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Feb 15, 2011 6:13 PM

Jun 2008
So, I wanted to check this anime out, but then I saw the rating...5.95!!!


Is it really that bad???

I haven't watched it yet, but even "Bad" anime get's a minimum of 7.00 in MAL.

This must be epiclly bad...
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Feb 15, 2011 6:34 PM
Jun 2008
oh come on some of those people are OVERLOOKING it in many ways really they need to give more fair chances to watch all the eps to give full getting on it.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Feb 15, 2011 6:34 PM

Oct 2009
Its really ridiculous. But for me its so bad its good. I'm always baffled by the pure nonsense on screen, yet I can't pull away from the screen. From chicken wing obsessed ghosts, to random volleyball matches. Either you're going to think its utterly retarded, stupid fun, or both! (Like me!)
Feb 15, 2011 6:59 PM

Jun 2008
As TeenChibi said, it is quite ridiculous. There will be many times you will say to yourself, "Wait, that doesn't even make sense." As a fanservice show, there is no real plot (although the latter half of episode 7 suggests they may actually try one), but my problem is that even the fanservice sucks. There are many opportunities that the waste and a few episodes (like 3), if viewed without any other context, might make you wonder if the show is ecchi at all.
Feb 15, 2011 7:22 PM

Dec 2008
didnt you know? any anime with the ecchi tag not named elfen lied is automatically labelled as shit on MAL.

this show isnt that bad, animation is top notch and i have seen shows that are way worse in terms of fanservice (which is perfectly fine by me).

for example: your forum avatar is from rosario vampire, which i would say has way more fanservice than this and was episodic with no real plot until the final few episodes, yet it has a 7.39, whereas this has already somewhat developed a plot (although its not a very good plot).

the score for the show kinda surprises me, idk what people were thinking when they started watching this show, how could they not expect the show to have a weak plot and revolve around fanservice? its a show based on a character from a pachinko slot, did no one bother to read the plot synopsis? did this show really surprise that many people?

the show is by no means good though (probly deserves 6.5-ish), but i have seen plenty that are waaay worse, go watch samurai girl/koi koi 7/masters of martial hearts/umineko/mayoi neko/chu-bra (all rated higher) and compare.[/rant]

i cant believe i just ranted about this show
Jimb0Feb 15, 2011 7:25 PM
Feb 15, 2011 8:18 PM

Jul 2008
The rating is way lower than I expected. I agree with it being so random and crazy you just want to keep watching.
Feb 15, 2011 9:18 PM

Jun 2008
Jimb0 said:
didnt you know? any anime with the ecchi tag not named elfen lied is automatically labelled as shit on MAL.


Dude, I could give a shit load of ECCHI anime that's far better than 5.95:

Sora no Otoshimono Season 2 8.04

Highschool of the Dead 7.96

Sora no Otoshimono Season 1 7.86

To-Love-Ru 7.44

Kiss X Sis 7.42

Rosario + Vampire 7.39

Strike Witches 7.34

Ladies vs. Butlers 7.21

Princess Lover! 7.22

Kanokon 7.09

Seikon no Qwaser 7.01

Kampfer 7.00

Last time I checked a "7" rating is still considered "decent" or "good".

All the anime I listed a considered VERY ECCHI most of them have full nudity and some even sex scenes.

Why is this anime so horribly low???

Also, Elfen Lied is NOT an ecchi anime, just because Nyu is naked doesn't mean that the story is involved with ecchi themes....cause it's NOT.
--ALEX--Feb 15, 2011 9:22 PM
Feb 15, 2011 9:21 PM

Jun 2009
what make this anime really crap is the story.................!
Feb 15, 2011 9:28 PM
Jun 2008
oh come on really it some of ya are so OVERLOOKING in many ways.

really focus more on the series to watch.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Feb 15, 2011 10:12 PM

Oct 2008
Umm...I believe that this series is lame.
They tried too hard to animate a pachinko game.
Feb 15, 2011 10:23 PM

Dec 2008
alexcampos said:

Dude, I could give a shit load of ECCHI anime that's far better than 5.95:

Sora no Otoshimono Season 2 8.04
Highschool of the Dead 7.96
Sora no Otoshimono Season 1 7.86
To-Love-Ru 7.44
Kiss X Sis 7.42
Rosario + Vampire 7.39
Strike Witches 7.34
Ladies vs. Butlers 7.21
Princess Lover! 7.22
Kanokon 7.09
Seikon no Qwaser 7.01
Kampfer 7.00

Last time I checked a "7" rating is still considered "decent" or "good".

