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Aug 5, 2010 11:48 AM

Oct 2008
....I really wish I could understand WANT Sebby said in the flashbacks... T_T
Aug 5, 2010 12:00 PM

Oct 2008
Holy shoot!!!
Awesome episode!

Some butler yaoi hints xD
I lovewd the butler fight.
Hannah and Meilin were awesome in this.
I wanted Alois to pull both of Elizabeth's eyes out when he was dancing with her xDDD
Alois is a sexy vampire!
And I totally loved the bit were as I understood, Seb and Claude drank each others blood.
Also it seems that Claude is after Ciel's soul.

I think they will start explaining things now. Or at least I hope so.
In the preview I think I saw that next episode they will explain the train episode a bit further.

5/5 :)
Aug 5, 2010 12:27 PM

Jun 2009
awesome ep
still it could be a lil bit more of a sebi claude fight but okay

and whats about the trenchend in blood roses ????
Aug 5, 2010 12:27 PM

Jun 2009
awesome ep
still it could be a lil bit more of a sebi claude fight but okay

and whats about the trenchend in blood roses ????
Aug 5, 2010 1:07 PM

Nov 2009
Loved this episode. Wish I knew what Sebastian said in the beginning though. What stopped him?

I got a few parts of it but not much.

BUTLER YAOI FANSERVICE! Thank you Yana Toboso! <333 xDD
Aug 5, 2010 1:09 PM

Feb 2008
Sebastian and Claude made a deal it looks like. I think it has to do with Ciel. =O

Great episode! Definitely epic! <3 The only thing I didn't really like was the animation. I don't think it was horrible; just not great.
Aug 5, 2010 1:33 PM

Dec 2007
Lol, that wasn't a real fight to me but, somehow it became way seductive my heart sank xD
But now I can't wait for the translations why Sebastian revived Ciel is just my first question.

A demon kiss? :D
sarah7Aug 5, 2010 2:22 PM
Aug 5, 2010 3:08 PM

Feb 2008
Loved the yaoi hints too. Totally forgot to mention that in my post. <3

I read a summary online somewhere and it said the deal was:

Or something like that. I bet Sebastian has a plan.
I should find the link again. It really made a lot of sense when you read it as a whole. >.> Beh, I want the subs now!
YukiGEMAug 5, 2010 3:30 PM
Aug 5, 2010 3:14 PM
Feb 2010
I liked Alois' outfit in this. :3

I was hoping the fight would be more epic, but still I won't complain too much. I do hope the fanservice doesn't continue too much though. The next ep looks good, I'm looking forward to it!

*awaits subs*
Aug 5, 2010 3:39 PM

Feb 2010
I love this episode, Although I didn't really get it..
The "blood-rose-contract/seal-thing" kind of freaked me out..
and I LOL'D when Alois asked for a dance with Elizabeth, and
she's like,"B-But I'm Ciel's fiance"..
then ciel gets all pissed off, and tells Sebastian to shut up, xD <3
he's jealous, how cute <3

@ YukiGEM
So what happens is that if Ciel ends up "getting his revenge" then Claude could
have his soul? And...the papers that he got...was that from Claude?
So basically Claude gets Ciel's soul if Ciel kills Alois? o__O
I'm confused...because Alois doesn't really have anything to do with his parents, right? Since you said Sebastian showed him the papers to make him think it was Alois, and that he could kill him..
& if Claude wants it so much...why does Alois also want it?
Does he just want it because Claude wants it..or...if that summary is correct.. basically Claude agreed to have Alois killed?
And Sebastian can accept Claude taking Ciel's soul? wow. I think I'll
watch the subs when they come out so I don't get even more confused.
Aug 5, 2010 3:49 PM

Feb 2010
Anddd when Alois was dancing with Elizabeth, I thought
Alois had a thing with I was kinda expecting him to gouge her eyes
out as well..I'm kind of disappointed. :<

But, he did bump into her, on purpose. =]
Partially satisfied.


