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The Betrayal Knows My Name
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Sep 6, 2010 4:34 AM

Aug 2007
Natsu_D_Luffy said:
everyone here is a faggot. except yuki. yuki is not a faggot.

Most awesome comment I've seen in a while. It's time for troll-hunt! :D

Oh my, I got a lot of replys here. °x° Let's see:

Yuki_Giou said:
Not everyone can be a badass, there must be a weak one as well. Since Uraboku is a shoujo anime as well, usually the shoujo main characters are weak, yet important.

Like Francie-Fugitive stated, Yuki is a Mary-Sue. There's a difference between a weak yet likeable character and a total disaster of a weak character. Yuki is just badly written, he behaves totally unrealistic and is being loved by everyone for ... whatever? We don't even know why he's so important or what he did (in his past life?) to deserve this treatment and we're through 22 episodes. It's like we're being told that we have to like him, because he's so awesome, but we don't get to know WHY he's so awesome. That's some piece of information we need a bit earlier, or else we don't really understand why he deserves to be treated the way he is.

We have the pleasure to go to endless boring flashbacks. Flashbacks without any realy important content. It's all just about Luka loving female Yuki and male Yuki loving/liking Kanata. That's all, but how about showing us some important stuff regarding female Yuki, so we can understand the other characters behavior towards Yuki better? I'm sorry to tell you, but there are only 2 episodes left, this anime is nearly finished.

This clearly doesn't have anything to do if I like or don't like this kind of Genre, because I like Shounen-Ai and Shoujo. If that wouldn't be the case, I would've never even begin to watch this anime and if this anime would've been this bad since the beginning, I would've dropped it already. The point is: it just keeps getting more absurd. The more characters appear, the more love Yuki gets and more of his Mary-Sue-characters shines through.
Great, if it was still bearable when 5 people were worshipping Yuki like some kind of goldlike person, now we have 10 people and it's twice as annoying.

Yuki_Giou said:
First of all, let's look at Yuki's past.

His totally clichée-filled past? Spare me. His past is so overly sad to make us like him even more and feel sorry for him, so it's part of his Mary-Sue-character. He's the poor character who had to live through all his bad things, he needs a hug so bad, but he still decides to fight and oh~~~ he's so strong still wanting to rescue everyone and... urg, cut this crap, please. This is like a character comming right out of a bad fanfiction.

ilikeyouevenmoreI said:
just don't understand why simply being a healer makes everyone nearly worship him.

I don't understand either. From my experince in anime and manga, healers tend to make fights less interesting for the audience, because: Injury? no problem, get the healer. :D And in case of Uragiri, it's not as if the characters really needed Yukis healing ability so much until now. Plus: they don't even want him to use it, because he'll take the pain upon himself.

Yuki_Giou said:
Exactly, so what's wrong with Yuki being unrealistic? I actually love the fact that Luka is so devoted to Yuki, but let's not forget it is an anime.

Let me guess, you like Twilight, too, do you? Of if you haven't read it, I bet you'd like it.

What's wrong with Yuki being unrealistic? Probably because he's the main character? Main characters are usually used so that the readers can identify themselves with them, but Yuki is too perfect, he's too nice, too much loved, too flawless... he's too much everything and at the same time, he can't do anything in a fight. That's pretty bad.
There's no way I can believe such a human being can exist and this is what makes him unfitting as a main characters. I'm not telling that I want super-realistic humans in an anime. I just want believable characters and Yuki is not believable. I don't want to read a fairytale, I want to see an anime with character whose action I can somehow relate to and understand. Not some unrealistic, selfish decisions that don't make sense, but are still approved by everyone around him. Where's the point? There is none and that's why it's bad.

Linalee-Stratos said:
If compared his female version seems better than the male version.

