This starts on Aug 15, 2010 at 12:37 am (GMT)
1. I am who i am. (Aewree)
2. he didnt kill anyone *B1* (Drelex)
G2T1 Reds:
3. Yes, homicides (Drelex)
4. The kitchen is a closed room. (Aewree)
5. Suzumiya broke down the door because she was hungry. One set of master keys was discovered beside Yuri's body, which Haruhi decided to keep. (Aewree)
6. The max temperature of an oven is 115*C. The damaged sustained to the body states that it had to be cooked at 700*C. *B2* (Aewree)
7. Everyone was killed in the kitchen. *B3* (Aewree)
8. the murders are all completed in the kitchen *B5* (Drelex)
9. The bodies did not leave the kitchen after death. *B6* (Aewree)
10. There is only one furnace, which is not found in the kitchen.*B7* (Aewree)
11. The bodies did not exit in any method after death. *B8* (Aewree)
12. The bodies did not spontaneously combust *B9* (Aewree)
13. The bunsen burner was not the source of ignition. *B10* (Aewree)
14. A flame thrower was not used. *B11* (Aewree)
15. There was no fission experiment *B12* (Aewree)
16. No fusion *B13* (Aewree)
17. The window was closed before, during and after all the murders *B14* (Aewree)
18. Lightning did not kill them *B15* (Aewree)
19. No water is on the floor. *B16* (Aewree)
20. No liquid is on the floor except for blood *B17* (Aewree)
21. The blood was not used as a conduct for electricity *B18* (Aewree)
22. No broken wire was used. *B19* (Aewree)
23. No (drelex)
24. No acid had been used, the bodies were burnt with flames *B20* (drelex)
41. alchemy was not the source of flames (Aewree)
G2T2 Reds:
25. amano didn't stab ciel *B21* (Aewree)
26. the tape trick was not used on this chain *B22* (Aewree)
27. The culprit is not hiding *B23* (Aewree)
28. The chain cannot be placed from the outside *B24* (Aewree)
29. Amano and Ciel are definitely dead. (Drelex) [Requested by Laev]
30. The two were killed. (Drelex) [Requested by Laev]
31. Small bombs were not the cause of the wound on Ciels chest (Drelex) [Requested by Xoraan14]
32. The killer left the room after finished (Drelex) [Requested by Xoraan14]
33. Once the bedroom door was closed, it remained so until the discovery of the murders (Drelex) [Requested by Xoraan14]
34. The crime scene remained the same *B25* (Drelex)
35. The culprit didnt make any evidence after the room was unlock *B26* (Drelex)
36. Ciel was dead before that *B27* (Drelex)
37. Ciel didnt stab himself *B28* (Drelex)
G2T4 and T5
38. The basement was locked at the time when Haruhi and Kenshin found it (Drelex)
39. Before opening the door, all the rest are in front of the door (Drelex)
40. By rest, i mean all the surviving so far (Drelex)
41. The only way to enter the basement is the door. Enter or exit it. (Drelex)
42. Haruhi's masterkey was not used to lock the basement door (Aewree)
43. the basement key was not used to unlock the basement door
44. the x masterkeys were not used to lock the door
45. x = all existing master keys
46. Goku died in the basement *B29* (Avi)
47. Goku did not fall down the stairs (Tsun)
48. Goku was not thrown down the stiars *B30,31,34,36* (Avi)
49. Haruhi's masterkey was not used to lock the basement door *B33* (Aewree)
50. The basement key wasnt placed in her hand after her death *B35* (Aewree)
51. Kenshin didn't lure Goku *B37* (Avi)
52. Goku didn't go to Kenshin *B39* (Aewree)
53. Goku didn't go to the culprit *B40* (Avi)
54. The victim wasnt dragged down the stairs *B38* (Aewree)
55. Goku entered the basement alone (Drelex)
1. Battler kill him! *R2* (Drelex)
4. test (Aewree)
G2T1 Blues:
2. the culprit opened the burning oven, and tossed Yuri into there, but held on to her left finger and let it dangle outside *R6* (Laev)
3. The culprit threw Yuri's body into the furnace, and took her out before it completely turned to ash. *R7* (Laev)
5. The culprit entered the kitchen, stabbed the four who were stabbed, strangled Fuuko and Yuri to death, brought them to the furnace, burnt them, came back, and put them in their respective spots *R8*(Laev)
6. They were already dead when the culprit dragged them out of the room *R9* (Laev)
7. There is another furnace in the kitchen used to burn their bodies *R10* (Laev)
8. Being that bodies are not living objects, they cannot 'leave.' They could've been dragged out. *R11* (Laev)
9. Fuuko and Yuri, who were incredibly shocked after seeing the other four died, spontaneously combusted, thus charring their bodies *R12* (Laev)
10. Yuri and Fuuko were strangled, oil was spread on their bodies, and a bunsen burner was used to ignite their bodies. Since a bunsen burner can reach a temperature of 1100*C max, that provides enough heat to nearly cremate their bodies. *R13* (Laev)
11. A flame thrower was used. *R14* (Laev)
12. The kitchen, being locked, was also the location of a fission experiment. However, it went wrong, and sent knives flying into the four people who died. The two remaining people, with no escape, slowly burnt to death. *R15*(Laev)
13. Fusion? *R16* (Laev)
14. Yuri and Fuuko just came from outside, and went straight to the kitchen. They were all wet, but they stood by one of the windows. The window accidentally flew open, and Yuri and Fuuko were unwittingly holding on to a lightning rod, which was planted there by the culprit. During that period when the window opened, lightning struck the rod, and instantly charred Yuri and Fuuko, killing them.*R17* (Laev)
