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Nov 21, 2021 12:44 PM

Jul 2021
levi is currently the second most favorited character but why do people like him. aside from his looks and being a badass he has nothing to him. seriously no development of a 1-dimensional personality and is a Gary stu. he isn't likable either as his only personality trait is him being angry at everyone and serious all the time. so why do people like him is it just the simping thing???

well this was a mistake the comments are cancer
_spoon_Nov 22, 2021 1:04 PM

Pages (5) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Nov 21, 2021 12:54 PM
Dec 2020
He's a pretty cool badass chracter thats why I and many others gravitate to his chracter hell I have a poster of him in my room. (Editors note he's IMO a decently written chracter though the No regrets movie and the entire series just my opinion tho)
Nov 21, 2021 12:54 PM
Feb 2020
Because why not seems pretty likable
Nov 21, 2021 1:00 PM
Apr 2021
If your looking for character I would watch the"No Regrets" ova, gives a lot of background and character makes him even more likable.
Nov 21, 2021 1:01 PM
Feb 2018
Why do characters need to be multi-layered to be likeable?
Nov 21, 2021 1:01 PM
Jun 2021
_spoon_ said:
levi is currently the second most favorited character but why do people like him. aside from his looks and being a badass he has nothing to him. seriously no development of a 1-dimensional personality and is a Gary stu. so why do people like him is it just the simping thing???
bayblade spin spin
Nov 21, 2021 1:02 PM
Jul 2018
Good question. I wonder this often myself. Sadly there is no answer. Let people like what they like.
Nov 21, 2021 1:04 PM

Jul 2021
R00M_Sh4mbl3s said:
If your looking for character I would watch the"No Regrets" ova, gives a lot of background and character makes him even more likable.
i did i still dont like him
_spoon_Jan 7, 2022 6:56 PM

Nov 21, 2021 1:13 PM
Nov 2019
Do i need a point or points to like characters???
What when i just say, "yea hes pretty cool" and thats all i need to like him, huh? Or i just like him for nothing, any problems with that then?
Nonsense post...
But whatever everyone has their points to like or dislike characters sooo...
Nov 21, 2021 1:17 PM
Feb 2021
_spoon_ said:
levi is currently the second most favorited character but why do people like him. aside from his looks and being a badass he has nothing to him. seriously no development of a 1-dimensional personality and is a Gary stu. he isn't likable either as his only personality trait is him being angry at everyone and serious all the time. so why do people like him is it just the simping thing???
You favorite Meruem, the most overrated villain in all of anime.
Nov 21, 2021 1:18 PM
Apr 2021
_spoon_ said:
R00M_Sh4mbl3s said:
If your looking for character I would watch the"No Regrets" ova, gives a lot of background and character makes him even more likable.
i did a tragic backstory doesn't automatically make someone a good character 😑
lol well at this point it just seems like you dont wanna like him, which is cool, to each their own ig
Nov 21, 2021 1:27 PM
Nov 2021
R00M_Sh4mbl3s said:
If your looking for character I would watch the"No Regrets" ova, gives a lot of background and character makes him even more likable.

This OVA actually made me like him much much more! I know you said besides being badass and good looking they do play a huge roll in him being my personal favorite. He’s also quite funny to me with his whole clean freak attitude! Overall he’s good looking badass and quite funny!
Nov 21, 2021 1:32 PM
Apr 2021
Characters dont need to be complex to be likable
Nov 21, 2021 1:40 PM

Apr 2020
I guess because he is a badass, who exudes charisma and calm even in the most desperate situations
Nov 21, 2021 1:43 PM
Oct 2017
No character development?

Bro so check me out, his 2 close friends dying in his backstory ova, his entire squad that he hand picked because he saw something special in them dying in season 1 to the female titan and finally his leader and best friend erwin not only just dying, but levi decided that he will let erwin die without achieving his life goal of seeing whats in the basement
Nov 21, 2021 1:46 PM

Feb 2021
BloodyTaer said:
No character development?

Bro so check me out, his 2 close friends dying in his backstory ova, his entire squad that he hand picked because he saw something special in them dying in season 1 to the female titan and finally his leader and best friend erwin not only just dying, but levi decided that he will let erwin die without achieving his life goal of seeing whats in the basement
This is good and all but you are just stating what happened to him throughout the series, still no development. Shit character.
Nov 21, 2021 1:49 PM
Oct 2017
elderonn said:
BloodyTaer said:
No character development?

