Feb 12, 2024 9:34 PM
At the beginning of entering the Academy, you must undergo some trainings to prove you have what it take on take on missions, quests and bounty hunts. You will only be able to enter the academy by undergoing a mandatory training and passing an exam. Once your character passes, the Mahora Military Academy is dedicated for characters to come and take on missions, quests and bounty hunts. Displayed on a Board is a list of all possible missions, quest, bounty hunts and jobs that your character can do. The character would simply just have to take the flyer of the board and head out to do it. Military Positions Level 1 - 3: Soldier in Training v Level 4 - 6: Soldier v Level 7 & 8: Captain v Level 9 & 10: General v Level 11 & 12: Admiral v Level 13 & 14: Supreme Commander v Level 15: Royal Consultant Rewards Level 1 - 3: Soldier in Training Benefits: free food and shelter from Academy Level 4 - 6: Soldier Benefits: free transportation from the Academy, free food from certain places Level 7 & 8: Captain Benefits: paid per job, updated room with bathroom Level 9 & 10: General Benefits: free shelter outside of the Academy Level 11 & 12: Admiral Benefits: free food and free transportation outside of the Academy Level 13 & 14: Supreme Commander Benefits: they get their own transportation and home Level 15: Royal Consultant Benefits: they’re own land to manage and look over |
Sakura_megamiNov 20, 2024 10:12 AM
Feb 12, 2024 9:42 PM
Title: Level: Requirements: Location: Description: Enemies: Reward: Trainings: Title: Train with Senpai! (Mandatory) Level: 1 Requirements: Only one person Location: Mahora Military Academy Description: You will be paired with a military guard or higher to help you train based on your individual abilities and weakness. Enemies: Your Senpai Reward: 40 LP Title: Entrance Exam (Mandatory) Level: 1 Requirements: Magic user, 1-2 mages Location: Mahora Military Academy Description: The exam will entail for characters to take on 5 tasks and receive 5 puzzle pieces from each successful task. Once all pieces are collected, the puzzle must be solved. The exam will be only be passed if done within 24 hours. Tasks: Task 1: Kill the creatures without using magical abilities, get a puzzle piece. You'll be given the option to use a sword, bow and arrow or kunais for the fight. Creature: Bears Quantity: 3 Lifespan: 3 Task 2: Kill the creatures using magical abilities, get a puzzle piece. Creature: Magard: sets stuff on fire. Quantity: 1 Lifespan: 5 Birnny: sends wind cuts. Quantity: 1 Lifespan: 5 Task 3: Find source of food and water, get a puzzle piece. Task 4: Build a shelter and campfire, get a puzzle piece. Task 5: Survive the 24 hour and complete the puzzle. Reward: Become part of MMA and be able to take on missions, quests and bounty hunts for the Blossom Kingdom. Title: Catch the Chickens Level: 1 Requirements: N/A Location: Pagado Village Description: 10 chickens have escaped their owner in Pagado village. You must find them, catch them and bring them back. Enemies: 10 chickens Reward: 20 Level Points Others Title: Catch the Animals Level: 1 Requirements: Must have done "Catch the Chickens" Location: Pagado village Description: A couple of animals have escaped the local zoo. Please catch them and put them back in their caged habitat. Animals included are 3 monkeys, 2 zebras, 4 kangaroos, 2 tigers, 7 bunnies and 3 snakes. Good luck Enemies: The animals Reward: 30 Level points _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tournaments: Title: MMA Tournament Level: 5 or higher Requirements: 2 or more Mages Location: Yasato City Description: The MMA holds a tournament to show the people of Blossom Kingdom the strength of their military in hope to show the civilians there is nothing to fear. Also, as a form of advertisement to motivate youngsters to one day join the academy. Creatures have been brough to have the members of the MMA fight them and show their abilities. Enemies: Level 5 BirdLion Abilities: Feather Knives- manipulates the air to use its feathers to shoot them like knives. