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Nov 3, 2012 4:38 PM

Apr 2011
An intercity residential area just between the Downtown and the TRUE Residential Area...

Here people tend to live alone or with 1-2 other people, great for couples or roommates who want to live cheap.
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Nov 7, 2012 6:49 AM

Feb 2011
After wandering the city for the better part of an hour they still couldn't find an place to hole up in rest for the night they came to stop at an apartment.To make matter worse it was starting to rain "Well Lunamon I guess this is where we going to stay for the night"
Lunamon hop onto her back and and replied to her "You know their going to shoo us away right?"
"Yea but it worth a shot" Ia smile and she dropped onto a bench beneath and within 10 sec they were both fast asleep.
Nov 7, 2012 11:06 AM

Apr 2011
"Maaaannnn I'm stuffed!" Dorumon exclaimed as he fell back onto the floor. He had eaten two bowls of katsudon, not including seconds.

Himeko was lucky that her wallet was able to keep up with his diet. She was surprised that her dad just kept on suppling her with money without question despite not really knowing why she was spending so much. Maybe he just assumed Tokyo 2 was a lot more expensive than back home. "Dorumon, bring me your bowls and help me wash the dishes," she called out from the kitchen.

"Alright, hold on a sec," he said as he rolled over, stood up, and took a deep breath. His eyes widened and then narrowed upon noticing something amiss. "Wait... I know this smell... It's that chick with the Lunamon..." He walked over to the kitchen with his bowls. "Hime, check your digivice. I think that tamer with the Lunamon is around here."

"What?" she asked. She looked at her digivice and saw a blue and yellow blip on her radar. "You're right..."

"What should we do?" He asked, prepared for battle.

"Oh my god! It's raining!" She exclaimed.


"We can't just leave them out there! They'll catch a cold! Let's go!" She dashed outside with Dorumon in tow, grabbing a couple umbrellas on her way out.

"Hime, you can't be serious! If we went down there at the warehouse we would have been attacked. What makes you think that they won't attack us now?"

"I don't," she replied without hesitation. "But I won't leave someone out in the rain without a place to go."

"Hime, they may be laying in ambush for us!"

"Good thing I have you to protect me then," she replied with a smile which recieved a large sigh in response. She saw the girl sleeping on a bench and walked up to her. "Ummm... Excuse me?" She asked as she shook her, trying to wake her.
Newmn84Nov 7, 2012 11:23 AM
Nov 7, 2012 12:51 PM

Feb 2011
Ia stir in her sleep and open her one eye halfway "I am sorry miss I'll leave right away" she said sleepish.Without making a sound she pickup Lunamon and stumble out into the rain.
Nov 7, 2012 2:05 PM

Apr 2011
Himeko quickly opened up her umbrella and covered the girl from the rain before turning her around to face her. "You shouldn't be out here in the rain, you'll catch a cold," she said. "Do you have someplace to go? You can stay at my place for the night if you don't."

"I'm telling ya, Hime, this is a bad idea..." Dorumon said from inside the digivice. Himeko tapped the digivice to tell him to be quiet.
Nov 7, 2012 2:15 PM

Feb 2011
Ia eye open fully now but she still had that sleepy look on her "Really?But why would you do that for me?"
Nov 7, 2012 2:42 PM

Apr 2011
"I'm not about to leave someone who needs clearly needs help without a helping hand. Now come," she said and pulled her towards her apartment. "I'm also a tamer like you," she continued as they walked, showing the girl her digivice. "But don't worry, I won't attack you or anything. I'm friendly."

They soon arrived at her apartment. "Feel free to make yourself at home and shower if you wish," she said putting the umbrellas in their holder near the door. "And if you need food, let me know. I'll heat something up for you."
Nov 7, 2012 3:02 PM

Feb 2011
After Ia was dragged in and told all that information she set got on her knee and gently set Lunamon on the couch and turn around on "W-w-well can I have a glass of warm milk please?" Ia ask and in an even more quiet voice "And maybe a blanket too"
FockfearNov 7, 2012 4:02 PM
Nov 7, 2012 3:13 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou had cursed silently,spilling blood in the perfectly-white bathroom sink.She had arrived home after fleeing the fight,but her stomach seemed quite unsettled."Turns out," she lowly began,cleaning her dried lips,"that a teenager really needs atleast two meals a day." she muttered,attempting to smile.Hawkmon smiled sadly.
"Go to bed,Rai-chan.Rest a little,and I will take care of dinner." she offered,and her Tamer simply nodded.
"Gorceries are on the kitchen counter.That's where I left the bags earlier." she supplied,making her way towards her bedroom.

