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Apr 1, 2024 4:56 AM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

Come bro why u still tryna argue. Aight whatever floats ur boat man. I didn't see ur luffy quote tho so. Ur wrong but have a good day

"I'm wrong because I quoted characters". XDDD
Literally every 5 yo's argument. :D

Okay, then as a conclusion. I'm not even surprised that you failed to understand most of the characters. That would also explain why you think JJK S2 is good while it was one of the weakest shounen season in recent years, even the latest KnY season was better.
So just because you keep repeating things, it won't become true, you won't be right. You failed to address any of my arguments which is impressive, because I made several points about your ideas.

And majority of people on this app would disagree with you. I understand characters well enough trust me.
Apr 1, 2024 5:00 AM
Aug 2022
@HeSaidArise If Itadori being flat is absurd then just imagine how preposterous it is to say that Tanjiro doesnt have human elements.

You know what. Ur right I apologise. I forgot scenes where Tanjiro showed vulnerability and weakness and he did grieve his parents. But he's way too generic that it cancels out

Overly good
Doesn't wanna hurt anyone
Secretly OP
Shows empathy for villians, doesn't wanna hurt the bad guys.
Will do anything protect friends and family

But yh I acc apologise for sayin Tanjiro does not have human elements in him. Im wrong I'll admit that. But bro saying Itadori is a FLAT character is absolutely wild. Tanjiro is a flat character cuz he never changes at all. Itadori is vastly different from S1 so in no way is he a flat character. But yh mb @FZREMAKE
Apr 1, 2024 5:01 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

"I'm wrong because I quoted characters". XDDD
Literally every 5 yo's argument. :D

Okay, then as a conclusion. I'm not even surprised that you failed to understand most of the characters. That would also explain why you think JJK S2 is good while it was one of the weakest shounen season in recent years, even the latest KnY season was better.
So just because you keep repeating things, it won't become true, you won't be right. You failed to address any of my arguments which is impressive, because I made several points about your ideas.

I didn't say that what. Did u see the fullstop? I said ur wrong and I didn't see the quote. In two different sentences. I'm implying u should tell me the quote and that I still don't agree with ur opinion.

I said twice already and you still failed to understand it. And btw, just because you separate 2 thoughts by a sentence, it can still connect to each other.
Apr 1, 2024 5:03 AM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

I didn't say that what. Did u see the fullstop? I said ur wrong and I didn't see the quote. In two different sentences. I'm implying u should tell me the quote and that I still don't agree with ur opinion.

I said twice already and you still failed to understand it. And btw, just because you separate 2 thoughts by a sentence, it can still connect to each other.

Ok but I didn't intend for it to connect to each other and I'm letting u know. If I wanted it to connect I would have used a conjunction or a semi colon or something. Bros where the quote can u use quotation marks pls.
Apr 1, 2024 5:05 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

"I'm wrong because I quoted characters". XDDD
Literally every 5 yo's argument. :D

Okay, then as a conclusion. I'm not even surprised that you failed to understand most of the characters. That would also explain why you think JJK S2 is good while it was one of the weakest shounen season in recent years, even the latest KnY season was better.
So just because you keep repeating things, it won't become true, you won't be right. You failed to address any of my arguments which is impressive, because I made several points about your ideas.

And majority of people on this app would disagree with you. I understand characters well enough trust me.

Do we really want to talk about majorities? Based on the majority KnY is an insanely good show, but in reality a Hikari no Ou, even though it has a lower score, is significantly deeper, but it has worse animation and that's why it has a low score.
People rate shows based on the vibe and not based on depth. That's why JJK S2 and SnK S4 have high ratings.
Apr 1, 2024 5:07 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

I said twice already and you still failed to understand it. And btw, just because you separate 2 thoughts by a sentence, it can still connect to each other.

Ok but I didn't intend for it to connect to each other and I'm letting u know. If I wanted it to connect I would have used a conjunction or a semi colon or something. Bros where the quote can u use quotation marks pls.

It wasn't word by word, because Luffy said it after the fishmen island.
But, here's with quotation marks: "Heroes share their food, so I'm not a hero, I'm a pirate".
Like I said, I was talking about food, because that's how Luffy differentiated between selfish and selfless characters.
Apr 1, 2024 5:15 AM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

Ok but I didn't intend for it to connect to each other and I'm letting u know. If I wanted it to connect I would have used a conjunction or a semi colon or something. Bros where the quote can u use quotation marks pls.

It wasn't word by word, because Luffy said it after the fishmen island.
But, here's with quotation marks: "Heroes share their food, so I'm not a hero, I'm a pirate".
Like I said, I was talking about food, because that's how Luffy differentiated between selfish and selfless characters.

Ok I still don't think Luffy is selfish because he doesn't want to share food. Yh he's saying he's a pirate and not a hero and all but Luffy would never hurt or steal for an innocent person. He wouldn't do stuff for his own self interest if it put everyone at risk except it absolutely disgusted him and its an injustice, like in saobody where he slapped that guy(whatever they're called ) cause he was discriminating against someone innocent but bro u think generic shonen protags are selfish but they aren't

Generic shonen protags are just truly good, will do anything for their friends and family, perverted and has an OP skill
e.g, Meliodias, Natsu

Luffy is not generic cuz he laid the groundwork for these sort of characters alongside Naruto and Ichigo. You can't call something that popularised a character generic when they were the first to perfect it.

Tanjiro is generic cuz he quite literally fits the bill for this except he's just really kind and isn't perverted.
GRG3Apr 1, 2024 5:20 AM
Apr 1, 2024 5:21 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to GRG3
@HeSaidArise If Itadori being flat is absurd then just imagine how preposterous it is to say that Tanjiro doesnt have human elements.

You know what. Ur right I apologise. I forgot scenes where Tanjiro showed vulnerability and weakness and he did grieve his parents. But he's way too generic that it cancels out

Overly good
Doesn't wanna hurt anyone
Secretly OP
Shows empathy for villians, doesn't wanna hurt the bad guys.
Will do anything protect friends and family

But yh I acc apologise for sayin Tanjiro does not have human elements in him. Im wrong I'll admit that. But bro saying Itadori is a FLAT character is absolutely wild. Tanjiro is a flat character cuz he never changes at all. Itadori is vastly different from S1 so in no way is he a flat character. But yh mb @FZREMAKE
@HeSaidArise Thats fine but the thing is that the qualities you mentioned "Overly good" and stuff, arent they present in Yuji as well? Shouldnt that make him a flat character as well?

And what kind of a change are you expecting. He was kind who never thought about hurting other but he changed into a demon slayer. He was weak, but we can see him progressively becoming stronger every arc, becoming more determined every arc. The only thing that remains same is his motivation to slay demons and there is a slight change even in that motivation. His main goal was to cure nezuko, not revenge, Along the way when he met Muzan and learned more about the demons, his goal was not only to cure nezuko, but to defeat Upper ranks and Muzan. Thats again a good change. Nezuko can now speak and walk freely in day light as well, yet still he wants to defeat Muzan and put an end to all of this.
So let me ask this again, What kind of a change do you want from him and is it even worth it?
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Apr 1, 2024 5:54 AM
Aug 2022
@HeSaidArise Thats fine but the thing is that the qualities you mentioned "Overly good" and stuff, arent they present in Yuji as well? Shouldnt that make him a flat character as well?

