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Jul 6, 2008 2:17 PM

Mar 2008

Every villain from the Final Fantasy series have joined forces to destroy the world and all the people of Titan have to come together to stop them.


Titan is a combination of all the Final Fantasy locations combined as one. Any character can start from any location they want.


You can create your character in the the thread it's self, but as usual no god moding and follow this template:

Home Town:
Appearance:(pictures are allowed)
Rival: (the villain you'll be going after)

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Jul 6, 2008 2:27 PM

Mar 2008
Name: Neko.
Age: 20
Home Town: Home (Al Bhed home town.)

Bio: The son of the legendary villain Sephiroth, after settling down and marrying Rikku he joined the Gullwings and explored the whole of Titan.
Rival: Sephiroth.(of course)

Jul 7, 2008 12:44 PM

Mar 2008
Midgar the ruined city. this is where the Gullwings had heard about a new sphere and had decided to go and investigate, when they arrived they searched the ruins of sector 7, finding nothing but a sign that read "seventh heaven".


"Paine are you sure he sphere is around here?" I asked, growing more impatient by the second.


"that's what the scanner is saying, it sais that it is 150 meters above us."


^Above us.^ i looked up and saw the only possible place.

"The Shinra building, it's the only building that is big enough." we all just stood there looking at the building and thinking about the climb ahead of us.

Sep 3, 2008 7:31 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Zero
Age: 17
Home Town: Unknown
Appearance: unknown (always wearing armor, and a mask*
Bio: No one knows who he really is!! He does, but he never talks about it, seems to be interested in "spheres", really fast too
Rival: Sephiroth (I always go after the badass!!)
Sep 3, 2008 7:47 PM

Jul 2008
As soon as the Gullwings make it to the spher, they see a figure in black clothing

???: Thats three

Neko: What the- Who the hell are you!?!

???: The less you know, the better

and at that, he dissapeared
Sep 3, 2008 7:52 PM

Mar 2008
Neko: Ok, did we just get beaten to the sphere?

Rikku: hey! we did, that was our sphere, we should go after him.

Paine: Ok you try and chase him, if you can find him that is. *looks around the room*

Neko: paine's right, we don't know where he went, we'll just have to give up on this one and move onto the next one. *Rikku stamps her foot into th ground and storms out.*

Paine: guess we're leaving.

Neko: yeah, but i would have liked to known who that person was, it just seems too dangerous not knowing who people are these days.

Sep 3, 2008 8:04 PM

Jul 2008
*Far away*

???: Wait a minute, was he who I think he is?


???: Next time Sephiroth, next time I'LL KILL YOU!!
Sep 4, 2008 6:57 AM

Mar 2008
We headed back to the ship and began to scan for more spheres, me and rikku where on the deck.

Rikku: I can't believe we where robbed like that, we've gotta find that guy Neko.

Neko: Well if we do you can sort it out with him, but for now we should go and visit Yuna and Tidus, we promised to go a month ago.

Rikku: you're right, we'll go there and then we can get back to sphere hunting.

*we changed course and headed for Besaide*

Sep 4, 2008 3:35 PM

Jul 2008
when they see black smoke rising from the ground, and hear the screams of hundreds of people
Sep 4, 2008 4:31 PM

Mar 2008
*seeing the smoke the ship landed on the outskirts of town, Neko, Rikku and Paine disembarking and running as fast as they could to aide whoever they could*

Rikku: what the hell is going on here?

Neko: i don't know but we've got to find Tidus and the others.

*they run into the panicked town and try to see what is going on.

Sep 5, 2008 6:53 AM

Jul 2008
When they see the back figure once more

???: A cube? worthless
Sep 5, 2008 7:04 AM

Mar 2008
Rikku: hey it's that guy from before, do you think he had something to do with this?

Neko: i don't know, i'll go and see what i can find out. *I made my way over to the man and kept one hand on my sword.* Hey you, what are you doing here? *the figure didn't turn back to face me*

Sep 5, 2008 4:56 PM

Jul 2008
*throws the cube away, and it hits Neko*

Neko: OWW!

???: So, we meet again, Sephiroth!

*pulls out a badass black katana*
Sep 6, 2008 12:18 AM

Mar 2008
*rubs his head where the cube hit it*

Neko: Wait did you just call me Sephiroth?

???: yes i did.

Neko: Then you've got the wrong person buddy, i'm not Sephiroth, in fact if he was here now i would take him out. *tightens grip on his sword, just in case.*

Sep 8, 2008 7:50 AM

Jul 2008
???:You cannot lie to me Sephiroth, now die!!

*attacks Neko*
Sep 8, 2008 12:40 PM

Mar 2008
*blocks a vicious attack and spins so that he is now behind the mystery man.*

Neko: Hey i'm not Sephiroth, i told youi want him dead to, my name is neko and i am sephiroths son. *holds sword over his shoulder and then sheaths it, as he does Rikku runs over to hm.*

Rikku: Neko that's the guy from earlier, should i take him on? *she steps forward but is stopped by Neko.*

Neko: no he is stronger then you think, i would have a tough time taking him on, *looks at the man* so who are you?

