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Aug 29, 2007 5:56 AM

Oct 2006
Good episode. It would have been better if they didn't constantly changed from the action to Raki though. The battle with the "Lion King" was pretty good.
On another note, I really don't like the "new" Priscilla. She's too innocent.. to be the "final boss" of the series I would be a lot better if she was evil, IMO. Kinda like how she was once she first awakened. Can't wait to see Clare in action in the next ep..

Screenshots (just one)

Aug 29, 2007 8:27 AM

May 2007
Ooh, spoilers. Need.
Aug 29, 2007 11:40 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Awesome episode! The battle looked very interesting, and Priscilla only looks so innocent so that her awakened form has more of a contrast to that, I like it. Clare's getting damn close to her limit it seems, can't wait for more. I also don't mind switching between the battle and Raki's journey, an episode full of action wouldn't be as nice I think.




[H+] ³  
Aug 29, 2007 11:46 AM

Jun 2007
Of course, of course. Now that Clare has reached her limits Raki comes and saves her from turning into an awakened being. A little bit too predictive... Other than that, okay episode, not the best one...
Aug 29, 2007 11:53 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Compared to the previous episode, the art during the battle looked way better, more detailed. But I guess that's what you can do if you don't have to concentrate on a lot of other characters, as an animator.




[H+] ³  
Aug 29, 2007 12:40 PM

Mar 2007
Yes Clare, more, more, more, further, further, further, FURTHER DAMMIT STOP BEING SO SLOW.
Aug 29, 2007 12:41 PM

Jan 2007
switching back and forth from raki to clare was annoying. other than that, it was an okay episode. I'm just not feeling it like the ones before this arc.
Aug 29, 2007 12:47 PM

May 2007
Aug 29, 2007 12:55 PM

Apr 2007
Hmm, finally huh, this episode comes...more like, the beginning of what I want to see "animated".
It was indeed pretty intense battle, the slo-mo was worth it xD.
Jikai ga otanoshimini~
Aug 29, 2007 1:37 PM
Jul 2007
IT WAS CREEEEEPY :O!!!!!!!!! Daaaaaamn I want 23 !!!!!!!;(
Aug 29, 2007 3:21 PM

Aug 2007
She needs Teresas tpe power instead of relying of resorting to her Yoma power since now she's gone and done it (again). Well i'll soon see in ep 23 if she awakens.

Actually i'm persuaded to start reading the manga to find out what happens :P

Aug 29, 2007 3:30 PM

Mar 2007
Bah, kinda hard to discuss this episode without talking about what will happen in the next episode. I can say this though... I can't wait to see how they do it in the anime. I read the manga to one of the latest volumes, so I know what will happen... unless it is changed, but it has been pretty true to the manga.
Aug 29, 2007 4:04 PM

Nov 2004
Last few eps are straying from the manga slightly, and very much so in this ep, also story is dragged out alot this ep.

manga > anime
Aug 29, 2007 4:22 PM

May 2007

Why did Raki never ask if Easly was an awakened being as well?
Aug 29, 2007 4:26 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
ZoiQ said:
Why did Raki never ask if Easly was an awakened being as well?

Because he's never seen him eat humans and therefore doesn't consider that option?




[H+] ³  
Aug 29, 2007 4:31 PM

Jun 2007
Woohoo Jeane Survives in the preview! Thanks Madhouse! They probably got hatemail for killing Teresa and didn't wanna kill another favored character =P. This episode was intense. I didn't mind the switch backs to Raki and I love how they made Clare's greatest enemy so innocent. It just complicates things more. Raki feels for Priscilla because Clare might have become her but Clare is using her hatred and anger for what Priscilla has done to fight one of the strongest Awakened Beings. It makes a confrontation between the three all the more interesting. Also the whole I need to be faster and faster slow motion action was enthralling. The only word that came to mind while watching Teresa beheaded, then Rigardo missing an arm and finally Clare standing with brightly glowing eyes was cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

Aug 29, 2007 5:44 PM
Jul 2007
Faust721 said:
switching back and forth from raki to clare was annoying. other than that, it was an okay episode. I'm just not feeling it like the ones before this arc.

meh but doesnt it actually help by adding tension and suspense D: i mean yah i guess it woulda been better if they didnt in theory but i think its the switching from back and forth that actually contributes to the fact the last moment looked kool :3 i dunno ^^ i guess it just depends on the person... overall <3 it as usual now ima be destracted from school work waiting for the next ep
Aug 29, 2007 7:06 PM

Oct 2006
The constant switching bothered me a bit too. I like that they're advancing both plots in the same episode, but the switches were a bit too quick - as soon as you start getting into what's happening with one character it switches over to the other.