Exactly my toughts. XD I'm actually pretty interested in her, what she was like (besides being emo, because she loved Luka), how she was fighting, what she did for the others, what her character was like. They said, that the male Yuki is different from his female version. I want to know that, but the anime doesn't tell us interesting and important facts. It's a bit furstrating.

akromataof said:
I just don't get why this show went so downhill..It had everything to become great.
And that's the very reason why I had faith this anime could turn out good, why I watched even after I was pretty pissed when I was around episode 10, because I still thought, it could get better. Unfortunately, it only got worse.

You know, there's something that has been on my mind for quite a while. It's about the being reborn-thing. I think it's pretty... hard. I mean: it seems like everyone is reborn exactly the same way he/she was before he/she died and even has his/her memories from back then, right? I think that's really cruel, because you're born to other parents. Parents who love you, parents who think of you as a part of them, as a product of their love, but you're not. You're actually a complete stanger with no relations to them at all, besides using your "mother" as a container to be able to be reborn. That's a bit cruel...

Last word to all the fangirls being annoyed by the people ranting about the bad things in this anime: This is not a place for "fans only", this is not a place to worship this anime and this is certainly not a place where negative comments are forbidden.
This is a place for discussions, if you don't like the point of view from another user, don't tell him. "Don't watch this anime!", because this is nonsense. Pick of a discussion and try to explain why you thing differently, but don't expect the other to turn into a fangirl.
kennikittySep 6, 2010 4:40 AM
Sep 6, 2010 5:51 AM

Aug 2009
SoraKuro said:
Kannei said:

+ is luze showing up or not im soo looking forward too see him please show yourself soon luze san

Agreed. If Cadenza and Elegy deserve to be in the anime, so does Luze >_> But I doubt he will show up, which is a shame because he's such a hottie and much better than Luka. Yup, I don't like Luka, he's so "Oh I love you Yuki, forever and ever, but instead of confessing my feelings and at least try to make you love me too, I will just sit in my emo corner and cry while Toko tries to seduce me." .-.

hhhhh, i love LUKA but his emo style DO drive me crazy

i want to see luze in the anime, i liked him ever since i saw him

i loved every scene of luka in this ep he's soooooooooooo coooooooooool!!!!


hopefully there is another season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 6, 2010 10:20 AM
Jul 2010
Nice episode but seriously.. wft is wrong with the last scene? o.O

Just how slow can those two run? It was stupid and unrealistic.

How can they ALL stand still and watch Yuuki float? Can't Luka run and save Yuuki?
Sep 6, 2010 1:43 PM

May 2010
Natsu_D_Luffy said:
everyone here is a faggot. except yuki. yuki is not a faggot.

That because I am the Queen of Roland.

kennikitty said:
Like Francie-Fugitive stated, Yuki is a Mary-Sue. There's a difference between a weak yet likeable character and a total disaster of a weak character. Yuki is just badly written, he behaves totally unrealistic and is being loved by everyone for ... whatever? We don't even know why he's so important or what he did (in his past life?) to deserve this treatment and we're through 22 episodes. It's like we're being told that we have to like him, because he's so awesome, but we don't get to know WHY he's so awesome. That's some piece of information we need a bit earlier, or else we don't really understand why he deserves to be treated the way he is.

We have the pleasure to go to endless boring flashbacks. Flashbacks without any realy important content. It's all just about Luka loving female Yuki and male Yuki loving/liking Kanata. That's all, but how about showing us some important stuff regarding female Yuki, so we can understand the other characters behavior towards Yuki better? I'm sorry to tell you, but there are only 2 episodes left, this anime is nearly finished.

This clearly doesn't have anything to do if I like or don't like this kind of Genre, because I like Shounen-Ai and Shoujo. If that wouldn't be the case, I would've never even begin to watch this anime and if this anime would've been this bad since the beginning, I would've dropped it already. The point is: it just keeps getting more absurd. The more characters appear, the more love Yuki gets and more of his Mary-Sue-characters shines through.
Great, if it was still bearable when 5 people were worshipping Yuki like some kind of goldlike person, now we have 10 people and it's twice as annoying.