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Flight- unlimited Lifespan: 10 FishTiger Abilities: Water Whip- uses tail to create a water whip. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Water Shield- protects it from attacks. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Lifespan: 20 RockEye Abilities: Rock Punch- manipulates rock around it to hit enemy. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Floor Manipulation- changes the floor by making holes, making floor higher or lower, etc. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Sand Tornado- creates tornado out of sand and sends it to the enemy. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Lifespan: 30 Level 7 FishSnake Abilities: Water Balls - shoots 5 water balls. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Water Wall- creates a barrier of water. 2 post use, 2 post cooldown. Lifespan: 10 Abilities: Lifespan: 20 Abilities: Lifespan: 30 1 - 10 - water 2 - 20 - earth 3 - 30 - fire Level 10 1 - 10 - earth 2 - 20 - fire 3 - 30 - air 4 - 40 - water Level 13 1 - 10 - fire 2 - 20 - air 3 - 30 - water 4 - 40 - earth Level 15 1 - 10 - air 2 - 20 - water 3 - 30 - earth 4 - 40 - fire 5 - 50 - mana Reward: Level 5 - 120 LP, 500 gold Level 7 - 120 LP, voucher to buy a nonmagical weapon of choice. Level 10 - 150 LP, voucher to buy a pet of choice. Level 13 - 150 LP, voucher to customize weapon of choice. Level 15 - 200 LP, voucher to buy an amulet with magical ability of choice. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Missions: Title: Protect the Customers Level: 2 or higher Requirements: 2 or more people Location: Mahora City - Shopping District Description: Vendors have decided to pay for security for the safeness of their Customers. Enemies: Savkey Ability: Fire- they can set stuff on fire. 3 post use, 2 post cooldown. Quantity: 6 Lifespan: 5 each Reward: 30 LP, 100 gold Title: Capture the Creature: Part 1 Level: 3 or higher Requirements: 2 or more people Location: Mahora City Description: Creatures have escape from Mushroom Forest, you must capture them and bring them back to their home. Do not kill them, once their lifespan reaches less than 2, you'll be able to capture them. You'll be given a magical small jar to retrieve them, then bring it back to the academy. Enemies: Bull Mushroom As big as a bull. Quantity: 1 Ability: Rock Thorns - shoots them from the top. Scratches with claws. Stabs with the horns. Lifespan: 12 each Cepe As big as llama. Quantity: 5 Ability: they dig to hide underground, can bite and saliva acts like a glue Lifespan: 6 each Mini Mushroom As big as a Chihuahua. Quantity: 10 Ability: Loud Shriek Lifespan: 3 each Reward: 80 LP Title: A Parent's Love Level: 3 or higher Requirements: 2 Mages or more Location: Mahora City, Mushroom Forest Description: A father in the City of Mahira has asked for help. His daughter, Hunnie, is sick. To be cure, she will need to eat a particular mushroom baked in a cake. Enemies: Lishtal As big an elephant. You'll need to obtain the mushroom that's on top of this lizard, make sure not to kill it. You'll have to immobilize it and get the mushroom, before it tries to kill you. Lower the lifespan no more than to 5, then it will be tame enough to obtain the mushroom. Quantity: 1 Ability: Crystal Shards - shoots 5 shards, 3 post use and 3 post cooldown. Poison breath - 2 post use, 3 post cooldown. Immobilize Whip - huts with the crystal tail and you can't move for a post, 1 post use and 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 20 Orowg As big as a lion. Quantity: 3 Ability: Orange Mist - makes you deaf, 2 post use and 3 post cooldown. Orange Bombs - 5 of them, 1 post use and 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 10 each Gelug As big as a dog. Quantity: 5 Ability: Blue Mist - makes you blind, 1 post use, 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 5 each Reward: 75 LP, 50 gold Title: Capture the Creature: Part 2 Level: 5 or higher Requirements: 2 or more people Location: Pagoda Village Description: Creatures have escape from Mushroom Forest, you must capture them and bring them back to their home. Do not kill them, once their lifespan reaches less than 2, you'll be able to capture them. You'll be given a magical small cage to retrieve them, then go to the entrance of the Mushroom Forest and released them. Enemies: Mushnny Quantity: 4 Ability: - Growns mushrooms clones of themselves to confuse enemy. If touch, it burns the skin until healed. 