Later,present time.

Hawkmon hummed in content,stirring the soup and taking a bite for a test."Not like Rai's,but it ain't bad." she nodded to herself,turning off the stove.
Their apartment was medium-sized,and it had quite a lot of space for only the both of them;the kitchen walls were covered in burgundy tiles,altered with beige ones - the floor was covered in black hone.The ceiling seemed everlastingly fresh-painted,the chalk-white paint as clean as on the first day.
The living room's walls were straw-colored,the floor having russet panels of wood "dressing" them up.A wine loveseat rested by the kitchen door,placed to be aligned with the TV resting on a low table;an apple-wood coffee table was near the comfortable,cushioned seats.A deep red carpet with intricate details covered the floor,making the place homey and modern - the pictures framed on the walls only boosting this atmosphere;twin armchairs rested by the large window,offering a perfect view and place for reading.
The bathroom was built with violet-blue tiles that covered the ceiling,too,and navy hone;a white bathtub and a small shower cabin were on the wall opposite to the door,while the sink and the toilet were on the adjacent one.
Lastly,Raichou's bedroom was having a similar floor to the living room,but with pistachio walls,subtly adorned with asparagus swirls - courtesy of Hawkmon.The decoration was simple (a bed,a nightstand,a large window with mossy green blinders and the baggy-bean chair near it;the never-absent desk with a laptop on it and the comfortable leather seat),and the room was as tidy as always.
"You could hardly say this tornado lives here..." Hawkmon chuckled,approaching her sleeping master.She seemed to have a fever,but nothing too bad that they couldn't deal with."Wake up,Rai-chan.Dinner's ready."
Nov 7, 2012 3:52 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki and Impmon came in to there apartment their traditional way (which was in the same building as the girl with the Hawkmon, but next door was another apartment attached by an enclosed footbridge over the street to the the other 2 Tamers and Digimon and their apartments).

Instead of going in through the front, they entered the back way where cars are normally parked in a half underground and they entered though the back and went up 5 fleights of stairs to their apartment instead of a taking the elevator.

Once they reached the top with Impmon panting a little saying "You know Yuki... I know your scared of your cousin finding you... but isn't this getting ridiculous?"

Yuki said with bit of a pant himself "Do really want to have to find another apartment AGAIN? We had to move last time because that yandere bitch found me..."

"I thought we moved from there because of the Meramon burned the place down before I ate him?" said Impmon slyly

"I swore I saw Sakura out in the street... and she smiled at me whne we made eye contact. I had to run like hell to get us away from there afterwards! We had to hide in the subway tunnels for WEEKS! We're only just lucky enough to find this place available cheaply a day or so ago" said Yuki defensively.

They stood outside their apartment door and Yuki began looking for his keys... not knowing the girl with the Hawkmon was living on the same floor.
Gibz0maticNov 7, 2012 8:09 PM
Nov 7, 2012 7:10 PM

Apr 2011
"Warm milk? What is she ten?" Dorumon commented quietly, now back out of the digivice.

"Shush," Himeko replied as she poured a glass of milk and put it in the microwave. "You're just mad because she's taking your spot." She pressed a few buttons and the microwave revved to life.

"That's exactly it. It's my spot," he said.

"If you stop being such a baby, maybe I'll let you sleep with me if you revert to Dorimon." She left him on that thought and brought the milk and blanket to the girl. "Here you go... I just realized that I never got your name. My name is Himeko. What's yours?"
Nov 7, 2012 7:34 PM

Feb 2011
Ia graciously accept the blanket and milk from Himeko first warping the blanket around herself then she took a small sip of the milk "My name Ia" she finally said "Why did you take me in?".
Nov 7, 2012 10:23 PM

Apr 2011
Dorumon snickered. "It's because she's fallen in lo-"

Himeko cuffed his ear and put her hands on her hips. "That's enough out of you, you're sleeping on the floor tonight," she said, slightly flustered. In reply she got a disappointed moan. Her disposition softened as she took in a deep breath and let it out to regain her normal composure. "Ia, you were sleeping outside on a bench when it was raining in the dead of night after you got beat down by another trainer," she said. "I don't even know what kind of person I'd be if I left you out there by yourself, Lunamon aside. Besides we're both tamers, we should stick together and help each other out with fighting off wild Digimon, not fight each other over scraps of data. And yes, I was there watching."