ClaudexSebastian- Wow. All I've got to say. It was a yaoi-moment (in my mind >__>)
and I kept making out what they"things" <-- let us leave it at that.
Anyways. The battle wasn't as epic as I thought it'd be, but I guess..this makes
it a little better. =D

Poor pissed off Ciel. Ciel: DON'T STEAL MAH WOMEN. D;<

Alois introducing himself. "Hai. I'm Alois Trancy and although I look pretty adorable I'm
actually quite the opposite. Nice to mee you ^^"

Alois & Claude...TOO CLOSE...TOO CLOSE..everytime Claude said something he
seemed to get closer..and closerr..AND CLOSERRR and finally up to this point, when
he was telling Alois somethin' >__>

{so it's not exactly fencing.. >___>}
Wow. Alois really is taller that Ciel. LIKE...way taller, a head..

Last but not least..Alois is already scary enough.
The fact he has fingers, scares the heck out of me (since he can gouge your eyes
out WITH HIS HAND) but, srsly? What was the staff THINKING?
LETTING HIM HOLD A SWORD? He can just about slice you in half with his arm,
I'm serious. /backs away (Warning: Do not view picture if you are AFRAID of dying such a horrible death...*shivers*)
EarlCielAug 5, 2010 3:59 PM
Aug 5, 2010 3:54 PM

Feb 2008
@EarlCiel: He would according to that. If that is truly the case, then I think Sebastian is planning something big. He wouldn't let that happen. XD
It wasn't shown where the papers came from, but maybe it can be assumed?
Kill might have been too strong of a word..., but in any way the revenge can be completed.
I don't think that has been revealed yet..
I'm no translator, but from the looks of it, Claude doesn't care about Alois at all and could be fine with it. I guess we'll see.
Yeah, don't take me too seriously. I could be misinterpreting from there. I am doing this from memory.

I do think during Sebastian's and Claude's conversation, Sebastian said he didn't want a soul that lost his memories. He wants a soul that has completed his revenge and knows it.

I just wish the subs are out early like last week, so there is no more confusion.
Aug 5, 2010 4:05 PM

Feb 2010
Okay, I think I'm even more confused now.
So Alois really does have something to do with Ciel's parents murder
and...I don't think Claude would simply "hand over Alois" like that..
afterall...Alois is his master, right?
That would be like..breaking a contract, right?
What did Alois bond his contract with?

Aug 5, 2010 4:10 PM

Feb 2008
In my opinion, I don't think Alois actually has to do with Ciel's parents' deaths. Those papers could be fake or something. Though, maybe he is, who knows. >.> I hope Alois' complete past is revealed soon. It would answer so many questions.

D= Sorry to confuse you. I'm now confusing myself too. oAo
Aug 5, 2010 4:17 PM

Jun 2008
Now I am really excited about this!!?!?!?!
well gonna watch episode b4 i spoil myself in this thread =X!
I ship things I want! Why? Because it's fun!
I post retarded shit at times, sorry-- my dumbness might infect you!Please be cautious of me!
I don't come with a security label!

My anime list hasn't been updated for a really long time, so it's not accurate!

Aug 5, 2010 4:21 PM

Nov 2008
This episode was so epic <3
Yaoi fanservise, during almost all episode and this mysterious contract... and cute vampire Alois <3
I didn't knew that he was so much higher than Ciel O_O

I just can't wait for the subs, after reading all this comments in here D:<

Come out subs T^T

Aug 5, 2010 5:15 PM

Jun 2008
wich7 said:
Lol, that wasn't a real fight to me but, somehow it became way seductive my heart sank xD
But now I can't wait for the translations why Sebastian revived Ciel is just my first question.

A demon kiss? :D

I want a demon kiss from Sebas-chan =°A°=!!!