3 post use, 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 4 each Musank Quantity: 2 Ability: - Releases poisonous gas that makes it hard to keep eyes open. 3 post use, 3 post cooldown. - Claws has poison that immobilize area for 1 post. 2 post use, 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 13 each Mushlongian Quantity: 1 Ability: - Shoots small white balls that explode after they land. 3 post use, 3 post cooldown. - Manipulates the acid emanating from it to shoot at enemy. 2 post use, 3 post cooldown. - Growns like a mushroom armor to protect itself from attacks. 1 post use, 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 35 Reward: 160 LP Title: Being Haunted Level: 6 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Yokai Forest Description: Recently a girl has been feeling like someone is following her, plus rare supernatural situations keep happening around her. It seems like a Yokai has gotten attached to this young lady. Find the Yokai and fulfill their wish to free the girl. Enemies: Reward: 50LP, an amulet that shields for 1 post per fight. Title: Capture the Creature: Part 3 Level: 7 or higher Requirements: 2 or more people Location: Kyoto Village Description: Creatures have escape from Mushroom Forest, you must capture them and bring them back to their home. Do not kill them, once their lifespan reaches less than 2, you'll be able to capture them. You'll be given a magical small cage to retrieve them, then go to the entrance of the Mushroom Forest and released them. Enemies: Reward: Title: Missing People Level: 12 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Forest of Mother Nature's Wrath Description: There have been reports about people getting lost in the forest. Find them and bring them back home. Enemies: Reward: ??? Title: A small cry for help Level: 7 Requirements: at least 2 mages Location: Last seen in Pagoda City Description: Children between the ages of 10-18 have been going missing. People have noticed that a green hair girl has always been on the seen before the disappearance of these children. Enemies: Anya Leana (LV13) LifeSpan: 17/17 (Weapon: Sword) 1: Tree of life (Heals 1 life span, 2 post use, 2 cooldown) 3: Leave cut attack 5: Vine Whip 7: Tree Maze (Update Some trees explode) 10: Vines of life: Adds an extra 5 LifeSpan (once per battle) 13: Teleportation (2 post use, 2 cooldown) Reward: 10,000 Gold _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quests: Title: Collecting Ingredients: Part 1 Level: 5 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Mushroom Forest Description: Enemies: Reward: Title: Collecting Ingredients: Part 2 Level: 7 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Mount Fuji Description: Enemies: Reward: Title: Collecting Ingredients: Part 3 Level: 9 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Waterfall Description: Enemies: Reward: Title: Dragon Hunt Level: 10 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Ryu Island Description: Either to capture a dragon as a pet or to obtain materials from a dragon, this is the quest for you. It will consist of traveling to the island, reaching the dragon's den and facing head on with a dragon. Enemies: 1. Going to the port and finding someone that would take you to the island. 2. Arriving at the island and climbing up to the dragon's den, where wild native creatures attack you. 3. Once on the dragon's den, either capture or kill the dragon by fighting it. Reward: dragon or dragon parts Title: Collecting Ingredients: Part 4 Level: 11 or higher Requirements: 2 or more mages Location: Ancient Ruins Description: Enemies: Reward: |
Sakura_megamiFeb 5, 12:55 PM
Mar 2, 2024 5:02 PM
Romeo Reigns As instructed, he made his way to the academy |
