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Aug 6, 2023 7:24 AM
Jul 2022
I don’t get the hate. Yeah he’s a boring self insert protagonist but he hasn’t done anything appalling like Makoto from School Days or Shou Tucker from FMA. 

Because he makes trouble for Chizuru? Well he pays her and he is just a typical 20 year old kid simping for his crush. He never forces her to agree to it.

Because he stays with Ruka despite not being in love with her? She knows he’s not in love with her and he only went out with her because she black maimed him into it. 

I just don’t get all the hate.
yoooowazzzupAug 23, 2024 3:18 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 6, 2023 7:28 AM
May 2016
For example he constantly lies to everyone about everything, several times forcing people into situations they don't want to be in, stalking people which is illegal.
I would say he's pretty similar to Makoto.
Aug 6, 2023 7:34 AM
Jul 2022
kazuya is trash, cuz he can't come clean and confess his feelings.
And according to the spoilers I got to know (thats why I didn’t watched S2 and further) was : he's such a trash that he imagines chizuru getting banged by someone other then himself and faps to it.
Got it? He's such a loser and trashy MC. So, I hate him and that why I didn’t watched S2 and same goes for S3.
My POV was hurt by this spoiler.
Aug 6, 2023 7:37 AM
Jan 2021
nibbah u fr? man got boner from getting cucked and also gotbhorny over his and chiz gorls getting washed together in a watching machine
Aug 6, 2023 7:39 AM
Apr 2022
Still I can say he is better than 75% of the HUMAN BEINGS out there

just not able to confess his feelings brings him down and the habit of lying
Aug 6, 2023 7:45 AM
Jul 2022
WVM said:
Still I can say he is better than 75% of the HUMAN BEINGS out there

just not able to confess his feelings brings him down and the habit of lying
For some people though confessing feelings is very difficult because they're afraid of rejection.
Aug 6, 2023 7:54 AM
Aug 2021
I tot he is just how normal guys are
Aug 6, 2023 7:59 AM
Feb 2021
ohh so it's normal for a human to fantasize lewd stuff when a girl(sumi S1 reference)licks a ice cream ??? kazuya is just a degenerate c*nt
Aug 6, 2023 8:00 AM
Jul 2022
He's an annoying habitual liar, and his cowardice hurts the people around him. His overall ridiculous reactions to everything make him an annoying mc and it doesn't really feel as if he is evolving. The series is still enjoyable, but could be better if he manned up or maybe has a chance meeting with truck-kun.
Aug 6, 2023 8:06 AM
Feb 2021
Cause he’s cringe n bitch made
Aug 6, 2023 8:09 AM
Nov 2019
cuz every single person from that piece of trash anime should be on a leash (and not the sexy type. i mean the safety type.)
Aug 6, 2023 8:14 AM
Jul 2022
bezardo said:
ohh so it's normal for a human to fantasize lewd stuff when a girl(sumi S1 reference)licks a ice cream ??? kazuya is just a degenerate c*nt
It might be gross but plenty of men are perverts and get turned on by ridiculous things. As long as he doesn't act on his perversion without consent, I don't think it's such a problem.
Aug 6, 2023 8:19 AM
Jun 2022
He is such a big loser. No self respect, no dignity, keeps crying, faps to getting cucked come on man.... What are you seeing? For real.

There are trash MCs everywhere, but they have some defining trait that defines their character - a good will, strong desire to do good, perseverance etc. This guy has none. He is just a shit bag. I mean the whole show in general is Rotten. Can't help.

There is no problem in being degenerate and lacking confidence in oneself but have some dignity and some balls. Or atleast show the tendency that you are growing them. He is just meant to piss off... again just like the show.

First 2 seasons were trash. This season slightly better than before but still more or less the same...
Aug 6, 2023 8:50 AM
Jan 2021
Dunno, he’s a pretty cool guy, relatable too.
Aug 6, 2023 8:52 AM
Mar 2021
my main problem is his lack of development.

one chapter he is supportive and kind of a compassionate dude and 5 seconds later he gets super horny thoughts about the slightest thing one of the girls does.

kind of a super incel/creep.

usually this trait belongs to a side character for jokes but Kazuya triggers this mode way to often as a mc.

even after hundreds of chapters he cant just think
"she looks looks cute, i love her" no he must imagine super horny shit and oogle every inch of the girls.

