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May 19, 2010 4:53 PM

Nov 2008
Zombies are attacking the school all teachers and guardians must defend the school students are welcome to help as well but are advised not to get hurt
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May 22, 2010 12:53 PM

Aug 2009
(Continuing from 'Wolf Forest')

*Ayame looks at Wolf and then she slowly nods*
"Be carefull. You should also think about yourself, I can protect myself when it is needed."
*Turns around suddenly*
"They are here."
May 23, 2010 12:11 AM

Nov 2008
Looks around
"I guess we'll have to be careful with thsee guys"
Starts to hurl fireballs at zombies while staying close
May 23, 2010 12:28 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles and then concentrates on the zombies who look at her. Slowly she begins to whistle, but soon she begins to do it faster. Someone who didn't know her powers would think it's strange, but she can control the wind better with melodies. But this is one of the weirdest melodies she has ever used. First it was hard, then it was soft. Sometimes it is very high and then low. But it workes. As soon she has the right melodie, the wind begins to rip the zombies apart*
May 23, 2010 6:37 AM

Sep 2009
Ugh... Not only do I have to defeat these attackers, I also have to make sure no students are harmed. If I remember correctly, those were the terms of the principal for letting me enroll.

*flips in the air over to Ayame just in time to absorb the souls that floated out of the zombies before one of them posses her*

"An intriguing power you have there. I see one major flaw, though. In the amount of lag time that happens in between finding the perfect melodie, the enemy has many chances to attack."

yukinothekonekoMay 23, 2010 6:45 AM

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 23, 2010 7:33 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame stops whisteling and looks at Yuki. She smiles a bit nervous*
You're right. But normally, there are a lot of people around to protect me. It's the first time I have to fight."
*Starts to whistle again, but harder and faster, so that the zombies are defeated faster*

(I'm just going to use you're nickname, okay?^^)
May 23, 2010 7:58 AM

Sep 2009
"Sou ka?"
*uses needles to stab into the wandering souls to absorb them*
"Where are they now?"
*throws flurries of hand chops to zombies, slicing them to miniscule bits*

(It's okay with me =^^=)

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 23, 2010 8:33 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles and looks fast at the sky*
"They are probably having a peacefull and quiet life since I came to this school. I'm someone who attracts a lot of problems."
*There are even more zombies, so she stands still and prepares to hit them all in one try*
"Yuki, Wolf too, cover your ears."
*She tests her voice and then she breaths very deeply. When her voice comes out again, it doesn't sound like hers, but like a voice of an angel. It wasn't that hard, but it has an amazing effect on people, especially when they are evil. The zombies seems to explode because of the power of the wind*
May 23, 2010 9:49 AM

Sep 2009
*looks up at the sky, thinking that she's physicallly looking at something*
"Huh. You know, peaceful and quiet is boring. They probably didn't realize this until you were gone."
*looks at the endless traffic of zombies coming towards them*
"Crap. Got it!"
*covers ears*

*zombies explode, then regenerate unlike the last ones. zombies begin to close in, regenerating immediately despite whatever way they are attacked*

I could always use that. But only if...
"Quick question. Your'e not a human, are you?"

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 23, 2010 10:02 AM

Aug 2009
"Damn.. these are different from the others."
*Ayame looks at Yuki*
"No, I'm not. Why?"
*Tries to hold of the zombies, but because they can't be defeated, she doesn't stand a chance*
May 23, 2010 10:12 AM

Sep 2009

"Good. In that case, I can get us out of this alive. But you'll have to follow the instructions I tell you in the next few seconds carefully. Okay?"

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 23, 2010 10:19 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame tries to smile, but she's a little bit scared*
"Well, if you think it will work, I'll follow your instructions."
May 23, 2010 11:17 AM

Sep 2009
*pulls out a strand of hair*

"It's definitely gonna work. Alright, first pull out a string of your hair and hand it over."

*zombies advance foreward slowly*

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 23, 2010 11:37 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks at her hair and pulls then a string out of it. She gives it to Yuki while wondering what she's (sorry if I'm wrong.XD) going to do with it*
May 23, 2010 11:52 AM

Sep 2009
*keeps Ayame's strand and gives her the other*(Nah, you're not wrong at all.. just the zombies are suuuuper slow in overtaking their enemies, lol)

"That one is mine. Drop it on the ground and step on it right at the moment when I step on yours."

