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Jan 23, 2020 7:05 PM

May 2013
Hola, ustedes! Here's a Google Drive link for you:

What's at this link, you ask? Only the complete collection of Honorary Monstergirl entries (alas, I don't have the ones from Season 1), all the HMG vignettes I have, and the completed Sun Garden stories.

But that's not all, oh no. I have also included a special project I've been working on off-and-on for a few months. I have done an MGE conversion to D&D 5E! It's a pdf, so it should open on any machine with a pdf reader.

Who loves ya, baby?
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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Jan 23, 2020 9:04 PM
May 2014
Thanks for your hard work!
Jan 23, 2020 9:37 PM
Nov 2019
Ooooo, defiantly gotta check that out
Jan 24, 2020 12:59 AM

Jun 2009
Jan 24, 2020 3:18 AM

Mar 2014
Thanks man!

Jan 24, 2020 6:38 PM

Jan 2015
Good stuff Tyger!

Can't help but notice that the map you have there is outdated though. This is the newest version of the map. I've made some minor adjustments compared to the one Chime made and I edited a few years back. These adjustments are mostly only relevant for Venomwolf for now. I plan to properly overhaul this map in the future for a cleaner and properly layered map. Might also add some more islands / make some changes to Arcadia while I'm at it then.

Also I have made a special monster girls club email and google drive a long time back, maybe we can merge these at some point.

MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:08 PM
Jan 25, 2020 8:48 PM

May 2013
!!! This stuff definitely belongs on the club google drive!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jan 26, 2020 5:06 AM
Oct 2013
Thanks, your efforts are appreciated
Jan 27, 2020 8:54 AM

Jan 2013
Great stuff, Tyger!
Feb 1, 2020 7:35 AM
Mar 2010
Yay monster girls. Seems I can't find it. nvmd found it.
Sep 14, 2020 5:57 AM

May 2013
Update! I fixed some of the racial features (one of the avian subraces had an ability that duplicated one of the core race features, don't know how I missed that) and added the wonderworm. And in the course of that update I discovered that I had left the entire mimic family out. Oh, the shame! I have now rectified that oversight. The new version is here:
tygertygerOct 1, 2020 6:05 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 16, 2020 8:00 PM

May 2013
And now another treat -- the first DnD 5E conversion for an Honorary Monstergirl! And what better one to start with than the winner of this year's contest?

Fire-blooded (Elfkind)
The fire-blooded are an offshoot of the dark elves; they have skintones ranging from light to medium brown and often have red or blond hair. Golden or bright red eyes are typical. Their heritage carries both a powerful gift for magic and a curse that makes it dangerous to overuse that magic, and because of that danger they have strict taboos against traveling or using magic while alone.

Fire-blooded show a marked preference for the sorcerer class -- all of their bloodlines are powerfully magical -- but they are almost as likely to be druids, warlocks, or wizards.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Bloodburn. If you expend all of your spell slots you become aroused. This condition lasts until you experience at least one orgasm from having sex with another humanoid or complete a short rest. If you have also expended all uses of your spells from your Bloodfire Mage trait you must have sex with a human or complete a long rest to end the aroused condition.

If the aroused condition persists for the duration of a short rest you must succeed on a DC12 Wisdom saving throw or suffer short-term madness. If the condition persists for the duration of a long rest you suffer long-term madness instead. If you are already suffering from long-term madness when you fail the saving throw you suffer indefinite madness instead.

If you don't have spell slots/are not of a spellcasting class you only suffer the lesser version of the curse, and then only after expending all uses of your Bloodfire Mage spells plus any spells you can cast without using spell slots that you gain from feats or other traits (i.e. Magic Initiate).

Bloodfire Mage. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the detect magic spell. At 5th level you learn the Nystul's magic aura spell. You can cast each of these spells once without using any components and without spending spell slots. Use the highest of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for these spells. You regain the ability to cast these spells in this manner after you finish a long rest.

Instinctive Magery. You have both proficiency and expertise with the Arcana skill.

Nice, eh? If anyone would like to do conversions of other HMGs, feel free to post them here.

Edit: Made a slight change to accommodate characters who aren't of spellcasting classes.
tygertygerSep 17, 2020 6:01 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 22, 2020 5:42 PM

May 2013
What's that you say? "How about a DnD 5E conversion of this year's runner-up, too?" Don't mind if I do!

Green Fairy (Fey)
Green fairies, as the name implies, resemble their fairy kin but with lacy translucent wings and green coloring to their hair, eyes, wings, and sometimes skin. They originally had a mystical tie to the making of absinthe, but they've since branched out to embrace (not to mention imbibe) all alcoholic beverages.

Few green fairies take up the adventuring life; it cuts into their drinking time. The few adventurers among them are either following adventuring husbands, in search of stange new drinks, or arranging for better stories to tell at taverns.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Barfly. You are proficient with brewer's supplies and the Insight skill. You have advantage on saving throws to resist the effects of alcohol.

Big Drinker. When you have consumed enough alcohol to be "buzzed" (mildly inebriated, using whatever rules apply in your campaign)* you grow in size to become a Small creature. When you've had enough to get "blitzed" (seriously drunk)* you become a Medium creature. This magical transformation also affects your clothing and equipment. Your damage dice and the amount of weight you can carry, lift, push, or drag increase according to your current size.

You lose your Small Target trait while drunk.

Boozehound. Any attempt to persuade, seduce, or bribe you has advantage if accompanied by an offer of strong drink.

Brewer's Friend. You generate an aura that impoves the quality of alcoholic beverages, amplifies their positive effects, and reduces their deleterious effects. Within your aura affected skill checks have advantage, and any critical failure is treated as a normal failure. This applies to Charisma (Persuasion) checks for the purpose of seduction or defusing a conflict if the targets have consumed alcohol within the last hour and to any use of brewer's supplies.

Any alcoholic beverage that remains in your aura for the duration of a short rest improves one step in quality -- a beverage can only be improved this way once. Lastly, all non-hostile creatures in the aura recover from drunkenness penalties faster within the aura -- for example, if your campaign expresses drunkenness penalties as levels of exhaustion each creature removes one additional drunkenness-based level of exhaustion per rest.

At 1st level your aura has a 20 foot radius. The radius increases by 20 feet at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 19th levels.

*If using the rules for the Drunk condition in the MGE DnD file, 1-2 levels of intoxication count as "buzzed" and 3+ levels of intoxication count as "blitzed."
tygertygerOct 1, 2020 6:10 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 28, 2020 5:43 AM

May 2013
The winner got a DnD conversion, the runner-up got a DnD conversion, why wouldn't the People's Choice get a DnD conversion?

Aisfurru (Beastman)
The aisfurru are an uncommon variety of werewolf found only in cold regions. They look just like their kin except for having white or blue fur and pale or bluish skin. Blue or gray eyes are the norm. Aisfurru thrive in snowy climates and are natural scavengers and scroungers. They also have innate magic that allows them to wield cold as a weapon.