"I think what she's trying to say is that she wants to become allies, or at least have some sort of truce," Dorumon said.
Nov 8, 2012 6:46 AM

Feb 2011
Ia sightly flinch from surprise at what Himeko was saying, this tamer wanted to team up with her.This had come to a surprise to Ia as she was use to it just being her and Lunamon and now someone want to team up with her "W-well if it ok with you then..." Ia stop for a second then took a deep breath and answer "then I guess it ok with me".
Nov 8, 2012 10:24 AM

Jun 2011
Raichou moaned in protest,but cracked an eye open anyway.She sniffed the air."M-miso and dumplings?I think I love you." she remarked,quickly getting up to a sitting position.She rubbed her eyes,as a flustered Hawkmon chuckled nervously.
"Now,now,you're making me blush,Rai-chan." she commented,clicking her tongue in spite of herself.Rai smirked,getting up of her bed and quickly making the sheets.Out of habit,she checks her digivice;mouth opens,jaw dropping.
"They are all here." she comments,making a run for the main door and opening it;coming face to face with Yuuki.
Nov 8, 2012 10:25 AM

Apr 2011
Himeko clapped her hands together with a smile and said, "Great! Now, how to split up the data... I guess it'll be whoever finishes off the opponent gets the data... but no kill-stealing, to put it in video game terms. Is that okay? Oh, and if you don't have a place to go, you can stay here if you'd like. You'd just have to chip in for some stuff."
Nov 8, 2012 10:55 AM

Feb 2011
Ia nodded her head once and without warning she fell over sideways fast asleep spilling the half filled glass of milk on the floor.In less then a second she was drooling and a cute little snoring sound could be heard.
FockfearNov 8, 2012 12:37 PM
Nov 8, 2012 12:16 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki who lived in the apartment acrossed the hall and had Impmon at his side, both turned around when they saw the girl from earlier.

Needless to say Impmon's jaw dropped, Yuki had his usual pokerface on and his own door ajar stared at her weighing his options...

Among them were:
a.) fighting
b.) entering his own apartment
c.) fleeing

IMpmon was still speechless and jawdropped, and waiting for orders from Yuki...
Nov 8, 2012 12:29 PM

Jun 2011
"The fuck." Rai said,completely content with sounding unintelligent.Hawkmon rustled behind her,poking her heard outside from under the arm Raichou used to keep the door open.
"Umm.Dinner?" she asked,blinking and tilting her head.
"Are you inviting the enemy to dinner?" Rai deadpanned.
"Well...yes.We're hungry,and fighting can wait..."
Nov 8, 2012 12:36 PM

Apr 2011
Impmon blib=nked and said "Food?" and his stomach growled, he blinked again and turned to look at Yuki.

Yuki looked at him and back at the girl and said shrugged

So Yuki made up an option 'd' which probably consisted of food now, fight during or after dinner followed by fleeing a burning building... again.

Impmon looked back at the girl and said "I ain't sharing my cookies unless you got chocolate milk with ya!"
Nov 8, 2012 12:49 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou snapped her fingers with a grin."Deal~ But in exchange,no fights inside my perimeter.You have no idea how hard pick-pocketing is nowadays." she said,somehow absentminded,with a wistful smile;she moved inside the house,motioning for the two to follow her inside.Hawkmon smiled.It's been a long,long time since they ate with someone...

The meal was laid on the rosewood table in the kitchen rather quickly,and Rai took her seat on parallel of Hawkmon.
Nov 8, 2012 12:51 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki sat across from her with Impmon at his side, he set his Digivice on the table and his bag at his feet.

