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May 23, 2010 10:17 AM

Nov 2008
This is for those that volunteered to infilitrate the barg palace we are not starting in the palace we start Discuiesed as merchants entering the city
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May 23, 2010 10:35 AM

Nov 2008
Driving wagon with alice next to him and Troops hidden in Back Guard at city gate stops them
*Whats your Business in Baryon*
Yuri Responds handing him and alices passports
"Were Merchants just trying to bring our wears in to sell good sir"
Guard Responds
*Who is that With you Merchant*
Yuri Responds
"This is my Wife just married"
Guard Responds handing back passports
"Good for now move along"
Yuri Drives wagon into city
May 23, 2010 10:54 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri for a while, until they reach the gate. When she sees the guard, she bows her head tot be friendly. She lets Yuri talk so she can observe the city. Strong walls and enough guards around them to form a big squad. When they enter the city, she sees a lot of people who aren't as innocence as they try to look. She leans against Yuri to be able to say something in his ear*
"A lot of guards. Some of them seem to be wounded, probably from our fight a few days ago. Only 50% will be able to fight at full strength. Getting weaker towards the palace. That's all I can say now. But my guess is that the strongest are in the palace."
May 23, 2010 11:16 AM

Nov 2008
Looks at alice
"We'll be staying at a safe house until the fireworks go off it should be awhile so get ready"
stops wagon gets out
"Well this is it"
Starts to walk into house
May 23, 2010 11:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice gets out of the wagon to and follows Yuri into the house*
"It's bigger than it looks from the outside."
*She's a little bit impressed and looks around*
"It's really not that bad."
*Smiles at Yuri*
May 23, 2010 1:24 PM

Nov 2008
Smiles back at Alice then walks to door next to entrance
"This is the best room of all"
Opens door and inside filled with weapons
"Alright stock up on anything you need "
May 24, 2010 3:55 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks inside and smiles*
"You're right, my lord."
*Enters the room and tries to look at everything, but you can't get trough that easily. So she walks as carefull as possible trough the room, just to make sure her wound doesn't bleed again, because it just stopped. She finds special bullets for her gun, wich are hard to get, and even something to sharpen her knives and katanas. Also the needles attract her, it's very usefull when you have to be precise and quiet*
May 24, 2010 7:43 AM

Apr 2010
*Sharpens the retractable blades in his wrist guards and smothers them in poison*
"When we're in, do we go stealthy, or batshit crazy?"
*notices an oversize dagger*
May 24, 2010 3:16 PM

Nov 2008
Walks into Living room waiting for Team looking out window talking to self
"Is this really a good to risk there lives i guess i'll find out"
May 25, 2010 9:24 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up when she hears Yuri talking to himself*
"Don't worry, my lord. They won't die that easily."
*She says that while knowing that it will be very hard. She walks towards him and looks a few seconds at his back. Then she does something she would never do if the risk of dying wasn't that high. She hugs him and lays her head against his back*
"I'm sure most of us will be fine, my lord."
*She herself hopes for the best destiny they can get*
May 25, 2010 9:38 PM

Nov 2008
Confused and smiles at Alice
"Thanks I will make sure we lose nobody in this operation "
Looks outside see's fireworks outside look sad then looks at alice
"It's time I want you to bring up the rear and stay close I don't want you to get hurt wait until the army attacks before heading for the palace"
May 26, 2010 5:16 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles a little bit shy when he looks at her*
"It will work, my lord."
*Let go of him and looks at the firework*
"Saying that you don't want me to get hurt..."
*Nods to let him see she will do what he asks her to do*
May 26, 2010 3:50 PM

Nov 2008
Starts to walk outdoors whole city is in panic from wolf attack gos back inside
"Come follow me we'll sneak though the tunnel in the basement it leads into the bargs royal escape route"
Starts to open basement door and walks down carrying a torch lighting torches on the way
May 27, 2010 11:19 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice closes her eyes and thinks about the battle. It is time now to get serious. When she opens her eyes again, the nice Alice is gone. A long time ago, she was trained to kill everyone that got in her way. She hears everything better and can feel presences from far away when she is like this.
Slowly she looks at Yuri with cold eyes. Then suddenly she smiles demonic*
"Payback time."
"Folows him into the basement while a lot of other people follow them*
Jowii-chanMay 29, 2010 4:11 AM
May 28, 2010 3:26 PM