And what kind of a change are you expecting. He was kind who never thought about hurting other but he changed into a demon slayer. He was weak, but we can see him progressively becoming stronger every arc, becoming more determined every arc. The only thing that remains same is his motivation to slay demons and there is a slight change even in that motivation. His main goal was to cure nezuko, not revenge, Along the way when he met Muzan and learned more about the demons, his goal was not only to cure nezuko, but to defeat Upper ranks and Muzan. Thats again a good change. Nezuko can now speak and walk freely in day light as well, yet still he wants to defeat Muzan and put an end to all of this.
So let me ask this again, What kind of a change do you want from him and is it even worth it?

Aight this should be the last time we argue bout this. A flat character is someone who throughout a story doesn't change. Their personality, their beliefs and ideals never change. Their beliefs and motivation can be tested but it will never change. Here's my issue. Tanjiro is a flat character but never has anything happen to him which makes him question his beliefs from the beginning of story. You could say ,"what about the death of his family at the hands of a demon? That should make him hate demons" Yet we never see Tanjiro question that which is strange(because a normal person would be angry—one person I felt Tanjiro was unrealistic, in fact he felt pity for the demon). This is the very first episode, however, and we know little about Tanjiro until the second ep where we see how kind he really is by refusing to kill a demon that he is not related to. So sure his beliefs are tested but we don't even know his beliefs yet so r we supposed to know they are being tested when we still don't know much bout Tanjiro. Hopefully u understood what I said. And its lowkey bad writing the author didn't even let Tanjiro question the way he feels towards demons now after they killed his family. That's not how an actual person would behave. You can infer that maybe due to his sister now becoming a demon and also being his remaining family member left he still keeps that kind nature to them especially due to his experience with his sister and the fact that he understands that these demons were once people
I'm rambling. Tanjiro is a flat character sure but he never develops. That's the issue. He never develops cuz Tanjiro never has his beliefs tested during Demon Slayer when we do know what he is like.
Now, what I hoped for with the death of Nezuko would be for Tanjiros beliefs to be tested. It doesn't matter if he becomes edgy or remains the same. The fact would be he went through internal conflict and therefore got character development.
I didn't need to see a change, I needed to see development, something Tanjiro lacks because not once(when we acc get an idea of what Tanjiro is like) does what he believes get tested. Nezuko was the perfect opportunity to change that.

Itadori is not a flat character and is not generic. He starts off like that(generic wise)
Incredible sense of justice
Will protect family and friends no matter what
Has special power(sukuna)

But Itadori, unlike Tanjiro, gets his beliefs tested throughout s2 with the constant demise of people he regarded incredibly close to him. The events of Shibuya led him to change the way he views curses, the struggle between sorcerer and curse and his role in it. All this led to the "I'm you" speech, where we see Itadori has changed completely. Itadori S1 is vastly different Itadori S2
As you will see in Culling Games, these events have a huge impact of Itadoris psyche(even tho Gege doesn't explore it that much). In one scene, probably my favourite scene in JJK, Itadori blames himself for a crime he did not commit when blaming himself caused his life to be in danger. In no way is Itadori a flat character but Tanjiro is.
GRG3Apr 2, 2024 11:46 PM
Apr 1, 2024 5:56 AM

Aug 2022
HeSaidArise said:
Slight spoilers if you haven't watched the last episode of DS. If you continue to read and you haven't watched the last episode, you would spoiling a plot twist for yourself.

It's obvious that Demon Slayer's biggest flaw is it's character writing and overall cast of characters. There are few exceptions like Rengoku, Gyutaro and Tengen but for the most part, the characters aren't bad but just very plain and boring with no depth. This is unfortunately true for the main character of this show, Tanjiro, he's a generic shonen protag with a generic goal to kill all demons and save his sister.

Ok, this gets me to my point. Spoilers for the last episode ———

I feel like Nezuko dying would have impacted the show far better. It's pretty obvious that while Tanjiro is a good person, his main reason for being a demon slayer is because he wants to find a way to save his sister, killing demons and getting revenge on Muzan take second stage to that. I feel if Nezuko died, it would have caused Tanjiro to now question why he should be a demon slayer since he has now lost his purpose for being a demon slayer.

So there's 2 options I thought on how Tanjiro's chara get would change because of Nezuko's demise.

You could buckle down on the revenge route; Tanjiro could hunt down Muzan till he kills him. Maybe losing the caring and forgiving side of himself as he kills more and more demons to progress to Muzan. Seeing such a loving and innocent character turn cold, rage full and distant( like Thorfinn S1 but on a broader scale) would be great. It would just be a really good revenge story, since the audience would hate Muzan more since he basically caused the death of one of the beloved characters in the show. And also seeing Tanjiro change so drastically would be great. He wouldn't just be a fully good character now because even tho he is doing a good thing by killing demons and saving humans, he's doing it out of spite. You could parallel him and Shinobu together. Maybe show now that he has lost everything, the way he decided to deal with the death of the people he lost was through anger and distancing himef. Sure most of Tanjiro's family died before this but Nezuko gave him hope and held him together. Her dying and him losing his last remaining family would change him drastically. Although this version of Tanjiro is edgy, I know, but it's so different from what we have now, it would be refreshing. You bring back long hair Tanjiro and pair him up with the version of this character, I think that would be so sick.

You could create friction in the relationship with him and Zenitsu since Zenitsu cares about Nezuko and you could make him blame Tanjiro for her death. Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu recognising that they are still weak in the sense that even with all the power they possess, they couldn't protect someone they loved(which would be good at this moment of time since they been killing incredibly strong demons) Maybe make both vow to become stronger so nothing like that could happen. So that they don't have to lose people, especially someone they are so connected to. Zenitsu losing someone he was that close to maybe the catalyst to him consciously unlocking his full potential( I haven't read the manga btw). This would be great for Zenitsu's character, he's annoying at times and is also sorta of plain. As for Tanjiro again, you make him question his purpose of now being a demon slayer. Rather than blaming Muzan for his sisters death, he would blame himself even though there's nothing he could do since Nezuko made the decision for him but Tanjiro feeling like that was his fault and calling himself weak is still reasonable. Eventually Tanjiro still remains a demon slayer and now his main reason for kiling demons and Muzan would be to not let other people feel the pain he felt when he lost everything. So now he has purpose for being a demon slayer. That's character depth.

I feel both arcs would connect helo people connect to Tanjiro a lot more. Tanjiro never really had human elements in his character so this would make him seem more real. Even if none of these arcs were to be carried out thorough Tanjiro, just him grieving at the fact that Nezuko is dead makes him seem real. He didn't even do that when his family died in S1. It looked he moved on so quickly. Nezuko dying could potentially fix that flaw in his character.

Also this would impact the DS community for more. Nezuko, unlike the other characters who died, before this season and in the future, has been there from the beginning. Most character that have died don't have the same amount of screen time as Nezuko who's basically a main character. You kill her off, that's a lot more impact of the DS fanbase and makes Demon Slayer look very unpredictable and slightly move away from that 'generic' status.

So in my opinion, if Nezuko died, you have huge insane plot twist no one expected, chance to give depth to Tanjiro and possibly even Zenitsu, and overall greater impact on the DS fanbase. I understand Nezuko not dying was important cuz it gave Muzan more of a reason to target Tanjiro and Nezuko but he already was. So this seems like the better option. There's probably even more options that could have been taken if Nezuko died. Unfortunately none of that happened since she didn't. Anyways, is that an L take or nah? I feel like I'm the minority who feels this way😭😭

Jesus Christ I’m not reading all of that but your first option is kinda just what’s happening.

