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Flying Witch
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Jun 25, 2016 11:52 AM

Nov 2011
Yay, double episode week. Pretty classic finale of the show imo especially the iconic flying broomstick with Akane riding through the sky.

Lol @ drunk Akane. Funny. Also, I think Chinatsu looks cute with her red hoodie, like a little Red Riding Hood. Good show overall, this was really refreshing. 8/10. Quite an enchanting ending too.
Jun 25, 2016 1:26 PM

Jul 2014
This anime was great from start to finish. I would absolutely love to see next season of this!

And the reaction faces are simply brilliant! :-)

Jun 25, 2016 1:28 PM

Apr 2010
Those fish where nice and funny.
It was very interesting to see them come out of the ground.
And it was nice of Makoto to make a robe like that.
Jun 25, 2016 1:30 PM

Aug 2013
Easily AOTS. This season was amazing for slice of life lovers in general, but this series is just totally outstanding. I absolutely love all the characters, it was super calming and entertaining. I loved the atmosphere. 9/10 and waiting for second season.
Now I'm waiting for my CD with OP theme which I pre-ordered.
Jun 25, 2016 2:01 PM

Jan 2012
Makoto's got some serious skill for robe making. Such a lovely finale it was, getting to see nearly everyone one last time at the festival. Those earthfish sure did look pretty lit up too. :) I was a manga reader well before the anime got announced so I knew this would be good, but this adaptation was astoundingly good. The very definition of the kind of soothing, wholesome experience the very best of the slice of life genre can produce in anime, and which all other such anime should strive to achieve. Visually stunning, with immensely lovable characters who clearly care for one another, there's really nothing bad to be said of this series. Each episode gave me a perpetual smile, each one ended much too quickly. If only there was more. With any luck, one day there will be. If it weren't for my DBZ rule I'd give this a perfect score. Instead it gets the highest possible 9/10, the #1B anime of this season for me. All but assured of making my Top 10 list for 2016.
Jun 25, 2016 2:09 PM
Jul 2018
Chinatsu looked cute in that red robe!

The earthfish scene was nice and funny!
Jun 25, 2016 2:13 PM

May 2012
Last episode dedicated mostly to Makoto. Nice.

I liked the scenes with Makoto flying over the town and seeing her friends and places she's gone to. Makoto's gonna easily go to my favorites

All the characters were extremely likale as well.

A bit sad to see it end. I'm just gonna give it a 9/10. It was one of the better kick-back SoL anime I've seen the past few years.
Also, Chinatsu was one of the best child characters in any anime I've seen.

Season 2 when

Jun 25, 2016 2:36 PM

Nov 2012
I want moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... I'll miss Chinatsu chan
Jun 25, 2016 2:46 PM

Jul 2015
Definitely one of the best of the season. Every minute was a pleasure to watch. Animation, voice, art, music.. everything was perfect. 10/10
Jun 25, 2016 2:47 PM

Sep 2015
beautiful ...
I will miss this show, I hope a second season will come someday
AOTS by far, relaxing and refreshing, a lot of work on the scenery, really good characters development
10/10 for me, I didn't find bad points

(Chinatsu looked cute !)
Jun 25, 2016 2:54 PM

Jul 2010
Probably the first time I will give a SoL kinda show a 10/10 because these episodes just flew by and they basically did nothing at all, just ordinary stuff with a mix of fantasy in it. Wasn't even once where I thought "hm this is kinda boring" and I also loved all the characters in it. Not sure if there will ever be a second season but I sure as hell wouldn't mind if they made more.
Jun 25, 2016 3:06 PM

Aug 2014
Anime of the season and anime of the year (so far) for me right now. Everything about this show was astounding from its cast to its atmosphere to its soundtrack. It was an absolute joy to watch this show every week and its easily earned a 10/10 from me.
Get your shit straight Brenda
Jun 25, 2016 3:22 PM

Dec 2014
This was quite a nice little anime to pass the time. Nothing necessarily ground breaking, but still a solid watch.

