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A Certain Magical Index (light novel)
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Jan 21, 2011 7:41 AM

May 2009

Firstly, has anyone seen heard the 2nd OP yet? No? You're kidding me, right? The 2nd OP is right in front of your eyes! 3 words - Tears of Joy, ooh, Kawada Mami-sama! xD

Anyway, well, well, what do you know, they end up helping each other. So, does this means that there's no loli-puching this time? but there's so many lolis that are present! Come on, Touma! Don't let us down xD

Hhhhnnnnngggggghhhh, Itsuwa and Angelene! Can't get enough of them x3

and lol, Biagio the bishop, he looks like the crazed male version of Lidvia Lorenzetti xP


Oh yeah, and the new 2nd OP were revealed weeks ago and it will air at Ep. 17, if you guys haven't heard it yet, go back to Ep. 14 thread and you'll see tsubasalover's edited comment, the yt vid one :3

AezileJan 21, 2011 9:46 AM

-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Jan 21, 2011 9:20 AM

Sep 2010
Oshibori strategy~
Kawaiiii :3
Jan 21, 2011 10:26 AM

Nov 2008
Nice fleet (really those kamikaze ships are awesome as well as the boat/sub)

Lots of fanservice, Anieze's clothes must be made of magic because Touma negated them off exposing her delicious body. The battle is going to be good as well.

Great episode and I'm searching for the OP as we speak.

Jan 21, 2011 2:24 PM

Apr 2008
looks like i'm wrong this time.... No Loli Punch in this arc.

Finally we shed some light on Agnese's/(Anieze?) past (along with Lucia's and Angeline's) and I must say it must seem sad indeed...

Orsola is being a lil fiesty this time! (I like I like!) and some Itsuwa was a nice extra! =3

I can't wait for next weeks ep.

PS: WHERE'S THE NEW OP! D: It's already out in youtube. (well the radio version anyways..... )
Jan 21, 2011 5:10 PM

Mar 2010
I heard that the delay of the new OP theme was due to the budget and time constraint problem that J.C. Staff is experiencing right now. They'll insert the 2nd OP and ED theme in the Episode 13 in the DVD/BD version though.

And yeah, the visual quality of this show still remains cheap and not so pleasant to look at. (especially compared to the other JC Staff shows like Yumekui Merry)

Jan 21, 2011 6:03 PM
Jan 2011
stevewiess01 said:
I heard that the delay of the new OP theme was due to the budget and time constraint problem that J.C. Staff is experiencing right now. They'll insert the 2nd OP and ED theme in the Episode 13 in the DVD/BD version though.

And yeah, the visual quality of this show still remains cheap and not so pleasant to look at. (especially compared to the other JC Staff shows like Yumekui Merry)

Wat! this is their best animation. Of course sometimes the robots and ships are noticeable CG sometimes but it'll cost more for that. Comparing this to Merry in animation is wrong. Merry feels like im back in 2006. As for the OP its the same as the 1st season
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Jan 21, 2011 9:42 PM

May 2010
Even though there's 24 mins it feels like they never get anywhere. But I like that about this show. I want the new OP next week.
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Jan 21, 2011 9:46 PM

Feb 2010
neji64plms said:
Even though there's 24 mins it feels like they never get anywhere. But I like that about this show. I want the new OP next week.
Won't be here next week, will debut on episode 17.
Jan 21, 2011 9:57 PM

Apr 2008
So is it just me or are they making no effort whatsoever to explain why Touma and crew were attacked in the first place?

Points for having the villain voiced by Norio Wakamoto.
Jan 21, 2011 10:09 PM

Sep 2008
Bio said:
So is it just me or are they making no effort whatsoever to explain why Touma and crew were attacked in the first place?
This is Index, shit doesn't have to make sense and you're not supposed to care as there are too many plotholes anyways.