Mar 2, 2024 5:10 PM
Supreme Commander Allan He entered the room of newbies, who started to whisper as the one entering the room wasn't Morgan himself. He step in front of the group and said loudly and clearly "King Morgan apologizes for not being in person to greet you all. As we all may guess, more urgent matters arise that prevented his visit today. Now, before any training starts, Morgan started a new initiative where we are pairing each and every one of you with a random partner. Before heading out, please check the list posted on the door to read the name of your partner. I hope you all make it through this training and become an asset to our Kingdom. You are all dismissed!" Allan walked towards the door to answer any further questions. |
linetteJun 19, 2024 9:05 AM
Mar 2, 2024 5:36 PM
Romeo Reigns great…. He would sarcastically think as he headed to see who he was paired with |
Mar 2, 2024 6:00 PM
In the list it said the name: Rune Vargulfr, next to the name was showing the location: jail. |
Mar 2, 2024 6:47 PM
Romeo Reigns you’ve got to be kidding me, ”Commander Allan.. With all due respect.. I have to pick up my partner in jail?” |
Mar 2, 2024 6:52 PM
Supreme Commander Allan Allan looked at the list and explained "Right, King Morgan is putting to use low-key criminals with abilities to repay their debt toward the Kingdom by working. See it as a way of him trusting you can take him under your wing and set him straight. Do you need me to guide you to his cell?" |
linetteJun 19, 2024 9:05 AM
Mar 2, 2024 6:57 PM
Romeo Reigns ”If it is a request from the king than I have no choice to accept it. lead the way please” |
Mar 2, 2024 7:02 PM
Supreme Commander Allan Allan lead Romeo to his partner's cell. |
linetteJun 19, 2024 9:05 AM
Mar 4, 2024 10:27 AM
Romeo Reigns ”From what I remember reading, we have to take a training than pass a test before we are accepted at the military academy. I think it’s safe to say that while I want this, you need this. Otherwise you’d probably get thrown back in jail.. The two would make their way up and towards the academy. ”looks like we will be splitting up to do the first training than they’re gonna lead us back here” |
Mar 4, 2024 11:16 AM
Rune Vargulfr Rune trown and said "Training and even a test?! King Morgan sure forgot to mention that little detail..." He then gave Romeo a thumbs-up and said "Not to worry, I'll do my best for you partner~" Rune gave a big smile, hopping he can actually do what he promise. |
Mar 4, 2024 12:03 PM
Captain Hana Shokubutsu She would walk up to Rune, "I will be responsible for your training, My name is Captain Hana Shokubotsu. Are you ready to start your training?" |
Mar 4, 2024 12:22 PM
Rune Vargulfr He chuckle nervously and said "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, after you, my lady~" Rune follow Hana. |
Mar 4, 2024 12:30 PM
Captain Inuo Inuo tug Romeo's pants, showing how small she was, and said "Excuse me? My name is Inou and I'll be training you today. Shall we?" |
Mar 4, 2024 12:33 PM
Captain Hana Shokubutsu "That is captain to you" She would lead him to her training room that was inside the Academy building. She would lead him to the door, [b]"Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that you have to find me first. She would teleport to somewhere in the maze. |
Mar 5, 2024 7:56 PM
Romeo Reigns Romeo looked at Rune wondering if he could trust him. He seemed a little tooo excited but at the same time he is no longer a wanted criminal. He watched as a tall elf women came and fetched Rune. ”I guess I will just have to wait here” Sure enough he felt a tug on his shirt. He would turn around and look down. He has been around enough to know not to judge the kid by her size. based on runes conversation with Hana, this little girl was probably also a captain. ”Thank you, may I know your name, captain? we can head out” |
Mar 6, 2024 2:07 AM
Captain Inuo She blink slowly twice, then said "seems you are not concentrating. Do not worry about your partner. Follow me" Inou didn't wanted to repeat herself, so she just lead Romeo to her training grounds. |