Also, those fish were pretty funny. Honestly though I was expecting one of them to get drunk and go crazy, and the former did happen, but not necessarily the latter. Though this isn't the show that does stuff like that so I can't say I was disappointed.
Jun 25, 2016 3:28 PM

Jul 2012
Like everyone else, this AOTS for me as well (well, maybe). This show manages to be consistently entertaining without the use of over the top comedy and nonsense. The characters + their interactions with one another is really likable and the witch theme made for a lot of really interesting episodes that felt completely different from the other episodes.

Definitely gonna miss this

Jun 25, 2016 4:05 PM

May 2015
I could keep watching this anime forever. My weekends won't be the same without Flying Witch :(
Jun 25, 2016 4:29 PM

Mar 2014
hikikomori80 said:
I could keep watching this anime forever. My weekends won't be the same without Flying Witch :(
Holy crap this. It just won't be the same, it was the perfect seasonal.

Really amazing show, I highly doubt there'll be a better show this year, would always be welcome though, of course.
Jun 25, 2016 4:33 PM

Mar 2016
I loved how easy going this was

I hope for a season two
Jun 25, 2016 4:34 PM

May 2015
That ending was quite wonderful <3.

Sad that this show is over. I highly enjoyed it and it was really a soothing show. And can't forget the characters too. Gonna miss this.


Jun 25, 2016 4:38 PM

Feb 2015
Sweet finale, nice round up with the festival in the end.

For me AOTS as well, I enjoyed every second of it.
The characters were all likeable, it had beautiful scenery, the comedy felt never forced and I liked how the magic was shown in a not too big fashion.

I'm gonna miss this show, I guess it's time for the manga now. Wouldn't mind a second season though.
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Jun 25, 2016 4:53 PM

Jan 2011
Didn't really know how this show was going to play out when I first saw its announcement.

Another pleasing to watch show, very relaxing, and soothing. Great cast, simple smooth art, and a gentle soundtrack. There isn't a lot going on in this show. Textbook day to day ie sol type of show.

Fans of the genre are always sad to see it end because they literally can go on forever it seems like. Getting a snapshot of the world is a pleasing experience and it was a fun little ride. A definite watch for anyone who likes sol.
Jun 25, 2016 5:54 PM
Oct 2015
This show and Haifuri were my 2 favorites of the season. Each week I could not wait for Saturday's to watch these 2 shows. Hopefully I will find some good shows for the Summer.
Jun 25, 2016 6:19 PM

Sep 2015
Lovely show, and a second season would definitely be appreciated.

This is now firmly on my list of comfort/zone-out anime that I'll go back to when I just need to relax, or put a smile on my face.
A schedule bears the same relationship to reality as Astrology.
Jun 25, 2016 6:42 PM
Jul 2018
i loved this anime, it was cute, funny and really relaxing (and had a really good soundtrack tbh) and every character was very likeable so I'm totally giving it a 9/10!! i enjoyed it from start to finish! one of the best slice of life I've ever seen honestly;;; it helped me calm down before exams.
I will wait for a second season but i know the manga updates like really slowly so idk if it will ever be announced...
Jun 25, 2016 7:23 PM

Mar 2014
Im glad I continued watching this
at first the show kinda slow makes me sleep but
I realize oh... this show so relaxing I want to watch more
even without plot and the show makes you want to go there and relax with the nature
Jun 25, 2016 7:39 PM

Apr 2015
I loved this show.

and Inukai is the best witch for me *-*

Jun 25, 2016 8:27 PM
Mar 2016
Boring last episode.............I will never understand as to why would Chihiro Ishizuka even think about making this into an anime.
Jun 25, 2016 9:08 PM

Dec 2013
Rather than boring, I'd say this episode was a chill way to end things for the season. They've been doing random SoL stuff since the start, and this episode was no different. It may have had less humor than we're use to, but we still got moments with most of the main cast. Plus, given how things ended, I'm positive they could do a second season if they so wanted to.

Joint top SoL of the season alongside Tanaka-kun.
Jun 25, 2016 9:45 PM
Aug 2014
A very solid finale that sticks to the theme of nothing happen just your typical everyday life with a novice witch. I know SoL genre is suppose to be like this, but this show makes the bizarre settings into a mundane world.

overall a 7/10 relaxing Sunday anime, memorable character but no special moments that can really stick.

