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Jul 31, 2021 8:29 AM

Nov 2011
There's definitely a gap in confidence level among these students. (looking at you Ayako) It's not too surprising considering the pressure that these characters have to deal with.

Feels like the most important thing for these characters to do is to keep their heads up and be the best they can be there. It's their first semester and there's still a lot of room for improvement.
Jul 31, 2021 9:29 AM

Feb 2019
Man this episode was so hard to watch. Aya going through an eating disorder and steadily declining was really painful, but what made me angrier was her teacher’s apathetic view towards it. “Weak women don’t make it in show business” like this is a 14-15 year old girl. Kids are so impressionable at that age and calling someone a fatty isn’t going to help them lose weight, it’s just going to create anxiety, stress and depression. Why not introduce some physical workouts into the class as a way of getting everyone in better shape? Some people shouldn’t be teachers.

Luckily, we got the juxtaposition of a bad teacher with a good teacher. Onodera-sensei was exactly what Aya needed in that moment and I think without him, she would’ve offed herself. Great episode, love how this series handles these topics

Also, Ai with her hair growing and struggling to call Sarasa by her first name is the cutest thing ever.
Marinate1016Jul 31, 2021 9:33 AM
Jul 31, 2021 9:29 AM

Jul 2017
Sarasa in quite detailed in her interests, yet disambigous at what the others are doing. She's quite the comedic and enthusiastic character.

The Kouka girls are given a chance to explore and watch theatre acting (that's every bit as I remember for the Takarazuka Revue), and it's quite the high-up standard that's glamorously prestigious. For Ai though, it's mending her relations and friendship with Sarasa, and with a generous smile.

Back in school, the Kouka girls are getting along better...while Ayako Yamada is treading at the back, both physically and mentally. Can understand her fascination for everything Kouka at a young age, and pursuing Kouka is a lifelong dream that's even supported by her own family. That is...if she can live up to even the standards of Kouka, and some fat-shaming from Tachibana that has no shame towards her sensitivity.

Ai was once in Ayako's situation, just that with all the pressure and discrimination, she doesn't seem to fare better to keep up to the bare minimums. The small talk with her older sister does allay that fear, together with the music teacher Onodera who knows her talent and gives her a huge boost of confidence. As cringe as that looks, this is improvement on a humanity level, and I respect Onodera-sensei for that.

Ayako, you'll be remembered for your singing talent. We'll remember that.

And also, correct me if I'm wrong, this is the end of the adaptation for the prequel series "The Curtain Rises". Getting into the sequel manga adaptation from next week onwards.
KANLen09Jul 31, 2021 9:34 AM
Jul 31, 2021 10:03 AM

Apr 2014
Very emotional episode. Poor poor Ayako. Her condition was turned out to be worst. Gladfully, her condition went back to normal in the end.
Onodera-sensei is an MVP for bringing Ayako back on track.
Jul 31, 2021 10:05 AM

Dec 2020
It’s never nice to see that you should never overwhelm your body, well that the teacher has cheered her up and that yamada is strengthened again.
Ondero sensei he is good teacher some people shouldn’t be teacher.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jul 31, 2021 10:30 AM

Jul 2011
Ai is steadily getting enjoyful to watch. Now being gentle, and trying to help people.

Sarasa small genius moment to show who is the MC

Even being horrible,know the situation and not doing a direct intervention, I imagine that the teachers don't really do anything, because doing something could be seen as special treatment. I may be wrong but that's my take.
Anyways, good we have a teacher like Onodera.

Jul 31, 2021 10:31 AM

May 2021
Bro this anime is for sure a bitch, how can they make me tear so easily. I loved how it used the singing as a way to elaborate the whole arc of the episode. The decline was perfect, and how it wrapped it up with the usage of her background too. It was kind of messy sometimes though. I'm still thrilled to get into the emotional side of Sarasa, while we know some of her past her whole background can deliver a hit for sure

Jul 31, 2021 10:44 AM

Jul 2015
Another very nice episode! I really love teacher characters who care about their students, so you can imagine how happy I was with his actions to support Ayako, she was this close to quit on her dream but his words were what she needed to give it another chance, that got me emotional.