Mar 6, 2024 4:11 AM
Romeo Reigns he would follow her |
Mar 7, 2024 12:04 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 3/3 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (5/10) Lifespan: 5/5 Rune enter with Captain Hana, searching for Romeo. |
Mar 7, 2024 12:32 PM
Romeo Reigns Romeo walked in a few minutes after Rune with the captain, ”How you do?” |
Mar 7, 2024 12:42 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 3/3 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (5/10) Lifespan: 5/5 He show a peace sign with his left hand and said "Passed! You?~" |
Mar 7, 2024 12:50 PM
Romeo Reigns Romeo sighed in relief since it meant a lot for him to pass and not end up back in jail, ”I passed so we are good to go and take the exam” |
Mar 7, 2024 12:58 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 3/3 post use, 1/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (5/10) Lifespan: 5/5 His ears drop as he sigh and said "Ah, right... Let's go!" Rune perk up and waited to be directed to the location for the exam. |
Mar 7, 2024 9:12 PM
Romeo Reigns Romeo chucked, he was doing a good job at hiding his feelings of not wanting to do any of this.They would head towards the entrance exam. |
Apr 9, 2024 11:42 AM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 5/5 They headed to the reporting area, where they got assign a mission. When Rune read about it, he frown and said "Really? Catching chickens?" Title: Catch the chickens Level: 1 Requirements: N/A Location: Pagado Village Description: 10 chickens have escaped their owner in Pagado village. You must find them, catch them and bring them back. Enemies: 10 chickens Reward: 20 Level Points Others |
Apr 9, 2024 11:45 AM
Romeo Reigns Romeo would laugh than have this face -.- "They think we are a joke" |
Apr 9, 2024 12:26 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 5/5 He felt bad Romeo felt down, so he sigh and said "Well, never been to that village before. Could be fun~" |
Apr 9, 2024 12:40 PM
Romeo Reigns "You are right~ plus it is useless to stress over a situation one cannot control" They went and got the horses from the school and headed to Pagoda Village |
May 4, 2024 9:23 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 5/5 They came back to turn in the completion of their first mission. Title: Catch the chickens Level: 1 Requirements: N/A Location: Pagado Village Description: 10 chickens have escaped their owner in Pagado village. You must find them, catch them and bring them back. Enemies: 10 chickens Reward: 20 Level Points Others |
May 5, 2024 12:56 PM
Romeo Reigns After completing their mission, they headed back to their dorm |
May 6, 2024 5:06 AM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 5/5 They arrived and were given a similar task. Rune frown and sigh with the annoyance of the task. Title: Catch the animals Level: 1 Requirements: Must have done, catch the chickens Location: Pagado village Description: A couple of animals have escaped the local zoo. Please catch them and put them back in their caged habitat. Animals included are 3 monkeys, 2 zebras, 4 kangaroos, 2 tigers, 7 bunnies and 3 snakes. Good luck Enemies: The animals Reward: 30 Level points |
May 6, 2024 7:54 AM
Romeo Reigns After looking at the poster, he was also annoyed and let out a big sigh as they headed to the zoo |
May 21, 2024 7:29 AM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 5/5 They arrived after eating to turn in their completed task. Then headed to their room to rest. Title: Catch the animals Level: 1 Requirements: Must have done, catch the chickens Location: Pagado village Description: A couple of animals have escaped the local zoo. Please catch them and put them back in their caged habitat. Animals included are 3 monkeys, 2 zebras, 4 kangaroos, 2 tigers, 7 bunnies and 3 snakes. Good luck Enemies: The animals Reward: 30 Level points |
May 21, 2024 3:01 PM
Romeo Reigns LifeSPan: 5/5 Necromancy; Dead Animal: 0/3 CD 0/3 Weapon: Sword He would walk here with Romeo |