All the anime I listed a considered VERY ECCHI most of them have full nudity and some even sex scenes.

Why is this anime so horribly low???

Also, Elfen Lied is NOT an ecchi anime, just because Nyu is naked doesn't mean that the story is involved with ecchi themes....cause it's NOT.
did u read my post?

i completely agree with you, that is why i said MAL hates ecchi. if i didnt enjoy ecchi animes i wouldnt be watching this show, nor would i have watched any of the others that i named in my post (ive also watched all the ones you listed and enjoyed most of them). i was pretty much defending ecchi series like this one, think about it, how fast did u see seikon no qwaser's rating drop after the first episode because alexander sucked on tits or how many people did u see complaining in high school of the dead boards because there was a lot of fanservice?

my point is that most mal users will almost automatically give series a bad score if they have the slightest hint of fanservice, and wont give the series a chance. most ecchis are pretty enjoyable. with a tool like mal people should not be going into series blindly, it gives you a plot synopsis and genre tags so that u know what u r getting into when watching a series. thats why im so confused as to why these a lot of these series get the low scores that they do, if someone doesnt like the fanservice they should know what to watch and what to stay away from.

once again i reiterate this series is bad, but its not 5.95 bad.

i agree i wouldnt consider elfen lied ecchi either, but like i said it is tagged as ecchi here on MAL:

maybe i over-exagerrated that elfen lied is the only one (although it was meant as sarcasm), but there arent many with good scores. idk i just dont think its fair that people judge a show and penalize it for having fanservice.
desolatoFeb 16, 2011 4:15 AM
Feb 15, 2011 10:36 PM

Jun 2008
Jimb0 said:
did u read my post?

Of course I did, but you said that in MAL, ecchi = shit, and I don't think that having a 7.00 or higher rating is all that bad.

However a 5.95 rating is just about as LOW as it gets, in fact I don't ever remember seeing another anime below 6.00

Jimb0 said:
my point is that most mal users will almost automatically give series a bad score if they have the slightest hint of fanservice, and wont give the series a chance. most ecchis are pretty enjoyable.

Yes, you're absolutely right, but that's mostly because a lot of MAL members "PRETEND" they care more about plot than fanservice, even if the plot is uninteresting or boring.

I use anime as an ENTERTAINMENT getaway, not as something that needs to be serious or overly analyzed.
Feb 15, 2011 10:46 PM
Jul 2008
That a world records for lowest rating anime I seen.
Feb 15, 2011 11:03 PM

Jun 2008
alexcampos said:
Jimb0 said:
didnt you know? any anime with the ecchi tag not named elfen lied is automatically labelled as shit on MAL.

Kampfer 7.00

All the anime I listed a considered VERY ECCHI most of them have full nudity and some even sex scenes.

Kämpfer isn't very ecchi. It isn't even labeled as ecchi here on MAL.
Feb 15, 2011 11:11 PM

Apr 2010
Rio kind of lacks logic and plot. It's very random. Anyone who rated it very low I suppose jumped on the bandwagon when the show started that it was total shit. And that it's mostly fanservice with no story. We didn't really have a story going until episode 2. I guess most people who rated it after the first episode kept their rating and it happens to be really low. I haven't actually bothered watching any of Rio since episode 3. You kind of have a wacky story each episode, fanservice, fat guy with cigar, fanservice, financially impossible creations, Rio's boobs, insane poker game with fanservice, then it ends.

Kind of reminds me of Saki but instead just really short skirts. The overly dramatic card games reminds me of overly dramatic mahjong games and flaming mahjong tiles.

Feb 15, 2011 11:54 PM

Jun 2008
Redfoxoffire said:
Kämpfer isn't very ecchi. It isn't even labeled as ecchi here on MAL.