Part of tanjiro’s goal is to get revenge on Muzan alongside heal his sister.
Apr 1, 2024 6:15 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to GRG3
@HeSaidArise Thats fine but the thing is that the qualities you mentioned "Overly good" and stuff, arent they present in Yuji as well? Shouldnt that make him a flat character as well?

And what kind of a change are you expecting. He was kind who never thought about hurting other but he changed into a demon slayer. He was weak, but we can see him progressively becoming stronger every arc, becoming more determined every arc. The only thing that remains same is his motivation to slay demons and there is a slight change even in that motivation. His main goal was to cure nezuko, not revenge, Along the way when he met Muzan and learned more about the demons, his goal was not only to cure nezuko, but to defeat Upper ranks and Muzan. Thats again a good change. Nezuko can now speak and walk freely in day light as well, yet still he wants to defeat Muzan and put an end to all of this.
So let me ask this again, What kind of a change do you want from him and is it even worth it?

Aight this should be the last time we argue bout this. A flat character is someone who throughout a story doesn't change. Their personality, their beliefs and ideals never change. Their beliefs and motivation can be tested but it will never change. Here's my issue. Tanjiro is a flat character but never has anything happen to him which makes him question his beliefs from the beginning of story. You could say ,"what about the death of his family at the hands of a demon? That should make him hate demons" Yet we never see Tanjiro question that which is strange(because a normal person would be angry—one person I felt Tanjiro was unrealistic, in fact he felt pity for the demon). This is the very first episode, however, and we know little about Tanjiro until the second ep where we see how kind he really is by refusing to kill a demon that he is not related to. So sure his beliefs are tested but we don't even know his beliefs yet so r we supposed to know they are being tested when we still don't know much bout Tanjiro. Hopefully u understood what I said. And its lowkey bad writing the author didn't even let Tanjiro question the way he feels towards demons now after they killed his family. That's not how an actual person would behave. You can infer that maybe due to his sister now becoming a demon and also being his remaining family member left he still keeps that kind nature to them especially due to his experience with his sister and the fact that he understands that these demons were once people
I'm rambling. Tanjiro is a flat character sure but he never develops. That's the issue. He never develops cuz Tanjiro never has his beliefs tested during Demon Slayer when we do know what he is like.
Now, what I hoped for with the death of Nezuko would be for Tanjiros beliefs to be tested. It doesn't matter if he becomes edgy or remains the same. The fact would be he went through internal conflict and therefore got character development.
I didn't need to see a change, I needed to see development, something Tanjiro lacks because not once(when we acc get an idea of what Tanjiro is like) does what he believes get tested. Nezuko was the perfect opportunity to change that.

Itadori is not a flat character and is not generic. He starts off like that(generic wise)
Incredible sense of justice
Will protect family and friends no matter what
Has special power(sukuna)

But Itadori, unlike Tanjiro, gets his beliefs tested throughout s2 with the constant demise of people he regarded incredibly close to him. The events of Shibuya led him to change the way he views curses, the struggle between sorcerer and curse and his role in it. All this led to the "I'm you" speech, where we see Itadori has changed completely. Itadori S1 is vastly different Itadori S2
As you will see in Culling Games, these events have a huge impact of Itadoris psyche(even tho Gege doesn't explore it that much). In one scene, probably my favourite scene in JJK, Itadori blames himself for a crime he did not commit when blaming himself caused his life to be in danger. In no way is Itadori a flat character but Tanjiro is.
@HeSaidArise Aight this is stupid. What are Tanjiros's beliefs or his goals? Is there any reason for him to change his goal? No, but still his goal changes a bit. All his frustration and anger came into the spotlight when he confronted Muzan. He remembers the scent and he declared his hatred towards him. He had revenge in his mind when he said he will find and kill him. Is that reason not good enough.
How is he not tested? Family died, sister turned demon, had to give up his daily life to fight demons, always on the brink of death making friends in the corps and seeing them die, noticing how powerless he is and a new threat always comes his way. Its more like his goals and determination is tested every step yet still he remains determined. That's more than good enough don't you think. His belief was to cure nezuko but now that nezuko is more or less cured, he has no reason to fight. Then why does he do so? Because his beliefs and goals have changed. He has to fight Muzan and put an end to this. This is another change. I just can't see the problem in this. In no way does this make a character flat.

Itadori was tested and so was tanjiro. How did he view the curses before? He hated them before too. Mahito killed his friend and he has to constantly fight against evil curses. Besides, the concept of curses is different from demons who were once humans so the way he views them is different as well. "Blamed himself for crimes he did not commit". Don't we see that with tanjiro as well every time a demon kills or hurts other humans. That's not a good point to mention.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Apr 1, 2024 6:37 AM
Aug 2022
@HeSaidArise Aight this is stupid. What are Tanjiros's beliefs or his goals? Is there any reason for him to change his goal? No, but still his goal changes a bit. All his frustration and anger came into the spotlight when he confronted Muzan. He remembers the scent and he declared his hatred towards him. He had revenge in his mind when he said he will find and kill him. Is that reason not good enough.
How is he not tested? Family died, sister turned demon, had to give up his daily life to fight demons, always on the brink of death making friends in the corps and seeing them die, noticing how powerless he is and a new threat always comes his way. Its more like his goals and determination is tested every step yet still he remains determined. That's more than good enough don't you think. His belief was to cure nezuko but now that nezuko is more or less cured, he has no reason to fight. Then why does he do so? Because his beliefs and goals have changed. He has to fight Muzan and put an end to this. This is another change. I just can't see the problem in this. In no way does this make a character flat.

Itadori was tested and so was tanjiro. How did he view the curses before? He hated them before too. Mahito killed his friend and he has to constantly fight against evil curses. Besides, the concept of curses is different from demons who were once humans so the way he views them is different as well. "Blamed himself for crimes he did not commit". Don't we see that with tanjiro as well every time a demon kills or hurts other humans. That's not a good point to mention.

Ok bro u just ignored some of what I said, and u keep mixing goals and beliefs together. You also don't know what I mean by testing his beliefs because his sister turned to a demon and him almost dying is not him being tested about his views on demons because the mangaka of DS never portrayed it as such(since Tanjiro never questions how he views demons due to these events). Honestly bro I really can't be bothered anymore cuz you know in a week from none of us are gonna be thinking about this argument anymore, are we? Maybe when we see each other on the app again but not really at any other time so this don't matter, agree to disagree

As for the way Itadori views curses, he still sees them as evil but understands that curses kill and use humans to survive just as humans kill curses to survive. This is different from s1 where he saw curses in a 1 dimensional way, that they are purely evil. (Tanjiro views demons the same way Itadori views curses except he decides to show kindness in their last moments). And Itadori blames himself for the murder of hundreds. Tanjiro's "guilt" doesn't compare to that.
GRG3Apr 1, 2024 6:45 AM
Apr 1, 2024 7:25 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to GRG3
@HeSaidArise Aight this is stupid. What are Tanjiros's beliefs or his goals? Is there any reason for him to change his goal? No, but still his goal changes a bit. All his frustration and anger came into the spotlight when he confronted Muzan. He remembers the scent and he declared his hatred towards him. He had revenge in his mind when he said he will find and kill him. Is that reason not good enough.
How is he not tested? Family died, sister turned demon, had to give up his daily life to fight demons, always on the brink of death making friends in the corps and seeing them die, noticing how powerless he is and a new threat always comes his way. Its more like his goals and determination is tested every step yet still he remains determined. That's more than good enough don't you think. His belief was to cure nezuko but now that nezuko is more or less cured, he has no reason to fight. Then why does he do so? Because his beliefs and goals have changed. He has to fight Muzan and put an end to this. This is another change. I just can't see the problem in this. In no way does this make a character flat.