Sep 10, 2008 3:19 PM

Jul 2008
???: Liar!!
*attacks Neko again*
*Neko blocks it*
*Neko then trys to stab ??? but ??? jumps into the air and stabs Neko's sword, breaking it in half*

???: You can't be Sephiroth, your too weak


???: Neko? thats a dumb name

Neko: SHUTUP!!!

Zero: Call me Zero, it''ll work for now *puts katana away*
Sep 11, 2008 1:52 AM

Mar 2008
*looks at his sword and then looks at zero*

Neko: hey, firstof all my name isn't stupid, even if it was i didn't choose it, secondly i'm not as weakas you think, if i had been trying to kill you things would have been different. *holds sword in front of him and runs his hand along the blade until he reaches the broken end, as he runs his hand across what should be thin air the blade returns to normal.*

So, why are you after Sephiroth?

Sep 13, 2008 12:45 PM

Jul 2008
Ooc: Zero: because he stole the last klondike bar XD

Ic, and seriousness: Zero: He killed my 2 sisters


Zero: Chisame, the youngest, was only 3 when he killed her. In other words, I'm looking for revenge. By the way, it wold be a different story if I were really trying to kill you

Neko: What do you mean by that?

Zero: I was only trying to weaken you
Sep 14, 2008 1:13 AM

Mar 2008
Neko: That sounds like my father. *hugs rikku who is very upset upon hearing zero's story* so if you are looking for him i will help in any way i can.

Rikku: we should go and look for him now Neko, he has to be stopped and you *points at zero* should coma along with us the the air ship, so when we do find him you'll be there too.

Sep 16, 2008 7:09 AM

Jul 2008
Zero: No thanks, I got my own ride

*an airfortress flys into view, out of nowhere*
Sep 16, 2008 6:20 PM

Sep 2008
Name: Maho Neko-chan

Age: 19

Hometown:Balamb Garden

Apperence: 6'3 190lb. green eyes, Iced blue Silver spikey hair A blue tatto that says "kori" on his left cheek(face) wears a black V-neck short sleeve T-shirt with black pants and black leather boots but snow white long coat and snow white fingerless leather gloves. and a silver pendant that is a silloete of Shiva.

Bio: Always training to be a SeeD in the Balamb Garden since he can rember Because his parents were SeeDs as well. Was top in his graduating class in the garden and was away on a mission during most of Final Fantsey 8. Specilises in Ice magic and is Juctioned to Shiva. And weilds a Lion Heart type gunblade. Has a cofident air about him and is frequently snarky to enemys. His SeeD rank A. likes to meddle in the affirs of others as a hobby.

Rival: Sorrcress Ultimecia

Sep 16, 2008 6:53 PM

Sep 2008
All of a sudden a blue eyed Spikey iced blue-silver haired man appers.Wearing a black outfit but a white long coat. He weilds a sword that has a glowing blue energy blade and a handle that appers to be that of a gun. Every body tenses for a fight and the man says " Lets not do anything hastey now"

Sep 17, 2008 4:27 PM

Jul 2008
*zero was the only one who didn't "tense up"*

Zero: I assume you want something, otherwise you wouldn't even be here
Sep 17, 2008 6:33 PM

Sep 2008
The man replies" Ha shows how much you know. I'm here out of pure chance, Chaseing Sephroth, guy has some info I need. *turns to Neko* " You know you kind of look like him. Funny how that works out. He was in the villege below but the prick gave me the slip. I don't supose Any of you have seen a guy looking like him*points to neko*carrys a large katana....Did you?"*stops pointing at Neko*

Sep 17, 2008 6:41 PM

Jul 2008
Zero: Actually, I fought him recently

Neko: WHAT!!!!?!

Zero: it was right here, I tryed to stop him from doing this, but I had no chance

Ooc: we're not in the airfortress yet*
Sep 17, 2008 6:43 PM

Sep 2008
The man says" Figures. Where did he go? Care to share?"

Sep 17, 2008 6:53 PM

Jul 2008
Zero: I managed to see where he went, he went east
Sep 17, 2008 6:55 PM

Sep 2008
Then man replies " I see, anyone but me chaseing him?"

Sep 17, 2008 7:02 PM

Jul 2008
*neko and Zero point at each other*

Zero: By the way, who are you?
Sep 17, 2008 7:06 PM

Sep 2008
" I'm Maho Neko-chan most call me Mcat I' a SeeD. I have an Idea. If your intrested."

Sep 17, 2008 7:13 PM

Jul 2008
Zero(annoyed): What
Sep 17, 2008 7:18 PM

Sep 2008
Mcat Replies" Ah a bite If we all want to kill him why not masucre him together I'll help you free of charge as long as I get the chance to question him before he dies. All though I' guessing you*ponts to Zero* won't agree will you?"*stops pointing*

Sep 17, 2008 7:24 PM

Jul 2008
Zero: I don't mind, I have some things I need to ask as well
Sep 17, 2008 7:27 PM

Sep 2008
Mcat" fornatally my combat skills are better than my pepole reading skills. And my blade is sharper than my tuogn."