@ Earl Ciel: Awesome sceenies


I loved this part, Althought I am not INTO the couple right now. That part awaken the Yaoi fangirl in meh *_*!
Poor pissed off Ciel was t3h cutest thing EAVR!
This means, he likes (at least a lil for him to be jealous) Lizzy. I know most of you find her annoying but she's still does a cute STRAIGHT couple with Ciel

Alois introducing himself. "Hai. I'm Alois Trancy and although I look pretty adorable I'm
actually quite the opposite. Nice to mee you ^^", That was really cute XD! The outfit is so ridiculous but really awesome in the same time

Alois & Claude, well it was yaoish =X, I can't say I didn't like it since I like yaoi, it is NOT a pairing a favor it still is ok...I guess ... I Don't know this episode TOTALLY screwed my feelings 'bout Alois and Claude, I hated them a lot, cause one was an evil spoiled brat the other cause he was too silent and too cold *unlike Sebas-kun who seems to always be amused and, ok maybe not the warmest chara ever still A LOT more warmer then claude*, I don't know how to think bout those 2 anymore...I think I'll ask EarlCiel to help me sort these feelings =____=;

{so it's not exactly fencing.. >___>}
I never really care about their height =X but I guess the difference is noticeable now.

Last but not least..Alois is already scary enough.
The fact he has fingers, scares the heck out of me (since he can gouge your eyes
out WITH HIS HAND) but, srsly? What was the staff THINKING?
LETTING HIM HOLD A SWORD? He can just about slice you in half with his arm,
I'm serious. /backs away (Warning: Do not view picture if you are AFRAID of dying such a horrible death...*shivers*), I just lawled a this comment XD!
I ship things I want! Why? Because it's fun!
I post retarded shit at times, sorry-- my dumbness might infect you!Please be cautious of me!
I don't come with a security label!

My anime list hasn't been updated for a really long time, so it's not accurate!

Aug 5, 2010 5:41 PM

Feb 2010
-Alois is awesome.
-Sebastian's black nails are sexy.
-Butler Battle ftw.
-er um...rose...blood....err well this is getting weird.
-Need Subs Now.
Aug 5, 2010 6:54 PM

Jun 2010
i can't express right now how much i loved that episode!

so my one comment until my heart calms down...
i couldn't believe they used a glass harmonica. i love them. they're so etherial.

they were originally said to cause insanity and had the power to bring people back from the dead...

and sebastian and claude need to take more things off with their teeth. it's so hot!
ikaofmonAug 5, 2010 6:58 PM
Aug 5, 2010 9:08 PM

Feb 2010
@ Kathleena -
Lol, my pleasure. =)
And as for sorting out your feelings,
I think you like Sebastian more than Claude, but..well..if you watch yaoi..
usually it's a good yaoi if it's "sensual" or something...(getting this from my
fangirl sister, she says hi, lol) so I guess that wouldn't really work out with Claude
and Alois..
Or's hard to imagine, or...their personalities just aren't compatible with your likings. ^^
But on a more serious side, maybe it's just cause you just don't know enough about Alois & Claude to hate or like them,
that's what I think. ^^
But Sebastian's your #1, and will always be <3333
As for the Alois with a sword..glad I made you laugh, lol
But that's my honest and true feelings. They should like censor the sword or something,
it's really scaring me..I'll have nightmares until somebody takes that away from him.
Kids, ESPECIALLY THIS KID, should not be 'playing around' with sharp and pointy

For the purpose of keeping nightmares away, and just for the public audience,
I, EarlCiel..shall censor it.

Just so you know, it didn't work. We need a bigger censor bar.
EarlCielAug 5, 2010 9:12 PM
Aug 5, 2010 10:35 PM

Jun 2008
synaesthesia said:
-Alois is awesome.
-Sebastian's black nails are sexy.
-Butler Battle ftw.
-er um...rose...blood....err well this is getting weird.
-Need Subs Now.