*Zombies start to crowd, gaining strength every second*

"On 3. One... Two..."

*throws it to the ground*
yukinothekonekoMay 23, 2010 11:56 AM

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 23, 2010 11:59 AM

Aug 2009
"Uhm.. Okay!"
*When Yuki throws it on the ground, she does that too. Then they step on it at the same time*

(Grr.. MAL is messing with me... -.-*)
Jowii-chanMay 23, 2010 12:02 PM
May 23, 2010 6:48 PM

Sep 2009
*light surrounds them as a strange power flows into them both. In the next split moment, the light is gone and Yuki is standing in front of Ayame, transformed and looking at the ground. Zombies step in too close and Yuki immediately spits acid in one of their faces and opens her eyes. the zombies all scream then fall down lifeless.*

"Oi. What makes you ba*****s think you can defeat us now? Learn your place! And your fate will be 10 times worse if you try to lay a finger on my contractor!"
*zombies start to try backing off and retreating.*
"Too late. I'm pissed at you guys now. Be good little souls and leave those corpses."
*turns back to face Ayame to see her still giving off mass amounts of light*

"'Up is down'? Well thats maddeningly unhelpful."- Captain Jack Sparrow
May 24, 2010 3:46 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame feels something weird and looks around restless. This amount of power is something she never felt, but it didn't feel dangerous. She looks amazed at Yuki and while she defeates the zombies, Ayame looks at her hands. They are still giving of light, just like the rest of her body. She gives Yuki a what-is-going-on-here-look*
"Can you give me an explanation what you mean with contracter? And what is this light?"
*She's very confused right now, but she's happy that the zombies stay away*
May 31, 2010 8:02 AM

Oct 2009
*carelessly walking with out knowing where to go XD*
uhmm.. were the heck am I?
about me

Jun 5, 2010 11:18 AM

Nov 2008
Walks towards Ayame
"Are you alright "
Jun 5, 2010 12:26 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks quietly at Wolf and nods*
"Somehow. Yuki was able to defeat them. But it's weird. There was light coming out of me."
*Looks a little confused at Yuki*
Jul 10, 2010 10:47 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf Looks at Ayame
"We need to hurry up and gather the other students before more come"
Jul 13, 2010 12:07 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame nods and looks around*
"I'm going to look in the forest. It would be easier to protect myself and other students when I'm there."
*She looks at Yuki*
"Later this day, I want a good explanation, okay?"
*Looks very serious and then turns around to go searching in the forest*
Jul 14, 2010 8:53 AM