May 21, 2024 3:29 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Poison Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 6/6 As they enter, they saw basically all the soldiers in the room. Seems like something big was happening. They were given each a magic jar without much explanation. Romeo looked at Romeo, unsure of what was going on. |
May 21, 2024 3:33 PM
Supreme Commander Allan He would explain "Some creates from the Mushroom Forest have decided to give us a visit. Make sure to not kill them, just lower their lifespan until 2 and capture them with the jar given to you. Once we capture them all, report back here and give the jar back. Understood? Head out!" Title: Capture the Creature: Part 1 Level: 3 Requirements: 2 or more people Location: Mahora City Description: Creatures have escape from Mushroom Forest, you must capture them and bring them back to their home. Do not kill them, once their lifespan reaches less than 2, you'll be able to capture them. You'll be given a magical small jar to retrieve them, then return it to the academy. Enemies: Bull Mushroom As big as a bull. Quantity: 1 Ability: shoots rock thorns from the top, scratches with claws, stabs with the horns. Lifespan: 12 each Cepe As big as llama. Quantity: 5 Ability: they dig to hide underground, can bite and saliva acts like a glue Lifespan: 6 each Mini Mushroom As big as a Chihuahua. Quantity: 10 Ability: they create a loud shriek Lifespan: 3 each Reward: 80 LP |
linetteJun 19, 2024 9:06 AM
May 21, 2024 4:46 PM
Romeo Reigns LifeSPan: 5/5 Necromancy; Dead Animal: 0/3 CD 0/3 Weapon: Sword Romeo was really happy when he found out that they were hunting monsters this time instead of hunting animals. He stayed with a straight face and said, ”Yes sir” He took the flyer and they headed to hunt down the animals to the heart of Mahora City. |
May 21, 2024 4:48 PM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Poison Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 6/6 Rune follow Romeo to find this creatures. |
Jun 5, 2024 7:05 AM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 3/3 post use, 2/2 post cooldown Poison Plant- 2/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 6/6 They walk to the academy and gave the two jars with the creatures, obtaining 80 LP. Then they were told they had the day off to do as they pleased. Rune was happy that he could just laze around tomorrow. They headed to the cafeteria to grab some food. |
Jun 6, 2024 9:27 AM
Romeo Reigns LifeSPan: 5/5 Necromancy; Dead Animal: 0/3 CD 0/3 Weapon: Sword Romeo saw him eat his food fast, "Chew your food. We have all day to get the task" Once he finished they headed out to take a task. He would look at them, "What about this one?" Title: A Parent's Love Level: 3 Requirements: 2 Mages or more Location: Mahora City, Mushroom Forest Description: A father in the City of Mahira has asked for help. His daughter, Hunnie, is sick. To be cure, she will need to eat a particular mushroom baked in a cake. Enemies: Lishtal As big an elephant. You'll need to obtain the mushroom that's on top of this lizard, make sure not to kill it. You'll have to immobilize it and get the mushroom, before it tries to kill you. Lower the lifespan no more than to 5, then it will be tame enough to obtain the mushroom. Quantity: 1 Ability: Crystal Shards - shoots 5 shards, 3 post use and 3 post cooldown. Poison breath - 2 post use, 3 post cooldown. Immobilize Whip - huts with the crystal tail and you can't move for a post, 1 post use and 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 20 Orowg As big as a lion. Quantity: 3 Ability: Orange Mist - makes you deaf, 2 post use and 3 post cooldown. Orange Bombs - 5 of them, 1 post use and 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 10 each Gelug As big as a dog. Quantity: 5 Ability: Blue Mist - makes you blind, 1 post use, 3 post cooldown. Lifespan: 5 each Reward: 75 LP, 50 gold |
linetteJun 7, 2024 6:34 AM
Jun 6, 2024 10:13 AM
Rune Vargulfr Hidden Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Poison Plant- 0/3 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Weapon: Kunais (10/10) Lifespan: 6/6 Rune nod and said "Sounds good, shall we go then?" |
