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Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
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Jul 28, 2022 6:03 AM
Sep 2021
TheNeekOfficial said:
MeVike said:
The terms alpha and beta are really getting overused even though the terms literally doesn’t apply to humans. Dude’s just submissive. That’s the term you may be looking for.

the terms don’t even apply to wolves either. look up the story behind alpha wolves and stuff and you’ll find out it was from a shoddy in captivity subject pool, that even the person who came up with the idea behind it, wants it to change.

fr though I totally agree with this
Jul 29, 2022 2:24 PM
Apr 2019
Elviri27 said:
I don't understand the obsession men have with calling other men beta, alfa and those kind of things. It's just incredibly stupid. I can't imagine any women wanting to have anything to do with men using that kind of vocabulary.

From a woman's point of view the mc is simply very cute. I totally understand why the girl wants to protect him. And it obviously makes her happy to do that, so what's the problem?

>From woman's pov..
>I can't imagine any women..
Don't generalize your personal thought woman, my gf thinks that the MC is cringe and annoying
nabewryJul 29, 2022 2:28 PM
Jul 30, 2022 3:54 PM
Jan 2021
nabewry said:
Elviri27 said:
I don't understand the obsession men have with calling other men beta, alfa and those kind of things. It's just incredibly stupid. I can't imagine any women wanting to have anything to do with men using that kind of vocabulary.

From a woman's point of view the mc is simply very cute. I totally understand why the girl wants to protect him. And it obviously makes her happy to do that, so what's the problem?

>From woman's pov..
>I can't imagine any women..
Don't generalize your personal thought woman, my gf thinks that the MC is cringe and annoying

At least from what I've seen, it seems to be about 50/50 on this one. Most women I've encountered absolutely hate terms like alpha male, beta male, sigma male, or any of that male astrology crap. Most people who use terms like these clearly have very little experience talking to women and are stupid enough to believe that any of the advice that self-proclaimed "alpha males" give is any good. Besides, having to look up hours of videos on how to get a girlfriend is extremely pathetic.

Like half the people I see online defending Izumi seem to be women. While there are definitely women who despise Izumi, I've also seen fans of the series straight up call him the "ideal boyfriend." I've also heard that Shikimori actually has a pretty large female following, at least in Japan, but I have no sources, so take it with a grain of salt. Although considering the lack of sexual fanservice and the fact that the premise is basically a shoujo manga, but with a focus on role reversal, it's probably isn't really a surprise at all.

I seriously never understood the whole criticism about Izumi being feminine. Literally the whole premise of the series is about gender role-reversal, in other words, the girlfriend is more masculine while the boyfriend is more feminine. Him being feminine is literally the point so why are people so mad about it. It's like watching a yuri/yaoi anime and then hating on it for having gay characters in it. I guess it's fine to not like feminine male MCs but if that is the only reason you don't like the show, then that's not really the anime's fault, that's something that has to do with your preferences. Now if you hate Izumi because you think he's boring or a self-insert, that's a completely different story and actual criticism, but so much of the criticism I see regarding Izumi is nothing more than people forcing their own political beliefs on how men and women should act and insecurities onto others. It's dull, not insightful at all, repetitive, annoying, and unsupported.
Jul 30, 2022 4:18 PM
Apr 2019
dlee2040 said:
nabewry said:

>From woman's pov..
>I can't imagine any women..
Don't generalize your personal thought woman, my gf thinks that the MC is cringe and annoying

At least from what I've seen, it seems to be about 50/50 on this one. Most women I've encountered absolutely hate terms like alpha male, beta male, sigma male, or any of that male astrology crap. Most people who use terms like these clearly have very little experience talking to women and are stupid enough to believe that any of the advice that self-proclaimed "alpha males" give is any good. Besides, having to look up hours of videos on how to get a girlfriend is extremely pathetic.

Like half the people I see online defending Izumi seem to be women. While there are definitely women who despise Izumi, I've also seen fans of the series straight up call him the "ideal boyfriend." I've also heard that Shikimori actually has a pretty large female following, at least in Japan, but I have no sources, so take it with a grain of salt. Although considering the lack of sexual fanservice and the fact that the premise is basically a shoujo manga, but with a focus on role reversal, it's probably isn't really a surprise at all.

