These last 6 episodes have been sitting downloaded in my backlog for the longest time. As I went to watch them , I was like "why did I put this off for so long? I gave the first 11 episodes a 5, so the show was at least watchable".
...Now I know why. I was avoiding this dumpster fire instinctively. I dont think I've ever watched an entire show from start to finish, and just had more questions than answers, with the questions just continuing to stockpile because no answers were ever given. I think this is the first time I wrapped up a show and just went "what the fuck just happened?"
It's hard for me to even give a breakdown of what I even watched....because I dont even fucking know what I watched.
I wish that someone who went through the VN and has a genuine understanding of the story would come along and explain everything in detail, because frankly my understandings of what transpired are pretty limited.
Karl Kraft was a god who was tired of being god. Decided to work with Heidrick for some reason. Some shit occurred where they've been repeating the same cycle of living countless times but that doesn't fucking matter because it wasn't explained well at all.
-So then this Ren guy is our MC who gets some weird unexplained blade arm and is destined to fight Heidrick for again unexplained reasons. This Marie girl shows up and "aids" him? (really does nothing) for again unexplained reasons.
-Ren and all of the other "good guy" characters proceed to get their asses beat countless times to enemies who all have asinine gary stu level strength for again unexplained reasons.
- So basically nothing super important happens in the first like 10 episodes. Then in 11 you find out Riza raped the soulless body of Johann (who the fuck is Johann?) and gives birth to Issac - who is some creepy like child clone of Heidrick who is needed for reasons unexplained who is already a little boy who can speak and not a baby. And we learn that the creature thing with her is Sakurai's older brother which is also relatively unimportant aside from giving her motivation to fight or something.
- Fast forward to the last 6 episodes. Nothing important happens. Then in the last few episodes, every good guy character dies after getting their asses beat by the broken strong bad guys but pulling off some weird last minute deus ex move that basically results in both sides dying.
- Ren all of a sudden becomes broken strong and can go toe to toe with Heidrick. They fight till they create some black hole that leads to some pocket dimension or some retarded unexplained shit.
- They fight again, Ren wins with the power of friendship. Marie cucks Karl and chooses Ren.
- Somehow Ren doesnt become the new god. Marie does. Then through a completely baffling and unexplained final scene, Kasumi, the only one who didn't die, lived to become an old woman. Shiro, Honjou, Theresia, Sakurai all somehow were reincarnated(?) and were all somewhere between early 20's-30's from the looks of it.
- Ren is somehow the exact same age and remembers everything so he wasn't reincarnated(?) He's immortal or something (?). Kasumi still recognizes him (but it looks like his adult reincarnated friends dont) and makes mention of how he never told her what happened.
- Before he can say anything, a small younger reincarnated Marie walks through the door to visit Kasumi. She somehow also knows Kasumi-sensei (idk how when she's like 20 years younger than the adults who also called her Kasumi-sensei). But stops and sees Ren and even though she's also reincarnated she immediately recognizes him and they both start crying.
I'm actually angry. I'm angry for watching this show. I'm pissed that I just watched 17 episodes of a show that made zero goddamn sense. I just feel like I wasted all that time when I could've watched episodes of a show I actually enjoyed. There are shows I've rated lower, but at least with those shows even though I hated them I at least knew what was going on and just didn't enjoy it. Here I hate it but at the same time dont even know what I hate because nothing was properly explained.
Giving these 6 episodes a 1/10. I gave the first 11 a 5/10 thinking the story had promise because at least the fighting was ok, but that rating is getting changed too.