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Jun 28, 2008 10:22 AM

Apr 2008
Stuff that humans do to annoy you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jun 28, 2008 12:11 PM

Nov 2007

Most people having a pulse annoys the hell out of me, especially when every day they give me reasons why they should appear on the Darwin Awards.
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jun 28, 2008 12:50 PM

Apr 2008
I don't like when you try to talk to someone and they ignore you. The other day at a gas station I asked a guy if what he was buying was good and he just ignore me. I was pissed! I should have danced!
Jun 28, 2008 3:39 PM

Mar 2008
I can't stand it when people backstab others. One minute they're their best friend and when they walk out the room they tak about they're the back end of a flaming hobo, it pisses me off. Especially those who do it just to be social climbers. Also I don't like the fact that people made barney and the clangers...whoever made them...whoever you are...wherever you are, i hate you! T__T
Jun 28, 2008 4:33 PM

Nov 2007
I made them........ no really. I made them.

Or something like them anyway. It was purple and furry at least, and had a tendency to go "clang".

I wonder where I left it *rummages in pockets*
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jun 29, 2008 10:16 AM

Mar 2008
*__* KILL!!!!!

If u made it u should die!
Jun 29, 2008 11:21 AM

Nov 2007
I didn't make Barney or the clangers per se. I made something that was purple and furry, and had a tendency to go clang.

I found it again in one of my pockets last night. You can borrow it if you like :D
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jun 29, 2008 11:48 AM

Apr 2008
I all ready don't know what's going on:)

I hate when you go to an amusement park and the humans think they can skip in line. That pisses me off!o\./o (I was trying for angry eyebrow face)
Jun 29, 2008 12:40 PM

Dec 2007
1) Humans who don't use please and thank you
2) Humans who use the word "sorry" as if it'll get them off anything without really meaning it
3) Humans who say "no offence meant" just after slagging of whatever race/religion/country you belong to
4) Internet nerd Humans who feel like they can talk to anyone how they wouldn't to people out in the street as it'd get their faces smashed in....
5) Smart Humans who, on realising they're smarter than everyone around them, think this entitles them to "play games" and control/backstab/whatever.
6) Humans who walk around with purple furry clanging things in their pockets....(hehe, only kidding)
I have a whole host of others, but those are the biggies.

Damn humans. They're taking over the planet, I hear.
Jun 29, 2008 3:39 PM

Apr 2008
Kellanved said:

Damn humans. They're taking over the planet, I hear.

Got that right!
Jun 29, 2008 11:55 PM

Dec 2007
yonnigo said:
I don't like when you try to talk to someone and they ignore you. The other day at a gas station I asked a guy if what he was buying was good and he just ignore me. I was pissed! I should have danced!

That would have been really funny to watch, just someone randomly dancing at a petrol station.

I pretty much agree with Kellanved, although I'd add people who think that smoking is cool and people who just don't think at all
Jul 1, 2008 8:21 AM

Apr 2008
Smoking is not cool at all! I wish I never started! Don't smoke Humans! Cause I wanna quit but then the other half doesn't.
Jul 1, 2008 10:14 AM

Nov 2007

I tend to take the Bill Hicks method when faced with overly aggressive non smokers. I simply let them know that they're going to die too.

I don't think smoking is cool, but I hate people who throw the health issues in my face and tell me to quit even more than cigs.

Besides, in this day and age, almost anything will kill you eventually, but because of all the preservatives your body doesn't decay as it should.

Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse :D
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 1, 2008 12:44 PM

Mar 2008
I can't smoke or drink or i'll get ephazima at an early age due to something screwy with my nervous obviously i'm dead against smokers, especially those humans who smoke near to children! I saw one guy smoking in a childrens theme park right next to his 5 year old the other day, I should have danced...but then it was a busy theme park XDD
Jul 1, 2008 5:27 PM

Apr 2008
Archaeon said:

Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse :D

YES! I agree!