I think most people view it as ecchi since it's a harem and all the girls are presented in a very sexualized way.

Although you're right it's not listed as ecchi.
Feb 16, 2011 2:11 AM

Jan 2011
With this show, you have to accept it for what it is, A card dealer who is fucking hot that plays different sports and lives in a community of people who will make funny jokes or or do funny things. If you don't come in here ready for that and JUST THAT, you shouldn't even waste your time, you won't find any code geass or elfen plot depth here.

The problem is that people have rated this show that shouldn't have rated in the first place, cause its not for them. This is not the show you can force yourself to like, just like panty and stocking, you either stick with it from the beginning, or you drop it. But just because this person rated it a 4 doesn't mean I would. Based on SOLELY what I've said you should expect, I'd give this a 7. Just a casual anime to sit back, laugh, and look at hot chicks....
Feb 16, 2011 4:05 AM

Jan 2010
This is a fun discussion.

I think that what some shows do, e.g. Rosario + Vampire (my score is a 5), is get by on the charms of main characters. Yes, the plot is absurd but it's fun. Moka is charming and fun. The inner, dark Moka is of course, incapable of fun but that conflict provides a kernel of a story worth caring about. Neither aspect of her acts like a vampire very much -- she defeats her foes by punting them. Kurumu doesn't act much like a succubus but again, she's lots of fun. I think the parents of both of them are appalled by how 'unmonstrous' they are. But... their seiyuus do a good job with the material. Enough at least that people want to watch the show and rating-wise, give it a break. It's ranked #57 in popularity here.

Something similar could be said for some of the other shows on the list, particularly the ones near the top (although Otoshimono bewilders me).

But Rio has a couple of problems. Excepting Rio herself, none of the characters are fun, not even a little bit (edit: Owner is fun). And they have two of the lamest characters imaginable -- Clumsy Anya and Robotic Linda. And most of the other characters barely exist. Yes, we know that Rosa Canyon is a Hollywood Actress. But we don't care. It doesn't mean anything as it's a pointless and artificial distinction. All of the characters' distinctive traits are pointless and artificial. None of the characters or relationships ever change (let alone grow).

And unfortunately for Rio, while she gets plenty of screen time, she doesn't actually say much. She's too busy flying through space or down a waterslide. And while being the luckiest person this side of Milfeulle is highly lucrative for the casino, it doesn't create any tension when each episode is exactly the same -- just add water.

Another difference between this show and some of those others. I could imagine Rosario + Vampire being a good show. I can imagine HOTD being a good show. The creators did some things poorly and it hurt their quality. But I can't imagine how to make this show good.
MockmanMar 15, 2011 8:12 PM
Feb 16, 2011 5:19 AM

Oct 2009
The show is bad, but it's fun to watch so it's good enough for me. My reason why I watch this.
Feb 16, 2011 8:26 AM

Nov 2008
Ghostfacenomore said:
That a world records for lowest rating anime I seen.

Here's the worst anime ever by rating and so much more.

Feb 16, 2011 9:43 AM
Mar 2008
alexcampos said:
So, I wanted to check this anime out, but then I saw the rating...5.95!!!


Is it really that bad???

I haven't watched it yet, but even "Bad" anime get's a minimum of 7.00 in MAL.

This must be epiclly bad...

Yes, it is.
Normally I don't have problems watching trash animes, but this one is pushing my patience.
Feb 16, 2011 8:29 PM

Mar 2010
It's a cartoon about a skank who plays cards with random adults and children in a casino ran by a fat perv who lets people take his employees hostage in plain sight. So yeah. It's bad.
Feb 21, 2011 10:58 AM

Jan 2010
Tenchi_Ryu said:
With this show, you have to accept it for what it is, A card dealer who is fucking hot that plays different sports and lives in a community of people who will make funny jokes or or do funny things. If you don't come in here ready for that and JUST THAT, you shouldn't even waste your time, you won't find any code geass or elfen plot depth here.

The problem is that people have rated this show that shouldn't have rated in the first place, cause its not for them. This is not the show you can force yourself to like, just like panty and stocking, you either stick with it from the beginning, or you drop it. But just because this person rated it a 4 doesn't mean I would. Based on SOLELY what I've said you should expect, I'd give this a 7. Just a casual anime to sit back, laugh, and look at hot chicks....

