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Mar 6, 5:12 AM
Dec 2022
Dang that fool of a dad haven't been much involved in his daughter's school life
Mar 6, 7:01 AM

Apr 2010
Reply to Sheol01
@Aversa It may not stop with the daughter. Or maybe Mom was just raised that way. From what I've read, she pretty much is just a decoration in the Manga.
@Sheol01 It could be something like that.
I just find it a bit odd that she doesn't seem to interfere with her daughters upbringing and education.
Her behaviour clearly shows she cares for her daughter.

But the father does seem like a control freak, at least that was the impression i got from this episode.
Mar 6, 8:04 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Best episode of this anime.
wow thanks..
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Mar 6, 8:17 AM
Sep 2014
Uka's dad...What a c*nt. (I'm of Irish descent, I'm allowed to say that.)

I was afraid that this anime was going to be boring with each episode, but Ep9 just made this more interesting. I fully side with Uka's friends who stood up to her father like that even though it might be the most un-Japanese thing about this show. Perhaps that's the thing. It shows that the younger generation are aware that certain norms have been...incorrect(?), so in a respectful manner, they want to change that. Ok, maybe the yelling is not respectful, but they don't call him any bad things to prove their point. Even Kai stands up to him by calling himself "the brat who is protecting your daughter." I always loved Kai as a character, and this episode continues to prove my love for him.
Mar 6, 8:25 AM

Dec 2010
What a rollercoaster of an episode. I love that the show came back to it's character-driven side, though the bad animation makes it really hard to take seriously what's happening on the screen.

Btw, I was joking that Miyura was giving me Edward Cullen vibes when he visited Uka in her room, but the guy actually said that he can fly and we never saw how he left the balcony... Lamo 😂
Mar 6, 9:45 AM
Mar 2024
Drama injection this week, that went south so quickly...

Best episode so far, the closure felt rushed though (why should Uka's ex bullies help her? It's not like they're friends. Also, Serina coming out of thin air lol).

Writing is still... cringey? But it's bearable, at least for me, as long as we keep getting character progression.

Damn, I would love to enjoy this anime much more.
Mar 6, 10:34 AM

Mar 2014
An overprotective father huh
Mar 6, 11:02 AM
Feb 2023
Great episode. The drama was done well in one episode. I understand both sides and feel glad yhat the anime went with "choose both" route. Since both sides are right after all.
Mar 6, 12:49 PM
Mar 2021
I finally like Uka a little bit more. To be honest I was a bit tired of Uka just thinking about others and never standing for what she wanted.

I liked that she could express what she wanted and also her friends helping her and supporting her.
I hope her character will develop more and show a more mature Uka who can finally express herself freely
Mar 6, 3:25 PM

Jul 2016
I loved this episode.
I started to hate the father from the first minute of this chapter.

I get his point, but she's a person, not a doll, so I totally disagree on his way of doing things.

I really like when animes give me some characters that I can't stand for and really want to spit them on their face 🤣.


I love the part when the father tells Miura that he brainwashed his daughter.
I think the father brainwashed his wife, because it's like she doesn't even exist, just a doll to make a daughter 🤣.
So sad 😅
Akito-SenpaiMar 6, 3:30 PM
Mar 6, 4:13 PM
Nov 2024
Reply to Spast1c
@Wrathberry84 Horimiya feels pretty realistic. I understand not all romance anime are realistic infact like 99% of them are not romance as they are works of well, fiction. And i dont even know what real romance is like so i am purely going off of what i would expect. I say this episode is like unrealistic because like who acts like that??? What kind of fairytale acting is this. This is like disney level stuff man, and it just feels like some female loner fantasy more than anything.
@Spast1c well.. horimya is a little more realistic yes. But the characters especialy hori are also over the top. Noone is like that in RL.

I agree that this show is unrealistic. Noone talks like that and noone behaves like that.

But thats the beauty about it. Its just feels xD

Most romance especialy in anime is completly unrealistic over the top. because lsts be honest: normal relationships are boring too watch.
Thats why i love anime romances but absolutly hate hollywood romances.
Its the over the top characters and storys that pull me in.