Just be happy that Mugen might get more screen time.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 21, 2011 10:30 PM

Jul 2009
omg index voice, oh how i missed it.
Jan 21, 2011 10:50 PM

Jul 2009
ATTENTION! That is all.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Jan 21, 2011 10:52 PM

Oct 2010
Sister Angelene just copied Saten's Skirt flip. O_0
Jan 21, 2011 10:54 PM

Oct 2009
Wtf Index sounded cute with her betsu ni this episode.

Also that towel girl is cute imo <3. And so are those sisters from before.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 21, 2011 11:06 PM

Sep 2008
That was really... Disjointed. Quite rushed, and they removed key plot points like why the heck Touma and friends were attacked in the first place, and why the ships aren't being dispelled by Touma's hand. They rewrote Index's biting scene so that it was far less reasonable than ever before, to the point that I cringed a little bit. I'd have to reread the scene where they're planning for battle, but I'm quite sure they added liberal doses of cheese. Half the scenes didn't really seem to connect to eachother properly.

Still, I liked Itsuwa. Kept laughing at her with the towel. I think I'll like her.
Jan 21, 2011 11:34 PM

Nov 2009
lolol Hand o' Strippin'
Jan 21, 2011 11:51 PM
Nov 2009
This show just turned really many nuns @_@
Jan 22, 2011 12:11 AM

Apr 2009
That Bishop suddenly became scary as soon as he spoke.. WAKAMOTO!!
Jan 22, 2011 12:44 AM
May 2010
Gangler said:
That was really... Disjointed. Quite rushed, and they removed key plot points like why the heck Touma and friends were attacked in the first place, and why the ships aren't being dispelled by Touma's hand. They rewrote Index's biting scene so that it was far less reasonable than ever before, to the point that I cringed a little bit. I'd have to reread the scene where they're planning for battle, but I'm quite sure they added liberal doses of cheese. Half the scenes didn't really seem to connect to eachother properly.

Still, I liked Itsuwa. Kept laughing at her with the towel. I think I'll like her.

Well, you've finally convinced me to read the light novel, because the things you complained about being changed were exactly the same things I hated about this episode.
Jan 22, 2011 12:52 AM

Sep 2009
For some reason this episode didn't excite me that much.
Jan 22, 2011 12:57 AM

Sep 2007
Plotholes, useless fanservice, flat comedy. The script writers seriously need to rework what they want to use from the source material.
Jan 22, 2011 1:45 AM

Mar 2010
As far as development goes, compared to the first season, I really don't feel like we've gone anywhere. I look forward to each and every new episode each week, but it simply won't go anywhere. I'm not sure whether i'll end up liking this season as much as the first, but I hope we can expect to see more of the ''science'' side of the story. Considering the ''magic'' arcs to be filled with random, tensity killer moments. Well, like they've done 70% of this season, all I can do is pray (-.-) Looking forward to the next!
Jan 22, 2011 2:30 AM
Mar 2010
Can't we just skip to volume 12 already?

I really dislike the magic side adaptions, and we only had two episodes of science side (Volume 8). A science volume gets shortened to two episodes, and they were my favorite episodes in this season.
Jan 22, 2011 2:45 AM

Feb 2010
what a crappy ep... hope this arc doesn't last any longer.
Jan 22, 2011 2:51 AM
Nov 2008
Index didn't do anything.
Agnese got stripped, again.
Touma wants to save the girl, again.
Sexual implications throughout the entire episode.
Unexplained actions and occurrences.

I remember this arc sucking in the novels, but I didn't know J.C. Staff could make this suck even more.
Jan 22, 2011 3:13 AM

May 2010

Edit: Deleted your signature from the comment, and took the courtesy to add it where it really belongs.
desolatoJan 22, 2011 9:47 AM
Jan 22, 2011 3:14 AM

May 2010
This episode is R-rated, I mean RRRrrruuu-rated!
All hail Bishop Wakamoto!
Jan 22, 2011 4:58 AM
Nov 2009
Didn't read the light novel but from what I remember i read somewhere and from what they describe this "Queen of the Adriatic" spell was a spell meant for Venice. So why in gods name are they activating it if its made to destroy Venice, which is with the Roman Catholics by the novel timewise.

