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Number of chapters a day?
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Sep 13, 2013 6:38 AM

Aug 2012
So, we've decided to discuss Deadman Wonderland, sorry this topic was supposed to be created last night but I was busy, so here it is now :)
Anyway,each volume is 4 chapters and it's only 13 volumes, so do you want to read 4 chapters (a volume) everyday for 4 days and the 5th a rest (like always) or do you want to make it 8 chapters (2 volumes)?
Decide so we can start reading tomorrow :)

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Sep 13, 2013 11:05 AM

Mar 2013
Sep 14, 2013 9:20 AM
Nov 2011
So what's it gonna be? We starting tomorrow?
Sep 14, 2013 1:57 PM

Aug 2012
Yea since I was out all day today, we'll start tomorrow reading 4 chapters a day :)
Sep 15, 2013 3:52 PM

Aug 2012
Ok the first three chapters seemed like an introductory chapters to help you understand what DW is, the rules and all, it started to get into the plot in the fourth chapter, I'll post more on that tomorrow as I'm tired and have to get up really early tomorrow.
Sep 15, 2013 5:57 PM

Mar 2013
I've read the 4 chapters of today (I'm the only one who chose to read 8 chapters)
I have only chosen this because of school...

I liked the first four chapters and the strange rules of the prison makes it more interesting. (and Shiro )

I can't wait to read tomorrow's chapters to know more about that mysterious man and what woodpecker thing is.
ASamyRSep 15, 2013 6:05 PM
Sep 16, 2013 6:28 AM
Jan 2013
I already read until chapter 20 so I'll join in when you guys get there.. :3
Sep 16, 2013 10:52 AM
Jan 2013
first 4 chapters at first i thought oh it just like Mirai Nikki weak kid and strong girl but it was nothing like that ,and the rest was just talk about the rules

from chapter 4 to 8 so we witnessed the real wd the battle was cool but i am more interested in Shiro what is her story and at the end the man was talking about the tragic of woodpecker so many questions let wait for tomorrow
Sep 16, 2013 12:51 PM

Aug 2012
I agree with ranta that the beginning made it look like it's just going to be like mirai nikki, however it wasn't and that started showing in the chapter 4 and then in volume 2.

The battle was nice and everything but I'm want to know more about this "branch of sin" and shiro, though it seems that shiro might know more about the whole thing. I can't wait to read volume 3 tomorrow.

To ASamyR I think most of us chose 4 chapters, since it's easier to finish everyday this way, at least that's why I chose 4 chapters.
Sep 16, 2013 4:10 PM

Mar 2013
volume 2:

so ganta is not the only one with that branch of sin or deadman powers, a relation between that tokyo earthquake and the red man is possible and i think that shiro is in the prison to only meet ganta and she is not a prisoner (check ch.8 p.8 and ch.5 p.39)

the crying man said that when he think of the tragic PAIR of woodpeckerS (the other woodpecker is shiro?)

many things may be answered in the following volumes

Sep 17, 2013 2:59 PM

Aug 2012
so we got another fight which was interesting, it was nice to know more about yoh and why he's collecting that much CP, though I feel sad cause he can't use it to free his sister :(
I'm also curious as to what happened to the old man, I mean is he still alive or did shiro kill him, and it seems that shiro actually have a split personality that only shows when her song stops playing for whatever reason. I'm also curios to know more about "Scar Chain". I'm so excited for the next volume :)
Sep 18, 2013 1:20 PM
Jan 2013
from chapter 8 to 12 so the fight was cool but what a family one a liar and the other a liar plus a killer but overall it was nice but still so many question what happened to the old man and also shiro is she good or bad and i don't believe in Scar Chain i don't know why but i just have a feeling let's wait and see
Sep 19, 2013 10:19 AM
Nov 2011
k Ive read the 3 first volume and i gotta say they were great and the idea of this prison is pretty interesting. Shiro is super cute ^^ and I love how Crow seems to be such a badass but somehow a gentleman XD One moment I was glad he didnt die and then they extract his right eye -___- Cant wait for whats next
Sep 19, 2013 10:22 AM
Nov 2011
As for Shiro I also don't think she is a part of the prison, sounded more like she was an experiment
Sep 19, 2013 12:17 PM
Nov 2011
Just finished 12-16.....Ganta is so hot-headed... and that Rokaru lunatic just pisses me off Can't wait for what's next I'm interested in how Ganta would react when he finds out about Shiro's "other side"
Sep 19, 2013 2:22 PM