It seems pretty predictable as to what's going to happen (i.e. Raki saving Clare from completely awakening... again), but I'm really not sure how they're going to tie up things between Clare, Priscilla and Easley in only 4 episodes. I mean, they had enough trouble with the army of awakened beings, and Rigardo killed off most everyone all by himself. It'll be practically a miracle once he's defeated, and I don't see anyone being in the shape to take on something even stronger. Perhaps Riful will show up to at least keep Easley occupied?
Aug 29, 2007 9:25 PM
Jul 2007
o.o but end would mean... no more clare... and thats never good D:
Aug 29, 2007 11:56 PM

Aug 2007
Have to agree on the constant cutting between Raki and Clare, it ruins pacing. First half should have been all Raki, second half all Clare et al.

Heh, reading these threads I never know whether I'm just not paying enough attention or if everyone else has just read the Manga so knows better than I do what's going on. I thought one of the things that made Clare special was the way she had already awakened, but thanks to her origin being Teresa and her emotional bond with Raki had worked out how to suppress the mental change, and through this was able return to her normal form after awakening, just like she taught Jeane to do when she was physically awakened but had resisted mentally. So, I suppose I'm wondering what Raki can save her from, since he's done it already.

Anyone else getting the impression they may be going to leave this open at the end? I don't know how this is going down with fans in Japan, (it certainly seems well-liked enough outside; it's certainly pre-order fodder for me I think, once it comes out here) but I really hope they'll leave space for a second series or OVA or something more. There seems more to the story than four episodes can resolve.

Man, I really don't want this series to end; nothing that I've read about that's coming out can possibly live up to it.

btw, thanks for the screencap Kayrhandros, that's the image that stuck in my head from that episode (yeah, it's designed to, but still...)
Aug 30, 2007 1:04 AM

Oct 2006
Heh, I think having read the manga ahead of time does make a difference. The awakening thing is about willpower. Clare's to the point where she can come back while pushing herself further than most anyone else, but she can still push too far. In the series she's been able to push past her limit (which is using 80% of one's yoma power if I remember correctly) but she's never used this energy for long periods of time or pushed so far that her body started to awaken (like Jean's did). She also needed some help from Galatea in pulling herself back, if I remember.

From the way things are developing, I'd think that they intended to leave it open, but from hearing all about an anime-only ending and seeing how they've changed the series from the manga's plot in later episodes, I think they'll wrap it up with one season. Though I'd really rather see it continue.
Aug 30, 2007 1:20 AM

Mar 2007
Aokaado said:
manga > anime
Aug 30, 2007 1:46 AM

Jun 2007
Why is Clare always so pathetic? Comon... shes the main heroine! she needs more awesome fight moments not some weepy love story :/
Aug 30, 2007 2:37 AM

Aug 2007
ashura said:
Why is Clare always so pathetic? Comon... shes the main heroine! she needs more awesome fight moments not some weepy love story :/ It's going to be hard to beat the end of that episode as an "awesome fight moment". Making that last scene into a wallpaper is on my to do list.
Aug 30, 2007 4:00 AM

Apr 2007
ZOMG only a few episodes left T-T...

I didnt really take any notice of the switching between Raki and Clare's scenes, infact i didnt notice it at all XD. Anyways i really liked this episode, and loved the ending. I wonder if Claymores #1 and 2 will pop up... There are only 4 episodes left >,>.....
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Aug 30, 2007 10:43 AM

Jul 2007
This episode was awesome!!! Really i cant w8 till the next ep is out!!!!! i dunno what to do :) What regards the fighting it was way better than the rests but even so claymore fightings r lvl highers than most shounedn animes and thats true.So i dont see why many whine about them... Indeed very nice episode
Aug 30, 2007 12:13 PM