Because they are more magical than most other beastmen aisfurru rangers need not be spell-less. They are also sometimes druids, but they tend to be too coolheaded to be barbarians.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity scores each increase by 1.

Ice Magic. You know the frostbite cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the ice knife spell. At 5th level you learn Snilloc's snowball swarm. You can cast each of these spells once without using components or spending spell slots. You regain this ability when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Scavenger. You are proficient with the Survival skill, and you double your proficiency bonus on Wisdom (Survival) checks to find food or shelter.

Native Environment. Boreal forest, tundra (count as one environment)

Primary Sense. Smell
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 15, 2020 6:08 AM

May 2013
How about some more HMG-to-DnD conversion? Since it's October as I post this let's have one in keeping with the Halloween season.

Scarecrow (Construct)
A scarecrow is a kind of tsukumogami that gains life and a soul after a long period of consistent use. Those that were well cared for or that watched over productive fields are called summer scarecrows, while those that were neglected or set to guard barren fields become autumn scarecrows. Summer scarecrows tend to be kind and helpful except when protecting their charges, in which case they can be terrifyingly brutal. While sexually aggressive they don't actually assault humans. Autumn scarecrows, on the other hand, delight in terrorizing others and playing vicious pranks. They actually prefer that their sex partners be unwilling.

Like most constructs scarecrows aren't often spellcasters, but some of them are warlocks sworn to the Wicker Man or the Children of the Corn (the Fiend and the Archfey, respectively). As rangers they aren't necessarily spell-less.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Crowbane. You are proficient with the Intimidation skill, and you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks against birds and bird-like creatures. This specifically includes avian mamono. You can make an Intimidation check against any avian creature within 60 feet of you that you can see even if they can't see you.

How 'bout a Little Fire? You are vulnerable to fire damage.

Rag Doll Physics. You have resistance to bludgeoning damage and damage from falling.
tygertygerOct 16, 2020 8:17 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 4, 2020 8:05 AM

Jan 2015
can't say I'm too familiar with the DnD setting or it's character creation, but I sure like some of these individual race traits you've come up with.
Nov 15, 2020 11:23 AM

May 2013
And now for a Thanksgiving-themed DnD conversion. In honor of Turkey Day, have a DnD-ified harpy!

Mahar (Avian)
The rarest member of the avian family resembles prehistoric flying reptiles more than birds. Mahars are native to the Underdark, and their matriarchies are powers there almost as great as the dark elves and the duergar. In the Underdark only mind flayers exceed the mahars' ability for mind magic.

The reason for mahars' rarity is their low birth rate; most of a mahar's eggs don't hatch into mahars. The majority of the offspring are less magical beings called thipdars which look like mahars but are identical to harpies for the purpose of game mechanics.

Mahars are the only avians who prefer psionic classes. They are also often wizards specializing in the school of enchantment.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 25 feet. You can't fly if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered. You must also have enough room to flap your wings. Clothes and armor must be modified to accommodate your wings.

You can fly for extended periods; you add your proficiency bonus to saving throws the avoid gaining levels of exhaustion from the exertion of flying. If you are proficient in Constitituion saving throws you double your proficiency bonus for this purpose.

Mentalic Adept. You know the mind sliver cantrip (see Tasha's Cauldron of Everything). At 3rd level you learn the sleep spell. At 5th level you learn the suggestion spell. You can cast each of these spells once without using any components and without spending spell slots. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You regain the ability to cast these spells in this manner after you finish a long rest.

Telepathy. You can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet of you that you can see. The creature must have a language but need not share a common language with you.

Optional Feat: Mahar Projenitor
Prerequisite: Human; any two of Intelligence 13+, 1+ levels in a psionic class, and can cast enchantment spells.

By siring or bearing a mahar child you have gained a measure of the mahars' mental power. You gain the mahar Telepathy trait.

tygertygerNov 22, 2020 1:33 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 22, 2020 9:22 AM

May 2013
MGE DnD file has now been updated to add the Bogey:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 17, 2021 5:42 AM

May 2013
In honor of St. Patrick's Day here is a Celtic themed HMG-DnD conversion. Erin go Braless!

Spriggan (Floral)
Spriggans universally have green skin and hair, but their eyes can be any color that appears among flowers. Many of them have flowers growing in their hair. A spriggan has a single long vine with a thumb-sized bulb on the end growing from the top of her head. This bulb glows softly in the dark. Spriggans are highly social beings who enjoy the company of other mamono -- so much so that they actually prefer to share husbands. Nearly all spriggans are just as attracted to women as they are to men.
The spriggan is one of the most magically adept of the plant mamono. Their pacifying auras let them avoid most fights, and their aptitude for earth magic makes them fearsome opponents when they do have to fight. With such magical talent it's no surprise that spriggans are often spellcasters, usually druids but sometimes warlocks in service to the May Queen (the Archfey) or clerics of nature deities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Charisma scores each increase by 1.
Aura of Peace. As an action you can emit pacifying magic. Any creature within 30 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw at a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) or be charmed by you for 5 minutes. The effect ends if you or any of your allies attack the creature or its allies. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest.
Bioluminescence. The bulb on your head vine emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light another 10 feet beyond that whenever you are in the dark. You can neither extinguish nor dim this light. You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when you are in darkness or dim light unless the light is covered.
Turf Magic. You know the mold earth cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the earth tremor spell. At 5th level you learn the Maximilian's earthen grasp spell. You cast each of these spells once without expending spell slots or using components. You regain the ability cast this way after you complete a long rest.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 19, 2021 6:37 PM

May 2013
For those of you who DnD there is an online character builder called Orcpub that makes character creation and management a breeze. You can find it here:

Now, what does this have to do with monstergirls, you ask? That brings us to my current project -- converting the MGE DnD file to Orcpub. I've currently entered everything up through the giantkin. The MGE.orcpub file can be found on my Google Drive here:

Be sure to check back periodically; I'll update the file as I add more stuff.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 31, 2021 8:29 PM

May 2013
In honor of Easter here is a DnD conversion of a rabbit-themed HMG... but in honor of April Fool's Day we won't make her too rabbitty.

