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Nov 1, 2008 6:02 AM

Jan 2008
Hmmm, episode 4 and it hasn't gone anywhere. Heero is acting cool, Wufei is up himself and the other two are starting a musical?
Sep 9, 2009 8:07 PM

Jul 2009
Just like the other few episodes, I find it decent, but not much more. Guess I'll keep watching since I already downloaded it.
Dec 30, 2010 3:22 AM

Aug 2009
Another cold character~ Shenlong. He don't have any emotions to show. He is more cold than Heero.

"Stop!" Just because she's a woman!" *sigh*

"Perhaps the distant part of the sky always seems clearest, so that we will always strive to reach it."


Jun 27, 2011 11:04 AM

May 2008
aero said:
Hmmm, episode 4 and it hasn't gone anywhere. Heero is acting cool, Wufei is up himself and the other two are starting a musical?
Exactly what I thought xD
Aug 2, 2011 9:41 AM
Jul 2018
I used to think Trowa was pretty awesome until... damn you fangirls and your pairings.

Wufei is a pretty cool guy. Eh, is a misogynist brat, bullies wild animals, and doesn't afraid anything.

Relena once again showing that she has "issues".
Mar 3, 2012 2:04 PM

Jan 2011
this episode was alright.
i lol'd @ duo calling heero "evel knievel".
and for everyone believing relena's father was a spy
and is it just me, or does it seem like there's something going on between noin and zechs?
i kinda like the idea of a noin/wufei pairing too.
hmm~ <3
Apr 9, 2012 9:35 PM

Dec 2008
Heero is a maniac. I like the whole you are a woman battle.
May 19, 2012 12:51 AM
Jun 2010
Oh Wufei, you're so likable. [/sarcasm]

Heero stealing parts from Duo's Gundam to fix his own was pretty funny.

Is anyone else imagining Wufei running around screaming at random animals now?

SuperLlamaMay 19, 2012 1:00 AM
Sep 17, 2012 9:19 AM

Sep 2010
Relena has some balls of her own "Come and kill me Heero!"

Wufei screaming at animals was hilarious

Why are Trowa and Quatre are playing instuments? xD

"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Oct 17, 2013 5:46 PM

Jun 2012
Noin just let 2 of her soldiers to die by don't letting them soot. She could have killed a Gundam pilot, but no, "he's just a baby!"

Relena saying to Heero go and kill her.

Womans in Gundam are always worthless. This show is no exception.

It was funny to see Heero stealing the parts from Duo, I lol'd

I lol'd hard in the last scene, when Wufei complaining and screaming about fighting weak enemies.

I'm pretty sure this is a comedy show. Much like Zeta or ZZ (jk)
Dec 26, 2013 11:47 PM

Jul 2009
pretty good and weird episode at the same time XD

Noin seems like a strong person, but she underestimated Wufei just for being a kid.

i didn't like Wufei mocking Noin just because she's a woman :|

and wtf was that scene where the ballroom was changing the lights without any club music. it was weird seeing them all colored and having a conversation without any music. what makes it even weird is Noin poking Zech's "sword". lol XD

Heero Yuy stealing Duo's part was hilarious as hell!! Duo doing all he can for complementing and helping Heero only to be betrayed once again!

and Relena. okay shouldn't you be back at the party :P

i find it funny that Relena's father looks alot like Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series which has the same voice actor: Akio Otsuka; my favorite ^^

and wow Treize having a wonderful bath out of the open and with this Lady Une reporting to him there.

seems Noin is joining Zechs team :)

Heero Yuy laughing maniacally as always, yet a few moments ago he was just thinking of dying out of nowhere O__O

Quatre and Trowa a musical duo!! and LOL Wufei screaming to random animals just because they are weak to him XD

can't wait for the next episodes!!!
Jan 26, 2014 11:53 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Amuro_Char said:

Relena saying to Heero go and kill her.

Womans in Gundam are always worthless. This show is no exception.

It was funny to see Heero stealing the parts from Duo, I lol'd

I lol'd hard in the last scene, when Wufei complaining and screaming about fighting weak enemies.

I'm pretty sure this is a comedy show.

I pretty much laughed at all these parts, including that last musical jam Trowa and Quatre were doing. I guess they're the type to communicate through artistic expression. But seriously, Heero apparently doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything except his missions. Didn't even say thank you to Duo and even stole parts from Duo. It's like Duo said, Heero isn't like a human at all. I hope to see some character development from him soon since he is basically the main protagonist of this.
Apr 29, 2014 12:25 AM

Aug 2011
Why is this such unintentional (it's unintentional right?) comedy?!

Musical duet was the best.
Sep 20, 2015 9:40 AM

Aug 2013
I don't know if they're intentionally doing it, but this show is hysterical.
Jan 24, 2016 11:51 PM

May 2009
"I came here to laugh at you"

Episode 4 it is. So this is where this image came from.
Feb 28, 2016 12:02 PM

Nov 2012
It's a bit suprising Noin was so highly ranked coming out of that military academy when she has such idealistic and unrealistic thinking when it comes to battles. She knew wufei killed a bunch of her soldiers but just let him get away , could have killed him at any point when he was on the motorcycle or just standing there .

Relena is really annoying , it's clear she's obsessed with Heero.

It's kinda weird that none of the gundam pilots seem to know eachother. I thought they were all on the same operation meteor? Maybe there's an explanation later on in the show , maybe the archetechts of the plan are just being Uber careful about not compromising the missions secrets by the pilots knowing or caring about each other
May 13, 2017 8:48 PM
Dec 2012
I can't relate to these Gundam pilots at all. Still very little is known about them.