We also got some sweet progress for Ai, who is doing her best to get closer to Sarasa, her attempts to call her by her name are so cute! I found hilarious how she expected her to go to the bathroom together after she said it xD
Jul 31, 2021 10:49 AM

Oct 2017
My girl Sarasa has it in her after all, what it takes to be a star that is. Sarasa and Ai's moment was quite beautiful. I'm glad they finally became friends.

Second half with Ayako hit hard. She was almost at breaking point but man #respect for the music sensei. The things he spoke to her brought her back and made me tear up. That was a really emotional scene. Also Ayako's singing voice is beautiful.

Great episode overall, proly the best so far.
Jul 31, 2021 11:14 AM
Dec 2007
Great episode. The fact that this show is a 7.19 is a war crime.
Jul 31, 2021 11:34 AM

Jun 2019
Really liked how they went about Yamada’s bulimia illness. It was tough to watch and I really thought she was going to quit until that teacher came back and convinced her to keep going. That’s a truly good teacher.

As it currently stands, this is vying for AOTS with Sonny Boy and Vanitas.
Jul 31, 2021 12:01 PM

Mar 2021
This episode got me in tears bro. Yamada shouldn't have force herself I'm so glad Yamada's Sister and Onodera-Sensei is there he's (she's in kouka's heart) the MVP of this episode

I heard Dio lol
Jul 31, 2021 12:10 PM

Nov 2016
Being a meguca kagiku is suffering.

When Sarasa starts rehearsing romeo n julliet, I do see a twinkling star too, even before Ai mentions it.
Jul 31, 2021 12:44 PM
May 2021
I stopped watching this anime on ep 2 because I was getting annoyed by Sarasa's character. Happy to say I saw some reviews of the 3rd and 4th episodes, and decided to give it a shot again... So happy I did.
This episode again shows this anime is quite unique; it's actually handling these situations quite realistically and serious. It was great to see the teacher say the right things, and see Ai and Sarasa get closer.
I'm looking forward to next week!
Jul 31, 2021 3:04 PM
Aug 2012
Marinate1016 said:
Man this episode was so hard to watch. Aya going through an eating disorder and steadily declining was really painful, but what made me angrier was her teacher’s apathetic view towards it. “Weak women don’t make it in show business” like this is a 14-15 year old girl. Kids are so impressionable at that age and calling someone a fatty isn’t going to help them lose weight, it’s just going to create anxiety, stress and depression. Why not introduce some physical workouts into the class as a way of getting everyone in better shape? Some people shouldn’t be teachers.

Luckily, we got the juxtaposition of a bad teacher with a good teacher. Onodera-sensei was exactly what Aya needed in that moment and I think without him, she would’ve offed herself. Great episode, love how this series handles these topics

Unfortunately, the show missed the mark with this ED depiction.

Bulimia is incredibly addicting: you don't just do it for months and then "get over it" with no consequences or rewiring of the brain. If future episodes in no way show that there's lasting effects and they seriously try to claim "she just needed some pressure from a teacher and she magically got completely better!" then it was an after-school PSA that will more likely encourage people to try it. Flat stomach (which isn't a thing with bulimia for various reasons) and no permanent effects other than weight loss you get complimented for? What downsides?

And what the hell is with these teachers, who work in a high-pressure school for performers? The male ex-ballerina teacher even pointed out that the girl's fingers were getting visibly red (thanks, stomach acids). The fatty-commenter's first response was a damn food log?! Directly after going "good job for losing weight"?! If Aya had "just" been anorectic and her bones sticking out, the teacher probably would've applauded her and seen nothing to worry about. For supposed professionals of the field, these idiots had no actual plan or healthcare professionals involved in preventing or treating eating disorder behavior in a private boarding school for the arts - those places are riddled with eating disorders across the globe! The doctor taking no note of a famously demanding school and a 15-year-old rapidly losing weight, plus acid-damaged fingers and throat symptoms on top of fainting in class? Excuse me?

The "good teacher" was just as bad as the rest. Oh, you're concerned about this sensitive girl who's having health problems? Time to put her on the spot with a solo that will highlight and worsen all of these issues! Then not say a damn thing to the doctor when your entire faculty room has been openly discussing that "hey maybe we should do something about this binging and purging behavior". Not even to the girl herself! Man, what do all these people in the real world go into ED treatment for years for, most with relapses, when all you need is someone to bang on your door and yell at you that you're special?