Sep 17, 2008 7:32 PM

Jul 2008
Zero: then lat me test you

*pulls out a badass black katana and preps for battle*
Sep 17, 2008 7:40 PM

Sep 2008
Mcat reidys his gunblade. and places the middle and fore finger on his free hand on his forehead.

Sep 17, 2008 11:55 PM

Mar 2008
Neko: *draws his katana and stands in between the pair.* look we don't have time for this, if you guys stand here and fight my father is going to get away, so stop messing around and let's go already. *notices Rikku has drawn her twin daggers an is at his side.*

Sep 18, 2008 1:34 AM

Sep 2008
Mcat lowers his weapon and says" Just as well I didn't want to fight him. And any way my GF Shiva would hve finished him...I think. *Looking at neko* You seem to be the leader now what?"

Sep 18, 2008 6:48 AM

Jul 2008
Zero(horrified): How...How dare you! No one leads me!

*just then a dropship lands nearby*

???: Yo' Zero! Ya' ready to head out?!

Zero: Just wait a bit
Sep 18, 2008 9:45 AM

Sep 2008
mcat says " I guessed that. I meant between him and her.*looks over at NeKo and Rikku*. I must say though Impressive resources I would say your on par with the garden, mabey better."

Sep 18, 2008 11:32 AM

Mar 2008
Neko: Well, look we (meaning myself and rikku) are going after him so if you want to help stop messing around here and get to finding it to him, *both me and rikku sheath our weapons and began to walk back to the airship.*

Rikku: Neko are you ok? *she asks, seeing that he is clearly upset.*

Neko: I'm fine.............just want to stop him from hurting anyone else, he has done enough.

Sep 18, 2008 11:58 AM

Sep 2008
Mcat says " waint up I'm comeing I just don't like being leader thats all, to complacated give me some orders and watch me work I AM an A-class SeeD after all. By the way who are you and especilly your freind there she's cute."

Sep 18, 2008 12:32 PM

Mar 2008
Neko: my name is Neko, i am the son of sephiroth, this is both my girlfriend and partner rikku, together with our third partner Paine, we make up the sphere hunting group known as the Gullwings.

Sep 18, 2008 2:55 PM

Sep 2008
Mcat says" Well that explains why you look like him*eyes Rikku* no disrespect, but nice catch; she seems nice,quite,but nice. Spere hunting huh I supose that is how you make a living? Well I'm A SeeD I recive a stipen so I don't need money,That being said sounds like fun,If you let me on your ship I'll help you with that to cover my room and board. And when this is over look me up some time when I'm free I be glad to help you out then for the same arangement. Sound fair?"

Sep 18, 2008 3:07 PM

Mar 2008
Neko: if you're seed, then that must mean you know headmaster Squall, me and him go way back, but any way if you wish to come aboard i'll have to ask the captain. *turns to Rikku.* Captain this man wishes to come aboard.

Rikku: *looks at mcat.* you may go aboard and thank you for the assistance. *me and rikku go on board.*

Sep 18, 2008 3:19 PM

Sep 2008
Mcat follows Neco and Rikku abourd their ship. As he does he says" Oh you know Headmaster Squall he is not much fun and I graduated before him. Bet you have some great storys that even Rinoa dosen't know" when on the ship he spots Paine(I forget how to spell her name) and says" I take it the goth girl would be Paine?"

Sep 18, 2008 3:26 PM

Mar 2008
Neko: *chuckles to myself but then catches a glare from paine.* yeah probably not wise to get on the bad side of this girl, she will make you regret it. *walks over to the bridge.* Brother i want you to pin point my fathers location and follow him. *the room falls silent.*

Brother: we go after Sephiroth? no way i no do it.

Rikku: Do it Brother, that's an order, we need to stop him once and for all. *brother reluctantly sets the course.*

Neko: ok everyone be prepared for a big fight when we find sephiroth, in the mean time Rikku can you come with me and Paine please get a room ready for our guest. *points at mcat.* this is mcat. *me and rikku leave the bridge and Paine leads Mcat to the dorm area.*

Sep 18, 2008 5:09 PM

Sep 2008
Mcat follows Paine as they are walking Mcat says"Sorry I calls them as I sees them although based on you reaction I'll hve to tell Headmaster Squall he has a female twin. *Paine gives him a death stare* "If you don't like what I have to say try giveing me a diffrent topic..." Paine stops him there"If you want me to like you try shutting up" Mcat replies with sielence. when they reach the room room at the end of the hall on the right Paine says"...Your room.." Paine turns to leave and Mcat says"I'm going to prep for battle with a nap so this is where I'll be when something intresting happens. Free show if you stay. Paine says"I'll pass" to which Mcat says"I knew you would" and smiles at her Paine dosn't show a reaction just leaves.

Sep 18, 2008 5:52 PM

Jul 2008
Zero: If you need extra resources, feel free to take a look in my mobile-fortress.
*gos with the person in the dropship and flies to the air-fortress*
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