May 20, 2024 11:40 AM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 Dante would set up 7 beds as best as he could between matress, pillows and blankets. He made sure to leave the confiest for the girls, plus one for Astolfo. He notice the smell, so he went down to join them at the table. |
May 20, 2024 1:34 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 Sora did his best to clean and disinfect the place since they all were grossed out by the witch. He also headed down to eat. |
May 20, 2024 1:36 PM
Water user Danny Danny and Aqua came back. "you have my many thanks for saving Aqua... I am not gonna lie.. I thought you two were goners" He would chuckle a bit while looking at Sora and Dante. He was just glad to have his best friend back, atleast one of them. The two would join them on the table. "Again, My name is Danny. Aquatic Empire was my home. I feel bad because as all of this happened, we were thinking about fleeing to Aqua'a kingdom. Maybe thats Why we got karma.. Anyways, we are planning on making things right and helping you in any way possible" Aqua Human Form "My name is Aqua, Danny told me your goal. It is very noble!" He would giggle, "We will be more than happy to clear Aquatic Empire. We are even debating moving there permanently and help keep the city along with ourselves safe." Witch Rosemary The witch got a pretty good grasp of the Situation. "I.. I.. Will do my best to help you along the way.. For my own selfish reasons. I do not have a home. That old hag destroyed everything from me.. I will help rebuild the City so I can move in" She would politly bow to them, "Again, My name is Rosemary and I am a witch. I have yet to discover my main element. |
Sakura_megamiMay 20, 2024 2:40 PM
May 20, 2024 2:00 PM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 1/1 post use, 6/6+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 1/1 post use, 3/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 6/9 Once the group settle at the table, she join. Since they were officially introducing themselves, so did she "I'm Alyla, and we have come here to help restore this kingdom" |
May 20, 2024 2:41 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 7/7 What lovely Butterflies: 2/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 11/11 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 3/10 "thanks for deciding to help Danny. There is nothing wrong with your choices. You just wanted to keep yourself and friends safe! I am glad you decided to help. We can use all the help we can get. We are also from other kingdoms, We came here to help rebuild the kingdom but it will also take brave people from this kingdom helping out." My name is Astolfo, Its very pleasant to meet the three of you" He would start to eat since he was hungry. "If you guys are staying in Aquatic Empire, maybe consider making a self-defense group where people join together to protect the city, take on quests and help support. He looked at Aqua since Aqua gave him the idea. He would than look at Rosemary, "Even the best of heroes have underlying selfish reasons..You dont have to feel bad" |
Sakura_megamiMay 20, 2024 2:48 PM
May 20, 2024 6:22 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 Dante waved and said "I'm Dante, so glad you are joining the cause. This place needs help for sure" He grab a plate and serve himself some food. |
May 21, 2024 6:53 AM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 ”My name is Sora, it is a pleasure to meet you three.” He would observe them. They did seem like good people where they were not lying or trying to be deceiving. If they managed to form a group with all of the magic users than hopefully the City would be fine even after they left. It was most certainly a good Idea. He hoped they would take Astolfos idea and implement it. Astolfo also said something about heroes and how even they have selfish motives. He didn’t care about being a hero.. only to his princesses.. It just so happened that he will end up a heroes in these people’s eyes when he only cared about training and his princesses. |
May 21, 2024 7:01 AM
Water user Danny He looked at Astolfo, ”That is a good idea, will bring it up with the civilians.”He would Continue to eat. Aqua Human Form ”Me and Danny also decided to go Aquatic Empire first thing tomorrow to safe time. You can meet us in the city after you find Lennart” Witch Rosemary ”Do you two have anything that belonged to your friend?” She took out a magical compass that she stole from the witch. Aqua handed her a pendant that was Lennarts. She would put the pendant in the compass and the compass started to point to the mountains. She would hand it to Astolfo. ”I will head to Aquatic Empire with them. Good luck, I hope you are able to find him right away” |
May 21, 2024 7:28 AM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 Alyla was glad the witch help them find the location if the ither person they needed to help. She nod and said "Thank you, we shall meet back for sure" She will eat her portion of food. |
linetteMay 21, 2024 8:44 AM
May 21, 2024 9:17 AM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 7/7 What lovely Butterflies: 2/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 11/11 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 3/10 ”Thank You~ We should be able to do it a bit fast. we have a magical device that lets us teleport where we have been. so we can teleport to the mountain than head back to Aquatic Empire with Lennart. Good luck to you as well~” He would finish his food. |
May 21, 2024 11:27 AM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 Once he was done eating, he would tell everyone their assign beds and then he headed to sleep. |
May 21, 2024 11:31 AM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 ”Good night everyone, We will head to the mountain at 11 tomorrow” He decided to give Astolfo enough time to sleep so he won’t be cranky and be aware. He got up, head to shower than headed straight for bed. |