Why cant he develop into a decent human beeing ?😑

plus this serious is way too long
Aug 6, 2023 8:55 AM
Jan 2022
My guy got a boner thinking about his ex getting piped by another man (Season 1). If that isn't trash then what is?

But I gotta admit he got decent in Season 3, I like him much more now.
Aug 6, 2023 9:00 AM
Jul 2022
he literally simps for 4 girls and can't even properly reject Rika.
Aug 6, 2023 9:12 AM

Mar 2021
He's pathetic. His lack of development only makes it worse. Ngl I don't like any of the characters except Sumi and Mini. Maybe Ruka
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Aug 6, 2023 9:24 AM
Sep 2020
Because he’s dumb
Aug 6, 2023 9:48 AM
Mar 2023
WVM said:
Still I can say he is better than 75% of the HUMAN BEINGS out there

just not able to confess his feelings brings him down and the habit of lying

he imagines chizuru getting banged by other guys and beats his meat to it...
Aug 6, 2023 9:49 AM
Mar 2023
yoooowazzzup said:
WVM said:
Still I can say he is better than 75% of the HUMAN BEINGS out there

just not able to confess his feelings brings him down and the habit of lying
For some people though confessing feelings is very difficult because they're afraid of rejection.

he imagines chizuru getting banged by other guys and beats his meat to it...
Aug 6, 2023 9:50 AM
Mar 2023
GhostMuttt said:
Dunno, he’s a pretty cool guy, relatable too.

so do you also imagine a girl you like in his case chizuru getting banged by other guys and beat your meat to it
Aug 6, 2023 9:55 AM

Apr 2016
GhostMuttt said:
Dunno, he’s a pretty cool guy, relatable too.

That's the most current generation comment, lol.
Aug 6, 2023 10:39 AM
Jan 2022
He is the definition of a loser degenerate
Aug 6, 2023 10:54 AM
Dec 2021
Because people can’t tell when a character has a good writing and a good development. People hate for no reason this anime
Aug 6, 2023 11:00 AM

Dec 2020
I totally get the guy making the post Kazuya isn't the problem Chorizo is totally the problem in kanokari @Tubbyman can vouch
Aug 6, 2023 11:39 AM

Sep 2014
I don't know. Everything is a problem to everyone in this society. People really only like idealistic characters and hate every other characters. Kazuya is cursed from not being idealistic enough to society's standard.
Aug 6, 2023 11:58 AM

Jan 2013
bezardo said:
ohh so it's normal for a human to fantasize lewd stuff when a girl(sumi S1 reference)licks a ice cream ??? kazuya is just a degenerate c*nt
Well, I remember that when I was in school a girl couldn't even eat a banana without people being creepy about it, so... kind of? 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Aug 6, 2023 12:19 PM
Jan 2023
nachomasa said:
yoooowazzzup said:
I don’t get the hate. Yeah he’s a boring self insert protagonist but he hasn’t done anything appalling like Makoto from School Days or Shou Tucker from FMA. 

Because he makes trouble for Chizuru? Well he pays her and he is just a typical 20 year old kid simping for his crush. He never forces her to agree to it.

Because he stays with Ruka despite not being in love with her? She knows he’s not in love with her and he only went out with her because she black maimed him into it. 

I just don’t get all the hate.

Yeah I don't get it either. Like some times it's gringe to watch it, but I think Kazuya is really relatable overall. Usually people hate him because they want him to do The right choices but it's not that easy.

If Kazuya is relatable, I feel really sorry for you. He’s such a degenerate, like most people do dumb shit sometimes, but Kazuya does so much dumb shit. He’s the type of guy to pay for an OnlyFans.
Aug 6, 2023 1:14 PM

Jan 2020
Well, to be honest, he should be hated as much as any other character in this show, but the thing is that he’s the only character who can’t really be waifu’ed, and that’s where all the hate comes from.
Aug 6, 2023 1:17 PM

Oct 2014
Hits too close to home maybe?
It's Morbin' Time!
Aug 6, 2023 1:42 PM
Nov 2022
yoooowazzzup said:
I don’t get the hate. Yeah he’s a boring self insert protagonist but he hasn’t done anything appalling like Makoto from School Days or Shou Tucker from FMA. 