Bro so check me out, his 2 close friends dying in his backstory ova, his entire squad that he hand picked because he saw something special in them dying in season 1 to the female titan and finally his leader and best friend erwin not only just dying, but levi decided that he will let erwin die without achieving his life goal of seeing whats in the basement
This is good and all but you are just stating what happened to him throughout the series, still no development. Shit character.
if developmet isn't bad stuff happening to a character then what is character development to you?
Nov 21, 2021 1:51 PM
Jul 2018
_spoon_ said:
his looks and being a badass

This is exactly why no other reason.
Nov 21, 2021 1:55 PM

Feb 2021
BloodyTaer said:
elderonn said:
This is good and all but you are just stating what happened to him throughout the series, still no development. Shit character.
if developmet isn't bad stuff happening to a character then what is character development to you?

In fiction writing, character development is the process of building a unique, three-dimensional character with depth, personality, and clear motivations. Character development can also refer to the changes a character undergoes over the course of a story as a result of their actions and experiences. I have never heard anything as stupid as what you just wrote " bad stuff happening to a character" shame on you. The point is, Levi did not change as a person since his debut in the series.
Nov 21, 2021 2:11 PM

Jan 2021
Not cause of his face of course.He is badass character with sad past which turned him into badass killing titan machine.He's ackerman after all very funny and interesting character
Nov 21, 2021 2:11 PM
Dec 2020
domata said:
Characters dont need to be complex to be likable
domata said:
Characters dont need to be complex to be likable
fax (15 characters)
Nov 21, 2021 2:12 PM
Mar 2021
Why would people like Zayn mallik for his appearances more than his performances?
Nov 21, 2021 2:12 PM
Jul 2018
_spoon_ said:
levi is currently the second most favorited character but why do people like him. aside from his looks and being a badass he has nothing to him. seriously no development of a 1-dimensional personality and is a Gary stu. he isn't likable either as his only personality trait is him being angry at everyone and serious all the time. so why do people like him is it just the simping thing???
I'll one up you, why do people like this show? Season 1 and 2 we're good but 3 was so awful I didn't even continue to season 4.
Nov 21, 2021 2:18 PM

Jul 2021
MxrcoH1Ibxr said:
Do i need a point or points to like characters???
What when i just say, "yea hes pretty cool" and thats all i need to like him, huh? Or i just like him for nothing, any problems with that then?
Nonsense post...
But whatever everyone has their points to like or dislike characters sooo...
why are you mad bro i just wanted to know why you liked him stop acting like im attacking you 🤦‍♂️
_spoon_Nov 21, 2021 2:39 PM

Nov 21, 2021 2:19 PM

Jul 2021
R00M_Sh4mbl3s said:
_spoon_ said:
i did a tragic backstory doesn't automatically make someone a good character 😑
lol well at this point it just seems like you dont wanna like him, which is cool, to each their own ig
i do but like complex and well written characters which he is not

Nov 21, 2021 2:20 PM

Jul 2021
BloodyTaer said:
elderonn said:
This is good and all but you are just stating what happened to him throughout the series, still no development. Shit character.
if developmet isn't bad stuff happening to a character then what is character development to you?
when a characters changed throughout the story

Nov 21, 2021 2:21 PM

Jul 2021
BloodyTaer said:
No character development?

Bro so check me out, his 2 close friends dying in his backstory ova, his entire squad that he hand picked because he saw something special in them dying in season 1 to the female titan and finally his leader and best friend erwin not only just dying, but levi decided that he will let erwin die without achieving his life goal of seeing whats in the basement
🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ friends dying does not equal development neither does letting a friend die
_spoon_Nov 21, 2021 2:39 PM

Nov 21, 2021 2:22 PM

Jul 2021
elderonn said:
BloodyTaer said:
No character development?

Bro so check me out, his 2 close friends dying in his backstory ova, his entire squad that he hand picked because he saw something special in them dying in season 1 to the female titan and finally his leader and best friend erwin not only just dying, but levi decided that he will let erwin die without achieving his life goal of seeing whats in the basement
This is good and all but you are just stating what happened to him throughout the series, still no development. Shit character.
your spitting facts

Nov 21, 2021 2:23 PM

Jul 2021
elderonn said:
BloodyTaer said:
if developmet isn't bad stuff happening to a character then what is character development to you?

