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My Happy Marriage (light novel)
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Aug 9, 2023 7:58 AM

Nov 2011
It's sad and horrifying to see Miyo being treated. This time, I feel like Kaya stepped out of line and went way too far to harass Miyo.

This episode really amplified all the emotions that were building up this season. Tbh, Miyo is just lucky she's alive and had someone to help her out. Kaya is a terrible human being in this anime, a complete opposite of Miyo's character. Glad to see Kiyoka talking her down.
Aug 9, 2023 7:58 AM

Apr 2016
Yeah ... i don't think i have ever watched an anime with a japanese commentary track ... like what xD

Anyway, what a drama once again. I can see people still being angry with Miyo, but you need to understand the upbringing she had, that's what partly made her into who shes now. But the voice, and eyes of defiance she showed this episode is definitive proof of her change, growth (also having a cool boyfriend with superpowers helps too, i guess, lol).

Also, from all the episodes till now, we've seen only bits and pieces of the supernatural element that this show has, this week's episode is going full on that, with Kudou's rampage to get Miyo back, no matter what.

I guess it gives us a nice scale of sorts, of what some of the supernatural individuals are capable of. But i still feel like the whole fantasy element is redundant.

I'm still holding hope for Kaya.
Aug 9, 2023 8:00 AM

Jun 2015
Miyo's stepsis and her mom really are the worst bitches. The usage of abilities in open combat sure signalled a nice change of pace within the narrative in terms of tension and danger that the cast face. Kiyoka really is leading the way in being the most reliable when it comes to saving and protecting his loved ones. The irony that the family ended up burning down their home trying to keep their kidnap victim from Kiyoka though. The low angry voice that Kudo started with as he started interrogating Kaya really was well done. Her reaction to that though was kinda predictable given her personality. Im glad that in the end Miyo was saved successfully. But i feel that given what we seen in this ep that their trouble is only starting to increase from this point.
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Aug 9, 2023 8:02 AM
Aug 2022
Kaya is Maya(Damm bad dream)
our kudou he looked so cool. Miyo-San She deserves every happiness.
kill that bit**(Kaya), we don't need her(Kaya)
& this below picture is most reassuring one

Ricky16Aug 9, 2023 8:06 AM
Aug 9, 2023 8:02 AM

Mar 2011
The part with Miyo and her Stepmother and Kaya was so painful to watch. How they could hurt her so easily when she NEVER did anything wrong. And it might be just me but aside from the pain she had to endure it was also horrible hearing them say awful stuff like she is the embarrassment of the family and doesn't deserve anything. That's exactly one reason why she deserves it more! And like Koji pointed out... Miyo is still so kind that she would grieve if anything happens to Kaya. She's so pure and I don't get why anyone would treat her this way...

But the scene when Kiyoka saves her was so touching and with the music... it was perfect in every way </3. It also broke my heart but at the same time seeing Kiyoka's deep love for her that keeps growing... It's really what Miyo needs. He came into her life exactly at the right time.

Also can I just mention how much I love Koji? I kind of disliked him in the manga and novel but seeing his actions in the anime I can even forgive him for never acting on Miyo's behalf. But he really changed and I even feel sorry for him for being engaged to Kaya.
You're the light shining over The black and gloomy nights
So long I've been waiting To run into your arms
Oh, my only one desire You're the one I need
Through the thousand years ~ Evermore

"Midnight Sun" by AleXa

Aug 9, 2023 8:03 AM

Apr 2014
That sh!t foolish trash Kaya. I hope she will be ended up in the underground prison for the rest of her life. She deserved it. She could also bring her mother, Kanoko, there as well. As both of them deserved to stay in the underground prison for the rest of their life. Well, not only Kaya but both the Saimori and Minoru also deserved punishment as well from what all of them did to Miyo.
Aug 9, 2023 8:05 AM