Wolpertinger (Dark Beast*)
A wolpertinger is a mishmash of several creatures but is always part rabbit. A wolpertinger's capabilities vary according to her exact mix of animal parts, as does her personality. Figuring out their basic capabilities, what sort of habitat they should live in, and even what they need to eat is a difficult process for wolpertingers -- their complex natures are a mystery even to them.
Wolpertingers are most often rangers. They are the only dark beasts that become bards with any regularity.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Eclectic Anatomy. You are made up of parts of a variety of creatures. Choose three of the abilities below.
*Flight: You have a flying speed of 20 feet. You can't fly if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered, and you must have room to flap your wings. Clothes and armor must be modified to accommodate your wings;
*Fluffy Tail: You have a +2 bonus on Charisma (Persuasion) checks against any humanoid that can see your tail. The bonus increases to +5 if they are currently touching your tail;‡
*Keen Ears: You add your proficiency bonus to hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks;†
*Keen Eyes: You add your proficiency bonus to sight-based Wisdom (Perception) checks;†
*Keen Nose: You add your proficiency bonus to scent-based Wisdom (Perception) checks;†
*Muddled Brain: Any use of the Insight skill on you has disadvantage;
*Prehensile Tail: You can perform an additional item interaction on your turn;‡
*Scaly: You are adapted to heat as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeonmaster's Guide;‡
*Woolly: You are adapted to cold as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeonmaster's Guide.‡
‡Can't be taken together with another ability that affects the same body part.
†If you are proficient with the Perception skill double your proficiency bonus instead.

Natural Weaponry. Unarmed strikes with your natural weapons deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier damage. Specify whether your weapons are antlers (piercing damage), ram's horns (bludgeoning damage), or claws (slashing damage).

Patchwork Body. The way the mismatched parts of your body work together is unpredictable; any use of the Medicine skill on you has disadvantage. On the upside you have advantage on saving throws to resist poison and disease.

*Yes, I know that the original HMG write-up classifies the wolpertinger as a beastman. However, beastmen in the MGE all draw their animal parts from a single species. The fact that wolpertingers draw theirs from multiple species makes dark beast a better fit.
tygertygerMar 31, 2021 8:45 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Apr 19, 2021 8:18 PM

May 2013
The week of 04/19-25 2021 graces us with two plant-themed holidays -- 04/20 (legalized marijuana sales) and 04/23 (the Battle of Flowers, a local San Antonio, TX holiday that celebrates a battle that was prevented). In honor of these I present an intoxicating plant-girl HMG!

Tigerlily (Floral)
Tigerlilies are known for being brightly colored even by the standards of florals. As literal walking bouquets they are exceptionally beautiful, and they have beautiful minds as well; the breed is known for their creativity and their tendency to develop specialized skill sets. This usually means the arts or sciences, but the few tigerlilies who study the art of war are surprisingly capable at it.

Tigerlilies are rarely fighters or rogues and never barbarians; the few who take levels in martial classes are mostly rangers. The most common class among them is bard, with sorcerer a close second, but warlocks sworn to the May Queen (the Archfey) aren't unheard of.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Hyperfocus. You can enter a state of concentration in which your skill within one of your specialty areas is enhanced. Choose a skill or a set of artisan's tools with which you are proficient. You can also declare sexual stimulation as the chosen skill. Until you begin your next rest, or until you choose to end the effect, you gain expertise with the chosen skill or tool set and have advantage on checks that use it, but you have disadvantage on all other skill or tool use checks. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain all spent uses after you complete a long rest.

Sweetness. Your skin secretes an aphrodisiac nectar. Any humanoid who licks, kisses, or bites you has disadvantage on saving throws to resist being charmed, seduced, or aroused, including via spells, class features, or racial traits. You also have advantage on any check to sexually stimulate that person. The effect persists until after the creature finishes its next rest. The nectar has no effect on constructs or undead.

In addition to its aphrodisiac effect your nectar enhances fertility. A humanoid female who licks the fluid directly from your skin at least once daily for a month doubles her chance of conceiving a child (assuming that she has sex with a man or futa and is of a species that can conceive). Because this effect is common knowledge you have advantage on any Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince another mamono to share a mate with you.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 4, 2021 7:32 PM

May 2013
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I present an HMG based on the lore of South/Central America!

Quetzalcoatl (Serpentine)
The quetzalcoatl is one of the very rare winged variants of serpentine. They are highly learned beings who enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. While they're not true monsters -- they were gifted their forms by the gods rather than the Demon Lord -- quetzalcoatls enjoy the same pleasures of the flesh that other mamono crave. Indeed, the feathered serpents delight in teaching (not to mention learning) knowledge of new sexual techniques.

Their regard for academics causes quetzalcoatls to favor knowledge-based classes; they are most often wizards or artificers. They are also sometimes clerics to deities of knowledge, wind, or the Sun.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet, and you can hover. You can't fly if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered, and you must have room to flap your wings. Clothing and armor must be modified to accommodate your wings.

Sunbather. As long as you spend at least four hours a day exposed to direct sunlight you don't need to eat or drink, and during daylight hours you can rest on clouds as if they were solid ground.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 24, 2021 7:33 PM

May 2013
I was going to wait until next Monday to post this, but I've hit a bit of a snag. We discovered mold in my house and the guys are coming in to start the cleanup work this week. My landlord is putting my family up in a hotel while the work is going on, so I don't know what kind of Internet access I'm going to have for the next couple of weeks. So in honor of Memorial Day here is a DnD HMG who -- at least metaphorically -- never forgets!

Baku (Dark Beast)
A baku is a chimeric mamono with elephantine traits; her defining feature is a pair of trunks on the sides of her head. Bakus' natural aptitude for mind magic is exceeded only by their hunger for dreams. Baku "eat" the emotions that result from powerful dreams, and they usually feed on nightmares in order to avoid the negative effects of eating a creature's pleasant dreams; feeding too often from the same subject can leave that creature permanently unable to experience the associated emotion. Most baku make a point of feeding from a particular subject only a handful of times, preferably a different kind of dream each time.

Baku rarely take levels in martial classes. They are most often artificers or wizards but may also be clerics to deities of dreams or madness. Baku are the only dark beasts who become psionics with any regularity.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 instead of 1, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Dream Eater. If a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see is dreaming you can enter a trance state in which you can view the dream. You are unaware of your surroundings while in this trance, but you can use your reaction to come fully awake if you take damage or are forced to make a saving throw. Consuming the emotions associated with the dream leaves the creature unable to fully experience those emotions for 24 hours. For example, consuming a nightmare grants immunity to the frightened condition while consuming a romantic dream renders the subject immune to being charmed and consuming an erotic dream confers immunity to the aroused condition. As long as you consume at least one dream per night you don't need food or water.

Dream Magic. You know the minor illusion cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the disguise self spell. At 7th level you learn the dream spell, but you can't cast it without this trait until you are able to cast 5th level spells. You can cast each of these spells once without using components or spending spell slots. You regain this ability after you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

When casting dream using this trait you must be touching the target and you can only designate yourself as the messenger, but you can take someone else into the dream with you if you've had sex with them within the last 24 hours. Having sex with the dreamer and/or your co-messenger while within the dream is real for all parties involved, and you can even get pregnant from dream sex.

Lucidity. You have advantage on all saving throws to resist illusion spells, and when subjected to dream manipulation (including spells like dream and phantasmal killer) you can use your reaction to get a new saving throw whenever the caster tries to make a change to the dream. As a lucid dreamer you can control events in your dreams as if you were using the dream spell.
tygertygerMay 24, 2021 7:38 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jun 15, 2021 7:26 PM

May 2013
I wasn't going to post any more of these until after the contest, but since folks needed a bit more time I decided to toss in one more. So in honor of Juneteenth here's an HMG drawn from African folklore!