Nov 2008
"Ayame promise me you'll be carefull "
Wolf looks at Ayame waiting brfore he leaves
Jul 14, 2010 9:36 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame turns around and smiles at Wolf*
"I'll be carefull, I promise. But only if you'll be carefull too. Let's meet at the fireplace in the library when we're finished, okay?"
*Waves at him before she runs into the forest. There, she starts searching for students. Afer a few minutes, she decides that it would be easier if she asks the trees. She lays her hands and an ear on the tree and listens. First, she only hears this tree, but then she hears all the trees. She asks if there are any students in the forest using her strong will. They answer: There are three students in this forest, Princess. We kept them safe. We will lead you the way. Ayame thanks the trees and follows a path the feeling in her heart indicates. Actually, she enjoys the walk and doesn't worry. Soon, she finds the first student. The boy is a year younger than her, but he's taller than her. Well, she is quite small, so it isn't surprising*
"My little lost sheep, what are you doing here? We're under attack, the students should be in their room, or at least in the building."
*He answers*
"You're a student too, right? And if you really want to know, I'm lost."
*She smiles and takes his hand while she walks towards the place where an other student will be*
"Yes, I'm a student. But I came to look if there are students in the forest. Don't worry, nothing will happen."
*They search and find the other two stundents, two girls, a twin. The group heads to the building of the school. Suddenly, a zombie appears. It seems like there was only one. Ayame tell the young man to look after the girls and begins to whistle. This time, she uses a melodie she has once read in a book. Apparently, it was made to destroy souls, doesn't matter if the body is dead or alive. From the moment she begins, the zombie stands still, as if he's hypnotised. When she whistles the last tune, the zombie falls apart. The soul hangs in the air for a second, but then explodes*
"Well, that one is very usefull against zombies."
*She turns around and tells the other to run to their rooms. She runs after them, to make sure they are alright. When she arrives at the building, she looks at herself. She is filthy and her hair is still wet. Ayame sighs and heads to her room. There, she takes a shower. She puts on a dress with very wide sleeves and that comes to her knees. Then she searches for her long socks and her shoes. When she's ready, she walks to the library. She sits down in a chair at the fireplace and falls asleep after a few minutes*
Jul 14, 2010 11:12 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf walks back to the school once Ayame leaves he heads for the students dorm first and searches for any student
"Its Professor wolf if there's any students follow me"
A few students come out wolf looks at one asks
"Are there anyone else left"
Student responds
"No those damn Zombies got them"
Wolf says
"Alright come on we have to get to the library"
Student looks at wolf scared and says
"Are you joking thats where there gathering its probably because most of the students were there"
Wolf says
And starts to run towards the library with students following
Jul 14, 2010 12:16 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame hears a noise and wakes up. She looks around, but she doesn't see anyone. I'm just tired, there's no way there's something here. She looks at the fire, but she gets the feeling that someone is watching her*
"Hello? Is someone here?"
*Looks around nervous and stands up. She walks away from the fire and taht was a wrong choise. Suddenly, she feels hands around her. She tries to breek free, but they're to strong. When she looks at the creatures, she sees they are zombies*
"How did you guys become so fast? And let go off me, you stupid-"
*A zombie puts his hand on her mouth, so she can't speak anymore. She can't even whistle. She could have known they are here. The smell of death...
Jul 15, 2010 10:27 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf rushes through the school until he reaches the library where he finds zombies holding Ayame Wolf then looks at the student
"Get back this could really hurt all of you"
Wolf runs into the room and casts deathkeeper summoning a spell that has not been used in a long time the grim reaper appears and slices all the heads of those that are not of the living once he's done he looks at wolf and laughs before disappearing wolf knows he's lucky the grim reaper did not take him for being a vampire wolf was lucky in risking his life but if paid off he runs to ayame
"Ayame are you alright"
Jul 15, 2010 10:31 AM

Aug 2009
*Aayme opens her eyes again. When she saw the grim reaper, she was scared. So she closed her eyes. First she looks around in panic. Where are the zombies? She realizes they aren't here anymore. She looks at Yuri*
"No, I'm not alright. I was scared. That smell.. I hate it. And I couldn't even protect myself."
*Lays her head against his chest*
"Don't leave me alone anymore, please... . I don't want something like this to happen again."
Jowii-chanJul 15, 2010 1:40 PM
Jul 15, 2010 8:15 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf supresses the urge to drink ayames blood having not eaten in weeks using the last of his energy to summon the grim reaper
"i promise never to leave you again I think thats the last of them lets get back to the dorms where its safe"
Wolf looks down at Ayame at his chest and smiles
Jul 16, 2010 2:38 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks at Wolf and nods. She doesn't want to be in this room any longer. Suddenly, she looks serious*
"Is something wrong, Wolf?"
*She stands up and stares a few seconds at his face. Then she takes his hand so he would follow her*
Jowii-chanJul 16, 2010 12:48 PM
Jul 17, 2010 1:03 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf feels much better after Ayame holds his hand and he follows her
Jul 17, 2010 1:15 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame doesn't say anything for a while, but when she's at the dorms, she stands still*
"I still didn't get an answer. You look pale, Wolf. There's something wrong, I can feel it."
*She looks a bit worried at him*
Jul 17, 2010 11:02 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks at himself he has gotten paler he starts to shiver and stares at Ayame then starts to walk away to his room
"Stay here I don't want you to see me like this"
Yuri runs to his room on the bottom floor and searches through his refrigirator full of blood all gone smashed up by the zombies looking for flesh he looks for his hidden stash and finds nothing yuri starts to shiver and gets very thirsty and trys to think what to do he hits the wall and starts to tear up his bedroom
Jul 18, 2010 9:17 AM