A full-time bulimic doesn't regain a smooth high singing voice after less than 24 hours of not puking. That's not how any of this works. Having her suddenly die from a ruptured esophagus would actually have been more realistic than this "you should try bulimia for four months, it's great for weight loss and nothing else about your health will change!" nonsense.

If you're going to address deadly illnesses that these environments, beauty standards and peer pressure cause, then actually address them. Actual bulimics use stuff like this as thinspiration material, this did nothing to educate anyone on why this is a horrific thing and a serious illness. I'm willing to take some of this back if future episodes do feature her relapsing under stress and getting professional help, but I sincerely doubt it.
Jul 31, 2021 3:29 PM

Jan 2020
Poor Ayako :(

It feels very real and it makes me happy that it looks like things are better now.

I really appreciate onodera sensei more after this episode. This show continues to impress me each week
ManWildJul 31, 2021 3:33 PM

Jul 31, 2021 3:55 PM
Aug 2019
This episode made me cry. I'm glad that the situation with Yamada didn't got worse, thanks to that teacher. He seems like a really good person! Also, Yamada has indeed a beautiful voice
Jul 31, 2021 4:22 PM

Jun 2021
Excellent episode

Up to this point, all the episodes really centered around Sarasa and Ai, but in this episode, they shows us that they are capable of centering a story around one of the side characters and still produce an emotional episode. Also kudos to Yamada's VA (a fairly newcomer VA, I believe) for her great acting and singing.
Jul 31, 2021 4:50 PM

Feb 2020
A person a few comments above me explained it much better than I can, but this is really not how that works. I know that you need to have a certain level of suspension of disbelief if you're going to watch anime, but if you're going to depict mental illness than the least you can do is have authenticity. I still like this show but parts of this ep were frustrating to watch, and not in the way the writer intended it to be.
Jul 31, 2021 4:57 PM

Feb 2019
kaisap112 said:
Marinate1016 said:
Man this episode was so hard to watch. Aya going through an eating disorder and steadily declining was really painful, but what made me angrier was her teacher’s apathetic view towards it. “Weak women don’t make it in show business” like this is a 14-15 year old girl. Kids are so impressionable at that age and calling someone a fatty isn’t going to help them lose weight, it’s just going to create anxiety, stress and depression. Why not introduce some physical workouts into the class as a way of getting everyone in better shape? Some people shouldn’t be teachers.

Luckily, we got the juxtaposition of a bad teacher with a good teacher. Onodera-sensei was exactly what Aya needed in that moment and I think without him, she would’ve offed herself. Great episode, love how this series handles these topics

Unfortunately, the show missed the mark with this ED depiction.

Bulimia is incredibly addicting: you don't just do it for months and then "get over it" with no consequences or rewiring of the brain. If future episodes in no way show that there's lasting effects and they seriously try to claim "she just needed some pressure from a teacher and she magically got completely better!" then it was an after-school PSA that will more likely encourage people to try it. Flat stomach (which isn't a thing with bulimia for various reasons) and no permanent effects other than weight loss you get complimented for? What downsides?

And what the hell is with these teachers, who work in a high-pressure school for performers? The male ex-ballerina teacher even pointed out that the girl's fingers were getting visibly red (thanks, stomach acids). The fatty-commenter's first response was a damn food log?! Directly after going "good job for losing weight"?! If Aya had "just" been anorectic and her bones sticking out, the teacher probably would've applauded her and seen nothing to worry about. For supposed professionals of the field, these idiots had no actual plan or healthcare professionals involved in preventing or treating eating disorder behavior in a private boarding school for the arts - those places are riddled with eating disorders across the globe! The doctor taking no note of a famously demanding school and a 15-year-old rapidly losing weight, plus acid-damaged fingers and throat symptoms on top of fainting in class? Excuse me?

The "good teacher" was just as bad as the rest. Oh, you're concerned about this sensitive girl who's having health problems? Time to put her on the spot with a solo that will highlight and worsen all of these issues! Then not say a damn thing to the doctor when your entire faculty room has been openly discussing that "hey maybe we should do something about this binging and purging behavior". Not even to the girl herself! Man, what do all these people in the real world go into ED treatment for years for, most with relapses, when all you need is someone to bang on your door and yell at you that you're special?