Mokele-Mbembe (Dragonkin)
The mokele-mbembe, or swamp dragons, are the gentlest and least prideful of the dragonkin. Their ancient forms resemble the thunder lizards of the primeval past, and the magical energy that other dragons use for flight and breath weapons is channeled into supernatural toughness in swamp dragons.

Mokele-mbembe are never barbarians because they lack the necessary capacity for rage. They're often fighters despite not really liking to fight. They are more likely than other dragonkin to become rangers or druids.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Natural Weaponry. You lack claws; your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier (minimum 1) bludgeoning damage.

Swamp Dweller. You have a swimming speed of 20 feet, and you can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution score. While in the Ancient Form you can hold your breath for three times as long.

Thunder Lizard's Resilience. As a reaction when you take damage you can roll 1d6 + your Strength modifier and subtract the result from the damage you sustain. The die increases to 1d8 when you reach 7th level and to 1d10 at 14th level. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all spent uses when you finish a long rest.
tygertygerJun 15, 2021 7:30 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 26, 2021 6:35 PM

May 2013
I actually meant to post this on 08/01, which was National Sisters Day, but I was distracted by contest stuff. Here is some HMG DnD conversion while we wait for round 2 voting to be resolved!

Ettin (Giantkin)
An ettin looks like a large, muscular woman with two heads, but she is actually two women who share a body. Each of the heads has its own personality and emphasizes different skills. The two heads often talk to each other, but they're more likely to argue with each other.

Ettins follow the usual giantkin trend toward the fighter and barbarian classes with a fair number of rangers.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Better Than One. Two heads means twice the number of sensory organs to be alert for trouble. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while both heads are active, and having two sets of reflexes lets you take two reactions per turn instead of one.

You can also let one head sleep while the other remains awake; you remain alert to your surroundings while taking a long rest. If you are subjected to an effect that would render you stunned or unconscious you can use your reaction to negate the effect on yourself, but one head becomes inactive for the duration of the effect. This does not apply to being rendered unconscious as a result of dropping to zero hit points.

Cast Iron Stomach. You can't be poisoned or catch a disease from anything that you eat or drink.

Dissenting Voice. You frequently disagree with yourself, especially when people try to fast talk you. Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) checks against you have advantage.

Natural Weaponry. Unarmed attacks with your fists or feet deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
tygertygerAug 29, 2021 10:18 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 29, 2021 10:26 PM

May 2013
Alas, Orcpub (the online DnD character builder) site is now defunct. They have moved operations to a new site called Dungeonmaster's Vault, which you can find here:

I will post an updated version of the MGE orcpub file (now with ettin!) sometime this week.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 10, 2021 6:44 PM

May 2013
I already know what two of the winning entries for this year's contest are, so I might as well post their DnD conversions now.

Blue Fox (Foxkin)
A blue fox looks like a youko or inari with pale skin, blue or gray eyes, and hair/fur in some shade of blue. They are known for their cool demeanors and for having their magic under better control than do most of their kin. It's not always true that a blue fox's cool exterior hides a burning love for her husband, however; sometimes it hides a burning love for her wife. They're flexible that way.

Most blue foxes follow the usual trend of foxkin toward being spellcasters or rogues with sorcerers making up the majority.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Cozy. You have resistance to cold damage and advantage on saving throws versus cold-based effects.

Ice Fox Magic. You know the ray of frost cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the fog cloud spell. At 5th level you learn the hold person spell. You can cast each of these spells once without using any components and without spending spell slots. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You regain the ability to cast these spells in this manner after you finish a long rest.

Shinan (Celestial)
The angels of fire are the least angelic of celestials. They look fully human until they are pushed to their limits, at which point they reveal their nature as warrior angels. Shinanim all have light-colored eyes and hair in some shade of red, but their skin colors run the gamut of hues found among humans. A shinan is born fully human, but she will awaken her angelic nature sometime between her early teens and mid-thirties.

Shinanim are among the most martial celestials; they are almost universally fighters or paladins, though there are a few barbarians, rogues, and rangers within their ranks. The only dedicated spellcasters among them are clerics, usually to deities of fire.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity scores each increase by 1.

Angelic Form. When you are under physical, mental, or emotional stress you assume your angelic form. While in this form you have wings and a halo of fire. You can only use your Flight and Fire Angel traits while in your Angelic Form. While not in this form you are indistinguishable from a human woman and can even bear sons. You enter your Angelic Form whenever you rage (through a barbarian class feature or otherwise), you are reduced to less than half of your maximum hit points, your maximum hit points are reduced to less than half their normal value, you expend all of your hit dice, you are in combat and have no conscious allies within 60 feet of you, or under any circumstances that the DM deems appropriate. You remain in Angelic Form until whatever triggered the change passes (but at least 1 minute). You also enter Angelic Form whenever you have an orgasm, and you remain in it throughout the afterglow or until you fall asleep.

As a side effect of your fiery anatomy you have resistance to fire damage and advantage on saving throws against fire-based effects. These bonuses are in effect even when you're not in Angelic Form.

Fire Angel. You know the sacred flame cantrip and the cure wounds spell. You can cast cure wounds on yourself, as a sheath of flames that sears your wounds shut, without using components or spending spell slots. You can cast this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all spent uses after you complete a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 12, 2021 12:16 PM

May 2013
Here is the HMG DnD conversion for the dire werewolf. I have already updated the MGE orcpub file for the three new conversions, and you can find it here:

Dire Werewolf (Beastman)
Dire werewolves are similar to their werewolf kin, only larger and fiercer. They are rightly feared for their persistence and their unwillingness to back down from a fight. Dire werewolves are ill-suited for warm climates, but they are well adapted to the cold.

A dire werewolf who is not a fighter or barbarian is a rare creature indeed.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

Ice Wolf. You have resistance to cold damage and advantage on saving throws against cold-based effects. However, you have disadvantage on saving throws versus heat-based effects and vulnerability to fire damage. You also have +5 to your speed.

Killer Instinct. You have disadvantage on saving throws to resist becoming enraged or incited to violence. You must also succeed on a DC15 Wisdom saving throw to back down from a fight or release prey.

Pack Tactics. You have advantage on melee attack rolls if one of your allies is within 5 feet of the target and is not incapacitated.

Natural Weaponry. Unarmed strikes with your fangs deal 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage while strikes with your claws deal 1d6+ your Strength modifier slashing damage.