So after episode 7, do you still feel the same way?
Feb 21, 2011 5:57 PM

Dec 2007
Mockman said:
Tenchi_Ryu said:
With this show, you have to accept it for what it is, A card dealer who is fucking hot that plays different sports and lives in a community of people who will make funny jokes or or do funny things. If you don't come in here ready for that and JUST THAT, you shouldn't even waste your time, you won't find any code geass or elfen plot depth here.

The problem is that people have rated this show that shouldn't have rated in the first place, cause its not for them. This is not the show you can force yourself to like, just like panty and stocking, you either stick with it from the beginning, or you drop it. But just because this person rated it a 4 doesn't mean I would. Based on SOLELY what I've said you should expect, I'd give this a 7. Just a casual anime to sit back, laugh, and look at hot chicks....

So after episode 7, do you still feel the same way?

You know, that statement would hold a heck of a lot more power if, well, you waited for at least the next episode to air. A quick check of the date makes it clear that Tenchi_Ryu's post came after episode 7, not before :P

More to the general argument. Hatred and ignorance usually go hand in hand. In the case of this show, most of the people who knew Rio from more than just DOA Paradise or the nice promotional artwork had a fairly good idea of what to expect, and largely have either avoided the show or accepted it for what it is. Now, I wouldn't call it good by any stretch of the imagination. But I also wouldn't call it bad. The appeal was limited from the beginning, the creators knew this, and have largely catered to the small segment it does appeal to.

Since I tend not to be that harsh or critical, I'll simply say that (at least so far!) I don't even rate this among the bottom 15% of TV series I've watched.
Feb 22, 2011 3:08 PM
May 2010
alexcampos said:
Jimb0 said:
didnt you know? any anime with the ecchi tag not named elfen lied is automatically labelled as shit on MAL.


Dude, I could give a shit load of ECCHI anime that's far better than 5.95:

Sora no Otoshimono Season 2 8.04

Highschool of the Dead 7.96

Sora no Otoshimono Season 1 7.86

To-Love-Ru 7.44

Kiss X Sis 7.42

Rosario + Vampire 7.39

Strike Witches 7.34

Ladies vs. Butlers 7.21

Princess Lover! 7.22

Kanokon 7.09

Seikon no Qwaser 7.01

Kampfer 7.00

Last time I checked a "7" rating is still considered "decent" or "good".

All the anime I listed a considered VERY ECCHI most of them have full nudity and some even sex scenes.

Why is this anime so horribly low???

Also, Elfen Lied is NOT an ecchi anime, just because Nyu is naked doesn't mean that the story is involved with ecchi themes....cause it's NOT.

How could you leave out Sekirei? :)

As for Rio I think 6.5 (around that range is more appropriate). This show is pretty bad but I'm sure there are worse anime out there.

TPTB definitely screwed up by not including actual fanservice.

People who haven't watched this assume that's what it is.

Now the plot is trying to be all serious (sort of) and nobody really cares...

Maybe there'll be some redemption for this show if there's some uncensored content for the DVD/BD (or maybe that's what that extra episode will have).

I NEVER drop anything I watch (for better or worse) until I finish all the episodes, so I'm still watching but yeah it's kind of a chore at this point.

Still as disappointing as this show is I'll lol if it still sells very well in Japan.
Feb 22, 2011 3:36 PM

Jan 2011
I SUGGEST EVERYONE who rated this low to look at episode 8....GOD DAMN the series is trying to bring itself back up
Feb 22, 2011 8:16 PM
Aug 2010
I don't care what all the haters say, this show is awesome, 8/10. I honestly can't figure out what people don't like about this show. I mean, a 5.9, really? I've watched way worse shows than this (Yumeria comes to mind). People shouldn't be allowed to rate the show without watching the whole series. I have a feeling everyone just watched the first episode.
Feb 22, 2011 10:07 PM

Mar 2008
Personally I am looking at this series(after seeing episode 8) being an 8 or 9. I really enjoy it.