Jul 2017
Kaya and Kanoko felt way too one-dimensional and corny as antagonistic characters so the drama with them ganging up on Miyo didn't have me care much but at least I did like them and Miyo's family getting comeuppance in a way for what happened with possessions and buildings being burned down and them just being humbled in general. And there was a showcase of supernatural abilities too without restraint which was nice I guess. Production for the episode was pretty damn good, whether it was with the showcase of those supernatural abilities and the extent of power it possesses, or the directing of Miyo's scenes as she tries to not give in for once to her ungrateful stepmother and stepsister since Kudo provided her with feelings and warmth she never ever received in her previous household. This was a decent episode but wish some characters besides Miyo in this episode had more to them, since the drama did feel a bit flat at times here and it was hard to take her and her mother seriously. I guess it is good sometimes to have villains that are actually irredemable like with Kaya here, but god her character was boring to watch as a whole, especially here.
Aug 9, 2023 8:05 AM
Dec 2022
Her father is a fool for not understanding that he himself is a factor in their downfall.... Lossing their possessions was bigger slap in the face to te mother than any physical pain she could ever receive.
Aug 9, 2023 8:48 AM
Mar 2023
The Saimoris are a special brand of stupid for thinking this would work.
Aug 9, 2023 8:54 AM
Apr 2023
I wished kudo to slap kaya ....that stupid bitch πŸ”₯.....the story of miyo and her family is very similar to the real life story of Aurore gagnon who was tortured to death by her stepmother and really makes me sad that such people exist in this world πŸ’”
Abdullah166Aug 9, 2023 8:57 AM
Aug 9, 2023 8:57 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, this episode had me at the edge of my seat for two totally different emotions. For the most bit, it was angst at the way Mio-san’s step family was treating her and the other was the anticipation of Kudo-san making it to her side. Add on top of that, the lightning ability and step up in animation for that, it was a 10/10 episode for sure. Gee, that scene of him knocking out the Saimori head reminded me of FMAB’s Roy Mustang finger snaps.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 9, 2023 8:58 AM

Nov 2017
Damn, he should slap that bit*h kaya and her mom. At least their house was burnt down.

Aug 9, 2023 9:06 AM
May 2023
I hope that blonde bïtch dies in pain
Aug 9, 2023 9:09 AM

Feb 2021
Nice Miyo character development! This is both bad and good to look at.
Sooo satisfying to see their gate wrecked like that! Tho I remembered that Miyo has fond memories of their home from early childhood so felt kinda bad for thinking like that... Tho (2x) she probably doesn't feel really attached to it now anyways
This anime really looks darn good. Even in during action moments.
And Kouji is speaking up too!
It was a good end but now there are even more people targeting Miyo, even the emperor (?) himself.
I'm really interesting how Miyo's family will act from now on.
Aug 9, 2023 9:26 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Satisfying to see the kidnapping operation backfire spectacularly. Kudou unleashed hell and he's one OP sob. That said, Kaya got off incredibly easy IMO. I would have hoped that Kudou gave her a humiliating verbal lashing of which she would never recover. At least the mom got to see her entire property destroyed and for a gold digging witch like her that must have been a brutal punishment.

Alas it seems that this is only the start of their troubles. They have a literally emperor level threat coming their way.

And Kudou really should consider having some serious security around Miyo so that something similar doesn't happen again.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 9, 2023 9:34 AM

Oct 2021
Ricky16 said:
Kaya is Maya(Damm bad dream)
our kudou he looked so cool. Miyo-San She deserves every happiness.
kill that bit**(Kaya), we don't need her(Kaya)
& this below picture is most reassuring one


where's this image from?

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.

Aug 9, 2023 9:36 AM

Oct 2021
I'm honestly so glad I didn't skip this anime just because it's romance. It's literally my favourite this summer.
(not that I hate romance, I just don't usually watch anything outside of fantasy)

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.

Aug 9, 2023 9:36 AM
Mar 2021
nice good i loved ok yay tamam
Aug 9, 2023 9:37 AM

Feb 2019
“All I’m trying to do is correct a mistake is all”

Uh yea bitch, the mistake is your existence. Do us a favour and correct it.

At this point there is ZERO redemption possibility for Kaya and her mother. Idc what type of sob story or abusive background they try and talk no jutsu their way onto us. They’re done. Finito. This was so beyond hard to watch. The callous and vindictive nature with which they tormented Miyo made me sick to my stomach.

So proud of Miyo for standing her ground and trusting in her fiancé’s promise. It’s amazing the difference having a loving home environment can do. Gives you so much more confidence and something worth fighting for. You go girl

“He destroyed the gate, he’ll destroy the whole house” oh yea so let’s start a fucking tornado and massive fire inside the grounds instead 🀦🏽‍♂️ these people are beyond idiots and the Saimori family got exactly what they deserved. Now they’re no better than the average peasant, homeless. I’m not satisfied with that though, I need to see suffering.

It’s even funnier because if Kiyoka is the strongest ability user and so OP , why the hell would you marry off your supposed “reject” daughter to him? Why not go with Kaya from the start if she’s so special πŸ˜‚ whole family just full of idiots and I can’t wait to see them get what they deserve.