I guess there is a explanation to why they attack in the novels but this episode lacks that and fails... which leads too...

In essence this episode from a person who hasn't read the novels will see:
MUHAHAHAHAHA Kamijou we have attacked you for no reason at all and threatened to activate this spell that will destroy one of our own cities, please try to stop us from inflicting catastrophic damage on one of our own cities.....
Wtf wow whoever wrote this episode failed at basic storytelling.
Jan 22, 2011 5:21 AM

Feb 2009
So Touma puts rescuing the lady before saving Venice. Talk about a sense of priorities. xD
Jan 22, 2011 6:12 AM

Oct 2010
lol was the bishop voiced by the hayate no gotoku narrator i dont remember his name
Jan 22, 2011 6:41 AM

Oct 2010
There were 2 good things about this episode: 1. Fan service wise, Agnese's one in the spoiler
was fine and it did not bother me, Lucia's one was meh and I think the best one was Touma falling on Itsuwa while having Index munching his head, did have its comedic value.

2. Ship fights on the sea and Pirates of the Caribbean kind of feel. Other than that back-stories were cool. Of which Agnese's was the freaky, I mean her entering home only to see bodies and blood? Sound like a major trauma to me and also someone slaughtered them all. Despite that loved seeing young Agnese, young Lucia and young Angelene. Like everyone else said the Bishop just looks as freaky as Lidvia was. Liked the episode, anything with ships and a pirate feel is all good with me.
Yumekichi11Jan 22, 2011 6:46 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 22, 2011 6:50 AM

Nov 2008
I bet Touma only wants to save Agnese and doesn't even care about himself or even Venice. Not a surprise, after all if we are talking about Touma's attitude - "Save the gurls to get bitten by Index after." Oh Touma~ xDD

So why did they sink ship #37? Do they have detecting powers or something?

Is it just me or the Amakusa members got multiplied all of a sudden? There were about less than 10 members at first and then it became more than 10.. o_O Don't tell me they are just hiding xDD

PS: I like how more sisters have attached pins on their clothes besides Index xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 22, 2011 6:55 AM

Feb 2008
funny ep...

Agnese - oh yeah!! 5/5
Agnese, fanservice moment - OH YEEEAAHHH!!! 6/5
Orsola - yey! 5/5
Itsuwa - another oh yeah!! 5/5
Sister Angelene doing a "Saten-san" - U-i-ha-ru!! oh wait, Sis-ter Lu-ci-a!! 5/5
Index - ok. 4/5
Biagio - dunno, but he looks "political" to me. 4/5

overall, it was a funny ep, just what i expected from the presence of a loli harem (Agnese, Itsuwa, Orsola)

personally, i don't see this arc as boring... oh well, it's gonna be a short arc... next ep may be last for this one... ep 17 is start of new arc, with new OP..

and, btw, Biagio's rosaries are awesome! he uses it for communication.. cool!! :D
Jan 22, 2011 6:59 AM

Jan 2008
Fanservice, ahoy!
Noria Wakamoto ahoy!!
Angelene's summoning coins are Euros, lol :D
Dem clubcards are big..
Jan 22, 2011 7:13 AM

Sep 2008
DenjaX said:
I bet Touma only wants to save Agnese and doesn't even care about himself or even Venice. Not a surprise, after all if we are talking about Touma's attitude - "Save the gurls to get bitten by Index after." Oh Touma~ xDD

So why did they sink ship #37? Do they have detecting powers or something?

Is it just me or the Amakusa members got multiplied all of a sudden? There were about less than 10 members at first and then it became more than 10.. o_O Don't tell me they are just hiding xDD

PS: I like how more sisters have attached pins on their clothes besides Index xDD
iirc there are roughly fifty or so members of the amakusa. At the very least it's somewhere in the double digits, less than 100. The other members were present in the volume seven arc, and their actions were talked about a lot. That being said they did spend most of their time offscreen.