There isn't even that much fanservice in it... there's like 1 panty shot, the girls are just wearing outfits which reveal their breasts. This is a gambling anime and if you go to Vegas you're going to see cleavage from dealers and hostesses. There's 1 scene where a pair of girl's breasts touch because they're hugging in a bath, but still nothing is shown and it's not bad at all.

All in all I like the fact that the storyline is slightly different, it's a rare occasion to see an anime based around gambling, not to mention the whole "battles" thing appeals to the inner shounen in me.

For the majority the voice acting is top notch too, Azusa from K-ON! and Yoko and Nia from TTGL are all major characters as well as Yuki Nagato from Haruhi as a minor character.

My opinion? Give it a chance, what's the worst you do, drop the series and never look back?
Feb 24, 2011 10:24 PM

Jun 2010
I'm sorry but are some people just brain dead?
Or no, that's because they watched this anime, it's kills brain cells.

The people who made this show just thought that if they could just slap some big tits on any anime girl, people would watch this, but this score just proved that (thank god) most people aren't that damn stupid.

Not trying to troll on the people who (unfortunately) are watching this show, but damn, I feel sorry for the animators and voice actors of this anime.

MoonFox said:
It's a cartoon about a skank who plays cards with random adults and children in a casino ran by a fat perv who lets people take his employees hostage in plain sight. So yeah. It's bad.

Not to mention that Rio basically gives away money to customers.
This stupid character device brings ridiculous to a whole new level.
artist-retiredFeb 24, 2011 11:30 PM
"The R1 Anime business is a cruel and shallow financial trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
Feb 25, 2011 10:31 PM
Aug 2010
artist_for_hire said:
I'm sorry but are some people just brain dead?
Or no, that's because they watched this anime, it's kills brain cells.

The people who made this show just thought that if they could just slap some big tits on any anime girl, people would watch this, but this score just proved that (thank god) most people aren't that damn stupid.

Not trying to troll on the people who (unfortunately) are watching this show, but damn, I feel sorry for the animators and voice actors of this anime.

MoonFox said:
It's a cartoon about a skank who plays cards with random adults and children in a casino ran by a fat perv who lets people take his employees hostage in plain sight. So yeah. It's bad.

Not to mention that Rio basically gives away money to customers.
This stupid character device brings ridiculous to a whole new level.

It's painfully obviously that you haven't watched much of the show. Rio is absolutely raking in the money for the casino. You don't know anything about the show, so stop bashing it.
Feb 28, 2011 7:44 PM
Jul 2008
Are you trying to tell me MAL is full of retards?

So yeah, rio's not a masterpiece, but definitely not a 5.95. People just like to try and look smart. Besides anime is like that, if you have a large enough amount of peoiple saying a show it's bad, then you're going to have a LOT more people just following that opinion (and the opposite happens too).

I just can't believe how can To love ru have such a high score, when it's clearly the worst ecchi ever done. After seeing that I just kinda gave up on MAL.
Mar 1, 2011 3:55 PM

Oct 2010
IMO people are not looking at this series for it's one shiny thing,casinos with fan service! Pretty much, in general content maybe it might be bad cliche whatever. I will stand by a 7 or 8 / 10 in my book. Because no matter how bad you look at it, you cannot deny the fact that it has gambling and casinos with fan service. Something normally Las Vegas has done till today with the shows they offer.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 1, 2011 5:41 PM

Jun 2009
Well, looking at it. Most people only watched one episode and just said "Fuck it. I'm done with this shit" and rated it lower.

I'm one of those people as well but I didn't give this a score yet because one episode isn't enough sample size to give it a 5 or 6 rating because that's what I felt when I watched episode 1.
Mar 2, 2011 1:24 AM

Jul 2010

if you really love anime, only the way is to break away from such a shitty anime
Mar 2, 2011 2:41 AM

Sep 2010
I am a hater. If you are incapable of accepting an opinion that doesn't match yours, then walk away, because I have absolutely nothing nice to say about this show.

"Fans" of this show (yes, apparently they exist) must be pelting stones at me and artist_for_hire for our reviews of this anime. Go ahead, knock yourself out. I have an opinion, you have yours. I've watched the first 6 episodes. And I'm brain dead.