Itadori was tested and so was tanjiro. How did he view the curses before? He hated them before too. Mahito killed his friend and he has to constantly fight against evil curses. Besides, the concept of curses is different from demons who were once humans so the way he views them is different as well. "Blamed himself for crimes he did not commit". Don't we see that with tanjiro as well every time a demon kills or hurts other humans. That's not a good point to mention.

Ok bro u just ignored some of what I said, and u keep mixing goals and beliefs together. You also don't know what I mean by testing his beliefs because his sister turned to a demon and him almost dying is not him being tested about his views on demons because the mangaka of DS never portrayed it as such(since Tanjiro never questions how he views demons due to these events). Honestly bro I really can't be bothered anymore cuz you know in a week from none of us are gonna be thinking about this argument anymore, are we? Maybe when we see each other on the app again but not really at any other time so this don't matter, agree to disagree

As for the way Itadori views curses, he still sees them as evil but understands that curses kill and use humans to survive just as humans kill curses to survive. This is different from s1 where he saw curses in a 1 dimensional way, that they are purely evil. (Tanjiro views demons the same way Itadori views curses except he decides to show kindness in their last moments). And Itadori blames himself for the murder of hundreds. Tanjiro's "guilt" doesn't compare to that.
@HeSaidArise It's true that we will forget about this but let me enjoy until I can. If your definition of a flat character is the one whose belief change or is being tested and shit then your wrong. I just proved in multiple ways how tanjiro changed and how he is tested but you keep denying it for some reason.

Itadori's view of curses doesn't change the fact that he is still flat. Oh his view changed which isn't even portrayed up till now. That makes him such a wonderful character. Sounds stupid to me.
Tanjiro doesn't show kindness to every demon now does he. He didn't show kindness to Enmu or Upper 4. Tanjiro blames himself for the destruction and deaths of multiple people he witnessed because he considered himself weak and powerless. Itadori felt bad because he couldn't control sukuna which led sukuna to destroy the city. Two completely different scenarios hence his guilt is more justified. Blaming oneself for this shit ain't making him a good character now is it.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Apr 1, 2024 7:49 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

It wasn't word by word, because Luffy said it after the fishmen island.
But, here's with quotation marks: "Heroes share their food, so I'm not a hero, I'm a pirate".
Like I said, I was talking about food, because that's how Luffy differentiated between selfish and selfless characters.

Ok I still don't think Luffy is selfish because he doesn't want to share food. Yh he's saying he's a pirate and not a hero and all but Luffy would never hurt or steal for an innocent person. He wouldn't do stuff for his own self interest if it put everyone at risk except it absolutely disgusted him and its an injustice, like in saobody where he slapped that guy(whatever they're called ) cause he was discriminating against someone innocent but bro u think generic shonen protags are selfish but they aren't

Generic shonen protags are just truly good, will do anything for their friends and family, perverted and has an OP skill
e.g, Meliodias, Natsu

Luffy is not generic cuz he laid the groundwork for these sort of characters alongside Naruto and Ichigo. You can't call something that popularised a character generic when they were the first to perfect it.

Tanjiro is generic cuz he quite literally fits the bill for this except he's just really kind and isn't perverted.

Lol, you don't even know what selfish means.... You are saying that - as an argument - that he wouldn't steal... That's not necessarily selfish behaviour and there are people who don't steal.
But yes, Luffy is indeed selfish. He decides based on his own logic even if it could cause harm to his crew. Like how he always chooses the "more interesting" route on the log pose. That's also a selfish behaviour.
Or how in the first 50 episodes everyone "forced" to join his crew, while in reality at first all of them declined.

And no, generic MC is not just helpful, but goofy or stupid, usually has inner power for no reason that makes him exceptional and selfish. So yes, for example Natsu is like that. This type originated from Goku and had many iterations, but Tanjiro, Deku or Itadori aren't one of them.
But "sadly", Tanjiro isn't. He doesn't have an inner power that others can't acquire. He's not selfish, he's selfless. And he's not stupid. Like I said, Zenitsu is closer to being the generic MC type. Tanjiro types came from Kenshin, but even he had some generic aspects.

And again, these are facts. Tanjiro being based on Kenshin was also admitted by the author. So you are arguing with facts.
Apr 1, 2024 7:54 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
@HeSaidArise Thats fine but the thing is that the qualities you mentioned "Overly good" and stuff, arent they present in Yuji as well? Shouldnt that make him a flat character as well?

And what kind of a change are you expecting. He was kind who never thought about hurting other but he changed into a demon slayer. He was weak, but we can see him progressively becoming stronger every arc, becoming more determined every arc. The only thing that remains same is his motivation to slay demons and there is a slight change even in that motivation. His main goal was to cure nezuko, not revenge, Along the way when he met Muzan and learned more about the demons, his goal was not only to cure nezuko, but to defeat Upper ranks and Muzan. Thats again a good change. Nezuko can now speak and walk freely in day light as well, yet still he wants to defeat Muzan and put an end to all of this.
So let me ask this again, What kind of a change do you want from him and is it even worth it?

Aight this should be the last time we argue bout this. A flat character is someone who throughout a story does change. Their personality, their beliefs and ideals never change. Their beliefs and motivation can be tested but it will never change. Here's my issue. Tanjiro is a flat character but never has anything happen to him which makes him question his beliefs from the beginning of story. You could say ,"what about the death of his family at the hands of a demon? That should make him hate demons" Yet we never see Tanjiro question that which is strange(because a normal person would be angry—one person I felt Tanjiro was unrealistic, in fact he felt pity for the demon). This is the very first episode, however, and we know little about Tanjiro until the second ep where we see how kind he really is by refusing to kill a demon that he is not related to. So sure his beliefs are tested but we don't even know his beliefs yet so r we supposed to know they are being tested when we still don't know much bout Tanjiro. Hopefully u understood what I said. And its lowkey bad writing the author didn't even let Tanjiro question the way he feels towards demons now after they killed his family. That's not how an actual person would behave. You can infer that maybe due to his sister now becoming a demon and also being his remaining family member left he still keeps that kind nature to them especially due to his experience with his sister and the fact that he understands that these demons were once people
I'm rambling. Tanjiro is a flat character sure but he never develops. That's the issue. He never develops cuz Tanjiro never has his beliefs tested during Demon Slayer when we do know what he is like.
Now, what I hoped for with the death of Nezuko would be for Tanjiros beliefs to be tested. It doesn't matter if he becomes edgy or remains the same. The fact would be he went through internal conflict and therefore got character development.
I didn't need to see a change, I needed to see development, something Tanjiro lacks because not once(when we acc get an idea of what Tanjiro is like) does what he believes get tested. Nezuko was the perfect opportunity to change that.

Itadori is not a flat character and is not generic. He starts off like that(generic wise)
Incredible sense of justice
Will protect family and friends no matter what
Has special power(sukuna)

But Itadori, unlike Tanjiro, gets his beliefs tested throughout s2 with the constant demise of people he regarded incredibly close to him. The events of Shibuya led him to change the way he views curses, the struggle between sorcerer and curse and his role in it. All this led to the "I'm you" speech, where we see Itadori has changed completely. Itadori S1 is vastly different Itadori S2
As you will see in Culling Games, these events have a huge impact of Itadoris psyche(even tho Gege doesn't explore it that much). In one scene, probably my favourite scene in JJK, Itadori blames himself for a crime he did not commit when blaming himself caused his life to be in danger. In no way is Itadori a flat character but Tanjiro is.