He was quiet and so was Impmon... this was first for the both of them.
Nov 8, 2012 12:55 PM

Jun 2011
Rai copied Yuki's movement,setting her Digivice next to his.Warm soup and puffy dumplings laid in front of them,chocolate-chip cookies and warm milk on the counter.The silence was becoming rather...heavy.Raichou cleared her throat.
"Well.I'm not the silent type,and sorry if I look like hell..." she began,somewhat awkwardly.Hawkmon cut her off with a pat on the shoulder.
"There is no trace of blood left...just your eyes are slightly febrile.It'll pass."
"Well then,itadakimasu?" Rai said,somehow uncertain,as she picked up a spoonful of soup.
Nov 8, 2012 3:41 PM

Jul 2009
As the residents of the twin apartment buildings, the quiet rumblings of an engine could be heard as a pristine black limbo stopped on the road between them. A elderly gentlemen dressed in a suit with a perfectly combed white mustache steps out from the driver's seat. He walks with a slight limp, towards the back of the vehicle, openning the door,

"Мы прибыли, Хозяйка" he says, his voice lined with a thick russian accent.

"Большое спасибо" comes a reply, as Anastasiya steps out. Dressed in a long black coat trimmed with fur, and a similair hat, her appearance pretty much screamed 'Forgiener'. If the Russian didn't give it away. Her Digimon partner wasn't in sight.

Looking over the Apartment buildings in front of her, she takes out her Digivice, switching it to Radar. Several dots pop up on the screen, showing the location of nearby Digimon and their Tamers.

"Ждите здесь" She says to her driver, walking off towards the entrance.

Да, Хозяйка"he replys, bowing with his hand on his chest.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 8, 2012 4:33 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki and Impmon mimic her and begin eating as well, Yuki partway through the meal says quietly "I'm a little surprised that you actually invited me into your home..."

Impmon was drinking his milk thoroughly enjoying it...

"I tend to have a bad rep to other Tamers who've heard my name..." he continued

Impmon still scarfing...

"They tend to call me, the Tamer Killer" he said darkly.

Impmon paused all motion, and looked at everyone at he table. He just realized that Yuki put them both probably in a bad spot... especially because that title and rep were true. He had been called the 'Tamer Killer' by a few...
Nov 8, 2012 6:10 PM

Apr 2011
Himeko and Dorumon watched in slight horror as the glass fell in slow motion and milk spilled onto the floor. Himeko dashed into the kitchen and grabbed paper towels while Dorumon picked up the glass- thankfully the glass was undamaged. He put it in the sink, coming back with the trash can while Himeko wiped up the milk.

"I told you it was a bad idea," Dorumon said as he placed the trash can next to her.

Himeko dumped the sopping wet paper towels into the trash can, ignoring him. "Go get me the baking soda and the vacuum, please," she said. Dorumon did as he was told coming back with the vacuum and baking soda. Himeko put some more paper towels down and pressed down on them hard to get as much of the remaining liquid as she could. She then opened the baking soda and poured it over and around the spill spot and let it set for a couple minutes before vacuuming it up. "Phew... Glad that's over with," she commented. "I hope that she passed out because she was just really tired and not because she had a concussion from the fight earlier..."

"I'm sure she'll be alright," Dorumon said, reassuring her. "If she can take a hit like that, she must be pretty hard-headed."

"Alright, well I'm going to take a shower, keep watch for me and call me if anything happens," she said as she walked off.

"Will do," Dorumon replied. "I wonder what's on TV..."
Nov 9, 2012 10:31 AM

Jun 2011
Raichou just raised an eyebrow.She placed the remaining of her current dumpling in her mouth,chewing without a care."If it's true,then you're one fucked-up kid,boy." she simply said,shrugging."There is no real reason to kill another tamer.In this damned game,we're pretty much on the same side." she added.Hawkmon eyed her warily,before deciding to chime in.
"As for a reputation,Rai-chan made one for herself,too.They call her Jaku-Jaku." At this,said girl chose to smirk.
"Amanojaku.Indeed,I could very well be one...starting with Gisei all those years ago and ending up with everyone but Hawkmon that hovered around...I bring bad luck to all of them." she simply supplied,eyes dull.
"But you survive every time.It's nothing uncommon,really.You're a baby shark."
"Baby sharks eat their brothers in the mother's womb to survive.That's not really comforting,Hawk." Rai smirked sideways.Turning her focus back to Yuki,she offered him a rare,genuine,if small smile. "As for the invitation...well.It was Hawk's.And I don't mind having people gets lonely at times."
Nov 9, 2012 1:34 PM

Apr 2011
Impmon cackled a little saying "Ya'll must be pretty lonely if you want US around... but listen to the rest of Yuki's story, I'm the only 'evil' one here. This boy's got a heart of gold compared to me"