I totally Agree! I really wanna know what happened to Ciel for the soul transfer failure and what Sebas-chan is planning o.O!
EarlCiel said:
@ Kathleena -
Lol, my pleasure. =)
And as for sorting out your feelings,
I think you like Sebastian more than Claude, but..well..if you watch yaoi..
usually it's a good yaoi if it's "sensual" or something...(getting this from my
fangirl sister, she says hi, lol) so I guess that wouldn't really work out with Claude
and Alois..
Or's hard to imagine, or...their personalities just aren't compatible with your likings. ^^
But on a more serious side, maybe it's just cause you just don't know enough about Alois & Claude to hate or like them,
that's what I think. ^^
But Sebastian's your #1, and will always be <3333
As for the Alois with a sword..glad I made you laugh, lol
But that's my honest and true feelings. They should like censor the sword or something,
it's really scaring me..I'll have nightmares until somebody takes that away from him.
Kids, ESPECIALLY THIS KID, should not be 'playing around' with sharp and pointy

For the purpose of keeping nightmares away, and just for the public audience,
I, EarlCiel..shall censor it.

Just so you know, it didn't work. We need a bigger censor bar.

LAWL =^x^=! Maybe you should have tilted the censor bar the other way!!!!
AH, but I feel better watching the screenshot now...well next week, we'll see it uncensored soooo, I ma be preparing mentally! XD Alois is SO SCARY D=! in a...bad..good...way... behhhhh.
He's the semi-bad guy, since his past is fucked up o.O!
hehe, Tell your sister Hi from me!

And I'm pretty sure Alois and Claude could be a couple since...Alois is really dependante of Claude, pretty much like Ciel and Sebas-chan. Sensual IS good but hardcore Awesome too =X, speaking has a yaoi fangirl.... gosh ... I like fags...will I ever get merried =___=;;;
I ship things I want! Why? Because it's fun!
I post retarded shit at times, sorry-- my dumbness might infect you!Please be cautious of me!
I don't come with a security label!

My anime list hasn't been updated for a really long time, so it's not accurate!

Aug 5, 2010 11:00 PM

Jun 2009
I wonder why but I don't really like this episode. And I don't really understand what Sebby and Claude were talking about. Its getting more confusing!! A lot of fanservice in this episode. And Alois looks good in that vampire suit.

Yay more Alois in next episode :D

Aug 6, 2010 12:22 AM

Apr 2010
Gosh gosh! I need the subs nao!
Sebastian VS Claude was AWESOME.
Especially how Sebby was about to BAM side-kick Claude o_o Wah lots of fanservice.
How I wish Alois wouldn't have danced with Lizzy >_>! XD
At the end of the episode I think Ciel is all like death threat Sigh <3
Aug 6, 2010 12:29 AM

Jun 2010
Aug 6, 2010 1:00 AM

Apr 2010
wich7 said:

A demon kiss? :D

eat his soul, damnit! xD

that was an awesome episode. i love it.
Aug 6, 2010 4:42 AM

Feb 2009
ikaofmon said:
and sebastian and claude need to take more things off with their teeth. it's so hot!

That, my friend, is true indeed.

EarlCiel, your screenshot post made me laugh :D Thank you.

I want subs. This ep was confusing and I only understand a bit and it was the unimportant bit ;c
But the fanservice was so good.
Aug 6, 2010 5:10 AM

Jan 2010
omfg, I need subs right now.
Aug 6, 2010 5:49 AM

Aug 2008
Damn it claude stop screwing around with sebby T.T
I loved this episode <33 The battle between the butlers was amazing, and finally things are going to get explained xD
can't wait till the subs are out >_________<
Aug 6, 2010 6:21 AM

Feb 2010
ikaofmon said:
spacecat put up a really great overall translation


Hmm...things seem to make a bit more sense!
I still don't really get why Sebastian said to let Alois be
the person Ciel should take revenge on...and how Claude would
still get Ciel's soul in the end.