Mod Edit: Removed the lewds. Be mindful of Rule 2 of the Site and Forum Guidelines.
ShockedJun 25, 2016 10:23 PM
Jun 25, 2016 10:04 PM

Jun 2015
And it ended with a dab. Literally. Go to around 8 minutes in the episode and Nao dabs. That made the episode for me. Was gonna give this a 7 but the dab raised it to an 8
Grimgar season 2 please!!!!
Jun 25, 2016 10:39 PM

Apr 2013
Cutesy slice of life, nothing amazing but it did everything well. 8/10
Jun 25, 2016 10:57 PM

May 2010
Last episode! Aah I don't want it to end, it was my favorite this season...

If Chito was a human, she would be tsundere 100% guaranteed

Now those are some cool witch robes!

Well, earth fishes are creepy...

This gotta have 2nd season! I will be troubled if it doesn't! Truly beautiful. Reminded me of Aria throughout.
10/10 best anime this season, I'm gonna miss everyone. Simply amazing, great blend of magic and reality. Highly rewatchable, too. You can't get much better than this.
Jun 25, 2016 11:46 PM

Jan 2015
Even the earthfish turning into red color. I guess they're getting drunk too. LOL And it's the real one they hanged at the Festival.
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Jun 26, 2016 12:09 AM

Dec 2014
Lovely finale to the show. Loved the episode.

Makoto's got some serious skill in robe making.
Both Makoto and Chinatsu were really cute this episode <3
Akane getting drunk was pretty funny as usual, Wonder what she dragged Inukai into this time XD
The scene with Makoto and the glowing Earthfish at the end was stunning.

Overall, Definitely one of the best SoL shows ever. Lovely atmosphere with a nice rustic charm to it, Lovable characters and interactions that created a nice tranquil yet enchanting feel to it.
9/10, Would be enchanted by this show again. Might pickup the manga sometime in the future.
Jun 26, 2016 12:23 AM

Aug 2013
This was a very interesting show and I loved it from start to finish.

It's very rare to see a SoL show that is able to excel by focusing on its slice of life moments. There are plenty of fantastic SoL shows out there, but a good majority of them focus on some other genre like drama, romance, or comedy as the main selling point.

Flying Witch was the opposite. It completely sold itself on its slice of life aspect. Sure there was also plenty of comedy and witty moments, but they were very light and tasteful, and were never forcefully inserted like a gag. Whenever a funny moment or joke came about, it flowed in naturally from whatever conversation was going on.

The world building was also fantastic. One of those shows that just made their fictional aspects almost seem realistic. They didn't try to over explain anything, and they didn't really let anything happen and just not mention it.
- For example, the fish in the last episode. They didn't go into immense detail about the origin of the Earthfish or how they live or whatnot. They were just simply tricky little fish who come out every now and again because they enjoy festivals. For the witchcraft/supernatural world they live in, it's a simple non-farfetched explanation. Same thing with the whale, the newspaper guy, the harbinger of spring, etc etc.

The other show like that I could compare it to is Nagi no Asukara. They also did a great job with the world building there. Obviously people didn't live in the sea and shed their gil skin and move to land. But they were always building upon it and explaining it in a practical way that made complete sense for the world they've established. And Flying Witch does the same. If you didn't know any better, this show makes witchcraft almost seem believable. Any show that can pull that kind of world building off well just gets bonus points in my book.

Sound track was good. Fit every scene perfectly. But it was light, didn't interfere, and they didn't try to drown every scene in music. There were plenty of scenes with little to no music because it simply wasn't needed. But every scene that had music had a great sound that just worked right.

Easily rate this Sharanranran/10
Jun 26, 2016 12:25 AM

Oct 2015
Really nice show, I loved it! This was the best slice of life show by far this season.
Jun 26, 2016 3:23 AM

May 2014
I will certainly miss this show

the calm aura of this anime made me relax

Chinatsu looks cute with that Red Robe of hers

Makoto really was skilled in sewing

Those fishes looks awesome

hope this anime get another season
10/10 for me
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Jun 26, 2016 3:24 AM

Dec 2015
Flying witch totally took me by surprise by just how much I enjoyed watching this. I loved everything about this series. The art, the characters and the overall world this anime takes place it. Pretty sure there wasn't a moment where I didn't have a smile on my face throughout the 12 episodes
Jun 26, 2016 3:25 AM