Jun 6, 2024 10:46 AM
Romeo Reigns LifeSPan: 5/5 Necromancy; Dead Animal: 0/3 CD 0/3 Weapon: Sword Romeo was glad he agreed. Honestly, they already had experience with the mushroom creatures so it should be fine. He lead them to get horses from the academy than they headed to mushroom forest. |
Jun 11, 2024 7:57 AM
Mikaila Blossoms Healing Blossoms- 2/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown Barrier- 3/3 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown (no Limit) Flight Unlimited- Unlimitted Sakura's dispair - 2/2 post use, 0/2 No Limit- 1/2 post use 2/2 CD Power Steal 1 per battle Light of Life (once per person) Weapon: Sakura Grenades 10/15, Sword, Sakura sword missiles 1/1 CD 2/2, Lifespan: 16/16 Peony the Dragon Level 3: Can talk to humans Level 5: Can find anyone/anything that she has smelled Level 7: Can carry up to 2 humans Level 10: Claws, Bite, Tail attack, 2 post use, 2 post cooldown Level 12: Fire Breath, 1/2 post use, 3 post cooldown Level 15: teleportation "we are looking for Kaito, he is a soldier" They were almost told to leave but one of the captains felt bad for the girls and decided to help them and got Kaito. |
Jun 11, 2024 7:59 AM
Kaito "May I help you two?" He was so confused about why some girls were looking for him. |
Jun 11, 2024 8:03 AM
Morgan O'Kuki Abilities: Air Elimination- 0/1 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown Air Cuts- 0/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown Air Reflection- 0/1 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown Air Adaptation- 0/1 post use, 0/1+ post cooldown Air Blast- 0/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown Air Gravity- 0/1 post use, 0/1+ post cooldown Air Creature- 0/5 times per fight Weapon: Scimitar, Axe, Chains + Kunais Pet: Furry Air Horn Attack- 0/2 post use, 0/3 post cooldown Air Shards- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Increases size to carry a human Air Shield- 0/1 post use, 0/2 post cooldown Enhanced Hearing by amplifying air molecule vibrations Teleportation- 0/3 times per fight Air Manipulation- 0/5 times per fight Lifespan: 20/20 Morgan sigh annoyed that no one recognize them, but conflicted if it was a good thing or bad. He said "We encounter the spirit of your ex wife, and we were hopping you would see her one last time" |
Jun 11, 2024 9:52 AM
Mikaila Blossoms Healing Blossoms- 2/2 post use, 0/2+ post cooldown Barrier- 3/3 post use, 0/3+ post cooldown (no Limit) Flight Unlimited- Unlimitted Sakura's dispair - 2/2 post use, 0/2 No Limit- 1/2 post use 2/2 CD Power Steal 1 per battle Light of Life (once per person) Weapon: Sakura Grenades 10/15, Sword, Sakura sword missiles 1/1 CD 2/2, Lifespan: 16/16 Peony the Dragon Level 3: Can talk to humans Level 5: Can find anyone/anything that she has smelled Level 7: Can carry up to 2 humans Level 10: Claws, Bite, Tail attack, 2 post use, 2 post cooldown Level 12: Fire Breath, 1/2 post use, 3 post cooldown Level 15: teleportation Mikaila would further explain the situation |
Jun 11, 2024 9:56 AM
Kaito Kaito frowned. Everything happened fast and he was still Mourning her. He agreed to go and they headed to the Yokai forest |
Jun 19, 2024 9:12 AM
Supreme Commander Allan As they enter the room, they notice they were getting organized by groups. Allan would explain "We know the training sessions and sudden missions have prevented us from officially promoting some of you that have achive higher levels. So I want to use this time to commemorate those of you that have pass from Training Soldier to Soldier. Congratulations and keep the good work" He moved on to the next group to congratulate the next group. |
linetteJun 19, 2024 11:11 AM
Jun 19, 2024 6:49 PM
Romeo Reigns LifeSPan: 8/8 Necromancy; Dead Animal: 3/3 CD 1/3 Necromancy; past Undead Creatures killed Gelug Blue Mist - makes you blind, 1/1 post use, 3/3 post cooldown. Weapon: Sword He smiled thinking that his hard work was paying off. |
Sakura_megamiJun 20, 2024 8:09 AM
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