May 21, 2024 11:35 AM
Water user Danny Aqua Human Form The would say they good buy and good night since their next meeting would be in Aquatic Empire. They went to the ocean to shower than back to the house. Witch Rosemary She went to clean up after Sora than she went to talk to Astolfo until Danny and Aqua got back. She than went to talk to them and they agreed to leave first thing in the Morning at 9. They all headed to bed than got clean and ready and headed out to Aquatic Empire at 9:30 in the Morning. |
May 21, 2024 11:51 AM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 Alyla finish eating, took a shower and then went to sleep. Once it was morning, she freshen up and made a simple breakfast for them to eat before heading out. |
May 21, 2024 12:07 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 7/7 What lovely Butterflies: 2/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 11/11 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 3/10 Astolfo showered and got clean and ready for bed. He got to talk to Rosemary Danny and Aqua before calling it a night. He went to sleep and is currently still sleeping probably until someone wakes him up |
May 21, 2024 12:24 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Thor- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (10/10) Lifespan: 10/10 The next morning, Dante took a shower and tried to pick as much as the arrows as possible. Then join Alyla to eat. |
May 21, 2024 12:43 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 Sora woke up from the smell of the food. He got up, went to go clean up and get ready for the day. He than joined Alyla and Dante at the table. |
May 21, 2024 2:38 PM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 Alyla told them to start eating, then headed to wake Astolfo. She will shake him slowly and poke his nose. |
May 21, 2024 2:58 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 10/10 What lovely Butterflies: 0/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 0/4 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 0/10 Astolfo woke up since it was 11 and he got some good sleep. He playfully pulled her into his arms and the bed, "Good Morning, Nee Sann~ |
Sakura_megamiMay 23, 2024 12:09 PM
May 21, 2024 4:47 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 Dante would eat as he waited with Sora for the siblings to join them. |
May 21, 2024 10:24 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 ”This mission is proving to be a long one and I feel like we have a bunch more to do. How are you holding up?” He would look at Dante while asking him than continue to eat. |
May 22, 2024 5:52 AM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 Alyla chuckle and hug Astolfo tight, then said "How are you holding on? That giant butterfly sure was impressive..." |
May 23, 2024 4:28 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 10/10 What lovely Butterflies: 0/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 0/4 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 0/10 Astolfo hugged ALyla back while giggling, "Thanks, I love your different wings and your powers are so helpful~ He woukld hug her tighter, "let me not delay you any more~ He would go shower and put on a cute outfit and head to Alyla and the guys. "Good Morning~ How is everyone doing?" |
May 23, 2024 5:05 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 Dante shrug and said "It's been tolerable, nothing a good night sleep can't fix. How about you?" He then saw Alyla and Astolfo entering the room, he smile and said "Is almost afternoon, but I'm doing quite alright" |
May 23, 2024 5:10 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 Sora smiled as the girls approached and sat with them, ”Im pretty good, all the work made me sleep like a baby. The people we met also seemed kind and it looks like we are making progress in our mission so I’m pretty good” |
May 23, 2024 5:40 PM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 Astolfo's words didn't really help, since she was the one who though they were worthless. They headed to join the guys, where she sat down and started to eat the dish she made for breakfast. Seems the guys were checking on each other, to make sure they are doing fine. |
May 23, 2024 6:24 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 10/10 What lovely Butterflies: 0/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 0/4 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 0/10 ”Im doing pretty good~ I slept like a baby~” He smiled and started to happily eat his food. ”I want to make a lot of friends. I hope I can hang out with Rosemary and the others outside of a situation like this~”” |
May 23, 2024 6:35 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 He finish eating and said "Yeah, was so tired that didn't really spoke much with them" |
May 23, 2024 6:40 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 ”I am not very social.. I’ll work on it.. maybe” He finished eating and got ready to head out to the mountains |
May 23, 2024 6:42 PM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 Since everyone was ready to start the day, she waited for Astolfo to get the teleporter ready so they can go to the mountains again. |
May 23, 2024 6:48 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 10/10 What lovely Butterflies: 0/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 0/4 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 0/10 He finished eating and got the teleportation device ready. They would than get teleported to the mountains. The group started to follow the map, the location was up so he would start flying up. |
Sakura_megamiMay 24, 2024 7:05 AM
May 24, 2024 9:10 AM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (1/10) Lifespan: 10/10 Dante saw that they needed to go up, which was easy for the subblings since they could fly. Still, he was used to hike and walk necause of his kingdom. So he started to follow Astolfo. |