I've read only the first because it was so fkn stupid take that I have to reply.
No, normal human beings don't start hating on whole races, because murdering someone's family can be done by humans too. If your whole family is murdered by a human, you won't start hating on humans. So the normal behaviour is when you don't hate on races.
And no, being flat has nothing to do with changes. A non-flat character who can be the same during the whole series, but has depth. Like things, dislike other things, have a past, have ideologies etc.

So no, you are, again, wrong on multiple levels and you don't even know how humans behave.
Apr 1, 2024 8:02 AM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

Aight this should be the last time we argue bout this. A flat character is someone who throughout a story does change. Their personality, their beliefs and ideals never change. Their beliefs and motivation can be tested but it will never change. Here's my issue. Tanjiro is a flat character but never has anything happen to him which makes him question his beliefs from the beginning of story. You could say ,"what about the death of his family at the hands of a demon? That should make him hate demons" Yet we never see Tanjiro question that which is strange(because a normal person would be angry—one person I felt Tanjiro was unrealistic, in fact he felt pity for the demon). This is the very first episode, however, and we know little about Tanjiro until the second ep where we see how kind he really is by refusing to kill a demon that he is not related to. So sure his beliefs are tested but we don't even know his beliefs yet so r we supposed to know they are being tested when we still don't know much bout Tanjiro. Hopefully u understood what I said. And its lowkey bad writing the author didn't even let Tanjiro question the way he feels towards demons now after they killed his family. That's not how an actual person would behave. You can infer that maybe due to his sister now becoming a demon and also being his remaining family member left he still keeps that kind nature to them especially due to his experience with his sister and the fact that he understands that these demons were once people
I'm rambling. Tanjiro is a flat character sure but he never develops. That's the issue. He never develops cuz Tanjiro never has his beliefs tested during Demon Slayer when we do know what he is like.
Now, what I hoped for with the death of Nezuko would be for Tanjiros beliefs to be tested. It doesn't matter if he becomes edgy or remains the same. The fact would be he went through internal conflict and therefore got character development.
I didn't need to see a change, I needed to see development, something Tanjiro lacks because not once(when we acc get an idea of what Tanjiro is like) does what he believes get tested. Nezuko was the perfect opportunity to change that.

Itadori is not a flat character and is not generic. He starts off like that(generic wise)
Incredible sense of justice
Will protect family and friends no matter what
Has special power(sukuna)

But Itadori, unlike Tanjiro, gets his beliefs tested throughout s2 with the constant demise of people he regarded incredibly close to him. The events of Shibuya led him to change the way he views curses, the struggle between sorcerer and curse and his role in it. All this led to the "I'm you" speech, where we see Itadori has changed completely. Itadori S1 is vastly different Itadori S2
As you will see in Culling Games, these events have a huge impact of Itadoris psyche(even tho Gege doesn't explore it that much). In one scene, probably my favourite scene in JJK, Itadori blames himself for a crime he did not commit when blaming himself caused his life to be in danger. In no way is Itadori a flat character but Tanjiro is.

I've read only the first because it was so fkn stupid take that I have to reply.
No, normal human beings don't start hating on whole races, because murdering someone's family can be done by humans too. If your whole family is murdered by a human, you won't start hating on humans. So the normal behaviour is when you don't hate on races.
And no, being flat has nothing to do with changes. A non-flat character who can be the same during the whole series, but has depth. Like things, dislike other things, have a past, have ideologies etc.

So no, you are, again, wrong on multiple levels and you don't even know how humans behave.

you wouldn't hate a race that actively murders ur kind and is clearly evil ok? And if this sounds stupid, then tell me why Shinobu literally despises demons for the same reason ffs. BTW this is in the context of Demon Slayer omg don't twist my words
Yes because actual humans aren't hateful and spiteful and it's all sunshine and rainbows.
Pls stop twisting my words I've been respectful throughout the argument show me the same respect pls. If you don't understand what I mean ask me bro.
GRG3Apr 1, 2024 8:19 AM
Apr 1, 2024 8:15 AM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

Ok I still don't think Luffy is selfish because he doesn't want to share food. Yh he's saying he's a pirate and not a hero and all but Luffy would never hurt or steal for an innocent person. He wouldn't do stuff for his own self interest if it put everyone at risk except it absolutely disgusted him and its an injustice, like in saobody where he slapped that guy(whatever they're called ) cause he was discriminating against someone innocent but bro u think generic shonen protags are selfish but they aren't

Generic shonen protags are just truly good, will do anything for their friends and family, perverted and has an OP skill
e.g, Meliodias, Natsu

Luffy is not generic cuz he laid the groundwork for these sort of characters alongside Naruto and Ichigo. You can't call something that popularised a character generic when they were the first to perfect it.

Tanjiro is generic cuz he quite literally fits the bill for this except he's just really kind and isn't perverted.

Lol, you don't even know what selfish means.... You are saying that - as an argument - that he wouldn't steal... That's not necessarily selfish behaviour and there are people who don't steal.
But yes, Luffy is indeed selfish. He decides based on his own logic even if it could cause harm to his crew. Like how he always chooses the "more interesting" route on the log pose. That's also a selfish behaviour.
Or how in the first 50 episodes everyone "forced" to join his crew, while in reality at first all of them declined.

And no, generic MC is not just helpful, but goofy or stupid, usually has inner power for no reason that makes him exceptional and selfish. So yes, for example Natsu is like that. This type originated from Goku and had many iterations, but Tanjiro, Deku or Itadori aren't one of them.
But "sadly", Tanjiro isn't. He doesn't have an inner power that others can't acquire. He's not selfish, he's selfless. And he's not stupid. Like I said, Zenitsu is closer to being the generic MC type. Tanjiro types came from Kenshin, but even he had some generic aspects.

And again, these are facts. Tanjiro being based on Kenshin was also admitted by the author. So you are arguing with facts.

Yh u make valid points Luffy is selfish he does selfish actions u right. But he will put down his life for those he cares about or just an innocent person so that makes him selfless

I cannot be bothered to read the rest of this genuinely just stop arguing with me u won I'm wrong I'm sry for sharing a take because freedom of speech is not allowed goddamn. I genuinely cannot be asked to argue with u anymore. Bro it's 4 we've been at it for like 4-5 hrs now. Isn't that sad?
And if you say "Oh you shouldn't have shared your stupid take without expecting people to retort" then bro ur acc sad. I was OK with us arguing but bro you dragged it.
GRG3Apr 1, 2024 8:20 AM
Apr 1, 2024 8:21 AM
Mar 2024
HeSaidArise said:
Slight spoilers if you haven't watched the last episode of DS. If you continue to read and you haven't watched the last episode, you would spoiling a plot twist for yourself.

It's obvious that Demon Slayer's biggest flaw is it's character writing and overall cast of characters. There are few exceptions like Rengoku, Gyutaro and Tengen but for the most part, the characters aren't bad but just very plain and boring with no depth. This is unfortunately true for the main character of this show, Tanjiro, he's a generic shonen protag with a generic goal to kill all demons and save his sister.