15. About an hour and a half after the murders began, the window was opened, and the lightning rod was placed in a small crevice, still allowing the window to close all the way. The lightning rod was placed in such a way that one part was outside, and another part was inside. Let's say the inside part resembled a towel hook. Thus, Yuri and Fuuko touched the towel hook, got charred, and immediately died. *R18* (Laev)
16. High voltage source sends electricity through broken ends of a wire, puddle on the ground, Yuri and Fuuko step in this puddle, knock over the broken ends, they fall in the puddle, Yuri and Fuuko die. *R19* (Laev)
17. Another liquid is used. *R20* (Laev)
18. Blood was used as the conductor. *R21* (Laev)
19. Culprit used the broken ends to burn their skin. *R22* (Laev)
20. Acid could have been used to burn the two bodies *R24* (Laev)
G2T2 Blues:
21. Ciel and Amano got into an argument, and they disagreed so much, that Amano stabbed Ciel in the chest with a knife. Ciel takes the knife and slices Amano's neck open. He then crawls to the bathroom, and locks himself in there. He dies in there after losing too much blood. *R25* (Laev)
22. The culprit opened the door with the master key, and then proceded to stab Ciel in the chest. The culprit turned to Amano next, and then sliced her neck open. Ciel, however, used this opportunity to crawl to the bathroom and lock himself in there. He died, however. The culprit locked the room. The culprit used the chain trick and left. *R26* (Laev)
23. The culprit is hiding in the room, and he leaves after everyone else does *R27* (Laev)
24. The culprit used some sort of long, thin object to place the chain lock after he/she left the room *R28* (Laev)
25. The culprit could be the first person to discover the crimescene. That way they could have tampered and fabricated as much evidence as they wanted.For instance it would be easy for Haruhi and Kenshin to be accomplices and break the chainlock when both Ciel and Amane were still alive and proceed to kill them. *R34* (Xoraan)
26. theres a possibility you are reffering to after the crime was discovered by most people therefore remaining the same from when people other than the culprit discovered it up until unknown period of time x *R36* (Xoraan)
27. Ciel was killed when Haruhi and Kenshin broke down the door *R36* (Xoraan)
28. Amane asks Ciel up to the room where she confronts him about the crime that was first twilight. Ciel who is the culprit for the previous crime done through malicious unknown murder method x is panicked knowing that somebody has figured it out so he tries to silence her, however she manages to make himself stab himself in the chest (Possibly on a bedpost) before he slits her throat. Ciel who is now covered in her blood and wounded walks into the bathroom with the bedroom key after locking the door and chain he then proceeds to lock the door from the inside and dies. *R37* (Xoraan)
G2T4 and T5 Blues:
29. The culprit threw him down the stairs after killing him elsewhere, then he crawled over to the x, when the culprit came down and stabbed him in the head (Laev)
30. The culprit and the victim got into an argument, where the culprit brandished a weapon and cut the victim. Then he threw him down the stairs to the basement. The victim crawled to where he died, and the culprit stabbed him in the forehead with the stake. The culprit then locked the door with either the master key or the basement key. (Laev)
31. Kenshin and the victim got into an argument, where Kenshin brandished a reverse blade sword and cut the victim(With the opposite side meaning it would kill). Then he threw him down the stairs to the basement. The victim crawled to where he died, and Kenshin stabbed him in the forehead with the stake. Then Kenshin then locked the door with either the master key from Haruhi. (Xoraan)
32. Another master key was used to lock the basement door. (Laev)
33. The basement key was used to lock the door and the master key Haruhi had unlocked it
34. Kenshin and the victim got into an argument, where Kenshin brandished a reverse blade sword and cut the victim(With the opposite side meaning it would kill). Then he threw him down the stairs to the basement. The victim crawled to where he died, and Kenshin stabbed him in the forehead with the stake. Then Kenshin then locked the door with either the basement key which was then placed in the garden next to Victoria Seras's body
35. Haruhi tortured Victoria Seras to death and then proceeded to stick a stake in her chest before the basement key was placed next to her body
36. The culprit threw him down the stairs after attacking him elsewhere, then he crawled over to the x, when the culprit came down and stabbed him in the head *R48* (Laev)
37. Kenshin lured goku down into the basement where he proceeded to struggle with him and eventually kill him, then he exited the basement and locked it with the basement key *R51* (Xoraan)
38. The culprit dragged him down the stairs after attacking him elsewhere, then he crawled over to the x, when the culprit came down and stabbed him in the head. *R54* (Laev)
39. Goku went to Kenshin. *R52* (Laev)
40. Goku went to the culprit *R53* (Laev)
41. The culprit and Goku met up above the basement. (Laev)
42. The culprit and Goku met above the basement, then they went into the basement, and the culprit killed Goku. (Laev)
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