Because he makes trouble for Chizuru? Well he pays her and he is just a typical 20 year old kid simping for his crush. He never forces her to agree to it.

Because he stays with Ruka despite not being in love with her? She knows he’s not in love with her and he only went out with her because she black maimed him into it. 

I just don’t get all the hate.

Hes like a magnet for bad situations. That goes beyond us in this very forum. We atleast get to chill and not have a heart attack every second.
Aug 6, 2023 1:43 PM
Nov 2022
nachomasa said:
yoooowazzzup said:
I don’t get the hate. Yeah he’s a boring self insert protagonist but he hasn’t done anything appalling like Makoto from School Days or Shou Tucker from FMA. 

Because he makes trouble for Chizuru? Well he pays her and he is just a typical 20 year old kid simping for his crush. He never forces her to agree to it.

Because he stays with Ruka despite not being in love with her? She knows he’s not in love with her and he only went out with her because she black maimed him into it. 

I just don’t get all the hate.

Yeah I don't get it either. Like some times it's gringe to watch it, but I think Kazuya is really relatable overall. Usually people hate him because they want him to do The right choices but it's not that easy.

That’s not it..
Aug 6, 2023 1:54 PM

Aug 2019
KryzakamiHrybami said:
I don't know. Everything is a problem to everyone in this society. People really only like idealistic characters and hate every other characters. Kazuya is cursed from not being idealistic enough to society's standard.

bro had to drop the holy grail answer. PREACH
Aug 6, 2023 2:33 PM
Aug 2021
I Don't Get The Hate Too Buddy, I Quite Like Him, He's Quite Hilarious At Times, Sure,He's A Degenerate But...Ain't We All(To A Certain Extent)?, At Least, I Know I Am
Plus, The Guy's 20, 2nd Year In College And A Virgin, He's Young And Dumb And Full Of *Something*, People Definitely Need To Cut Him Some Slack
Aug 6, 2023 3:24 PM
Nov 2020
cuz he’s a little bitch
Aug 6, 2023 6:41 PM
May 2023
Talat_Talha said:
kazuya is trash, cuz he can't come clean and confess his feelings.
And according to the spoilers I got to know (thats why I didn’t watched S2 and further) was : he's such a trash that he imagines chizuru getting banged by someone other then himself and faps to it.
Got it? He's such a loser and trashy MC. So, I hate him and that why I didn’t watched S2 and same goes for S3.
My POV was hurt by this spoiler.

oh that arc is actually the amazing I've read so far
Aug 7, 2023 1:51 AM
Jul 2023
because dudes see themselves in him lmao. for a harem Mc he's one of the best. whiney sure. but he's not degenerate fuckboy trash like most harem mcs. hes likes all of the girls for unique reasons and most of them aren't superficial hes honest about hating himself for not being a better person and won't go too far with the girls he not on love with even when they throw themselves at him.. all I think it is, is within the last 5 years the amount of people who watch anime has legitimately skyrocketed. with rent a girlfriend coming out around that time and having good animation I assume many people with practically no anime experience watched it as one of their first animes or atleast their first harem anime and with nothing to compare it to think he's the worst Mc ever. as a dude who's been watching anime for 20 years I've seen way worse mcs in plenty of animes. people should go watch school days lmao
Aug 7, 2023 1:55 AM
Jul 2023
TheBacc20 said:
nachomasa said:

Yeah I don't get it either. Like some times it's gringe to watch it, but I think Kazuya is really relatable overall. Usually people hate him because they want him to do The right choices but it's not that easy.