Tsubamex said:

I saw one guy smoking in a childrens theme park right next to his 5 year old the other day, I should have danced...

YES! (to the dance)No I don't like smoking around kids.
Jul 2, 2008 10:00 AM
Nov 2007
Archaeon said:

I tend to take the Bill Hicks method when faced with overly aggressive non smokers. I simply let them know that they're going to die too.
XD well yeah me too.(Although i don't smoke) But yeah he still died at i don't know if its that smart. D:
Jul 2, 2008 5:07 PM

Nov 2007

I make a point of always smoking outside, and never around children. If I'm with other people then I always ask before I light up as well. It annoys me to see people who don't even consider others around them when they smoke, as it gives all smokers a bad name.

As for Hicks, he died of pancreatic cancer if I remember correctly. He was cosntantly misdiagnosed (very much in the same way Cobain and others were), so by the time it was discovered it was already too late. The irony is that Hicks had complained about a pain in the area of the pancreas for several years, and that his death had nothing to do with smoking.

Besides, alcohol causes more deaths per year than smoking (through one means or another), and is the cause of numerous violent crimes. I don't see anyone complaining about it though (which is another thing that annoys me).
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 3, 2008 7:51 AM

Apr 2008
You got that right. Same goes with the mary jane, no one dies of that and alcohol is the one that's legal. What's up with that?
Jul 3, 2008 1:19 PM
Nov 2007
Yeah your right Archaeon, i just tried to be funny. But i guess a doctor error is still a huge cause of death too. ^^;

Oh and Yonnigo, thats all connected with the Bill Hicks stuff. Here is a clip of it.

Jul 4, 2008 7:25 AM

Apr 2008
I love that! Funny always good! I DID know the reason why we are all here and how at one point. I was f*cked up! That was like 12 years ago:)

I don't like humans with no sense of humor! They are losing a lot in life, so sad for them:(
Jul 4, 2008 8:58 AM
Nov 2007
Ah well i guess they always have a god or something to fill that hole in their life.XD But yeah sometimes its not good to laugh too..D:
Jul 4, 2008 2:29 PM

Apr 2008
Yah your right. Don't laugh at others misfortune. Unless they had it coming.

You know who else was funny Mitch Hedberg (don't know if I spelled his name right)
Jul 4, 2008 3:22 PM
Nov 2007
Wow i guess that being a comedian really is a hard job....
Jul 4, 2008 3:28 PM

Nov 2007
The problem with most people is that there's this great big cosmic practical joke at play (sometimes referred to as god or similar), yet most humans go through life without ever getting the punchline. Those that do are often called "mad".

Such a shame really. Their lives would be so much more fulfilling for them, and far less annoying for me, if they'd only open their eyes and see what's real, what's not, and what's the difference. They'd get the joke then.

And now it's time for a rant :P

Why the hell does god have to be a guy? The universe is all about creation so surely the prime urge/ultimate/whatever you want to call it, would be female (mostly). The whole thing about some big beard in the sky is just a product of weak minded, insecure, arrogant, short sighted morons who were afraid of the fact that women were more in tune with nature and the universe than they were (I'm a guy and I'm saying this). Men evolved to chase lunch and stare into the fire at the end of a long day's hunt. Women evolved with the need to read telltale signs in the world of impending attacks/disasters/men, etc, as well as having superior peripheral vision, hearing, smell, etc, to men - all designed for one thing, to protect her family.

Most men don't have the mental capabilities to lead a piss up in a brewery, let alone a business or a country. Women prove themselves superior leaders in all of the traditionally "male" roles day in, day out.

But ask anyone about God, and they'll automatically think of a guy. WTF? If your talking about benevolence, providence, virtue, etc, they're all female traits. Most guys can't even spell them, let alone tell you what they mean. As for omnipotence, remember your parents. Your mother always knew where you'd been and what you'd done. Your father didn't have a clue most of the time.