Rio:Rainbow Gate is what is lovingly referred to as a 'terrible anime'. RRG has totally nothing to look forward to.

Story - A girl has a card. There are 12 other such cards. She will catch em all. Even if it means random volleyball matches, giant pinball, flying, maze of numbers, you name it, Rio's done it. ANd of course, Rio can't get hurt. Why? She's got the latest edition of Magi-bra. There is no explanation. Oh and I forgot to mention, she bring luck to whoever she goes close to. So, whenever she's the dealer, the player she chooses alwas wins. Always. And now, this going against poker policy of "The house always wins". Some git above said she raked in the cash. I don't see how that's gonna happen. When Rio plays, the house loses. So, the people just wont fuckin play if Rio isn't the fuckin dealer. But I forgot that this anime had no sense of logic. So, you'll call this a kids anime then? Unless you're trying to teach kids that every woman in the world has gigantic breasts and how to measure them up with a glance, then this is just a horrible, horrible anime in and out.

Animation: This was actually good. Breasts jiggled everytime Rio walked. What more do you want? So, yes, the animation is good, but not spectacular. An average-budget production for 2010. But still, who actually watches a show for just the animation?'

Soundtrack: Decent OP, decent ED. You can find this in just about any other anime. Standard BGM.

Enjoyement: Nil. Nada. Zilch. Breasts and panty shots flying everywhere, but nothing actually shown. Craziness is one thing (Shows like Haruhi, Seitokai Yakuindomo and TTGL capitalized on that). Shittiness is another. I don't think I even need to tell you which one RRG is.

But overall, RRG is not unwatchable. It is, however, really hard to watch if you don't like 1. Meaningless story 2. Bad anime.

As for whether or not to watch it because of its rating, don't. This isn't Mars of Destruction where your torture was limited to 20 minutes. This show lasts for 12 whole, goddamn annoying episodes. I feel proud to have endured 6 episodes of this trash. I can't take any more now.
trzr23Mar 2, 2011 4:41 AM
Mar 2, 2011 7:50 AM

Jun 2010
alexcampos said:
So, I wanted to check this anime out, but then I saw the rating...5.95!!!


Is it really that bad???

I haven't watched it yet, but even "Bad" anime get's a minimum of 7.00 in MAL.

This must be epiclly bad...

Nah, I love the anime, its somehow "unique" to other shows. Gave it a 9
Mar 2, 2011 11:14 PM

Jan 2011
This basically comes down to how the anime world and Hollywood can be similar, at least for western viewers.....This is NOT how I view it, but it summed up like this for the "general" audience

Drama and Angst = Good Anime

Humor and Lightheartedness = Bad Anime

Now of course you have exceptions to this rule, but this same rule can be proven true by looking at the top anime list on this very site. Just like how in hollywood, Comedy will never be on par as best movie of the year compared to a dramatic movie, same can be said with anime. Madoka is more popular to some because why? Deep storyline that keeps the viewer intrigued with the drama and angsty situations of the show. Compare with how a poster above just said Rio was "pointless". Why is it pointless, did it not do what it was suppose to? A midnight anime full of fanservice? It served its point quite well.

Different opinions and different taste are ok and encouraged to have, but can bring very biased scores for shows that can be very good for other people. Some people will see that score and automatically see it bad, when this might be one of their favorite shows if they watched it.

Someone above me said "any anime with the ecchi tag not named elfen lied is automatically labelled as shit on MAL." I can understand what he's trying to say and wraps up my point completely. Like I said, you do have exceptions, but the common rule for Anime that is lacking Drama and/or Angst will not be as popular as a plot-less anime trying to make you laugh or show cute or sexy girls. Its no problem if you don't like it, but its not fair to judge others as having no taste for watching a "bad anime" when its not the anime thats bad, it just doesn't have the interest that you desire.
Mar 3, 2011 9:03 AM

Sep 2010
Tenchi_Ryu said:
This basically comes down to how the anime world and Hollywood can be similar, at least for western viewers.....This is NOT how I view it, but it summed up like this for the "general" audience

Drama and Angst = Good Anime

Humor and Lightheartedness = Bad Anime

Now of course you have exceptions to this rule, but this same rule can be proven true by looking at the top anime list on this very site. Just like how in hollywood, Comedy will never be on par as best movie of the year compared to a dramatic movie, same can be said with anime. Madoka is more popular to some because why? Deep storyline that keeps the viewer intrigued with the drama and angsty situations of the show. Compare with how a poster above just said Rio was "pointless". Why is it pointless, did it not do what it was suppose to? A midnight anime full of fanservice? It served its point quite well.