A full-time bulimic doesn't regain a smooth high singing voice after less than 24 hours of not puking. That's not how any of this works. Having her suddenly die from a ruptured esophagus would actually have been more realistic than this "you should try bulimia for four months, it's great for weight loss and nothing else about your health will change!" nonsense.

If you're going to address deadly illnesses that these environments, beauty standards and peer pressure cause, then actually address them. Actual bulimics use stuff like this as thinspiration material, this did nothing to educate anyone on why this is a horrific thing and a serious illness. I'm willing to take some of this back if future episodes do feature her relapsing under stress and getting professional help, but I sincerely doubt it.

Not reading all that
Jul 31, 2021 5:01 PM

May 2021
ponpokorin said:
A person a few comments above me explained it much better than I can, but this is really not how that works. I know that you need to have a certain level of suspension of disbelief if you're going to watch anime, but if you're going to depict mental illness than the least you can do is have authenticity. I still like this show but parts of this ep were frustrating to watch, and not in the way the writer intended it to be.

Yup I agree, the time scale of the events didnt really make sense to a reality portray, I was surprised that she got off that so easily. This episode felt messy for that, there is no sense on how much time passed (We can suppose a few weeks because of her body recovery, but how can we tell?), but I guess the point was to not end this in a sad realistic note and trying to deliver a hope message instead of making her dropout because of her problems.
Gween_GweenJul 31, 2021 5:05 PM

Jul 31, 2021 5:27 PM

Sep 2020
Naracchi's journey to get closer to Sara-...Watanabe-san has just started.
Jul 31, 2021 5:35 PM
Jul 2018
some interesting details is that Narata's hair is growing even though it shows in the opening, Yamada losing weight is suffering with the difficult situation but the teacher said a good positive messages is what worked at the end of the episode, everything was amazing in the episode.
Jul 31, 2021 10:22 PM
Sep 2016
The birth of an uta-hime.... She was never an actress, instead an uta-hime.
To you who are still in middle or high schools, find your passions and chase them, disregard what everyone else thinks or does. They are not worth your future. Stop comparing yourselves to your peers, unless they are of the same passion as yours, in which case make them your rivals and grow from it instead.
This is spoken by a currently professional programmer who found his true passion in programming AFTER a few years in non-compatible occupations (i.e. ranging from sales to office works).

Gween_Gween said:
ponpokorin said:
A person a few comments above me explained it much better than I can, but this is really not how that works. I know that you need to have a certain level of suspension of disbelief if you're going to watch anime, but if you're going to depict mental illness than the least you can do is have authenticity. I still like this show but parts of this ep were frustrating to watch, and not in the way the writer intended it to be.

Yup I agree, the time scale of the events didnt really make sense to a reality portray, I was surprised that she got off that so easily. This episode felt messy for that, there is no sense on how much time passed (We can suppose a few weeks because of her body recovery, but how can we tell?), but I guess the point was to not end this in a sad realistic note and trying to deliver a hope message instead of making her dropout because of her problems.

Agree, it was so rushed. I don't read the source materials, but they could instead made this issue slowly progressing (in background) for a few more EPs before finally exploded and concluded. Example: Homura from MadoMagi, her expressions and gestures throughout her entire interactions with Madoka implies something to be finally revealed in a later EP.
uncleqrowJul 31, 2021 10:34 PM
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Aug 1, 2021 1:14 AM
Apr 2021
They really could have wrapped Ayako's case in either the next episode or the one after the next. That much time should have been enough for recovery and reconditioning of the brain for an eating disorder. Also would have loved to see Ayako eating her comfort foods with her family and friends, at least.

This arc definitely could have been handled better, but the conflict generation, presentation, and heck even the first part of the resolution was done well (Ayako chatting with her sister and music instructor's speech at the door), but the writing was way off during Ayako's recovery. They didn't even depict her recovery process, if anything.

Montages exist for a reason because they can become excellent pacing tools. Even if Ayako's recovery wasn't depicted in the manga, the production and especially the director should have thought about it, since this show's strong point so far seems to be the depiction of personal and social issues.