Yuki smiled and rubbed Impmon's head and said "I'm not a 'murderer', I've never personally killed anyone. I've never tried to hurt anyone... until I became a Tamer"

Yuki put down his eating utensils and rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes saying "8... there's only been 8 people, other Tamers that is, whos lives I've ruined. The first was a Pidmon which is an Angemon who wears purple instead of blue. He came after Impmon and I because, well Impmon's a virus type. It was during the final fight after we got tired of running that Impmon digivolved for the first time... and killed the Pidmon. Just a few seconds later, his Tamer came out... she was 6 years old and crying her eyes out as the screen of her digivice went to static"

Yuki paused for a moment and drink his milk (wishing it was something stronger). He continued saying "I can no longer imagine my life with out Impmon... as much as I'm sure you cannot imagine one with out Hawkmon. After I killed that little girl's digimon I kept tabs on her for a while... she's been in and out of couseling for almost 5 years now. Its like a piece of her soul had been scooped out of her heart and when other Tamer's found out about me and the fact my partner turned into a Devimon. They hounded us like dogs... forcing us to kill their digimon as well"

He drank again his milk and said "So now including the little girl, there's now 3 in counseling, 2 in rehab for drug use, 2 moved away and I'm not sure of their status, and 1 suicide"

His meal and story now finished as he put his drink down saying "So... are you sure you wanted to invite us to dinner? Or be involved with us in any way?"

Impmon was quiet and listening to Yuki tell their story, if Yuki felt bad about the killing... imagine how bad he felt. He was the one who killed and absorbed their data.
Nov 9, 2012 1:56 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou listened intently.When he finished his milk,she poured refills.Then,she reached up and ruffled Yuki's hair.She smiled.

"I'm an orphan.My mother was probably underage and did the wrong thing,from what I could gather.I am called Jaku-Jaku because everyone that comes in contact with me dies." she simply said,settling back into her seat.She folded her arms on the table,resting her head on them.The young girl took a deep,sharp intake of breath."Before I met Hawkmon,someone died saving me.He gave his own life to get me out of the hell the opening of that portal all those years ago created.His name was Gisei."
Hawkmon watched,with sadness.To do something useful,she began to clean the table quietly.

"The first digimon we fought was Harpymon.His fight with Hawk caused her to evolve for the first time.His Tamer,a foreign girl named Rosa,befriended us after laughing merrily at her own defeat." Rai began,opening her eyes slightly;her smile was dim and bitter."Her Harpymon,who meanwhile had evolved into a Holy Angemon,died.We were fighting a wild Lilithmon.He took the blow destined for Fairy.Rosa left the next day our home;I discovered,in a newspaper a month later,that her body was found in a river.Stark naked and can guess what happened."

"From there,all things went downhill.I eventually became antisocial,bitter,and foul-mouthed." Rai finished,with a smirk.Hawkmon sighed.
"Much to my dismay,might I add." the digimon chimed in,mock-glaring at Raichou.
"The string has twelve people in it.The last ending was,well,the burning of my last residence in Kyoto." she added after a while,obviously not willing to remember painful things."Given my bad luck,maybe thirteen is lucky.And you're it."
Nov 9, 2012 2:12 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki leaned forward and almost empathized with her and said "That's... pretty bad, try this one though: I'm a bastard from a one-night-stand with a foreigner, my hair is naturally blonde but I've had to dye it black to 'blend in', my mother was already a family outcast and living in hokkaido and having me didn't help her any, she worked herself into an early grave, which forced me to live here in Tokyo with my EVIL and psychotic uncle and his family..."

Impmon "Not too mention his yandere cousin Sakura..."

Yuki almost visibly shivered at the thought of her...
Nov 9, 2012 2:27 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou laughed."Look at this." she said,pointing to her olive-blonde hair."I'm the product of a German father,most probably.Never bothered blending in." she smirked."So fuck the world,if they don't like you.They don't matter,if they don't value you for exactly who you are." she simply said.
Hawkmon smiled,taking back her seat."I must agree,albeit the choice of words is rather crude.You shouldn't bother trying to please.You will never be able to please everyone,no matter what you do." the digimon simply stated.Rai nodded dutifully.
"So instead,annoy the heck outta 'em.I'm not saying living off of pickpocketing is the nicest way to do it...but hey,better than being surrounded by snobbish mongrels."
Nov 9, 2012 2:32 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki smiled honestly saying "You know... you might be the first Tamer and Digimon pair I've ever met that didn't try to kill me"