Ok, this gets me to my point. Spoilers for the last episode ———

I feel like Nezuko dying would have impacted the show far better. It's pretty obvious that while Tanjiro is a good person, his main reason for being a demon slayer is because he wants to find a way to save his sister, killing demons and getting revenge on Muzan take second stage to that. I feel if Nezuko died, it would have caused Tanjiro to now question why he should be a demon slayer since he has now lost his purpose for being a demon slayer.

So there's 2 options I thought on how Tanjiro's chara get would change because of Nezuko's demise.

You could buckle down on the revenge route; Tanjiro could hunt down Muzan till he kills him. Maybe losing the caring and forgiving side of himself as he kills more and more demons to progress to Muzan. Seeing such a loving and innocent character turn cold, rage full and distant( like Thorfinn S1 but on a broader scale) would be great. It would just be a really good revenge story, since the audience would hate Muzan more since he basically caused the death of one of the beloved characters in the show. And also seeing Tanjiro change so drastically would be great. He wouldn't just be a fully good character now because even tho he is doing a good thing by killing demons and saving humans, he's doing it out of spite. You could parallel him and Shinobu together. Maybe show now that he has lost everything, the way he decided to deal with the death of the people he lost was through anger and distancing himef. Sure most of Tanjiro's family died before this but Nezuko gave him hope and held him together. Her dying and him losing his last remaining family would change him drastically. Although this version of Tanjiro is edgy, I know, but it's so different from what we have now, it would be refreshing. You bring back long hair Tanjiro and pair him up with the version of this character, I think that would be so sick.

You could create friction in the relationship with him and Zenitsu since Zenitsu cares about Nezuko and you could make him blame Tanjiro for her death. Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu recognising that they are still weak in the sense that even with all the power they possess, they couldn't protect someone they loved(which would be good at this moment of time since they been killing incredibly strong demons) Maybe make both vow to become stronger so nothing like that could happen. So that they don't have to lose people, especially someone they are so connected to. Zenitsu losing someone he was that close to maybe the catalyst to him consciously unlocking his full potential( I haven't read the manga btw). This would be great for Zenitsu's character, he's annoying at times and is also sorta of plain. As for Tanjiro again, you make him question his purpose of now being a demon slayer. Rather than blaming Muzan for his sisters death, he would blame himself even though there's nothing he could do since Nezuko made the decision for him but Tanjiro feeling like that was his fault and calling himself weak is still reasonable. Eventually Tanjiro still remains a demon slayer and now his main reason for kiling demons and Muzan would be to not let other people feel the pain he felt when he lost everything. So now he has purpose for being a demon slayer. That's character depth.

I feel both arcs would connect helo people connect to Tanjiro a lot more. Tanjiro never really had human elements in his character so this would make him seem more real. Even if none of these arcs were to be carried out thorough Tanjiro, just him grieving at the fact that Nezuko is dead makes him seem real. He didn't even do that when his family died in S1. It looked he moved on so quickly. Nezuko dying could potentially fix that flaw in his character.

Also this would impact the DS community for more. Nezuko, unlike the other characters who died, before this season and in the future, has been there from the beginning. Most character that have died don't have the same amount of screen time as Nezuko who's basically a main character. You kill her off, that's a lot more impact of the DS fanbase and makes Demon Slayer look very unpredictable and slightly move away from that 'generic' status.

So in my opinion, if Nezuko died, you have huge insane plot twist no one expected, chance to give depth to Tanjiro and possibly even Zenitsu, and overall greater impact on the DS fanbase. I understand Nezuko not dying was important cuz it gave Muzan more of a reason to target Tanjiro and Nezuko but he already was. So this seems like the better option. There's probably even more options that could have been taken if Nezuko died. Unfortunately none of that happened since she didn't. Anyways, is that an L take or nah? I feel like I'm the minority who feels this way😭😭

….what? Read the first part and I got the point, and it’s a stupid one… if you are a anime only, keep scrolling, but basically if she died the entire story would be nothing. Anime’s (almost) always end with the main goal completed. Killing all the demons isn’t the main goal in the anime, it is turning nezuko back into a human. So ofc that goal is going to be the most important to the main character, and is going to be the focus of the whole thing. The only reason the last 3 arcs happen is because Nezuko beat the sun. Muzan finds out that she did it, and wants to eat her to get that power. He wouldn’t have fought the entire demon slayer corps like he did if she died. Also DKT exists bc we found out that their bloodline can beat the sun when Nezuko did it. And finally, the most obvious. The main goal has to be complete. That’s how it works. It ends sadly with a lot of death, but the main goal is complete. That’s the most obvious reason that she lived, because she had to.
Apr 1, 2024 8:36 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

I've read only the first because it was so fkn stupid take that I have to reply.
No, normal human beings don't start hating on whole races, because murdering someone's family can be done by humans too. If your whole family is murdered by a human, you won't start hating on humans. So the normal behaviour is when you don't hate on races.
And no, being flat has nothing to do with changes. A non-flat character who can be the same during the whole series, but has depth. Like things, dislike other things, have a past, have ideologies etc.

So no, you are, again, wrong on multiple levels and you don't even know how humans behave.

you wouldn't hate a race that actively murders ur kind and is clearly evil ok? And if this sounds stupid, then tell me why Shinobu literally despises demons for the same reason ffs. BTW this is in the context of Demon Slayer omg don't twist my words
Yes because actual humans aren't hateful and spiteful and it's all sunshine and rainbows.
Pls stop twisting my words I've been respectful throughout the argument show me the same respect pls. If you don't understand what I mean ask me bro.

It is also true for animals and people don't hate them. It is not twisting your words, your words are just plain stupid.
Like bears, lions, crocodiles etc all eat humans and still we don't hate them. And btw, in that aspect demons are similar, because they eat to survive.
Apr 1, 2024 8:41 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

Lol, you don't even know what selfish means.... You are saying that - as an argument - that he wouldn't steal... That's not necessarily selfish behaviour and there are people who don't steal.
But yes, Luffy is indeed selfish. He decides based on his own logic even if it could cause harm to his crew. Like how he always chooses the "more interesting" route on the log pose. That's also a selfish behaviour.
Or how in the first 50 episodes everyone "forced" to join his crew, while in reality at first all of them declined.

And no, generic MC is not just helpful, but goofy or stupid, usually has inner power for no reason that makes him exceptional and selfish. So yes, for example Natsu is like that. This type originated from Goku and had many iterations, but Tanjiro, Deku or Itadori aren't one of them.
But "sadly", Tanjiro isn't. He doesn't have an inner power that others can't acquire. He's not selfish, he's selfless. And he's not stupid. Like I said, Zenitsu is closer to being the generic MC type. Tanjiro types came from Kenshin, but even he had some generic aspects.

And again, these are facts. Tanjiro being based on Kenshin was also admitted by the author. So you are arguing with facts.

Yh u make valid points Luffy is selfish he does selfish actions u right. But he will put down his life for those he cares about or just an innocent person so that makes him selfless

I cannot be bothered to read the rest of this genuinely just stop arguing with me u won I'm wrong I'm sry for sharing a take because freedom of speech is not allowed goddamn. I genuinely cannot be asked to argue with u anymore. Bro it's 4 we've been at it for like 4-5 hrs now. Isn't that sad?
And if you say "Oh you shouldn't have shared your stupid take without expecting people to retort" then bro ur acc sad. I was OK with us arguing but bro you dragged it.

