Too keep an overview and look that the members beeing active again i reopend the sign up
use this format
rp name:
chara pic ( spoiler )
Seat:You can pick between your own made chara or the anime chara
Zanpakuto name:
Zankpakuto Looks : Pic [in spoiler please]
zanpakuto element:
Pic of Zanpakuto Spirit
hi Kannei ^^ did u get my message i want to keep Hitsugaya ^^
"Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."- yoruichi
"Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."- yoruichi
"Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."- yoruichi
i would like to keep my seat as zaraki but i have to admit i haven't been here for awhile so if you want you can give that seat to someone more deserving of it
Zanpakutou Call: Break the ice with your howl, Fenrir
Description: The blades of the zanpakuto used to shorten slightly and a large wolf(about 4 ft high on all fours) materializes but now as Triake can control the length there is no visible shortening
Powers: The Zanpakuto can emit wind or ice blades when slashed.
The wolf has relatively good control of ice and wind can shoot ice reiatsu from her mouth. Since he discover his Bankai, Fenrir's shikai has come to it's full power and she now has wings as well although whether they can be used to fly or are simply for aestetic reasons are unknown.
First form: The Ice Prison, Eternal Frozen Arena
Powers: Ice bursts from Triake's sheath and seals people in the immediate area in an Ice Dome that is quite large. This can be seen from the out side but since it exists in a slightly different space it can not be broken into by regular means. Inside the dome, Triake can form objects and weapons out of ice in instants while the dome itself drains the reiatsu of others in the dome and slowly replenishes his own.
Appearance: Triake's outfit changes to a form-fitting shirt that resembles a trenchcoat, buttoned to the waist with the back reaching to Triake's ankles and flowing freely. A tight hakama of the same fit makes up the bottom, all in white. The clothing is made from mostly wolf fur.
Second Form: This form is, as of yet, unknown, it was only mentioned by Fenrir in passing.
Third Form: Twin Wolves, Eternal Partners
Powers: This form summons Fenrir in her human appearance where she has physical strength and skill similar to Triake and a speed about double his in a trade off for the fact that she can not use Kido. Triake's reiatsu is increased tenfold then the power is split between him and Fenrir.
Appearance: He wears a cape around his shoulders that wraps round his chest with various buckles and ties. For bottoms, a tight fitting hakama of the same form fitting make, almost like trousers. It was made almost entirely of wolf form and jet black. Fenrir's outfit is a mirror of his but in all white.
Fenrir's appearance in human form:
Character image:
When Triake was still alive, he could see and sometimes feel the presence of spirits. It was never pleasant for him and usually he put his fingers in his ears and tried to ignore them. One day though, when he was 16 he saw a little girl spirit being chased by what he now knows to be a hollow. Triake tried to help the girl but ended up being hit by a car. As his spirit left his body it was devoured by the hollow. Triake was lucky as the hollow was killed by a Shinigami immediately after being eaten so his soul wasn't sent to Hueco Mundo.
Due to his strong spiritual sense in the real world, Triake had a strong spiritual pressure so he was taken from the west district of Rukongai, where he made his home, and made to enroll in the Shinigami Academy. His hair turned white after his hollow experience but because he was always mistaken for "the other genius with white hair" He dyed half of his hair black so there could be no misunderstandings. He graduated at the top of his class in Swords skills and his kidou spells were considered slightly above average. Near the end of his graduation, he started seeing a winged white wolf watching him everywhere he went. It was only when he received his Zanpakuto did he realise who the wolf was, Fenrir the spirit of his sword.
He was scouted by the 8th division and enlisted as soon as he was able to choose a squad. He rose quickly become the 3rd seat, befriending both his captain and vice captains in the process. He has been training himself to improve on his lacking points, such as hand to hand combat, and ever since he heard that word, he has been pushing himself to his limits to acheive a strong partnership with his Zanpakuto. It is his goal to awaken his Bankai and become a captain to serve Seireitei.
Triake's service was normal, he worked hard, trained hard until he had an encounter while on a mission to discover a spy in the 9th division. He battled an arrancar called Verrelan and was gravely wounded during the fight. Due to certain circumstances regarding his Zanpakuto, he was trapped in his inner world and was made aware of the Hollow side of himself that was left due to the circumstances of his death. When he awoke, he was left with a crystal and a message from a mysterious man. "When you have enough power seek me out."
He soon thereafter made his first trip to earth in order to see his sister who he reckoned was still alive. When he discovered her tombstone, he was distraught and in his sad state, he drew numerous hollow to him, including another arrancar. This prompted the Vizard Dante to intervene and aid the young shinigami. It had been Dante who had giving Triake the crystal to supress his hollow self and it was now Dante who seeked to aid Triake in his search to be stronger, giving him information on what it was to be a vizard.