Jul 2007
they can't wrap it up in four episodes! there HAS to be a second season of this.. 'cause earlier they mentioned that Easley is mobilizing his army of Awakeneds and Riful is scouting for some of her own.. the war in Pieta is just one major event in the continuum of that plot!!! my brain is so desperate to reason this series into continuing!!

i was massively annoyed by the constant change between raki and clare too. so much that at one point i was like, DUDE!! WHO CARES IF RAKI IS RIDING A HORSE BETWEEN TWO MOUNTAINS AND WHATEVER!! probably 'cause i was anticipating clare's physical awakening since jeane died.. they did an awesome job on the Silver Eyed Lion King! He was every bit as badass and snobby as I pictured him in my head ^_^

WHY is Raki coming to Pieta?? He's going to see Clare awaken and going to think she's a yoma and is going to... cry?? it's deferred from the manga so now i don't know what's going on.. hmpf! >_<
Aug 30, 2007 12:42 PM

Aug 2007
I was so certain that miria was gonna die this episode but shes still alive!
Thank god shes my fave character and I'd say if I was a claymore I'd totally be her.
But clare is loaded and ready to kick ass for episode 23
Aug 30, 2007 1:24 PM

May 2007
cyruz said:
ZoiQ said:
Why did Raki never ask if Easly was an awakened being as well?

Because he's never seen him eat humans and therefore doesn't consider that option?

But Raki figured that Easly knew that Priscilla was an awakened being, yet wasn't afraid for her, wouldn't that give him an option to ask wether he is one or not? He already asked what the hell he was, but not if he was an awakened being :<
Aug 30, 2007 2:13 PM

Jun 2007
He did ask him what the hell he was and Easly responded, You'll find out soon enough, I'm sure of it.

Aug 30, 2007 3:41 PM

Jul 2007
cyruz said:
ZoiQ said:
Why did Raki never ask if Easly was an awakened being as well?

Because he's never seen him eat humans and therefore doesn't consider that option?

When in this series has Raki figured out anything without it falling on his head?? Most of the time, even after something's been revealed, he still doesn't get it. I'm struggling with why Easley has allowed Raki to live this long, when humans are thought of as nothing more than dinner. Priscilla must have decided she'd rather keep her dinner as a pet? woof...I'm cool with the Claymore's pushing their powers to incredible new levels, but Raki surviving this long is a major stretch.

The fight scenes were intense and well done.
Aug 30, 2007 7:24 PM

Jul 2007
Ah, the most anticipated episode is about to begin! I can't wait for ep 23, these are the fighting scenes I've been waiting for. There's only 4 episodes left but there's still much to tell. Initially I thought they would continue with a 2nd season though it'd probably won't be out any time soon in order to let the manga get ahead. But the storyline has changed a little with the introduction of Raki into the Pieta Battle so now, anything can happen.

I wasn't too pissed abt the switching between Raki and Clare scenes but it definitely disrupt the flow of the fighting scenes. And that last scenes was just awesome. Clare ftw!~
Aug 30, 2007 9:53 PM

Aug 2007
The constant cutting between Raki and Clare was a bit distracting. Just when I'm a bit geared up for what's happening in Pieta, we are taken into Raki's angst about Priscilla being an Awakened Being.

And meowmeow21, totally with you on the Miria part. I was on tenterhooks while watching her in this episode -- I was quite certain she was going to die. The slow-mo Clare action (with Miria about to get her head cut off) actually had me saying loudly, "Yes, Clare, go faster.... faster...FASTER!"

And the last image (which was screencapped by Kayrhandros [thanks a lot!~]) is just awesome. Can't wait to see Clare in action!~

On a random note, there are only four episodes left? I don't think they can wrap up the storyline that easily. Maybe they'll put out another season? *crosses fingers and toes*

Edited: Added punctuation. ^^"
gothicpsycheAug 30, 2007 10:38 PM
Aug 31, 2007 6:32 AM
Aug 2007
i have read the manga up to the latest chapter and as far as the episode goes i really dont think they can finish the whole story itself in this remaining 4 episodes..

back to topic..

the fights are awesome, the switching doesnt annoys me too, the way they finished this episode is really okay too bcoz people now think of various things that might happen on the next episode, like clare is already awakened and raki is gonna save her again or riful will gonna confront easley.. xD good job! i just really dont like the faces of claymore when they use their yoma power, they really look like witches! lol
Aug 31, 2007 7:10 AM

Oct 2006
That's kind of the point though, isn't it? That they're becoming more monster as they push closer to their limit?