If you are inexpirienced with real romances please dont expect anyone to behave like couples in media romances.

In a normal relationship there is no new drama every day and people are not madly in love from one second to the other normaly
Mar 6, 5:12 PM
Jan 2025
It's a love-hate feeling, Uka's father can be disliked, but then you fall into his shoes and see how he feels. The same with Ishimori, you emphasize her and her situation so much that you feel helpless, not knowing what to do. I loved the episode.
Mar 6, 5:13 PM
Jan 2025
It's a love-hate feeling, Uka's father can be disliked, but then you fall into his shoes and see how he feels. The same with Ishimori, you emphasize her and her situation so much that you feel helpless, not knowing what to do. I loved the episode.
Mar 6, 6:42 PM
Jul 2024
A happy Uka a week keeps this series' watchers happy as well.

Mar 6, 7:53 PM

Dec 2024
Reply to Wrathberry84
@Spast1c well.. horimya is a little more realistic yes. But the characters especialy hori are also over the top. Noone is like that in RL.

I agree that this show is unrealistic. Noone talks like that and noone behaves like that.

But thats the beauty about it. Its just feels xD

Most romance especialy in anime is completly unrealistic over the top. because lsts be honest: normal relationships are boring too watch.
Thats why i love anime romances but absolutly hate hollywood romances.
Its the over the top characters and storys that pull me in.

If you are inexpirienced with real romances please dont expect anyone to behave like couples in media romances.

In a normal relationship there is no new drama every day and people are not madly in love from one second to the other normaly
@Wrathberry84 Well i mean i feel this show is the bad kind of unrealistic. I mean they are just annoying to watch and i find myself cringing 99% of the time i watch it its just unbearable at this point.
Mar 6, 8:24 PM
Apr 2021
I'm glad to see that Uka had the courage to stand up for what she wants to do and how she wants to live. Having been bullied throughout her past school years, she not only made a lot of friends at Hachimitsu, she also knows that these friends are people that she can depend on. They were very intent on keeping Uka from transferring to the point where they searched for her father as well. And as always, Kai plays a major role in this episode, basically motivating Uka to speak her true feelings.
Mar 6, 11:56 PM
Nov 2024
Reply to Spast1c
@Wrathberry84 Well i mean i feel this show is the bad kind of unrealistic. I mean they are just annoying to watch and i find myself cringing 99% of the time i watch it its just unbearable at this point.
@Spast1c ok, i like it. But thats okay. Tastes are different:)
Mar 7, 3:18 AM
Jan 2024
This is one of the few animes which made me cry. I can almost relate to Uka on a spiritual level....
Mar 7, 10:07 PM

Jan 2012
Heh, when I remembered what this episode was gonna be about I got excited as I don't typically watch a ton of anime with parents and parenting covered. In most shows one or both parents of main characters are away the entire time or dead. So for a show I was already enjoying quite a bit to try and tackle it I thought might be really good. Unfortunately, my feelings on this episode are largely mixed. And it's mainly about Ishimori's dad. The show tried to have its cake and eat it too with him. To an extent he came across to me as a walking caricature I'm sorry to say. Like John Lithgow in Footloose only it's not 1984 anymore, ya know? But then of course at the end he has the tearful realization of his mistakes, only possible through Ishimori's growing strength and courage brought about by her friends. It's a nice and feel-good ending, but the way we got there could have been handled better. I know there'd be no conflict in the scenario I'm about to lay out so whatever, lol, but how about when dad sees her with them at karaoke he briefly walks over, demand they stop by the house a night in the near future, and her friends demonstrate that they care for her and all that jazz instead? It's a bit sappy, but wouldn't feel out of place in this universe. He'd at least look more reasonable. I dunno, I'm not a parent, and never will be one, but If I one day found out my daughter had been bullied like that and chose not to come to me, regardless of the reasoning, I'd absolutely consider myself a failure as a father. Now if we get that sort of self-reflection next week and it's handled well I'll be impressed. But my guess is we're not getting that, lol. Interesting idea, and overall I still like this series, but again, this could have been better.
animefan8800Mar 7, 10:12 PM
Mar 7, 10:17 PM

Mar 2008
How Uka's dad is just is too familiar for me ;-;