If Kazuya is relatable, I feel really sorry for you. He’s such a degenerate, like most people do dumb shit sometimes, but Kazuya does so much dumb shit. He’s the type of guy to pay for an OnlyFans.

while only fans and porn in general aren't my thing dissing Kazuya for being the type of dude to use only fans you do know that There are more than 2.1 million content creators on OnlyFans. More than 210 million people use OnlyFans. and OnlyFans has paid more than $5 billion to creators right?
Aug 7, 2023 3:40 AM
Dec 2022
Just a loser Who cannot forget that bitch called Mamie
Aug 7, 2023 4:01 AM

Oct 2021
Talat_Talha said:
kazuya is trash, cuz he can't come clean and confess his feelings.
And according to the spoilers I got to know (thats why I didn’t watched S2 and further) was : he's such a trash that he imagines chizuru getting banged by someone other then himself and faps to it.
Got it? He's such a loser and trashy MC. So, I hate him and that why I didn’t watched S2 and same goes for S3.
My POV was hurt by this spoiler.

Yes, that exactly is why he's shit.
In the manga, he does much more other bs.
Aug 7, 2023 4:44 AM
Aug 2021
I actually really like kazuya sure he isn't true to his feelings and confess like he should, but, aren't there alot of people like that. Kazuya also does improve as a character which most people don't understand. It is also obvious Chizuru has feelings for Kazuya but just like him struggles to voice those feelings. Kazuya isn't my favorite character, but I also don't hate him far from it, also very overhated for sure
Aug 7, 2023 4:44 AM
Aug 2021
P4UL_R said:
nibbah u fr? man got boner from getting cucked and also gotbhorny over his and chiz gorls getting washed together in a watching machine

Do you know english
Aug 7, 2023 4:46 AM
Aug 2021
Ripperdoc said:
My guy got a boner thinking about his ex getting piped by another man (Season 1). If that isn't trash then what is?

But I gotta admit he got decent in Season 3, I like him much more now.

I think it was just the thought of Chizuru but yeah he shows development
Aug 7, 2023 4:47 AM
Aug 2021
DexterDrubo said:
he literally simps for 4 girls and can't even properly reject Rika.

He litterally doesn't admiring people because of there personality or attractiveness doesn't mean you are looking for a relationship. The only person Kazuya wants to be with is Chizuru, plus Kazuya has tried to put Rika down she is the one who wants him not the other way
Aug 7, 2023 4:49 AM
Aug 2021
Amaterasu-_- said:
GhostMuttt said:
Dunno, he’s a pretty cool guy, relatable too.

so do you also imagine a girl you like in his case chizuru getting banged by other guys and beat your meat to it

You don't understand it is not the guy it is the idea of Chizuru in a seductive position. Also why are you here
Aug 7, 2023 4:51 AM
Aug 2021
KryzakamiHrybami said:
I don't know. Everything is a problem to everyone in this society. People really only like idealistic characters and hate every other characters. Kazuya is cursed from not being idealistic enough to society's standard.

Bu Bu Bu Bingo. Kazuya is real and people don't like him because he is to real. He struggles with things normal people do, he isn't extraordinary in any traits except having a big heart
Aug 7, 2023 5:00 AM
Mar 2023
I-IentaiLover said:
Amaterasu-_- said:

so do you also imagine a girl you like in his case chizuru getting banged by other guys and beat your meat to it

You don't understand it is not the guy it is the idea of Chizuru in a seductive position. Also why are you here

still pretty fd up, and why im here is because i have watched rent a girlfriend
Aug 7, 2023 5:17 AM
Nov 2021
WVM said:
Still I can say he is better than 75% of the HUMAN BEINGS out there

just not able to confess his feelings brings him down and the habit of lying

Said by a person who spend most of their time on their mother basement.
Aug 7, 2023 5:18 AM
Aug 2021
Amaterasu-_- said:
I-IentaiLover said:

You don't understand it is not the guy it is the idea of Chizuru in a seductive position. Also why are you here

still pretty fd up, and why im here is because i have watched rent a girlfriend

okay I guess, than why post on this forum it is clear you don't like the show so, I don't know skidaddle, plus your not going to change anyone's minds posting anything here plus your reasoning is quite silly, Kazuya is very real he isn't especially good at anything except having a large heart, that is what makes it fascinating to see him progress and learn what he values for reference I'm a manga reader. Once again Kazuya isn't my favorite character but I understand him, and I think it is cute how much he cares for chizuru, I also like seeing him grow
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