Native Environment. mountains, tundra

Optional Feat: Milk Tooth
Prerequisite: Dire Werewolf or GM's permission
Your saliva contains enzymes that cause a mamono or human woman bitten by you to lactate profusely. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure the target produces milk equal to 1 + (her Constitution modifier, minimum 1) rations. The effect lasts for a number of days equal to your proficiency bonus. While lactating the target gains one level of exhaustion that only goes away when she stops lactating. You only activate this effect when you wish to or when you are suffering levels of exhaustion from hunger or thirst, and you must hold the bite for a full round for the effect to occur.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 10, 2021 10:23 AM

May 2013
Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day (because *@#! Columbus). In honor of the occasion I have an HMG DnD conversion appropriate to the occasion.

Baianai (Majin)
The baianai are the undisputed mistresses of the steppes. Their skill at riding and archery is legend, and their austere beauty matches that of their habitat. Baianai learn wilderness skills as part of their early childhood education, but their nomadic lifestyle leaves little room for learning the arts of courtly love. Because of this most baianai prefer men who are equally rough around the edges, though some are drawn to city boys who can teach them the ways of civilization.

Baianai society has three castes which are held in equal esteem, and a baianai's caste determines her choice of class. Bai (Path of the Hunter), the most common caste, are generally barbarians, fighters, or rangers. Ughu (Path of the Fisher) are bards or rogues. Tagh (Path of the Land) are usually druids but can be clerics to deities of nature or warlocks sworn to the Endless Sky (The Celestial), the Great Khan (The Undying), or the Long Road (The Seeker).

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Soul Fusion. You have undergone a ritual to form a spiritual bond between you and your horse. At 5th level you perform a second ritual to bond with an eagle or a wolf (at the GM's discretion you may bond with a similar animal that is native to the region where you currently are). When you marry you become soul-bound to your spouse(s). You gain the following benefits in regard to any creature you are bonded to;
*With a moment's concentration you can perceive through your bond-mate's senses -- in combat this requires your reaction to activate or deactivate. You can use any special senses your bond-mate has (i.e. darkvision or tremorsense), but you can't perceive through your own senses while using your bond-mate's and you can only perceive with their senses from their location. Your bond-mate can perceive through your senses as well. You and your spouse(s) also share sensations during sex;
*You add half your proficiency bonus (round down) to a mount or animal companion's attack and damage rolls, AC, and any saving throws or skill checks in which it is proficient. A bonded animal's maximum hit points are equal to the hit point maximum from the creature's stat block or twice your character level, whichever is higher;
*You can communicate telepathically with all bond-mates within 1 mile of you. Sending a short sentence to a sapient being, and receiving a reply, takes no action on your part or theirs. You can command an animal companion or a mount as a bonus action. A bond animal doesn't need commands from you to use its reaction. Without a command the animal will act only to defend itself or you.

If an animal you are bonded to dies you may bond to another animal that you have befriended by performing a 1-hour ritual. The new animal must have the Beast type, and its Challenge Rating can be no higher than 1/4 (if you are 10th level or less) or 1/2 (if you are higher than 10th level).

Steppe Nomad. You are proficient with the Animal Handling and Survival skills and with the longbow and shortbow. You add a horse to your starting equipment.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 30, 2021 10:49 PM

May 2013
Buckle up, kiddies! I've got a bunch of these for you in the next few days!

First up, an entry for Halloween.

Zashiki Warashi (Spectral)
While most spectrals frequent ruins, abandoned castles, and ancient battlefields the zashiki warashi are house ghosts. They will dwell with families if they must, but they prefer sharing a home with a kind and caring "big brother" (though some like "big sisters" instead or as well). Zashiki warashi appear as young girls, usually dressed in red, with playful demeanors and rather suggestive precocity. Their presence in a house is a blessing to the residents who let them stay, and they are happy to bless their hosts in more intimate ways if the hosts are willing... or just heavy sleepers. Even without sexual favors zashiki warashi are easily bribed with offerings of toys or sweets.

Zashiki warashi are lovers rather than fighters; the only martial class that appears with any regularity among them is rogue. They are most often artificers (for the toys), bards, or sorcerers. Their love of living in houses rather than wilderness means they are almost never rangers or druids.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Dexterity scores each increase by 1.

Adorable. You are so cute that your presence puts others at ease, and association with you does the same for those with whom you've bonded. You add your proficiency bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks. If you are proficient with the Persuasion skill you double your proficiency bonus instead.

The scent of your demonic energy clings to a humanoid with whom you have had consensual sex since the beginning of your last long rest. They may add your proficiency bonus to their next Charisma (Persuasion) check -- in addition to their own, if they're proficient in Persuasion. Other spectrals can't benefit from this trait.

Diminutive. Your size is Small, and your base walking speed is reduced to 25 feet.

House Ghost Magic. You know the mage hand cantrip. At 3rd level you learn the Tasha's hideous laughter spell. At 5th level you learn the invisibility spell. You can cast each of these spells once without expending spell slots or using components. You regain the ability to cast this way after you complete a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Mischievous. You are proficient with the Sleight-of-Hand skill.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 1, 2021 5:19 AM

May 2013
We're not done with HMG DnD yet! Feliz Dia de los Muertos!

Calavera (Undead)
Calaveras are renowned for their musical talent -- even those who aren't performers by trade enjoy singing and dancing -- and for their habit of adopting orphaned, unwanted, or abused children due to being unable to have their own. A calavera comes about only as a result of a human woman dying truly happy in an area that's high in demonic energy or, more rarely, as a result of adoption; a human girl raised by a calavera might become one herself at the age of 15. Despite not needing food or water calaveras are fond of alcoholic beverages and good cigars. They might be dead, but they have a deep love of life.

Many calaveras are bards, but some are rogues while others are warlocks in the service of La Cucaracha (The Archfey), La Llorona (The Fiend), or La Niña/El Niño (Great Old One; mindflayers and shoggoths know these entities as Mother Hydra and Father Dagon, respectively). It's not unheard of for a calavera to become a cleric to a deity of death or music.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Dance of the Dead. You know the charm person spell and can cast it without spending a spell slot and with singing, dancing, or playing an instrument as the only component. You can use this ability a number of times up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all spent uses after you finish a long rest. When you cast the spell using this trait you can impose the aroused condition instead of charmed. You can cast the spell at a higher level by expending one additional daily use per +1 spell level.

Talented. You are proficient with the Performance skill and with one musical instrument of your choice, and you can use an instrument with which you are proficient as a spellcasting focus.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 3, 2021 8:48 PM

May 2013
And now for the penultimate HMG DnD for the year... Happy Diwali!

Vishakanya (Majin)
Even among the majin, who are known for their beauty, vishakanyas are exceptionally attractive. Their raven black hair, large dark or golden eyes, and flawless brown skin are highly recognizable. Vishakanyas as a group enjoy a measure of fame as healers and diplomats... and an equal amount of infamy as assassins. They have a penchant for consuming poisons, sometimes just for enjoyment, and their innate ability to formulate medicines and toxins is unmatched in the mamono world.