Impmon looked at his partner in bewilderment, never before had he seen that smile given to anyone but him... he was feeling conflicted with both jealousy and joy
Nov 9, 2012 2:43 PM

Jun 2011
Rai grinned at Yuuki."There's a first for everything." she said,stretching lazily.
"Which reminds me none of you properly introduced," Hawkmon noted dully,taking her mother role in the picture.Raichou laughed.
"Hai,hai.Since Hawk insists...Name's Raichou.Inazuma Raichō." she clumsily introduced herself,"Feel free to call me Rai."
"Or Jaku." Hawkmon joked,eyes twinkling with mirth.It's been a while since she had fun outside of a battle.The Tamer girl stuck her tongue out in response,both childish and playful,earning a chuckle from her partner.
Nov 9, 2012 3:00 PM

Apr 2011
"I'm Yuki Akuma, and this obviously is Impmon..." said Yuki

"Yo!" said Impmon... who had started devouring the cookies before anyone had noticed
Nov 9, 2012 3:05 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou grinned."Well,what do you know.The Thunderbird and the Snow Demon got together." she remarked.Hawkmon chuckled,shaking her head lightly,pouring effortlessly some more milk for the chocolate-addicted digimon.
"Eat slower,Impmon-san.You might just choke."
Nov 9, 2012 3:57 PM

Jul 2009
Anastasiya enters the apartment building, the doors closing behind her as she stands in the lobby area. The places was a lot smaller than she expected, especially by her standards anyway, but she wasn't really surprised. It was clear even from the outside that it wasn't the type of building people from her family would frequent. Not that it matters, of course. She was here for one thing, and one thing only.


Taking out her Digivice again, she quickly checks the Radar again. It showed 4 Digimon, all Tamed. She had no-way of knowing if she had already incountered without meeting them first. Changing modes, she brings out her partner. Keromon materializes in front of her, in his Child Form, stretching its spindly arms and yawning slightly.

"Finally arrived, huh?" the Digimon says, scanning the room. "What a dump" he says almost instantly. "I can feel my IQ dropping already"

"Let's go, Keromon" Anastasiya replies, walking towards the Elevator doors at the end of the lobby, and pressing the button to call it. A ding comes in response, and the doors screech open. She steps inside.

"Yeah Yeah" says Keromon, following after her.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 9, 2012 6:02 PM

Apr 2011
"Whatever" said Impmon sounding grouchy with a mouthful of cookie "They be MY cookies, I earned them, so I'll do what I want with them"

Yuki sighed, he knew better than to try and regulate his partner's appetite... gluttony seemed to be an irrevocable plague on Impmon's insides.
Nov 10, 2012 5:08 AM

Jun 2011
Raichou chuckled."Still,I don't know how Yuki would feel if ya died on us 'cuz of cookies." she remarked easily.She momentarily got up,aiming for the fridge and apple juice;extracting the desired item,she settled pack,pouring herself some.Lazily,she checked the screen of her Digivice.She stiffened."Shit." Hawkmon rose an eyebrow,and looked at it aswell.
"Oh no.We've got fresh company."
Nov 10, 2012 5:21 AM

Apr 2011
Yuki looked at his digivice and counted and said "Huh... a pair of Tamers and their Digimon in the sister building to this one next door and a third Tamer going to..."

Impmon stopped eating long enough to listen in and brace for a fight...
Nov 10, 2012 5:34 AM

Jun 2011
"The third is a new one.I checked all positions earlier;that's why I slammed my front door open earlier." Raichou grunted"I smell no good here," she added in an undertone,but was heard anyway.
Hawkmon took a thoughtful stance."If they are in for a fight,we've got serious trouble.I don't want to ruin this building too..."
"Then,let's flee.We'll get them where we want 'em and beat the shit out of them.I hate not being in control;they will follow,hopefully."
Nov 10, 2012 5:46 AM

Apr 2011
"OR" said Yuki "We can do NOTHING, and pretend we haven't seen them... and let them come to us"

Impmon understood his partner's idea, and said "Normally Yuki would say running away would be a brilliant plan. But once we started running away, we'd attract the new person's attention and definitely cause a fight... and I'd end up killing another tamed digimon"
Nov 10, 2012 5:51 AM