Sorry, but freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything freely. Why do you think the laws ban hateful speech? There are things that don't fall into the freedom of speech category.
And again, defending your friends - which is self interest - isn't selfless. And if we established that someone is selfish, then we couldn't say that he is also selfless, because defends his friends.
Tanjiro and Deku wouldn't act like Luffy. They would consider their friends conditions. Like how Tanjiro was concerned when Uzui got poisoned or when Deku, Todoroki and Iida were fighting Stain.
Apr 1, 2024 8:58 AM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

Yh u make valid points Luffy is selfish he does selfish actions u right. But he will put down his life for those he cares about or just an innocent person so that makes him selfless

I cannot be bothered to read the rest of this genuinely just stop arguing with me u won I'm wrong I'm sry for sharing a take because freedom of speech is not allowed goddamn. I genuinely cannot be asked to argue with u anymore. Bro it's 4 we've been at it for like 4-5 hrs now. Isn't that sad?
And if you say "Oh you shouldn't have shared your stupid take without expecting people to retort" then bro ur acc sad. I was OK with us arguing but bro you dragged it.

Sorry, but freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything freely. Why do you think the laws ban hateful speech? There are things that don't fall into the freedom of speech category.
And again, defending your friends - which is self interest - isn't selfless. And if we established that someone is selfish, then we couldn't say that he is also selfless, because defends his friends.
Tanjiro and Deku wouldn't act like Luffy. They would consider their friends conditions. Like how Tanjiro was concerned when Uzui got poisoned or when Deku, Todoroki and Iida were fighting Stain.

But ur life on the line for a person you don't know is. And luffy did that in saoboady
Apr 1, 2024 11:23 AM
May 2016
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

Sorry, but freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything freely. Why do you think the laws ban hateful speech? There are things that don't fall into the freedom of speech category.
And again, defending your friends - which is self interest - isn't selfless. And if we established that someone is selfish, then we couldn't say that he is also selfless, because defends his friends.
Tanjiro and Deku wouldn't act like Luffy. They would consider their friends conditions. Like how Tanjiro was concerned when Uzui got poisoned or when Deku, Todoroki and Iida were fighting Stain.

But ur life on the line for a person you don't know is. And luffy did that in saoboady

Which still isn't being selfless. At least definitely not on the same scale where Tanjiro sits. Tanjiro even respects and accepts his enemies and that was the whole point of his character.
And actually that's why others mentioned that even killing Nezuko wouldn't change much. The demons already killed his whole family, one more kill wouldn't change a single thing.
Apr 1, 2024 12:47 PM
Jan 2021
theyli pop
I ojust

Apr 1, 2024 1:47 PM
Feb 2021
if they'd killed off zenitsu, it would have had a positive impact as well lol
Apr 1, 2024 8:45 PM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

But ur life on the line for a person you don't know is. And luffy did that in saoboady

Which still isn't being selfless. At least definitely not on the same scale where Tanjiro sits. Tanjiro even respects and accepts his enemies and that was the whole point of his character.
And actually that's why others mentioned that even killing Nezuko wouldn't change much. The demons already killed his whole family, one more kill wouldn't change a single thing.

Ok there there is my point
They didn't allow Tanjiro to grieve properly man. He did a lil funeral, prayed and dipped. Even the demon he killed with zenitsu had a funeral with more screen time than his own siblings. I have been saying, Nezuko is the most important person to him right and his last remaining family member, kill her and use her as an opportunity to fully grieve everyone and maybe develop further.
Apr 1, 2024 8:50 PM
Aug 2022
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

you wouldn't hate a race that actively murders ur kind and is clearly evil ok? And if this sounds stupid, then tell me why Shinobu literally despises demons for the same reason ffs. BTW this is in the context of Demon Slayer omg don't twist my words
Yes because actual humans aren't hateful and spiteful and it's all sunshine and rainbows.
Pls stop twisting my words I've been respectful throughout the argument show me the same respect pls. If you don't understand what I mean ask me bro.

It is also true for animals and people don't hate them. It is not twisting your words, your words are just plain stupid.
Like bears, lions, crocodiles etc all eat humans and still we don't hate them. And btw, in that aspect demons are similar, because they eat to survive.

Wdym? Brodie some people are terrified of these things how can you not hate something ur terrified of. It's like saying a spider scares me but nah I don't hate it. Like what. You can't generalise humanity there's 8 billion people. You can't use 'we' to just group everyone up like that. Acting as if there aren't racists and misogynists and homophobes. Bro before you say majority of people chill, you don't know that. It's not a fact because you can't take a survey of 8 billion people to determine what they think.
GRG3Apr 2, 2024 1:40 AM
Apr 1, 2024 8:52 PM
Aug 2022
HeSaidArise said:
ktg said:

Sorry, but freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything freely. Why do you think the laws ban hateful speech? There are things that don't fall into the freedom of speech category.
And again, defending your friends - which is self interest - isn't selfless. And if we established that someone is selfish, then we couldn't say that he is also selfless, because defends his friends.
Tanjiro and Deku wouldn't act like Luffy. They would consider their friends conditions. Like how Tanjiro was concerned when Uzui got poisoned or when Deku, Todoroki and Iida were fighting Stain.

But ur life on the line for a person you don't know is. And luffy did that in saoboady

I ain't said nothing hateful tho.
Apr 2, 2024 1:39 AM
May 2016
Reply to GRG3
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

But ur life on the line for a person you don't know is. And luffy did that in saoboady

Which still isn't being selfless. At least definitely not on the same scale where Tanjiro sits. Tanjiro even respects and accepts his enemies and that was the whole point of his character.
And actually that's why others mentioned that even killing Nezuko wouldn't change much. The demons already killed his whole family, one more kill wouldn't change a single thing.

Ok there there is my point
They didn't allow Tanjiro to grieve properly man. He did a lil funeral, prayed and dipped. Even the demon he killed with zenitsu had a funeral with more screen time than his own siblings. I have been saying, Nezuko is the most important person to him right and his last remaining family member, kill her and use her as an opportunity to fully grieve everyone and maybe develop further.
@HeSaidArise That's also an incorrect statement. Just because you don't see something, it does not mean it never happened. Especially in the earlier episodes, there were huge time skips. So he had enough time to grieve properly.
Apr 2, 2024 1:41 AM
May 2016
Reply to GRG3
ktg said:
HeSaidArise said:

you wouldn't hate a race that actively murders ur kind and is clearly evil ok? And if this sounds stupid, then tell me why Shinobu literally despises demons for the same reason ffs. BTW this is in the context of Demon Slayer omg don't twist my words
Yes because actual humans aren't hateful and spiteful and it's all sunshine and rainbows.
Pls stop twisting my words I've been respectful throughout the argument show me the same respect pls. If you don't understand what I mean ask me bro.

It is also true for animals and people don't hate them. It is not twisting your words, your words are just plain stupid.
Like bears, lions, crocodiles etc all eat humans and still we don't hate them. And btw, in that aspect demons are similar, because they eat to survive.

Wdym? Brodie some people are terrified of these things how can you not hate something ur terrified of. It's like saying a spider scares me but nah I don't hate it. Like what. You can't generalise humanity there's 8 billion people. You can't use 'we' to just group everyone up like that. Acting as if there aren't racists and misogynists and homophobes. Bro before you say majority of people chill, you don't know that. It's not a fact because you can't take a survey of 8 billion people to determine what they think.
@HeSaidArise Being scared is not the same as hating it. People go into zoos where these terrifying animals are kept and interestingly no one hating on them and most of them aren't even scared.
If I can't generalize humanity, then why did you do that? This argument started when you stated that the normal human behavior is hating the whole race. That was your point.
Apr 2, 2024 11:43 PM
Oct 2020
this thread is peak cinema
Apr 3, 2024 12:19 AM
Aug 2022
@HeSaidArise It's true that we will forget about this but let me enjoy until I can. If your definition of a flat character is the one whose belief change or is being tested and shit then your wrong. I just proved in multiple ways how tanjiro changed and how he is tested but you keep denying it for some reason.