But other than that point, I don't find any other point really worth raising. Man, seasonal animes sure have it tough due to the time limitation.
Aug 1, 2021 1:25 AM

Jun 2009
kaisap112 said:
Marinate1016 said:
Man this episode was so hard to watch. Aya going through an eating disorder and steadily declining was really painful, but what made me angrier was her teacher’s apathetic view towards it. “Weak women don’t make it in show business” like this is a 14-15 year old girl. Kids are so impressionable at that age and calling someone a fatty isn’t going to help them lose weight, it’s just going to create anxiety, stress and depression. Why not introduce some physical workouts into the class as a way of getting everyone in better shape? Some people shouldn’t be teachers.

Luckily, we got the juxtaposition of a bad teacher with a good teacher. Onodera-sensei was exactly what Aya needed in that moment and I think without him, she would’ve offed herself. Great episode, love how this series handles these topics

Unfortunately, the show missed the mark with this ED depiction.

Bulimia is incredibly addicting: you don't just do it for months and then "get over it" with no consequences or rewiring of the brain. If future episodes in no way show that there's lasting effects and they seriously try to claim "she just needed some pressure from a teacher and she magically got completely better!" then it was an after-school PSA that will more likely encourage people to try it. Flat stomach (which isn't a thing with bulimia for various reasons) and no permanent effects other than weight loss you get complimented for? What downsides?

And what the hell is with these teachers, who work in a high-pressure school for performers? The male ex-ballerina teacher even pointed out that the girl's fingers were getting visibly red (thanks, stomach acids). The fatty-commenter's first response was a damn food log?! Directly after going "good job for losing weight"?! If Aya had "just" been anorectic and her bones sticking out, the teacher probably would've applauded her and seen nothing to worry about. For supposed professionals of the field, these idiots had no actual plan or healthcare professionals involved in preventing or treating eating disorder behavior in a private boarding school for the arts - those places are riddled with eating disorders across the globe! The doctor taking no note of a famously demanding school and a 15-year-old rapidly losing weight, plus acid-damaged fingers and throat symptoms on top of fainting in class? Excuse me?

The "good teacher" was just as bad as the rest. Oh, you're concerned about this sensitive girl who's having health problems? Time to put her on the spot with a solo that will highlight and worsen all of these issues! Then not say a damn thing to the doctor when your entire faculty room has been openly discussing that "hey maybe we should do something about this binging and purging behavior". Not even to the girl herself! Man, what do all these people in the real world go into ED treatment for years for, most with relapses, when all you need is someone to bang on your door and yell at you that you're special?

A full-time bulimic doesn't regain a smooth high singing voice after less than 24 hours of not puking. That's not how any of this works. Having her suddenly die from a ruptured esophagus would actually have been more realistic than this "you should try bulimia for four months, it's great for weight loss and nothing else about your health will change!" nonsense.

If you're going to address deadly illnesses that these environments, beauty standards and peer pressure cause, then actually address them. Actual bulimics use stuff like this as thinspiration material, this did nothing to educate anyone on why this is a horrific thing and a serious illness. I'm willing to take some of this back if future episodes do feature her relapsing under stress and getting professional help, but I sincerely doubt it.

Thank you! I expected a realistic approach with most if not all bad consequences addressed. A mental illness just can't be magically cured by a ganbare!-talk through a door. IMO there should have been a trigger warning at the start of the episode.
Aug 1, 2021 1:53 AM
Mar 2021
I like this episode too. We don't see how Yamada change her problem, but at least we know she consult the doctor and after some time skip, she got much better and can sing again. I think this episode is more focus on the cause, how her problem affect her life and what motivate her to be able to be better to show how they struggle in this school. Ai's case is also the same. Maybe there are better way to convey it but I get the message and that's what important for me.
Aug 1, 2021 2:03 AM
Dec 2017
Japanese media tend to trivialize mental illness because mental healthcare is taboo in Japan, you're stigmatized as weak/worthless if you have mental health problems and ask for help, as it's seen as only a willpower/"toughen up" thing. The teachers perfectly exemplify this, as the drama suddenly focused on her leaving or not, she being "weak" or "strong", not her bulimia problem, as if putting even more pressure would magically solve it.
I think the only pro-therapy show I've watched was Kuuchuu Buranko.
VludiAug 1, 2021 3:06 AM
Aug 1, 2021 5:27 AM

Jun 2016
yoo i told you , this anime will be awesome llater !!!
and i was right !!!

i love thisss !!
Aug 1, 2021 6:37 AM

Aug 2020
hmmmm .......

definitely felt like there was something wrong with the pacing . The show has been doing pretty well until now (albeit some hiccups here and there ) but it would really be a shame if the story gets butchered by productional issues .
Aug 1, 2021 6:58 AM

Feb 2020
Naracchi was so funny back there, grabbing Watanabe hand and then confessed that things out loudly. No wonder everyone cried their shit out. Wonderful play, they might've think like that. But, for me, its completely a hilarious scene. No one-sided feeling anymore for Watanabe. That's good for you!

