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Jun 3, 2024 6:04 PM

May 2013
Welcome to the eleventh annual Honorary Monstergirl Competition! New year, and a new franchise for the naming convention!

The rules of the contest are as follows:
1) ALL entries must be of roughly the same power levels as the girls that are legal to use as companions. No reality warpers, physical gods, or mountain-eating invincible powerhouses! Entries at the upper end of the companion power scale are allowed. Entries that have lots of story potential are encouraged!

2) Entries cannot be simple reposting of entries from previous contests; all entries must provide some measure of originality. The new entry may be a variation on a previous entry or an exploration of the same theme, but the new entry MUST bring something to the table that the previous version did not.

3) Multiple entries of the same mamono are allowed if they are sufficiently different (see above). In the event of two entries that have the same name the judge will consult one of the contestants about a name change, with the shared name going to the entry that was submitted first.

4) Entries must be formatted as official MGE entries. If you're not sure about the classification of your entry (i.e. family and type) feel free to ask for advice. If you're worried about spoilers before official contest start you can ask by PM. All entries will be edited for grammar by the judge.

5) Send your entries to me by PM, up to four entries per contributor. I will arrange them into polling brackets. Once a poll is up and running it will have a limited voting period, after which a winner will be advanced to the next round. This will continue until we have a final winner.

6) In the event that two (or more) entries are tied when voting for the bracket closes the winner will be decided by an H-off! Each contestant must post something brief (try not to go over 500 words) describing how his/her entry would be the most fun to “experience.” This can be in essay form or a brief h-scene. The judge (moi) will decide the winner.

7) Bonus: Name That Mamono! You are encouraged (but not required) to create a sample character of the species -- nothing fancy, just a short paragraph or two describing her appearance, personality, and skills. In particular you should describe how she exemplifies or differs from the species' usual. To be counted for H-offs all vignettes/essays for the species should include this character in some way (at least a mention).

The contest is live as of this post, but voting won't start until July (or whenever we get up to 16 entries).  Until then, feel free to revisit the Build a Monstergirl Workshop tutorial if you need some help coming up with ideas.

And for further inspiration, I have prepared a Pinterest gallery with images of possible honorary monstergirls. If you want to use one of these as the image for your entry PM me with the image name (they've all been named) and I'll mark it as claimed. All images are first come, first served.  There are over a hundred images there, so one of them is bound to spark an idea.

I would also like to solicit two volunteer back-up judges at this time.  This is an excellent opportunity for those who don't feel that they can come up with good entries to have some active involvement in the contest.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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Jun 4, 2024 12:58 AM

Jan 2013

Looking forward to seeing this year's entries.
Aug 6, 2024 8:29 PM

May 2013
Round 1 voting brackets are now live!

Bracket 1:
Bracket 2:
Bracket 3:
Bracket 4:
Bracket 5:
Bracket 6:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 9, 2024 11:24 PM

May 2013
Voting will remain live until 11:59 p.m. Central time on Sunday 08/11.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 12, 2024 9:07 PM

May 2013
So, it looks like we have some h-off action going in bracket 2. Gentlemen, start your engines!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 14, 2024 8:23 AM

May 2013
Vignettes are now posted for bracket 2! I will post the results tonight.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 14, 2024 7:35 PM

May 2013
Let the cannon sound for the fallen:

The orchid mantis bugs out;
The asgrauwe is returned to cinder;
The shelem gets snowed in;
The moon beast is eclipsed;
The living mask is defaced;
The colour out of space goes dark.

Round 2 goes live tomorrow evening.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 29, 2024 7:22 PM

May 2013
The cannon sounds for the fallen:

Fate rains on the cloud beast’s parade;
The lusca squids while she’s ahead;
The cougar gets scratched;
The hellkit gets burned.
Round 3 begins after Halloween night.
tygertygerOct 29, 2024 7:25 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 9, 2024 10:07 PM

May 2013
Alas for the fallen!
The halfling fails to adapt;
The sun cow is put out to pasture;
The cat from Saturn is knocked out of the ring;
The qerash gets the cold shoulder.