Some people will say that the depiction of God as male is based solely on convenience. I say it's based on control and male domination of the very people (i.e. women - yes, they are people to you know), who we should be treating as friends, confidantes, even soul mates. The reason why most relationships fail in this day and age is because men have this social stigma that has been hammered into them from an early age, and the only way to remove it from them is with a very big hammer (or a big stick with a nail through it).

Some people (freaks and nutjobs - never darken my doorstep unless you want your faith ripped to pieces), will refer to Eve and the whole concept of "Original Sin". One more time people - WTF?!?!?!

If anyone starts talking to you about Eve or this whole "Original Sin" malarky, ask them why the bible only contains 4 out of the possible 30+ gospels that should have been included. Ask them why Mary Magdalen is one of the few people in the bible to have a last name. Ask them why Peter was the head of the original church, when several gospels from the Nag Hammadi clearly state that Mary Magdalen was to be the head of the church, and that the faith would not be rigid and structured, but follow a more "buddhist" approach.

Ask them about Adam's first wife - Lilith, who left adam (because he was an idiot), and went her own way.

I guarantee you'll scare the living sh*t out of anyone who comes to your door trying to sell you a faith to protect your immortal soul.

These people should get a life. They obviously didn't get the joke at all.

Oh, and apologies to anyone who finds this offensive. It's meant to be that way because you should never take things, especially faith, at face value. Sometimes the glass isn't there to be half empty or half full.

And sometimes it's not a glass, but a weasel, or a car, or something that's sky blue/pink with yellow dots (my favourite colour). Or just, something else...

ArchaeonJul 4, 2008 3:36 PM
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 4, 2008 4:27 PM
Nov 2007
Although i pretty much agree with you Archaeon, i didn't read the whole post trough thoroughly because its pretty long ^^; But yeah its probably even more complicated then that since i know that in most relationships nowadays the woman controls almost everything.XD

Anyway back to topic i guess?^^;
Jul 4, 2008 6:25 PM

Nov 2007
Aye, this is true. The woman is pretty much in charge of the relationship. I just hate the fact that I'm usually surrounded by burly unwashed neanderthals, all of whom have the idea that what a woman wants is a "real" man.

Unfortunately for them, the definition of a real man these days is someone who doesn't wash regularly, has a waistline wider than his shoulders, thinks he knows everything, attempts to be cynical about everything, and has a permamnent chip on his shoulder. And if they're not like that then they're the other type who more commonly manifest as the stereotypical, psuedo-existential, emo girly-boy with delusions of mediocrity. Why any girl in their right mind would want someone with the muscle tone of an elastic band and the awareness of a turnip is beyond me -_-

And I thought we were on topic :D
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 4, 2008 6:40 PM

Apr 2008
Well I read it all and I like when you rant. Someone has to say it and I'm not a good writer. I'm taking notes even. I work with someone who is crazy religious. Can you put out a version of the bible or recommend one:)
Jul 5, 2008 5:46 AM
Nov 2007
XD well if Yonnigo likes it then we're on topic i guess.(She's the boss here ^^;) But i guessed we should have sticked with "things you hate."XD

But yeah your putting up two stereotypes there and probably everyone is somewhere between that. And although one person is sometimes smarter then the other you have to admit that there are stupid people on both sides of the spectrum. And most people have strong points and week points, i certainly know that i have some strong and weak points both on the "Neanderthaler" and on the "emo girly-boy"-side. But to me it always starts with the point that every person is different but equal and should always be treated with respect and love.