Aug 2009
*Even though Wolf told her to stay here, when Ayame hears the noise, she walks carefully to his room. She looks around the corner and sees that the room is a mess. But more important, she smells blood. From a lot of different people*
"Wolf, stop destroying your bedroom, you idiot."
*Enters his room and walks towards him*
Jul 25, 2010 10:33 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri hears Ayame and starts to panic is thirst starts to take over but manages to take control of it and yells at ayame
"Go get out of here now I don't want you anywhere near me'
Yuri starts to run jumping through his window heading for the forest he punches trees looking for anything wishing he could drink the blood of an animal but it's poisinous to a vampire he starts to shiver then falls on the ground pounding the ground from thirst feeling it consuming him he starts to run as far away as he can get away from ayame until the thirst starts to consume him and he starts to feel the real darkness within all vampires start to rise he fights it for as long as he can
Jul 25, 2010 10:45 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame is shocked when he yells at her. She sees how he jumps through his window and dissappears in the forest. Then she goes to the empty bottles and smells the blood even harder. Could he be...? Well, he is fast and the blood... Suddenly, she turns around when she ears voices in her head. It's here, princess. The bloodthirst, it's incredible. What will become of the students when it awakens. Ayame looks at the forest and tries to think about what she should do now. Going to him and have the chance of getting her blood sucked or waiting here until something happens? But, he wouldn't attack her, right? She is still thinking about it when she jumps out the window to at least see when he would come back*
Jul 25, 2010 10:59 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf sees a dark figure approach him and hear him say
"I haven't seen you since you first turned from a Magicain into the King of darkness you are the first vampire yet you deny everything of ever being one now it's my turn to take over and show you the true extent of your powers"
Wolf Says
"No never stay away from me I never want to ever be absorbed by the darkness"
Dark figure removes hood to reveal face of wolf
"I am you"
And wolf awakens again to find himself in the forest then looks at himself and feels the darkness within he fights it but knows its pointless
Jul 25, 2010 11:22 AM

Aug 2009
*Finally, Ayame decides to go to Wolf. The forest will protect her... right? She runs to the forest and meanwhile she get rid of her shoes and socks. When she feels the energy of the forest, she let go of 'human form'. Her ears are more pointed now, her hair is blonder and longer, her eyes have an impossible brightness and she seems more beautifull than ever. When her feet hit the ground, an amazing enery flows from the forest into her and from her into the forest. From that moment, she knows exactly where Wolf is and she knows that somethings wrong. He has a very dark aura right now. But she still runs to him, even though she feels the negative energy in her bones and her instinct tells her to stay away from him. When she finally reaches him, she stands still. Her feet doens't want to move, it was better that she wasn't too close to him right now*
"So it's true. This aura and energy... That I didn't realize it earlier."
*She looks at his face*
"What are you fighting?"
Jul 25, 2010 11:33 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks behind him to see ayame and says
Yuri looks at ayame and sees how beautiful and pure she is how the darkness starts to take him forcing him to extend his fangs out ready to drink Ayame dry of any blood he fights it and the dark figure appears in his head and says
"I'll let return back to your life of peace for now but it will not last especcially with the thirst you face"
Yuri turns back to his pure side and falls over he sees ayame and says
"I love you ayame and I would rather die then ever take any blood from you "
wolf starts to black out still concious
Jul 25, 2010 11:44 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame takes a few steps in his direction when he seems to go back to normal. She sits down next to him and lays his head on her legs. When he says he loves her, she smiles because she's happy*
"You're an idiot, Wolf. If you don't take any blood, you will die anyway. I'm not going to let that happen, because I love you too. Drink my blood. In class you said that vampires like elvesblood the best, because it's so pure. Drink it. I trust you."
*She takes his hand*
Jul 26, 2010 9:09 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf looks at the blood dripping from Ayames hand he looks at it and fights the craving but it takes over then drinks from her the blood is more pure then he's had in a long time once his craving is sedated he gets flashes from Ayames life just as she has of him which is usual when one drinks the blood of an elf wolf looks at ayame
"I'm very sorry you had to do that if you like I will leave you forever and never return and you shall never have to look at the hideous monster that i am"
Jul 27, 2010 4:42 AM