In fiction writing, character development is the process of building a unique, three-dimensional character with depth, personality, and clear motivations. Character development can also refer to the changes a character undergoes over the course of a story as a result of their actions and experiences. I have never heard anything as stupid as what you just wrote " bad stuff happening to a character" shame on you. The point is, Levi did not change as a person since his debut in the series.
fax (15 character limit)

Nov 21, 2021 2:38 PM

Jul 2021
Underated00 said:
He's a pretty cool badass chracter thats why I and many others gravitate to his chracter hell I have a poster of him in my room. (Editors note he's IMO a decently written chracter though the No regrets movie and the entire series just my opinion tho)
i watched the whole series and the ovas he still a shit character

Nov 21, 2021 2:40 PM

Aug 2021
ppl like bec he is cool and he has good looks even though that doesn't make a good character.
just let ppl like what they like eve if u disagree with it
Never forget bungee gum has both the properties of both rubber and gum
Nov 21, 2021 2:41 PM

Jul 2021
HAVOC_ said:
ppl like bec he is cool and he has good looks even though that doesn't make a good character.
just let ppl like what they like eve if u disagree with it
loooooooool i never aid it was bad to like him i just want to know why they do

Nov 21, 2021 2:42 PM
Dec 2020
_spoon_ said:
Underated00 said:
He's a pretty cool badass chracter thats why I and many others gravitate to his chracter hell I have a poster of him in my room. (Editors note he's IMO a decently written chracter though the No regrets movie and the entire series just my opinion tho)
i watched the whole series and the ovas he still a shit character
I'm sorry that he's not Johan bro
Nov 21, 2021 2:43 PM
Jun 2021
Cause why not aot is popular and levi is cool don't have to agree with the masses
Nov 21, 2021 2:43 PM

Jul 2021
Calumity said:
_spoon_ said:
levi is currently the second most favorited character but why do people like him. aside from his looks and being a badass he has nothing to him. seriously no development of a 1-dimensional personality and is a Gary stu. he isn't likable either as his only personality trait is him being angry at everyone and serious all the time. so why do people like him is it just the simping thing???
I'll one up you, why do people like this show? Season 1 and 2 we're good but 3 was so awful I didn't even continue to season 4.
season 1 - 3 were average s3part 2 and 4 were ok i can see why they like it because it gives of the illusion of good characters and writing

Nov 21, 2021 2:44 PM

Jul 2021
Underated00 said:
_spoon_ said:
i watched the whole series and the ovas he still a shit character
I'm sorry that he's not Johan bro
someone isn't a shit character because there not johan barely anyone is as good as him

Nov 21, 2021 3:03 PM
Dec 2020
_spoon_ said:
Underated00 said:
I'm sorry that he's not Johan bro
someone isn't a shit character because there not johan barely anyone is as good as him
Its just that your standards are high for chracters which isn't a bad thing i understand you wanting a well written chracter but you're probably comparing chracters like Levi to chracters such as Johan or Griffith Levi issa badass chracter so thats the main reason people like him you don't have to find him interesting tho
Nov 21, 2021 3:06 PM

Jul 2021
Underated00 said:
_spoon_ said:
someone isn't a shit character because there not johan barely anyone is as good as him
Its just that your standards are high for chracters which isn't a bad thing i understand you wanting a well written chracter but you're probably comparing chracters like Levi to chracters such as Johan or Griffith Levi issa badass chracter so thats the main reason people like him you don't have to find him interesting tho
yea your right I have very high standards I've watched 30 anime and have a mean score of 5 lmao

Nov 21, 2021 3:14 PM
Jan 2021
Bec hes the only good character, duh
Nov 21, 2021 3:16 PM

Jul 2021
LB97 said:
Bec hes the only good character, duh
lol no the only good characters are historia and reiner
_spoon_Nov 21, 2021 3:46 PM

Nov 21, 2021 3:31 PM
Jan 2020
Mostly cuz he’s a badass, people are simple, also he’s hot and short.
Nov 21, 2021 3:34 PM
Oct 2017
elderonn said:
BloodyTaer said:
if developmet isn't bad stuff happening to a character then what is character development to you?

In fiction writing, character development is the process of building a unique, three-dimensional character with depth, personality, and clear motivations. Character development can also refer to the changes a character undergoes over the course of a story as a result of their actions and experiences. I have never heard anything as stupid as what you just wrote " bad stuff happening to a character" shame on you. The point is, Levi did not change as a person since his debut in the series.
i think he did change, he went from a little slugger who stole and killed to survive in the underworld to a smart badass in the army that he was escaping from, someoone who stands for morals and justice but life constantly hits him and he still takes it

Anyway no matter how much i talk about him, you clearely don't like him because hes popular and youre never going to change your mind, which is okay. keep your opinions i guess
Nov 21, 2021 3:35 PM
Jan 2021
_spoon_ said:
LB97 said:
Bec hes the only good character, duh
lol no the only good characters are historia and renier
its reiner bro just sayin
Nov 21, 2021 3:36 PM
Aug 2021
He’s a badass character but compared to other aot characters he’s not well written. I like him but he’s highly overrated
Nov 21, 2021 3:36 PM
Oct 2017
_spoon_ said:
BloodyTaer said:
No character development?