His totally clichée-filled past? Spare me. His past is so overly sad to make us like him even more and feel sorry for him, so it's part of his Mary-Sue-character. He's the poor character who had to live through all his bad things, he needs a hug so bad, but he still decides to fight and oh~~~ he's so strong still wanting to rescue everyone and... urg, cut this crap, please. This is like a character comming right out of a bad fanfiction.

Different views. Personally, I want to see how the story is gonna wrap up. It's two episodes left, yet so many plot holes, so I've been used to Yuki.
Go on.

kennikitty said:
Let me guess, you like Twilight, too, do you? Of if you haven't read it, I bet you'd like it.

What's wrong with Yuki being unrealistic? Probably because he's the main character? Main characters are usually used so that the readers can identify themselves with them, but Yuki is too perfect, he's too nice, too much loved, too flawless... he's too much everything and at the same time, he can't do anything in a fight. That's pretty bad.
There's no way I can believe such a human being can exist and this is what makes him unfitting as a main characters. I'm not telling that I want super-realistic humans in an anime. I just want believable characters and Yuki is not believable. I don't want to read a fairytale, I want to see an anime with character whose action I can somehow relate to and understand. Not some unrealistic, selfish decisions that don't make sense, but are still approved by everyone around him. Where's the point? There is none and that's why it's bad.

I do not like romantic crap. I like violence.

Your point? Complain to the mangaka about it. Or just try to pick an anime with a main character of your tastes. I told you that before, anyways.
Sep 6, 2010 5:23 PM

Dec 2009
I don't think Yuki's past is so much unrealistic but overdramatized.. Or is that just me? People have gone through what Yuki has gone through minus the orphanage thing and magic aspects.. betrayel.
I think Yuki is annoying, but I understand him.. =__= People get betrayed, people betray. The world is not kind to the kind. For that reason, those who are kind must change and adapt. Yuki hasn't.. yet. It's for that reason he's still thinking "naively". It's painful for me to watch him lol. Kindness, trust, love.. It's a downfall different in every story's mold.. (ehh i'm ranting -__- forget it ahaa this is an anime. nvm.)
Yuki does stupid things for no reason. Well, no reason would be inaccurate. He does it for no logical reason but on his feelings? :P
People do really stupid things in real life for their own reasons. Some of those reasons are illogical as well.
I don't think Yuki is as perfect as what someone described him as before.
Well, I'm just not going to expect too much out of Yuki. Not every main character has to be what everyone expects. Heck, it's good that not every anime character is what people expect lol.
Sep 6, 2010 9:34 PM

Aug 2010
Yuki's been kidnapped... maybe now he can sway Reiga into turning back into Kanata...
Or something like that. I doubt Yuki will be hurt though.
Seeing Luka angry was cool & seeing the everyone fighting was also cool :]

[T.C.O] | [C.C.O]
Sep 7, 2010 2:21 PM

Aug 2009
Whole episode was worth it simply for Luka getting overwhelmed with his emotions at the end.

Oh..and Reiga's outfit.
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Sep 7, 2010 4:46 PM

Dec 2009
Pheefa said:
Whole episode was worth it simply for Luka getting overwhelmed with his emotions at the end.

Oh..and Reiga's outfit.

Sep 7, 2010 4:46 PM

Jun 2009
Lukas angry now its time too kick some asses ;)
but i really wanted too hug him at the ending scene poor luka

Still i dont give up and it could be still a change too see luze soon it looks intressting for sure cant wait for the next ep
their arnt many left anyways
Sep 8, 2010 5:45 PM

Mar 2010
funny when they said "thats that what can we do" its like they were talking to us; the battle was not good at all

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 9, 2010 5:30 PM

Jun 2009
just two more eps *sob*
Sep 10, 2010 5:20 AM

Dec 2009
lily-lo said:
SoraKuro said:
Kannei said:

+ is luze showing up or not im soo looking forward too see him please show yourself soon luze san