Yeah, like i said before, this time its the girl with the weight problem we need to solve. She ended up danger herself until those very last moment. Almost broke herself off and surrendered back to her home. She clearly forgot how she passed the selection, until that music teacher, surprisingly, be the one whose told the right thing. Background check for her, and problem solved without even need any girls to help, especially Naracchi and Watanabe. Kinda surprising how the plot goes around this time, looks like its trying to depict every girl resolving their own problems by themself. Okay, then. As long as its ended up good, i think its still a good chapter.

Really looking forward to see their next school daily activities cases. Lets see....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 1, 2021 7:09 AM

Apr 2012
badabass said:
Naracchi was so funny back there, grabbing Watanabe hand and then confessed that things out loudly. No wonder everyone cried their shit out. Wonderful play, they might've think like that. But, for me, its completely a hilarious scene. No one-sided feeling anymore for Watanabe. That's good for you!

Yeah, like i said before, this time its the girl with the weight problem we need to solve. She ended up danger herself until those very last moment. Almost broke herself off and surrendered back to her home. She clearly forgot how she passed the selection, until that music teacher, surprisingly, be the one whose told the right thing. Background check for her, and problem solved without even need any girls to help, especially Naracchi and Watanabe. Kinda surprising how the plot goes around this time, looks like its trying to depict every girl resolving their own problems by themself. Okay, then. As long as its ended up good, i think its still a good chapter.

Really looking forward to see their next school daily activities cases. Lets see....

Confession, one-sided feelings, dude what are you talking about? This is not romance.
Aug 1, 2021 8:00 AM

Oct 2016
This show is so fucking good man, another fantastic episode! Though it definitely would have been better if they spread out Yamada recovering from her eating disorder to a few more episodes. But we can just assume that it's been maybe a few days or even weeks before she returned to class which is good enough.

Onodera sensei definitely was the mvp for caring for his students well being. I really love Naracchi's steady growth and how awkward she is lmao. Also really liking Sawa and her eccentric Kouka fangirl personality. The day Naracchi finally calls Sarasa Sarasa will be the day we celebrate. Really looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 1, 2021 8:04 AM

Feb 2020
RobertBobert said:

Confession, one-sided feelings, dude what are you talking about? This is not romance.

You really like to get trigger over any kind of that obvious joking statement, eh? Thats hilarious.
Dude, for a good sake, if you just don't get what i write better just stay that out.
End of line.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 1, 2021 8:12 AM

Apr 2012
badabass said:
RobertBobert said:

Confession, one-sided feelings, dude what are you talking about? This is not romance.

You really like to get trigger over any kind of that obvious joking statement, eh? Thats hilarious.
Dude, for a good sake, if you just don't get what i write better just stay that out.
End of line.

You make it sound like a lot of shipping in 2021 isn't about constantly using romantic symbology to describe platonic relationships and then declaring the characters as a couple. Nowadays, any joke about shipping, even the most grotesque, will instantly sound like post-irony and fall under the Po law.
Aug 1, 2021 9:09 AM

Apr 2009
Vludi said:
Japanese media tend to trivialize mental illness because mental healthcare is taboo in Japan, you're stigmatized as weak/worthless if you have mental health problems and ask for help, as it's seen as only a willpower/"toughen up" thing. The teachers perfectly exemplify this, as the drama suddenly focused on her leaving or not, she being "weak" or "strong", not her bulimia problem, as if putting even more pressure would magically solve it.
I think the only pro-therapy show I've watched was Kuuchuu Buranko.