Aug 2012
13 to 16 was intense, I hate Rokuro and that "super monk" and hope they die an awful death in later chapters. I'm really anxious about the next volume and can't wait to find out what'll happen next.
Sep 21, 2013 11:23 AM
Nov 2011
So far I feel like whenever things get better they'll always turn out to be much worse in the future >.< 16-20 were monk had one hell of a past but he keeps getting crazier -.- Everybody dies so quickly here xd
Sep 21, 2013 12:48 PM

Aug 2012
Sai-chin said:
So far I feel like whenever things get better they'll always turn out to be much worse in the future >.< 16-20 were monk had one hell of a past but he keeps getting crazier -.- Everybody dies so quickly here xd

Agreed it does same this way, it actually feels like everyone will be dead by the end of the series.
The monks past was really sad and Nagi's as well, I was sad when he died. However, I'm now curious to know what will happen now that the data about DW is out, will things change or will it get worse?
I can't wait to read volume 6 tomorrow.
Sep 22, 2013 3:10 PM

Aug 2012
Okay volume 6 was calm, intense then somewhat calm. Shiro trying to cheer up Ganta at the chapter 22 was nice. I didn't think they'd be able to create a deadman at first, however I don't think that the whole thing was successful, they just seem like mindless robots and their ability won't probably improve with each battle opposed to the originals. I'm also curious to learn more the others pasts now and mocking bird. I can't wait for tomorrow.
Sep 23, 2013 6:47 PM
Jan 2013
finished volume 6. I agree with calm part :D it's probably my favorite volume so far,I actually got into it a lot more than previous volumes...I wanna know more about toto :3 and also shiro...:D
Sep 24, 2013 4:39 AM
Nov 2011
21-24 Nagi's dead ;__; That mockingbird is crazy as well but I love him for some reason XD So cute when Shiro was cheering Ganta up, but I'm guessing he'll figure out that she's the wretched egg soon. The forgeries are so creepy ._.
Sep 24, 2013 5:59 AM
Nov 2011
vol 7...Things are progressing quickly...Ganta is hated by everybody he goes to save Azama and then gets captured and then they go to save him alone...Only thing i dont get is why Tamaki wants the egg destroyed. He's quite a villain himself so im guessing there is more of a personal connection? Im feeling that shiro and azama will be joined by the others soon though... Excited for whats next I also want to know more about the "completed" forgeries
Sep 24, 2013 12:33 PM

Aug 2012
Volume 7 was interesting, Ganta being captured and Shiro and Azami going to save him was nice. It seems though that Ganta doesn't want any of his friends dying for him or because of him so he pushes them away. I don't think that's gonna last though. I don't think Tamaki wants the wretched egg destroyed, in fact I think he lied to Ganta in hopes of convincing to cooperate so Ganta wouldn't hinder any future plans he has, whatever they are. I like the whole take over dw operation by the prison guards though, it was a nice touch and I hope it works. Everyone gathering and finally facing their past, I hope so and it makes sense why they decided to help Ganta even though they hated him if that was the case, was nice. I too want to know more about the completed forgeries and their powers, seems like next volume will be great :)
Sep 25, 2013 12:55 PM

Aug 2012
So volume 8 was filled with action, we learned about everyone's past which was nice and we got to see shiro actually using her branch of sin, the love confession at the end was also nice. I think that Ganta might find out next volume that Shiro is in fact the wretched egg and we might see a more detailed fight against the mockingbird. I'm so excited for next volume :)
Sep 26, 2013 12:31 PM
Nov 2011
vol 8 did anyone else notice that when minatsuki and sukegawa were fighting uzume she called minatsuki mockingbird? On another note, I never realized sukegawa was a transvestite until his past was shown XD We finally get a peek at their past and what got them in DW I think this vol was one of the saddest ones so far…..And wow Ganta chose the best timing to tell shiro he loves her XD Im both happy and sad we’re nearing the end, but I’m so excited for what’s coming next :3
Sep 29, 2013 2:04 AM
Nov 2011
mocking bird turned out to be the director!!! Tamaki killed himself (see i knew he wanted it dead) and a lot are dead....again -.- I really wont be surprised if everybody ends up dead in the end. This vol was full of action and Genta finally sees that Shiro is the wretched egg its hard imagining what's to follow but I cant wait :D
Sep 29, 2013 1:43 PM