Agreed. If Cadenza and Elegy deserve to be in the anime, so does Luze >_> But I doubt he will show up, which is a shame because he's such a hottie and much better than Luka. Yup, I don't like Luka, he's so "Oh I love you Yuki, forever and ever, but instead of confessing my feelings and at least try to make you love me too, I will just sit in my emo corner and cry while Toko tries to seduce me." .-.

hhhhh, i love LUKA but his emo style DO drive me crazy

i want to see luze in the anime, i liked him ever since i saw him

i loved every scene of luka in this ep he's soooooooooooo coooooooooool!!!!


hopefully there is another season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a second season that really what be great i hope for it
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Oct 13, 2010 12:17 AM

May 2010
NO! No! Not even cool! If Yuki dies or falls in love with Kanata-san before he even knows what he means to Luka I will lose all faith in humanity! This is just...argh! I'm upset.
Nov 2, 2010 6:36 AM

Oct 2009
Quite an OK episode.

I really love the conversation between the villains. They need to socialize too.

Cadenza = HOT (Sexy hair,voice everything!)

Is it just me or are the Zweilts quite useless? Like no offense but only Luka is putting up a good fight while the others get pawned easily in a matter of seconds. And the Zweilts really outnumbered the villains..No wonder Kuroto was like "We have Luka" I guess without Luka,the probability of them winning the battle is zero.

Man, wish I could see Masamune in action. He seems to have good potential.

Yikes,what is Reiga going to do to Yuki?? 0.0
Nov 11, 2010 3:19 PM

Apr 2010
All I can say is.

The end.
I mean woah; everyone watched him get kidnapped just like that. Like make a move and he'll die.
I feel bad for Luka already. I mean whenever Luka's around Yuki's ranting about Kanata-san Kanata-san. I can feel him hurt by that yet he just goes on and stands by Yuki.
Yuki is great and all, and I'm well aware he was a woman in the past, but he needs to man up abit. I know it's hard for him but he just cries so easily -sigh-
Apr 13, 2011 7:55 PM
Dec 2010
next time?! but its already episode 22? when will the hardcore battle be..i wanted to see Luka in action :(

O_O I love when Luka is in rage mode...
Jul 6, 2011 12:18 AM
Jun 2009
I like Luka in lovey-dovey mode seen in the flash back with him and female Yuki. He's frickin' hot!

So Reiga/Kanata has kidnapped Yuki... I get the feeling that Reiga-Kanata is just putting up a tough act. He really doesn't want to hurt or kill Yuki or he would've done so already.
May 12, 2012 12:18 AM
May 2012
Oh My God!! My whole body is trembling... Reiga took him away.. What will happen next...
Jun 27, 2012 7:55 AM
Nov 2011
(mind my language)

JESUS CRIST!! Is Yuki and idiot or what?!?!? he knows that everyone are there to protect him and that he is FUCKING USELESS (since he can't fully use his powers)..... so why the fuck would he go out there which only becomes a bigger burden to his friends!!!!

NOW EVEN WORSE IS THAT HE GOT TAKEN BY REIGE (not that he is actually a bad guy in my point of view)........ (but i still perfere Luka ^^)

I wonder if there is actually anyone out there that has watched this serise and haven't at any point thought that Yuki is annoying??
Dec 28, 2012 12:58 PM

Dec 2012
special-secret said:
(mind my language)

JESUS CRIST!! Is Yuki and idiot or what?!?!? he knows that everyone are there to protect him and that he is FUCKING USELESS (since he can't fully use his powers)..... so why the fuck would he go out there which only becomes a bigger burden to his friends!!!!

NOW EVEN WORSE IS THAT HE GOT TAKEN BY REIGE (not that he is actually a bad guy in my point of view)........ (but i still perfere Luka ^^)

I wonder if there is actually anyone out there that has watched this serise and haven't at any point thought that Yuki is annoying??

You have no idea..
I feel pretty much the same about the whole episode.

Luka's scream was just *-*
Insert wise quote here
Feb 11, 2020 6:08 AM
Nov 2017
Omg Luka is p*ssed!!! Hot af
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