Nov 2008
After walking for half an hour yuri reaches a trap door
"This trap door leads into the actual escap tunnel it's full of the toughest barg guards so be ready"
Kicks Trap door open and jumps through bargs surrounding them Yuri starts to slash at beasts with sword
May 29, 2010 4:14 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice nods and follows him. When they are surrounded by a lot of Bargs, she takes her two katanas and starts to cut them down. She gets a lot of scratches when they try to fight back, but at that moment she doesn't realize them. Pain comes always later*
May 29, 2010 4:32 PM

Nov 2008
Starts to run down the tunnel killing bargs along the Way
"Come on we don't have time for these pawns we must finish this game by taking out the king Brongon
May 30, 2010 9:21 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles and looks at the Bargs*
"I'm sorry guys, I can't play any longer with you."
*She runs after Yuri and starts to kill the Bargs in front of him with her gun. This way they will be able to move forward faster*
May 30, 2010 10:18 AM

Nov 2008
Reaches the end of a tunnel with a door Yuri kicks the door open and walks through
"Alright everyone stay close were in the palace and this were all the best barg warriors are "
Starts to run down the hall
"This is the way to the Throne room"
Enters throne room and see's estelle bound and bloody with a sword to her throat
"You Bastards i'll every last one of you and use your belts to clothe my people"
Barg king walks out of shadows and sits on throne and responds
*I don't think you'll have much of a chance to do that with your queens life in my hands*
Yuri starts to walk closer angry
"What do you want Barg King"
Barg King Responds
* Your life as payment for all the bargs you've killed as well as part of your country*
Yuri Angry Responds
"What makes you think i'm willing to give all that of for my queen there are other women I have intrest in"
Barg Kind Responds
*Well Aren't we cold I know you love your queen more then anything after all she's the one to have given you your powers she's bonded to you as well as you are to her"
Yuri knowing him nor his team could save his wife in time starts to think
WolftigerkingMay 30, 2010 12:32 PM
May 31, 2010 10:43 AM

Aug 2009
*When they reach the Throne Room, Alice sees the queen bound. As calm as she is when she's like this, she slowly looks at the guards. While she looks at them, the Barg king and Yuri are talking. When she hears what he wants for the queen ,she can't be calm anymore. She turns around very quickly and growls hard. He will have to kill her before he could get to Yuri. But in stead of getting mad now, she tries to calm down again*
"Isn't there another way to get the queen free, Barg king?"
*She looks at him with cold eyes whiles she walks towards her lord to let the Barg king know she wouldn't give up Yuri that fast*
May 31, 2010 7:53 PM

Sep 2008
*tries to break free*
*sends a message*
yuri, plz get me out of here or try to cut the ropes, ill try to transformed.. just trust me u wont give in.... i know the bond well and remember i dont die easily. *smiles*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

May 31, 2010 9:37 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles at Estelle
"Well barg king are you sure your not willing to negotiate"
Barg King
*No your life is the only thing that would make me happy*
Yuri starts to growl
"Well that won't be happening i think your'll find we wolves are a little bit tougher then you thing"
Yuri moves to alice and whispers
"Alice your the quickest with a knife when i give the signal throw a knife at the queens ropes and start to transform alright"
Barg King
*What were you whispering*
"We were talking about if i did stay here what kind of beds do you have"
Barg King
*They are the softest feather beds in all the land but it will not matter because your going to die*
Yuri Looks at Alice
"Just thought I asked in case you might want to hold of on that execution"
WolftigerkingMay 31, 2010 9:41 PM
Jun 1, 2010 6:30 PM