Dec 2014
ok that was peaceful and enjoyable at the same time.... It give a pretty complete feeling
Jun 26, 2016 3:56 AM
Sep 2014
jose21 said:
I want moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... I'll miss Chinatsu chan

Her VA will be voicing Hikari in Amanchu next season, so I guess you'll have to settle for that. :x
Jun 26, 2016 4:56 AM

Oct 2009
I'd like to see a 2nd season, it's really a good slice of life ^^

Obviously 10/10 for me ^^
Jun 26, 2016 5:37 AM

Nov 2011
The finish is not very original, but it's cute and nice pier to see the summer festival, I would have preferred that gave a bit of time to better admire the yukata of the characters. Cute and original Fish of the earth. After this series, came to me want to put hand to the cutting and sewing and still devote myself more to gardening, I wish a beautiful house with a garden! I hope they do not end here the adventures of Makoto and his companions.
I love the series with witches, and this coupled with the slice of life was perfect. Excellent work of the JC Staff, designs and style, were beautiful, even the animations were very good as not to mention the scenery, really fascinating and well done. Not far away is the CG of the Whale flying, really well done.

For now, my vote is 8.30/10
Jun 26, 2016 5:43 AM

Oct 2013
I can't add much to what most others have posted. AOTS for me. These kinds of shows - Non Non Biyori, Aria, etc - speak to something in my soul. It's the world I wish I could live in.

I really hope there is another season of Flying Witch. 10/10 for me. I can't think of anything I did not like about it.

Poor dad, he was hungry, but the women of the house were too busy.
Jun 26, 2016 6:05 AM
Jun 2014
I'm going to really miss sitting down on each lazy Sunday morning and watching Flying Witch, definitely 9/10.
Jun 26, 2016 6:38 AM
Jul 2018
Double episode, woo woo

Best show this season for me by far. I'll miss it. Season 2 please?
Jun 26, 2016 6:42 AM

Jan 2015
Dat Eartfishes lol, alcoholism everywhere lol, still nice ending of this show, nice, funny, relaxing (unlike Tanaka-kun's boringness) and the biggest plus = Witches!!! 7/10 for whole show
Jun 26, 2016 7:11 AM

Jun 2013
that was a nice and heartwarming series
Jun 26, 2016 8:27 AM

Apr 2011
And the series ends.

Makoto has a nice talent in making robes. Chinatsu looking cute in that red robe. The earth fish were cute.

JC Staff has done a great work with this. They clearly put a good budget seeing how the good designs, animation and background art is. All the characters are likable and entertaining in their own way.

This SOL anime is a gem this season. Soothing, relaxing, funny, and enjoyable. It just sucks you in to their world and temporary forget about the real life.

I love relaxing SOL anime. They help you relax, and calm from a stressful day, tired, a bad mood, etc. It just slowly sucks out all the negative feelings you have and leaves you in a good feeling after watching.

Its sad to see this series gone. Time sure flies. Hoping Japanese fans will love this too and convince JC Staff to make another season. Thankfully there's Amanchu next season. Adapted from a manga and whose author created the masterpiece Aria. One of my highly anticipated series for summer. There's also quite a few more SOL for summer which I'll look into more.

I'll give this a 8/10 for this lovable series. Will surely watch this again sometime.
Jun 26, 2016 8:46 AM

Oct 2015
Probably just me, but I think the series was too SoL-ey....

Like, it felt lame when Chinatsu commanded her brother to turn into a doughnut, and he started acting like... basically an idiot.

Anyways, 6/10. Pretty meh series.
Hisoka said:
True love is finding someone whose demons play well with yours.
Illumi said:
Jun 26, 2016 9:06 AM
Aug 2013
Nice and calming SoL, would love to see more.

Gonna miss Akane. <3
Jun 26, 2016 9:36 AM

Dec 2015
So sad that this was only 12 episodes because I could watch it endlessly.

Flying Witch set out to be a laid back SOL with some light magical elements and it did it perfectly at every turn. You know you have a great cast of characters when you can have them do every day activities and still make things interesting.
A super chilled and relaxing anime, I loved every single episode.

8/10 - My AotS Spring 2016
Bobby2HandsJun 26, 2016 9:55 AM
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