Aug 2012
Volume 9:
Tamaki killed himself, it makes sense though, and the old dude is back in the mockingbird's body, that was unexpected. Now Ganta knows Shiro was the one who killed his friends and both he and Senji got released. It was an interesting volume.
Volume 10, cause I already read it so;):
Ok, so now everyone has joined forces again to get rid of the mockingbird and the wretched egg, though I thought Ganta joined them in order to help Shiro not kill her so that was a surprise. Now everyone knows the truth about the wretched egg and that it was Shiro all along and she's apparently invincible. Ganta's branch of sin is the key to stopping the mother goose system and what's gonna happen to him now? I'm also curious about the mother goose system and Ganta's mom research, we're getting closer to the end and I'm so excited :)
Oct 3, 2013 2:33 PM
Nov 2011
vol 10 PLOT TWIST! I feel like the story gets more twisted by the second...Ganta's mom turns out to be the bad guy ;.; Poor Shiro was minced to create that block (always wondered why she was all sewn up and nobody notices -.-) I also feel the wretched egg doesnt actually desire hate, more like she's forced? I dunno she just doesnt seem to like her part as much as she shows....cant wait for more plot twists
Oct 6, 2013 11:23 AM

Aug 2012
Volume 11:
So Shiro's past is revealed, we get to know how the branch of sin and wretched egg came to be and omg poor Shiro :( Ganta's mom also seems like she regrets everything and she probably created the mother goose system to hopefully put an end to everything.
It seems that Shiro is still there and now knows everything, so I wonder what'll happen next.
Senji came to rescue Ganta and those creepy twins have a branch of sin, I didn't expect that and now Ganta and Senji are fighting together :D
This is really exciting, I can't wait for the next volume :)
Oct 8, 2013 2:32 AM
Nov 2011
vol 11 everything comes to light it seems and we finally learn abt shiro's past...which is pretty awful :'( even though its Ganta's mom's fault doesnt seem like she had bad intentions and she was regretful enough. I think Ganta understands Shiro now and maybe he'll try to save her 2 vol left :D
Oct 10, 2013 3:04 PM

Aug 2012
Okay since I'm going to be away from friday to friday, I already finished reading the manga and thus will posting on both volumes. You can only read volume 12, write your opinion on it and then 13 when you've finished it, or just read both and write it all together like I did. It's all up to you :)

Volume 12:
Wow the fight scene against the old creepy guy was nice and we get to know more about Yosuga's and Toto's history and past, and that was nice too, I actually now somewhat like Toto before he died of course. Now, the mother goose system is destroyed and the wretched egg's power is now unleashed. Overall, it was an exciting volume and made want to read the next one and finish the manga :)

Volume 13:
Omg that was amazing, Shiro was Ganta's replacement! there is no wretched egg and shiro didn't have any split personality, only one shiro, I think she chose to not think about and forget the bad memories when she was with Ganta. Ganta's mom looked so cold when she was saying that she'll have a baby so they can experience on it. When they were trying to kill each other I was so sad and wished they would stop because it doesn't make sense why they have to kill each other. The ending was nice, I'm glad they didn't kill each other, I like how it seems like everyone now is living a normal life, it was really nice. Though I'm a bit confused did Shiro wake up from her coma or not, I wish Kataoka Jinsei had made this a bit clearer, I think she did wake up, what do you think?
Oct 12, 2013 3:55 PM
Nov 2011
vol 12+13: the feels ;___; We learned more of toto's and yosuga's past and I was really sad that both died :( If only he could remember himself before dying...
Shiro is a sub for Ganta, he finds out and both try to kill each other. They both lived completely different lives and everything finally becomes clear :D Everyone goes back to their normal lives and to not using the branch of sin. I was so sad when I saw Shiro lying unconscious but then she opened her eyes and it was a very satisfying end! This manga was pretty much a good ride :)
Oh I also liked how they wanted to kill each other at first and then realized thats just bullshit, and how Shiro was shiro and there was no wretched egg
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