May 24, 2024 11:32 AM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 0/10 Sora started to climb up trying not to be envious of the siblings that could just fly. |
May 24, 2024 11:35 AM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 10/10 They reach the mountains, were the group started going up. Alyla flew tigether with Astolfo. |
May 26, 2024 6:28 PM
Darky(lv 3) 1: Dark Shield 2/2 CD 3: Lightning Strike 1/2 CD 2/2 5: Dark Barrier 2/2 CD 2/2 7: Lightning blast 2/3 CD 2/2 10: Darkness 1/3 CD 3/3 13: Lightning speed use 3/3 CD 3/3 Dark saw the group and struck them with lightning |
May 27, 2024 10:41 AM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 9/10 Alyla wasn't able to avoid a surprise lighnltning, but soon got her sword out and flew towards the creature to swing at it's wing. |
May 27, 2024 10:50 AM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 9/10 What lovely Butterflies: 1/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 0/4 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 7:10 Astolfo would get hurt from the creature’s surprise attack. ”damn this thing..ggrrrr” Astolfo would shoot 3 arrows at the creature and attack with his butterflies |
May 27, 2024 10:56 AM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Thor- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (10/10) Lifespan: 9/10 Dante got hurt by the attack, summon his 3 creatures and commanded Thor to shot 5 rings at the creature. |
linetteJun 2, 2024 5:10 PM
May 30, 2024 10:08 AM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 0/3 use 1/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 10/10 Sora got hurt and used 3 empowered arrows at the bird |
May 30, 2024 10:13 AM
Darky(lv 13) 1: Dark Shield 2/2 CD 3: Lightning Strike 2/2 CD 0/2 5: Dark Barrier 1/2 CD 2/2 7: Lightning blast 2/3 CD 2/2 10: Darkness 1/3 CD 3/3 13: Lightning speed use 3/3 CD 3/3 The bird used lightning blast on Alyla since she was coming straight towards him. He also used his barrier to protect from all of their attacks. The creature used darkness to remove light/cover the sun but Dante's fire creatures rendered that move useless. It used lightning stick on all of them. It then use lightning speed to come up behind Alyla and strike her with his claws. |
Sakura_megamiJun 3, 2024 12:13 PM
Jun 1, 2024 4:44 PM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 1/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 8/10 She was able to fly around the lightning and avoid the attack. Alyla then used her ability to block the barrier, so the creature would get hurt by all of their attacks. Then she got sneaked up by the bird, she tried to block it but still got hurt. But she then used that short range to swing her sword at one of the bird's leg. |
Jun 1, 2024 10:48 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 9/10 What lovely Butterflies: 1/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 0/1 use 0/4 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 7/10 Astolfo shot two arrows at the creature. He than used his butterflies to attack the creature. |
Jun 2, 2024 5:12 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (8/10) Lifespan: 8/10 Dante got hurt by the creature, then commanded Thor to shoot five lava rings at the creature while he shot two arrows at it. |
Jun 3, 2024 12:15 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 2/2 Use 0/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 0/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 1/3 use 0/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 10/10 Sora used his barrier on Astolfo, protecting him from the attacks. The cats would surround the creatures and use the star blast on it. He would shoot two arrows at the creature. |
Jun 3, 2024 12:19 PM
Darky(lv 13) LifeSpan: 8/17 1: Dark Shield 1/2 CD 3: Lightning Strike 2/2 CD 1/2 5: Dark Barrier 1/2 CD 2/2 7: Lightning blast 3/3 CD 0/2 10: Darkness 1/3 CD 3/3 13: Lightning speed use 2/3 CD 3/3 He would use his dark shield against Alylas sword attack, instead of the barrier this time. He would use lightning blast on Alyla. He would than use lightning speed to go behind Sora and attack him with his claws. Alot of the groups attacks would hit him this time since he had a shield instead of the barrier. |
Sakura_megamiJun 4, 2024 12:18 PM
Jun 4, 2024 12:27 PM
Alyla O'Kuki Blossom Red Wings- 1/1 post use, 1/3+ post cooldown Orange Wings Blue Wings- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Weapon: Sword Lifespan: 7/10 Since they were too close, she was barelly able to avoid the attack. The creature left toward Sora, so she decided to use the change to fly above him and swing her sword around the neck. |
Jun 4, 2024 12:31 PM
Astolfo Aster O'Kuki Blossom Lifespan: 9/10 What lovely Butterflies: 2/2 0/2 Butterfly wings Giant Butterfly; Poisonous air: 1/1 use 0/5 cooldown Weapon Bow and Arrow 5/10 Astolfo used his poisonous air to stop the monster from attacking. |
Jun 4, 2024 12:48 PM
Dante Ahmad Theeb- 1/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Sahlee- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Thor- 2/2 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Bow and Arrow (6/10) Lifespan: 8/10 Dante commanded Theeb to use the chains to hold the bird still and also hurt it since the chains were made of lava. Also shot two arrows at it. |
Jun 4, 2024 1:03 PM
Sora Brighton (Lunar) Lifespan: 9/10 Force field: Star Attack: 2/2 Use 1/2 cooldown Force field: Weapon empowerment/light/fire attribute 1/2 Use 2/2 cooldown Force Field: Barrier 1/3 use 0/3 cooldown. Kunais: 3/10 Arrows 10/10 Sora used 3 empowered arrows and 3 regular arrows on the bird |
Jun 4, 2024 1:06 PM
Darky(lv 13) LifeSpan: 0/17 1: Dark Shield 1/2 CD 3: Lightning Strike 2/2 CD 1/2 5: Dark Barrier 1/2 CD 2/2 7: Lightning blast 3/3 CD 0/2 10: Darkness 1/3 CD 3/3 13: Lightning speed use 2/3 CD 3/3 The group managed to defeat the bird and gain 15 Level points. |
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