But yeah there are still allot of unintelligent or rude people in the world...Or just plain clumsy people which i count myself with. XD
Jul 5, 2008 7:15 AM

Apr 2008
We are all the bosses here:) I can't stand those pamphlets that the religious hand out. I read one that scared the shit out of me. I ask the fellow human why they have to do that and she said you should be scared. I think of myself as a semi decent person and just don't think religion should be betrayed like that. Does god really want you to live a life of fear? I don't think so. Why do they? I just get a really bad feeling in my gut when I read those.
Jul 5, 2008 9:02 AM
Nov 2007
lol well luckily i don't meet those guys too much, but yeah i don't think that you should be scared of anyone. I guess the story of "God" Enel proves a point there for me.^^
Jul 5, 2008 9:33 AM
May 2008
When I have reason for a valid argument, but people around me are too stupid to hear me out. More often than not I'm usually l0l'ed into oblivion.
Jul 5, 2008 11:18 AM

Apr 2008
Well that's what this is for so go ahead and say what you will:)

People do that to me also. It gets so bad that I have to say excuse me I was talking.
Jul 5, 2008 12:50 PM

Nov 2007
Strange. I never seem to have that problem. But then again I never give a shit what people think of me (I'm to old to care if someone doesn't like me because they don't like/agree with what I have to say). I have enough real friends who've stuck by me through the worst times and the best so whiny little maggots who feel their opinion is the only one that counts are treated in the same way as dogshit - I'll avoid it if I see it, but if not I won't hesitate to scrape it off.

Here's a tip for all you mooks out there with delusions of intelligence (or even sentience). Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one, and they're usually full of shit.

As for the people here in this and the minority of other clubs I'm part of, nothing I say is aimed at any of you (so apologies if I give offense). I just find it amusing when some teenage brat sends me a message threatening to beat me up because I offended them :D
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 6, 2008 4:22 AM

Apr 2008
You wouldn't believe the people I get at work. This one man doesn't want me to wait on him because I have a tattoo on my wrist. I found NO other reason. I was never mean or forgot anything for him not to like me. He did say is that(tattoo) real? and since I am proud of my tattoo (tree spirit from Princess Mononoke) I said yes! It was down hill from there. Plus the girls that do wait on him hate him because his is a shitty tipper. Then he had the nerve to sit in my section and ask for someone else to wait on him. We made him move:)
Jul 6, 2008 5:08 AM

Nov 2007

Why not just bar him from coming in? Your boss should be able to do that.
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 6, 2008 7:38 AM

Dec 2007
Archaeon said:
Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one, and they're usually full of shit.

As for the people here in this and the minority of other clubs I'm part of, nothing I say is aimed at any of you (so apologies if I give offense). I just find it amusing when some teenage brat sends me a message threatening to beat me up because I offended them :D

Another of my pet hates is people who use IMHO..... there's no such thing as a humble opinion, and even if there were, it wouldn't be expressed!

Also, it's too easy to take things written on the internet the wrong way, or even if you write something then someone will misinterpret it....
KellanvedJul 6, 2008 7:42 AM
Jul 6, 2008 7:39 AM

Apr 2008
That's the thing, I could. He's an old man and I guess I don't want to be an a-hole. I (and others) have got some humans kicked out for being jerks. I guess he hasn't pissed me off enough yet.
Jul 6, 2008 7:55 AM

Apr 2008
Also, it's too easy to take things written on the internet the wrong way, or even if you write something then someone will misinterpret it....

Remember that people:P

That was to be Quoted by Kellvanled:)
yonnigoJul 6, 2008 7:59 AM
Jul 6, 2008 9:05 AM
Nov 2007
Yeah people think too....or to little.....Ok or just the wrong way.XD
Jul 6, 2008 9:10 AM

Nov 2007
Kellanved said:
Another of my pet hates is people who use IMHO..... there's no such thing as a humble opinion, and even if there were, it wouldn't be expressed!

Also, it's too easy to take things written on the internet the wrong way, or even if you write something then someone will misinterpret it....

Have you ever noticed how the majority of people who use IMHO are teenagers or kids who have no concept of what it means to be humble? In most cases the word humble makes them think of someone poor (what financial standing has to do with humility I have no idea).

As for things written on the internet, I'm just waiting for the first Worldwide Web War (or WWWW1), to start because some idiot misinterpreted something they read, and rather than clarify it, they flew off the handle instead. I also think the person who will start the war in this way will be in the age range of 12 - 18 years old.