You know, I'd be really pissed if it ended the obvious way.
(Alois dying...) But wow. I still don't get why they'd make an agreement like that..
*scratches head*
Wait so that means that Alois actually has something to do with Ciel's parents murder...or they're just finding a random person to take revenge against...
And what's so special about Alois...he doesn't want revenge..then why would
Claude tell Sebastian, "We raise souls to then devour them. My master too is one of the few souls worth of doing that.."

okay. the next episode better actually make things more clear...
like, if Alois really did have something to do with his parent's murder.
(also why the heck claude want's ciel's soul so much...)
Aug 6, 2010 10:41 AM

Jul 2010
EarlCiel said:

(also why the heck claude want's ciel's soul so much...)

It's obvious. It was kind of even said in the episode. =/
Claude got a 'taste' of Ciel's soul and found it to be rare, high quality (I think that's what he said) and now he wants it too. T_T;
And Sebastian is a sneaky bastard. XD;
Saying he'll give up Ciel's soul to Claude. I could tell that was a straight-up lie when he said "young master is mine" after they showed off the roses to each other.

Next episode~
Aug 6, 2010 11:24 AM

Jul 2010
OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm pretty sure Sebastian was going to kiss Ciel on the last episode of season 1!! I KNEEEEW IT!!! ^^
But if he is really giving up Ciel's soul, then he's a f*cking jerk. u-u
~* P H A N T O M H I V E ~ H O U S E H O L D *~

...because I NEED to see some Ciel x Sebastian again...
Aug 6, 2010 11:24 AM

Dec 2008
My nose bled throughout this entire episode!! A hot demon butler death match!!! Can't wait for the next episode.
Aug 6, 2010 11:26 AM

Apr 2010
I'm starting to think Sebastian has more in mind than that, I don't think he'd make a contract like that unless he had something else in mind..
"I wish, just one more time to hear your voice. One more time, just one more time... Say my name..."
Aug 6, 2010 11:27 AM

Dec 2008
ikaofmon said:

and sebastian and claude need to take more things off with their teeth. it's so hot!

Yes, indeed!! Glad to know I'm not the only one that goes wild when they do that!! OMG!! *faints*
Aug 6, 2010 11:30 AM

Sep 2008
ikaofmon said:
and sebastian and claude need to take more things off with their teeth. it's so hot!


I sooo love this episode even though I haven't watched it yet (even the raw), currently downloading the subs... wooohoo~
I'm soo inspired today (T^T)/

Episode 6 Subs by TastyMelon.
kataruAug 6, 2010 11:42 AM
Live the life that you love, Love the life that you live...
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. - The Buddha
Aug 6, 2010 11:53 AM

Mar 2008
I'm luvin it~ x3
Aug 6, 2010 11:55 AM

Aug 2010
FFF--. That song that plays right after the opening always tricks me into thinking it'll be Vivaldi. :'<
Aug 6, 2010 12:11 PM

Aug 2009
This makes no sense to me. Whats the point of Ciel getting revenge if it isn't Sebastian who gets to eat his soul? And it would seem Sebastian has plans otherwise, saying things like "Ciel's souls is mine." But he just made a contract to give it away. Soo...a few questions answered, many more piling up.

And I still don't understand how Claude was able to steal Ciel's soul in the first place. The scene confused me.
Aug 6, 2010 12:14 PM
Aug 2007
Man, every time I see Hannah, I need to think of her
Aug 6, 2010 12:20 PM

Nov 2009
Okay. I am with everyone on the yaoi fanservice and such. I don't feel like typing out all my feelings of this episode because it was pretty much said by everyone else.

I have one question though---

What happened when Sebastian stopped in the beginning? Why did he?! -.-

He said that Ciel is 'void', which I think means 'empty, invalid'

It confused the crap out of me x.x Does it have to do with Claude? Did he do something?
Aug 6, 2010 12:55 PM

Apr 2010
How and When did the Trancy's get Ciel's soul!?!??! Am I interpreting this right?

Aug 6, 2010 1:13 PM

May 2010
SebbyxCiel, ClaudexAlois, SebbyxClaude (in the water xD)... yum. xD

You know, I think some fanservice here aren't that bad. Ranmao kicking ass and Meirin(sp?) with guns are both badass (and I'm a girl).