Jun 2011
"But that means putting our lives on the line,the other two's lives,AND my apartment." Raichou huffed her retort.
"Ack,this is too hard to pick..." Hawkmon sighed,rubbing the bridge of her nose.Rai stared into space.Finally,she closed her eyes.
"We stay here,if you don't want to flee.I still say offense is the best defense,but whatever floats your boat.Until the next nutcase comes up,though,I'm taking my medication." she listed shortly,brusquely.Hawkmon eyed her warily,as the girl got up and began to rummage trough the cupboards.
Nov 10, 2012 5:55 AM

Apr 2011
"Apartments are easy to replace" said Impmon "Yuki and I've gone through our fair share of flleeing from or burning down apartments trying to survive every day night and yet still have time to go to work and school"

Yuki nodded to this... he couldn't argue it.
Nov 10, 2012 5:59 AM

Jun 2011
Rai snorted."Never been to an actual school.Never had any real work,either.Why should I,when the underworld pays off so good?" she rhetorically asked,as she finally found the white bottle she was seeking.Two pills,dry-swallowed,a grimace in place and routine is complete."But I hate not having a stable home.And I just got here three days ago,too." she added,settling back on the table.
Hawkmon managed a dim smile."We're always on the run,too.And it is not too pleasant."
Nov 10, 2012 6:12 AM

Apr 2011
"What are you on the run for? You don't have title like 'Tamer Killer' or have crazy family either wanting you dead or to have your babies... sure you have bad luck but that's about it" said Yuki

Impmon snorted a little at the way Yuki phrased that..
Nov 10, 2012 6:24 AM

Jun 2011
Raichou looked at him with a raised eyebrow."Because apparently yakuza don't like it when you ruin their shit and allow the police to capture them.And like it wasn't enough,I'm wanted,too." she simply said,shoulder shrugging.
Hawkmon laughed."You're too calm about being bad,Rai-chan." said girl smirked.
"Weeeeeell.I'm not bad...just misunderstood." she replied,faking being offended.
Nov 10, 2012 9:37 AM

Feb 2011
Suddenly Lunamon sat up on the couch yawning and stretching.Then she seem to notice that she was not outside, and that it was not just her and Ia anymore "What did you guy do to Inori?!" she yell.Water droplet collecting above her head forming a sphere.
FockfearNov 10, 2012 11:12 AM
Nov 10, 2012 11:28 AM

Apr 2011
Dorumon jumped slighty as Lunamon raised her voice before turning. "Shhh," Dorumon said in a slightly quieted voice while putting a clawed appendage over his lips. "She's safe, sound, and sleeping. Long story short: We're friends now. Anyway, we have other problems. There are two brand new smells, most likely a Digimon and its tamer. I'm going to get my tamer, you stay here and watch over Ia; she needs her rest." With that he got up and calmly walked over to the bathroom, if he knew something was up whoever the new pair was probably knew too; he didn't want to alert them by doing anything suspicious. He knocked on the door. "Hime, we've got company," he said. "New company."

"Be right out," Himeko replied in a slightly serious tone. When she opened the door her hair was still damp and her clothes partially damp as well. "We've apparently got more company than we originally thought," she said her digivice in hand with three extra pairs of dots, excluding hers' and Ia's. She thought for a bit before continuing. "There's an immobile pair of tamers and one mobile one... We'll wait for now, see what happens. Stand watch over Ia for now, don't let your guard down."

"Roger that," Dorumon replied and calmly walked back over to Lunamon and Ia.

"They don't seem to be doing much of anything," she said, biting her lower lip slightly as she thought out loud. "What could they be up to..."
Nov 10, 2012 12:17 PM

Feb 2011
"Oh" upon seeing that Ia was just sleeping, Lunamon calm down and dissolve the sphere.Hopping down she saw that Ia for the first time in a long time had a smile as she was sleeping "Hey Hime, thank you"
Nov 10, 2012 12:46 PM

Apr 2011
"Oh, you're welcome Lunamon," Himeko replied, snapping out of her own thoughts. "Right now we're just going to wait and see what happens. Ia isn't in any shape to fight and she needs her rest. If worse comes to worst, we'll make our move, I already have a plan. Kinda. Let's just hope it doesn't come down to that."

"Don't worry," Dorumon said, turning towards Lunamon. "We got this."
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