Must be nice having friends like that.
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Mar 8, 2:47 PM
Mar 2021
When Uka was bullied in middle school her father didn't do anything, but now that she's thriving in high school he steps in... what an ass. Her feelings are completely worthless to him and her mother just goes with it?
SpaceteckMar 8, 2:53 PM
Mar 9, 9:30 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to Spaceteck
When Uka was bullied in middle school her father didn't do anything, but now that she's thriving in high school he steps in... what an ass. Her feelings are completely worthless to him and her mother just goes with it?
@Spaceteck well obviously he didnt know that she got bullied.
now you could argue, that he should have known, but believe me as someone who worked in the education system, with a wife who is a teacher: kids are pretty good to hide things like that from their parents.

he was definitly shocked when he heared that and first went into denial mode, which is a pretty normal instant reaction in that situation i think.

i mean: yeah, he is definitly overprotective, but at least he is because i didnt know better... at least it seems like he can change.
Mar 9, 11:08 AM

Apr 2013
Her father is so prejudiced and his overprotection towards her made things worse...

.·:*¨ 重逢的时代 - 𝕵𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆 𝕵𝖚𝖓𝖌 ¨*:·. 𓆩♡𓆪
𝟎:𝟒𝟐 ㅇ──────────────── 𝟑:𝟏𝟑
↺¹ |◁ ▷| ⋮≡
Mar 9, 8:05 PM
Jan 2022
-50 points for her Mom for clearly being happy with Uka having a life and friends, but not standing up for her at all. Scream traditional family dynamics all you want, but "this demonstrates why that's bad" 🤷‍♀️

ofc -1000 for her dad treating Uka's life like his own. He knew he was going beyond what is best for her, and satisfying his own desires (the guilt trip about how she didn't care about him because she dared to have thoughts discordant with his own makes that clear). Helicopter parenting is bad enough, but is at least from a place of love. it's clear he feels possession, and that's not cool.
Mar 10, 4:29 AM

Jun 2020
This episode is a good episode that goes over the premise of having an overly protective parent, and being sheltered due to it. I can somewhat relate to this; as when you're stuck in that negative bubble, it feels near impossible to escape it. Now, this could of been flushed out much more than it was. It felt a bit rushed, when it should have time to slowly go through all options and see Uka battle the idea of telling her father the truth about her junior years. I feel as though it would of came across more genuinely. Same with Kojima being asked, and confronted, by Miura about helping Ishimori. She shouldn't of been teleported in for plot convenience.

We could of gotten an episode where Kojima thinks on the idea of helping Uka; seeing some things she relates to, and not wanting her to revert back to the shy annoying child she once was.. then finally gets up and decides to save Uka.

Kai could of had an episode alone to figure out a strategy to help Uka, as Kai doesn't want to save Uka, but instead wants to support Uka as she grows into a strong and confident person.

Every parent does whatever they can to help their child, but we are all human; and this is especially the case in Japan. Talking about your feelings, your emotions, or asking for help, is very difficult as there's a sense of honor one tries to uphold.. even if it is meaningless. No one wants to be a burden;

Ultimately, this story is meant to bring in drama to build Ishimoris character and backstory and, although rushed through, it does its job well.
Just2TerrifyMar 10, 4:34 AM

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Mar 11, 5:17 PM
Nov 2013
Youngbreezy2k said:
Did anyone else notice how Serina just randomly showed up at the end?

I noticed the same. it's so weird. Many mistakes in this anime
Mar 11, 5:20 PM
Nov 2013
Wrathberry84 said:
@Eira_Akira they are like 15. I think its refreshing that parents exist in that show, unlike 90% romcoms where kids seem to live on their own

I like that too...this feels more real... there's enough shows with 15 yo living by themselves
6 hours ago
Aug 2013
I really love this anime, UKA´s growth is something amazing to watch.
I must say I could totally understand Uka´s feelings from the beginning and the way she behaves... is totally understandable. Kai and Uka are the perfect couple and Ishimori´s dad being overprotective.... now I can understand the way she is completly.
I´m so happy she has new friends and Ayumi is so sweet, I love their friendship!
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