It's a rare vishakanya who takes levels in a martial class, and most who do are rogues. They're far more likely to be spellcasters, with an equal incidence of bards, sorcerers, and wizards. A few become artificers instead.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Dexterity scores each increase by 1.

Formulator. You are proficient with the poisoner's kit and herbalism kit.

Poison Eater. You are immune to the poisoned condition and resistant to poison damage, and you can't be reduced to 0 hit points or less by poison damage.

Once you have survived a dose of a toxin or medication you can recreate that substance within yourself as an action -- you use your own body as a poisoner's kit or herbalism kit. You must succeed on a check using the appropriate kit to formulate a number of doses equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You can't use this ability to recreate potions except for antitoxin and basic potions of healing. At 1st level you can only secrete the chemicals you produce through your sweat or saliva. At 3rd level you can use any of your body fluids (breast milk, vaginal juices, etc.). At 5th level you can aerosolize secreted chemicals so that they can be breathed on or inhaled by a creature within 5 feet of you. A creature that actually swallows your toxic tissues has disadvantage on saving throws against your secreted toxins.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 9, 2021 6:21 PM

May 2013
For your enjoyment, an MGE DnD conversion of the latest MGE entry! I have already updated the MGE DnD and MGE.orcpub files for them.

Pyrow (Infernal)
Pyrows, or fire demons, are the hottest of infernals both literally and figuratively. They live in volcanoes and other fiery places and are among the most sexually aggressive of an already aggressive breed. When she finds a man she fancies a pyrow doesn’t bother with flirting; she goes right to propositioning.

Contrary to the usual pattern for infernals pyrows are typically rogues, though they count a number of bards among their ranks.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 instead of 1, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Fireproof. The upside is that you are immune to fire damage. The downside is that you’re vulnerable to cold damage and you have disadvantage on any roll to resist cold-based effects -- this includes but is not limited to saving throws versus spells and effects that deal cold damage and rolls to resist gaining levels of exhaustion from extreme cold.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You can't fly while wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered. Clothes and armor must be modified to accommodate your wings.

Playing with Fire. Once you’ve ignited the fires of passion it’s easier to do so again. When the target is a humanoid with whom you’ve had consensual sex you have advantage on seduction checks, or the target has disadvantage on saving throws versus being charmed or aroused by you.

You also know the produce flame cantrip.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 18, 2021 5:37 PM

May 2013
Presenting the last HMG DnD for 2021! I wanted to do something Christmas-themed, and there weren't any options more appropriate than this. Happy Jolabokaflod!

Living Grimoire (Construct)
Living grimoires are personifications of occult tomes. A living grimoire initially manifests as a prepubescent girl carrying a large book. The humanoid form has features appropriate to the lore contained in the book -- for example, the embodiment of a book about magical plants might have green hair and eyes while the avatar of a book on ice magic might have pale skin, light blue eyes, and white hair. When she marries a living grimoire's humanoid form adjusts to better suit her spouse's tastes -- she might even take on a more mature-looking appearance, though she won't grow much taller.

Every living grimoire is a spellcaster of some kind; they are most commonly wizards, but some are artificers. Those who are bound to books on religion are always clerics, and avatars of books on nature can be druids. It's common for a treatise on psychic phenomena to take levels in a psionic class, and books about the arts give rise to bards.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Book Smarts. You have proficiency in two skills of your choice that are appropriate to the subject of your book, and you double your proficiency bonus on checks specific to the subject matter of your book. You must specify the main subject of your book in terms like magical plants, ice magic, planar geography, enchanting, mamono biology, magical materials, or potion making.

Diminutive. Your size is Small, and your base walking speed is reduced to 25 feet.

Magic Tome. You can manifest or dematerialize your humanoid form as an action. While dematerialized your humanoid form and anything you are wearing or carrying becomes an illustration in your book, and your book falls to the ground unless it is resting on a surface or being held by another creature. You must retreat into your book to take a long rest unless you have sex with a human at the beginning of that rest.

You also know the comprehend languages spell. You can cast it at will without using components or spending a spell slot, but only for written languages. You don't have to touch the surface on which the text is written.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Feb 10, 2022 5:14 PM

May 2013
Welcome to the first MGE DnD entry of 2022! We kick off the year with a conversion of the newest entry into the canon, the krampus!

Krampuses are black-furred and dark-skinned beast women of the polar regions who have cloven hooves and the horns of a ram or antelope. They have a fearsome reputation for punishing bad “children” -- which, in this case, includes the men they choose as their husbands. Many a wicked man has been reformed by the tough love of a krampus.

Krampuses have a marked preference for martial classes; they are often barbarians or fighters. Their penchant for punishing evildoers makes them the mamono most likely to become blood hunters.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores each increase by 1.

Child of the Snows. You have resistance to cold damage, and you are adapted to cold environments as described in Chapter 5 of the Dungeonmaster’s Guide.

Devotion. Once you decide on a course of action you stick to it. After completing a short or long rest you can declare a single task or objective as your goal. You add your proficiency bonus to any skill or ability check that directly applies to achieving your goal or to any saving throw versus a mind-altering spell or effect that would distract you from your goal. If you are already proficient you double your proficiency bonus instead. This benefit remains in place until the start of your next rest.

Natural Weaponry. You are proficient with unarmed strikes with your horns, hooves, and claws. Attacks with Natural Weaponry deal 1d4 damage; bludgeoning damage with your hooves, piercing damage with your horns, or slashing damage with your claws.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 8, 2022 9:13 PM

May 2013
For the second MGE DnD entry of the year it occurs to me that the first-ever HMG, the prototype for all of them, has never gotten a DnD conversion... until now. I'm sorry, Fillipa! Please accept this write-up as an apology!

Hippocampus (Mer)
Hippocampi have the prehensile tails of seahorses instead of the finned tails common to other fish. Their color-shifting skin, finely honed full-body coordination, and hypersensitive pressure sense make up for their slow swimming speed and near-inability to move on land. Even so, hippocampi who become land-based adventurers are completely dependent on compensatory equipment or magic.

Among the martial classes hippocampi tend to be rangers or rogues; their limited mobility makes it difficult to operate as barbarians or fighters. As spellcasters they are usually bards.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks as long as you are not wearing medium or heavy armor.

Lateral Line. You have blindsight to a range of 20 feet in water or 10 feet in air.

Seahorse Tail. Your tail has an especially strong grip at the cost of reducing your speed. When grasping or grappling with your tail you have advantage on Strength-based ability checks and saving throws, but your walking speed is reduced to 15 feet and your swimming speed to 20 feet. Your walking speed increases to 25 feet while you are under a spell or effect that transforms your tail into legs, but you lose the grappling bonus while in that form.

And yes, I have already updated the MGE DnD and orcbrew files.
tygertygerMar 8, 2022 9:26 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 16, 2022 11:07 PM

May 2013
Update to the MGE DnD file! After looking over the revised entry on the MGE I have added the trumpart to the list of playable species. I have also added rules for psionics.

