Apr 8, 10:48 AM
Also the point of making them Czech, since we couldn't see much of Prague's scenery. |
May 4, 3:11 PM
My guess is that it's about some kind of companionship between strangers (homeless kids at that). They can't really be friends in a traditional sense as one fends for themself on the street. But they do have a certain relationship with the boy offering half of his blanket and the girl returning the intention by getting him a ring back (not the one she stole though) but the intention is what counts it seems. And I guess that's it. |
Nov 27, 10:22 AM
there isn't, just normal days of 2 homeless kids and their life, their lives are pointless, but they are surviving, someting is here, I wish we could explore it more tho, the city, characters ect. |