Different opinions and different taste are ok and encouraged to have, but can bring very biased scores for shows that can be very good for other people. Some people will see that score and automatically see it bad, when this might be one of their favorite shows if they watched it.

Someone above me said "any anime with the ecchi tag not named elfen lied is automatically labelled as shit on MAL." I can understand what he's trying to say and wraps up my point completely. Like I said, you do have exceptions, but the common rule for Anime that is lacking Drama and/or Angst will not be as popular as a plot-less anime trying to make you laugh or show cute or sexy girls. Its no problem if you don't like it, but its not fair to judge others as having no taste for watching a "bad anime" when its not the anime thats bad, it just doesn't have the interest that you desire.

Gintama - Comedy and Light heartedness. Rated no.3.
Mar 3, 2011 10:04 AM
Aug 2009
As many said, this shows is so random that you just want to continue watching it xD.

But yeah, it's bad, sorry.
Mar 9, 2011 12:07 AM

Jun 2008
Man...I almost feel bad for making this thread.

It's now at 5.86.....OUCH!!!

I still haven't watched it, although I have gotten good responses from many members in this thanks for letting me know what this anime is about.

I think I MIGHT watch it, but probably not till it's completely finished, I'm actually interested in the FINAL score.

Either way, I still find it ASTONISHING to have an anime this low in MAL.
Mar 9, 2011 12:35 AM

Jun 2008
alexcampos said:
Man...I almost feel bad for making this thread.

It's now at 5.86.....OUCH!!!

I still haven't watched it, although I have gotten good responses from many members in this thanks for letting me know what this anime is about.

I think I MIGHT watch it, but probably not till it's completely finished, I'm actually interested in the FINAL score.

Either way, I still find it ASTONISHING to have an anime this low in MAL.

When you get a fanservice anime where not even the fanservice is good, you know it's a failure.
Mar 9, 2011 3:09 PM

Jul 2008
I do not think the show is as bad as the rating may suggest. I prefer it over several other shows this season, like Onii-chan no Koto... or Infinite Stratos.

The animation is pretty solid, there IS a plot, despite how weird and nonexistent it might be sometimes, and I don't think Rio is that bad of a main character. Also, I find it entertaining.
Mar 9, 2011 3:28 PM

Dec 2010
Firstly => How are top anime/manga scores calculated?
Only scores where a user has completed at least 1/5 of the anime/manga are calculated.

So watching 1 episode and rating it low will cause nothing but... nothing.

Secondly => This show is nauseating. No plot, no good animation, only boobs and boobs. It follows the formula "OMG Put there a anime babe with big boobs, bauncin`. They will love it despite the fact the rest is rubish".

I rated it 1 after watching 3 episodes. I can`t stomach more of this and thinking about wasting my precious time for some replusive anime is depressing.


Not to offend you but your LOWEST score is 3. You have one 4 and everything else is 5 or even moar. You are very charitable.
Mar 10, 2011 5:09 AM

Jun 2010
tearofmankind said:
Firstly => How are top anime/manga scores calculated?
Only scores where a user has completed at least 1/5 of the anime/manga are calculated.

So watching 1 episode and rating it low will cause nothing but... nothing.

Secondly => This show is nauseating. No plot, no good animation, only boobs and boobs. It follows the formula "OMG Put there a anime babe with big boobs, bauncin`. They will love it despite the fact the rest is rubish".

I rated it 1 after watching 3 episodes. I can`t stomach more of this and thinking about wasting my precious time for some replusive anime is depressing.