I seriously never understood the whole criticism about Izumi being feminine. Literally the whole premise of the series is about gender role-reversal, in other words, the girlfriend is more masculine while the boyfriend is more feminine. Him being feminine is literally the point so why are people so mad about it. It's like watching a yuri/yaoi anime and then hating on it for having gay characters in it. I guess it's fine to not like feminine male MCs but if that is the only reason you don't like the show, then that's not really the anime's fault, that's something that has to do with your preferences. Now if you hate Izumi because you think he's boring or a self-insert, that's a completely different story and actual criticism, but so much of the criticism I see regarding Izumi is nothing more than people forcing their own political beliefs on how men and women should act and insecurities onto others. It's dull, not insightful at all, repetitive, annoying, and unsupported.
I've wrote a whole paragraph 3x longer than this quote of yours several times already, in this site alone, about how I think this show is bad. Not only me there's a lot of ppl doing the same. I ain't gonna spoonfed you this time, go look for it yourself, it's easy. Stop the "ppl hate him just because he's feminine" and "forcing their own political belief" bullshit. Even the "alpha" guy can be cringe as well. Heck even I found 90% of shoujo alpha ML cringe af. It's about the execution.

This is also why the show got even more hated, the fans always start a play victim agenda as if ppl who hate it had no brain. Y'all only see the bad and half argument and treat it like it's the only reason of the hate, while ignoring the proper argumentation. Idc anymore tho honestly, I'll just do several trolls here and there, not interested in proper discussion anymore. I bet a lot of ppl thought so and done the same. Don't blame the trolls, the fans of this anime is super annoying and talk too much, so we're just enjoy our victory because this show got a bad reputation already. The fans goes from talking shit about Marin from dress up darling into fighting general consensus hahah
Jul 30, 2022 5:05 PM
Jan 2021
nabewry said:
dlee2040 said:

At least from what I've seen, it seems to be about 50/50 on this one. Most women I've encountered absolutely hate terms like alpha male, beta male, sigma male, or any of that male astrology crap. Most people who use terms like these clearly have very little experience talking to women and are stupid enough to believe that any of the advice that self-proclaimed "alpha males" give is any good. Besides, having to look up hours of videos on how to get a girlfriend is extremely pathetic.

Like half the people I see online defending Izumi seem to be women. While there are definitely women who despise Izumi, I've also seen fans of the series straight up call him the "ideal boyfriend." I've also heard that Shikimori actually has a pretty large female following, at least in Japan, but I have no sources, so take it with a grain of salt. Although considering the lack of sexual fanservice and the fact that the premise is basically a shoujo manga, but with a focus on role reversal, it's probably isn't really a surprise at all.

I seriously never understood the whole criticism about Izumi being feminine. Literally the whole premise of the series is about gender role-reversal, in other words, the girlfriend is more masculine while the boyfriend is more feminine. Him being feminine is literally the point so why are people so mad about it. It's like watching a yuri/yaoi anime and then hating on it for having gay characters in it. I guess it's fine to not like feminine male MCs but if that is the only reason you don't like the show, then that's not really the anime's fault, that's something that has to do with your preferences. Now if you hate Izumi because you think he's boring or a self-insert, that's a completely different story and actual criticism, but so much of the criticism I see regarding Izumi is nothing more than people forcing their own political beliefs on how men and women should act and insecurities onto others. It's dull, not insightful at all, repetitive, annoying, and unsupported.
I've wrote a whole paragraph 3x longer than this quote of yours several times already, in this site alone, about how I think this show is bad. Not only me there's a lot of ppl doing the same. I ain't gonna spoonfed you this time, go look for it yourself, it's easy. Stop the "ppl hate him just because he's feminine" and "forcing their own political belief" bullshit. Even the "alpha" guy can be cringe as well. Heck even I found 90% of shoujo alpha ML cringe af. It's about the execution.

This is also why the show got even more hated, the fans always start a play victim agenda as if ppl who hate it had no brain. Y'all only see the bad and half argument and treat it like it's the only reason of the hate, while ignoring the proper argumentation. Idc anymore tho honestly, I'll just do several trolls here and there, not interested in proper discussion anymore. I bet a lot of ppl thought so and done the same. Don't blame the trolls, the fans of this anime is super annoying and talk too much, so we're just enjoy our victory because this show got a bad reputation already. The fans goes from talking shit about Marin from dress up darling into fighting general consensus hahah

It's clear you hardly read the post at all so now I feel like I have to spoonfeed everything to you in order to make everything clear.

First of all, I never once said that I personally thought that the anime was good. Sure, I like the manga as you can see if you click on my profile, but I actually have a lot of problems with the anime. I have never said I liked the anime on this post, and I've never said I liked the anime on any of my other posts. I will try to defend the manga, but I don't really care that much about the anime. If people don't like the manga either, that's fine too. I'm not going to force my opinions about this manga series to other people if they don't like it.

You claim that I think the only criticism Izumi gets revolves around his femininity but I literally said in the post that "if you hate Izumi because you think he's boring or a self-insert, that's a completely different story and actual criticism." I wasn't talking to you or about you when I was talking about the people who criticized the anime just for having a feminine male MC. I was talking specifically about the people whose only reason for hating the series was that. There are definitely a lot of things wrong about the anime but I was pointing out how that specific criticism isn't a good argument against the series. If you felt like for some reason I was attacking you personally, I'm sorry and I didn't mean for it to come off that way. Just to reiterate, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about others.