There was another important meeting made around this time. After Triake returned to Seireitei he had a chance meeting with Komori Kaori, a shinigami in the 5th division. They became fast friend as Kaori consoled him regarding his sister's death. She stood out from everyone else as when he told her what he was becoming, a vizard and possibly a monster, she replied that she didn't care he was who he was. His zanpakuto, Fenrir had been at the time constructing a secret training area and base under a mountain and Kaori was to only other person to find out of it's existance.
When in the Training Area, that mirrors the training areas made by Urahara Kisuke, Triake underwent his Bankai training with Kaori, solidifying their bond with each other and his bond with Fenrir, who was discovered to take the form of a white haired woman. These battle awakened Triake's hollow side once more and due to the abilities of his Bankai, he had to fight it in physical form which left him with various wounds and scars. At the end of the training, Triake had gained the ability to use his Bankai and had, although this was not known to him at the time, fallen in love with Kaori, who he also called Koka.
Triake's hollow side had become stronger with him and he needed to seek help from his vizard ally once again but as they tried to hide the problems. Triake saw Kannei, captain of the 3rd division, battle with Dante, both of which where his close friends. This led the shinigami to hollowify and he was forced to battle with his hollow self once more for control over his body and new power. As he had not yet recovered from his battles with his Zanpakuto, his body was weakened severely which forced him to recover at Urahara's shop.
It was discovered here that Triake had been saved from the Hollow that killed him by Urahara himself and that he was, in essence, a subordinate of the former captain. Triake and Kaori discovered their mutual feeling at this point, a shining light in the dark hour that was upon them as, unknown to Triake, an arrancar named Tori was after him for yet unknown reasoning.
Triake was recommended to the captaincy of the 5th division by his captain, Kyouraku Shunsui as he thought his subordinate would shine in the new setting with new and greater responsibility. Triake looks forward to his new challenges in his new post with excitement as well as a bit of worry as he is unsure how his new-found vizard powers will be hidden although... The three captains closest to him are all aware of this fact...
Maysemester has just ended for me a few days ago so I can be active again in all the clubs on here. I would have given advance warning but my parents were monitoring and limiting my time on the comp, preventing me from doing so. So sorry about that.
If possible I would like to have my position as the 4th seat of the 11th squad once again if nobody has claimed it besides me.
"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
Shikai Special Ability: Muramasa can break into the inner world of targets, similar to how a tape-worm leeches off its target, and forces them to bend to the user's will. This is done by removing the energy stability between Shinigami and Zanpakutō, leaving the spirit confused and allowing Muramasa to forcibly release the Zanpakutō spirit's negative emotions.
Yūkōjōchū Muramasa: Muramasa himself has the ability to manifest in his true form and even can manifest himself at a distance from his master, able to hear his call from wherever he is. Upon doing so, Muramasa has the ability to cause other Zanpakutō to manifest by controlling and warping their true instincts to the point of removing their ties with their Shinigami.
Bankai: Not Achieved
Alright, alright, I'm going through a new character again. Yessss, agaaaain.
Name: Injin (Alias, last name not told)
Squad: I'm rogue, like Kisuke Urahara, and Tessai, etc. But it was 5th.
Zanpakutou: Never use it, won't bother with name. It's just a sword.. on the back of my waist. Won't bother with bankai, cause he doesn't have one.
Description: Master Kido user. Uses nothing but Kido, sometimes uses sword as a catalyst for the kido. Injin lives in the human world, though not mentioned where. Not much is known about him.
Too all who sighned up you cant enter every squad ypu want if the taichou of your squad improves your doinings he gives ya a seat too his liking if you improves more you maybe even gets a taichou soo have fun rping
Too all who sighned up you cant enter every squad ypu want if the taichou of your squad improves your doinings he gives ya a seat too his liking if you improves more you maybe even gets a taichou soo have fun rping
Too all who sighned up you cant enter every squad ypu want if the taichou of your squad improves your doinings he gives ya a seat too his liking if you improves more you maybe even gets a taichou soo have fun rping
I think she means that you should join an active squad and rp with your leader and such. Being active would mean taking part in the Story or doing something yourself.
rp name: Doji Masa
Squad: Soul Academy
Seat: Student
Zanpakuto name: Shi No Tenshi (Death Angel)
zanpakuto element: Speed/Fire/Lightning
Zankpakuto Looks:
Call: Raise thy hand and show them a quick Death and all thy Glory; Burn Them Asunder until ashes fall from the sky (Reizu anata no te wa, sorera kuikku-shi to, subete no anata no eikō o shimesu. Zemuasandābān hai wa sora kara ochiru made)
Bankai Name: Ten-shi no tenshi (Heavens Death Angel)
Call:Burn them from they're flesh and with a loud roar strike them from the heavens from which i sit upon (splits in two) (Watashi wa toki suwatte, soko kara ten kara sorera o toru karera no niku kara sakebu to, sorera no kakikomi)