Koji redeemed himself a lot these last couple episodes. I hated that he let Kaya disrespect Miyo a few weeks ago when she was out shopping but credit where it’s due, he orchestrated this whole rescue operation and even refused to let bitch die so as to not upset Miyo.

I hope he finds some happiness. They were both victims of horrible situations and honestly, rejecting your dad’s wishes in Meiji era Japan just wasn’t a thing. So even though he loved Miyo he just went along with what his dad told him to do.
Marinate1016Aug 9, 2023 9:45 AM
Aug 9, 2023 9:39 AM
Dec 2014
Aug 9, 2023 9:41 AM

Feb 2019
ft_scobra said:
I'm honestly so glad I didn't skip this anime just because it's romance. It's literally my favourite this summer.
(not that I hate romance, I just don't usually watch anything outside of fantasy)

You missing out then cause romance is peak.
Aug 9, 2023 9:44 AM
Mar 2020
I can't remember the last time I feel anger and spite towards antagonistic characters but this episode successfully made my blood really boil.

I'm not a manga/LN reader but I want to assume that this whole fiasco has something to do with either key to immortality or territorial dispute between families. 

One of the best anime this season, if not, of this decade.
Aug 9, 2023 9:46 AM

Feb 2019
Miyo and Kiyoka are very much in love. I'm just waiting they admit it to each other out loud.

Aug 9, 2023 9:47 AM
May 2021
Justice for Miyo! Take that shitty family, and enjoy the ruin you've brought upon yourselves.
Aug 9, 2023 9:48 AM

May 2020
Over the years I've grown patient to extremely frustrating characters, human scums and whatnot, but man that daughter-mother plus the good-for-nothing father got me so infuriated this episode... jesus.

All more love to Miyo for staying firm over her conviction of living her life with Kiyoka, despite going through every kind of shit. And as she deserved, Kiyoka came and absolutely completely utterly obliterated the living life of every clown who stood up against him, but hey he should've done something to Kaya as well I mean in addition to the verbal assault:((( though fine enough, he burned down their house, that makes up for it.

Now to think these few people weren't the only "villains", it does bother me a bit but nah Kiyoka and Miyo would be fine.

Again, a satisfying conclusion in terms of payoff.

On a different note, I bet if the series were massively popular or something, people would've started sending threats to the VA's of these characters lol after this episode.
Softhenic03Aug 9, 2023 10:04 AM
Aug 9, 2023 9:48 AM
Jan 2023
Kudou gave a perfect example of "I would burn this world for you".
I really love this episode.
Aug 9, 2023 9:52 AM
Sep 2015
It's almost irony that this was called my happy marriage despite all of its obstacles.
Aug 9, 2023 9:56 AM

Aug 2022
Best episode yet. Miyo’s sister got what was coming to her.
Aug 9, 2023 9:56 AM
Jan 2021
I felt this episode was short, but it’s ok
Aug 9, 2023 9:59 AM

Oct 2017
Kudou was a menance when he went to save Miyo and couldn't be stopped by any means. Saimori house is burnt down, surely they have enough fortune stacked away for this to be not their downfall right? Putting aside how shallow Kaya and her mother's character is, it was really hard to watch what they did to Miyo but Miyo didn't give in. She wouldn't give her spot beside Kudou to anyone. Their reunion was sweet, I hope we get to see more of them together. Though more villains are coming so expecting drama at some point again.
MegamiRemAug 9, 2023 11:04 AM
Aug 9, 2023 10:00 AM

May 2020
Miyo is tied up and tortured by Kaya and her mother. Proud of my girl Miyo, she chose to not give in to the torture. Also, she didn't apologize even once. 

Whoa, Kiyoka is OP. Love him more than ever now. Yay, Saimori house is burning down. Kiyoka told that annoying Kaya off.

Seems like the Emperor was behind that Tatsuishi guy, to steal the Usuba bloodline. 

Miyo had a dream where her mother told her to believe in her power. This is what I have been waiting for. Now, I have to wait for her to awaken it.
Aug 9, 2023 10:01 AM

Mar 2020
Production value wise, a very well done episode, with a full blown display of the powers that Kiyoka had, so much so the Saimori house burned down. The episode itself was fine overall, and I'm glad Miyo didn't back down as Kaya and her mother was slapping her around. The frustrating part of this episode was how naive and idiotic the Saimori family is, you think that knocking Miyo around would solve things? You know you couldn't just kill her either, so there's not much they could have done if Miyo said no. If this is all that Kaya's character has to offer, that would be extremely disappointing. I still hold on to some hope she'll get her redemption arc. At least for now, the Saimoris got what they deserved. They only did this to themselves.