I’ll get the Round 4 brackets posted on Sunday night.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 17, 2024 9:08 AM

May 2013
The votes are in, and the cannon sounds for the fallen:
The wrathfiend looks back in anger;
The moon bride passes to the next phase.

I will get the final round and peoples' choice posted later tonight. For real, this time.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 23, 2024 10:13 PM

May 2013
It is decided! At the conclusion of the final round the Peoples' Choice is the MOON BRIDE, the runner-up is the BUBALUS, and the BAKENEKO is victorious! And for added celebration, this contest marks the first time that I correctly predicted the winner!

Congratulations to all the contestants:
MetallumOperatur (cougar, lusca, qerash, shelem);
Mugen91 (asgrauwe, bubalus, living mask, moon bride);
Nu (bakeneko, hellkit, orchid mantis, sun cow);
Tygertyger (cat from Saturn, cloud beast, colour out of space, moon beast);
VenomWolf (halfling, wrathfiend).
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 9, 2024 2:44 PM

May 2013
War No More

The day was crisp and cool and bright just like a Fall day back home in Ukraine. The Sun was halfway downhill from its peak as I walked the weary steps to my last stop. The cart I pulled behind me was much lighter after my other deliveries, for which I was grateful, but I would’ve been more grateful for a mule or donkey to pull it. My employer refused to provide one, though. As she said, better I pull the cart myself than she provide another animal “for the accursed fairies to ‘liberate.’” After a month of working for her I’d given up hope of any further explanation. I just pulled the cart without complaint as I neared my final -- and favorite -- call.

I turned the cart onto the path leading to a quaint cottage. Before I got halfway a tiny white-haired figure burst from the door and ran up to me amid squeals of delight. The little girl, a six-year-old named Elva, slammed into me and wrapped her fur-covered arms around my leg. “Davor!” she cried. “You’re back!”

“Yes, sonechko, I am,” I said. I allowed myself to relax into the embrace as I stroked her hair. Even when they’re small yetis give wonderful hugs. “And I brought the milk your mother asked for.” I tapped her nose in mock scolding and added, “Try to make it last a whole week this time.”

Elva giggled and said, “Okay!” She trotted alongside me chattering happily as I drew the cart the rest of the way to the house. By the time I stopped by the door Elva’s adoptive mother had stepped outside to greet me. Elva needlessly announced, “Mama! Davor’s back!”

“I can see that.” The tone was level, but the half-smile on the speaker’s face suggested that she was glad to see me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I returned her gaze. Elva’s mama was a kind of angel called a moon bride -- a rarity in these parts, or so I was told. Her pale skin perfectly complemented her black hair and plumage, and the simple linen dress she wore couldn’t hide her womanly charms. To be honest I had seen women who were better looking -- many since I’d arrived on the Isle of Blue Glass -- but no other so appealing to me. She looked at the cart and arched an eyebrow. “Two whole canisters? That’s a lot of milk for one child.”

“I can drink it all, Mama!” Elva said. “I’m a big girl!”

“That you are, Elva,” I agreed, “But maybe you should save a little for your mama, yes? After all, she’s a big girl, too.”

“Good of you to notice,” said Lilis under her breath. Before I could comment on that she turned to Elva and said, “Get the door, sweetling, while Davor and I bring the milk inside.” The little yeti chirped an affirmative and ran to hold the door. I lifted a canister from the cart to hand to Lilis, then grabbed the other and followed her into the kitchen. I took a moment to lament that her wings ruined what should have been a heavenly view. The knowing glance that she threw over her shoulder suggested that she knew what I was thinking but chose not to comment. After we set the milk in the cold box she said, “Now that’s done the only chores I have left for the day are to fetch water and cook dinner.”

“Mama’s roasting doves! The fat ones with the pretty colored feathers!” Elva said.

“Roast dove, you say? That sounds delicious.” I turned to face Lilis and said, “How about I fetch the water while you start dinner?”

The angel’s look of surprise was worth the effort I was about to make. “You don’t have to do that, Davor! I’m perfectly capable of carrying water myself.”

“Yes, you are… but I like doing things for you.” I mentally kicked myself as soon as the words were out of my mouth. That was the most forward thing I had said to Lilis since meeting her a month ago.