You say I'm "blaming the trolls" for the show's bad reputation, even though I never said anything like that about the series. I can't help but feel like you are cherrypicking the things I said about my post, twisting them, and then claiming that I'm saying something completely different from what I originally said.

So before you start talking shit about me, can you please actually read the entire post and stop taking what I said out of context? Most of the things you just said about me aren't true at all.
Jul 31, 2022 10:57 PM

Apr 2007
Normallg? Everything. In this case, it's a beta with the balls to date a girl so it's forgivable for the time being. This is just Takagi-san, if Takagai ans Nishimori actually dated and didnt play kitty games all the better actually.
Aug 3, 2022 9:33 PM
Jul 2022
He is kinda a Chad tho, trying to be her hero even though it's the other way around.
The whole premise: he has uber bad luck, she is a born-natural for saving his ass. It's so unbelievably cute that I shed happy tears. Tbh all the haters are jealous they don't have badass girlfriends.
Aug 3, 2022 9:34 PM
Jul 2022
PoisonedSandwich said:
I don't mind a timid MC at all, but judging from the first episode, I feel like Izumi is going to be used as a device to show how awesome Shikimori is rather than an actual character with his own personality.
i'll still watch a few more episodes though, i've had a few people tell me it's going to be better.

Well, Shikimori is the main focus of the two tbh. It's still good though, and Izumi shows plenty of awesome moments. You'll see exactly why Shikimori fell in love with him.
Aug 9, 2022 1:01 AM

Oct 2008
Nothing as long as his betaness is at least a little redeemed by the end of the anime. So far he resembles a cute pet, more so than a boyfriend.
Feb 3, 11:27 PM
Mar 2022
Reply to PoisonedSandwich
BlueOtaku2001 said:
Humans aren't wolves. There's no such thing as a beta or alpha male in humans. It's just made up crap by idiots on the internet who think they're experts on politics and how humans work.

I can't remember where I got this from, but I think it's really concise to say "the alpha-beta spectrum is basically astrology for insecure men."
@PoisonedSandwich it's just an easier and shorter way to say he is a fucking worthless, pathetic, cowardly, sissy ass loser who has lacks anything even remotely resembling balls never has never will... oh and the IQ of a god damn rotten radish. Pathetic in every way... for those of use chunk of anime watchers that just enjoy anime over boring tv (aka not some gross ass weak nut cowardly basement dwelling perma-virgin creeper who spends 99% rotting in a room where he is waste deep in jizz tissues and half naked toys humping a waifu print body pillow) and well considered to some degree manly, have courage, dont turn beat red and act like a good for nothing d-less lil bitch every time a girl looks at them, have a girlfriend or fuck buddies, ya know an actual guy living a normal guys life... these shitty BETA bia loser mc's especially ones with interaction with a chick show casing how insanely stupid lame ball-less the loser is not to mention like an animated insult to actual men every time they speak. It sucks now more than ever especially since several years ago when that whole otaku thing started gaining traction basically creating a world wide loser club to ban together behind which resulted in pretty much grp support for every kind of useless turd on the planet to hide behind but the worst part is unlike before where some guys woulld get sick of being a creepy ass perma-virgin loser and make a change and get better rising up and above out of loserdom joining the actual men of the world but not they literally have group support that encourage each other to never be anything but pillow humping degenerate shit shows.

We hate/despise it because its pathetic, cowardly, shameful, and it's like an insult to men in general an embarresment and yea seeing how much of a worthless pile of garbage a character can be not to mention stupider than fucking sin yea it grinds on us and irritates us with good reason.
Feb 3, 11:36 PM
Mar 2022
Reply to pridesage
He is kinda a Chad tho, trying to be her hero even though it's the other way around.
The whole premise: he has uber bad luck, she is a born-natural for saving his ass. It's so unbelievably cute that I shed happy tears. Tbh all the haters are jealous they don't have badass girlfriends.
@pridesage really? anyone that considers themselves an actual man and isnt just some delusional weak ass piece of garbage and total loser would be ashamed to no end due to being constantly being protected or saved by a chick... may as well just get their balls snipped.
Feb 3, 11:40 PM
Mar 2022
Reply to SofiaBulga
Nothing as long as his betaness is at least a little redeemed by the end of the anime. So far he resembles a cute pet, more so than a boyfriend.
@SofiaBulga honestly most actual dudes with actual man balls would rather get run down in traffic of fall off a cliff that go thru life as some weak ass good for nothing cowardly shit stain on mans existence that live day after day essentially being the bitch in the relationship.