Funny... Looking back at volume seven Touma totally should have been killed by tatemiya. He underestimated the unarmed unpowered man, but seriously. The guy's got magically enhanced strength and speed, every movement he makes in battle is part of the casting of some spell, and his sword is a sword. At the very least I guess next time, now that he knows what Touma's fist does, it won't go so smoothly.

agent535 said:

and, btw, Biagio's rosaries are awesome! he uses it for communication.. cool!! :D

Crosses. You need the beads for it to be a rosary. I know that because I watched Mariaholic :D
Jan 22, 2011 7:49 AM
Nov 2009
Oh yea Luccia (Lucia? Idk spelling) seems less batshit insane this time. Letting even non believers touch her. Pretty big and unexplained change of character all of a sudden.

And even after what those Roman Catholoics did/plan to do with her and the little one (
The name escapes me at the moment haha) seems that she is still believes in her faith given how she scolds the little one. One would think they would have turned their backs on that by now.

DenjaX said:
I bet Touma only wants to save Agnese and doesn't even care about himself or even Venice. Not a surprise, after all if we are talking about Touma's attitude - "Save the gurls to get bitten by Index after." Oh Touma~ xDD

So why did they sink ship #37? Do they have detecting powers or something?

Is it just me or the Amakusa members got multiplied all of a sudden? There were about less than 10 members at first and then it became more than 10.. o_O Don't tell me they are just hiding xDD

PS: I like how more sisters have attached pins on their clothes besides Index xDD

Oh yeah I suppose they know the intruders are AT least on that ship because that's the one that came from Venice. So I suppose the Bishop was willing to lose everyone on that ship to kill the intruders.

Extra Amakusa people idk... Maybe cannon fodder for the end fight? haha
XyCoJan 22, 2011 8:11 AM
Jan 22, 2011 8:44 AM

May 2009
Itsuwa is great. The lack of progress is part of her charm LOL.

Otherwise, yeah, not great material, but still a fun episode.
Jan 22, 2011 9:10 AM

Oct 2009
''You don't want to strip those to, do you?'' xD

stevewiess01 said:
I heard that the delay of the new OP theme was due to the budget and time constraint problem that J.C. Staff is experiencing right now. They'll insert the 2nd OP and ED theme in the Episode 13 in the DVD/BD version though.

And yeah, the visual quality of this show still remains cheap and not so pleasant to look at. (especially compared to the other JC Staff shows like Yumekui Merry)

So that was the reason...
Jan 22, 2011 9:15 AM
Nov 2009
didn't the first seasons second op get delayed too? or maybe I'm thinking of another show.
Jan 22, 2011 10:00 AM

Feb 2009
Lol eating in the middle of the open sea.
Itsuwa seems like an enjoyable character but the towel thing is getting old. Does she really need to bring out that many towels?
Her and Wakamoto saved this episode. It was a bit boring.
Hope next one is the last episode for the arc.
Jan 22, 2011 10:15 AM

Oct 2009
Kawai Angelene so kawai=)
Jan 22, 2011 10:27 AM

Nov 2009
argilium said:
That Bishop suddenly became scary as soon as he spoke.. WAKAMOTO!!

I didn't know he had such a fan base. He is the only person on my favorites list because his voice is truly awesome. The others just do good in roles.

Yeah the fact that we don't know why they got attacked screwed this episode up.
Jan 22, 2011 10:32 AM

Oct 2010
belatkuro said:
Hope next one is the last episode for the arc.
Yeah and the bishop getting punched with Agnese being saved, probably will be my #2 approved Touma punch. Which reminds me of a GIF I found around the net
^Payback is a bitch Touma!

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 22, 2011 10:36 AM

Feb 2009
So, how many women are in Touma's harem, despite this not being a harem, or even explicitly romance, anime? lol

I think the presence of magical clothing on women is just more proof Touma is not, in fact, unfortunate. Also, falling on top of girls isn't exactly injury-causing. Even his punishment involves mouth-contact with index.
Jan 22, 2011 11:07 AM

Jan 2008
I loved Touma's quote about how he can't figure out how Index can't protect herself from magicians when her bite's more powerful than all the grimores in her head.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Jan 22, 2011 11:16 AM

Sep 2008
XyCo said:
Oh yea Luccia (Lucia? Idk spelling) seems less batshit insane this time. Letting even non believers touch her. Pretty big and unexplained change of character all of a sudden.