I will update the orcbrew file within the week.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 19, 2022 7:46 PM

May 2013
Orcbrew file has been updated for the addition of the trumpart:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 27, 2022 3:23 PM

Jun 2009
Waaaaaaait Wait Wait, whats going on here? What did I miss?

@ me :D
Aug 31, 2022 5:58 PM

May 2013
You had to know this was coming... more HMG-to-DnD conversions! First up is this year's winner.

Hesperid (Elemental)
As an entity with a semi-liquid body a hesperid can easily be mistaken for a slime, but in fact she is a being of molten gold. She is almost as malleable as a slime, however, and she can solidify when she needs to. All hesperides have blond hair and golden eyes, but they vary in skin tone. Every hesperid also wears a crown that varies in ornateness according to her personality, and she wears that crown at all times seeing as it is actually a part of her head.

Hesperides are never active spellcasters because their unique anti-magic properties prevent it, and they lack the capacity for rage needed to become barbarians. They are often fighters or rogues, and they are more likely than any other elementals to take levels in psionic classes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Ductility. You can alter your semi-liquid form to a limited degree; you can slightly increase or decrease your height, change your proportions to become slimmer or more curvaceous, and shift your lower legs from solid limbs to a pool of liquid gold or vice versa. You can also use a bonus action on your turn to sculpt one of your hands into a one-handed weapon with which you are proficient, extend your reach by 5 feet, or pass through any barrier that isn’t watertight.

Magic Reflection. When you succeed on a saving throw versus a spell that targets only you, or a spell attack that targets only you misses you, you may use your reaction to reflect the spell back at its caster. The caster must save versus their own spell save DC, or you roll a spell attack using the caster’s spell attack modifier. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest.

Associated Element: Metal
tygertygerSep 7, 2022 12:01 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 2, 2022 4:41 PM

May 2013
And now for the DnD conversion of this year's runner-up.

Hummingway (Elemental)
A hummingway, sometimes referred to as an ink spirit, begins life as a bird-like creature seemingly made of animated pigment. As she grows she takes on increasingly human features -- by adolescence she resembles a harpy, and an adult hummingway looks like a human woman with iridescent wings. Most hummingways have black hair and plumage, but other colors aren’t unknown. The hair and plumage are always the same color.

Hummingways are natural scholars with a flair for linguistics. They are most often wizards, but some become artificers or psions instead while others become clerics serving deities of knowledge.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Cunning Linguist. You know the comprehend languages spell and can cast it a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) without using components or spending spell slots. You regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You also begin play proficient in three additional languages of your choice.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You can't fly if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered. You must also have enough room to flap your wings. Clothes and armor must be modified to accommodate your wings.

Associated Element: Water
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 6, 2022 6:24 AM

May 2013
Since we had a tie for Peoples' Choice I'll post them together.

Golthiar (Floral)
A golthiar is a type of mobile alraune. Despite her willowy appearance she has the strength and toughness needed for martial pursuits -- a golthiar is a soldier rather than a seductress. Golthiar are natural team players who tend to dislike being alone. Most of them enjoy fighting, and all of them are at least somewhat good at it. Though they are nimble by plant standards they are not as agile as humans.

Golthiar are equally likely to become fighters, rangers, or rogues. Barbarians and druids are rare but not unheard of, while none are known to be wizards, artificers, or psionics.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Grove Tactics. You have advantage on melee attack rolls if one of your allies is within 5 feet of the target and is not incapacitated.

Reverse Photosynthesis. You know the blindness/deafness spell and can cast the blindness effect without using components or spending spell slots a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest. If you wish to use this feature again after expending all of your daily uses you may do so. Each extra use of this trait inflicts one level of exhaustion.

As a side effect of this ability you can speak the Golthiar language; you can communicate silently with any creature within 120 feet of you that can see you as long as they also understand Golthiar.

Uprooted. You suffer a -2 penalty on Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

Grahana (Elemental)
A grahana is a living embodiment of the cycle of night and day. During daylight hours she is a being of light who literally shines like a little sun. At night she exists at the heart of a cloud of shifting shadows. A grahana’s day form commands potent light magic, while her night form wields powerful mind magic.

Grahanani gravitate toward spellcasting classes; they are most often wizards or clerics.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Eclipse Magic. You know the dancing lights and message cantrips. At 3rd level you learn the color spray and sleep spells. At 5th level you learn the blur and detect thoughts spells. You can cast each of these spells once without using any components and without spending spell slots. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You regain the ability to cast these spells in this manner after you finish a long rest. When using this feature you can only cast dancing lights, color spray, and blur during the day and message, sleep, and detect thoughts at night. If you cast one of your day spells from this trait you can’t cast your night spell at that level before completing a long rest -- for example, you can’t cast sleep with this trait if you’ve already cast color spray.

Associated Element: Light (day form) and darkness (night form)

And with that, I really need to get back to work on those vignettes.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 27, 2022 8:24 PM

May 2013
MGE.orcbrew file has been updated for this year's HMG winners.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 1, 2022 8:34 PM

May 2013
Lucky people, I have phoenix for you! By the time most of you read this I will have updated the MGE DnD file on the Google Drive as well.

The rarest members of the avian family are known for their calm demeanors and for not attacking humans for sex. Phoenix down is used in healing potions.

A phoenix has resplendent plumage in shades of red, orange, or yellow with hair to match. Most have brown, red, or golden eyes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1, and your Wisdom score increases by 2 instead of 1.

Flames of Resurrection. If you die you vanish in a fiery burst and reappear at the end of the following round at full hit points. If you die of old age or disease the effect also includes your human spouse and resets your ages to early adolescence. You regain this ability after you finish a long rest.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You can't fly if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered. You must also have enough room to flap your wings. Clothes and armor must be modified to accommodate your wings.

Hot Wings. You are resistant to fire damage, and you are adapted to volcanic and desert regions as described in Chapter 5 of the Dungeonmaster’s Guide.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 2, 2023 9:13 AM

May 2013
Here is the first of the latest HMG DnD adaptations. This time I started with the winner.

The empusa, like most infernals, has a mostly human appearance with the exception of horns (which can vary widely in size and shape) and sometimes exotic hair colors. Their defining feature is having one leg that is either brass or silver from below the hip on down. Silver-legged individuals -- those with an appropriate background -- are considered nobility. The strength of this leg is enough that its added weight doesn’t hinder an empusa’s mobility, but they are incapable of swimming without magical aid or special equipment. Empusae also have shapeshifting magic to disguise themselves as human women or other types of mamono.

Empusae are all talented spellcasters. They are most often sorcerers or wizards, though some are warlocks sworn to the Demon Lord (the Fiend), She Who Must Be Obeyed (the Undying), or the Silver Girl (the Seeker).

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2 instead of 1.