The only thing that does make sense is the japanese fan base... beta nation japan home of overwhelming hordes of pathetic shit stain loser mega cucks who actually want to be ntr'ed.
Feb 3, 11:46 PM
Jul 2022
Gutzdeep42 said:
@pridesage really? anyone that considers themselves an actual man and isnt just some delusional weak ass piece of garbage and total loser would be ashamed to no end due to being constantly being protected or saved by a chick... may as well just get their balls snipped.

Since you're ostensibly such an expert, does a real man have a meltdown over fiction using a pretty common trope?

Are you new to this whole anime thing? You really talk like a tourist.
Feb 3, 11:52 PM
Jul 2022
This just in, having a tantrum about some cute pink-haired anime girl is peak masculinity, and you're a pathetic BETA if you don't agree.

This is a totally normal way of thinking, and not a boilover of unresolved ego and self-esteem issues. Basically what I'm saying is I'm better than some fictional anime boy, and I'm better than you because I'm not a BETA. Did I mention that I'm not a beta and I'm so confident about it that I need to tell everyone who enjoys something that doesn't fit my narrow view of life?
Feb 4, 9:33 AM

Oct 2008
Reply to Gutzdeep42
@SofiaBulga honestly most actual dudes with actual man balls would rather get run down in traffic of fall off a cliff that go thru life as some weak ass good for nothing cowardly shit stain on mans existence that live day after day essentially being the bitch in the relationship.

The only thing that does make sense is the japanese fan base... beta nation japan home of overwhelming hordes of pathetic shit stain loser mega cucks who actually want to be ntr'ed.
@Gutzdeep42 Damn you woke up today and you chose violence. No but while I don't wnat it done to me I would participate in NTR if the girl is down, or if the guy is suffering from that unfortunate kink.
Feb 9, 5:40 AM
Nov 2022
Reply to Gutzdeep42
@SofiaBulga honestly most actual dudes with actual man balls would rather get run down in traffic of fall off a cliff that go thru life as some weak ass good for nothing cowardly shit stain on mans existence that live day after day essentially being the bitch in the relationship.

The only thing that does make sense is the japanese fan base... beta nation japan home of overwhelming hordes of pathetic shit stain loser mega cucks who actually want to be ntr'ed.
@Gutzdeep42 nah bruh, the real gentle man don't care about all that. The dude is already so selfless, actually willing to live normally and able to do so even before meeting her despite with such luck. He sure have strong fortitude, something that someone with fragile ego like you don't have lol
Feb 9, 12:56 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to PoisonedSandwich
I don't mind a timid MC at all, but judging from the first episode, I feel like Izumi is going to be used as a device to show how awesome Shikimori is rather than an actual character with his own personality.
i'll still watch a few more episodes though, i've had a few people tell me it's going to be better.
@PoisonedSandwich You couldn't be further from the truth..LOL
Feb 9, 1:00 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Ini_pastibudi
@Gutzdeep42 nah bruh, the real gentle man don't care about all that. The dude is already so selfless, actually willing to live normally and able to do so even before meeting her despite with such luck. He sure have strong fortitude, something that someone with fragile ego like you don't have lol
@Ini_pastibudi All the people who responded to this watched 1 or 2 episodes of what turned out to be a REALLY good show & dropped it. It's a shame, because the chemistry between the friends is the strength of the series. THEM gave this thing 5 stars. A Rom Com got 5 starts from that bunch is almost unheard of.
Feb 9, 1:10 PM

Mar 2018
why am I getting notifs on a thread that's been inactive for almost 3 years? isn't bumping against community guidelines?
Feb 9, 1:41 PM
Nov 2022
Reply to Sheol01
@Ini_pastibudi All the people who responded to this watched 1 or 2 episodes of what turned out to be a REALLY good show & dropped it. It's a shame, because the chemistry between the friends is the strength of the series. THEM gave this thing 5 stars. A Rom Com got 5 starts from that bunch is almost unheard of.
@Sheol01 I don't know which sarcastic style you're using right now, but it's actually real good
Mar 1, 10:20 PM

Jan 2021
The mc has fascinating genes and mindset. He is prone to bad luck and is very weak. Carnivore diet or vegan diet, you'd have to really rebuild his physiology from the ground up to improve his cognition so he doesn't get himself in situations that lead to him getting hurt or if he does get hurt: faster blood clotting and tougher skin and bigger muscles like his father and mother.

If this was a weak gf with a super cool bf... I think you wouldn't watch the show. But if this whole show was from Shikimori's perspective instead of Izumi's perspective, I think you still wouldn't watch the show.

That's fine, it's not a show for everyone. Accept that as a human being.
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