Aug 2009
*When Wolf drinks Ayame's blood, she bites on her lip. It's more frightening as she thought it would be, but she doesn't say a thing. Suddenly, she sees flashes of Wolf's life. It disappears before she can really give her attention to it. She looks at Wolf while he speaks. Then she looks a bit angry at him*
"Did you really think I wanted you to leave afterwards when I said that you could drink my blood?"
*Ayame looks a while at him while not saying a thing. Then she bows towards him and whispers*
"Don't leave me alone, now."
*Then she kisses him*
Jul 27, 2010 8:09 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf embraces the kiss with ayame and hopes it last forever but it only lasts a minute and once there done wolf looks at ayame
"Well what do we do now the school is in ruins most of the students are either dead or left the school in fear"
Wolf sits down and thinks still looking at ayame wondering whether this love he feels for her is right
Jul 27, 2010 11:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles at Wolf and look then at the trees and things that only she can see*
"We do the obvious, Wolf. We search first for the students who survived, make sure they are alright and see if we can do something about the fear and let them have a few weeks of vacation. Wich will give us the chance to rebuild the school. At the same time, we search for the dead students and purify their soul. Then we send them back to their family, if they have one. Otherwise we bury them here."
*She thinks about it some time*
"Most of the students are not human and I'm sure most of them survived. The parents from the ones who are killed, understand more about zombies. They probably knows the teathers did all they could. The humans are more difficult. They're an easy target for the zombies if they can't protect themselfs and the parents won't be so understanding. That could be a problem."
*Ayame closes her eyes for a moment and lays her head against Wolf's shoulder*
"Why should I even think about this? I'm a student..."
Jul 27, 2010 12:01 PM

Nov 2008
wolf looks at Ayame even after all she's been through he realizes that she is still a student
"Im sorry to burden you with all this I sometimes forget as a teacher that your still a student but right now all I wish to do is be with you"
Wolf hears something in the back of his head coming from his darkness
"Even the purity of elves blood won't make me go away I'll be there as I always am waiting to take you over again"
Jul 28, 2010 2:37 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles and closes her eyes. In her 'elf form', she can hear much better and feel things others don't. She knows what happens in the whole forest right now*
"It doesn't matter. I got myself into this, so I'll make it work somehow."
*Suddenly, she is surprised form the dark aura that she feeled some minutes ago. She gets her head from Wolf's shoulder and looks at him like she wants to see in his head*
"It must be difficult."
*She whispered it, but she's sure he heard her. Then she stands up*
"Come on, we can't sit here forever. There's work to do."
*She gives him her hand to help him up*
Jul 28, 2010 8:32 AM

Nov 2008
"Wait ayame there's something I must tell you before we go any further"
wolf looks at ayame saddened
"I'm the first vampire to come into creation it all started as a magician in my younger years I was experimenting and was bitten by an unknown demon from hell transforming me into the monster I am today I'm actually much older then anyone knows and since then a part of the demon has been inside me waiting to take over and I don't know if I can have you the one thing in this world I'm willing to die for be endanger with me so it's now that we must depart"
Wolf walks back from Ayame and says
"You should be safe the zombies have all been killed by the guardians of the school or whats left of them I'll come back though to teach but don't worry I'll keep my distance"
Wolf walks away from ayame
Jul 28, 2010 9:18 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks at Wolf with so much sadness in her eyes. Then she walks to him and takes his shirt in her hand so he can't walk away anymore*
"If you say that this is wrong, why does it feel so good? Why do I want to be with you even if you can mean my death? Why don't I give a damn what will happen in the future? Are you just going to run away because you're scared what will happen? When will you ever realize that that isn't going to work?"
*She releases him and looks mad away*
"Do what you want. It's not like you'll listen to what I say."
*Ayame walks away while getting her human form again*
Jul 28, 2010 11:29 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf talks to the walking ayame
"Ayame Please don't leave I've never felt this way about anyone and I'm just worried what will happen but if I'm with you I know the darkness will never come back and if it does I'll make sure your not hurt now can we please be together"
Wolf walks to ayame and looks into her eyes
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