She's a heretic now. Probably isn't qualified to criticize heathens.
Jan 22, 2011 11:58 AM

Apr 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
belatkuro said:
Hope next one is the last episode for the arc.
Yeah and the bishop getting punched with Agnese being saved, probably will be my #2 approved Touma punch. Which reminds me of a GIF I found around the net
^Payback is a bitch Touma!
I am really tempted to make a avatar out of that one.
I don't like it when Touma hits a girl but i enjoy it when he gets hits by a girl, it feels like justice.

Seems like Itsuwa is being used to convert Touma towards the Amakusa church or at least make him fall for her, it's unclear however if she does this from her own idea or from the point of others within the Amakusa church.
It's still remains up to Touma if he is able to see that she is hitting on him as he is very thick headed.

As for that Bishop it's clear that he is acting only out of his own interest.
Someone who sacrifices his own men only cares for his self and doesn't care about the people around it.
Actions of people like that have nothing to do with religion anymore they only use religion as a excuse to justify there own selfishness and ideas.
Whether there a Catholic Bishop or a Muslim terrorist doesn't mater.
Jan 22, 2011 12:23 PM

Sep 2008
Aversa said:
I am really tempted to make a avatar out of that one.
I don't like it when Touma hits a girl but i enjoy it when he gets hits by a girl, it feels like justice.

Seems like Itsuwa is being used to convert Touma towards the Amakusa church or at least make him fall for her, it's unclear however if she does this from her own idea or from the point of others within the Amakusa church.
It's still remains up to Touma if he is able to see that she is hitting on him as he is very thick headed.

As for that Bishop it's clear that he is acting only out of his own interest.
Someone who sacrifices his own men only cares for his self and doesn't care about the people around it.
Actions of people like that have nothing to do with religion anymore they only use religion as a excuse to justify there own selfishness and ideas.
Whether there a Catholic Bishop or a Muslim terrorist doesn't mater.

My theory is that she fell for him after he defeated her in volume seven but didn't finish her off (I think that was her...) Either way I's pretty sure she's doing this on her own. Her amakusa friends just get gossipy after all her attempts. It took me a while to clue in that Touma couldn't hear them when they were doing that lol.

The bishop hasn't sacrificed any of his own men. He's sacrificed prisoners, but that's well within his orders. Self interest isn't really the right term when he has nothing to gain out of any of this. The only hypothetical scenario I can think of where he could even have a personal desire to see venice destroyed is if their people had pissed him off somehow, but even then there wouldn't be any profit. It's not even as if he's twisted any dogma to make this acceptable, as Venice is a primarily catholic location and not a garden of sinners or anything (God I hope they remember to include why this is a good idea for the catholics).

A catholic man following orders from the pope without any personal reward is everything about religion. I mean, he's crazy and ruthless, but let's not pretend he's something he's not. Sacrificing a couple unneeded prisoners in order to fulfill direct papal orders is the act of a mind of unquestioning faith, rather than what you described.
desolatoJan 23, 2011 4:49 AM
Jan 22, 2011 12:33 PM

Nov 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
belatkuro said:
Hope next one is the last episode for the arc.
Yeah and the bishop getting punched with Agnese being saved, probably will be my #2 approved Touma punch. Which reminds me of a GIF I found around the net
^Payback is a bitch Touma!

More like Karma is a bitch!!! I didn't expect that and he'll be turning that bad karma around really soon.

Jan 22, 2011 12:37 PM
Aug 2009
lol, like usual the story makes no sense...

anyway it was still fun.

but mmmm i want to punch Touma in the face because he is so retarded.

every episode I am shouting "hurry you idiot, use your magic hand !" lol
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