought that he was way to hard to animate.. I mean, they would probably make him look like shit.. Just look at Clare, I was disappointed in her awakened form in the anime, I mean she is so cool in the manga.
Sep 27, 2007 8:00 AM

Aug 2007
Will do! ^_^

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Sep 27, 2007 8:09 AM

Oct 2006
Sobzob said:
I suppose they thought that he was way to hard to animate.. I mean, they would probably make him look like shit.. Just look at Clare, I was disappointed in her awakened form in the anime, I mean she is so cool in the manga.
Yeah true. With the last ~8 episodes' animation quality it would have definitely looked like shit.
Still, if the animation quality was that of the first dozen of episodes, I'm sure they could have handled it.
Sep 27, 2007 9:13 AM

Jul 2007
What annoys me the most is the fact that it served no purpose....I would have understood if they have wrapped up the story with this "anime-original", but instead they made an abrupt happy ending, whcih explained even less than manga-cliffchanger ending would...

What annoys me the most is plotholes - They did not even bother to explain why Isley was even going through North. They did not explain on what happened with ~14 Claymores at Pieta.

Thats more they made Miria look as bad leader - WTF was with her leaving ~14 Claymores defenseles and leader-less in Pieta?
Sep 27, 2007 10:13 AM

Jan 2007
Kayrhandros said:
But one of the things that pain me the most, is that I never go to see the awakened form of Isley animated - which is the most spectacular of them all - , and none of his battles.
(click to see Isley's awakened form - manga spoilers)

Neither did I see Beth or Alicia, The Dweller of the South nor the true story behind Rafaella's unhealed scar. And I don't even wanna talk about Clarice and Miata.

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