Sep 2008
Estelle smiles back at Yuri
*just promise that u be safe, and dont get hurt* in mind
*waits, and the sword still on her throat*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jun 2, 2010 10:35 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks quiet at Yuri and Estelle before she nods. She prefers to be in her human form, but for special cases like this, she has to do it*
"Soft beds are the best after all, especially after a long day."
*Smiles a little and waits for the signal*
Jun 2, 2010 4:17 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri walks up to Alic and Whispers
"I think this is a good enough signal"
Yuri starts to run at the Barg King sword drawn
Jun 3, 2010 4:15 AM

Sep 2008
*watches him charge at the Barg King and fights him and see alice*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jun 3, 2010 9:49 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles and takes a knife out of her kimono when Yuri starts to run towards the Barg king. She looks for a second at Estelle and throws the knife at the rope. It's immediately cut and when Alice sees that, she bows fast for the queen. Then she transforms in her wolf form. As a wolf, she's white, wich is completely different from her black hair. She growls at the guards and starts to take them down first*
Jun 3, 2010 2:49 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle smiles and starts to transformed, her wolf is white, and has gray on top of the back covered*
*starts to roar feriously and lunged at the Bargs and tears them apart*
*looks back at yuri, and stays in the shadows if he needs help at all, she helps him*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jun 3, 2010 7:55 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri draws sword and quickely disarms Barg king and puts sword to thoat
"I think it's time we bargained"
Barg King
*I will never give you my lands*
Barg king Spits in yuris face
Yuri's eyes turn Red when yuri gets angry he goes into a frenzy and can only be stopped by few
"Who Say's you have an Option"
Yuri Slices Barg kings head clean off and starts to slaughter guards
Jun 4, 2010 10:44 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sees Yuri and walks in her wolf form towards him. It has been a time since he has been like that, but normally she isn't very usefull. She transforms back in her human form and takes his hand so he can't swing his sword around. It will only be temporarily, because he's way too strong for her. She tries to look him in the eyes*
"Yuri, stop."
*She normally says 'my lord', but this isn't the time for formalities*
Jun 4, 2010 5:23 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri feels something holding his hand he looks it is Alice he looks at himself covered in blood
"I think it's time we told the bargs that were in control now Alice could you take care of that be sure to let the wolf army in before you do"
Yuri walks up to throne and sits
"Estelle could you go with her as well"
Once Estelle and Alice leaves yuri starts to get angry and throws the thrones against the wall
"This can't happen to me what if I heart Alice or even worse Estelle I must leave for a time if i leave the kingdom in estelles hands it will prosper I must not returen until I can control this"
Starts to walk inton the Barg kings room and takes some of his clothes then heads for the royal kitchen all the servants cower as well as the guards Yuri packs his bag full of food
"I can not leave without telling Estelle"
Yuri sits on throne room floor and waits
Jun 4, 2010 5:42 PM

Sep 2008
*walks with Alice to tell the wolf army*
great work Alice im proud, but i realize i forgot something in the throne room, that barg king took from me so be right back, go ahead and ill catch up*
*runs back, and enters the throne room and not seeing yuri there, and gets her precious items from the bargs, and the king*
*starts walking to the door*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jun 5, 2010 2:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks a while at Yuri to make sure he won't go on a rampage again. Then she bows for him and do as he asked. Estelle goes with her*
"I was nothing, my lady."
*She nods when Estelle says she will go back to the Throne Room. She heads for the wolf army, where Kane should be*
Jun 5, 2010 11:13 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri walks to Estelle before she can leave
"I must leave so it is with my power that I give you command of everything controlled by the wolf army"
Yuri looks at Estelle Saddened and starts towards a window ready to jump out and leave not knowing where he might go
Jun 5, 2010 3:31 PM

Sep 2008
*upset, and weeps*
Yuri, plz be careful, my love.
*sighs, and goes back to the wolf army to tell the news*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jun 5, 2010 8:38 PM

Nov 2008
Waits till Estelle leaves then jumps out window tear comes down face
"If i'm leaving i might as well leave these damn bargs a present"
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