Its hard to be sympathetic to their cause especially since we don't see the violence on the Colonies.

Noin was right why target the pilots and not the mobile suits? Then he complains about weak enemies?
Jul 18, 2017 4:22 PM

Apr 2016
Lol Wing is so fucking retarded.

How the hell did Heero and Duo find their Gundams? How the hell did they get them out of there, let alone get them to a repair shop when those mechs were submerged in hundreds of feet of water? How did Wufei by only get blown back so fucking far and high, but survive it without even a scratch? Are all of these guys physically indestructible auperhumans like Heero is?

Relena is one of the stupidest females I've seen in Gundam. Also, how these guys get where the need to go so fast without any transportation at times? How do they always manage to keep their Gundams en cognito? Where did Wufei get ther motorcycle? Was there really a scene playing of Quarte and Trowa playing instruments, only to stop and resume, while the music in the background is comprised of the very same instruments there playing, breaking the illusion that they might be playing the music we're hearing? XD
CodeBlazeFateJul 18, 2017 4:38 PM
Aug 27, 2017 12:11 PM
Aug 2017
Gundam Rulerocks!!!
Jan 13, 2018 4:02 AM
Jun 2017
Why am I watching this?
Feb 18, 2018 2:47 PM

Jan 2014
This is getting more and more retarded by the second but I can't stop watching.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 9, 2018 10:22 PM

Aug 2015
The Gundam pilots seem to be mostly douches...are we sure they're the good guys?
Zechs and Noin and the other minor cannon fodder guys seem like the good guys to me lol

Relena must have an annihilation fantasy for her attraction to Heero to make sense
glassknucklesMar 10, 2018 7:36 PM
Apr 12, 2019 4:47 PM

Aug 2008
After four episodes nothing is really explained either the plot or the characters. Just empty people in mobile suits shooting each other and the Gundam pilots are overall dirtbags besides the blond one anyway. Who of course is a complete unknown just like everyone else. Noin, introduced in this episode got more attention then the supposed main cast has gotten in four. Hope this improves.

Gundam pilots are very much the villains at this point, Alliance being heavyhanded is simply an abstract concept at this point since we haven't seen it, have seen crazy Gundam pilots killing soldiers easily in their vastly superior machines though. Makes one want to root against them since they have it so easy.
Mar 30, 2020 5:00 PM

Jul 2017
gswelcome said:
After four episodes nothing is really explained either the plot or the characters. Just empty people in mobile suits shooting each other and the Gundam pilots are overall dirtbags besides the blond one anyway. Who of course is a complete unknown just like everyone else. Noin, introduced in this episode got more attention then the supposed main cast has gotten in four. Hope this improves.

Gundam pilots are very much the villains at this point, Alliance being heavyhanded is simply an abstract concept at this point since we haven't seen it, have seen crazy Gundam pilots killing soldiers easily in their vastly superior machines though. Makes one want to root against them since they have it so easy.

I don't disagree.

This episode is really making me reconsider watching this series. I liked it when I saw it on Toonami 20 years ago as a kid, but man, this isn't good. The series combines gritty, child soldier suicide mission with superhuman feats like moonjumping a horse, falling a hundred feet without a scratch, fixing a special Gundam in one night on your own, and kicking a flash bang at an enemy mobile suit and then zipping away instantly. It's entirely unbelievable as a universe. I don't even like the mecha designs in this, as everything is either a super robot or a drab, blocky, faceless thing.

Anyway, Noin is an okay character, a more human Relena. She still has an obsession with a guy that doesn't seem to care. Also Treize bathing in the Parthenon (or something similar)? And Wufei is a jackass and yelled at wolves or something. The random concert was actually nice. I don't love the really short cutaways to unrelated characters, though this one was good. I'll probably still watch a few episodes, but I really don't like this series at the moment.
Jul 12, 2020 2:21 PM
Feb 2020
I almost died laughing at that "I'm over here! Come kill me!" scene. This show is so, so bad, but you can't look away
Feb 26, 2021 1:48 PM

Dec 2012
So the classic Gundam misogynistic tradition of making women look retarded continues in this series lol
At this point the series is okay, it is as slow-burn but that is how most 50 episode mecha shows have been so far that I've seen. I like the setting and politics and set-pieces, but the "epic moments" like flash-banging a Gundam with kung fu moves are hard to take seriously at all. Some of the characters are really unlikable but I don't mind that in my series.
May 25, 2021 3:39 PM

Feb 2015
Is this supposed to be a comedy? Because there's so much nonsense in this to laugh at, it's crazy. It's only episode 4, but I think "I'll kill you." might've set the tone for the entire series. It hasn't let up with any of the dumb scenarios and tryhard attempts to make these pilots look cool. These characters haven't earned that.
Dec 10, 2022 4:06 AM

Apr 2016
Victoria Lake was a massacre, again!!! kekeke
Oct 24, 2023 3:54 AM

Jul 2017
I don't know, I'm not liking this Gundam show at all, it seems so childlishly dark that It reminds me of zeta Gundam and the unnecessary soap opera drama (i love drama but when it's done right)
The characters are really unlikeable, it's hard to empathize with them and their annoying personality.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Aug 4, 2024 7:09 AM
May 2023
This episode is unintentionally hilarious. From Wufei unnecessary sexism, Duo/ Heero interaction, Relena yelling to have Heero kill her, I'm enjoying it but not for the right reasons.
Jan 11, 12:31 PM
Feb 2018
Ngl, cha- I mean Zechs feels more like an mc for the time being lol

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