Lilis turned her face from me, and I saw just the hint of a flush on her pale cheek. “Thank you, that’s very kind.” She recovered her composure and said, “In return, perhaps you would like to stay for dinner?”

“I’d like that,” I said. Before I could say anything else that would embarrass us both I went out the back door and grabbed the yoke and water buckets. The round trip to the creek was almost half a kilometer, and the return leg with four full buckets would be no fun at all, but seeing a smile of gratitude on Lilis’s lovely face would be worth it.


I set my fork down on my empty plate and let out a satisfied sigh. “That was delicious. Best meal I’ve had since I got here,” I declared.

Lilis smiled. “I’m glad you liked it. It’s my first time making this dish, so I was a bit nervous.” She stood and began gathering up the dishes.

“I boiled the veggies,” Elva said proudly.

“And a good job you did of it, too,” I said. “I must say, the flavor was new to me.”

“Sandalphon brought me some sea lemons when she delivered the letter from my mother,” said Lilis. “I think that’s one of the condiments your world doesn’t have.”

“I’ve never heard of it, so probably not.” I glanced out the window and saw that the Sun had long since gone down. Even worse, I could hear a storm blowing in. “Oro,, I didn’t realize it was so late. I should go before before the weather turns nasty.”

Lilis shook her head. “You’ll never make it back to Ebba and Laurence’s place before the storm breaks,” she said. “I think you should stay here tonight.”

Elva shrieked and hopped up and down in her chair. “YAY! Sleepover! Sleepover!”

“No jumping in the chair, young lady,” Lilis scolded. “But yes, sleepover.”

A smile spread across the little yeti’s face. “Can Davor tell me a story while you wash dishes?”

“Only after you wash up and put on pajamas,” I said. Elva cheered and ran to the back of the house. I chuckled as I watched her go. “I guess I’d better think of a story now.”

“It had better be a good one, too,” Lilis said. She fixed a smoky gaze on me and added, “You have quite the eager audience to satisfy.”


“...When they came to his tsardom she regained her true form and said, ‘It was my father who cursed me and forced me to serve the dragon for three years, but those three years are up now and I am free.’ So they settled in their house again and lived happily ever after.”

“Yay,” Elva cheered sleepily. “Another one.”

“Not tonight, sonechko,” I said. “Now it’s time for fuzzy little girls to sleep.”

“Okay.” The yeti yawned and closed her eyes as I drew the blanket up to her chin. “G’night, daddy.”

My heart leapt into my throat at those words, but I managed to say, “Good night, Elva,” before kissing her on the forehead. Lilis finished tucking the child in, then she took my arm and led me out of the room.

“That was quite a story Davor,” the angel said, “But something tells me there’s another one to be told.” She escorted me to her bedroom and pushed me to a seat on the bed before settling in beside me.

“I… I thought I’d never hear a child call me that,” I began. “I’ve wanted to be a father since I was just a schoolboy. I had a girl picked out, a childhood friend, and I thought we would marry when she turned eighteen. But the Russians came, and I went into the army and joined the fighting…”

“There, there,” said Lilis as she folded me into her arms and wrapped her wings around us. “You don’t have to say any more. It’s all right, you’re safe now.”

Lilis tried to set my head on her shoulder, but I pulled away. “I might be safe, but what of my parents? My sisters? My friends? The Russians destroyed Mariupol, Volnovakha, and Maryinka, and Bakhmut is almost gone. How long until they come for Shepetivka? How long before they have all of Ukraine? And no one will stop them! Not the Germans, not the Finns or the Swedes, not even the Americans! My people are alone! I should be there to help them, but here I am eating doves! I must go back!” I gripped her shoulders, too roughly judging by the way she grimaced, and begged, “You have magic here, yes? Send me back! Please, I’ll do anything! Send me back!”

Lilis shook her head. “I can’t. The magic that brought you here is one-way, at least for you.” She laid her hand against my cheek and continued, “You do know that you died in your world, don’t you? Your life there is over. I’m sorry, Davor, but you can’t go back. This is your home now.”

At those words I started crying, and I had no more strength to resist when Lilis lay my head against her breast. We stayed like that for I don’t know how long while my tears fell like the rain outside. When I finally managed to get myself under control I straightened up and rubbed the tears away. I made what was probably a sorry attempt at a brave face and said, “Not the strong, brave soldier you expected, eh?”