A Leg Up. Your metallic leg is quite durable in its own right, and you can use it to block attacks. When you are not wearing armor your Armor Class = 13 + your Dexterity modifier, and you can use this AC instead of your armored AC if it is better.

Head of the Class. When you perform oral sex you have advantage on checks to stimulate your partner, and anyone you bring to orgasm this way is charmed by you for 15 minutes afterward. That person can make a Wisdom saving throw versus your spell save DC (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier, if you are not a spellcaster) once per minute, ending the effect on themself on a success.

Mistress of Disguise. You can cast the Change Appearance effect of alter self without using components or spending a spell slot, but only to assume the forms of other humanoids of your current size. When you cast the spell with this trait it doesn’t require concentration, but you can’t transform your metal leg; you must cover it up by some other means. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest.

Shake a Leg. Due to the weight of your metal leg you automatically fail any skill or ability check for swimming. With proper equipment or magical aid you can reduce this to having disadvantage on the check. Your metallic leg feels no pain and lacks a sense of touch, but it is an excellent conductor of both spirit energy and electricity. Any attempt to sexually stimulate you, if made by a humanoid that has spirit energy (e.g. a human or celestial) or who uses electricity, has advantage if it focuses on your metal leg.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 2, 2023 9:37 AM

May 2013
And now for our runner-up!

Ophanim resemble teenaged girls even when fully mature, but they’re not usually self-conscious about it. An ophan has one or more spiritual appendages in the form of seemingly metallic wheels lined with eyes -- the innermost ring has a diameter slightly greater than her wingspan. The ophan must manifest her rings physically to get full use out of them, but even when dismissed into incorporeality the rings are visible to anyone who can see auras or unmanifested spirits. Ophanim are renowned for their flight speed and airborne stamina.

Most ophanim aren’t warrior angels -- their breed was created to be messengers -- but they are rare among celestials in counting a large number of monks within their ranks. They are often clerics serving deities of sky or wind or warlocks in service to one of the archangels (the Celestial).

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Eyes Round About. You have a multitude of eyes lining the rims of your rings. You are born with one ring and gain another at 7th and 11th level. You can manifest or dismiss your wheels as a bonus action. You have 360° vision in either the horizontal or vertical plane, decide when declaring the use of this feature, at all times. If you have at least two rings you can see all around in both planes. While the rings are manifested you can cast see invisibility without using components or spending a spell slot. You can use this feature a number of times up to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all spent uses when you complete a long rest.

Tireless Messenger. Your flying speed increases to 50 feet, and for the purpose of overland travel you can travel at the rate of 30 (slow), 40 (normal), or 50 (fast) miles per day while flying. You also have advantage on saving throws to resist gaining levels of exhaustion from the exertion of flying.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 11, 2023 5:52 AM

May 2013
Well, the last Anatu vignette didn't have anything in it that required a rewrite of what I had, so here is the cerberus DnD conversion.

A cerberus has a build similar to that of a centaur; she has a humanoid upper body attached to a lower body that resembles a huge canine. The overall appearance is reminiscent of a hellhound. Her most unique feature is having three heads that float above her shoulders. These heads often display separate personalities and have varying degrees of control over the shared body in inverse proportion to their levelheadedness. The cerberus is an extremely rare type of beastman -- the progenetrix of the breed hatched from an echidna egg not long ago, and that was sufficiently recent that the only other cerberi in existence would be her daughters. The first cerberus grew up with stories told by her outworlder father about the three-headed guardian of the underworld, and she passed those stories down to her children. Dedication to guarding gates and passages is the closest thing the cerberi have to a culture of their own.

As far as is known cerberi lack magical aptitude, and their large bodies don’t lend themselves to the subtlety required for rogues. Their natural talents tend toward the fighter and barbarian classes, though they could also be spell-less rangers. Their natural dedication suggests an inclination toward the paladin class.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

Hound-shaped. For any climb that requires hands you must spend 4 feet of movement to climb 1 foot. You also can't wear standard humanoid armor on your lower body; you need something more like the barding made for horses. A full suit of armor costs twice as much for you.

On the upside, you are treated as being mounted on a Large creature for the purpose of combat (see the mounted combat rules on p. 198 of the Players' Handbook).
Oversized. You straddle the line between the sizes of Medium and Large creatures. You are considered a Medium creature for most purposes, but you’re treated as Large for the purpose of the amount of weight you can carry, lift, push, or drag and for grappling. You are also treated as a Large creature for the purpose of the space you can squeeze through, the accommodations you fit (for example, you are too big for human-sized furniture), and the amount of food and water that you require. You can only use a Huge or larger creature as a mount.

Tricephalic. Three heads means thrice the number of sensory organs to be alert for trouble. While at least two heads are active you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and can take two reactions per turn instead of one.

You can also let one head remain awake while the others sleep; you remain alert to your surroundings while taking a long rest. If you are subjected to an effect that would render you stunned or unconscious you can use your reaction to negate the effect on yourself, but one head becomes inactive for the duration of the effect. This does not apply to being rendered unconscious as a result of dropping to zero hit points.

Natural Weaponry. Unarmed strikes with your fangs deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage while strikes with your claws deal 1d8 + your Strength modifier slashing damage.

Native Environment. Caverns, cities, forest/jungle, or mountains
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 31, 2023 4:46 PM

May 2013
MGE DnD file has been updated for the taisui!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jan 17, 9:24 PM

May 2013
Time to add the HMG XI DnD conversions!

Bakeneko (Undead)
Bakeneko are a shapeshifting undead variant of werecats. They resemble common werecats except for having fully humanoid hands and feet instead of paws. Most individuals have red eyes and dark hair.

Though they are considered lesser undead bakeneko are capable of giving birth. They are unusual among undead in that they are frequently rogues or bards.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Blood Drain. If you grapple a creature you may use a bonus action on your turn to make a bite attack – Dexterity is the ability you use for this attack – that deals 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. As long as you maintain the grapple you can take a bonus action to drain blood for 1d4 necrotic damage, and you regain that same number of hit points up to your hit point maximum. If you are at full hit points drinking 10 hp worth of blood gives you the benefit of a day's worth of food.

You count as a vampire for the purpose of effects that take that creature type into account.

Cat Form. You can use your action to take on the shape of an ordinary cat. Your stats and abilities do not change, nor do the color and pattern of your fur; you simply have the size and appearance of a cat (but the size change does affect your carrying capacity). Powers that penetrate illusions see nothing amiss – nothing short of truesight will reveal your deception. You remain in cat form until you use an action to revert to your mamono shape unless you are killed. You have the shapechanger subtype.

You can speak while in cat form, and a spellcasting focus on your person transforms into an ornament on your collar. While in cat form you can cast spells that do not have somatic components and you don’t have to grapple a target to use your Blood Drain trait. You cannot use this trait during the day -- you are trapped in whichever form you happen to be in at sunrise -- nor can you assume Cat Form while you are pregnant.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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