Not to offend you but your LOWEST score is 3. You have one 4 and everything else is 5 or even moar. You are very charitable.[/quot
tearofmankind said:
Firstly => How are top anime/manga scores calculated?
Only scores where a user has completed at least 1/5 of the anime/manga are calculated.

So watching 1 episode and rating it low will cause nothing but... nothing.

Secondly => This show is nauseating. No plot, no good animation, only boobs and boobs. It follows the formula "OMG Put there a anime babe with big boobs, bauncin`. They will love it despite the fact the rest is rubish".

I rated it 1 after watching 3 episodes. I can`t stomach more of this and thinking about wasting my precious time for some replusive anime is depressing.


Not to offend you but your LOWEST score is 3. You have one 4 and everything else is 5 or even moar. You are very charitable.

I understand if you don't like it, but you don't have to say it sucks cuz there are ppl who enjoy this show. Your brainwashing can be contagious.
Mar 13, 2011 8:12 AM

Dec 2010
When someone is posting something it is nothing but a subjective opinion. If someone do otherwise, there it will be stated.

Nonetheless there are alot of people who share my opinion.
Mar 15, 2011 8:06 PM

Jan 2010
ErwinJA said:
Mockman said:
Tenchi_Ryu said:
With this show, you have to accept it for what it is, A card dealer who is fucking hot that plays different sports and lives in a community of people who will make funny jokes or or do funny things.


Based on SOLELY what I've said you should expect, I'd give this a 7. Just a casual anime to sit back, laugh, and look at hot chicks....

So after episode 7, do you still feel the same way?

You know, that statement would hold a heck of a lot more power if, well, you waited for at least the next episode to air. A quick check of the date makes it clear that Tenchi_Ryu's post came after episode 7, not before :P

More to the general argument. Hatred and ignorance usually go hand in hand. In the case of this show, most of the people who knew Rio from more than just DOA Paradise or the nice promotional artwork had a fairly good idea of what to expect, and largely have either avoided the show or accepted it for what it is. Now, I wouldn't call it good by any stretch of the imagination. But I also wouldn't call it bad. The appeal was limited from the beginning, the creators knew this, and have largely catered to the small segment it does appeal to.

Since I tend not to be that harsh or critical, I'll simply say that (at least so far!) I don't even rate this among the bottom 15% of TV series I've watched.

I think you missed my point. Up until episode 6, you could get away with calling it a casual, plot-free show. But episode seven, excepting the flying squirrel sequence, was all plot and melodrama. So my point was specific to episode seven and therefore, waiting for another episode to air made little sense.

As an aside... no, I didn't compare timestamps. I commented after I watched the episode. But focusing on the timestamp just evades the issue which is that the show is no longer wilfully aimless.

To your general argument, I'm not really sure how hatred and ignorance are pertinent here.

Finally, I think the score is reasonably apt. Based on the post count by episode the first episode did effectively clear the room. Perhaps that helped push the average down. I think the greater problem is that too many lousy series get inappropriately high scores, rendering the single score as inadequate.

It's not that this one should be scored as 'good', but rather that more shows belong where this one is. And in my first post, I speculated about why so many scored this show similarly. And the ringing endorsement in your last sentence makes me think that your opinion isn't far off, so I'm not really sure as to what point you're ultimately trying to make. The closest I can come up with is that this show is being unfairly scored according to its merit whereas other shows of similar quality are not. Which I would accept.
Mar 18, 2011 8:11 PM

Jun 2008
So here's another example of why I think this rating is horribly low...

^^This anime above, is Boku no Pico.... a GAY shota HENTAI....

Mar 18, 2011 8:18 PM

May 2010
Mar 18, 2011 8:26 PM
Nov 2010
Well maybe it's rated low because it's shit ?

Don't dis Boku no Pico please. Rio whatever is out of its league.
Mar 18, 2011 8:36 PM

May 2009
alexcampos said:
Everyone likes Boku no Pico.

Rio is bad imo. It's quite rare for me to give a score of five or lower but I don't think Rio deserves any higher. It's definitely the worst of the anime I'm watching this season. The story and setting is ridiculous, characters are boring, and I simply don't get any enjoyment from watching it. Even the ecchi aspect of the anime is dull.
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