“Oh, Davor,” she said, “At least you fought in the war that threatened your home. You didn’t run away from fighting like I did. But somehow I knew that my destiny wouldn’t be found in battle, and yours won’t be, either.” She stood up, kissed my forehead, and then went about the room extinguishing the candles. “You should get to bed. Go ahead and get undressed.” I did as she said, and by the time I had stripped down to my underclothes she had turned down the bed.

“But, ah… where will you sleep?” I asked, my voice hoarse with equal parts fear and anticipation.

“Right here. It is my bed.” She reached behind her back to unfasten the top of her dress and let it pool at her feet. Her simple white cotton underdress was somehow sexier than anything I’d seen from Victoria’s Secret.

“Ah… I don’t think we should… I mean, you’re very beautiful and I really like you, but…”

Lilis laid a finger against my lips. “Shhh. We won’t do anything like that tonight. I just want to hold you while you sleep. Is that all right?” I nodded as she withdrew her finger. “Good. Now lie down.” I did as she said, and she climbed into bed next to me. It took a bit of maneuvering to work around her wings, but we eventually got situated with me on my back and her snuggled up against me with one wing draped over us. Lilis somehow managed to draw the covers up. “Rest now, my brave soldier. How we proceed from here is your decision, but Elva wants you for a father and I find that I would like you for a husband. We can talk about it more in the morning, and you can take some time to think about it. For now, just sleep, and know that, no matter what you decide, whenever you need peace you can find it in this house.”

Those words brought the crying back again, but just quiet tears this time instead of racking sobs. “Thank you, Lilis. That means a lot.” I kissed the top of her head and gave her a squeeze before letting the warmth at my side and the sound of the rain melt the fear and sadness away. I closed my eyes and drifted off into peace.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 10, 2024 2:14 AM

Jan 2013
This was really nice.

You captured most of what I intended with Lilis quite well and I think you've also done a good job including her natural abilities without being too obvious about it.

I certainly hope the two will be happy together.

It was also nice to see the callback to Sandalphon :)
Dec 19, 2024 4:56 PM

May 2013
Maybe She’s Born With It

Ranjin is quite the place. Very similar in many ways to a village in old Japan with the addition of mamono -- exotically beautiful monster women -- and magic. I’d come here two months ago with nothing but the clothes on my back and a sakura sapling I’d been in the middle of transplanting. One minute I’d been placing the tree in a newly-dug hole, the next I was waking up with the plant clutched in my arms and surrounded by not-quite-human women wearing eager expressions. I don’t recall how I got here, but the village elder says that I died back in my world and it’s probably best that I don’t remember. Since I had nothing better to do I accepted their invitation to help out with their annual village festival.

I managed to keep a smile pasted onto my face through the endless handshakes and hugs that marked the end of the festivities. When the parade of well-wishers finally ended I slipped out of the town hall and made my way down a less-traveled trail through the bamboo grove at the edge of the village. I expected to find the person I’d been hoping to speak to at the end of that path. It had already been dusk when I left the hall, and by the time I reached the end of the trail it was dark. Fortunately a full moon bathed the land in silvery light. When I emerged from the rows of bamboo the the river that provided the town with water and occasional travelers sparkled like a constellation of fireflies. I couldn’t help but pause a moment to take in the beauty, but I soon resumed my course toward a bend in the river. The woman I sought had shown me her favorite thinking spot last week, and that was where I hoped to find her.

I soon reached a place where the river narrowed, and the swiftly flowing water drew a curtain of sound that hid my approaching footsteps from the horned figure I’d come to find. It also hid the sound of her sobbing from me, but I could see that in the shaking shoulders of her moonlit silhouette. Poor, sweet Nakone was crying as expected. How could she not? She had spoken incessantly about the festival and the associated beauty contest, and there was nothing in the world that she’d wanted more than to win. When the judges had instead placed the crown on the head of the tall, graceful Yui -- who had spent the entire time I’d known her making it clear that it would be she and not some “stunted little runt” who would marry the new arrival -- I could practically hear Nakone’s heart fall out of her chest. Yet despite her obvious disappointment she’d put on a brave face as she congratulated the winner. Nakone had fled the hall shortly after. My festival duties hadn’t allowed me to follow her right away, but I was here now.