Kinda confusing episode, especially that part where Sebby was making a deal with Claude. I hope he wouldn't simply give him away like that.

But overall, I love this episode. ♥

And lulz Alois with fangs! Reminds me of Shiki xD

fangirl mode below:
Aug 6, 2010 1:47 PM

Apr 2009
Is Sebastian really going to let Claude take Ciel's soul? He better have some tricks up his sleeve. >:(
Aug 6, 2010 2:15 PM

Mar 2010
Hehe. We are sure getting a lot of fanservice these days ^.^ (Thaty is NOT a bad thing XD)
The plot is going somewhere really interesting, because Sebastian's got one hell of a trick up his sleeve, because there is no way he's giving up Ciel.
And I'm glad Agni ditched the mustache when he was fighting. I just couldn't take him seriously with that thing on.

This is fast becoming a firm favourite series XD
Aug 6, 2010 2:32 PM

Jun 2010
Hmm, Let's see. What should I say? I FINALLY UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!! :))
Aug 6, 2010 2:39 PM

Oct 2008
Yeah, but Claude already had Ciel's soul, He stole it and decided to store it in a tea box, for crying out loud! If he wanted to devour Ciel's soul, he could have done it before. But he said Ciel's soul alone was useless to him, and he needed the body as well. My guess is, he needs Ciel to fulfill Aloise's ambition, so he can harvest the soul he set his eyes on from the beginning. It would be pointless to assume Sebastian is the only one having an afterthought. There must be a butler school in hell, where they teach you, to never trust a fellow demon :)
Aug 6, 2010 2:50 PM

Nov 2009
gurogami said:
Yeah, but Claude already had Ciel's soul, He stole it and decided to store it in a tea box, for crying out loud! If he wanted to devour Ciel's soul, he could have done it before. But he said Ciel's soul alone was useless to him, and he needed the body as well. My guess is, he needs Ciel to fulfill Aloise's ambition, so he can harvest the soul he set his eyes on from the beginning. It would be pointless to assume Sebastian is the only one having an afterthought. There must be a butler school in hell, where they teach you, to never trust a fellow demon :)

When exactly did he steal it? Right when Sebastian was about to devour it or earlier?
Aug 6, 2010 3:01 PM

Jul 2009
Sriously!!! if sebastian doesnt have a trick up his sleeve!!! Im so gonna . . . do somethin! There's no way he'll give up Ciel just because he lost his memories!!!!!

so can someone just xplain me ths deal btween demon buttlers??!!
Aug 6, 2010 3:13 PM

Jan 2009
OMG I screamed so loud at the first scene that my cat got scared and ran through the window!!!! WHAT WAS THAT????? Why did he stopped? What's wrong with Ciel? Or should I say, Ciel's soul??

*back on topic ^^, after watching the ep*

I did not get how could their music be so loud ^^ [Oh whatever, it's just an anime...]
I liked the fights though... The triplets are annoying... Ranmao is amazing... Soma can actually throw a punch [WoW]... But Sebastian is always the best :* [better than Claude >_<]

Now... what I got from their conversation: when Sebastian wanted to eat that perfect soul that had already achieved revenge, he found out that Claude had already taken it?? Or some other demon-spider, maybe... Anyway, he got really angry, revived Ciel [and some of his dead companions] and is now on the look for finding a new enemy to have Ciel take revenge on, as Ciel has no memories of his revenge and his soul is no longer 'tasty' ^^.

As for the contract... I got why Sebastian would want to find some enemies... I didn't get why he would let Claude "receive Ciel Phantomhive after carrying out the revenge" :|. That's the subs I got... Oh well, it wouldn't be Kuroshitsuji if it was easy to figure it out :D. And I must add their way of sealing the contract was totally awesome *_*

Alois really is a man-b*tch, even getting Elizabeth involved in this... And, of course I'm still wondering why does he want Ciel so badly...


Aug 6, 2010 3:29 PM

Jan 2008
Okay...I pretty got everything cleared up except one thing: Why does Alois wants Ciel?

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