Overall, the weak point of this series in my opinion are the characters overall, but I think there's still time in the latter half to give them some more depth. Miyo so far has simply been a victim of circumstance, and good on her for standing up for herself this episode, but I still haven't really fully been invested in her character so far. The one character I really like so far is Kiyoka, whose powers intrigue me, and is definitely giving Miyo a sense of belonging with his change of heart from being cold to being very kind. The drama does get a bit much at times as well with the Saimoris.

Despite all this, I'm still enjoying it for what it is, but there is some stuff that holds it back from being in that upper echelon of shows from this season, as well as this year. Hopefully the latter half can one up itself and get to new heights.
Aug 9, 2023 10:03 AM

Apr 2018
fight scenes are better than expected
Aug 9, 2023 10:04 AM
Aug 2023
In my opinion it was funny to see the stepmother cry over the house
Aug 9, 2023 10:07 AM

Oct 2020
Her family step over line to harass her.

Aug 9, 2023 10:16 AM

Nov 2021
I'm amazed how this bi*ch Kaya even thought she had a chance with Kudo.

I don't know whether Koji is a saint or an idiot but for me he is big idiot to even care about her after what she did to him. If he actually married her after all this then I don't know what to say about him.
Aug 9, 2023 10:24 AM
May 2021
The animation during magic battle was dam good πŸ”₯πŸ”₯. I wanted to kudo to massacre that whole shitty family. That Kaya and her mom, these bitches should die already
Aug 9, 2023 10:25 AM
Nov 2021
OMG!, I Love miyos character development and I hate the way she's been treated 🀧
Aug 9, 2023 10:31 AM
Jan 2022
This episode was so satisfying!
Aug 9, 2023 10:31 AM
Jul 2021
I haven't actually followed the original source material beyond this point, but let me just say, there's absolutely nothing that'll make me change my mind about how much I despise Kaya. I'm really hoping they don't have some sort of arc later down the line where they make us feel bad for her, because she crossed the line beyond any repair in this episode. She truly is evil 😑🀬
Aug 9, 2023 10:35 AM
Jul 2021
Miyo has been saved, therefore i am a happy man.
Aug 9, 2023 10:39 AM
Jul 2022
The rage this episode gave me was surreal.Fantastic episode 5/5
Aug 9, 2023 10:41 AM
Apr 2022
i can imagine the anime edit with the song: bloody Mary remix, as kudou walks into the place like a boss to save his girl, defeating all obstacles.
Aug 9, 2023 10:44 AM
May 2018
This episode was sooo boring. The whole "rescue mission" felt too long. Why was Kudo walking as slow as humanely possible? He should've also whooped the mother's and sister's ass. Or at least bluff to make them scared.
Aug 9, 2023 10:47 AM

Aug 2020
That’s my wifey

It was a great episode

I enjoyed every sec
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Aug 9, 2023 10:57 AM
May 2023
Episode just flew! So much happened in no time.
Loving it so far
Aug 9, 2023 11:02 AM

Apr 2023
Such an amazing episode! Loved the animation and both Miyo's and Kudo's way of handling the situation. That look on Kaya's face was so utterly satisfying 😏
Aug 9, 2023 11:05 AM

Oct 2020
This was one of the best episodes of anything in quite some time.

Yes, it was frustrating and it hurt to see how far the step-family went, it was nerve-wrecking to watch every next second it took for Kudou to get to Miyo, it was outrageous to watch all those crooked people committing a crime and then not being punished enough; but that's what anime should be like - it should make you really feel for the characters, hate them, pity them, root for them as if it was yourself living the situation.
Aug 9, 2023 11:07 AM
Mar 2019
Loved this episode !!
Aug 9, 2023 11:10 AM
Feb 2018
god what a good episode although i think a few people got off easy like Kouji dad still breathing along with Kaya and her mother. hopefully Kudo forces them to pay in gold or blood for miyo kidnapping the money maybe need as now the emperor or feudal lord as his sights on Miyo. i hope her magic ability become active as whatever it is a lot of people want to get their hands on it . also hope that this is the end of Kujio and Kaya engagement he deserves better   
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