The only face I wasn't impressed with was Clare's when she kissed Raki. They changed her features (particularly the lips) so much that she just looked weird.
Aug 31, 2007 2:12 PM

Jul 2007
Krelian said:
The only face I wasn't impressed with was Clare's when she kissed Raki. They changed her features (particularly the lips) so much that she just looked weird.

haha so true!! extreme close up of ANYONE'S face is clearly weird and slightly creepy..
Sep 2, 2007 10:39 AM

Mar 2007
I think they added the some of the needless Raki scenes to get to a good suspense point. I'm sure Easly has had a good reason for keeping Raki alive, I just don't know what it is..., I personally hate open endings because it leaves to much up in the air, and there's a lot in the Claymore universe that would be interesting to know, so hopefully there's more left then these last 4 eps.

Dibs on Ishida!
Sep 2, 2007 10:51 AM

Apr 2007
Sukotsutsu said:
I think they added the some of the needless Raki scenes to get to a good suspense point. I'm sure Easly has had a good reason for keeping Raki alive, I just don't know what it is..., I personally hate open endings because it leaves to much up in the air, and there's a lot in the Claymore universe that would be interesting to know, so hopefully there's more left then these last 4 eps.

I'm guessing Easly keeps Raki alive because Priscilla took a liking to him, and I don't think it's a spoiler to say that he needs Priscilla for his plans. So Raki becomes a "pet" for the second time in the series. Seems it's his lot in life.

I'm worried if they're going to try an anime-only ending here. Hopefully they can leave off at a point that gives closure, but makes sense as well. I don't think I'm ready for five years of whining over the Claymore ending, which is how long it will take to make enough new material for a new season.
Sep 3, 2007 2:41 PM

Aug 2007
At last, I am up to date on Claymore! What an absolutely outstanding series this has turned out to be for me!

Anyway: episode 22 - loved it. I am just waiting for Riful and Dauf to show up and start fighting with Easley and his minions. That would be, in my opinion, the best thing ever. I really, really, really hope that happens!
Sep 3, 2007 10:21 PM
Sep 2007
eps 22 was hot i didnt like the skippin around to raki
Dec 3, 2007 4:52 PM
Jun 2007
What an exellent episode it was! :O
Jan 22, 2008 6:36 AM

Dec 2007
Seriously an amazing episode. Especially the end of it. I was like "OMG" Finally Clare got some power. The Fight with the lion king is awesome, sept kinda mad about some of the top claymores getting beaten that easily.
Oct 5, 2008 3:03 PM

Aug 2008
They were really torturing me w/ that slo mo @ the end. I really, really wanted her to hurry the hell up!
Feb 12, 2009 11:43 PM

Apr 2008

Sent with Mal Updater
May 15, 2009 5:44 PM

Mar 2009
Nice epi. I want to see Clare awakened! But, probably not yet, if they're even gone do it. I can't wait to see if Raki's gonna get pwnd or do some pwnin, I'm betting on the former...LOL I'm watching the dub, so I gotta wait like another 2 or 3 months til the last disc comes out T___T I guess I'll just move on to something else til it comes...Urahara Out!!
May 31, 2009 1:30 AM
Apr 2009
I can't wait to see how this plays out such a good freakin series so full of action yet there is a really good story underneath all of the blood and guts XD
Jul 22, 2009 3:49 PM
Apr 2009
I wish the rank thing was a bit more accurate.They said the awakened ranked people could prob defeat single digits now even though there rank twenty. Clare fought against many single digits, and she is STILL number 47 T_T

ONE THING THOUGH D: is wind cutter dead? That captain? She was awesome T_T Her special is the best in the series so far IMO. So baddass
Nov 23, 2009 5:01 PM

Jun 2009
There better be a second season, I hope to god they don't end it here.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Mar 9, 2010 9:09 PM

Feb 2010
regardless of everyone else's opinion of this episode... i thought it was incredible.
on to 23!
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
Apr 8, 2010 1:54 PM

Feb 2010
Good episode. Nervous about the ending though...
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