Bro so check me out, his 2 close friends dying in his backstory ova, his entire squad that he hand picked because he saw something special in them dying in season 1 to the female titan and finally his leader and best friend erwin not only just dying, but levi decided that he will let erwin die without achieving his life goal of seeing whats in the basement
🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ friends dying does not equal development neither does letting a friend die
we get it bro you don't like him, you don't have to write a million replies
Nov 21, 2021 3:49 PM

Jul 2021
BloodyTaer said:
elderonn said:

In fiction writing, character development is the process of building a unique, three-dimensional character with depth, personality, and clear motivations. Character development can also refer to the changes a character undergoes over the course of a story as a result of their actions and experiences. I have never heard anything as stupid as what you just wrote " bad stuff happening to a character" shame on you. The point is, Levi did not change as a person since his debut in the series.
i think he did change, he went from a little slugger who stole and killed to survive in the underworld to a smart badass in the army that he was escaping from, someoone who stands for morals and justice but life constantly hits him and he still takes it

Anyway no matter how much i talk about him, you clearely don't like him because hes popular and youre never going to change your mind, which is okay. keep your opinions i guess
lol none of that development happened on camera for development to be good we have to see it happen in the ovas he joined the army but we didn't see is information. i don't hate him because he's popular though. i like many popular characters

Nov 21, 2021 3:50 PM
Feb 2021
He's cool, he has a great background story, he has a great development, he's really good at what he does, he's captivating and yes he is good looking and his voice actor is also very good, he's intriguing and a complex character, normally characters like him are very popular.

I just fail to understand why do you care so much, people have different opinions and different perceptions of things, this is what I think of him but you can have a totally different opinion, but why do people always make treads expressing how much they don't understand the hype of something, like you have your own opinion and a bunch of people agreeing or disagreeing with you is not gonna change anything, specially because this tread has been made countless of times.
Nov 21, 2021 3:53 PM

Jul 2021
ImwithRazor said:
He's cool, he has a great background story, he has a great development, he's really good at what he does, he's captivating and yes he is good looking and his voice actor is also very good, he's intriguing and a complex character, normally characters like him are very popular.

I just fail to understand why do you care so much, people have different opinions and different perceptions of things, this is what I think of him but you can have a totally different opinion, but why do people always make treads expressing how much they don't understand the hype of something, like you have your own opinion and a bunch of people agreeing or disagreeing with you is not gonna change anything, specially because this tread has been made countless of times.
no I'm fine with people liking him i just wanted to know why they did as i didnt find him interesting

Nov 21, 2021 3:54 PM

Aug 2020
ImwithRazor said:
He's cool, he has a great background story, he has a great development, he's really good at what he does, he's captivating and yes he is good looking and his voice actor is also very good, he's intriguing and a complex character, normally characters like him are very popular.

I just fail to understand why do you care so much, people have different opinions and different perceptions of things, this is what I think of him but you can have a totally different opinion, but why do people always make treads expressing how much they don't understand the hype of something, like you have your own opinion and a bunch of people agreeing or disagreeing with you is not gonna change anything, specially because this tread has been made countless of times.
kay, he's cool,ok...yes he has a good background story, that's the only good thing about him tbh, but anyway......great development, like are you fr.....he is the same guy he was in S1, nothing changed tbh, and complex character, ahhh whaa.......... A moment of silence for this one.................
Nov 21, 2021 3:56 PM
Feb 2021
RavenHairedBoy said:
ImwithRazor said:
He's cool, he has a great background story, he has a great development, he's really good at what he does, he's captivating and yes he is good looking and his voice actor is also very good, he's intriguing and a complex character, normally characters like him are very popular.

I just fail to understand why do you care so much, people have different opinions and different perceptions of things, this is what I think of him but you can have a totally different opinion, but why do people always make treads expressing how much they don't understand the hype of something, like you have your own opinion and a bunch of people agreeing or disagreeing with you is not gonna change anything, specially because this tread has been made countless of times.
kay, he's cool,ok...yes he has a good background story, that's the only good thing about him tbh, but anyway......great development, like are you fr.....he is the same guy he was in S1, nothing changed tbh, and complex character, ahhh whaa.......... A moment of silence for this one.................
like I said you have your opinion I have mine, you disagree with me and that's totally fine, in terms of development I was talking about his development because of everything he's been through and the way he thinks changes through out his life, the way he deals with certain things is very different then it used to be in s1 and I personally think he's a complex character but that's just my perception of him, I never said that you had to agree with me.
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