Sorry if I'm biased against teenagers but they all seem to forget that those of us who are older have already been there and done that. We know what's cool, and what rocks. Most of all we don't sit whining when things don't go our way (well, most of us do anyway), we just get on with life. And we listen to what other people have to say - we don't automatically write them off for one reason or another (which is basically a form of prejudice - teenagers hate it when you tell them that though).
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 6, 2008 4:24 PM
Nov 2007
Well i guess its up to us older people then to don't forget how it was to be young and try to keep things from going out of hand. Because the worst things happen when adults stop growing and still act as if they are 16....And taking everything seriously doesn't help there, although ignoring everything isn't that smart too.

And for a World Wide Web war....well you need weapons before you can start a war and i never seen anything fly out of a computer at the users head before...
Jul 6, 2008 4:58 PM

Nov 2007
We actually speculated about that before. Wouldn't it be cool if you ran into some prissy little shit, and were able to smack them upside the head through their monitor? The thought of a big hand coming out of my monitor and smacking me would definitely give me pause for thought :D

I think the person who invents that technology will soon sit on the biggest pile of cash ever seen.
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 7, 2008 6:07 AM

Apr 2008
That would be cool Archaeon. Or you could have a punisher computer. It will know when you are being a jerk then it will slap you.

Here's another crazy old b*tch I get at work. First she only likes being waited one by one waitress so if you are not her then you're in for it. I get to her table and she says "Oh I thought the other girl was waiting on us." I'm like no sorry. She gets all pissy because are salads are to big. I said I can make you a small one. She says we don't know how. Then she b*tched about the dressing. Then does the same for her meal. Then she said well the good cook isn't on. Then guess what? NO TIP! Mother F*cken B*tch! BUT the salad dressing she b*tched about is always made by the same cook (the good cook) the same way. That's who I want kicked out! I refuse to wait on her.

Thank you for eye listening
Jul 7, 2008 9:18 AM
Nov 2007
XD People who always complain are the worst. But yeah i guess tipping is pretty important in the US then? Because here they just pay their waitresses :D
Jul 7, 2008 9:44 AM

Nov 2007
@ Lofoc

Where is here? I only ask because every restaurnt I've worked in (and I've worked in quite a few), the tips are an addendum to the wages. That's the main reason most common or garden restaurants pay kitchen staff more than they do the front-of-house staff.

If the waitress is just getting her basic pay then she's being ripped off in my opinion.
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Jul 7, 2008 11:59 AM
Nov 2007
Oh here is Holland and Belgium. If I'm right then everyone here has eat least a reasonable basic wage. I mean waiters here get just as much as everyone else with a similar occupations and they don't get tips too so yeah...
Jul 7, 2008 2:13 PM

Apr 2008
Well the waitress here get I think it's $2.88 an hour. I'm lucky I get $3 but when I bartend I get $8. The place of work can legal pay there bartenders the same as the wait staff. The only reason I get a paycheck is because of bartending. So putting up with people is sometimes hard:) I do actually like my job and I do serve a lot of cool people:)
Jul 7, 2008 3:42 PM
Nov 2007
Wow ok...Ehm well an adult waitress here always gets at leat $ 14 dollar a hour.(About 9.50 Euro) And that after taxes and social law. Normally everyone gets "Vacation money" too, most people get it once a year and its about as much as a normal months wage.....But yeah i guess everything is more expensive here too, i mean just look at the gas prices ^^;
Jul 8, 2008 8:31 PM
Jan 2008
I hate bigots and closed-minded humans.
Jul 9, 2008 6:15 AM

Apr 2008
This guy that works on my car is all about himself. He thinks he know everything about the town I work in and he is always right. He has all these conspiracy theory's and crap. Plus he's a racist. He even once said that these 2 great lady's (he dated one) that come into my work are murderers! Which is shit because they have the person who did the hit and run. There is something wrong with this guys brain. He is good on cars though so I pretend like I'm ok with him. Is that wrong to pretend like that?
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