Itadori's view of curses doesn't change the fact that he is still flat. Oh his view changed which isn't even portrayed up till now. That makes him such a wonderful character. Sounds stupid to me.
Tanjiro doesn't show kindness to every demon now does he. He didn't show kindness to Enmu or Upper 4. Tanjiro blames himself for the destruction and deaths of multiple people he witnessed because he considered himself weak and powerless. Itadori felt bad because he couldn't control sukuna which led sukuna to destroy the city. Two completely different scenarios hence his guilt is more justified. Blaming oneself for this shit ain't making him a good character now is it.

@FZREMAKE I can't actually believe this. You got me to agree with you. Not about Itadori, but the fact that Tanjiro actually has character development and was tested. Ffs.
Ok, you kept misunderstanding what I meant by flat characters but that was because of typos from me I assume, so sry. A flat character DOESNT(Keyword) change in terms of beliefs and ideals and their ideals are never tested and changed. They are moreso there to change the ideals of those around them.
Tanjiro is not a flat character. Cuz he has events that happens to him which test his ideals but he still remains the same, never wavering. So he does have character development. I still think he starts of generic but he's executed differently with his overwhelming kindness that he atleast a little bit different. So generic but not generic.

Things like his sister turning to a demon don't count as him being tested cuz how does it? And his grieving process as well as the deaths of his parents don't count. Cuz we still don't fully understand Tanjiro's character when these things happen and the author fails to put enough importance on this scene imo even when he meets Muzan. But(I can't believe this) they are moments when Tanjiros views on demons are tested(probably unintentionally) for example;

When he meets the grotesque demon on Final Selection. The demon has killed friends Tanjiro felt very connected to. But in his last moments(demon), Tanjiro still decided to show it mercy.

Gyutaro and Daki trying to kill everyone he knew and almost succeeding. Gyutaro even tortured Tanjiro a bit, breaking his finger. Yet, Tanjiro decided to show love and compassion to both of them despite this, helping them find peace and reconcile with each other in their last moments.

Both of these tests Tanjiro cuz they directly affect him or people he cared about. In general sure, Tanjiro is loving to demons when they are about to die but maybe that's because they haven't affected him. But with both those scenes, it shows that Tanjiro is without malice and is filled with love even when those demons actions personally affect him. Because no matter the amount of hatred you give to Tanjiro, ( based on these scenes), he will respond to you with love.

I just agreed with you, please bro istg if you come back here tryna argue with me again, imma lose it. I still think Itadori is better written than Tanjiro, sue me. But I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong when I'm wrong you know so yh. I got my takes wrong and so the whole point of Nezuko dying is now basically meaningless because Tanjiro has already been tested. My take is basically unnecessary now. 🙄
GRG3Apr 3, 2024 12:22 AM
Apr 3, 2024 12:19 AM
Aug 2022
oeyuu_ said:
this thread is peak cinema

I'm glad u found it amusing bro. Hopefully I just ended it.
Apr 3, 2024 7:42 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to GRG3
@HeSaidArise It's true that we will forget about this but let me enjoy until I can. If your definition of a flat character is the one whose belief change or is being tested and shit then your wrong. I just proved in multiple ways how tanjiro changed and how he is tested but you keep denying it for some reason.

Itadori's view of curses doesn't change the fact that he is still flat. Oh his view changed which isn't even portrayed up till now. That makes him such a wonderful character. Sounds stupid to me.
Tanjiro doesn't show kindness to every demon now does he. He didn't show kindness to Enmu or Upper 4. Tanjiro blames himself for the destruction and deaths of multiple people he witnessed because he considered himself weak and powerless. Itadori felt bad because he couldn't control sukuna which led sukuna to destroy the city. Two completely different scenarios hence his guilt is more justified. Blaming oneself for this shit ain't making him a good character now is it.

@FZREMAKE I can't actually believe this. You got me to agree with you. Not about Itadori, but the fact that Tanjiro actually has character development and was tested. Ffs.
Ok, you kept misunderstanding what I meant by flat characters but that was because of typos from me I assume, so sry. A flat character DOESNT(Keyword) change in terms of beliefs and ideals and their ideals are never tested and changed. They are moreso there to change the ideals of those around them.
Tanjiro is not a flat character. Cuz he has events that happens to him which test his ideals but he still remains the same, never wavering. So he does have character development. I still think he starts of generic but he's executed differently with his overwhelming kindness that he atleast a little bit different. So generic but not generic.

Things like his sister turning to a demon don't count as him being tested cuz how does it? And his grieving process as well as the deaths of his parents don't count. Cuz we still don't fully understand Tanjiro's character when these things happen and the author fails to put enough importance on this scene imo even when he meets Muzan. But(I can't believe this) they are moments when Tanjiros views on demons are tested(probably unintentionally) for example;

When he meets the grotesque demon on Final Selection. The demon has killed friends Tanjiro felt very connected to. But in his last moments(demon), Tanjiro still decided to show it mercy.

Gyutaro and Daki trying to kill everyone he knew and almost succeeding. Gyutaro even tortured Tanjiro a bit, breaking his finger. Yet, Tanjiro decided to show love and compassion to both of them despite this, helping them find peace and reconcile with each other in their last moments.

Both of these tests Tanjiro cuz they directly affect him or people he cared about. In general sure, Tanjiro is loving to demons when they are about to die but maybe that's because they haven't affected him. But with both those scenes, it shows that Tanjiro is without malice and is filled with love even when those demons actions personally affect him. Because no matter the amount of hatred you give to Tanjiro, ( based on these scenes), he will respond to you with love.

I just agreed with you, please bro istg if you come back here tryna argue with me again, imma lose it. I still think Itadori is better written than Tanjiro, sue me. But I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong when I'm wrong you know so yh. I got my takes wrong and so the whole point of Nezuko dying is now basically meaningless because Tanjiro has already been tested. My take is basically unnecessary now. 🙄
@HeSaidArise I would still argue with a couple of these things and I would still argue about Tanjiro being better than Itadori but yeah, let's end it.
It surely was amusing.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Apr 4, 2024 4:32 AM
Aug 2021
Well I did consider the possibility of nezuko's demise since it would act as a trigger for tanjiro's growth and development and also give space for so much more in the story but still I think it's better to have nezuko alive considering the overall plot bcz it might then just turn into an angry revenge story. Also I like tanjiro's current personality of being a kind, sweet, caring and protective person so I wouldn't want him to become a scary bloodthirsty person who is just chasing revenge.
Apr 4, 2024 7:46 AM
Mar 2023
Dude go read the manga. Nezuko living is actually pretty important to the story
Nov 30, 2024 5:07 PM

Apr 2019
This whole anime is one big missed opportunityXD. But seriously, what you wrote is interesting. I agree that Nezuko's death could introduce something interesting. She's treated like a mascot for most of the series anyway and there's not much use for her. Maybe then Tanjiro would become a more interesting character because he is seriously one of the most bland MCs.
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