Yeah, I wrote a paper on mental illness and its public awareness in Japan. Not surprising, why the suicide rate in Japan is so high, along with South Korea.
Kuuchuu Buranko was a nice and very unique anime, I'm glad you've mentioned it. It also highlights some mental disorders/distresses and the roots of them quite well, where not every case gets resolved immediately.
Frankly, while I'm still loving this show, how they brushed off her bulimia as it is sth you can overcome within days without any effects afterwards is quite disappointing. They handled Ai's trauma better.
Aug 1, 2021 9:15 AM

Apr 2012
shiroi-ookami said:
Vludi said:
Japanese media tend to trivialize mental illness because mental healthcare is taboo in Japan, you're stigmatized as weak/worthless if you have mental health problems and ask for help, as it's seen as only a willpower/"toughen up" thing. The teachers perfectly exemplify this, as the drama suddenly focused on her leaving or not, she being "weak" or "strong", not her bulimia problem, as if putting even more pressure would magically solve it.
I think the only pro-therapy show I've watched was Kuuchuu Buranko.

Yeah, I wrote a paper on mental illness and its public awareness in Japan. Not surprising, why the suicide rate in Japan is so high, along with South Korea.
Kuuchuu Buranko was a nice and very unique anime, I'm glad you've mentioned it. It also highlights some mental disorders/distresses and the roots of them quite well, where not every case gets resolved immediately.
Frankly, while I'm still loving this show, how they brushed off her bulimia as it is sth you can overcome within days without any effects afterwards is quite disappointing. They handled Ai's trauma better.

I'm not at all sure if this would be considered a mental illness in Japan. In such conservative countries as Japan or Russia, mental illness is associated with very problematic things like schizophrenia or sociopathy, so things that are far from this will be perceived simply as problems with "nerves".
Aug 1, 2021 9:18 AM

Aug 2020
This was pretty painful to watch this ep made me cry, poor Yamada (though why are they focussing on a character probably nobody is gonna care for?) Yamada-san is suffering from Bulemia. It is hard. I am glad that this show raised this important concern. Although the female teacher has a point, she could have said it in a better way. This shows how simple words can affect anyone.

Onodera-sensei was amazing. It made me cry. That showed how a teacher can inspire someone in a great way! The sister is so loving as well.

Narata's hair looks smooth now tho, gotta say.
free candies: premium candies:
Aug 1, 2021 11:35 AM

Apr 2008
Not going to quote the whole thing, but I also agree with what Kaisap112 said. This is very shallow handling of the issue if this is really the end of it and overall a harmful take. The show hits all the right emotional beats, so it's enjoyable if you don't think about it, but it's harder to do that with serious issues versus purely fantastical suspension of disbelief.
Aug 1, 2021 11:45 AM

Apr 2009
RobertBobert said:

I'm not at all sure if this would be considered a mental illness in Japan. In such conservative countries as Japan or Russia, mental illness is associated with very problematic things like schizophrenia or sociopathy, so things that are far from this will be perceived simply as problems with "nerves".

You've got a point. In Japan, eating disorders probably won't be considered as mental illness, at least not by the general public. Hence why it's probably treated so lightly here.
shiroi-ookamiAug 1, 2021 11:48 AM
Aug 1, 2021 12:37 PM

Jan 2014
I was honestly clapping so much when Onodera was being so supporting. Was just so heartwarming and great. Fucking loved it.
Aug 1, 2021 3:14 PM

Feb 2020
RobertBobert said:

You make it sound like a lot of shipping in 2021 isn't about constantly using romantic symbology to describe platonic relationships and then declaring the characters as a couple.

Oh really? Idk any shipping in 2021. I just state what i like, nothing more. You really exaggerating some simple shit. Also, wdym by:
RobertBobert said:

Nowadays, any joke about shipping, even the most grotesque, will instantly sound like post-irony and fall under the Po law.

I am curious. Please enlighten me, mr no-ship enforcer.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 1, 2021 5:37 PM
Mar 2021
Another great episode again. Ai asks Sarasa to be her friend finally and she wants to go same place with Sarasa as partner. Ai also recognize Aya being in toilet, but not really help her at all. I don't know Aya is jealous to Ai.

Aya is suffering alot for being fatty there, damn that female teacher in few previous episode. I know you have a point to say that, but it's not really helpful at all. She has alot potential, it will be a waste to let her gets out from that school without doing her best at all. Gladly Onodera-sensei is a good guy and care about his student with his girlish personality.
goib1234Aug 1, 2021 5:41 PM
Aug 1, 2021 8:03 PM

Apr 2012
badabass said:
RobertBobert said:

You make it sound like a lot of shipping in 2021 isn't about constantly using romantic symbology to describe platonic relationships and then declaring the characters as a couple.