I started to call out to her, but an inarticulate cry of anguish stopped me cold. For half a minute Nakone poured out her pain in a single grieving breath while the river carried her wails downstream like paper boats. After refilling her lungs she started rummaging through her sleeve pockets and hurling their contents into the river. “Stupid, useless cleanser!” she screamed as she threw an expensive-looking jar. A bottle of, “Stupid, useless tonic!” followed, with a canister of “Stupid, useless herbs!” soon after. She continued with, “Stupid, useless vitamins! Stupid, useless sharpener! Stupid, useless polish! And most of all… STUPID! USELESS! NAKONEEEE!”

Well. There was no way I was going to let her throw that last item in the river, and in the state she was in I wouldn’t have put it past her. I stepped forward and said, “You are neither of those things, dear lady.”

The bubalus spun to face me, over-rotating slightly in her surprise, and the look of anger on her face collapsed into embarrassment when she recognized me. She was short for her kind, barely half-a-head taller than I, with her dark hair done up in an elaborate updo that belied her usual homespun charm. She was most endearing in her yukata despite being disheveled, and the mascara running down her cheeks was easy to overlook in favor of the elegant curve of her gleaming pearly horns. She wiped her face on one oversized sleeve, managing only to smear already ruined makeup, and made a futile effort to compose herself. “Minoru. Of course you’d be the one to find me,” she said. “I guess Yui couldn’t be bothered to do her own gloating. So, have you two set a date yet?” At my confused look she elaborated, “For the wedding?”

Ano… I’m not marrying Yui,” I said.

“You’re not?” Nakone’s expression turned from frustration to confusion. “But, the contest… the special prize… ?”

I nodded. “I gave Yui her prize… the little cherry tree that I brought here with me. As the only living plant ever to arrive here from my world it’s certainly special.” I smiled as I took a step closer. “Her mother was very pleased. She’s already planning to market ‘Outland Cherries’ when the tree bears fruit.”

“That sounds like her,” Nakone said with a smirk. “So… what are you doing here?”

I took another step forward. Nakone looked like she wanted to back away but thought better of it. “I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

“I’m fine,” said Nakone. “Just perfect.” I took another step forward to almost within reach. I tried to hold her eyes, but she looked away. “Pretty good for someone who spent a foolish amount of money to become not as pretty as she thought she was.”

“I have to agree with you there. All that money was wasted.” I took the last step to get within reach and stretched out my hands to stroke her horns. Nakone closed her eyes and shuddered as I ran my fingertips across the top of each horn starting at the base, then swept them along the upturned curves and back along the bottom sides to rest on her cheeks. “There’s no need to spend money to become pretty when you’re already beautiful.” At those words she started sobbing again. I let her wash my hands with her tears for a moment before pulling her face to mine to gently kiss her. We stayed connected like that for a dozen heartbeats before I let my hands fall to her shoulders and pulled her into an embrace. Her horns made it a little awkward, but the feel of her nestled against me was worth it.

Nakone’s sobs turned to girlish giggles, and she pushed me back to arm’s length. “Too bad there wasn’t a contest for flattery,” she said, “You would’ve won.”

“That’s all right,” I replied. “I have my prize.” I pulled her into another kiss, and when we separated I took her hand and turned us onto the path back to the village. “I even got your parents’ permission to court you already.”

A sly grin took over the bubalus’s face. “Really? Did they tell you what ‘courting’ means for mamono?”

“Ah… no,” I said. “I thought perhaps we would do activities together?”

“Yes… activities.” She started walking faster and pulled me along with her. “Come on. I’ll show you when we get into the bamboo.” The sultry smile she tossed over her shoulder told me exactly what sort of activities she had in mind. I smiled and thanked the spirits that I was well-rested. Nakone had won my heart, and now she was ready to claim her prize.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 20, 2024 1:33 AM

Jan 2013
This was sweet.

We've had a lot of different stuff make it's way over to Arcadia before, but that is certainly the first time a plant was mentioned :)
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