Oh really? Idk any shipping in 2021. I just state what i like, nothing more. You really exaggerating some simple shit. Also, wdym by:
RobertBobert said:

Nowadays, any joke about shipping, even the most grotesque, will instantly sound like post-irony and fall under the Po law.

I am curious. Please enlighten me, mr no-ship enforcer.

So, are you trying to prove it was a joke, but also trying to make fun of me as a "no-ship guy"? Seriously, you yourself prove the veracity of my comment, I don't even need to make any effort.

shiroi-ookami said:
RobertBobert said:

I'm not at all sure if this would be considered a mental illness in Japan. In such conservative countries as Japan or Russia, mental illness is associated with very problematic things like schizophrenia or sociopathy, so things that are far from this will be perceived simply as problems with "nerves".

You've got a point. In Japan, eating disorders probably won't be considered as mental illness, at least not by the general public. Hence why it's probably treated so lightly here.

Well, in our countries such things are usually very marginalized, so people will most likely deny themselves that they have mental problems, so as not to get labeled as mentally ill.
Aug 2, 2021 1:00 AM
Jul 2018
Words cannot describe how frustrated I was with this episode. They treated the whole bulimia issue as something you can get over easily and without lasting consequences, which is fucking ridiculous. I could go on and on about how badly this episode portrayed Ayako's situation but we already have kaisap112's comment, so I'm going to refrain from it.

And if that wasn't enough, this episode was way too rushed. It felt like they just wanted to get over both arcs quickly, pacing and everything else be damned. They even threw a time skip in there to fast forward six months(?) because fuck the viewers, we going hyper speed in this episode.
Aug 2, 2021 1:06 AM

Apr 2009
RobertBobert said:

Well, in our countries such things are usually very marginalized, so people will most likely deny themselves that they have mental problems, so as not to get labeled as mentally ill.

Sadly, you're right. Also, in Japan you have this "ganbaru" mentality, where they say that you just need to "work hard" and anything can be done/achieved, otherwise you're "weak" or "didn't work hard enough". And I've got the same feeling when I see how Ayako's issues were resolved in this episode.
Aug 2, 2021 2:00 AM

Apr 2012
shiroi-ookami said:
RobertBobert said:

Well, in our countries such things are usually very marginalized, so people will most likely deny themselves that they have mental problems, so as not to get labeled as mentally ill.

Sadly, you're right. Also, in Japan you have this "ganbaru" mentality, where they say that you just need to "work hard" and anything can be done/achieved, otherwise you're "weak" or "didn't work hard enough". And I've got the same feeling when I see how Ayako's issues were resolved in this episode.

Lol, add to this that if you are a man, you also cannot complain or even admit the pressure, because a man supposedly cannot show emotions.
Aug 2, 2021 2:47 AM

Apr 2009
RobertBobert said:

Lol, add to this that if you are a man, you also cannot complain or even admit the pressure, because a man supposedly cannot show emotions.

Yep! This and the societal pressure on men being the bread winners of the family.
Aug 2, 2021 3:36 AM

Feb 2020
RobertBobert said:

So, are you trying to prove it was a joke, but also trying to make fun of me as a "no-ship guy"? Seriously, you yourself prove the veracity of my comment, I don't even need to make any effort.

Ah come now. You are the first one make a fun to me saying my comment sound like any shipping in 2021. What the heck was that bruh? Imagine know nothing but already say nonsense. Bruh, what?
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 2, 2021 3:57 AM

Apr 2012
badabass said:
RobertBobert said:

So, are you trying to prove it was a joke, but also trying to make fun of me as a "no-ship guy"? Seriously, you yourself prove the veracity of my comment, I don't even need to make any effort.

Ah come now. You are the first one make a fun to me saying my comment sound like any shipping in 2021. What the heck was that bruh? Imagine know nothing but already say nonsense. Bruh, what?

Lol, you already forgot that this was a response to your salty comment, no? What a selective memory. Also, I especially like the way you expect other people to read your mind and understand your "jokes" through this. And yep, the more you passively aggressively make excuses and make it personal, the more you prove my words once again. Continue.
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